Glossary extracted starting with automatic seeds, with PTM for the domain gel and language EN

longitudeThe angular distance east or west, between the meridian of a particular place on Earth and that of the Prime Meridian (located in Greenwich, England) expressed in degrees or time.
delineation wellA well that extends the boundary of a previously discovered pool.
zonal isolationRefers to the state or quality with which the fluids in one permeable zone can be kept separate from those fluids of another
"hot air"An informal term for surplus Kyoto Protocol Assigned Amount Units
developed sectionA long section through a cave, usually from the entrance to the end of the cave, with the centreline being along the usual path.Survey & Mapping term
cement evaluation logCET
subscription rightsA privilege to the stockholders of a corporation to purchase proportionate amounts of a new issue of securities at an established price, usually below the current market price; also, the negotiable certificate or warrant evidencing such privilege.
oil batteryA system or arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment or devices receiving the effluent of one or more wells for the purpose of separation and measurement prior to the delivery to market or other disposition.
mmbtu or mbtuThese can both mean 1 million BTUs
shanty townan area of poor-quality housing, lacking in amenities such as water supply, sewerage and electricity, which often develops spontaneously and illegally (as a squatter settlement) in a city in an LEDC.
dripholeA hole formed by water dripping onto a cave floor
burnupMeasure of the total energy released by nuclear fuel per unit of its mass, typically measured in gigawatt days/mt or gigawatt days/mt of heavy metal.
bridge plugA downhole device composed primarily of slips, a plug mandrel
neighbourhood unitthe basic building unit for planned new towns, designed to provide people with a safe, traffic-free environment and access to all frequently needed services such as primary schools, shops and clinics within walking distance.
gathererA legal entity which has responsibility for the collection of the gas from the wellhead and the delivery of that gas to either a gas plant or a pipeline.
offset wellA well drilled in the next location to another well according to the spacing rules of the state.
show cause orderSee ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE.
breakoutAct of unscrewing one section of pipe from another section, particularly when drill pipe is being withdrawn for the well bore
lakeIn caving, a body of standing water (no matter how small) in a cave.Cave - Parts of
straight fixed variableSee RATE DESIGN.
chemical weatheringThe breakdown of rock material brought about by the action of chemicals, usually in aqueous solution.
diluentA neutral fluid added to another fluid to reduce the concentration of the second fluid in a mixture.
ferc order 636The 1992 order that unbundled US pipeline services, requiring pipelines to cease their merchant function and instead become solely a transporter of gas.
most efficient recoveryThe MER, or most efficient recovery rate, is based on the most oil and gas that can be extracted for a sustained period of time without harming the formation
nitrogen purgeTo purge piping or other container with an inert agent such as nitrogen to remove combustible gases and minimize the possibility of fire or explosion.
impoundmentA body of water or sludge confined by a dam, dike, floodgate, or other barrier.
roomA wider part of a cave than a passage, but not considered as large as a chamber.Cave - Parts of
pyramid of biomassGraphic model describing the distribution of biomass in an ecosystem or community at the trophic level
well programThe procedure for drilling, casing, and completing a well.
carbon dioxideGas containing carbon and oxygen, present in the atmosphere, and given off by volcanoes.
dust domeDome of air that surrounds a city created from the urban heat island effect that traps pollutants like particulate matter.
backscatteringPortion of solar radiation directed back into space as a result of particle scattering in the atmosphere.
sweet gasNatural gas with no measurable quantities of hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
waste gasSee GAS, FLUE.
apoapsisthe point in orbit farthest from the planet.
conductorA substance or body, usually in the form of a wire, cable, or busbar, that allows a current of electricity to pass continuously along it.
reformateA high-aromatic, high-octane product made in a reformer and used to blend motor gasoline or aviation gasoline.
form r5tNatural Gas Transporter's Monthly Report
candlesticksA Japanese charting system which maps the open- high-low-and close of periodic price movements
leucophorA colourless water tracer, which fluoresces blue.Survey & Mapping term
generatorA producer of electricity, both literally and figuratively.
fluid dragReduction in the flow velocity of a fluid by the frictional effects of a surface.
sustained pressure testA constant internal pressure test for an extended period of time
frontal liftingLifting of a warmer or less dense air mass by a colder or more dense air mass at a frontal transitional zone.
hurricaneAn intense cyclonic storm consisting of an organized mass of thunderstorms that develops over the warm oceans of the tropics
system-wide costProduced by rolled-in pricing
relative humidityThe ratio between the actual amount of water vapor held in the atmosphere compared to the amount required for saturation
solar yearThe time it takes the Earth to make one orbit around the Sun
deflection temperatureThe temperature at which a specimen will deflect a given distance at a given load under prescribed conditions of test
stimulationThe term used for several processes to enlarge old channels, or create new ones, in the producing formation of a well designed to enhance production
fuel assemblyAn array or assembly of individual fuel rods containing UO2, MOX or uranium metal pellets, used in commercial reactors.
breeder reactorUsually a reactor that creates more fissionable fuel than it consumes
transportation levelThe transportation for others (TFO) volumes being applied to the cost of service to develop rates
galAbbreviation for US gallon.
peak load plantA plant usually housing low-efficiency, quick response steam units, gas turbines, diesels, or pumped-storage hydroelectric equipment normally used during the maximum load periods
gigawatt-hourOne gigawatt-hour equals one billion watthours
rockpileA heap of rocks in a cave, usually formed by local collapse, roughly conical in overall shape.Cave - Parts of
hydrodesulfurizationProcess involving a reaction with hydrogen to remove sulfur compounds from hydrocarbon feedstock.
fusionThe formation of a heavier nucleus from two lighter ones (usually hydrogen isotopes) with the attendant release of a large amount of energy.
cation exchange capacityThe capacity of a soil to exchange cations with the soil solution
bottomholethe lowermost portion of the well.
nicheAdaptive role that a species has in a habitat
commissions Payments to qualified agents of the sponsor of a limited partnership, for selling interests in it to investors
naturally occurring radioactive materialsAll radioactive elements found in the environment, including long-lived radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium, and potassium and any of their decay products, such as radium and radon.
parietal associationAnimals found on walls around cave entrances.Speleology term
erga cgs unit of energy equal to work done by a force of 1 dyne acting over a distance of 1 cm
abandonTo cease producing hydrocarbons from a well when it becomes unprofitable
tracerA substance added to reservoir fluids to permit the movements of the fluid to be followed or traced
evaporiteRock that forms from crystals precipitating during evaporation of water.
heligmiteA helictite that grows on a cave floor or a shelf
captive customersBuyers who can purchase gas only from one pipeline or supplier and have no access to alternate fuel sources.
biomassBiologically produced organic matter.
extinctionDisappearance of a species from all or part of their geographic range
riftA long narrow high and straight cave passage controlled by planes of weakness in the rock
demand intervalThe period of time during which the flow is averaged in determining demand, such as 60-minute or 30-minute.
faculaebright patches that are visible on the Sun's surface, or photosphere.
bundled serviceGas sales service and transportation service packaged together in a single transaction in which the pipeline, on behalf of the utility, buys gas from producers and then delivers it to the utility.
dry gasNatural gas that is produced without liquids; also, a gas that has been treated to remove all liquids.
millidarcy  A darcy (or darcy unit) and millidarcy (mD) are units of permeability, named after Henry Darcy
caveA natural cavity or recess that is roughly positioned horizontally to the surface of the Earth.
kelly bushing Oil or Gas Drilling rig equipment that fits inside the rotary table and is also used as a reference point on logs to calculate depth.
btuBritish Thermal Unit.The amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a pound of water 1o Fahrenheit
psychometricPertaining to the state of the atmosphere with reference to moisture.
greenwayA strip or belt of vegetated land that typically includes both upland and riparian areas
full moonA phase of the Moon in which the entire side facing Earth is illuminated by sunlight.
aerobicLife or processes that require, or are not destroyed by, the presence of oxygen.
scaleA specific relative or proportional size or extent of a phenomena as measured through space and/or time.
soil textureThe relative quantities of the different types and sizes of mineral particles in a soil.
carbon dioxide floodingA tertiary crude oil recovery process in which CO2 is injected in the reservoir under conditions that result in the mixing of the injected fluid and the reservoir fluid, making the fluid more viscous and pumpable.
overpressureIs an expression which has been used commonly to refer to high pressure found in some formations; super-normal pressure or surpressure
fire floodingA thermal recovery method in which the oil in the reservoir is ignited, the heat vaporizes lighter hydrocarbons and water pushes the warmed oil toward a producing well
common reservoirA pool or accumulation of oil or gas that is produced in more than one oil well.
equityEquity refers to the considerations of fairness or justice in the setting of rates - fairness between investors and consumers when the general level of rates is at issue, and the fairness among different classes of consumers when the rate relationships are under inquiry
resource partitioningThe evolutionary process of species living in the same ecosystem dividing up resources so that each species develops dissimilar resource requirements to avoid competition
casing stringCasing is manufactured in lengths of about 30 ft, each length or joint being joined to another as casing is run in a well
calciteA mineral that is commonly secreted by marine invertebrate animals to form shells or other types of exoskeletons
detritusDead plant material that is in the process of decomposition.
rallyA rapid rise in a price.
industrial revolutionthe growth and development of manufacturing industry and the factory system which began in the UK in the eighteenth century.
magsat satelliteThe Magsat is a satellite launched by NASA in 1981 that is used to study magnetic fluctuations in the earth's crust.
exchange gasGas that is received from (or delivered to) another party in exchange for gas delivered to (or received from) such other party.
pittingFormation of small depressions in a surface due to sand blasting, mechanical gouging, acid etching, or corrosion.
live oilOil that contains dissolved gas.
ellipsean ellipse is an oval shape
zonationThe development of a visible progression of plant or animal communities in response to a gradient of water depth or some other environmental factor.
subsolar pointThe location on the Earth where the Sun is directly overhead
depositional environmentarea in which the sediment comes to rest, there are many different groups and subgroups classifying depositional environments
uncovered positionWhere a long market player has bought more of a commodity than he has agreed to sell, or where a short market player has sold more of a commodity than (s)he has to deliver
momentumThe simple difference between the price now and the price N days ago
tidal periodTime it takes for one tidal cycle.
energy information administrationAn agency within the U.S
spectroscopeAn instrument that spreads light or other electromagnetic radiation into its component wavelengths (colours) for analysis.
r+m/2Research Octane Number plus Motor Octane Number divided by 2, also known as the "anti-knock index." See octane number.
bondsCertificates of indebtedness representing long-term borrowing of capital funds, the terms of which contain an indenture pledging the property as security for the loan and providing for the appointment of a trustee to represent the bondholders
tetrahedronSilicon atom joined by four oxygen atoms (SiO4)
degrees of metamorphismThe quality of the rock is based on the amount of heat and pressure it had applied to it during the metamorphic processes
joule-thomson effectThe cooling which occurs when a compressed gas is allowed to expand in such a way that no external work is done
sleetSee ice pellets.
frost creepSlow mass movement of soil downslope that is initiated by freeze-thaw action
gas*flowA set of standard record formats supporting the electronic data interchange of the documents described in the Nominations/Allocations Subcommittee and the Volume Imbalance Subcommittee reports.
fasFree Alongside Ship
boiler efficiencyThe ratio of the useful heat output to the heat input, multiplied by 100 and expressed in percent.
precipitate(verb) The process that separates solid from a solution
cosmologya branch of science that deals with studying the origin, structure, and nature of the universe.
reclamation plantPlant that treats and reclaims waste oil.
reformerThe reformer processes fuel used in the Fuel Cell Assembly
completion dateThe date a well is opened to be tested or produced after being perforated
polypedonAn identifiable soil with distinct characteristics found in a location or region
guideline livesUseful asset lives (by general categories) as determined and allowed for income tax depreciation charges by The Internal Revenue Service.
transform faultMassive strike-slip fault continental in size
on-site generationGeneration of any electrical energy on a customer's property, with or without utilization of recoverable heat.
calciteSee calcium carbonate.
deferred debitsAccounts carried on the asset side of the balance sheet in which are recorded items being amortized as charges against income over a period time (such as Unamortized Debt Discount and Expense) and items held in suspense pending final transfer or disposition (such as Extraordinary Property Losses, Clearing Accounts (Net Debit), etc.).
pvrPlant Volume Reduction
undercut bankSteep bank found on the inside of stream meanders
gas-gatheringGas-gathering systems on oilfields typically are designed to stream off associated gas from the crude.
pulse rateThe number of times a heart beats per minute in a person's body.
steam trapA device for allowing the passage of condensate or air and condensate and preventing the passage of steam.
base flowRate of discharge in a stream where only the throughflow and groundwater flow from subsurface aquifers contribute to the overall flow.
grottoA room of moderate dimensions in a cave, but richly decorated.Cave - Parts of
oil gasSee GAS, OIL.
tri-camA metallic device placed in holes or cracks for use as an anchor Cf
astronomyThe scientific study of the universe.
demandIn power: the rate at which electricity is delivered to or by a system at a given instant or averaged over a designated period, usually expressed in kilowatts or megawatts
transmitterA device which responds to a measured variable by means of a sensing element and converts it to a standardized transmission signal which is a function only of the measurement.
rate designThe term "rate design" refers to the method of classifying fixed and variable costs between demand and commodity components
paleolakeAn ancient lake that existed in the past when hydrological conditions were different.
natura 2000European network of protected natural sites, set up in particular to preserve biodiversity (see this word) across the European Union.
mmbtu- One million British thermal units, 252,000 Kilocalories or 293 Kilowatt Hours.
mmsMinerals Management Service - The Minerals Management Service (MMS), a bureau within the Department of Interior, regulates and manages the development of mineral resources in the Federal waters off the nation's shores
base-line shiftGenerally refers to a naturally occurring shift of the base line of any specific curve; e.g., the SP curve
brownfieldA project built on a previously developed or partly developed site
north magnetic poleLocation in the Northern Hemisphere where the lines of force from Earth's magnetic field are vertical
assayA test for a specific chemical, microbe, or effect.
maximum daily quantityThe greatest quantity of gas to be received and/or delivered in a twenty-four hour period by the transporting pipeline on behalf of the shipper under terms defined in a contract
soil-heat fluxThe rate of flow of heat energy into, from, or through the soil.
fuel cellSystem in which hydrogen is chemically reacted with oxygen to produce electricity.
ice cave(1) An otherwise normal cave with permanent (ie perennial) ice in it
logSystematic recording of data
sedimentary rockA rock formed by the accumulation and cementation of mineral (sand, silt, clay, etc.) grains
dog tooth sparA speleothem, being calcite with acute pointed crystals.Cave - Depositional Features
total dissolved solidsThe amount of salt and minerals that are suspended in water
boyle's lawSee LAWS.
rig floorThe area immediately around the rotary table and extending to each corner of the derrick or mast
layThe way in which strands of a rope or cable are twisted.Climbing and SRT
compressor stationsLocations along the interstate pipeline at which large (thousands of horsepower) natural gas-powered engines increase the pressure of the market natural gas stream flowing through the station by compression.
zenithPoint directly above your head in the night sky.
horizontal drillingA hydrocarbon well drilling technique that allows for multiple underground wellbores to be deviated from one surface well site.
prusikingAscent on a rope using prusik knots as ascenders.Climbing and SRT
gisGreen Investment Scheme
seasonal methodAn allocation method which allocates demand and/or commodity costs to customer classes by seasonal usage.
fodFuel Oil Domestique
slingA joined loop of rope or tape.Climbing and SRT
subcoolingIn the cryogenic area, e.g
take or payA common contract term between a buyer and seller of gas in which the buyer agrees to receive a certain amount of gas or pay a penalty
petroleumRock oil or "oil produced from rock" (from Latin)
tetTexas Eastern Transmission pipeline.
bill of ladingDocumentation legally demonstrating a cargo has been loaded
marketable gasThe volume of gas that can be sold to the market after allowing for removal of impurities and after accounting for any volumes used to fuel surface facilities
capital spendingAmount spent on acquisition of fixed assets (equipment and machinery) and subsidiaries during the year, less government grants received
peak day curtailmentCurtailment imposed on a day-to-day basis during periods of extremely cold weather when demands for gas exceed the maximum daily delivery capability of a pipeline or distribution system
agreement and undertakingA document which an independent gas producer may be allowed to file, at the discretion of the Commission, in lieu of a bond, agreeing to refund that portion of an increased rate which has been made effective subject to refund and is ultimately found not justified by the Commission.
british thermal unitBritish thermal unit
load factorThe ratio of average load to peak load during a specific period of time, expressed as a percent
c+fCost and Freight
acidizingInjection of various acids into perforations, fractures, and reservoir rock permeability to remove contaminants and the effect of wellbore damage caused by drilling and completion operations or to increase permeability beyond the original values which existed prior to disturbing the reservoir by drilling.
clayAn earthy, mud-like sediment composed of very fine particles of minerals
ppgPounds per gallon (lb/GAL)
knockoutFractioning system for removal of such heavy
materials transportation bureauAn independent office reporting to the Secretary of Transportation of the United States Government, charged with enforcing the Pipeline Safety Act
zinc oxideAn infusible white solid used in preparation of synthetic natural gas to absorb sulfur from naphtha.
rain gaugeInstrument that measures the rain that falls at a location over a period of time.
mboeThousand Barrels of Oil Equivalents
belay1 The attachment (often by a separate rope) of a climber, or a ladder to a secure point
contract areaFor the purpose of FERC Form 15, the area encompassed by one or more fields under a single purchase contract but not larger than the area covered by a single supply source.
uniform system of accountsA list of a company's account numbers and corresponding account titles, together with specific instructions for the use of individual accounts and general instructions as to the basis of accounting
base gasThe gas required in a storage reservoir to provide the pressure to cycle the normal working storage volume
magnetic poleeither of two limited regions in a magnet at which the magnet's field is most intense.
strategic conservationUtility-stimulated programs directed at reducing end-use consumption in specific (usually peak) periods.
frostworkA speleothem consisting of radiating, acicular (needle like) crystal sprays resembling a catus or thistle plant.Cave - Depositional Features
radianta point in the sky from which meteors in a meteor shower seem to originate.
forestEcosystem dominated by trees
workoverAdditional work required on a producing well to maintain, restore or improve production
p & aPlugged & Abandonned
ring-specimenA very short length of pipe cut for testing purposes, such as for the ring-tensile test.
epigeanPertaining to the biological domain at the ground surface or above it
human geographyField of knowledge that studies human-made features and phenomena on the Earth from a spatial perspective
daylight savings timeThe setting of time so it is one hour ahead starting in the spring and one hour back beginning in the fall in the Northern Hemisphere
scatFaecal pellets or animal droppings, which may provide an important source of food in caves.Fauna
delivered ex shipA legal term in older sales and some newer contracts meaning the seller will be responsible for the LNG until it is delivered to a specified port
reformingA chemical process using heat in presence of a catalyst to break down a substance into desired components, such as in the reforming of natural gas or light oils into lower Btu fuel gas.
pep indexPlatts demand-weighted index of all European electricity assessments
x-ray astronomythe field of astronomy that studies celestial objects by the x-rays they emit.
watershedCatchment area of a drainage basin.
dual laterologDLL
average service lifeSee SERVICE LIFE.
impactThe forceful striking of one body, such as a meteorite, against another body, such as a moon or planet.
doeDesignated Operational Entity (in context of CDM): An independent company accredited to validate and verify emissions reductions at a CDM or JI project.
footprintA company or organization's environmental impact (resource use, waste generation, physical environmental changes, etc.).
rate yearBegins when rates take effect (normally at the end of a suspension order)
open accessThe non-discriminatory access to interstate pipeline transportation services.
coastal plainA flat, low-lying geographical region near an ocean
return on investmentA measure of the profitability of a business enterprise
sedimentary rocksrocks formed by the accumulation of fragments, or the precipitation of dissolved material, that result from the weathering of pre-existing rocks.
circAbbreviation for Circulating
siberian highHigh pressure system that develops in winter over northern central Asia.
intangible plantOrganization, Franchises and Consents, Patent Rights, Licenses, Privileges, and other intangible property necessary or valuable in the conduct of the utility's operations.
oAbbreviation for Oil
giant molecular cloudmassive clouds of gas in interstellar space composed primarily of hydrogen molecules
correlation coefficientStatistic that measures the degree of linear association between two variables
cold flowThe dimensional change with time of a plastic under load, following the instantaneous elastic or rapid deformation
back-in interestA type of interest in a well or property that becomes effective at a specified time in the future, or on the occurrence of a specified future event.
station meterA meter of high capacity for measuring the output of a gas plant or pipeline delivery station.
bed thickness(1) True bed thickness is the thickness of the stratigraphic unit measured along a line normal to the direction of extension of the unit
riverine wetlandsWetlands associated with rivers.
coordinatesX and Y values which define a location in a coordinate system
acre feet of waterThe volume of water that would cover one acre to a depth of one foot, or 43,560 cubic feet of water, or 325,841.1 gallons of water.
radiant energyEnergy in the form of electromagnetic waves and photons
enhanced oil recoveryRefers to a variety of processes to increase the amount of oil removed from a reservoir, typically by injecting a liquid (e.g., water, surfactant) or gas (e.g., nitrogen, carbon dioxide).
cap rockCap rock or seal
postage stamp rateA rate for electric transmission that does not vary according to distance from the source of the power supply
injectabilitySee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
interceptionIs the capture of precipitation by the plant canopy and its subsequent return to the atmosphere through evaporation or sublimation
preliminary determinationA conditional approval issued by the FERC that reviews and authorizes all the terms and conditions of a proposed construction project, except the environmental aspects
tvaTennessee Valley Authority.
piezometerAn instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility.
terminusEnd or snout of a glacier.
faultingThe processes by which rocks fracture under stress, and move relative to rocks on the other side of a fracture.
appalachian basinThe subterranean geologic formations that roughly follow the Appalachian Mountain range
cooling coilA coil of pipe or tubing used as a heat exchanger to cool material inside or outside the coil by means of colder material passing over or through the coil respectively.
interim reliefRelief granted by the Commission in response to an applicant's claim that a regulation would cause irreparable injury, special hardship or inequity to himself or the public.
unfcccUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: An international treaty signed in 1992, of which the Kyoto Protocol is an amendment
biogeochemical cyclingCycling of a single element, compound or chemicals by various abiotic and biotic processes through the various stores found in the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
soil waterThe water found occupying the pore spaces between soil particles.
orifice meterSee METER, ORIFICE.
mopagMean of Platts AG
blanket transportation certificateA certificate that allows a pipeline to undertake individual transportation transactions without prior FERC approval
exploration and production companiesThe first step in the process of harvesting natural gas; they find the natural gas, drill, and get the gas out of the ground.
dirty powerMomentary disturbances in transmission, usually detectable only by sensitive electronic equipment.
lnrAbbreviation for Liners
ladderIn caving, a flexible lightweight ladder of galvanised or stainless steel wires and aluminium alloy rungs.Climbing and SRT
tailingsMaterial rejected from a mill after most of the recoverable valuable minerals have been extracted
wet-bulb thermometerThermometer on a psychrometer that has a moisten wick on its reservoir bulb
silicatesMinerals that have silicone and oxygen in their composition
rupture-pipelineA failure in the pipeline for various reasons where a complete loss to atmosphere of the gas or other media is sustained.
stalagmiteA speleothem projecting vertically upwards from a cave floor and formed by precipitation from drips, often found directly under a stalactite.Cave - Depositional Features
premium on capital stockThe excess of the amount received by the company from the sale of an issue of the capital stock over the par or stated value of the stock
mcfThe quantity of natural gas occupying a volume of one thousand cubic feet at a temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit and at a pressure of fourteen and seventy-three hundredths pounds per square inch absolute.
gathering stationA compressor station at which gas is gathered from wells by means of suction because pressure is not sufficient to produce the desired rate of flow into a transmission or distribution system.
scavengerAn animal that eats dead remains and wastes of other animals and plants
sea breezeLocal thermal circulation pattern found at the interface between land and water
core(1) A cylindrical sample of rock taken from a formation for analysis
mitochondriaOrganelle in a cell that oxidizes organic (see respiration) energy for use in cellular metabolism.
scaling poleA light weight pole, often in short sections and assembled where used, to raise a ladder to points inaccessible by climbing.Climbing and SRT
floodAn unusual accumulation of water above the ground caused by high tide, heavy rain, melting snow or rapid runoff from paved areas (source: EPA).  A ten-year flood is defined as a flood that has a one in ten chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
arbitrageThe simultaneous purchase of a commodity/derivative in one market and the sale of the same, or similar, commodity/derivative in another market in order to exploit price differentials
free-trade agreementThe United States negotiates free-trade agreements with nations to reduce barriers to U.S
surveyIn caving, the measurement of directions and distances between survey points and of cave details from them, and the plotting of cave plans and sections from these measurements.Survey & Mapping term
mboepdThousand Barrels of Oil Equivalents Per Day
methane gasThe simplest of the hydrocarbons, CH4
hanging valleyA secondary valley that enters a main valley at an elevation well above the main valley's floor
peaking capacityCapacity of generating equipment normally reserved for operation during the hours of highest daily, weekly, or seasonal loads.
delivered at placeA sales-contract term meaning that the seller's LNG price includes delivery to a named place but not the unloading and import-clearance costs, such as taxes
infrared radiationForm of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.7 and 100 micrometers (µm)
isothermLines on a map joining points of equal temperature.
pennsylvanianGeologic period that occurred roughly 286 to 320 million years ago
reverse circulationNormal course of drilling fluid circulation is downward inside the drill pipe and upward in the well bore space surrounding the drill pipe
relative humiditySee Humidity.Speleology term
blanket certificateAuthorizes open access transportation by interstate pipeline companies on behalf of others and certain services by local distribution companies and Hinshaw companies under blanket certificates (of public convenience and necessity) subject to certain conditions and reporting requirements
mid-oceanic ridgeChain of submarine mountains where oceanic crust is created from rising magma plumes and volcanic activity
climateGeneral pattern of weather conditions for a region over a long period time (at least 30 years).
purgeTo displace gas, liquids, or foreign matter from piping, tanks, and equipment with other gases or liquids.
heliospherethe space within the broundary of the heliopause containing the Sun and solar system.
bull plugA threaded nipple with a rounded, closed end with O-ring seals
service valueThe difference between original cost and net salvage value of utility plant.
atmosphereAn envelope of mixed gases that surround a celestial body such as a planet, moon, or star
interim billSee CALCULATED BILL.
inverterAn electrical device for conversion of direct current to alternating current.
multiple completionAn arrangement for producing a well in which one wellbore penetrates two or more petroleum-bearing reservoirs that lie one over the other
lifoLast-in, first out method of inventory valuation in which the earliest acquired inventory is assumed to be still on hand; the most recently acquired is assumed to be sold first.
kingdomTop most level of the common system used to classify life
antennaeThe feelers on the head of an insect, crustacean or other invertebrates that function as sensory organs.Fauna
burstSee Flap.Lava Cave term
timecharterThe chartering of a tanker or other freight vessel for a period of time rather than for a specific voyage.
bell joint clampA sealing device attached at the joint of bell-and-spigot pipe to prevent leakage.
sustainable developmentThe exploitation of a resource in such a way that it can be replaced within a reasonable time scale (in human terms).
projectionA mathematical model that transforms the locations of features on the earth's curved surface to locations on a flat surface.
planetesimala rocky and/or icy body, a few to several tens of kilometers in size, that was produced in the solar nebula.
aquiferAn underground geological formation, or group of formations, containing water
pressure ratingThe estimated maximum pressure that the medium in the pipe can exert continuously with a high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur.
theoretical air requirementsVolume of air necessary to insure the complete combustion of unit mass or volume of a fuel.
