Glossary extracted starting with automatic seeds, with BOW for the domain phi and language EN

hedonismin moral philosophy, the doctrine that 'good' is that which contributes to pleasure or diminishes pain
nature beingGNOSTICIANS Members of an esoteric knowledge order, founded in Alexandria in 300 BC and later extended throughout the whole eastern Mediterranean area ...determinismDescription: Scientific Determinism One of the defining marks of the 20th century has been the triumph, especially in the social sciences, of the theory of determinism
egoSELF OR SELF-REALIZATION, LAW OF "The law of self says that every monad must itself acquire all the qualities and abilities requisite for omniscience and omnipotence, from the human kingdom and onwards: understanding of law and the responsibility following upon this." K 1.41.11
animismthe belief that objects are inhabited by spirits, and that natural events or processes are caused by spirits.
determinismDescription: Determinism is the theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes that preclude free will and the possibility that humans could have acted otherwise
determinismDescription: over 400 skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal, supernatural and pseudoscientific ideas and practices with references to the best skeptical literature
coherence theory of truththe theory that a statement is true if and only if it coheres with a given system of statements or beliefs.
epicureanismschool of Greek philosophy (Epicurus: 341-270 B.C.) based on the belief that there are no divine laws and that wisdom consists in the pursuit of rational pleasures; the forerunner of modern utilitarian moral philosophy.
yahoo! groups: determinismDescription: Worldwide, cultural institutions increasingly fail to meet the special demands of modern times
determinismDescription: Determinism is the idea that the world operates through a strict series of cause-and-effect chains
determinismDescription: Copyright ©2001 The McGraw-Hill Companies
entelechythe inner nature of something which is responsible for its ultimate development and fulfillment
catholicismthe religion of Western Christianity up to the Reformation; the religion also of the Church of Rome.
determinism from foldocDescription: determinism Related entries include: cause; compatibilism; free will; scientific law; sufficient reason; teleology
philosophy lectureDescription: Do you think that people have any choice in matters like how they see the world, what kind of personality they develop, what kind of person they become, what kinds of behaviors they engage in, what kinds of behaviors they enjoy? Are heroes born or made...
materialismthe doctrine that matter is the only, or primary, reality, as opposed to idealism, which contends that ideas and thoughts of things are the only reality.
civil disobedienceA doctrine of social activism which requires disobedience to unjust laws
tech notesDescription: Chandler writes that technological determinism seeks to explain social and historical phenomena in terms of one main or determining factor
freedomThe state or condition wherein individuals may make choices within limits designed to safeguard the well-being of all members of society, its benefits depending upon whether or not it is exercised with love
positivisma philosophical view which recognizes only those things that can be empirically verified, or known directly by observation.
three aspects of existenceTYPE ACTIVITY "The solar systemic and planetary energies are always type energies, and the effects they have on the different types in the different kinds of matter and consciousness differ accordingly
pantheismthe doctrine that God is inherent in all things, that every particular thing in the universe is a manifestation of God's essence
atmanin Hindu religion, the individual soul, in contrast to Brahman.
primary matterROUND (T.B.) The passage of the processes of evolution and involution round the seven globes of our seven-globe
politically correctA term to describe the self-righteous attitude of Reformed Abortionites who believe they are morally superior due to the strength of their commitment to oppose the more generally discredited Abortionite criteria for exclusion
agnosticismthe belief that one cannot know whether God exists or does not exist
naturalismthe doctrine that reality is governed by certain laws, including those of cause and effect.
axioma statement that is true by definition or so obviously true that it needn't be proved
free will and determinismDescription: Do we have free will or are our actions predetermined? This question is central to ethics
racesBUDDHA (Skt, "the awakened one") Title of a 42-self, initiate of the 8th degree
evolutionary psychology--genetic determinismDescription: Genetic Determinism The first variety of genetic determinism is the rather unsophisticated doctrine of genetic fixity, which holds that the genes of parents inevitably determine the characteristics of their children.