preventive maintenanceExamination of plant and equipment on a schedule basis and the replacement or repair of parts that are worn by prescribed amounts or that are in such condition that further use will involve the risk of their failure while in service
upstreamFrom a reference point, any point located nearer the origin of flow, that is, before the reference point is reached.
meter barA metal bar for mounting a gas meter having fittings at the ends of the bar for connecting the inlet and outlet connections of the meter and to which, in turn, the gas service line and house piping are connected.
erusEmissions Reduction Units
permittingProcess of obtaining an approval from an authority or an individual to use its land by Total E&P Denmark B.V
latent heatSee HEAT, LATENT.
contesting partyA party (staff, a customer, or other interested party) that does not support a stipulation and agreement or settlement in a rate or other proceeding, and prefers to take the case to hearing
joint compoundsMaterials to be used on pipe joints, primarily to lubricate the threads and secondarily to prevent leakage.
plateA large rigid slab of lithosphere, distinguished from neighbouring plates by frequent earthquake activity along its edges.
tolling arrangementAn arrangement whereby a party moves fuel to a power generator and receives kilowatt hours (kWh) in return for a pre-established fee.
risk premiumA method to determine the cost of common equity component of return using the bond yield plus a risk premium based on selected stock market yields to bond yields
ohmThe unit of measurement of electrical resistance
networkA system of transmission or distribution lines so cross-connected and operated as to permit multiple supply to any principal point on it.
evaporation pitsA common brine disposal technique intended to recover the brine product
common trenchA trench containing two or more utilities.
form r-6Gasoline and/or Cycling Plant Monthly Report
travelling blockThe set of sheaves that move up and down in the derrick
estimatorAn estimator is any value calculated from the sample data For example, the sample mean is an estimator of the population mean.
microlaterologAn electrode device with small spacings from which the current flow, and hence the measurement, is focused a short distance into the formation
base load capacityThe generation units normally used to meet demand around-the-clock.
demand chargeThe portion of a rate for gas service which is billed to the customer whether they use the service or not
packSee LINE PACK.
abbreviation for commanding officerContract: Advanced courses of military science, naval science or aerospace studies in which the cadet is under contract with a military service to pursue an officer's commission.
dune fieldAn extensive region covered by numerous sand dunes.
displacementThe substitution of less expensive energy generation for more expensive generation
infiltrateTo filter into or through
valve seatThe stationary portion of the valve which, when in contact with the movable portion, stops flow completely.
brackishEnvironment that is influenced by seawater with a salinity less than 35 parts per thousand (usually caused by the presence of an inflow of fresh water).
methaneThe most prevalent and common component of most natural gas produced in British Columbia.
cross plotA plot of one parameter versus another.
restructuring proceedingsNegotiations wherein each interstate pipeline and its customers determine how they will conduct business pursuant to the provisions of Order 636.
oilfieldThe surface area overlying an oil reservoir or reservoirs
piggingThe act of pushing a device through a pipeline in order to physically clean deposits from the inner surface of the pipeline, or to remove liquids.
perigeethe point in the orbit of the Moon or other satellite at which it is closest to the Earth.
hydrostatic pressureForce caused by water under pressure.
scaling chipA small, thin, flat piece of limestone that has fallen from the ceiling or wall of a cave
grazing food chainModel describing the trophic flow of organic energy in a community or ecosystem.
mist flowA producing flow condition in a well bore in which gas and oil flow at very high velocities
permeabilityThe property of rock or soil permitting water to pass through it
through caveA cave which may be followed from entrance to exit along a stream course or along a passage which formerly carried a stream.Cave - Kinds of
injection moldingThe process of forming a material by forcing it, under pressure, from a heated cylinder through a sprue (runner, gate) into the cavity of a closed mold
sxsAbbreviation for Sacks
sinterroasting of fine–grained ore to produce larger particles for further treatment.
swaps contractAgreement between two parties whereby a notional amount is exchanged between two parties
intermediateIntermediate are between light and dark colored
transformerAn electrical device for changing the voltage of alternating current.
armchair caverAn experienced caver who now rarely if ever goes caving, but who may offer advice to those that do.Miscellaneous terms
nylon plasticsPlastics based on resins composed principally of a long-chain synthetic polymeric amide which has recurring amide groups as an integral part of the main polymer chain.
x-ray stara bright celestial object that gives off x-rays as a major portion of its radiation.
thunderstormA storm several kilometers in diameter created by the rapid lifting of moist warm air which creates a cumulonimbus cloud
cratering or sloughinWhen the walls of a hole cave in
registrationThe meter-dial positions of a meter index
average orbitalspeed around the Sun: This is a measure of how fast a planet moves through space, in kilometers per hour.
fpsoFloating production storage and offloading vessel
telemeteringUse of an electrical apparatus transmitting data to a distant point for indicating, recording, or integrating the values of a variable quantity.
brokerIn CAPACITY ASSIGNMENT/BROKERING, a broker is one who sells or assigns firm transportation (or storage) capacity rights on an interstate pipeline to another entity
mrMedium range tanker, 25,000-49,999-dwt
galleryA cave chamber that is rather large and nearly horizontal
coproliteFossilised large excrement of animals as found in caves, especially those used as lairs.Miscellaneous terms
saprophageA scavenger feeding on decaying organic material.Cave - Biota
dollar-yearsThe aggregate years of service for plant dollars during the life of the plant
geothermalPertaining to temperatures in the earth, ground, or crust of the earth
oxygenAn element consisting of atoms with eight protons
stable atmosphereCondition in the atmosphere where isolated air parcels have a tendency to sink
full waveform recordingA representation of the acoustic wave train in the amplitude-time mode
fipFree In Pipe
slumpSee rotational slip.
unitizationJoint operation of several leases, usually for economic or conservation reasons
weatherThe state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place.
annex ii partiesThe OECD members of Annex I, minus the EIT parties, which agreed to pay developing (non-Annex I) countries for climate change adaptation.
bucking electrodesCurrent electrodes on a laterolog type resistivity measuring system from which bucking current flows in order to confine the survey current into a thin, horizontal investigative layer
jacketThe space surrounding a cylinder of an engine through which a cooling liquid flows
repressuringForcing gas, under pressure, into the oil reservoir in an attempt to increase the recovery of crude oil; also done with water
meter sealA metal wire or tape seal attached to a gas meter or a service stop in such a way as to prevent its being opened by an unauthorized person.
fissionThe splitting of a heavy nucleus into two (occasionally three) parts following neutron capture, accompanied by the release of energy, two or more neutrons, and radiation
mmsThe US Minerals Management Service, an agency of the Interior Department.
mcfThousand Cubic Feet
washRemoval of impurities from a gas or vapor by passing the gas through water or other liquid which retains or dissolves the impurity.
falsificationFalsification is a procedure used in science to test the validity of a hypothesis or theory
turnkey contractContract under which contractor carries out and completes his assignment for a fixed fee, as opposed to working on a per diem basis
heat gainThe amount of heat gained by a space from all sources, including people, lights, machines, sunshine, etc.
felAbbreviation for From east line
market areaAny area in which the company feels that gas can be sold in the public convenience and necessity to the benefit of the company and stockholders.
cnpcpCoastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program - Required by the Coastal Zone Act Re-Authorization Amendments (CZARA) of 1990 this partnered program is implemented by the LDNR/CMD and the Department of Environmental Quality
recurrence intervalThe average time period that separates natural events of a specific magnitude
solvent cementingJoining pipe by the use of a solvent which dissolves the surface of the pipe and forms a continuous bond upon evaporation.
present net valueThe present value of money to be received at some specified time in the future, discounted back to the present at a specified interest rate.
batteryEquipment used to process or store crude oil from one or more wells.
salinityConcentration of dissolved salts found in a sample of water
boghead coala type of coal comprising mostly algal material with fungal matter
non-associated gasNatural gas not in contact with crude oil in the reservoir, or natural gas in contact with crude oil, where the volume of oil is small and where production of such gas does not significantly affect recovery of the crude oil.
mtbeMethyl tertiary butyl ether — an octane booster and oxygenate used for gasoline blending.
jurassicThe middle period of the Mesozoic from 208Ma to 145Ma.
laying mainsThe complete operation of installing piping systems in towns or cities including trenching, joining sections of pipe, placing pipe in trenches, back-filling trenches, and cleaning up.
food chainMovement of energy through the trophic levels of organisms
singularitythe center of a black hole, where the curvature of spacetime is maximal
psychrometric tableTable of values that allows for the determination of relative humidity and dew point from dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures recorded on a psychrometer.
solutionA mixture (usually of a solid in a liquid in which the components are mixed at the molecular level).
nuclear energyEnergy released when the nucleus of an atom experiences a nuclear reaction like the spontaneous emission of radioactivity, nuclear fission, or nuclear fusion.
fertile materialIn nuclear technology, a term describing a substance that is not capable of sustaining a chain reaction, but which can be converted into a fissionable material in a nuclear reactor.
mangroveTreed wetlands located on the coastlines in warm tropical climates.
funnel cloudA tornado which is beginning its descent from the base of a cumulonimbus cloud
annualizationTo adjust to a full-year basis any item not included in the Base Period or included in the Base Period for less than a full year
comparability of serviceRefers to the comparability of quantity and quality of firm transportation service offered to the pipeline's firm bundled sales service
top storage capacitySee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
tropical depressionAn organized group of thunderstorms often found over a tropical ocean that generates a cyclonic flow of between 37 and 63 kilometers per hour
blue gasSee WATER GAS.
billing determinantThe demand which is used to determine demand charges in accordance with the provisions of a rate schedule or contract
cupsCoastal Use Permit System
integrating pressure-instrumentThe integrating pressure-instrument registers the total volume of gas metered in cubic feet at a specified base pressure
settlement patternthe shape and spacings of individual settlements, usually dispersed, nucleated or linear.
irreducible saturationThe irreducible saturation of a fluid is the minimum saturation of that fluid attainable when that fluid is displaced from a porous medium by another fluid immiscible with the first.
commodity costsThat part of the total cost of service which must be recovered through use of a commodity rate; i.e., a rate for each Mcf of gas sold
briningthe process of dissolving salt formations using fresh water pumped and circulated into and through wells for the purposes of salt solution mining.
successionDirectional cumulative change in the types plant species that occupy a given area, through time.
daylight holeAn opening to the surface in the roof of a cave.Cave - Parts of
standard metering baseStandard conditions, plus agreed corrections, to which gas volume are corrected for purposes of comparison and payment.
brent blendThe most commonly traded North Sea crude oil
social leap-froggingthe process by which those who can afford to do so move out of an area as it becomes older and more run down, to be replaced by less well-off people.
tropical cycloneAnother name for hurricane.
accumulated provision for depletionThe net accumulated credit resulting from offsetting charges to income for the pro-rata cost of extracted depletable natural resources such as coal, gas, oil, etc.
dhtAbbreviation for Dry HoleTree
asteroidA small rocky or metallic body that orbits a star.
hubA location where several pipelines interconnect
reverse south georgia methodWorks in the reverse of the SOUTH GEORGIA METHOD
possible reservesThe high-side estimate of resources profitable to produce with current technologies; less technical work has been done to explore and evaluate these reserves, therefore there is a high degree of uncertainty in this estimate.
convectorAn agency of convection
haliteAn evaporite mineral, NaCl, common salt
uic-28Exploration and Production Waste Shipping Control Ticket commonly referred to as a Manifest.
quick burstThe internal pressure required to cause failure of a pipe or fitting due to an internal pressure buildup, usually within 60 to 70 seconds.
public interestUsually intended to mean the interest of the public generally as opposed to the interest of an individual or company.
nothephreaticReferring to water moving slowly in cavities in the phreatic zone.Speleology term
clean development mechanismA UN scheme set up under the Kyoto Protocol to allow industrialized countries to invest in greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects in developing countries in return for tradable offset credits (CERs).
non-core customersEnd-users with enough gas volume to justify consideration of transportation-only service from the distributor
bolAbbreviation for Bottom of Liner
electron voltAbbreviated eV
densityThe weight of a unit of volume, usually expressed as pounds per cubic foot.
ets(European Union) Emissions Trading Scheme
tolueneOne of the aromatic hydrocarbons, produced from crude oil via fractional distillation and catalytic reforming
complianceCompliance is based upon three levels of enforcement: the notice, the order and the written management letter (another form of order)
centripetal forceForce required to keep an object moving in a circular pattern around a center of rotation
trend linesLines drawn on a price chart linking subsequent lows in a downtrend and subsequent highs in a uptrend.
depth of investigationRadius of investigation
operatorThe party designated in the operating agreement to conduct the operations on the well.
mudflowForm of mass movement where fine textured sediments and soil mix with water to create a liquid flow.
ropy lavaAnother term for pahoehoe, especially the type with curved and twisted ridges.Lava Cave term
gabionWire cage used to contain rip rap and stone
springA natural flow of water from rock or soil onto the land surface or into a body of surface water
fixed chargeThe charge calculated to recover all or a portion of the fixed costs of a utility, including generation facility and transmission lines, meters, and some taxes.
lock inGenerally, to unseal a gas meter and start gas service by opening the meter stop (valve)
chelationChemical weathering process that involves the extraction or metallic cations from rocks and minerals by chelates.
break outTo unscrew one section of pipe from another section, especially drill pipe while it is being withdrawn from the wellbore.
injection wellA well used for injecting fluids into a formation in an attempt to increase recovery efficiency.
multiple 49Rule governing gas well production from an oil reservoir gas cap.
working capitalMoney necessarily invested in the business to carry on the day-to-day operations
stratopauseThe stratopause is a relatively thin atmospheric transition layer found between the stratosphere and the mesosphere
remote sensorMechanical devices used to remotely sense an object or phenomenon.
columnA speleothem joining floor to ceiling, formed when a stalactite and stalagmite grow and join, or when either grow to meet bedrock.Cave - Parts of
eclipseWhen our view of one object in the sky is blocked by either another object or the Earth's shadow.
degradationthe wearing down and general lowering of an area or a feature by any process of weathering and erosion.
groundwater rechargeIncreasing the amount of groundwater in storage via percolating rainwater.
contract depthDepth that well must be drilled to fulfill the contract
independent producerA non-integrated company which receives nearly all of its revenues from production at the wellhead
re-enrichmentEnrichment of uranium previously enriched or depleted.
variable stara star that fluctuates in brightness
troglomorphic adaptionAdaptions to the cave environment, eg loss of pigment, for species living in the dark zone
cathodea plate of metal produced by electrolytic refining
boston boxA square box installed flush with the pavement.
short form rate scheduleA statement, in lieu of a conventional rate schedule, that may be filed by independent producers annually transporting or selling less than 100,000 Mcf of natural gas that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
hygrometerAn instrument for measuring atmospheric humidity.
csaCanadian Standards Association.
skidding the rigMoving a rig from the location of a lost or completed hole preparatory to starting a new one
free pitchWhere a rope or ladder hangs vertically and free of the walls.Climbing and SRT
multiphase flowA flow regime in which gas, oil, and water are all flowing.
clearing accountsAccounts used for the accumulation of expenses which cannot be equitably distributed at the time of the charge
throughflowThe roughly horizontal flow of water through soil or regolith.
reservoirA porous and permeable subsurface rock layer that contains a separate accumulation of petroleum that is confined by impermeable rock or water barriers and is characterized by a single pressure system.
water consumptionThe complete removal of water from some type of source, like groundwater, for some use by humans
centistokeUnit of measurement for viscosity, similar to seconds.
agingEffect on materials in service of exposure to an environment for an interval of time.
sumpShallow pond lined with plastic adjacent to the drilling rig, used to store drilling fluid.
biological weatheringThe disintegration of rock and mineral due to the chemical and/or physical agents of an organism.
authigenicA term implying a development in place during or after deposition.
riggingIn climbing, the process of establishing the belays for ropes and or ladders.Climbing and SRT
cave raftSee Raft.Cave - Depositional Features
charles' lawSee LAWS.
vugA small cavity in rock, often lined with crystals.Cave - Erosional & Solutional Features
customer nomination methodA method to allocate a portion of demand cost to customer classes based on those classes' nominated level of service.
drillerOne who operates a drilling rig
microannulusA type of impairment in cement bond quality
two-part rateA charge for electricity consisting of a demand (kW) component and an energy or commodity (kWh) component.
tight gasNatural gas found in reservoirs with low porosity and low permeability
primary airAir that is mixed with fuel before the mix reaches the ignition zone to enhance combustion.
logsThe result of surveys which gather information from the wellbore and surrounding formations which typically consist of traces and curves
densityThe gravity of crude oil, indicating the proportion of large, carbon-rich molecules.
pvt analysisPressure-volume-temperature analysis of a sample of fluid collected from a subsurface fluid reservoir at the datum depth.
bitA cutting device attached to the bottom end of the drill pipe
pressure controlMaintenance of pressure, in all or part of a system, at a predetermined level or within a selected range.
riser pipeThe pipe that connects an underwater wellhead to the drilling rig floating on the surface of the ocean above.
wellheadThe surface termination of a wellbore that incorporates facilities for installing casing hangers during the well construction phase
use or loseA provision which decreases a shipper's right to capacity if the shipper does not use it at a certain level
natural gasolineLiquid removed from natural gas by absorption or refrigeration and containing hydrocarbons heavier than butane.
inhibitorA chemical agent which slows or reduces chemical action
transportThe movement of sedimentary material
llsLight Louisiana Sweet
standard dimension ratioThe ratio of diameter to wall thickness of pipe
tie inTo make a connection to an existing pipeline or piping.
unconformityA surface of erosion which separates older sediment from younger sediment.
pendantSee Rock pendant.Cave - Erosional & Solutional Features
required depreciation reserveSee THEORETICAL DEPRECIATION RESERVE.
evaporiteA sediment resulting from the evaporation of saline water.
forebayStormwater design feature that uses a small basin to settle out incoming sediment before it is delivered to a stormwater BMP.
oort cloudA spherical cloud of trillions of comets extending about halfway to the nearest stars and weakly bound by the Sun's gravity
fastlineThe end of the drilling line that is affixed to the drum or reel of the draw-works, so called because it travels with greater velocity than any other portion of the line.
rural-urban fringea zone of transition between the built-up area and the countryside, where there is often competition for land use
atmospheric pollutionSee POLLUTION, ATMOSPHERIC.
payoffThe point in time at which a well's operation begins to produce revenues.
md-13-rPermit to Drill for Minerals.
british thermal unitA measure of the heating value of a fuel.
tolAbbreviation for Top of liner
degradationA deleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a plastic.
normal distributionA common probability distribution displayed by population data
economy energyEnergy sold on a non-firm basis and subject to recall at the discretion of the selling party.
extended detentionA function provided by BMPs which incorporate a water quality storage
draft regulatorA device which functions to maintain a desired draft in the appliance by automatically reducing the draft to the desired value.
hostOrganism that develops disease from a pathogen or is being feed on by a parasite.
fjordA glacial valley or glacial trough found along the coast that is now filled with a mixture of fresh water and seawater.
dry-point sitea settlement site on dry land surrounded by low, wet ground; this was good for defence.
polyolefinA polymer prepared by the polymerization (copolymerization) of olefin(s) as the sole monomer(s).
cogenerationThe production of both electricity and useful thermal energy from the same energy source
discovery wellThe first successful oil or gas well drilled in a new field
unit heaterSee HEATER, ROOM.
eastern zoneFor rate design purposes, the Eastern Zone encompasses the geographic area from North Bay to Montreal, including Toronto and southern Ontario
base pressure indexA device which continuously and automatically compensates to correct gas volume at operating pressure to volume at base pressure, without regard for any correction for temperature.
emergency clearanceOffice of Conservation approval to move legally produced liquids pending submittal and approval of Form R-4.
administrative law judgeThe officer designated by the FERC to conduct the proceedings in a rate or other tariff filing.
convenience goods/servicesthese are low/order goods - inexpensive things that vary little in price, quality or other features that we need to buy regularly e.g
earnings/price ratioA method to determine the cost of common equity component of return using the ratio of earnings per share to the stock price.
shoreThe land area bordering a relatively large water body like a lake or ocean.
deuteriumIsotope of hydrogen, with a nucleus containing one proton and one neutron, and an atomic mass number of 2.
nucleated settlement patterna settlement where buildings are clustered around a particular point.
forestry compassA lightweight tripod mounted compass which also functions as a clinometer, and has a telescopic sight
neural networksA concept for advanced computer calculations developed by Alan Turing to mimic some of the operations of the neurons in a brain
drillerEmployee directly in charge of a particular crew, as opposed to a tool pusher, who is in charge of all the crews on a rig.Operation of drilling and hoisting equipment constitutes the driller’s main duties
flaringBurning of gas for the purpose of safe disposal.
diamagnetichaving a small negative magnetic susceptibility.
unbilled revenuesRevenues applicable to gas or electricity consumed but not yet billed to the customer because of bimonthly or cycle billing or for other reasons.
u gaugeSee MANOMETER.
combustionRapid chemical reaction of oxygen with fuel accompanied by the production of heat, or heat and light.
tolling feeA fee paid for use of electric generation assets used to convert fuel to power.
supergiantthe stage in a star's evolution where the core contracts and the star swells to about five hundreds times its original size
elevated temperature testingTests on plastic pipe above 23oC (73oF).
diatomiteA siliceous chert-like sediment formed from the hard parts of diatom.
lava stalactitesLonger and thicker than 'lava drips'
completion fluidA special drilling mud used when a well is being completed
water saturationThe percentage of the porosity of the reservoir rock containing water at reservoir conditions (reservoir fluid pressure and reservoir fluid temperature conditions)
fluePassage for combustion products within furnace or boiler
open holeUncased hole, or uncased portion of the hole.
meridional transportTransport of atmospheric and oceanic energy from the equator to the poles.
quasarAn unusually bright object found in the remote areas of the universe
spot marketA market where goods are traded for immediate delivery.
docketA formal proceeding with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or local Public Utility Regulatory Commission for construction or abandonment of facilities, changes in rates and rulemaking.
band clampSee LEAK CLAMP.
depth-control logA well log run in cased holes for the purpose of providing correlation with open-hole logs in order to establish depth control for certain completion operations
ionAn atom, molecule or compound that carries either a positive (cation) or negative (anion) electrical charge.
gathering line- A pipeline that transports oil or gas from a central point of production to a transmission line or mainline.
groundwaterWater below the level at which all voids in the rock are completely filled saturated
pigmentOrganic substance found in plant and animal cells that creates coloring.
rock pressureA term used for the initial pressure of gas in a well.
starA large and very massive, self-luminous celestial body of gas that illuminates via the radiation derived from its internal source of energy.
burner tipAn attachment for a burner head which forms a burner port modified for a specific application
concentrationA number expressing the percent of the specified constituent in a mixture to the total quantity of the mixture, as pounds of salt per pound of brine.
sensible heatHeat that can be measured by a thermometer and thus sensed by humans.
frontal fogIs a type of fog that is associated with weather fronts, particularly warm fronts
easementA grant of one or more of the property rights by the property owner to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity.
acidIn chemistry, a substance that may have a sour taste, makes blue litmus paper turn red, and can react with a base to make salt
opsAbbreviation for Operations
chemical gradeRefers to a particular grade of polypropylene with around 93-94% purity.
thematic mapperRemote sensing device found on Landsat satellites that scans images in seven spectral bands from visible to thermal infrared.
net smelter returnThe interest in a mining property held by the vendor on the net revenues generated by the sale of the metal produced by the mine.
heat balanceThe accounting of the energy output and losses from a system to equal the energy input.
leachingA solution mining process to remove salt and form gas storage caverns in salt domes.
twilight zonethe term applied to an inner city area as it begins to change into the Zone of Transition.
storm sewer systemPipes, swales natural features and man-made improvements designed to carry runoff.
ribbon developmentwhen housing grows out from a town along a main road.
mesoscale convective complexA cluster of thunderstorms covering an area of 100,000 kilometers or more
protostardense regions of molecular clouds where stars are forming.
fissure caveA narrow vertical cave passage, often developed along a joint but not necessarily so
cement(1) A powder consisting of alumina, silica, lime, and other substances which hardens when mixed with water
cold desertDesert found in the high latitudes and at high altitudes where precipitation is low
scaleThe ratio of the length between any 2 points on a map to the actual distance between the same points on the ground or in a cave.Survey & Mapping term
elastic deformationChange in the shape of a material as the result of the force of compression or expansion
assigneeThe person to whom oil and gas leases are assigned.
sector modelsee Hoyt model.
gypsum flowerAn elongated and curving deposit of gypsum on a cave surface.Cave - Depositional Features
compressibilityThe property of a material which permits it to decrease in volume when subjected to an increase in pressure
quicklookA preliminary, well site, computed well-log analysis.
air receiverA storage tank for compressed air.
price elasticity of demandA measurement of the sensitivity of demand to changes in price
universal timealso known as Greenwich Mean Time, this is local time on the Greenwich meridian
cratera bowl-shaped depression formed by the impact of an asteroid or meteoroid
mercaptansA group of organic chemical compounds containing an SH group having distinctive odors in small concentrations is often added to natural or LP gases to warn of leaks
monitoring regulatorA pressure regulator set in series with a control pressure regulator for the purpose of automatically taking over the control of the pressure downstream in case that pressure tends to exceed a set maximum.
latent heat of vaporizationThe amount of heat energy required from the environment to change the state of a liquid to a gas
wholesale wheelingThe transmission of electricity from a wholesale supplier to another wholesale supplier by a third party
porosityThe volume of spaces within rock or coal seam that might contain oil and gas (like the amount of water a sponge can hold); the open or void space within rock.
meteorA meteor is a meteoroid that has entered the Earth's atmosphere, usually making a fiery trail as it falls
calibrationThe process wherein the zero and sensitivity of the measuring circuit is adjusted to meaningful units so that the recorded measurements will be accurate with respect to an industry standard.
shale oilA liquid similar to conventional crude oil but obtained from oil shale by conversion of organic matter (kerogen) in oil shale.
national energy boardThe Canadian regulatory body which oversees interprovincial natural gas trade and pipelines
ktAbbreviation for one thousand tonnes.
hydrophoneThe recorder used to monitor time of travel of offshore seismic disturbances.
well densityThe concentration of wells on the land surface (per unit area).
aorArea of Review
sunsetMoment of time when the Sun's edge completely disappears below the Earth's horizon.
radiometerGeneral name for an instrument used to measure radiation over a specific wavelength range.
rigid pvcPolyvinyl chloride or a polyvinyl chloride/acetate copolymer characterized by a relatively high degree of hardness; it may be formulated with or without a small percentage of plasticizer
masipMaximum Authorized Surface Injection Pressure USDW/Offical MASIP
canopyA compound speleothem consisting of a flowstone cover on a bedrock projection and a fringe of stalactites or shawls on the outer edge.Cave - Depositional Features
ultimate reservoir capacityTotal volume of gas within a reservoir which exerts a pressure from 0 pounds per square inch gauge pressure to the maximum or ultimate reservoir gauge pressure.
kelly bushingThe kelly runs through the kelly bushing which is fitted in the rotary table and provides the means of rotating the drillstring and hence the drill-bit.
check meterA device for measuring utility service consumption within individual dwelling units where the utility service is supplied through a master meter.
obsidianGlassy dark colored volcanic rock
evapotranspirationThe combined processes of evaporation from the water or soil surface and transpiration of water by plants.
sales refund objectiveA provision included in many prior settlements, and often examined by Staff, that if actual volumes exceed an agreed level during the period of time the rates are in effect, the pipeline agrees to refund the fixed costs received in the commodity rate
double bottomA bullish reversal pattern characterized by two lows at roughly equal value.
fccFirst class charterer
tar sandsHydrocarbon bearing deposits distinguished from more conventional oil and gas reservoirs by the high viscosity of the hydrocarbon which is not recoverable in its natural state through a well by ordinary oil production methods.
carbonElement, symbol C
injection wellsWells to be used for injection of fluids into reservoir for enhancement of hydrocarbon recovery.
aggressiveA measure of the relative capacity of water to dissolve rock material
hydrogen embrittlementThe process whereby steel components become less resistant to breakage and generally much weaker in tensile strength
inner coreInner region of the Earth's core
wocAbbreviation for Waiting on cement
book valueThe recorded plant cost less the accumulated depreciation.
theoryProposed explanation for the causal mechanisms responsible for a phenomenon or a set of facts
deciduous vegetationType of vegetation that sheds its leaves during winter or dry seasons
firm serviceService offered to customers (regardless of Class of Service) under schedules or contracts which anticipate no interruptions
thermally actuated valveAn automatic valve which utilizes the heat generated by the resistance of an electrical component in opening or closing the valve.
adjustment clauseSee CLAUSE, ADJUSTMENT.
bunker "c" fuel oilA heavy residual fuel oil used by ships, industry, and for large scale heating installations
s/tAbbreviation for Side track
capacity releaseThe temporary relinquishment of firm transportation capacity on a pipeline
killTo prevent the threatened blowout of a well or to stop a blowout in progress, usually accomplished by the pumping of heavy fluids under pressure into the wellbore to overbalance (exceed) the formation pressure.
iron meteoriteA meteorite consisting of metallic iron and nickel.
circle of illuminationA line that bisects areas on the Earth receiving sunlight and those areas in darkness
test weldThe process of cutting out a portion of a weld in a pipeline for testing as to acceptability.
reservoirIn oil, a naturally occurring geological formation containing hydrocarbon
transpirationTranspiration is the process of water loss from plants through stomata
joint interest billingStatement attached to a check disclosing well names, month of expenses, total expenses and venturers' shares.
long waveA large wave in the polar jet stream and the westerlies that extends from the middle to the upper troposphere
r-valueA measure of thermal resistance of a material, equal to the reciprocal of the U-Value
euaEuropean Union (emission) Allowance: the standard tradable emissions unit under the ETS
earth albedoIs the reflectivity of the Earth's atmosphere and surface combined
abandonedA well that is permanently closed off when no viable hydrocarbons are discovered or it is depleted and no longer capable of producing profitably.
cavernicoleAn animal which normally lives in caves for the whole or part of its life cycle
appropriate state regulatory agencyTerm used in Part 284 of the Regulations to refer to a state agency which regulates intrastate pipelines and local distribution companies within such state
on belaySignal given to a climber by the belayer, that the manually operated belay system is ready for use.Climbing and SRT
cubic footA unit of measurement for volume
minor planetanother name used to describe a large asteroid.
kelly bushingAn adapter that serves to connect the rotary table to the kelly
brake barA round bar hinged to a karabiner or rappel rack used for abseiling.Climbing and SRT
pinnacle karstTropical landscape of near vertical sided spires
allowed rate of returnThe rate of return that a regulatory commission allows on a rate base in establishing just and reasonable rates for a utility
bedAn individual layer of a sedimentary rock.
secondary production or recoveryOil and gas obtained by the augmentation of reservoir energy; often by the injection of air, gas, or water into a production information
sedimentsedimentary rock, deposit deriving from the accumulation solid fragments (ex
suspended loadPortion of the stream load that is carried almost permanently suspended in flowing water.
mistralTerm used to describe a katabatic wind in southern France.
p & a permitA report which list detailed plugged and abandoned activities on wells.
nitrous oxideGas found in the atmosphere that contributes to the greenhouse effect
cifCost, insurance and freight charges for shipping products
perfluorocarbon tracer technologyThe use of tracer elements to measure the air infiltration rates within residential and commercial buildings
mattera word used to describe anything that contains mass.
cratonA relatively large block of the earth
planetAny of eight solid, nonluminous bodies revolving about the Sun.
seasonal cycleChanges in the environment brought about by the changes in the seasons- winter, spring, summer, autumn.
bhaAbbreviation for Bottom Hole Assembly
bbqA composite of Bonny, Brass River and Qua Ibo crudes from Nigeria.
salt weatheringDetachment of particles from a rock surface by the growth of crystals from salt solutions
straightening vanesRound, square, or other shaped tubing installed axially inside the piping preceding an orifice or turbine meter to eliminate swirls and cross-currents set up by the pipe fittings and valves
psiaPounds of pressure per square inch absolute, using absolute zero as a base.
proppant/propping agentA granular substance (sand grains, aluminum pellets, or other material) that is carried in suspension by the fracturing fluid and that serves to keep the cracks open when fracturing fluid is withdrawn after a fracture treatment.
keystone speciesSpecies that interacts with a large number of other species in a community
barrelA volumetric unit of measure for crude oil and petroleum products
organismAny form of life.
eccentricityGeometric shape of the Earth's orbit
turbo blowerA blower in which the rotating part is equipped with blades that rotate between stationary blades attached to the housing
occulationthe blockage of light by the intervention of another object; a planet can occult (block) the light from a distant star
föhn windEuropean equivalent of chinook wind.
pure volumetricSee VOLUMETRIC RATES.
tight holeA drilling well in which the information obtained is restricted and passed only to those authorized to receive it.
public water systemA system for providing the public with water for human consumption that has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals.
gas wellA well capable of producing natural gas.
flowA current or stream of fluid or gas.
producing sandA rock stratum that contains recoverable oil or gas.
cost of removalThe cost of demolishing, dismantling, tearing down or otherwise removing plant, including the cost of transportation and handling incidental thereto.
graphiteA soft, black, lustrous mineral made of carbon
forward price curveWhen plotted together, a series of forward prices creates a forward curve, reflecting a range of today's tradable values for specified dates in the future
coaContract of affreightment between ship owner and charterer.
oil wetPertaining to the preference of a solid to be in contact with an oil phase rather than a water or gas phase
percolationVertical movement or infiltration of water from the Earth's surface to its subsurface
casing head gasGas dissolved in crude oil which emerges at the casing head when pressure is lowered
heat capacityQuantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit quantity of a substance one degree
plasmaplasma consists of a gas heated to sufficiently high temperatures that the atoms ionize
polyvinylchlorideA polymer prepared by the polymerization of vinyl chloride with or without small amounts of other monomers.
river-clampLong, heavy iron or concrete sleeves installed on a pipeline to prevent injury to pipe laid in a river bottom and to weight the pipe
fracturedSee 'Hydraulic fracturing'.
international energy agencyAn autonomous organization comprised of the main oil-consuming countries established in 1974 under the OECD for collective action on energy.
jack or unitAn oil-pumping unit
severance tax relief programThe severance tax is predetermined percentage of total sales tax less any allowable deductions
soil porosityThe volume of water that can be held in a soil
potentialActual or maximum volume of oil and/or gas that a well is capable of producing
rechargeThe process involving the input or intake of water into the saturated zone in karst aquifers
lapTerm usually applied to an interval in the cased hole (of an oil or gas well) where the top of a liner overlaps the bottom of a string of casing.
canopy dripRedirection of a proportion of the rain or snow falling on a plant to the edge of its canopy.
ventingThe intentional controlled release of un-combusted gases directly to the atmosphere
telephone directory - dnrTelephone Numbers For Department of Natural Resources DNR Telephone Directory
joule-thomson expansionThe throttling effect produced when expanding a gas or vapor from a high pressure to a lower pressure with a corresponding drop in temperature.
nucleusthe positively charged core of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons (except for hydrogen), around which electrons orbit.
heroHome Energy Rebate OptionHome Energy Rebate Option
system lambdaThe marginal, variable production cost of electricity at a given level of system output.
blizzardWinter severe weather condition characterized by strong wind, blowing snow, and cold temperatures.
logarithmic scaleMeasurement scale based on logarithms
lactLease Automatic Custody Transfer
separationThe process of separating liquid and gas hydrocarbons and water
oil gravityThe density of oil compared to the density of water, i.e., the specific gravity of the oil
bottom hole pressureThe pressure at the bottom of a well
peak day sendoutSee SENDOUT, MAXIMUM DAY.
periodic tableTable that describes some of the chemical properties of the known elements.
literA liter is 1,000th of a cubic meter
igneousone of the three main groups of rocks on Earth
diversityA characteristic of the variety of gas loads whereby individual maximum demands usually occur at different times
conjunctive billingTariff provisions which permit the grouping of delivery points for billing purposes
bottleA gas-tight container fabricated from pipe or plate with integral drawn, forged, or spun end closures, tested in the manufacturer's plant, used for storing or transporting gas.
anodea plate of metal cast in a shape suitable for refining by the electrolytic process.
metamorphic rocksrocks which have formed from pre-existing rocks due to changes in temperature, pressure, stress or chemistry.
bglAbbreviation for Below Ground Level
swalletUsually in karst, a form of sinkhole (which may also be a cave entrance) but could refer to a streamsink
natural archAn arch of rock formed by weathering.Speleology term
by-passA road built around a busy urban area to avoid traffic jams.
weirA device used to control and measure water flow.
energy securityA term used to refer to the reliability of future energy supply
high-order goods/servicesa good or service, usually expensive, that people buy only occasionally e.g
generationThe process of producing electricity by transforming other forms of energy such as steam, heat or falling water
nad-83Is based on the Geodetic Refrence System 1980 ellipsoid.
cave coralSpeleothems consisting of short stalks with bulbous ends or nodular, prickly, globular, pop-corn or coral-like form
infra-red radiationSee RADIATION, INFRA-RED.
contact metamorphismIs the small scale metamorphic alteration of rock due to localized heating
sedimentSolid material that has been or is being eroded, transported, and deposited
compressor stationFacility that moves gas through transmission lines or into storage by creating pressure differentials
capture cross sectionThe nuclear capture cross section for neutrons is the effective area within which a neutron passes in order to be captured by an atomic nucleus
flange upTo complete the drilling of a well.
rotationthe spin of a body about its axis.
photosynthesisThe use of light energy to drive chemical reactions resulting in the conversion of carbon from carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.
dampenerAn air or inert gas device that minimizes pressure surges in the output line of a mud pump
coralSimple marine animals that live symbiotically with algae
original costThe actual cost of land, buildings, pipelines and other plant items (in the Code of Federal Regulations) "to the person first devoting it to public service." (Distinguished from the cost to a subsequent owner of acquiring such property after it is already "devoted to public service")
gobGood Ordinary Brand
tbgAbbreviation for Tubing
lakeA body standing water found on the Earth's continental land masses
cloud pointThe temperature at which wax begins to crystallize in a given sample of middle distillate, giving it a cloudy appearance
formation damageThe reduction in permeability in reservoir rock due to the infiltration of drilling or treating fluids into the area adjacent to the wellbore.
major planeta name used to describe any planet that is considerably larger and more massive than the Earth, and contains large quantities of hydrogen and helium
theoretical depreciation reserveA calculated or artificial reserve, rather than actual, used as a guide in analyzing the actual reserve condition
laminar flowNonturbulent fluid flow
drip boxA box around a drip, accessible at grade level, which protects the drip and pipe.
horsepowerA unit of power; equivalent to 33,000 ft-lb per minute, or 550 ft-lb per second (mechanical horsepower), or 0.746 kilowatts.
annulusA part, structure, or marking resembling a ring.
convectionConvection involves the transfer of heat energy by means of vertical mass motions through a medium.
pugh clauseA provision or addendum in a gas lease agreement that addresses whether the entire parcel of land will be held under a lease agreement, if only a portion of the leased land is developed
mollweide projectionMap projection system that tries to present more accurate representations of area
probableProbable reserves are those unproved reserves which analysis of geological and engineering data suggests are more likely than not to be recoverable
franchises and consentsThe right or privilege granted by a political subdivision to do business or perform specific services.
plunge poolA swirlhole, generally of large size
vadose zoneThe zone between land surface and the water table within which the moisture content is less than saturation (except in the capillary fringe) and pressure is less than atmospheric
mountain breezeLocal thermal circulation pattern found in areas of topographic relief
amphibiousLiving on land and in water
electric logs Recording that indicates the oil well's rock formation characteristics by different responses to electric current.
buttonA small disc-shaped, button-like electrode used on microresistivity pads.
elliptical galaxya galaxy whose structure shaped like an ellipse and is smooth and lacks complex structures such as spiral arms.
solution gasNatural gas which is dissolved in oil in a reservoir, and which bubbles out of the oil on the surface as pressures decline during production.
marginal price of energyPrice for power from a unit which is already running
downtimeWhen rig operations are temporarily suspended because of repairs or maintenance
asphaltA dark coloured bitumen found as a natural deposit
check stubStub attached to a check disclosing well name, month of production, price received, total volumes produced and JIB expenses deducted.
timeMeasurable period in which cause and effect occurs and systems function.
equatorial orbitAn orbit around the plane of the equator.
form p l tPacker Leakage Test
roll overThe transfer of a position from one futures period to another involving the purchase (sale) of the nearby month and simultaneous sale (purchase) of a further-forward month.
closed talikIs a form of localized unfrozen ground (talik) in an area of permafrost
formationA formation is a set of rock layers that consists dominantly of a certain rock type or combination of types.
solar nebulaThe cloud of gas and dust that formed the young Sun and the surrounding planets.
uic-14Application for Annular Disposal of Reserve Pit Fluids
exothermicThat characteristic of a chemical reaction, such as fuel combustion, in which heat is liberated.
dispatchingThe control of product flow in a system involving the assignment of load to the various sources of supply to meet the desired objectives.
basinA depression of large size, which maybe of structural or erosional origin
h ii regiona region of hot gas surrounding a young star or stars that is mostly ionized
eustacyVariations in sea-level that are related to changes in the volume of seawater in the oceans.
fahrenheit scaleScale for measuring temperature
structural trapA trap in reservoir rock which has been formed by the deformation (folding or faulting) of the rock layer
department of energyA United States cabinet-level federal agency responsible for managing national energy policy, nuclear power, nuclear weapons programs and the national energy research labs.
digAn excavation made (1) to discover a new cave (2) to extend an existing cave (3) to uncover artifacts or animal bones.Speleology term
well servicingMaintenance work performed on an oil or gas well to improve or maintain the production.
declining block rateA fall in an electricity rate when an increase in consumption cuts the cost to a utility of providing service
flood basaltSee plateau basalt.
futures contractAn agreement to make or take delivery of a commodity at a fixed date or strip of dates in the future, at a price agreed upon at the time of dealing.
glacial sedimentssediments which form as a result of the actions of ice or glaciers.
magnetic fielda field of force that is generated by electric currents
ferc outContract provisions enabling a company to get out of gas purchase contracts based upon regulatory changes that are detrimental to the company.
joint operating agreementAn agreement among working interest owners describing how a well is to be operated.
fire pointMinimum temperature at which a substance will continue to burn after being ignited.
valenceA property of ions or of radicals determining the number of ions with which they can combine in chemical reactions.
filed rate doctrineThe legal principle that protects regulated customers from receiving retroactive rate hikes.
cost-effectiveness testSee BENEFIT-COST TEST.
gAbbreviation for Gas
lockout timingThat period of time between the initial ignition trial and lockout by the ignition system.
breechingA passageway, usually constructed of sheet metal, to conduct the flue gases from the boiler to the chimney
dividend appropriationsAmounts declared payable out of unappropriated retained earnings as dividends on outstanding preferred or common stock.
transition zoneInitial region of the Dark zone beyond the Twilight zone where there is no visible light
field printA preliminary print of the well log presented in the field at the completion of the survey operation.
total organic carbonThe concentration of material derived from decaying vegetation, bacterial growth and metabolic activities of living organisms or chemicals in the source rocks.
urban fringesee rural-urban fringe.
load factorThe ratio of the average requirement to the maximum requirements for the same time period, as one day, one hour, etc.
celestialHaving to do with the skies or visible heavens (the Sun, Moon, stars, and planetary bodies).
radiationThe emission of energy from an object in the form of electromagnetic waves and photons.
rig upTo prepare equipment for an operation.
globular clustera tight, spherical grouping of hundreds of thousands of stars
runAn assembly of more than one piece of pipe; a portion of a fitting having its end in line or nearly so, as distinct from the branch or side opening, as of a tee.
thief zoneThief formation
bunker c oilResidual fuel oil of high viscosity, commonly used in marine and stationary power plants
in-place resourceThe quantity of oil or gas remaining in known accumulations plus those quantities already produced from known accumulations plus those quantities in accumulations yet to be discovered.
internal combustionPertains to any engine in which the heat or pressure necessary to produce power is developed in the engine cylinder by the combustion of a fuel.
r/dAbbreviation for Rigging down
in-the-moneyAn option which has intrinsic value
cratera hole or depression
ligniteLow grade coal
crackingProcessing that breaks down and rearranges the molecular structure of hydrocarbon chains
mile post locationThe location in miles along a pipeline from 0.00, usually expressed in hundredths of a mile.
specific gravitythe ratio of the density of a substance to the density of another-commonly water
sea caveA cave in present day or emerged sea cliffs, formed most commonly by wave attack but may have been formed by the usual karst solution processes
formation volume factorThe ratio of the volume of gas or liquid with its dissolved gas at reservoir conditions of temperature and pressure to its volume at standard conditions.
ground waterThe supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs
waterspoutA vortex of rapidly moving air over water that is associated with some thunderstorms.
biodiversityBiodiversity refers to the number of species of plants and animals in a defined area
packerA piece of downhole equipment that consists of a sealing device, a holding or setting device, and an inside passage for fluids
unitA surface area that encompasses part of or the entirety of a reservoir.
natural gasA naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases found in porous geological formations beneath the earth's surface, often in association with petroleum
total dissolved solidsTDS
ring-roada by-pass that provides a route around the CBD.
evaporation pitsA common brine disposal technique intended to recover the brine product (water evaporates leaving behind a concentrated salt solution)
benzeneOne of the aromatic hydrocarbons, produced from crude oil via fractional distillation and cataytic reforming, or from toluene via dealkylation
associated gas prorationRestrictions states place on the production of associated gas
ionospherethe region of the Earth's upper atmosphere containing a small percentage of free electrons and ions produced by photoionization of the constituents of the atmosphere by solar ultraviolet radiation
humidifierA mechanical means of increasing the relative humidity by injecting water or water vapor into the air.
planitiaa low plain.
cloud pointThe temperature at which a fuel, when cooled, begins to congeal and take on a cloudy appearance caused by the bonding of paraffins.
assignorPerson who conveys the Oil and Gas Leases in an Assignment.
at-the-moneyAn option whose exercise price is equal, or close to, the current price in the underlying market
naphtha stripperA piece of equipment in which light hydrocarbon fractions are removed from naphtha for recovery or sale.
throughput levelThe combination of Sales Level and Transportation Level
wildcatWell drilled in unproven territory
irreducible water saturationThe fraction of the pore volume occupied by water in a reservoir at maximum hydrocarbon saturation
histoplasmosisA lung disease usually mild in effect but known to be fatal
sphere of influencethe area served by a settlement, shop or service.
throughfallDescribes the process of precipitation passing through the plant canopy
tankageThe process of sorting liquids in a tank, the capacity of tanks, or the price paid for tank storage of liquids.
monMotor Octane Number
ratification agreementA document whereby the producer and the purchaser adopt the terms and provisions of another contract as those under which they will make their own sale and purchase.
buy-out costsPayments made by pipelines to producers to extinguish (buy-out) outstanding take-or-pay liabilities under existing contracts, or to reform (buy-down) the contracts.
contact metamorphismThe processes by which solid rocks are altered by increased temperatures when they are close to a hot igneous body, such as an intrusion of granite.
frictionResistance between the contact surfaces of two bodies in motion.
ultimate strengthTerm used to describe the maximum unit stress a material will withstand when subjected to an applied load in a compression, tension, or shear test.
line packingIncreasing the amount of gas in a line section by increasing pressure to meet a heavy demand, usually of short duration.
eclipsethe total or partial blocking of one celestial body by another.
scheduleA pipe size system (outside diameters and wall thickness) originated by the iron pipe industry.
system capacityThe amount of gas that can be transported under specified conditions of pressure, temperature and loading (generally peak day requirements)
gasificationThe process during which liquified natural gas (LNG) is returned to its vapor or gaseous state through an increase in temperature and a decrease in pressure.
mwdA real time log taken from sensors located in the bottom of the drillstring.
draft hoodA device built into an appliance, or made a part of the flue or vent connector from an appliance, which is designed to (a) assure the ready escape of the products of combustion from the combustion chamber in the event of no draft, back draft, or stoppage beyond the draft hood; (b) prevent a back draft from entering the combustion chamber of the appliance; and (c) neutralize the effect of stack action of the chimney or gas vent upon the operation of the appliance.
resourceAnything obtained from the environment to meet the needs of a species.
inertA material not acted upon chemically by the surrounding environment
ppm - Parts per million.
energy factorA measure of the overall efficiency of a water heater, based on its recovery efficiency, standby loss and energy input as set out in standardized Department of Energy test procedures.
hydrometallurgythe treatment of ores by wet processes, resulting in the dissolution of a particular component and its subsequent recovery by precipitation, adsorption or electrolysis.
light water reactorA nuclear reactor which uses light (or ordinary) water as a moderator and coolant and enriched uranium as a fuel.
pipeline marketing affiliateMarketer which is a subsidiary of an interstate pipeline.
resistivity logsAny of a number of basic logs on which some aspect of formation resistivity has been recorded.
susquehanna river basin commissionRegulatory body that governs water withdrawals from the Susquehanna River, but it does not have regulatory control over what flows into the river.
zenitha point directly overhead from an observer.
exhaust portIn engines, the opening through which a fluid discharges out of a cylinder
holidayA discontinuity or break in the anticorrosion protective coating on pipe, tubing, or fitting that leaves the bare metal exposed to corrosive processes.
potholeA vertical or nearly vertical shaft or chimney open to the surface.Karst - Depression Features of
low water cut-offA device constructed so as to automatically cut off the gas supply when the surface of the water in a boiler falls to the lowest safe water level.
unbundled servicesUnbundling, or separating, pipeline transmission, sales and storage services, along with guaranteeing ‘open access' to space on the pipelines for all gas shippers.
vapor pressurePressure exerted by water vapor molecules in a given quantity of atmosphere.
kirkwood gapsregions in the main belt of asteroids where few or no asteroids are found
vacuum-relieving deviceA device to automatically admit air or gas into space at a pressure below atmospheric.
infiltrationThe air entering a space through a wall, crack, doors, and other openings.
line pipeSteel pipe generally used to construct pipelines to transport petroleum and natural gas.
toroidal radiusin a solar loop structure, it is the distance from the axis of the loop to the center of the "semi-circle" that the loop forms
benthicBottom dwelling
intrinsic valueThe value to an option holder if (s)he were to exercise an option today.
salt marshCoastal wetland ecosystem that is inundated for some period of time by seawater
plant protection gasMinimum volumes required to prevent physical harm to the plant facilities or danger to plant personnel when such protection cannot be afforded through the use of an alternate fuel
primary termThe basic period of time during which a lease is in effect.
chockstoneA rock wedged between 2 fixed rock surfaces and used as an aid in climbing.Climbing and SRT
pumpkinA reinforcing sleeve welded over a coupling.
royalty interestFunds received from the production of oil, free of costs, except taxes.
cryptozoaThe terrestrial animals that live in darkness beneath stones, logs, bark etc, or in the soil
zone in transitionthe inner city area around the CBD
indeterminateRefers to a pattern of growth and development that is open ended
wildcatA well drilled in an unexplored area.
equivalent volumesThe term "Equivalent Volumes" shall mean the sum of the volumes of gas measured in MMBtu received by Transporter for the account of Shipper at the Transporter Receipt Point(s) during any given period of time, (a) reduced by a percentage for Fuel Gas consumed and a percentage for Gas Lost and Unaccounted For on Transporter's system as provided in the Agreement, (b) reduced by any plant volume reductions assessed as a result of Shipper's or its supplier's election to process the gas, and (c) adjusted for any variations in Btu content
turnaroundThe closure of a refinery for a period of time for maintenance purposes.
riftcontinental scale collapse trench, normal faults bounded.
flow proverApparatus used to determine the accuracy of displacement meters
supervisory feeA fee paid to the general partner in and oil and gas limited partnership for the general partner's duties of directly supervising operations at the well site.
spectrumelectromagnetic radiation arranged in order of wavelength
bone brecciaA breccia containing many bone fragments
stocksWidely used in the petroleum industry to designate inventories of crude oil or petroleum products at refineries, bulk terminals and in pipelines.
market potentialIn DSM, an estimate of the possible energy savings that would occur because of normal market forces, without the implementation of a DSM program
floe calciteVery thin flakes of calcite floating on the surface of a cave pool, or previously formed in this way.Cave - Depositional Features
compressed natural gasCompressed natural gas used in vehicles and in other applications not attached to a pipeline.
dispositionThe amount of crude and or condensate disposed of to a transporter shown on an OGP Report
microhabitatThe individual faunal habitat or niche within a larger (cave) environment.Fauna
pressureA force that is applied uniformly to a surface, measured as force per unit of area.
skinA zone of reduced permeability around the well bore, resulting from damage due to the drilling
electric well logA record of electrical characteristics of formations drilled through
isotopesDifferent forms of atoms of the same element
mesosphereAtmospheric layer found between the stratosphere and the thermosphere
insectRelatively small and simple animals that have a rigid external skeleton, three body sections, three pairs of legs, and antennae
cave blisterA speleothem consisting of a hemisphere shape of thin calcite
dual fuelAn energy use for which there is an alternative fuel.
catchmentThe area drained by a watercourse, or by a system of watercourses
graben faultThis fault is produced when tensional stresses result in the subsidence of a block of rock
assignorPerson who conveys the oil and gas leases in an assignment.
volatilityA value attributed to an underlying futures contract which determines the premium that is set by the grantor
oceanA body of saline water found occupying all or part of the Earth's ocean basins
compressorA machine used to boost natural gas pressure to move it through pipelines or other facilities.
christmas treeThe system of pipes, valves, gauges and related equipment that is located on the well at ground level and that controls the flow of gas and other petroleum products produced from the well.
poljeA large closed depression draining underground, with a flat floor across which there may be an intermittent or perennial stream
randomProcess or event that occurs by chance.
phreatic waterWater below the level at which all voids in the rock are completely filled with water.Speleology term
naphthaStraight-run gasoline fractions
pollutionUnauthorized contamination of surface or subsurface waters or land.
turbineThe part of a generating unit usually consisting of a series of curved vanes or blades on a central spindle, which is spun by the force of water, steam or hot gas to drive an electricity generator.
groundwaterWater that occurs below surface, either in unconsolidated materials (ex
initial marginThe returnable collateral required to establish an options position.
seawaterThe mixture of water and various dissolved salts found in the world's oceans and seas.
secchi discA disk with a 4-6 inch radius that is divided into 4 equal quadrates of alternating black and white colors
sound attenuationA reduction in the sound level.
forced outage rateThe rate of shutdown of a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility for emergency reasons or a condition in which the generating equipment is unavailable for load because of unanticipated breakdown.
faultA fracture in rock caused by stress.
depletionThe value of a naturally occurring mineral deposit is a function of (1) the market value of the mineral, and (2) the concentration of the mineral in the mineral deposit.
pressureWhen expressed with reference to pipe, the force per unit area exerted by the medium in the pipe.
system sendoutTotal volume of gas delivered from the system in a specified period of time -- day, month, year.