skeptic's dictionary: determinismDescription: over 325 skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal,supernatural and pseudoscientific ideas and practices with references to the best skeptical literature
concepts of determinismDescription: In order to circumvent the platitudes of nature versus nurture, I needed a concept that would not only encompass both, but also transcend both
first causethe beginning of an elaborate series of causes, often identified with God.
dependenceA cherished criterion for the existence of life among the bio-ignorant who steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the reality of commensalism, symbiosis and parasitism as biological relationships in which unique organisms depend upon organisms of other species
zena system of Buddhist meditation intended to transcend the normal categories and strictures of human rationality, whose ultimate goal is the achievement of satori, or deep revelation and insight.
determinism.comDescription: Add to our Guestbook NOTE: The space for each entry is limited to encourage brevity, and the Society of Natural Science reserves the right to edit entries for clarity and appropriateness
pragmatismthe notion that truth is the practical application of an idea; a theory which emphasizes the instrumental nature of the intellect and which sees the consummation of truth in direct, successful action
determinismthe theory that all events (including mental ones) are caused, so that whatever happens cannot happen otherwise
calvinisma religious offshoot of Protestantism known for its doctrine of predestination (the idea that every individual is predestined to either damnation or salvation). ...Description: Incompatibilism, the view that free will and determinism are incompatible, subsists on two widely accepted, but deeply confused, theses concerning possibility and causation: (1) in a deterministic universe, one can never truthfully utter the sentence "I...
arianisma heretical doctrine associated with the teachings of Arius, an Alexandrian priest of the fourth century who taught that God created from nothing (ex nihilo) and begot a Son before He created all other things
620pixeltableDescription: This sums up a lot of T.H.'s past words elsewhere -- in A Theory of Determinism: The Mind, Neuroscience and Life-Hopes and also the first edition of How Free Are You? It is against the idea that determinism is logically...
the determinism controversyDescription: But we can see that the notion of 'higher-order volition' is not really the fundamental notion for these purposes, by raising the question: Can't one be a wanton, so to speak, with respect to one's second-order desires and volitions
determinism in modelingDescription: This page is the general description of the course and suggested expectations for both the student and the expectations of the teacher
dialectical materialismin Hegelian and Marxist theory, the view that the world is a material process undergoing stages of unending change.
tim's linksDescription: Any All Title Exact Boolean links Any All Default Exact Name YoungJumpers ChronOfHorse CutterFarm TempleOfThai CNN - APUpdate KBED - WEATHER WorkEmail Chase - Citibank TVGuide Download HubbleImg YahooGroups...
dogmatisma theory or belief system unsusceptible to critical questioning and doubt; a dogmatist is one who holds unflinchingly to an idea in the belief that such an idea is infallible.
determinism ebooks linksDescription: Determinism ebooks (e-books) links with ebook (e-book) references to the subject of determinism ...
animalistAn individual who believes that many if not all animal species have an equal claim to the recognition and protection of human society
racesSUFFERING "Life is joy, happiness, bliss in the mental and all higher worlds." K 1.41.18 "Suffering exists only in the three lower molecular kinds of the physical and emotional worlds (48:5-7; 49:5-7), and then only as bad reaping after bad sowing." K 1.35.20
yangin Chinese philosophy, a universal principle which manifests itself as a male force, as spirit and heaven.
involvationEXPANSION is the continuation of evolution in superhuman kingdoms
determinismDescription: The theory that all human action is caused entirely by preceding events, and not by the exercise of the will
categorical imperativein the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), a moral law or command not dependent on any conditions; a rule enjoining us to act so that we could will our act as a universal maxim.
religious rightA derogatory label applied by abortionmongers, Birthist Abortionites, necrochoicers and the like to their pro-life opponents to depict them as out of touch, extreme, fanatical, authoritarian and dangerous to personal liberties.