casing headHeavy steel fitting that connects the first string of casing and provides a housing for the slips and packing assemblies by which subsequent strings of casings are suspended and the annulus sealed off
allocation-suppliesThe process by which supply is assigned to purchasers in accordance with a given priority during periods when total sales requests exceed the seller's total supply.
nitric oxideA gas produced by bacterial action in the soil and by high temperature combustion
solar systemThe system of the Sun and the planets, their satellites, the minor planets, comets, meteoroids, and other objects revolving around the Sun.
trapA natural configuration of layers of rock where non-porous or impermeable rocks acts as a barrier, blocking the natural upward flow of hydrocarbons.
reservation feeA charge for a unit of capacity reserved on a pipeline for firm transportation of customer-owned gas pursuant to Part 284 of the Commission's regulations
dissolved gas- Commonly referred to as solution gas
ownerA legal entity which has ownership interest in a fixed asset, product, pipeline or well.
complete a wellTo finish work on a well and bring it to productive status
fluxthe rate of transfer of some quantity across a unit area
base pressureThe pressure used as a standard in determining gas volume
ldwAbbreviation for Deepening of existing well work premit approved in Lafayette District Office
service stubA piece of pipe connected to a main and usually extended to the curb line for the addition of a service.
mixed tideTides that have a higher high water and lower high water as well as higher low water and lower low water per tidal period.
injection wellA well into which fluids have been pumped, and from which fluids have been injected into an underground stratum to increase or maintain reservoir pressure.
ldcSee less developed country.
bpaBonneville Power Authority
formationA formation is a group of beds used in stratigraphy
heat capacityIs the ratio of the amount of heat energy absorbed by a substance compared to its corresponding temperature rise.
substitute unit wellAny well already drilled or to be drilled, completed or recompleted in the unitized sand which, in the interest of good conservation practices, should be designated to take the place of and become the unit well as determined by a special Office of Conservation order.Substitute Unit Wells
f&eFair and Equitable as in F&E cost distribution.
absorptionThe extraction of one or more components from a mixture of gases when gases and liquids are brought into contact
swirlholeA more or less circular hole in rock in a streambed eroded by eddying water
versVerified Emissions Reductions
solvent extraction-electrowinningA metallurgical technique, so far applied only to copper ores, in which metal is dissolved from the rock by organic solvents and recovered from solution by electrolysis.
by-productsSecondary products which are obtained from the processing of a raw material and have commercial value
symbioticMutual relationship between two organisms which is necessary for either to survive.
saltingThe act of introducing metals or minerals into a deposit or samples, resulting in false assays, done either by accident or with the intent of making fraudulent claims about a deposit's value.
stationary frontA transition zone in the atmosphere where there is little movement of opposing air masses and winds blow towards the front from opposite directions.
exosphereThe outermost zone in the Earth's atmosphere
back pressurePressure against which a fluid is flowing
casingPipe or tubing of appropriate material, diameter and weight used to support the sides of a well hole and prevent the walls from caving, to prevent loss of drilling mud into porous formations, or to prevent fluid from entering or leaving the well.
rangelandLand-use type that supplies vegetation for consumption by grazing and browsing animals
cfppCold filter plugging point.
proppantSpecifically sized particles mixed with fracturing fluids used in hydraulic fracturing treatments to hold narrow fractures open (usually fractions of an inch in width)
vent damperA device installed in the vent pipe that connects the furnace to the chimney
transportationThe act of moving gas from a designated receipt point to a designated delivery point pursuant to the terms of a contract between the transporter and the shipper
roustaboutA semi-skilled hand who looks after producing wells and production facilities.
shut inTo close valves on a well so that it stops production, or a well on which the valves have been closed.
mdqThe term MDQ refers to maximum daily quantity of gas which a buyer, seller, or transporter is obligated to receive or deliver at each receipt or delivery point or in the aggregate as specified in an agreement.
avalanchea large mass of snow, ice, soil, rock, or mixture of these, which falls or slides very rapidly under the force of gravity.
velocityThe speed of movement of an object in one direction.
tvdAbbreviation for True vertical depth
telescopean instrument used to collect large amounts of light from far away objects and increase their visibility to the naked eye
wet-bulb depressionThe value calculated by subtracting a wet-bulb thermometer reading from a dry-bulb thermometer reading
belowEmergency call (often shouted) of danger
ancillary servicesAny service required by a system operator to deliver electricity to the ultimate consumer
rate of penetrationROP
chromosomeOrganic structure that carries an organism's genetic code (DNA).
lost opportunity resourcesDSM resources that, if not installed initially, become more costly to exploit
low-order goods/servicesa good or service, usually inexpensive, that people buy on a regular, often daily daily basis - for example, newspapers, bread and milk
aniline pointReports the aromatics content of a mixture.
pilotA small flame which is utilized to ignite the gas at the main burner(s).
price earnings ratioMarket price divided by the annual earnings per share of common stock
nereticPertaining to the shallow waters near the shore over the continental shelf.
pump rateThe speed, or velocity, at which a pump is run
bathyphreaticReferring to water moving with some speed through downward looping passages in the phreatic zone.Hydrology terms
maximum working pressureThe maximum actual operating pressure existing in a piping system during a normal annual operating cycle or the maximum pressure for safe operation of a system.
energy conservation practiceActions or practices taken to reduce energy consumption.
nowNonhazardous Oilfield Waste.
heads of agreementA non-binding preliminary agreement that outlines main issues to be settled for the sale and purchase of LNG
hypothesis testingProcess where an alternative and a null hypothesis are statistically tested for the purpose of falsifying a hypothesis.
wellheadThe equipment at the surface of a well used to control the pressure; the point at which the hydrocarbons and water exit the ground.
wire ladderA flexible lightweight ladder of steel wires and aluminium alloy rungs.Climbing and SRT
heredityThe transmission of behavioral, physiological and morphological characteristics from parent to offspring.
fortiesThe first substantial oil field discovered in the British sector of the North Sea
float collarA special coupling device
riparianPertaining to the banks of a river or stream
sulfuric acidAcid with the chemical formula H2SO4.
solar nebulathe disk of dust and gas of which the Solar System was believed to have formed about 5 billion years ago.
first coreAll the nuclear material required to being initial operation of a reactor.
bottom hole pressureThe pressure at the bottom of a closed-in well.
estimated billSee CALCULATED BILL.
coefficient of performanceRatio of effect produced to the energy supplied -- effect produced and energy supplied being expressed in the same thermal units.
value of serviceThe concept that the value of a utility service to a consumer cannot be greater than the cost of an equally satisfactory substitute service or the consumer will switch to the substitute.
containment pondsMan-made ponds intended to capture waste from drilling sites.
land manA person concerned with the acquisition of leases, clearing of land titles, payment of lease rentals, and other related activities.
resistanceA price at which sellers are likely to enter the market in an uptrend.
open-flow testA test made to determine the volume of gas that will flow from a well in a given time when flowing unrestricted and open to the atmosphere
md-10-rApplication for (or to Renew) Permit to Drill for Minerals
velocityThe speed and direction of an object's motion.
pipeline capacityThe maximum quantity of gas that can be moved through a pipeline system at any given time based on existing service conditions such as available horsepower, pipeline diameter(s), maintenance schedules, regional demand for natural gas, etc.
derivativeA financial transaction that derives its value from the value of another asset
fluidany material or substance which flows or moves and which is in a semisolid, liquid, sludge, or gas state.
concrete spaceActual geographic space in the real world
hydrologic cycleModel that describes the movement of water between the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
customer costsThe costs directly related to serving the customer, regardless of sales volume such as meter reading, billing, and fixed charges for the minimum investment required to serve a customer.
backwardationA market where the price for nearby delivery is higher than for further forward months
farm inWhere a company joins a joint venture in return for paying for future (and sometimes past) joint venture operations.
lock-up or lock-offThe point at which a regulator or governor shuts of completely.
dill stringThe column, or string, of drill pipe with attached tool joints that transmits fluid and rotational power from the kelly to the drill collars and the bit
temporary certificateTemporary authorization from the Commission allowing a jurisdictional pipeline for good cause to commence sales and service and/or construction of facilities prior to the time that the Commission issues a permanent certificate pursuant to Section 7 of the NGA of 1938.
supernova remnantan expanding shell of gas ejected at high speeds by a supernova explosion
galilean moonsthe name given to Jupiter's four largest moons, Io, Europa, Callisto & Ganymede
proper motionthe apparent angular motion across the sky of an object relative to the Solar System.
fresh waterWater that is relatively free of salts.
wtiWest Texas Intermediate crude oil
peatAn accumulation of partially decayed vegetable matter
cumulonimbus cloudA well developed vertical cloud that often has top shaped like an anvil
cement bondThe adherence of casing to cement and cement to formation
free carrierThe rail- and roadfreight equivalent of Free on board.
national fuel gas codeA code that provides general criteria for the installation and operation of gas piping and gas equipment on consumers' premises
debt coverage principleA method to determine the cost of common equity component of return based on cost of the fixed components, debt and preferred stock.
chemical autotrophOrganism that uses the external energy found in chemical compounds to produce food molecules
steam eruptionAn explosive volcanic eruption caused when water and heated volcanic rocks interact to produce a violent expulsion of steam and pulverized rocks
marsh gasMethane (CH4) the primary constituent of natural gas
demand dayThat 24-hour period specified by a supplier-user contract for purposes of determining the purchaser's daily quantity of gas used (e.g., 8 AM to 8 AM, etc.)
load managementThe management of load patterns in order to better use the system
energy chargeThat portion of the charge for electricity based upon the electrical energy (kWh) consumed or billed
substandard acreageAmount of acreage that is less than the standard amount for a proration unit for a field.
catalytic crackingA petroleum refining process for breaking down heavy molecules in reduced crudes or other feedstocks
tank battery Tanks for oil storage before delivery to a refinery.
rimaa fissure.
riparianRelating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse (as a river) or sometimes of a lake or a tidewater.
mmbtuOne million British thermal units.
potSee Pothole.Karst - Depression Features of
uptrendA price pattern characterized by subsequent rising highs and rising lows
fdFree Delivered
annealingA process involving controlled heating and subsequent controlled, generally slow, cooling applied usually to induce ductility in metals
well land rightsRight to drill and operate storage wells in a storage reservoir.
blind shear ramThe part of the blowout preventer that can completely seal the well.
solar constantA term used to describe the average quantity of solar insolation received by a horizontal surface at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere
coreA cylindrical borehole sample taken from a well or test hole for analysis of various properties of the formation, including porosity, permeability, fluid content, and geological age.
massifas used here, a discrete mountain mass; typically is bright and composes part of the uplifted mountainous rings around circular basins.
brecciaa rock that has been mechanically, hydraulically or pneumatically broken into angular fragments and re–cemented
interferenceForm of competition where an individual directly prevents the physical establishment of another individual in a portion of a habitat.
structural landformIs a landform created by massive Earth movements due to plate tectonics
fixed costCertain costs which in the aggregate do not vary in amount regardless of the quantity of gas sold or transported
tropic of capricornLatitude of 23.5° South
sedimentary rocksRocks formed from material derived from pre-existing rocks by processes of denudation, together with material of organic origin
jiJoint Implementation: A UN scheme set up under the Kyoto Protocol to allow industrialized countries to invest in emissions reduction projects in other industrialized countries, in return for tradable greenhouse gas offset credits (ERUs).
infiltration capacityThe ability of a soil to absorb surface water.
capital asset recoveryA method to determine the cost of common equity component of return using the rate of risk- free investments plus a risk premium based on the stock market and the company's market volatility.
peak day allocationSee DESIGN DAY AVAILABILITY.
gasoilAn intermediate distillate product used for diesel fuel, heating fuel and sometimes as feedstock
lost pipeDrill pipe, drill collars, tubing, or casing that has become separated in the hole from the part of the pipe reaching the surface, necessitating its removal before normal operations can proceed; for example, a fish
zoneA stratigraphic interval containing one or more reservoirs.
casing inspection loga log or combination of logs which:
ideal gas lawThe ideal gas law is the combination of the volume, temperature, and pressure relationships of Boyle's and Charles' laws resulting in the relationship PV=RT
geostrophic windHorizontal wind in the upper atmosphere that moves parallel to isobars
system storageStorage facilities, or portion of storage facilities, which is used by the pipeline to store gas for its own use, to meet the peak day requirements of its sales customers and to provide flexibility on its system
offshore well(SWR 14) Any oil or gas well subject to Commission jurisdiction for which the surface location is on state lands in or on the Gulf of Mexico, that is not a bay oil well
direct vent applianceGas appliance designed so that all combustion air is derived directly from the outside, and all fuel gases are discharged to the outside through an exterior wall.
testingThe oil company may wish to obtain ore information on the productive formation, specifically as to what fluids the formation contains
capacity releaseA mechanism by which holders of firm interstate transportation capacity can relinquish their rights to utilize the firm capacity to other parties that are interested in obtaining the right to use that capacity for a specific price, for a given period of time and under a specifically identified set of conditions
private placement memorandumThis refers to any investment offering made to a qualified, private investor
hydrostatic testA strength test of equipment (pipe) in which the item is filled with liquid, subjected to suitable pressure, and then shut in, and the pressure monitored
overland flowThe topographic movement of a thin film of water from precipitation to lower elevations
bermuda highHigh pressure system that develops over the western subtropical North Atlantic
allocation-supplies to end-use customersThe amount of gas supply available to the customer in accordance with a given priority during periods of curtailment
biodegradationThe chemical breakdown of materials under natural conditions.
title transferThe Title Transfer Transaction is the sale/purchase and associated title transfer of the commodity ownership.
nonmajor natural gas companyAny gas company having gas sales or volume transactions exceeding 200,000 Mcf at standard conditions in the previous calendar year and is not classified as a MAJOR NATURAL GAS PIPELINE.
newtonA unit of force that creates an acceleration on a mass of 1 kilogram equal to 1 meter per second with no friction and under the conditions of a vacuum.
gas bubbleA fundamental and usually long-lasting oversupply situation
gradeThe class of a cave survey on the basis of the precision of the instruments and the accuracy of the methods.Survey & Mapping term
prismA piece of transparent material that separates the colours of sunlight into a rainbow or spectrum.
deranged drainageDrainage pattern that is highly irregular
redox reactionA chemical reaction involving transfer or electrons from one element to another.
epoxy resinsResins made by the reaction of epoxides or oxiranes with other materials such as amines, alcohols, phenols, carboxylic acids, acid anhydrides, and unsaturated compounds.
seasonal curtailmentCurtailment imposed on a seasonal summer (April-October) or winter (November-March) basis because of gas supply deficiency
allowableAmount of oil or gas which a well, leasehold or field may produce per month under proration orders of the RRC.
source rockFormed by a mix of sediments and significant quantities of organic matter deposited on the sea bed over the course of time.
coquina limestoneFormed almost entirely of sorted and cemented fossil debris, most commonly coarse shells and shell fragments
office of fuels programsThe division of the U.S
epsaExploration Production Sharing Agreement
daylightingRestoring a section of a stream that has been confined in a culvert or storm sewer to an above-ground channel.
mouthEnd of a stream
tectonicsSee plate tectonics.
hazardPhenomenon which can cause loss of life, injury, disease, economic loss, or environmental damage.
t/cTanker market abbreviation for timecharter.
plastic tubingSame as plastic pipe except that it is usually of small diameter and sized on the same system commonly used for copper tubing.
conversion efficiencyThe ratio of useful energy output vs the energy required to perform the process.
expander turbineA rotary motion machine employing the hot air blast of jet engines as the turning force.
wtiWest Texas Intermediate - the primary crude pricing marker for North America
deviation angleThe inclination of the wellbore from the vertical
functionalizationThe process of assigning each component of a company's cost of service to the functions the company performs (e.g., production, storage, transmission, distribution).
latch-onTo attach elevators to a section of pipe
submarine canyonV-shaped canyons cut into the continental slope to a deep of up to 1200 meters
orogenyA period of intense mountain building.
sinkholeA depression at the Earth's surface caused by the underlying rock dissolving or collapsing
bottom gasThe quantity of gas that is not normally recovered from storage field operation
fixed variableA classification method that assigns 100% of fixed costs to the demand component of the rate.
spectral gamma-ray logNatural gamma-ray spectral log
cotyledonThe leaves of a seedling that are formed during embryonic development.
oil reformingStep in producing carbureted water gas in which a fraction of the carburetion oil is cracked to useful gas in the water gas carburetor and superheater.
pipeline quality gasA term used to designate a fuel gas compatible with natural gas from pipelines
district officeOffice Of Conservation field offices; district offices are located in Lafayette, Monroe and Shreveport
economic/market clausesContract provisions which allow price redetermination at specified times or conditions at prices prevailing in the area, or at market prices.
working capitalThe amount of cash or other liquid assets that a company must have on hand to meet the current costs of operations until such a time as it is reimbursed by its customers
containmentThe structures, within and including the reactor building, designed to prevent any material that may escape from a nuclear reactor from reaching the outside environment
monitorTo sense the presence of a flame
residuumLiquid or semi-liquid products obtained as residues from the distillation of petroleum
transition zonesee Zone in Transition.
flue exhausterA device installed in and made a part of the vent to provide a positive, induced, or balanced draft.
solumPart of the soil that is capable of supporting life.
promptA prompt cargo describes a cargo available for immediate lifting (one to two days)
dekathermA unit of heating value equal to ten therms or 1-mil Btus (1 MMBtu)
twilight zoneThe part of a cave in which some daylight penetrates (but not direct sun light) and gradually diminishes to zero light
daily average send-outThe total quantity of gas delivered for a period of time divided by the number of days in the period.
physical trainingQ
atomThe smallest complete particle of an element which can be obtained yet retain all physical and chemical properties of the element.
sales/transportation serviceUnder traditional sales service agreements, transmission and distribution companies purchase gas from suppliers, transport the gas to customers and sell it to them
market sensitive contractA contract whose pricing and sales quantity terms can be adjusted to reflect changes in supply and demand conditions.
long-term burstThe internal pressure at which pipe or fitting will, most likely, fail after 100,000 hours (11.43 years).
ordinanceA municipally adopted law or regulation
peak rateThe maximum instantaneous rate at which runoff is discharged from a site as the result of a precipitation event, usually measured in cubic feet per second.
high-density polyethyleneType III polyethylene with a density of 0.941 to 0.965 g/cubic centimeters.
siphonA waterfilled passage of inverted U profile which delivers a flow of water whenever the upstream head rises above the top of the U.Cave - Parts of
central placeany settlement that provides goods and services for smaller neighbouring settlements.
undiscovered recoverable resourcesOil or gas resources outside of known fields, estimated from broad geological knowledge and theory.
short form certificate applicationA statement, in lieu of a conventional certificate application, that may be filed by independent producers annually transporting or selling less than 1,000,000 Mcf of natural gas that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
cycloneArea of low pressure in the atmosphere that displays circular inward movement of air
top plugA cement wiper plug that follows cement slurry down the casing
asaAmerican Standards Association
junk basket(1) A device made up on the bottom of the drill stem to cut a core into the bottom of the hole on which junk rests
mixer faceThe air inlet end of the mixer head.
mevone million electron volts.
strategic load growthA targeted increase in end-use consumption during certain time periods or among certain customer types
jovian planetany of the four outer, gaseous planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
reflected waveA water wave that reflects off the shore or another obstacle and is redirected towards the sea or lake.
bearishBelieving that a price will fall
check valveSee VALVE, CHECK.
pangeaA hypothetical supercontinent thought to have existed during Permian time and to have included all continental masses
load densityThe concentration of gas load for a given area expressed as gas volume per unit of time and per unit of area.
tower scrubberSee SCRUBBER, TOWER.
bmp(Best Management Practice) A state-of-the-art method for achieving a desired benefit, such as infiltration or improved water quality.
subpolar glacierGlacier in which the ice found from the its surface to base has a temperature as cold as -30° Celsius throughout the year
arborealLiving in trees
arms-length bargaining or negotiationBargaining between two or more unaffiliated parties carried out in a truly competitive manner.
grilleA covering over an air inlet or outlet with openings through which air passes.
fuFuture Utilities
head upTo tighten the bolts on a hatch cover or manhole plate so that no leakage will occur from or into the vessel when operating.
big crunchCollapse of the Universe into its original form before the Big Bang
voltage reductionAny intentional reduction of system voltage by 3 percent or greater for reasons of maintaining the continuity of service of the bulk electric power supply system.
cometA small solar system body made of ice and dust that moves in an elliptical orbit around the Sun
gasketAny material (such as paper, cork, asbestos, stainless steel or other types of metal, or rubber) used to seal two essentially stationary surfaces.
current reservoir capacitySee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
medianStatistical measure of central tendency in a set of data
exit temperatureThe flue gas temperature taken at the point where the gas leaves the combustion chamber.
faultA fracture in rock along which there has been an observable amount of displacement
flex ratesMonthly price changes in rates, within a minimum/ maximum range.
acid rainAbnormally acidic rainfall, most often containing dilute concentrations of sulfuric acid or nitric acid.
caribsTanker market abbreviation for Caribbean.
equivalent quantitiesA quantity of gas containing an amount of Btus equal to the amount of Btus received by Transporter for the account of Shipper at the Point(s) of Receipt reduced, where applicable, by the Btus removed for Transporter's compressor fuel and Transporter's lost-and-unaccounted for gas and BTU shrinkage in the treatment and processing of Shipper's gas, all as attributable to transportation of Shipper's gas.
nwlyAbbreviation for Northwesterly
floodplainRelatively flat area found alongside the stream channel that is prone to flooding and receives alluvium deposits from these inundation events.
gas injectionSee REPRESSURING.
scallopCurrent markings that intersect to form points which are directed downstream.Cave - Erosional & Solutional Features
easting(1) The distance of a point east of the point of origin of a map or a grid
water driveThe reservoir drive mechanism in which oil is produced by the expansion of the underlying water and rock, which forces the oil into the wellbore.
environmental protection agencyA federal agency created in 1970 to permit coordinated and effective governmental action, for protection of the environment by the systematic abatement and control of pollution, through integration of research monitoring, standard setting, and enforcement activities.
contract storage serviceA service provided by a pipeline, or other owner of storage facilities, whereby storage customers may lease a portion of the facilities for the purposes of storing customer-owned gas
safe drinking water actFederal law that regulates drinking water quality.
oblatenessa measure of flattening at the poles of a planet or other celestial body.
measured depthActual length of the well bore.
conti indexPlatts demand-weighted index of continental European power assessments.
cushionA fluid column (usually water or nitrogen) put in the drillstem to provide the desired backpressure at the start of a drillstem test
thermosphereAtmospheric layer above the mesosphere (above 80 kilometers) characterized by air temperatures rising rapidly with height
kyoto protocolA treaty of 163 countries, created in 1997
rotary tableThat component in the plane of the drilling rig floor to which the drilling rig power system supplies the necessary power to impart rotation to the rotary table and therefore to the kelly bushing, kelly and drillstring.
system relationshipIs the association that exist between the elements and attributes of a system based on cause and effect.
nivationProcess where snow patches initiate erosion through physical weathering, meltwater flow, and gelifluction.
vadose zoneThat part of the cave environment that lies or once lay above the water table
lintel lineA line on the ground at a cave entrance directly below the outer edge of the rock above
mycorrhizaeMutualistic association of a fungus with the root of higher plant
crude oil equivalentA measure of energy content in which a quantity of a given fuel or energy form is converted into the quantity of crude oil with equivalent energy content.
bound water(1) Water which has become adsorbed to the surfaces of solid particles or grains
appropriate dispute resolutionA process for resolving conflicts between parties
cathodic protectionA technique to prevent the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell.
bcpdAbbreviation for Barrels of Condensate Per Day
transcript/docketTestimony & exhibits given and recorded at Public Hearing.
bullet(1) A hollow projectile used for obtaining percussion sidewall cores.
limbthe outer edge or border of a planet or other celestial body.
point balancingA process by which the interconnected operators will transfer a quantity greater or less than the confirmed nominations scheduled quantity for various contracts at a point in an attempt to make the total gas received or delivered at the point as close as possible to the scheduled quantity during a specific billing period.
free pipePipe or casing in a well bore which is free to vibrate or respond to stress
forceThat which can change the momentum of a body
fitnessA measure of the health of a species in terms of physiology and future reproductive success.
filed ratesRates in a general rate filing that a pipeline company proposes to place in effect one month after the filing date
stygobiontAquatic cavernicoles
percolation waterWater moving mainly downwards through pores, cracks & fissures in the unsaturated Epikarstic zone and Vadose zone
fercFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
sf6Sulphurhexafluoride: A powerful greenhouse gas used in high voltage electrical insulation, and in medical applications, among others.
gamma rayA log of the total natural radioactivity, measured in API units
wet suitA garment of foam neoprene that insulates a diver from the cold by allowing a thin film of water to penetrate between the suit and the body.Diving terms
pedologyThe scientific study of soils.
r3Refiner's Monthly ReportR3 Data Entry--R3 Refiner Information
fast breeder reactorA fast reactor with fertile material loaded around the core, to be converted into fissile material through neutron capture, which generates more fissile material than is consumed.
benthicPertaining to the environment and conditions of organisms living at the water bottom, or benthos
force majeureDenotes circumstances beyond the control of a company, which force the breaking of a contract.
fernA group of about 11,000 species of vascular seedless plants that belong to the division Pterophyta
gathering systemThe gathering pipelines plus any pumps, tanks, or additional equipment used to move oil or gas from the wellhead to the main pipeline for delivery to a processing facility or consumer.
frontal precipitationSee convergence precipitation.
geotechnicsthe use of engineering principles to understand how earth materials, such as soils and rocks, behave
topographic profileA two-dimensional diagram that describes the landscape in vertical cross-section.
immigrant speciesSpecies that migrate into an ecosystem or that are deliberately or accidentally introduced into an ecosystem by humans
semiautomatic valveA valve that is opened manually and closed automatically or vice versa.
odorantAny material added to natural or LP gas in small concentrations to impart a distinctive odor
diesel fuelA light hydrocarbon mixture for diesel engines; it has a boiling range just above that of kerosene
frequencythe number of repetitions per unit time of the oscillations of an electromagnetic wave (or other wave)
american petroleum instituteA petroleum industry association that sets standards for oil field equipment and operations.
heliumA colorless, odorless, inert gas, specific gravity 0.1368, found in some natural gas.
eukaryotaAll the organisms with a eukaryote cell type
smelterIn copper, lead, and zinc, a plant which reduces concentrate to metal
weatheringThe processes by which rocks are broken down by physical, chemical or biological processes in such a way that no movement of solid materials away from the site takes place
lmeLondon Metal Exchange.
average cost pricingA pricing mechanism based on dividing the total cost of providing electricity incurred in a period by the number MWh (wholesale) and kWh (retail) sold in the same period
natural gashydrocarbons that occur as a gas or vapour
pumping stationThese pump natural gas through pipelines at a rate of about 700 million cubic feet per day
benefit-cost ratioThe ratio of the value of a measure's savings to its cost.
acidizingThe practice of applying acids to the walls of oil and gas wells to remove any material which obstructs the entrance of fluids
pitchA vertical or nearly vertical part of a cave for which a ladder or rope is normally used for ascent or descent.Cave - Parts of
demonstration scale plantA plant between pilot and commercial size built to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of a process.
stageThe elevation of the water surface in a stream channel.
g/lGrams per liter
warm frontA transition zone in the atmosphere where an advancing warm air mass displaces a cold air mass.
cave ecosystemThe interaction of the cave community organisms with their subterranean biospace environment.Cave - Biota
henry hubA pipeline interchange near Erath, Louisiana, where a number of interstate and intrastate pipelines interconnect through a header system operated by Sabine Pipe Line
terminatorthe dividing line between the illuminated and the unilluminated part of the moon's or a planet's disk.
gas absorptionThe extraction of a gaseous substance from an atmosphere by liquid or solid material.
tapTo cut threads in a round hole so that other fittings or equipment can be screwed into the hole
locationsPoint at which a well is to be drilled.Commonly termed ‘well site’.
karatthe proportion of pure gold in an alloy
nippleAny short piece of pipe, especially if threaded at both ends with male threads.
meter swivelThe fitting that connects to the inlet and the outlet of a small gas meter.
compressionNatural gas is compressed during transportation and storage
zoneA geographical area
tallyTo measure and record the total length or pipe, casing or tubing that is to be run in a well.
top hatA containment device used to cap off the oil.
millionaire citya city with over one million inhabitants.
tertiaryGeologic period that occurred roughly 1.6 to 65 million years ago
limited partnershipA business arrangement in which the general partner manages the partnership's activities and is solely liable for them
pressure differentialDifference in pressure between any two points in a continuous system
inactive wellAs shown on Conservation screens is a well that is in status 03 - expired permit, 28-no responsible party, 29-plugged dry hole, 30-plugged and abandoned.
enabling agreementAn agreement that provides the general terms and conditions for the purchase, sale, or exchange of electricity but does not list specific contract details or obligate either party to perform.
form uic-5Injection Well Integrity Test Affidavit
emulsionA stable mixture of two immiscible fluids in which one phase is dispersed in droplets or globules in a continuous phase of the other
cngCompressed Natural Gas.
surface creepThe sliding and rolling movement of soil particles on the Earth's surface because of wind
form dt-1Gas Well Deliverability Test Well Test Information
primary termThe initial period in an Oil and Gas and Mineral Lease to develop the property.
environmental impact studyA written report, compiled prior to a production decision, which examines the effects proposed mining activities will have on the natural surroundings of an exploration property
visbreakingA mild form of thermal cracking used in petroleum refining, primarily to improve certain fuel oil characteristics of residuum.
evaporation pondsArtificial ponds with very large surface areas that are designed to allow the efficient evaporation of water through exposure to sunlight and ambient surface temperatures.
liquified natural gasNatural gas converted to a liquid for transport or storage.
latent heat of condensationThe amount of heat energy release to the environment when a gas changes its state to a liquid
radio galaxya galaxy that gives off large amounts of energy in the form of radio waves.
bryozoaA Phylum of tiny colonial animals 'Lace corals', that build calcareous structures of many kinds
right-of-wayA strip of land, the use of which is acquired for the construction and operation of a pipeline or some other facility; may be owned outright or an easement taken for a specific purpose.
customer chargeA fixed amount to be paid periodically by the customer without regard to demand or energy consumption.
rock pendantA smooth surfaced projection from the roof of a cave due to solution
conservation-energyMeans of reducing the energy resources required to do a task such as heating a house, transporting freight between two points, or producing steel.
deforestationRemoval of trees from a habitat dominated by forest.
api gravityThe specific gravity or density of oil expressed in terms of a scale devised by the American Petroleum Institute
oil in placeThe amount of crude oil that is estimated to exist in a reservoir and which has not been produced.
mainA distribution line that serves as a common source of supply for more than one service line.
adaptationAn inherited characteristic of an organism in structure, function or behaviour which makes it better able to survive and reproduce
richter scaleThe Richter-scale is a base-10 logarithmic scale, which means that e.g
seismicA method of geophysical prospecting involving the interaction of sound waves and buried rocks.
moody's bond ratingsSee BOND RATINGS.
cracked fuelResidue remaining after a straight run fuel has been processed by enhanced refining methods
biogeographyThe study of the geographical distribution of animals and plants over the globe
microkarstKarst topography in which all surface features are small
remaining lifeThe expected future service life of plant at any given age.
bitThe cutting or boring element used in drilling oil and gas wells
strawA long, thin-walled tubular stalactite that elongates as minerals are deposited at the lower tip by seepage water flows dripping through its hollow interior
triple bottomA bullish reversal pattern characterized by three highs at roughly equal value.
global positioning systemGPS
henry hubA pipeline interchange, located in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, which serves as the delivery point of natural gas futures contracts.
junk shotOne method of temporarily plugging an oil leak by shooting material such as shredded tires and golf balls into the broken wellhead.
l/dAbbreviation for Laying down
firm energyEnergy sales which, although not subject to interruption for economic purposes, may be interrupted under force majeure conditions.
jurisdictionalThat part of a natural gas company's business which is subject to the rules and regulations of the Commission
observation wellA non-producing well used to monitor pool pressure, usually included in annual pressure testing surveys.
combustion analysisThe determination of combustion characteristics, such as exhaust gas composition and temperature, air-fuel ratio, the relation of these to perfect combustion.
gas liftThe process of raising or lifting fluid from a well by injecting gas down the well through tubing or through the tubing-casing annulus
firm service contractA type of contracted service where the distributor agrees to provide the buyer with uninterrupted supply of gas
eyeArea in the center of a hurricane that is devoid of clouds.
solar flarea bright eruption of hot gas in the Sun's photosphere
hoyt modelan urban land use model showing wedges (sectors), based upon main transport routes and social groupings.
organizing centreA group of cells that is located in the centre of the shoot meristem and is required to prevent the surrounding stem cells from differentiating.
corridorAn alternate name for a passage, especially when of walking height.Cave - Parts of
sedimentary rocksAny rock formed by the consolidation of sediment settled out of water, ice or air and accumulated on the Earth's surface, either on dry land or under water
radiationRadiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through some material or through space
dewCondensation of water on the Earth's surface because of atmospheric cooling.
fermentationDecomposition and breakdown of organic matter by anaerobic means.
whistle signalsIn climbing, 1= Stop, 2= Up, 3= Down
natural gas liquidsThe portions of gas from a reservoir that are liquified at the surface in separators, field facilities, or gas processing plants
entrance zoneThe interface between surface and subterranean environments, leading into the Twilight zone.Cave - Parts of
megalopolisa continuous stretch of urban settlement which results from towns cities and conurbations merging together.
refrigerantA substance which will absorb heat while vaporizing and whose boiling point and other properties make it useful as a medium for refrigeration
staffEmployees, other than the Commissioners and their staffs and the ALJs and their staff, of the FERC.
plastic pipeA hollow cylinder of a plastic material in which the wall thicknesses are ususally small when compared to the diameter and in which the inside and outside walls are essentially concentric.
bwpdAbbreviation for Barrels of Water Per Day
speleogenA cave feature formed erosionally or by weathering within a cave
rate scheduleThe commonly known forms of rates may be divided into two main classes, and each of these classes into several different types of rates.
moving average envelopesEnvelopes use moving averages which are sifted up or down by a certain percentage to establish a certain 'normal' band in which the price moves
periodA second order geological time unit.
paraffinicHigh in paraffins
geosynchronous orbitthe orbit of a satellite that travels above the Earth's equator from west to east so that it has a speed matching that of the Earth's rotation and remains stationary in relation to the Earth (also called geostationary)
contractA written agreement that can be enforced by law and that lists the terms under which the acts required are to be performed
first hour ratingThe amount of hot water that the water heater can supply in the first hour of operation
active wellAs shown on Conservation screens is not necessarily a well that is producing but a well that has not been officially plugged and abandoned.
overburdenloose or unconsolidated sediments, which overlie lithified rock formations.
kilowatt yearA unit of electrical capacity equivalent to one kilowatt of power used for 8760 hours.
downstreamAny point in the direction of flow of a liquid or gas from the reference point
clean oilCrude oil containing less than 1 percent sediment and water; "pipeline oil", oil clean enough to send through a pipeline.
semimajor axisone-half of the longest dimension of an ellipse.
precipitable waterAmount of water potentially available in the atmosphere for precipitation
crystallinityA state of molecular structure in some resins which denotes uniformity and compactness in the molecular chains forming the polymers.
group 3Formerly three railroad companies in Tulsa, Oklahoma
btuA standard measure of heat content in a fuel
acidicacidic rock, plutonic or volcanic rock having a silica content (SiO2) greater than 66 %.
out-the-moneyAn option which has no intrinsic value
hypocotylThe stem of a seedling.
tarA naturally occurring black, viscous, residual crude oil containing a large quantity of polar compounds and asphaltenes.
hubble's lawthe law of physics that states that the farther a galaxy is from us, the faster it is moving away from us.
age intervalA standard period of time, usually one year
third law of thermodynamicsThis law states if all the thermal motion of molecules (kinetic energy) could be removed, a state called absolute zero would result and all energy would be randomly distributed.
japan crude cocktailA colloquial term for
static equilibriumStatic equilibrium occurs where force and reaction are balanced and the properties of the system remain unchanged over time.
load curveA graph in which the load of a gas system or segment of a system is plotted against intervals of time.
contract balancingA process of managing the difference between the quantities received and delivered at various points under a contract during a defined period of time (i.e., hourly, daily, monthly, etc.).
oil gravityThe density of liquid hydrocarbons, generally measured in degrees.
volatilityThe degree to which a particular price has fluctuated in the past
hygroscopic waterWater held within 0.0002 millimeters of the surface of a soil particle
sidereal periodthe period of revolution of a planet around the Sun or a satellite around its primary.
underemploymentthe situation where people do not have fulltime, continuous work, and are usually only employed temporarily or seasonally (e.g
informal sectorcasual, irregular work, e.g
low flow channelAn incised or paved channel from inlet to outlet in a dry basin which is designed to carry low runoff flows directly to the outlet without detention.
tertiaryTertiary climates in Australia were mainly warm and humid, with aridity first appearing towards the end of the Miocene and becoming widespread in the Pliocene.Geology
corrosionDestruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.
spillover effectsReductions in energy consumption in a utility's service territory caused by the presence of DSM programs, beyond program-induced savings of the participants.
triple topA bearish reversal pattern characterized by three highs at roughly equal value.
drainage divideTopographic border between adjacent drainage basins or watersheds.
delivery by non-deliveryThe delivery of gas through a meter where gas is currently being physically received
albedoThe albedo of an object is the amount of light it reflects
water heater efficiency measuresEnergy Factor (EF) - A measure of the overall efficiency of a water heater based on its recovery efficiency, standby loss and energy input as set out in the standardized Department of Energy test procedures.
transmission voltageVoltage levels utilized for bulk transmission systems: generally 69 KV - 750 KV AC or DC.
waningThe Moon is said to be waning in its phase cycle as the amount of light reflected off the lunar surface towards the Earth decreases
oakumShredded hemp fibers used to caulk or fill joints, as in bell-and-spigot pipe; oakum may be dry or saturated with tar or oil.
levelIn caves, the height relation of a point in a cave to the entrance or a datum eg sea level.Survey & Mapping term
availsJargon, short for availabilities, and actually meaning supplies.
pscProduction Sharing Contract
pipe tongsA hand or power tool for gripping or rotating pipe.
coolantA substance circulating through a nuclear reactor to remove or transfer heat
lcpLocal Coastal Program - A parish run program which is federally and state approved and issues coastal use permits for uses of local concern
staff auditStaff review of company's rate filing, usually within 60 days of the filings suspension order
swabbingOperation using a swab to bring well fluids to the surface when the well does not flow naturally
sedimentary rocksRock formed from the weathered products of preexisting rocks that have been transported by water, wind, or glaciers
quiescent centreA group of cells located in the centre of the root meristem and required to keep the surrounding stem cells from differentiating.
parallelA line parallel to the equator and connecting all places of the same latitude.
assigneeThe person to whom Oil and Gas Leases are assigned.
jointThe connection between two lengths of material such as pipe
photovoltaicsAn active solar technology involving the conversion of sunlight directly into electricity by means of a semiconductor.
retrogradethe rotation or orbital motion of an object in a clockwise direction when viewed from the north pole of the ecliptic; moving in the opposite sense from the great majority of solar system bodies.
stipulation and agreementA document prepared to express in writing the agreement of the parties to a controversial matter such as a rate case
service areaA geographic area where a utility provides service, usually under provisions of a franchise, charter or certificate, and subject to special government regulations
cosmic debrismaterial that originates anywhere in the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere; includes material believed to represent primordial condensation or sublimation products and debris resulting from collisions of meteorites, asteroids, and comets with each other, and with the planets and the Moon.
litterAccumulation of leaves, twigs and other forms of organic matter on the soil surface
compression efficiencyThe ratio of the theoretical work requirement (using a stated process) to the actual work required to compress a given quantity of gas
geographical coordinate systemSystem that uses the measures of latitude and longitude to locate points on the spherical surface of the Earth.
high btu oil-gas processA manufactured gas process in which oil is converted into a fuel gas having a higher heating value than that of coal gas or carbureted water gas
order 29bA statewide order establishing rules for drilling, production and operations of Oil and Gas wells in the State of Louisiana
ctcThe amount of condensate (allocated back to leases) that normally would be separated by conventional methods from natural gas well volumes flowing full stream directly to a plant without any condensate separation having been made at the lease or at the plant .
operatorThe party designated in the Operating Agreement to conduct the operations on the well.
coalA sedimentary rock formed from the consolidation of plant material
proved undeveloped reservesEstimates of the amount of oil or natural gas that could be recovered by drilling new wells, deepening existing
lay down pipeTo pull drill pipe or tubing from the hole and place it in a horizontal position on a pipe rack.
cat crackerA catalytic cracker.
zone-gate methodA method of developing zoned rates
junkAnything in the wellbore that is not supposed to be there
sea-levelThe average surface elevation of the world's oceans.
formation(1) A general term applied in the well-logging industry to the external environment of the drilled well bore without stratigraphic connotation.
kamenitzaSerbian word for a type of Karren
acid stimulationAcidizing of a well
amagat's lawSee LAWS.
salinityThe concentration of ions in solution (sodium, potassium, chloride, sulphate, etc.)
swalletThey may empty into open or choked cave features (eg shafts, avens)
spinning reserveUnused capacity available from units connected to and synchronized with the grid to serve additional demand
controlsInternal procedures to monitor the components of cost of service based on updated actual costs.
make upTo attach, as drill pipe or a string of tools.
combination utilityUtility which supplies both gas and some other utility service (electricity, water, etc.)
customer advances for constructionSee ADVANCES FOR CONSTRUCTION.
service pipeSee SERVICE.
gust frontA boundary found ahead of a thunderstorm that separates cold storm downdrafts from warm humid surface air
wellboreThe hole made by a drilling bit
heating valueThe amount of heat produced by the complete combustion of a unit quantity of fuel
off-peak powerElectricity used in periods of low demand.
northingSecond measurement of a grid reference used to specific the location of a point on a rectangular coordinate system
calderaCreated when the top of a volcano collapses into a crater.
upstream pipelineThe first pipeline to transport natural gas en route to an inter-connect point for delivery to another pipeline
tubeA cave passage of smooth surface, and elliptical or nearly circular in cross-section
u-factorThe quantity of heat transmitted per hour through one square foot of a building section (wall, roof, window, etc.) for each degree Fahrenheit of temperature difference between the air on the warm side and the air on the cold side of the building section.
lifeline ratesA rate structure applicable for residential customers which includes a specified block of energy use which is priced below the allocated cost to serve
seepage lakeA lake that gets its water primarily from the seepage of groundwater.
turbine stationA compressor station in which the power is supplied by a turbine.
futures pricesRefers to the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) which introduced futures contracts for crude oil in 1985 and natural gas in 1990
headerA pipe or fitting that interconnects a number of branch pipes.
non-native plantAlso called "introduced", this vegetation has been brought to an area by humans and becomes established
hair hygrometerHygrometer that uses the expansion and contraction of hair to determine atmospheric humidity.
stress-rupture testMethod of testing plastic pipe to determine the hydrostatic strength by applying a constant internal pressure and observing time to failure.
rvpReid Vapor Pressure, a measure of a gasoline's volatility.
open holeUncased part of a well
paper hearingA procedure established by the Commission designed to permit the full development of a record for Commission decision, without the need for full adjudication before an Administrative Law Judge
sweet gasNatural gas not contaminated by corrosion inducing impurities such as hydrogen sulfide, or with a low level of impurities.
downholeA term used to describe tools, equipment, and instruments used in the wellbore, or conditions or techniques applying to the wellbore.
discovery dateDate assigned to discovery of a new field.
lichenOrganism that consists of a symbiotic joining of a species of fungi and a species of algae.
aquiferUnderground bed or layer yielding ground water for wells and springs.
mesocycloneA cylinder of cyclonically flowing air that form vertically in a severe thunderstorm
form pa-35Form filed for a temporary inactive well ,with no stock on hand, to be omitted from the Operators Oil and Gas Monthly Production Report.
endemicPeculiar to a country or district, and not native elsewhere
maximum gas in storageSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
roustaboutA laborer who assists the foreman in the general work about producing oil wells and around the property of the oil company
tectonicAn adjective used to relate a particular phenomenon to a structural orogenic concept.
absolute pressureGauge pressure plus barometric pressure
expansion ratioThe ratio of gas volume after expansion to the gas volume before expansion.
faultA fracture within rock structures where relative motion has occurred across the fracture surface.
buyer protection clauseA provision in a gas purchase contract permitting the buyer, under certain circumstances, to reduce the price below the amount specified in the contract.
luminositythe amount of light emitted by a star.
flame velocityThe speed at which flame progresses through a fuel-air mixture.
distribution companyGas Company which obtains the major portion of its gas operating revenues from the operation of a retail gas distribution system, and which operates no transmission system other than incidental connections within its own system or to the system of another company
zone of saturationGroundwater zone within the Earth's bedrock where all available pores spaces are filled by water
capillary waterWater that moves horizontally and vertically in soils by the process of capillary action
interlockA control to prove the physical state of a required condition, and to furnish that proof to the primary safety control circuit.
stranded investment/stranded costsAn investment with a cost recovery schedule that was initially approved by regulatory action that subsequent regulatory action or market forces has rendered not practically recoverable
burst testMethod of hydrostatic testing plastic pipe by a uniformly increasing internal pressure so that the pipe fails in 60 to 70 seconds
chimney connectorThe pipe which connects a fuel burning appliance to a chimney.
rip currentA strong relatively narrow current of water that flows seaward against breaking waves.
faulta surface or zone of rock fracture along which there has been displacement, from a few centimeters to a few kilometers in scale.
travertineCompact calcium carbonate deposit, often banded, precipitated from spring, river or lake water
solar flaresEruptions in the outer part of the Sun's atmosphere.
seamountA volcanic mountain found on an ocean basin that has an origin not related to a mid-oceanic ridge or a tectonic subduction zone.
expensesExpenditures for business items that have no future life (such as rent, utilities, or wages) and are incurred in conducting normal business activities.
abandonmentConverting a drilled well to a condition that can be left indefinitely without further attention and will not damage freshwater supplies, potential petroleum reservoirs, or the environment.
hydronicsHeating and/or cooling with circulated water.
main extensionThe addition of pipe to an existing main to serve new customers.
apogeethe point in orbit farthest from the Earth.
blockAgreement entered into with a host country granting the company the right to explore and produce oil and gas in a designated area, in return for paying to the government licence fees and royalties on production
evergreen clauseA provision in a contract that provides for the automatic extension of the contract for specified periods beyond the primary term unless either party specifically elects to terminate the contract by giving the required notice prior to the anniversary date.
reservesThe unproduced but recoverable oil or gas in place, in a formation, that has been proved by production.
contangoMarket situation where prices are higher for forward delivery dates than for nearer delivery dates
steady state theorythe theory that suggests the universe is expanding but exists in a constant, unchanging state in the large scale
permanent setAny deformation in a piece of plastic (or metal) which remains after the removal of the load which caused the deformation.
strappingA method of checking a bell prover by determining the relation between displaced volume and linear movement of a bell prover by means of measuring scale length, bell circumference, and displacement of the sealing liquid.
industrial serviceSee CLASS OF SERVICE.
seawardPositioned or located away from land but towards an ocean or sea.
right ascensionthe amount of time that passes between the rising of Aries and another celestial object
kepler's second lawa ray directed from the Sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
evolved stara star that is near the end of its life cycle where most of its fuel has been used up
electromagnetic spectrumSee spectrum.
hailHail is a solid form of precipitation that has a diameter greater than 5 millimeters
itlInternational Transaction Log
reclamationProcess of restoring the surface area of a decommissioned wellsite, access road and related facilities to pre-operational conditions as is technically and economically feasible.
bird's-eye limestoneLayered limestone that is full of holes some of which may have been secondarily filled by cementing mineral
benthosThe plant and animal organisms that live on the sea floor
emissionsGases and particulates discharged into the environment, usually the atmosphere.
common costsSee COSTS, COMMON.
off-peakLight load hours
r2Monthly Transporter and Storers ReportR2 Data Entry--R2 Oil Transporter/Storer Information
safety engineeringThe planning, development, improvement, coordination and evaluation of the safety component of integrated systems of people, materials, equipment and environments to achieve optimum safety effectiveness in terms of protection of people and property.
set casingTo install steel pipe or casing in a well bore
flexural strengthThe stress, usually in pounds per square inch (psi), a specimen will withstand when subjected to a bending moment.
wetlandAn area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency, duration, and depth sufficient to support a predominance of emergent plant species adapted to growth in saturated soil conditions.
comaa spherical cloud of material surrounding the head of a comet
pro formaLatin for "for the sake of form." Used to describe gas pipeline tariff sheets submitted as part of a certificate application or as part of a tariff filing
minor items(Definition taken from the FERC Uniform System of Accounts, effective April 1, 1986)
cross overPiping used to connect two or more pipelines.
itInterruptible transportation.
sqzAbbreviation for Squeeze
btu methodA method of allocating costs between different operations or between different products based upon the heat content of products produced in the various operations or of the various produced products.
pipelineA tube or system of tubes used for the transportation of oil or gas.
darcyA unit used to measure permeability.
environmental gradientSpatial gradient where abiotic and biotic factors vary.
permeabilityCapacity of a porous rock formation to allow fluid to flow within the interconnecting pore network
eukaryoteOrganisms whose cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and many specialized structures located within their cell boundary
probabilityStatistical chance that an event will occur.
air conditioning centralA mechanical system that is designed to provide air conditioning, which may include cooling, heating, dehumidifying, circulation and cleaning
kilowattA unit of electrical work equivalent to 1,000 watts, 1.3414 horsepower, or .9478 Btu/sec
humidityThe amount of water vapour in the air.
agricultural land commissionThe ALC is an independent Crown agency whose mission is to preserve agricultural land.
chimneyA vertical opening in a cave that is narrow enough to be climbed by chimneying.Cave - Parts of
non-point source pollutionPollution that originates from the accumulation of low concentrations of pollutants collected over a large area
expectancySee REMAINING LIFE.
gas turbineA prime mover in which gas, under pressure or formed by combustion, is directed against a series of turbine blades; the energy in the expanding gas is converted into mechanical energy supplying power at the shaft.
c4sCarbon 4s
oocThe Office of Conservation of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.
laminationVery thin layer of less than 1 cm thickness.
poolA natural underground reservoir containing, or appearing to contain, an accumulation of petroleum or natural gas.
well spacingThe distance between wells producing from the same reservoir
biocideAny substance the kills or retards the growth of microorganisms.
naphthenic naphthaFavored form of reformer feedstock naphtha.
anodic polarization(1) Polarization of anode, that is, the decrease in the initial anode potential resulting from current flow effects at or near the anode surface
behind pipeIf a well drills through several pay zones and is completed in the deepest productive reservoir, casing is set all the way down to the producing zone
kansas-nebraska methodA method used to functionalize Administrative and General (A&G) costs
demand diversityThe overall variation in the time at which individual demands occur
tropic of cancerLatitude of 23.5° North
styloliteSuture in rock formed where pressure solution has taken place, often leaving a thin lamina of insoluble material along it
pour pointLowest temperature at which oil will readily flow without disturbance when chilled.
well completionThe activities and methods of preparing a well for the production of oil and gas or for other purposes, such as injection; the method by which one or more flow paths for hydrocarbons are established between the reservoir and the surface.
warm desertDesert found in the subtropics or interiors of continents at the middle latitudes where precipitation is low and surface air temperatures are high.
carbon cycleStorage and cyclic movement of organic and inorganic forms of carbon between the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
form uic-26Waste Refusal Notification Waste Refusal Notification (UIC-26)
joint costsSee COSTS, JOINT.
continuous phaseThe liquid in which solids are suspended or droplets of another liquid are dispersed
general partnerIn a limited partnership, the general partner is responsible for managing the partnership's activities (and is commonly the party that put the deal together)
gas balance reportA monthly accounting report containing month-end meter station allocations for each customer/shipper contract
cosmic raysRadioactive particles that travel through space
vacuumA pressure less than atmospheric pressure, measured either from the base of zero pressure or from the base of atmospheric pressure.
photona discrete quantity of electromagnetic energy
traceA length of wire rope with clips at each end to fasten a wire ladder to a belay point.Climbing and SRT
epicenterThe epicenter is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the place that an earthquake occured.
proteinOrganic substances primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and some other minor elements which are arranged in about 20 different compounds known as amino acids
celestial polethe north and south celestial poles are points on the celestial sphere where earths axis of rotation intersects the celestial sphere.
down timeThe length of time lost during an operation because of non-scheduled stoppages such as failure, delay, etc.
leakage surveyA systematic search for the purpose of locating leaks in a gas piping system.
total input gasSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
weatheringThe process by which rocks are broken down into sediments
gullyan erosional channel or ravine.
joint ventureA large-scale project in which two or more parties cooperate
coral bleachingSituation where coral lose their colorful symbiotic algae
recRegional electric company
free driverA customer who takes the same conservation actions as those customers who participate in a utility DSM program, without participating in the program.
bermA wall or barrier of sand usually used to protect against flooding along coasts, used to stop oil from washing up on Gulf Coast beaches.
solar radiationElectromagnetic radiation that originates from the Sun
carbonic acidH2CO3, an acid typical of ground water systems
dyneA unit of force that creates an acceleration on a mass of 1 gram equal to 1 centimeter per second
terawatt hoursone thousand Gigawatt hours.
mmcfMillion Cubic Feet
first readingThe depth of the first useable reading or value recorded on a curve at the onset of the survey.
sectionA map of a cave in a vertical plane, that shows the floor and roof lines.Survey & Mapping term
customer densityNumber of customers in a given unit or area or on a given length of distribution line.
joint interest billingStatement attached to a check disclosing well names, month of expenses, total expenses, and venturers shares.
grassType of plant that has long slender leaves that extend from a short stem or the soil surface.
jack-upMoble offshore drilling rig with retractable legs which rest on the seabed when the rig is operational.
baritea white, yellow or colourless mineral, BaSO4
primary productThe main product of a well, either crude oil or natural gas.
isotopeElements having an identical number of protons in their nuclei but differing in their number of neutrons
liquidA state of matter where molecules have the ability to flow and the surface of this mass displays the property of surface tension.
ethane- A colorless odorless gaseous hydrocarbon with the characteristics of the predominan t molecule, CH3CH3.
updraftUpward movement of air.
water tracingDetermination of water connection between points of stream disappearance or of soil water seepage and points of reappearance on the surface or underground.Survey & Mapping term
perforating gunAn instrument used to perforate a well.  The perforating gun contains explosive charges that, after being lowered into cased well, are electronically detonated from the surface.
bearingA system that measures in reference to the cardinal points of a compass in 90 degree quadrants.
primingIn a boiler, the excessive carry-over of fine water particles with the steam due to insufficient steam space, faulty boiler design, or faulty operating conditions
uncontrolled drainage areasDrainage areas (or watersheds) that do not include a lake or other structure that reduces flood peaks or slows storm runoff.