determinismDescription: In contradistinction to the false doctrine of free will, Scripture teaches subservience to the sovereign free will of God as the mark of a true Christian
eternity and determinismDescription: God forgives, I like "crackpot science" and "crackpot philosophy." A reader survey a while ago in In-Genius approved the genre so I take the liberty of proposing my own brand
sixth natural kingdomFIRST HUMAN TYPE "is distinguished by a strong so-called will which makes the individual suitable as a leader, a real one and one recognized as such by all." K 2.7.9
determinism and moral responsibilityDescription: The conflict between determinism and free will is an age old and fascinating one, particularly because it pits two very strong intuitions against each other with no apparent possibility of recourse
scholasticisma philosophical movement of medieval times characterized chiefly by speculative thought, the merging of theological conceptions with metaphysical ones (as, say, in the work of Aquinas).
reciprocal determinismDescription: The Social Cognitive Theory explains behavior in terms of a triadic, dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the environment, personal factors, and behavior
commensalismA biological relationship in which one organism (animal or plant) lives with, on or in another without injury to either
determinismDescription: A system or process for which the future can, at least in theory, be predicted with precision
fatalismthe doctrine that each person's destiny lies beyond any individual effort to change it.
nirvanain Buddhist religion, a state of mystical wisdom achieved after all fleshy desires have been surmounted
big lieA technique for making lies become truth in the public mind by having the lies constantly repeated, preferably from a multiplicity of sources, giving an overwhelming impression of their truthfulness
collective unconsciousin Jungian psychology (Carl Jung, 1875-1961), the part of the unconscious that contains symbolic representations, or archetypes, of ancient ways of thought inherited from humanity's past experience. 
physical determinismDescription: What I call physical determinism the belief that all human actions and thought are pre-determinable because they are caused by the state of the neurons in the brain, which act in a determinable pattern
determinismDescription: UPDATE: I no longer consider determinism to be equivalent to mechanism
voluntarismthe doctrine that the will is the supreme force or factor in human conduct and in the universe; this perspective received its most influential articulation in Schopenhauer's philsophy.
free thinkerAn individual unencumbered by the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of the ages who persists in formulating moral philosophies in the blissful vacuum of ignorance, all the while believing this practice to be the epitome of sophistication and rationality.
attributein Spinozistic philosophy (Benedict Spinoza, 1632-1677), one of the infinite aspects of Reality, such as matter or thought.
elementsbasic components or constituents of things; Aristotle recognized four: fire, water, earth, air.
agathismthe doctrine that all things tend towards ultimate good, as distinguished from optimism, which holds that all things are now for the best
atheismthe belief that God does not exist.
ecumenisma movement providing worldwide unity among religions through cooperative understanding determinismDescription: I don't find it so hard to imagine how people might not have free will
logicthe study of proper reasoning, of valid and invalid arguments, of fallacies and syllogisms
idealismin metaphysics, the view that ideas or thoughts are the chief, organizing reality, as against the views of materialism, which holds that matter is the primary reality of the universe
flipspeakThe use of terminology in such a way that words mean the opposite of their literal or traditional meaning
determinismDescription: Fermigas Home Page My Poetry Copyright FermiGas 1998 Can You Feel Determinism? Oh, shadow, shadow how've you bent Happiness into irrelevant? How can you walk from your development? Are we only meant to be Cogs in a teleology? Small threads in a web...
determinismDescription: Most people believe that within a day, they make a multitude of choices
buddhisma religion of various sects (e.g., Zen, Mahayana) founded sometime in the 6th century B.C
ontologythe study of being, of the ultimate nature of things.
lecture notesDescription: Human history seems to exemplify a cyclical pattern: after prosperous times, chaotic times ensues; and vice versa
pluralismthe doctrine that the world is composed of many things, the source of contrary processes
determinismDescription: Search for Determinism Erratic signals abound in nature
monadPRIMORDIAL MATTER "Primordial matter is matter proper
reformed abortionismA branch of Abortionism which emphatically rejects certain Abortionite criteria such as race and sex which have been generally rejected by society at large
atomismthe theory, as set forth by philosophers such as Democritus, that physical objects consist of minute, indivisible particles moving in a void.
determinismDescription: Determinism is the theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by
empiricismthe epistemological view that all knowledge is grounded in experience and direct observation, and not what's in our mind a priori
world-teacherBODY Older term of body
oppspeakThe use of words in a context wherein they mean the opposite or something other than their original and commonly understood meanings