communicationthe passage of hydrocarbons or waters through porous and permeable connections from one reservoir to another in a single formation; from formation to formation; or from any formation to any ground water aquifer or to the surface
high pressure distribution systemSee SYSTEM TYPE.
loopSee Closed traverse.Survey & Mapping term
electronic data interchangeThe computer-to-computer exchange of business documents and information through the use of standard document formats.
step-out wellWell drilled adjacent or near to proven well to ascertain the limits of the reservoir
formation evaluationThe analysis and interpretation of well-log data, drill-stem tests, etc
ncsNorwegian Continental Shelf
highly enriched uraniumAny form of uranium with a uranium-235 concentration of 20% or higher
nymexNew York Mercantile Exchange
residualmaterial left behind in situ after chemical weathering of a rock has removed completely removed some components
working gasGas in an underground storage field that is available for market
lbPound, unit of measurement for a number of metals and petrochemicals, eg cts/lb, lb/year.
close outFinalizing a transaction by making an equal and opposite trade to an open position
compressor stationA facility containing equipment that is used to increase pressure to compress natural gas for transportation.
spongeworkA complex of irregular, inter-connecting cavities intricately perforating the rock
gas condensateLiquid hydrocarbons present in casinghead gas that condense when brought to the surface.
ezsvType of squeeze tool
wildcatterAn operator who drills the first well in unproven territory.
wocrAbbreviation for Waiting on completion rig
sinkholeA pit like hole in found in areas of karst
rat hole Hole adjacent to an oil well bore for storage of the kelly joint when not in use during oil well drilling operations.
geophysicsA study of subsurface geological conditions of structure or material through the interpretation of measurement variations in density, magnetics, elasticity, electrical conductivity, temperature, and/or radioactivity.
discount on capital stockThe excess of par or stated value over the price paid to the company by the shareholders for original issue shares of its capital stock.
fallSeason between summer and winter
universeThe totality of all matter and radiation and the space occupied by same.
ionizationthe process by which ions are produced, typically occurring by collisions with atoms or electrons ("collisional ionization"), or by interaction with electromagnetic radiation ("photoionization").
underground storageSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
main beltthe area between Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System are found.
brentThe primary crude pricing marker for UK and Europe.
quartzOne of the most common minerals
above the lineSee BELOW THE LINE.
top sheetsThe FERC Staff's written response to a company's filing for a general rate change
cambrianperiod of geological time from 545 to 495 million years ago
interactive effectsThe effects that a change in one end-use's consumption in a given structure has on another end-use's consumption in that structure.
saddleA fitted plate held in place by clamps, straps, heat fusion, or welding over a hole punched or drilled in a gas main to which a branch line or service line connection is made
operatorMember of a joint venture designated to carry out all activities and operations on behalf of of the joint venture.
re-urbanisationthe process whereby towns and cities in MEDCs which have been experiencing a loss of population are able to reverse the decline and begin to grow again
tarnA small mountain lake that occurs inside a cirque basin.
earthflowA rapid type of downslope mass movement that involves soil and other loose sediments
cleavageThe tendency of some minerals or rocks to break along planes of weakness
liftOne of the movable sections of a liquid-sealed gas holder
fieldA geographical area in which a number of oil or gas wells produce from a continuous reservoir
bourdon tubeAn arc-shaped, spiral, or helical metal tube that is approximately elliptical in cross-section and has one end attached to a pressure indicating, controlling, or recording device, while the other end is fixed
by-passAn auxiliary piping arrangement, generally to carry gas around specific equipment or an integral section of a piping system
nebulaAn immense cloud-like mass of interstellar gas and dust, generally in the spiral arms of a galaxy
bio-gasMethane produced by the decomposition or processing of organic matter.
refMarket abbreviation for refinery, used for example in contracts specifying material sold ex-refinery: ex-ref.
gas driveThe use of the energy that arises from gas compressed in a reservoir to move crude oil to a well bore
return on equityThe ratio of net income or earnings (after all expenses are deducted) to the book value of common and preferred stock plus retained earnings.
cap rockImpermeable rock overlaying an oil or gas reservoir that tends to prevent migration of the reservoir fluids from the reservoir
platformcontinental platform: continental crust margin covered by sea and extending between shoreline and oceanic crust domain.
ultimate potentialA term used to refer to an estimate of the marketable resources that will be developed in an area by the time that exploratory and development activity has ceased, having regard for the geological prospects of an area, known technology and economics
test yearThe period selected as the base for presenting data in a case or hearing before a regulatory agency upon which revenue requirements are determined
inversely proportionalCause and effect relationship between two variables where a positive or negative change in the quantity of one causes a predictable opposite change in quantity in the other.
exerciseThe procedure by which an option holder takes up the rights to the contract and is delivered a long (call) or short (put) futures position by the grantor at a fixed price.
rate of returnThe return allowed to be earned (generally based on a cost of capital determination) or earned by a utility enterprise, generally calculated by dividing the net operating income (as defined) by the rate base.
unsaturated compoundsAny compound having more than one bond between two adjacent atoms; usually carbon atoms and capable of adding other atoms at that point to reduce it to a single bond.
gas prodAbbreviation for gas production
ductileCapable of being drawn out; of low rigidity and so able to flow slowly.
vortexA rapid spiraling motion of air or liquid around a center of rotation.
stratiforman ore deposit that occurs as a specific stratigraphic (i.e
meter stopA shut-off valve located on the inlet side of the meter
hyporheosPertaining to water flowing over streambeds
cd conversionsThe conversion of a portion or all of a firm sales customer's contract demand to firm transportation
heliumthe second lightest and second most abundant element
ohmA unit of electrical resistance
windowAn irregular opening through a thin rock wall in a cave
hourly peakThe maximum demand for gas from a transmission or distribution system in a one hour period of time.
hinterlandthe area served by a port (its sphere of influence).
uvalaA complex closed depression with several lesser depressions or dolines within its rim.Karst - Depression Features of
virusIs a fragment of DNA or RNA that depends on the infection of host cells for their reproduction
shape-fileA GIS file format for vector (point, line, polygon) data for storing the location, shape, and attributes (textual data) of geographic features.
gravityThe natural force of attraction that exists between all bodies in the universe.
clearingThe process of matching trades, settling trades and provision of a guarantee for traded contracts, often a service performed by exchanges
kerogenA solid organic material which yields petroleum-type hydrocarbons on heating and distillation
compoundA substance made of up two or more elements chemically combined.
unsaturated zoneIn karst, the zone where voids in rock are partly filled with air and through which water descends under gravity
high wallThe unexcavated face of exposed over-burden and coal.
cave systemA collection of caves linked by enterable passages, or linked hydrologically
tenanta person who rents his/her home from a private landlord or the local council.
rigDrilling Rig
stratigraphyThe study of the origin, chronology, composition, and distribution of layered or stratified rocks in the subsurface.
pilot programA DSM program that is generally limited in scope or targeted to a select group of customers and is designed to test or build capability to deliver a full scale program
common stock equityThe funds (including retained earnings) invested in the business by the residual owners whose claims to income and assets are subordinate to all other claims.
production casingLong string
abandonTo temporarily or permanently cease production from a well or to cease further drilling operations.
biogenicOf biological origin
form r-4Operator's Certificate of Compliance and Authorization to Transport Oil From Lease
impellerA set of mounted blades used to impart motion to a fluid air or gas (such as, the rotor of a centrifugal pump).
tiered ratesA rate design which divides customer use into different tiers, or blocks, with different prices charged for each.
confirmed nominationAn agreement by a seller to deliver/cause delivery or a transporter to receive and deliver a specific quantity of gas for a specified period at various points under a Sales or Transportation Agreement or for all contracts at one specific point
curtailable rateAn option offered by utilities to customers who can accept specified amounts of service reduction in return for reduced electric rates.
bypassObtaining service from a new supplier without utilizing the facility of the former supplier.
flaskUnit and container for measuring mercury, equal to 76lb.
crackedAdjective normally referring to molecules broken by non-distillation refining processes
insulationA material having a relatively high resistance to heat transfer.
scout ticketForm used to monitor drilling progress.
massRefers to the amount of material found in an object (usually of unit volume).
demandthe willingness and ability of consumers to pay for a particular good or service; As long as the supply of goods and services meets the demand, prices remain the same (stable)
spot market- Short term, non-regulated, arms length contract sales of natural gas, crude oil, refined products, or liquid petroleum gas.
petroliferousContaining petroleum (of rocks).
starchComplex carbohydrate composed of thousands of glucose units
creepThe time-dependent part of strain due to a constant stress (also referred to as cold flow).
make a connectionTo attach a joint or stand of drill pipe onto the drill stem suspended in the wellbore to permit deepening the wellbore by the length of the pipe.
treeA large woody plant that has a trunk which supports branches and leaves.
heavy waterWater in which the hydrogen atoms are the heavy hydrogen isotope, deuterium
christmas treeA term given to the series of pipes and valves that sits on top of a producing gas well
hvac systemA system that provides either collectively or individually the processes of comfort heating, ventilation and/or cooling within or associated with a building.
fullbore-spinner flowmeterA flowmeter with retractable impeller blades which can be used below the bottom of tubing where the impeller blades open to almost full inside diameter of the casing.
chokeA device inserted in a flow line to regulate the rate of flow
regulatory lagThe time interval between when a charge or credit originates and when it becomes a part of the charge for service approved by the regulatory agency
safety shutoffSee VALVE, SAFETY SHUTOFF.
surface runoffSee runoff.
gravelRounded particles coarser than 2 mm in diameter.
casingA length of pipe used for encasing a smaller diameter carrier pipe for installation in a well or under a road, etc.
lead acid batteryA rechargeable acid battery used as a light source in caving, usually worn on a waist strap and with a lamp fitted to the helmet.Lighting term
atmosphereThe gaseous envelope surrounding a star, planet, or satellite and bound to it by gravity
datumA point, line, or surface reference from which coordinate systems are derived for surveying and mapping.
ultraviolet radiationElectromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.1 and 0.4 micrometers (µm).
spudThe small cap or plug, with an orifice through it, that admits gas into the mixing chamber of a burner
phasethe apparent change in shape of the Moon and inferior planets as seen from Earth as they move in their orbits.
retirementsCost of utility plant retired from service, whether or not it has been physically removed or replaced.
helical flowMovement of water within a stream that occurs as spiral flows.
full requirementsA sale of power or energy by a utility in which the utility pledges to meet all of the customer's requirements.
g-pGeneral purpose
eurExpected Ultimate Reserves
cubic foot meteredThe quantity of gas that occupies one cubic foot under pressure and temperature conditions in the meter.
contourA line on a topographical map connecting points of like elevation.
air changeA method of expressing the amount of air infiltration and/or ventilation of a building or room in terms of the number of building volumes or room volumes exchanged per unit of time.
concentratesA fine, powdery product of the milling process containing valuable metal and from which most of the waste material in the ore has been eliminated and discarded as tailings
lifting costsThe costs of producing oil from a well or lease; the operating expenses.
acreThe most common of land measure in the United States
metric ton1,000 kilograms, or 2,204.6 pounds
boreholeThe wellbore; the hole made by drilling or boring a well.
conservation supply curveA graph showing the quantity of energy savings of individual efficiency measures on the x-axis and the total cost per unit of energy saved on the y-axis.
safety shutoff deviceA device that will shut off the gas supply to the controlled burner(s) in the event the source of ignition fails
chemicalOne of the millions of different elements and compounds found naturally and synthesized by humans.
salt domea domed-shaped incursion of salt into overlying formations caused by low-density salt deposits rising through higher density formations overlying the salt deposit.
aramcoTechnically refers to a now-defunct US-Saudi company
transfer capabilityThe overall capacity of interprovincial or international power lines, together with the associated electrical system facilities, to transfer power and energy from one electrical system to another.
karst hydrographic zonesThe 3 vertically aligned subterranean divisions of karst: upper unsaturated zone, intermittently saturated epiphreatic (or floodwater) zone and lower saturated (phreatic) zone.Speleology term
stress crackInternal or external crack in a material caused by tensile or shear stresses less than that normally required for mechanical failure in air
capitalShort-and long-term debt, including capital lease obligations, plus total shareholders' equity.
boosterA compressor used to raise pressure in a gas or oil pipeline.
ice capLarge dome-shaped glacier found covering a large expanse of land
permeabilityAbility to transmit water savings.
anodic inhibitorA chemical substance or combination of substances that prevents or reduces the rate of the anodic or oxidation reaction by a physical, physio-chemical or chemical action.
receipt pointPoint at which transportation (movement) begins pursuant to the transportation contract
under-balanced drillingDrilling under conditions where the pressure being exerted inside the wellbore (from the drilling fluids) is less than the pressure of the oil or gas in the formation.
coated pipeSee PIPE, COATED.
mmbo- Million barrels of oil.
elliott waveA theory developed by Ralph Elliott that prices move in a main five-wave trend followed by a corrective three- wave trend, the extent and scope of which are governed by certain commonly seen ratios (see Fibonacci).
gridA system of squares on a map formed by straight lines that denote distance east and north of a fixed point of origin.Survey & Mapping term
specific weightThe weight of a unit volume, usually expressed as pounds weight per cubic foot.
cave communityAll the cavernicolous animals (and plants) that live in a cave, bound together by food chains and other processes.Cave - Biota
opisometerMechanical device for measuring non-linear distances on maps.
laser altimeteran instrument used to measure distance between two points by means of the traveltime of a pulse of light
synchronous rotationa satellite's rotational period is equal to its orbital period; this causes the same side of a satellite to always face the planet
price controlThe setting of limits on prices by government order
binderIn a reinforced plastic, the continuous phase which holds together the reinforcement
formationsAn unsatisfactory term in speleology
coriolis forceAn apparent force due to the Earth's rotation
refractory grateThe assembly within or upon which refractory material is supported.
reachAn expanse of a stream channel.
granulationa pattern of small cells that can be seen on the surface of the Sun
core gammaA measurement of the intensity of natural gamma radiation of a core
hexaneAny of 5 isomeric, volatile, liquid, paraffin hydrocarbons C6H14 found in petroleum.
zonationThe division of a cave into a series of zones relating to the extent of light penetration, influence of external environmental factors and degree of internal stability
fnlAbbreviation for From north line
lacustrineOriginating in lake water
energy fluxThe rate of energy flow from, into, or through a substance.
tractionErosional movement of particles by rolling, sliding and shuffling along the eroded surface
water sink(Looking for a definition)Speleology term
demand loadThe rate of flow of gas required by a consumer or a group of consumers, often an average over a specified short time interval (cf/hr or Mcf/hr)
petrochemicalsChemicals derived from petroleum; feedstocks for the manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber
biennial plantPlant species that completes its life in two growing seasons.
apogeeA point in the Moon's orbit where it is furthest from the Earth.
crooked holeA wellbore that has been drilled in a direction other than vertical
backshoreArea behind the shore
sinusoidal equal-area projectionMap projection that represents areas in their true form on a two-dimensional map
orbitThe path of one celestial body moving around another under the force of gravity.
catfeedFeedstock to a catalytic cracker, usually vacuum gasoil.
power purchase agreementA contract involving the purchase and sales of electricity, which is normally executed between the owner of a power plant generating the electricity and the buyer of the electricity a regulated utility, local distribution company, or private sector industrial manufacturer.
as-billedA method by which a pipeline includes in its rates, and charges its customers, the costs of gas or transportation services in the same manner as it is billed by its pipeline suppliers or transporter.
methanogenesisThe second stage of the anaerobic conversion of a biomass feedstock to methane
arete karstTropical landscape of near vertical sided spires
directional surveyMeasurements of drift, azimuth
ordovician periodThe Ordovician Period is the name given to the interval of geologic time between approximately 505 and 438 million years ago.
tapeIn survey, a graduated tape of steel, plastic, wire-reinforced cloth, or fiberglass, used for measuring distance.Survey & Mapping term
flame testDetection and identification of certain elements in gas by characteristic coloration imparted to a flame.
casingSteel pipe placed in an oil or gas well to prevent the wall of the hole from caving in, to prevent movement of fluids from one formation to another and to aid in well control.
aromaticA term for any hydrocarbon containing a benzene ring or similar structure.
puts/calls ratioThe ratio of puts to calls in an options market.
organGroup of cells and tissues that have a particular function for an organism.
busbar costThe cost of producing one kWh of electricity delivered to, but not through, the transmission system (typically US)
stochasticsThe theory of stochastics is based on the premise that prices close nearer the high in an uptrend, and nearer the low in a downtrend
dissolution porositySecondary porosity which is created when solid materials in sediment dissolve in interstitial solutions
abandoned wella well whose use has been permanently discontinued and has been plugged
loadThe amount of electric power delivered or required at any specified point or points on a system
fccFluid catalytic cracker
drill pipeHigh grade steel pipe providing the closed flow system, through which torque is transmitted from the surface to the drill collars and therefore to the drill bit for rotation, in conventional rotary drilling
hypermarketa giant shopping centre containing a very large supermarkets and other smaller shops found in an out-of-city location, close to a motorway junction
satellitea natural or artificial body in orbit around a planet.
calcium carbonateA chemical combination of calcium, carbon, and oxygen
specific gravityThe weight of a particular volume of any substance, compared with the weight of an equal volume of water
instrument pipingAll piping, valves, and fittings used to connect instruments to main piping, other instruments and apparatus, or measuring equipment.
undiscovered resourceThe portion of the ultimate potential that has yet to be penetrated by a wellbore or that has yet to be proven by changes in a discovered pool's reserves through extension or revision.
lag timeThe time taken for cuttings to reach the surface The term is also used in place of cycle time.
room heaterSee HEATER, ROOM.
spot priceCurrent one-time purchase price.
graphiteA mineral form of carbon characterized by a flat sheet like crystalline structure
ppbSee parts per billion.
barycenterthe center of mass of a system of bodies; e.g., the center of mass of the solar system.
stripper wellA well incapable of producing more than ten (10) barrels a day.
longwave radiationSee infrared radiation.
solsticeDates when the declination of the Sun is at 23.5° North or South of the equator
runoffWater that flows along the surface of the land.
magnetosphereZone that surrounds the Earth that is influenced by the Earth's magnetic field.
cycle of deprivationa sequence of events experienced by disadvantaged people in which one problem e.g
unit of sales methodologyFor purposes of the CURRENT ADJUSTMENT, a method of computing a pipeline's average projected purchased gas costs derived by dividing the pipeline's total projected purchased gas costs the pipeline anticipates purchasing during the PGA effective period by the quantities of gas the pipeline anticipates selling during the PGA effective period.
fishingThe procedure used to remove stuck pipe or debris in hole
actual costIn rate base determination
iceFrozen form of the water molecule
underbalanced drillingThe exploration and production portions of the oil and gas industry.
kinetic energyThe energy inherent in a body due to its motion; with greater speed and mass, the kinetic energy increases.
salinityA measure of the concentration of salt dissolved in water
mmcfAbbreviation for One million cubic feet.
infiltrationThe downward movement of water from the surface of the land to subsoil.
crabSee Carabiner
futures marketA market trading in contracts to buy and sell a
thalwegLine of deepest water in a stream channel as seen from above
boiler fuel gasNatural gas used as a fuel for the generation of steam (or hot water).
novaa star that flares up to several times its original brightness for some time before returning to its original state.
subsea permafrostForm of permafrost that exists beneath the sea in ocean sediments.
heat transfer coefficientThe quantity of heat transferred through a unit area of a material in a unit time per unit of temperature difference between the two sides of the material.
catalytic rich gasAn SNG process developed in England by the British Gas Council
compositesPlants of the compositae family (Asteraceae)
cathodeIn market terms, a rectangular plate of metal, produced by electrolytic refining, which is melted into commercial shapes such as wirebars, billets, ingots etc
pyrometerAn instrument for the measurement of high temperatures.
turn-onInitiation of utility service.
allogenic drainageUnderground karst drainage that is derived entirely from surface run off from adjacent non karstic and generally impermeable rocks
tectonicPertaining to large scale movements of the earth's crusts, such as Folding and faulting.Geology
curtailmentCurtailment of gas service is a method to balance a utility's natural gas requirements with its natural gas supply
contour mapA map that has lines marked to indicate points or areas that are the same elevation above or below sea level
absorbentA material which, due to an affinity for certain substances, extracts one or more such substances from a liquid or gaseous medium with which it contacts, and which changes physically, or both, during the process.
municipal utilityA utility owned and operated by a municipality or group of municipalities
floating lngA floating LNG is created by installing an LNG plant on a large vessel
onshoreThe area of Louisiana lying landward of the Intracoastal Canal.
make-up gasThe contractual right to take gas volumes at a future date that were available but not taken on their designated date as with take-or-pay contracts.
stratosphereAtmospheric layer found at an average altitude of 11 to 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface
outer coreThe liquid part of the Earth's core, lying between about 2900 km and 5100 km depth.
producerAny party owning, controlling, managing, or leasing any gas well and/or party who produces in any manner natural gas by taking it from the earth or waters.
high-priority customersCustomers with priority in use in utility curtailment
classificationIn biology, the scientific naming of all life forms eg plants, animals, fungi, algae
fobSee Free on board.
gas generatorThe section of a gas-turbine that provides the high temperature gases needed to drive the power turbine.
ansi x12American National Standards Institute X12 Committee - The committee sanctioned by ANSI for developing and maintaining U.S
heavy waterWater containing significantly more than the natural proportion (1 in 6500) of heavy hydrogen (deuterium) atoms to ordinary hydrogen atoms
conductivityThe ability of a material to conduct electricity
instantaneous technical potentialAn estimate of energy savings based on the assumption that all existing appliances, equipment, building-shell measures, and industrial processes are instantly replaced with the most efficient commercially available units.
proration unitAcreage allocated to an oil well for the purpose of determining an allowable.
dry caveA cave without a running stream or a lake
volcanic pipeA dyke reaches the surface of the Earth
landwardPositioned or located away from a water body but towards the land.
landmanThe person who secures leases and handles damages for oil and gas companies who are drilling new wells or laying pipelines.
ceramic radiantsBaked clay devices which become incandescent and radiate heat released to them by a gas flame.
stream dischargeA river or stream's rate of flow over a particular period of time
dehydro-genationA process by which propylene is made from propane.
ratholeExtra hole drilled at the end of the well (beyond the last zone of interest) to ensure that the zone of interest can be fully evaluated
fixed-variable methodA rate design method which assigns all fixed costs to the demand component and all variable costs to the commodity component of rates
commodity channel indexCCI measures the variation of an instrument's price from its mean
topsidesThe top part of a platform positioned on top of the jacket
design dayA 24-hour period of demand used as a basis for planning gas capacity requirements.
pulse combustionA series of controlled mini-explosions (pulses) creating a pressure pulse and sustaining combustion through a type of chain reaction
scraperA device used to clean deposits of paraffin or other foreign substances from tubing or flow lines
flood fringeThe flood fringe occupies the distal parts of the floodplain, outside of the floodway
cableA rope of wire, hemp, or other strong fibers; or braided wire used to conduct electricity, often called power cable.
washer coolerA washer in the form of a tall tower in which the washing liquid is sprayed in at top is collected in the bottom of the tower and then is cooled and recycled through the tower
stratocumulus cloudsLow altitude gray colored cloud composed of water droplets that has a patchy appearance
congestionWhen prices trade at similar levels over a period of time, the chart becomes cluttered with business at these levels and is referred to as 'congested'
compressionThe action on a material which decreases its volume as the pressure to which it is subjected increases.
acid mine drainageThe outflow of acidic water from where the earth has been disturbed
noctilucent cloudsHigh altitude clouds composed of ice crystals that appear to glow silver or bright blue shortly after sunset.
boraTerm used to describe a katabatic wind in Yugoslavia.
bunker cA residual fuel used as ship's fuel, which usually has a high sulfur content and high viscosity.
ship or payA contract term that requires a gas shipper to pay a penalty if it fails to move the required volumes of gas down a pipeline
positive feedbackChange in the state of a system that enhances the measured effect of the initial alteration.
system supplyPurchases of natural gas for the purchaser's own system supply requirements (i.e., for resale by the purchaser).
gamma radiationA type of ionizing, electromagnetic radiation that readily penetrates the body tissues of organisms
permeableAllowing water to infiltrate.
downstreamAll operations taking place after crude oil is produced, such as transportation, refining, and marketing.
ignition temperatureThe temperature at which a substance, such as gas, will ignite and continue burning with adequate air supply.
electric energyAvailable heat in electricity; one kilowatt hour equals 3,412.97 Btu.
spacing unitThe size (amount of surface area) of a parcel of land on which only one producing well is permitted to be drilled to a specific reservoir.
gradientthe ratio of pressure per unit depth.
pipe coatingA corrosion resistant material (such as asphalt or tar), sometimes with an outer wrapping, used to protect pipe.
payback periodThe time required for the cumulative operational saving of a DSM (or other) option to equal the investment cost of that option.
flame geometryThe measure of flame shape and dimension
joint operating agreementA detailed written agreement between the working interest owners of a property setting forth the terms under which that property will be developed.
ans preferred numberSeries of numbers preferentially selected for standardization purposes
gas transported for othersThat volume of gas owned by another company received into and transported through any part of the transmission or distribution system under a transportation tariff.
equity returnThe after-tax return to common and preferred stockholders.
day lengthPeriod of time for a location on the Earth when insolation from the Sun is being received.
metabolic rateThe rate at which an organism transforms food into energy and body tissue; most cave animals, particularly the obligates in the dark zone have a reduced metabolic rate.Fauna
vapor pressureThe pressure exerted by a vapor held in equilibrium with its solid or liquid state.
tropopauseThe tropopause is a relatively thin atmospheric transition layer found between the troposphere and the stratosphere
lurgi processA coal gasification process which produces gas through the controlled reaction of coal and oxygen in the presence of excess steam in a reactor.
manometerA tube in the shape of a U, partially filled with
hygroscopicSubstances that have the ability to absorb water and therefore accelerate the condensation process.
hydrocarbonsAny organic compound containing only hydrogen and carbon
open traverseA survey traverse which does not form a loop.Survey & Mapping term
eurEstimated Ultimate Recovery.
gas chromatographAn analytical instrument used for separating the various components of a gas mixture, and measuring the relative concentrations of each
albedo featurea dark or light marking on the surface of an object that may or may not be a geological or topographical feature
condensateThe liquid hydrocarbons recovered at the surface that result from condensation due to reduced pressure or temperature of petroleum hydrocarbons existing initially in a gaseous state in the reservoir
trojan satellitessatellites which orbit at the Lagrangian points, 60° ahead of and 60° behind another satellite
migrationNatural movement of oil or gas within or out of a formation
availability factorIn a nuclear power plant, the disposable energy which could have been generated during a period, expressed as a percentage of the energy which could have been produced by a continuous power rate during the same period – essentially relates to the time a reactor spends off line owing to planned outages or unplanned stoppages..
rhyolitevolcanic leucocratic rock with a granitic chemical composition
public utilities commissionA governing body that regulates the rates and services of a public utility.
signalosomeA multifunctional protein complex essential for development and possibly involved in the regulation of protein degradation.
detritus food chainModel describing the conversion of organic energy in a community or ecosystem into inorganic elements and compounds through decomposition
porosityThe volume of space within rock that might contain oil and gas (like the amount of water a sponge can hold); the open or void space within rock, usually expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume
arc minuteone 1/60 of a degree.
reflection nebulaa type of nebula that shines by reflected light
mark-to-marketThis is a process used to determine the fair value of forward contracts and commodity inventories at a specific point in time
freezingThe change in state of matter from liquid to solid that occurs with cooling
marginal costThe cost of the next unit if it were purchased
profit oilThe remaining share of oil produced after cost recovery through the cost oil
interruptible transportation serviceLow priority service offered to customers under schedules or contracts which anticipate and permit interruption on short notice, generally in peak-load seasons, by reason of the claim of firm service customers and higher priority users.
demand side managementAll activities or programs undertaken by an electricity system or consumers to influence the amount and timing of electricity use.
cash and carryAn arbitrage transaction involving the simultaneous purchase of a cash commodity with borrowed money and the sale of the appropriate futures contract.
plastic insertInsertion of a plastic liner through an existing steel service.
nutrientAny food, chemical element or compound an organism requires to live, grow, or reproduce.
bermLow hill of sand that forms along coastal beaches.
radiation belta ring-shaped region around a planet in which electrically charged particles (usually electrons and protons) are trapped
rope protectorA length of fabric or plastic hose etc placed around a rope where it may rub against rock.Climbing and SRT
cnrCharterer Not Reported
efflux caveA cave entrance that has a stream flowing out of it
trajectoryThe path of a projectile or other moving body through space.
psigPounds of pressure per square inch guage, using atmospheric pressure as a base.
retirement dispersionThe pattern of retirements taking place at various ages in relation to the average service life or, simply, the scattering of retirements about average life.
calandriaA cylindrical reactor vessel that contains the heavy water moderator in a CANDU reactor
mitigationThe replacement of functional values lost when an ecosystem is altered
electronic gas measurement"Real time" monitoring of natural gas quantities, and characteristics, as it passes through a specific location.
natural gasA mixture of hydrocarbon compounds and small amounts of various non-hydrocarbons (such as carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen) existing in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in natural underground reservoirs.
paterashallow crater; scalloped, complex edge.
cuttingsThe rock fragments dislodged by the bit and brought to the surface in the drilling mud
fallingEmergency signal, given by a climber to the belayer, that the climber is falling (and to expect the safety line to become taut).Climbing and SRT
piezometerIn hydrology, a device usually made of a perforated tube used to measure the distance of an underground water table from the surface
cutting or samplesPieces of rock cut out of the formation by the bit and circulated to the surface by the mud
shockunusually high pressures produced briefly by an impact
loss of load riskThe evaluation of the risk of a system not adequately meeting the load demand of firm customers under normal operating conditions
rangeA statistical measure of the dispersion of observation values in a data set
drill sump or pitan excavation below ground level, constructed for the purpose of circulating drilling fluids during well drilling operations.
spheroidal weatheringA type of below ground chemical weathering where the corners of jointed rocks become rounded over time
dissolutionThe process of a substance dissolving and dispersing into a liquid.
extensionsurface enlargement of the lithosphere under tectonic strengths
carbonatitea magmatic rock consisting of calcium carbonate, usually associated with nepheline–syenite systems.
mboeOne thousand barrels of oil equivalent
secondary substanceOrganic chemical produced by a plant that has no direct function in its metabolism
natural gas vehicleA vehicle that is equipped to operate using natural gas, either as the sole fuel (a dedicated NGV) or as an option (a dual-fuel NGV).
annex i partiesThe 40 industrialized countries that were members of the OECD in 1992, plus countries with economies in transition (EIT parties), including the Russian Federation, the Baltic States, and several Central and Eastern European States
avgasHigh octane aviation gasoline used in piston type aircraft engines.
brineA salt water and chemical mix that is produced after fracking a well
posted pricePrice statement by a seller of crude oil or product.
under-classthe new urban poor who are often ill, unemployed, homeless, unqualified, and with health problems.
nokNorwegian Krone
shortwave radiationElectromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.1 and 0.7 micrometers (µm)
peak demandThe maximum load during a specified period of time
biotiteA common, iron-rich black mica found in a wide variety of rocks.
plantaeGroup, at the kingdom level, in the classification of life
nuclear fuelAll fissile material in any chemical form and the hardware required to produce fuel for a reactor.
driftThe attitude of a borehole
purge cycleAs applied to electric pilot igniters, the period from the time of automatic closure of the main gas supply by the safety shutoff device to the time the electrical circuit is re-energized.
bedA subdivision of a stratified sequence of rocks, lower in rank than a member or formation, internally composed of relatively homogeneous material exhibiting some degree of lithologic unity, and separated from the rocks above and below by visually or physically more or less well defined boundary planes.
make-up waterWater added to a tank, boiler, or other vessel to maintain a pre-determined liquid level.
wave-cut platformA flat or slightly sloping bedrock surface that forms in the tidal zone
waveMost waves are caused by the wind
wellhead priceThe cost of gas as it comes from the well excluding cleaning, compression, transportation, and distribution charges.
purificationThe process by which unwanted impurities, such as hydrogen sulfide, are removed from a gas mixture
magellanic cloudstwo small, irregular galaxies found just outside our own Milky Way galaxy
regeneratorA device which uses regenerative steam to reverse the absorption process
stress relaxationThe decrease of stress with respect to time in a piece of plastic that is subject to an external load at constant deformation.
form r-3Refiner's Monthly Report
heterotrophOrganism that must consume energy rich organic molecules for survival
firm gasGas sold on a continuous basis for a defined contract term.
mcfAcronym for Thousands of Cubic Feet
drainage basinLand surface region drained by a length of stream channel.
mineralComponent of rocks
ventAn opening in a tank or other piece of equipment, sealed to prevent escape of material within the equipment at normal pressures but so arranged that it automatically opens to relieve excessive pressure in the equipment
dry-bulb thermometerThermometer on a psychrometer used to determine current air temperature
contract quantity methodA method to allocate demand costs by function to customer classes based on the customer classes' contract quantity or a company's obligation to serve the customer class.
contract pressureThe maximum or minimum required operating pressure at a receipt or delivery point as specified in the Service Agreement.
nomination allocationSee ALLOCATION-CAPACITY.
cfCubic Feet Volume measurement
tank batteryAn area allocated in the general proximity to well sites for the purpose of containing hydrocarbons and produced water storage tanks
pathogenMicroscopic parasite organism that causes disease in a host
overproductionProduction in excess of the oil mwell's monthly allowable.
inch of waterA pressure unit representing the pressure required to support a column of water one inch high
swlyAbbreviation for Southwesterly
siderealrelating to, or concerned with the stars
greenfieldA project that is built on a previously undeveloped or minimally developed site
thermA unit of heat equivalent to 100,000 British Thermal Units (Btu).
frontTransition zone between air masses with different weather characteristics.
gas cavern wellAn underground storage area (hole made underground by drilling salt generally out) used to store liquefied natural gas for future use.
inputAddition of matter, energy, or information to a system
trend"The trend is your friend." A trend at its most basic consists of a situation in which prices move more in one direction than another
ascenderA mechanical device for ascending a rope.Climbing and SRT
polygonA two dimensional closed figure with at least three sides that represents an area.
complete a wellTo finish work on a well by making it ready to produce oil or gas
desert pavementA veneer of coarse particles left on the ground after the erosion of finer particles by wind.
associated gasAlso known as wet gas
wet depositionThe transport of gases and minute liquid and solid particles from the atmosphere to the ground surface with the aid of precipitation or fog
aliphaticHydrocarbon that does not contain an aromatic ring structure
farm-outAn interest in an oil or gas lease that is granted by the lease holder to a third party.
rig downTo dismantle equipment after the completion of an operation.
cash marketThe physical market underlying a futures or options contract.
heat liberation rateThe amount of heat which is liberated per unit time per cubic foot of combustion space.
artesianWhere water moves under pressure through completely flooded cavities
revenue requirementThe amount of revenues the utility needs to receive in order to cover operating expenses, pay debt service, and provide a fair return to common equity investors.
smogGeneric term used to describe mixtures of pollutants in the atmosphere
groundwater rechargeThe replenishment of groundwater with surface water.
transducerA device for converting energy from one form to another, specifically called the measurement of pressure differential in natural gas gate stations.
solution runnelA larger solution flute that may increase in size down its length.Karst - Minor Forms of
cwppraLouisiana is blessed with an abundance of natural resources
lstAbbreviation for Sidetrack of existing work permit approved in Lafayette District Office
couplingA sleeve-type fitting used to connect two pipes of similar or different materials, providing insulation or continuity.
pooling pointThe place where natural gas is aggregated from many receipt points to serve a number of contracts without tying a particular receipt point to a particular contract.
unconsolidatedPertains to a rock framework which lacks rigidity
direct saleContract sale of natural gas by producer to end user or local distribution company, usually for a term of a year or longer.
starA self-luminous sphere of gas.
diaphragmA bellows inside a displacement type gas meter
thermal conductivitySee CONDUCTIVITY, THERMAL.
plugObject or device that serves to block a hole or passageway such as a cement plug in a borehole
cardinal pointsThe four main navigational directions (North, East, South, and West) found on a compass or a map.
estimated proved recoverable reservesSee RESERVES, ENERGY.
cenozoic eraperiod of geological time extending from 65 million years ago to the present.
splash cup(1) A shallow cavity in the top of a stalagmite
polar stratospheric cloudsHigh altitude clouds found in the stratosphere where the temperature is less than -85° Celsius
friendA mechanical caming device that is wedged into a rock crack and used as an anchor point.Climbing and SRT
hubA geographical location where multiple participants trade services.
horizontal drillingThe developing technology that makes it possible to drill a well from the surface, vertically down to a certain level, and then to turn at a right angle and continue drilling horizontally within a specified reservoir or an interval of a reservoir.
urban redevelopmentthe total clearance of parts of old inner city areas and starting afresh with new houses, especially high-rise flats.
ultravioletZone of invisible radiations beyond the violet end of the spectrum of visible radiations
capacity chargeOne element of a two-part pricing method used in power transactions (energy charge is the other element
bolideA very bright meteor that may be associated with detonations and a smoky train
electrolysisIn a pipeline, the decomposition or destruction of the pipe wall by stray electrical currents
condensateA low-density mixture of hydrocarbon liquids that are present as gaseous components in the raw natural gas produced from many natural gas fields.
explorationThe search for oil and gas
roll cloudA dense, cigar shaped cloud found above the gust front of a thunderstorm
feldsparA group of common aluminum silicate minerals that contains potassium, sodium, or calcium.
safety lineA safety rope attached to a climber in addition to the main rope or ladder.Climbing and SRT
allowable working stressThe maximum hoop stress permitted by code for the design of a piping system
moneraGroup, at the kingdom level, in the classification of life
solutionIn chemical solution, weak acids take part especially carbonic acid H2CO3, formed by dissolved carbon dioxide.Processes
muskegPoorly drained marshes or swamps found overlying permafrost.
descenderA mechanical device for descending ropes.Climbing and SRT
turn-on chargeThe fee paid by a customer to have his utility service turned on.
valve controlA fuel-air control system that operates by means of mechanical linkage of related valves, common in industrial combustion systems.
certificate conditionA condition imposed by the FPC or FERC when granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
pumping unitThe machine that imparts reciprocating motion to a string of sucker rods extending to the positive displacement pump at the bottom of a well
city gate rateThe rate charged a distribution company by its supplier(s)
usacTanker abbreviation for US Atlantic Coast.
boiling pointThe highest temperature that can be reached by a liquid, under a given pressure, when heat is applied externally and evaporation occurs freely from the surface.
compactionA loss in overall volume and pore space of a rock as the particles are packed closer together by the weight of overlying material.
watershedA stream's watershed is the area of land over which water running along the ground surface (called runoff or surface runoff) will eventually flow into the stream
residual oilOil remaining in the reservoir rock after the flushing or invasion process, or at the end of a specific recovery process or escape process.
theropod(suborder Theropoda) Large carnivorous saurischian (lizard-hipped) dinosaurs of the of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods (about 200 to 65 million years ago)
production testA test of the well's producing potential usually done during the initial completion phase
gold loansA form of debt financing whereby a potential gold producer borrows an amount of gold from a lending institution, sells the gold on the open market, uses the cash for company purposes (ie building a mine), then pays back the gold from actual mine production.
vascular plantPlant that has vascular tissues to transport water, nutrients, and other metabolic products.
catalystA material that brings about a chemical reaction without being permanently changed itself in the process.
river-weightSee RIVER-CLAMP.
steam coaltrade category of bituminous coal that is used for burning in power stations and other industrial/domestic uses.
callusA disorganized group of proliferating or undifferentiated cells.
temperature inversionSituation where a layer of warmer air exists above the Earth's surface in a normal atmosphere where air temperature decreases with altitude
riparianPertaining to a stream or river
little ice ageTime period from 1550 to 1850 AD
evaporationEvaporation can be defined as the process by which liquid water is converted into a gaseous state
sales levelThe sales volume being applied to the cost of service to develop rates
acid testIf a mineral is a carbonate it will fizz when acid is dropped on it.
nonfirm gasGas which is not required to be delivered or not required to be taken under the terms of a gas purchase contract.
coordinate systemA system used to identify locations on a graph or grid
parasiteConsumer organism that feeds on a host for an extended period of time
psiPounds per square inch.
millidarciesA darcy (or darcy unit) and millidarcies (mD) are units of permeability.
densityThe compactness of matter or the number of particles per unit volume.
nitrogen cycleModel that describes the movement of nitrogen in its many forms between the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.
macrocavernIncludes all cavities in rocks greater than 20 cm in diameter
photoperiodThe duration of the daylight period.
flammable limitsSee EXPLOSIVE LIMITS.
regressionA withdrawal of the sea from the land, due to uplift or a eustatic drop in sea level
tariff volumeThe maximum amount of natural gas which a consumer is entitled to receive during any specified time period
firing rateThe rate at which fuel is fed to a burner, expressed as volume, heat units, or weight per unit time.
public convenience and necessityThat which is necessary or desirable in the public interest
refundingThe retirement of one security issue with the proceeds received from the sale of another to provide for maturing debt or to take advantage of more favorable money market conditions.
tag lineIn crane and truck operations, a rope attached to the bottom of a load suspended by the crane or truck which, when grasped by a crew member, allows the crew member to prevent rotation and to assist in guiding the load.
earthshinesunlight reflected from Earth that illuminates the lunar surface.
title trackingDetailing (in confidence to the appropriate client) the sales and parties in transactions involving units of natural gas, which can be lengthy and complex.
rockmilkSee Moonmilk.Speleology term
relief openingThe opening provided in a draft hood to permit the ready escape to the atmosphere of the flue products from the draft hood in the event of no draft, back draft, or stoppage beyond the draft hood, and to permit inspiration of air into the draft hood in the event of a strong chimney updraft.
storage cycleSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
line lossThe amount of gas lost in a distribution system or pipeline
common stock dividendsPayment declared on common stock and charged to unappropriated retained earnings during a stated period.
golden ruleCertain parties have advanced the concept of the "Golden Rule" in pipeline rate cases
consenting partyA party (the company, staff, a customer, or other interested party) that supports a stipulation and agreement or settlement in a rate or other proceeding
earthquake focusPoint of stress release in an earthquake.
w/rAbbreviation for Wash and ream
establishmentSubsequent growth and/or reproduction of a colonized species in a new territory.
celsius scaleScale for measuring temperature
silica gelA desiccant, hygroscopic material that readily absorbs substantial quantities of moisture and is used to reduce the relative humidity of air or gas.
ipeThe International Petroleum Exchange in London.
elementA molecule composed of one type of atom
heating season methodSee SEASONAL METHOD.
distributional relictRelates to a species surviving in an area isolated from the main or original distribution area
cyclic billingBilling that occurs on a regular, periodic basis, as for OR-1 renewals or LEAS subscriptions renewals.
zone heatA central heating and/or cooling system which is arranged so that different temperatures can be maintained in two or more areas of the building being heated or cooled or simultaneously heated or cooled.
retrofitAn investment made in an existing building or facility
heat lossThe sum cooling effect of a building structure when the outdoor temperature is lower than the desired indoor temperature.
sweetContaining little or no hydrogen sulphide or sulphur compounds
chlorophyllGreen pigment found in plants and some bacteria used to capture the energy in light through photosynthesis.
open interestThe number of contracts left open in a market which need to be closed out or taken through to delivery
fuel price adjustment clauseSee CLAUSE, ADJUSTMENT.
jettingThe process of burying offshore or river crossing pipelines by hydraulically blowing sand or dirt from beneath the pipelines.
deliverabilityA well's tested ability to produce.
sand wedgeA form of ice wedge that contains accumulations of wind blown sand in long vertical layers
copSee Conference of Parties.
delivery pointPoint at which gas leaves a transporter's system completing a sale or transportation service transaction between the pipeline company and a sale or trans-portation service customer.
common nameIn biology, the name used in publications aimed at a wide audience as opposed to the specific name
imputed capitalizationA method to adjust a projected capital structure for accumulated deferred income taxes.
naecaNational Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 mandates minimum energy efficiency standards for most major residential appliances.
service chargeThe fee charged a customer by a utility for work on the customer's premises
alternate fuelsOther fuels that can be substituted for the fuel in use
convectional precipitationIs the formation of precipitation due to surface heating of the air at the ground surface
embedded costThe historical cost of all facilities in the power supply system.
usecPetrochemical markets abbreviation for US East Coast.
sour or sweet crudeIndustry terms which denote the relative degree of a given crude oil's sulfur content
fuel substitutionThe conversion of an end-use from one fuel source to another.
reserve ratesRates used internally by the company to adjust the rates billed and subject to refund to an estimate of the final or settled rate
flash pointThe lowest temperature under very specific conditions at which a combustible liquid will give off sufficient vapor to form a flammable mixture with air in a standardized vessel
sdm2gState Gas Potential - test witnessed by a Conservation Enforcement Agent
oil parity clauseA clause in some gas purchase contracts that ties the price of gas in the absence of price controls to some fraction of the Btu equivalent of the price of No
haploidCell that contains only one set of chromosomes
r6Gasoline and/or Cycling Plant Monthly Report.R6 Data Entry--R6 Gasoline and/or Cycling Plant Info
pressureIs defined as the force acting on a surface from another mass per unit area.
background extinctionNormal extinction of species that occurs as a result of changes in local environmental conditions
vaporizeTo change something from a liquid or a solid to a gaseous state, as in rock that is completely changed to gas during large impacts.
oscillatorThe difference between two indicators
immersion lengthThe length from the free end of a thermometer bulb or well to the point of immersion in the medium, the temperature of which is being measured.
unitization tractLand subject to a unitization agreement.
cainozoicThe Era comprising the Tertiary and Quaternary periods
dark mattera term used to describe matter in the universe that cannot be seen, but can be detected by its gravitational effects on other bodies.
standby chargeA charge related to STANDBY SALES SERVICE
declinationLocation (latitude) on the Earth where the Sun on a particular day is directly overhead (90° from horizon) at solar noon
bearingIn surveying, the angle measured clockwise that a line makes with north
kame terraceA long flat ridge composed of glaciofluvial sediment
marketerEntity which sells natural gas it has purchased from a producer or other seller.
densitythe amount of matter contained within a given volume
ripple markAny of the small ridges formed on sediment surfaces exposed to moving wind or water
project financingMethod for financing projects where a company solicits money by pledging its expected revenues to cover the debt.
nebulaa cloud of dust and gas in space, usually illuminated by one or more stars
gorAn acronym for gas-oil ratio, which applies to oil wells
temperate rain forestAn ecosystem that is dominated by large and very tall evergreen trees
kuiper belta large ring of icy, primitive objects beyond the orbit of Neptune
brownfield landurban land that has previously been developed, such as a the site of a demolished building or factory.
detritivoreHeterotrophic organism that feeds on detritus
vehicle accident frequency rateThe frequency rate of motor vehicle accidents is the number of motor vehicle accidents per 1,000,000 miles
pennantsA price chart pattern that looks like a vertical line with a small triangle at the top
jurisdictionPortion of the company's activities that are subject to the rules and regulations of the particular government entity which regulates it.
blue ridge provinceThe long mountain chain that is a part of the Appalachian Mountains in western Virginia
poriferaA sponge has a system of holes and canals the animal uses to circulate water through its body
wellboreThe hole made by a well.
electrolytic refiningThe process of purifying metal ingots which are suspended as anodes in an electrolytic bath, alternated with refined sheets of the same metal, which acts as starters or cathodes.
spherically focused logSFL
carburizingA heat-treating process in which carbon is introduced into a solid iron-base alloy by heating above the transformation temperature range while in contact with a carbonaceous material which may be a solid, liquid, or gas
contract carrierA transporter that voluntarily provides its services on a contractual basis for other parties.
fieldThe general area encompassed by one or more oil or gas reservoirs or pools that are located on a single geologic feature, that are otherwise closely related to the same geologic feature (either structural or stratigraphic)
efpExchange of futures for physical: refers to the exchange of a futures position for a physical (swap) position.
coreThe innermost parts of the Earth, lying between 2900 km depth and the centre of the Earth at over 6300 km depth.
impact evaluationExamination of the effects of a DSM program, including quantitative documentation of a program's costs and benefits, program participation and measure adoption, performance of technologies, and energy impacts.
cost zonesGeographic areas of the company's operations established for the purpose of accumulating certain costs to facilitate a fair distribution of such costs among all customer classes
standard & poor'sRating
discount rateA rate of interest representing the time-related value of resources
distributaryA smaller branching stream channel that flows away from a main stream channel
atlantic seaboardSee SEABOARD METHOD.
storm trackThe path taken by a storm (thunderstorm, mid-latitude cyclone or hurricane) or the average path taken by storms.
service shutoffThis may refer either to a service stop or to a meter stop used to cut off the supply of gas.
tight sandsA geological formation consisting of a matrix of typically impermeable, non-porous tight sands.
rotational slipForm of mass movement where material moves suddenly along a curvilinear plane
planktonMinute plant (phytoplankton) and animal organisms (zooplankton) that are found in aquatic ecosystems.
headstationA point at which gas enters the pipeline's main transmission line, either at the interconnection of the gathering system or of a third party transporter
dynamic positioningA method by which a floating offshore drilling rig is maintained in position over an offshore well location
climax communityPlant community that no longer undergoes changes in species composition due to succession.
patterned groundTerm used to describe a number of surface features found in periglacial environments
hydrostatic strengthThe hoop stress calculated by means of the ISO equation at which the pipe fails due to an internal pressure buildup, usually within 60 to 70 seconds.
bcpBusiness Continuity Plan
spongeA mixture of iron oxide and wood shavings for the removal of hydrogen sulfide from gas.
optional expedited certificateA certificate provided for by FERC Order 436 aimed at reducing regulatory hurdles for obtaining a certificate of public convenience and necessity prior to commencing construction of an interstate pipeline or any extension thereof.
wheeling serviceThe movement of electricity from one system to another over transmission facilities of intervening systems
diversity factorThe ratio of the sum of the non-coincident maximum demands of two or more loads to their coincident maximum demands for the same period
depth datumThe zero-depth reference for well logging
watertableThe surface between phreatic water which completely fills voids in the rock, and ground air, which partially fills higher voids.Speleology term
stack gasesSee GAS, FLUE.
conductivity derived porosityA calculation of the water filled porosity from electrical conductivity or resistivity.
soil taxonomyThe classification of a soil in a hierarchical system based on its various properties
carried interestA fractional working interest in an oil and gas lease that comes about through an arrangement between co-owners of a working interest.
experimentA controlled investigation designed to evaluate the outcomes of causal manipulations on some system of interest.
scientific methodThe approach science uses to gain knowledge
glazeCoating of ice that forms when rain falls on a surface with a temperature below freezing.
nitriteForm of nitrogen commonly found in the soil
midstreamA term sometimes used to refer to those industry activities that fall between exploration and production (upstream) and refining and marketing (downstream)
sour crude oilOil containing free sulphur or other sulphur compounds whose total sulphur content is in excess of 1 percent.
damperA valve, or plate, used to regulate the flow of air or other gases.
heat fusion jointA joint made in thermoplastic piping by heating the parts sufficiently to permit fusion of the materials when the parts are pressed together.
casing stringTotal feet of casing run in a well
landmanAn agent who works for a drilling company or who is contracted by a drilling company or broker
compressor stationA facility which helps the transportation process of natural gas from one location to another.
ventilation airThat portion of supply air which comes from outside, plus any recirculated air that has been treated to maintain the desired quality of air within a designated place.
pro rata allocationA capacity or gas supply allocation methodology under which all customers would receive the same proportion of the natural gas service available as their portion of total volumes contracted for
brine wella well used for dissolving salt from a salt formation, adding brine to, or taking brine from a salt cavern.
meanderSinuous shaped stream channel
current adjustmentApplicable to pipelines which have a PGA mechanism in effect
water tableThe level of ground water.
fair valueIn determining the company's Rate Base by this method you can either (1) estimate the cost to rebuild, (2) inflation adjust or trend Original Cost, or (3) estimate the market value
cash flowIncome before extraordinary items plus non-cash revenues (such as equity income)
anastomosisA mesh of small hollow tubes (the result of solution in the phreatic zone) in solid rock, or half tubes when exposed in a fractured rock surface
flexible couplingA mechanical connection between two pieces of machinery or two pipes to allow limited movement of the two parts relative to each other.
allochthonous clayClay originating in an environment different from the final sedimentary environment (rocky substrate soil or upstream sediment subjected to erosion).
investment tax creditA credit against income taxes, usually computed as a percent of the cost of investment in certain types of assets.
feedback loopProcess where the output of a system causes positive or negative changes to some measured component of the system.
required radiationThe area of radiator surface required based on the heat loss computation for the space to be heated.
exploratory wellA well drilled either in search of a new and as yet undiscovered accumulation of oil or gas, or in an attempt to significantly extend the limits of a known reservoir.
recyclingThe repetition of a particular process; the return of a stream or part of a stream to a previous process or location for additional recovery of the desired components.
regionA term used in geography that describes an area of the Earth where some natural or human-made phenomena display similar traits.
time-of-use pricingA method of charging for electricity or some other service that takes into consideration both the time of day and the season of the year at which it is used.
threshold populationthe minimum number of people required to support a particular good, shop or office
compositionThe chemical makeup of an object.
icelandic lowSubpolar low pressure system found near Iceland
flame frontThe plane along which combustion starts.
meter setThe meter and appurtenances thereto, including the meter, meter bar, and connected pipe and fittings
biomass conversionProcess by which biomass materials are burned for direct energy or by which such materials are converted to synthetic fuels.
capital structureThe long term debt and equity of a company
hedgeThe reduction of risk by covering anticipated commitments at a fixed price in the future through a futures or options contract
infield exchange agreementContract specifying the terms and conditions for the exchange of wellhead gas production between different companies usually within the same producing field.
mmboMillion Barrels
mechanical equivalent of heatThe conversion factor for transforming heat units into mechanical units of work
jurassicA period in geological history from about 141 to 195 million years ago.
hydraulic gradientThe slope of the water table or aquifer
hard hatA hard helmet worn by oilfield workers to minimize the danger of being injured by falling objects.
flue collarThat portion of an appliance designed for the attachment of the draft hood or vent connector.
eutrophic lakeLake that has an excessive supply of nutrients, mostly in the form of nitrates and phosphates
fuel cellA device that generates direct current to electricity by means of an electrochemical process.
matrixFine-grained material found in the pore space between larger sediment grains.
calcareous sand  The external shells of gastropods and bivalve mollusks (e.g., clams, scallops) are calcareous, stiff, and range in diameter from 0.02 to 2 millimeters (0.0008–0.08 inch).
mesopauseThin boundary layer found between the mesosphere and the thermosphere
regressive evolutionReduced body pigmentation (or no pigment); Loss of wings (in insects, such as carabid beetles); Elongated appendages including antennae; Longer and greater density spines or setae (hairs); Reduced metabolic rate.Fauna
affinityIn biology, a similar but distinct species, closely related to the given species
fnma/fannie maeFederal National Mortgage Association that is a publicly owned, government-sponsored corporation chartered in 1938 to purchase mortgages from lenders and either to hold them in portfolio or resell them to investors.
filamenta strand of cool gas suspended over the photosphere by magnetic fields, which appears dark as seen against the disk of the Sun.
beam loadingThe application of a load to a pipe between two points of support.
monthly serviceA predefined monthly period in which daily services are summarized for invoicing and imbalance statements
kankar(pronounced kunkar) A deposit, often nodular, of calcium carbonate formed in soils of semi arid regions by evaporation of mineralised water at the surface.
bell-and-spigot pipePipe made with a cup-like flare at one end (the bell) and plain at the other end (the spigot)
k/oAbbreviation for Kick off
channelizationThe act of straightening a stream; typically widens and deepens the stream as well to improve the flow of water
niche specializationProcess where evolution, through natural selection, adapts a species to a particular set of abiotic and biotic characteristics within a habitat.
derrickmanThe person who is second in command of the drilling crew.
residential preferencewhere people would like to live.
shut-inShut off so there is no flow; refers to a well, plant, pump, etc., when valves are closed at both inlet and outlet.
atmosphereone atmosphere is 14.7 pounds per square inch (105 Newtons per square meter); the average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth
bottled gasIn the industry, liquefied petroleum gas contained under moderate pressure in cylinders, sometimes referred to as bottles
ventilationThe process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any space
evaporation panMeteorological instrument that is used to measure evaporation rates.
solar atmospherethe atmosphere of the Sun
maunder minimumPeriod from 1645 to 1715 during which the Sun had very little sunspot activity.
greenhouse effectThe heating of the atmosphere by the trapping of long-wave radiation re-emitted by the Earth from incoming solar energy.
uic-26Waste Refusal NotificationWaste Refusal Notification (UIC-26)
hyphaeThread like structures found on a fungus.
sonrisStrategic Online Natural Resources Information System - This service of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources provides you free, Web-accessible information through the access method of your choice
spodosolsSoil order (type) of the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Classification System
moraineA hill of glacial till deposited directly by a glacier.
unbundlingThe separation of the various components of gas sales, storage, transmission, delivery and etc
ebb tideTime during the tidal period when the tide is falling
productionThe phase that occurs after successful exploration and development and during which hydrocarbons are drained from an oil or gas field.
acquisition adjustmentsSee ORIGINAL COST, HISTORICAL COST
chemical floodingAn enhanced recovery process in which water, with added chemicals, is injected into an oil reservoir to increase recovery.
paying  interestThe cost-bearing interest arising out of the obligation to bear initialexploration, appraisal and development costs on behalf of a partner
impact feeImposed by commissioners
latosolSoil order (type) of the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Classification System
nad-27Is based on the Clark speroid of 1866 with an initial point at Meades Ranch, Kansas.
lswrLow sulfur waxy residual fuel oil.
aquaticLiving in water
settlement conferenceAn informal meeting of interested parties to resolve differences in a rate case
cngCompressed natural gas
control groupSee COMPARISON GROUP.
sunspota temporary disturbed area in the solar photosphere that appears dark because it is cooler than the surrounding areas
return airAir returning to a heater or conditioner from the heated or conditioned space.
moon phasesThe monthly changes in the appearance of the Moon as seen from Earth
joint plane caveA cavity developed along a joint, which is often steeply dipping, and thus high in relation to width.Cave - Kinds of
electrical energyUsusally measured in kilowatt-hours, energy delivered by an electrical utility via its transmission/distribution system
carbon sinkA component of the Earth system that absorbs carbon compounds, otherwise known as a reservoir or pool, eg the ocean.
put optionAn option that gives the holder the right (but not the obligation) to sell a specified quantity of the underlying instrument at a fixed price, on or before a specified date
communitiesA community is a contiguous built-up area, incorporated or unincorporated, commonly recognized as a separate entity
slickensidesthe polished striations on a rock surface caused by friction generated by faulting.
seismographA device for detecting vibrations in the earth
co2 injectionA secondary recovery technique in which carbon dioxide (CO2) is injected into wells as part of a miscible recovery program.
louisiana administrative codeIs a state-certified publication that provides a set of permanent rules which have been formally adopted or amended by Louisiana state agencies
deuteriumAn isotope of hydrogen containing one proton and one neutron in the nucleus
reserve life indexThe ratio of a pipeline's system supply reserves to annual sales expected, stated in years
astronomical unitthe average distance from the Earth to the Sun; 1 AU is 149,597,870 kilometers (92,960,116 miles).
economizerAn arrangement of tubes through which the feed water passes before entering boiler drum and flue gases leave burners
dune limestoneSyn
gymnospermPlant that bears naked seeds
herbivoreHeterotrophic organism that consumes plants for nutrition
tankerOcean going ship designed for carrying crude oil and other liquid products.
reserves appreciationIncremental changes in established reserves resulting from extension of existing pools and/or revisions to a previous reserves estimate and/or by application of improved recovery methods.
green infrastructure T
photogrammetryThe science of using aerial photographs and other remote sensing imagery to obtain measurements of natural and human-made features on the Earth.
gorGas-oil ratio
form a dReport of Proof of Apparent Deviation.
franchise gasNatural gas provided by a utility to a governmental body, in a particular municipality, in exchange for franchise rights in that municipality.
pay zonesThe vertical portion of a reservoir that is producing oil and gas within a given wellbore
suspended sedimentSmall particles of insoluble organic or inorganic matter suspended in water, Syn flocculant.Hydrology terms
terminal velocityMaximum speed that can be achieve by a body falling through a fluid like water or air.
squeeze cementingThe forcing of cement slurry by pressure to specified points in a well to cause seals at the points of squeeze
transition zoneBoundary between the meristematic zone (which is proliferative) and the differentiation zones; it is easily recognized by the onset of cell elongation in the root.
geopressure gradientThe change in pore pressure observed per unit change in depth
scrubTo remove certain constituents of a gas by passing it through equipment (Scrubber) in which the gas is intimately mixed with a suitable liquid that absorbs or washes out the constituent to be removed from the gas.
gigawatt hourOne billion watt-hours.
contract imbalance quantityThe cumulative difference between all quantities of gas received and quantities of gas delivered for a contract from inception through the most current billing period.
aeolianPertaining to the wind
onshore-offshore transportThe up and down movement of sediment roughly perpendicular to a shoreline because of wave action.
cfpdCubic Feet Per Day
ex parte communicationsOff-the-record communication between any party to a proceeding before the Commission and any Commissioner, his or her staff, or any employee of the Commission.
hawaiian highSee Pacific High.
quotaOPEC sets individual crude oil production quotas for each of its 11 members
gardeningClearing stones or other material from a route either to (1) moderate potential danger of falling stones (2) increase accessibility.Speleology term
redshifta shift in the lines of an object's spectrum toward the red end
unconfined groundwaterGroundwater that is not restricted by impervious layers of rock.
crystalA homogeneous solid that has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and has external plane faces.
glutAn excess of supply over demand
sugarType of carbohydrate chemically based on carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
hormuzThe Strait of Hormuz is the sea-passage out of the Persian Gulf between Iran on the eastern shore and the UAE and Oman on the west.
new moonA phase of the Moon in which none of the sides facing Earth is illuminated by the Sun.
solar energySee insolation.
total depthTD
kerogenThe hydrocarbon in oil shales.
equivalent direct radiationHeat expressed in terms of a square foot of steam radiator surface emitting 240 Btu per hour
proper and adequateAs in "proper and adequate" depreciation rate
squatter settlementanother name for a spontaneous settlement.
concession contractA contract that directly grants mining rights (including mining rights in Japan and permits, licenses and leases in other countries) to oil companies through a contract or approval from the government of oil-producing countries or from national oil companies
non-ionizing radiationA form of electromagnetic radiation that does not have enough energy to cause ionization of atoms in living tissue
superior conjunctiona conjunction that occurs when a superior planet passes behind the Sun and is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth.
diffusionThe movement of a material, such as a gas or liquid, in the body of a plastic
gas-oil ratioGOR
jarsA device used in cable drilling, shaped like two elongated links, attached to the drilling tool, and used to jar the bit on the upward stroke, thus preventing the bit from sticking in the well-bore; also used to increase the impetus of a force exerted to free objects stuck in the well-bore.
secondary pollutantAtmospheric pollutants that are created chemically in the atmosphere when primary pollutants and other components of the air react
historical costThe actual cost of land, buildings, pipelines and other plant items to the company, when used in ratemaking it assumes the company's acquisition costs are prudent
anchorA fixed object used to secure a ladder, rope or safety line used for climbing.Climbing and SRT
pollutantA substance that has a harmful effect on the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.
industrial revolutionMajor change in the economy and society of humans brought on by the use of machines and the efficient production of goods
calculated depreciation reserveSee THEORETICAL DEPRECIATION RESERVE.
cascade cycleA liquefaction process in which a series of refrigerants are used to obtain successively lower temperatures.
combined accountsWhen two or more meters are combined for billing purposes under the following conditions: Where combinations of meter readings are specifically provided for in rate schedules
compressibility factorSee SUPERCOMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR.
suspension orderFERC Order suspending the effectiveness of a new rate case for an additional five months beyond the pipeline's 30 day request.
hygroscopic coefficientMaximum limit of hygroscopic water around the surface of a soil particle.
equinoxthe two points at which the Sun crosses the celestial equator in its yearly path in the sky
megatonan explosive force equal to one million metric tons of TNT
landed costThe total cost of oil off-loaded at a port, including duties, fees and taxes.
deficiency based gicSee GAS INVENTORY CHARGE.
boobtubeA clear plastic tube about a metre long, used as a straw to drink water from crevices and otherwise inaccessible pools.Miscellaneous terms
marginal cost pricingA system of pricing designed to ignore all costs except those associated with producing the next increment of power generation
turbidityThe muddiness, cloudiness or milkiness of water
double leverageConcept used in developing a company's proper capital structure
nadNorth American Datum
phreatic zoneThe zone that is below the Water table (except at times of drought) where voids or tubes in the rock are completely saturated with water.Speleology term
free serviceIn DSM, an incentive in the form of assistance offered by utilities, such as energy audits and maintenance of equipment such as furnace tune-up programs.
trendrefers to the general direction of a given geologic structure.
henry hub - Located in Erath, LA, the Henry Hub is a pipeline interchange and the delivery point for the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) active natural gas futures contracts
alternate fuel capabilityThe ability to use an alternate fuel whether or not the facilities for such use have actually been installed.
naphthaA loosely defined petroleum fraction containing primarily aliphatic (linear) hydrocarbons with boiling points ranging from 125o to 240o C
surface casingThe first string of casing put into a well; it is cemented into place and serves to shut out shallow water formations and as a foundation for well control.
indirect-firedA heater in which combustion products do not come in contact with the material to be heated; heating of the material is accomplished by radiation or conduction from the heated surfaced
surface tensionTension of a liquid's surface
thermogenicGenerated or formed by heat, especially via physiological processes.
pipeOilfield tubular goods such as casing, drill pipe, tubing, or pipeline
viscosityIn general, resistance to flow; that property of semi-fluids and gases by virtue of which they resist an instantaneous change of shape or arrangement of molecules.
drill pipeHeavy, thick-walled, seamless steel pipe used in rotary drilling to turn the drill bit and to provide a conduit for the drilling mud
vlccVery large crude carrier; with a capacity of 200,000-320,000 dwt
transmission lossThe power lost in transmission between one point and another
moving-bed gasifierA gasifier in which coke is fed into the top keeping the gasifier essentially full when operating
continental shieldSee shield.
urban areaGeographic area with a high density of people over a limited area
form or-1Organization/Transporter Permit and Annual Registration Form Organizations (OR-1) Information-- Organization Search -- Organization Officer/Contact Search
gas controllerA person or persons assigned the task of monitoring and controlling daily gas system operations and ensuring safety of a pipeline or distribution system.
transparencyThe ability of a medium to allow light to pass through it.
surgeA large, destructive ocean wave caused by very low atmospheric pressure and strong winds
open pressureThe pressure on a gas well that has been open long enough for the pressure to stabilize.
herfindahl-hirschman indexA measure of market concentration
reefA ridge of rocks found in the tidal zone along a coastline
surface locationThe surface location of the well.
dye gaugingDetermining stream discharge by inserting a known quantity of dye and measuring its concentration after mixing.Survey & Mapping term
integrated resource planningA utility planning method whereby alternative resource mixes, including demand-side and supply-side options, are evaluated in order to determine which resource plan minimizes the overall cost of service, subject to reliability and various other constraints.
tariffRates an regulated entity will charge to provide service to its customers as well as the terms and conditions that it will follow in providing service.
selective catalytic reductionA post combustion control which taps flue gas off the boiler and injects ammonia with nitrogen oxide gas to reduce emissions.
anemometerAn instrument for measuring the velocity of wind.
suburbsthe outer zone of towns and cities.
topsidesThe superstructure of a platform.
lagrange pointfrench mathematician and astronomer Joseph Louis Lagrange showed that three bodies can lie at the apexes of an equilateral triangle which rotates in its plane
event horizonthe invisible boundary around a black hole past which nothing can escape the gravitational pull - not even light.
geographical faultA fracture or fracture zone in rock along which movement has occurred..
bio-leachingA process for recovering metals from low-grade ores by dissolving them in solution, the dissolution being aided by bacterial action.
vanadiumMetal present in some fuels
nuclear fusiona nuclear process whereby several small nuclei are combined to make a larger one whose mass is slightly smaller than the sum of the small ones
remaining established reservesInitial established reserves less cumulative production.
net generationGross generation less the electric energy consumed at the generating station for station use.
calcium carbonateCompound consisting of calcium and carbonate
trackerA special provision approved by the Commission giving the pipeline company the ability to change its rates at different points in time to recognize changes in specific cost of service items without the usual suspension period of a rate filing
monte carlo simulationA statistical method whereby a range of results and their probabilities are reached through random sampling of points on a distribution curve or curves.
cave flowerSee Gypsum flower.Cave - Depositional Features
ventthe opening of the earth's surface through which volcanic materials are extruded.
calorieQuantity of energy
space heaterSee HEATER, ROOM.
soil fertilityThe ability of a soil to provide nutrients for plant growth.
pmAn acronym for producing method; the producing method can be one of the following: pumping, flowing, gas lift, or injection.
fertile materialMaterial which can be converted into fissile material by the capture of a neutron
self-regulationThe ability of some systems to maintain a steady state equilibrium through positive and negative feedbacks.
cash settlementThe settlement of futures or options by paying a cash difference, rather than taking/making physical delivery.
commercial paperShort-term promissory notes issued and sold by utilities and other companies usually through dealers in such paper.
end-use meteringThe direct measuring of consumption by specific end-use appliances, typically as part of load research studies or to measure the impacts of DSM programs.
division orderA schedule of owners and their decimal share in revenues of the well derived from the sale of oil or gas.
connectionThe physical junction (transmission lines, transformers, switch gear, etc) between two electric systems permitting the transfer of electricity
dissociationChemical process where a compound or molecule breaks up into simpler constituents.
msekMillion Swedish Kronor
cirrocumulus cloudsPatchy white high altitude cloud composed of ice crystals
ratingLimits placed on operating conditions of a machine, apparatus, or device based on its design characteristics.
nuclear reactorA device in which a fission chain reaction can be initiated, maintained and controlled
docket numberAt the time a document is filed with the Commission it is assigned a number
dispersalAn organism leaving its place or birth or activity for another location.
isobutaneA hydrocarbon of the same chemical formula as butane but different molecular structure, resulting in different physical properties, notably lower boiling point
rnrTanker abbreviation for rate not reported.
seed bankThe accumulation of viable plant seeds occurring in soil and available for germination under favorable environmental conditions.
exploitationForm of competition where the indirect effects of the two or more species or individuals reduce the supply of the limiting resource or resources needed for survival.
dry gasNatural gas which does not contain liquid hydrocarbons
headThe differential or pressure, usually expressed in terms of the height of a liquid column that the pressure will support
optimizationA technique used by technical analysts to decide on which measures work best in their specific markets
thermal highArea of high pressure in the atmosphere caused by the area having warmer temperatures relative to the air around it.
balancingMaking receipts and deliveries of gas into or withdrawals from a company equal
trade allyIn DSM, an organization (architect, building contractor, etc.) that influences energy decisions of customers who are potential DSM program participants.
derimingAdding heat to remove accumulated solid water or carbon dioxide constituents from low-temperature process equipment.
light louisiana sweetAPI gravity higher than 33 degrees
street ellAn L-shaped pipe fitting with external threads on one end and internal threads on the other end
operating expensesThe costs of operating a well.
plant communityAll of the plant species and individuals occurring in a shared habitat or environment.
condensationA change of state from gas to liquid.
magnesiteMagnesium carbonate rock
fenA habitat composed of woodland and swamp.
gom or gmGasoil Moteur — French gasoil specification.
leased storageNatural gas storage facilities owned and controlled by a storage operator, quite often the interstate pipeline's affiliate
ordovicianperiod of geological time from 495 to 440 million years ago.
summer valleyThe depression that occurs in the summer months in the daily load of a gas distribution system of pipeline.
food chainA series of plants or animals linked together by their food relationships or a specific nutrient and energy pathway
chemical energyEnergy consumed or produced in chemical reactions.
coalbed methaneMethane derived from a coal seam.
black bodyIs a body that emits electromagnetic radiation, at any temperature, at the maximum possible rate per unit surface area
wind load ratingA specification used to indicate the resistance of a derrick to the force of wind
solar winda flow of charged particles that travels from the Sun out into the Solar System.
neogenepart of the Cenozoic Era, comprising the Miocene and Pliocene epochs from 23.8 to 1.81 million years ago.
locked-in periodNormally settlement rates are developed using actual cost experience of the base period, as adjusted in the test period, allocated to estimated annual sales volumes
leadA cave passage noticed but as yet unexplored.Speleology term
exploratory wellA hole drilled: a) to find and produce oil or gas in an area previously considered unproductive area; b) to find a new reservoir in a known field, i.e., one previously producing oil and gas from another reservoir, or c) to extend the limit of a known oil or gas reservoir.
payout ratioThe ratio of cash dividends on common stock to earnings available for common stock.
taggingAffixing a tag bearing a cave number near its entrance, either by glue or by means of rock drill and a small nail or screw.Survey & Mapping term
the frack actThe Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act seeks to reverse some of the policies enacted in the 2005 energy policy and compel full disclosure of the chemicals, and specifically the concentrations of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing
solar radiationThe total electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun.
crown landLand and land covered by water owned by the Province.
graphic scaleWay of expressing the scale of a map with a graphic.
induction logA log recorded in uncased boreholes which involves the use of electromagnetic induction principles for the measurement of formation conductivity or resistivity
arkosearenaceous rocks
tubingSee PIPING.
air drillingDrilling using air as the circulation medium
unionA threaded fitting used to couple two runs of pipe together without having to turn or dismantle either run of pipe.
demand metersA device which indicates or records the instantaneous, maximum or integrated (over a specified period) demand.
achievable potentialIn DSM, an estimate of energy savings based on the assumption that all energy-efficient options will be adopted to the extent that they are cost-effective and possible through utility DSM programs
co-firingThe process of burning natural gas in conjunction with another fuel.
city gate priceThe unit price charged by a transmission company for natural gas transported via pipeline to a distribution company in a particular city or area.
precessionthe apparent shift of the celestial poles caused by a gradual wobble of the Earth's axis.
sonris classicThis access method offers additional query functionality via Java-enabled forms
steam tracingA graphic recording of steam pressure and temperature done instrumentally.
parallaxthe apparent change in position of two objects viewed from different locations.
mesocavernIncludes all cavities in rock that are smaller than 20 cm in diameter and larger than 0.1 cm in diameter
compensated neutron logA well log made with a mandrel type neutron logging tool having two neutron detectors
viscoelasticityThe tendency of plastics to respond to stress as if they were a combination of viscous liquids and elastic solids.
dirty cargoA petroleum cargo, such as crude oil or heavy fuel oil, that leaves a significant quantity of residue in the holds of a tanker.
on balance volumeOBV is a momentum indicator relating volume to price change
china main portMost petrochemical trade in China is carried out basis China Main Port, rather than a specific port.
sendout curveSendout plotted as a function of temperature.
plateauGenerally refers to a level land area raised above the surrounding land
stackA chimney or conduit for smoke.
talwegAlso Thalweg
design day availabilityThe amount of each type of gas arranged to be available on the design day and the maximum combination of such supplies
cas numberA unique identifier for chemical substances
water withdrawalThe removal of water from some type of source, like groundwater, for some use by humans
service lifeThe time between the date plant is includible in plant in service, or plant leased to others, and the date of its retirement
hydrolysisChemical weathering process that involves the reaction between mineral ions and the ions of water (OH- and H+), and results in the decomposition of the rock surface by forming new compounds, and by increasing the pH of the solution involve through the release of the hydroxide ions.
oil prodAbbreviation for oil production
hallA lofty chamber that is longer than it is wide.Cave - Parts of
swellA relatively smooth ocean wave that travels some distance from the area of its generation.
cave ecologyThe study of the interaction between cave organisms and their environment
dispatchability of dsmThe ability of the utility to schedule and control, directly or indirectly, manually or automatically, the timing and volumes of DSM measures.
tdTotal Depth (refers to the final depth of a well)
form uic-14Application for Annular Disposal of Reserve Pit Fluids
multishot surveydirectional survey.
heavy metalsMetallic elements with atomic numbers equal to or higher than uranium, used as a collective term to provide interdependence of the exact chemical form.
planA cave map at a reduced scale showing the details projected vertically onto a horizontal plane..Survey & Mapping term
consumerthese are people
md-15-rAmended Permit to Drill for Minerals
gravity adjustmentOil from each area has a specific gravity or mass
congestionovercrowding on roads causing traffic jams.
dual induction logDIL
calcium carbonateCaCO3
natural gas reservesGas deposits that are estimated by scientists to be economically recoverable given current drilling technology and gas prices.
start cartA heating device which supplies load pressure steam for fuel cell heat up.
massa measure of the total amount of material in a body, defined either by the inertial properties of the body or by its gravitational influence on other bodies.
bcBarrel of Condensate
viscosityResistance of a fluid to flow
kilowatt-hourThe basic unit for pricing electric energy, equal to one kilowatt of power supplied continuously for one hour (or the amount of electricity needed to light ten 100-watt lightbulbs for one hour)
recovery rateThe rate at which natural gas can be removed from a reservoir.
name plate ratingThe full-load continuous rating of a generator, prime mover, pump, compressor, or other equipment under specified conditions as designated by the manufacturer
api gravityAn arbitrary scale expressing the gravity or density of liquid petroleum products devised jointly by the American Petroleum Institute and the National Bureau of Standards
order 29dA statewide order establishing a procedure for obtaining approval and authorizing the commingling of gas or liquids and the use of methods other than gauge tanks for allocation of production.
overhangA simple cave or rock shelter in which no part is in the dark zone.Cave - Kinds of
form ogpOperator's Monthly Oil and Gas Production Report OGP Data Entry
hardnessThe comparative resistance of a mineral to scratching
cretaceousA period in geological history from about 65 to 141 million years ago.
ronResearch octane number
continental shelfThe continental shelf is the part of the ocean floor next to each of the continents
inflow caveA cave into which a stream enters or is known to have entered formerly
peak hourThe one-hour period of greatest total gas sendout or use.
ogpOperator's Monthly Oil and Gas Production ReportOGP Data Entry
cow's tailA length of rope used as a safety when crossing a rebelay.Climbing and SRT
plutoniumA radioactive element used as a raw material in the manufacture of nuclear weapons; a waste product of processes yielding atomic energy.
long sectionA cave map showing a cross section along the length of a cave or of a single passage or chamber.Survey & Mapping term
alternating current distributionThe supply of electricity from one or more major receiving stations to the point of consumption
tapeStrips of woven synthetic fibre used for slings to support ladders or as a handline
offshore blockA square in the geographic grid dividing offshore waters
threadA natural hole in a rock mass through which a rope, tape or wire can be passed to create an anchor.Climbing and SRT
spot marketA market characterized by short-term, interruptible (or best efforts) contracts for specified volumes of gas
natural gasA mixture of hydrocarbon compounds and small amounts of various non-hydrocarbons (such as carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen) existing in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in natural underground reservoirs.
energy auditA review of a customer's energy usage, often including recommendations to alter the customer's demand or reduce energy usage
wellbore storage effectDistortions in the reservoir response due to wellbore storage
inorganicNon-living thing
acetone testA process control test for PVC pipe which indicates how well the rigid vinyl compound has been fused together in the extruder
sublimeTo evaporate directly from the solid to the vapor phase
high fireAn expression used for the design maximum rate of fuel input to a burner.
batA mammal of the order Chiroptera, divided into several families
opportunity costA method to determine the cost of common equity component of return using the cost of capital of other investments of similar risk.
orbital periodThe time interval for a body to complete one orbit around another.
cainozoicThe last of the geological eras, includes the Tertiary and Quaternary Periods
anodic protection(1) A technique to reduce corrosion of a metal surface under some conditions by passing sufficient anodic current to it to cause the electrode potential of the surface to enter and remain in the passive region
naturally occuring radioactive materialsAll radioactive elements found in the environment, including long-lived radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium, and potassium and any of their decay products, such as radium and radon.
phase changeReorganization of a substance at the atomic or molecular level resulting in a change of the physical state of matter
potentialA measure of the capacity of a well to produce oil or gas
farmer's oilAn expression that refers to the landowner's share of oil from a well drilled on his property
incentive programA DSM program in which an incentive is offered to encourage participation and adoption of the recommended measure.
tubingString of pipe set inside the well casing, through which the oil or gas is produced
office of the secretaryThe Executive Program in the Office of the Secretary serves as the executive management and policy agency
chalkA soft white limestone, composed of the calcium carbonate remains of minute organisms (mostly from planktonic algae).
flash backThe burning of gas in the mixing chamber of a burner or in a piping system, usually due to an excess of primary air or too low a velocity of the combustible mixture through the burner part.
qua iboA Nigerian crude oil, with an API of about 35.9.
townshipA square tract of land six miles on a side, it consists of 36 sections of one square mile each.
delivered at terminalA sales-contract term meaning that the seller's LNG price includes delivery to and unloading at a named terminal but not the import-clearance costs, such as taxes
stray currentElectrical current (normally DC) from either natural or man-caused source, which could result in corrosion if not drained properly or compensated for by other means.
dnaDeoxyribonucleic acid, a polynucleotide containing the sugar deoxyribose – it contains the information needed by a cell to make proteins.
coast 2050COAST 2050 is a joint planning initiative among the Louisiana Wetland Conservation and Restoration Authority, the Breaux Act Task Force, and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Authority
structural cross sectionSeries of electric logs that illustrate subsurface structure by placing the logs relative to sea level.
breakoutThe act of unscrewing one section of pipe from another section.
variable costsVoltage-Ampere-Reactive
foul airIn a cave or mine, air with greater than 1% carbon dioxide (CO2) which adversely affects respiration and metabolism.Speleology term
channelLike it sounds, a channel in which prices are moving
phylogeneticPertaining to an evolutionary development of a species
rimstone damA ridge or rib of rimstone, often curved convexly downstream.Cave - Depositional Features
life-of-the-field contractA contract where the producer commits his reserves for the life of the field.
geomorphologyThe field of knowledge that investigates the origin of landforms on the Earth and other planets.
coastal wetlandWetland habitat found along a coastline and is covered with ocean salt water for all or part of the year
filteringa process by which social groups move from one residential area to another, leading to changes in the social nature of residential areas
isomerA compound with the same chemical composition and molecular weight as another compound, but with a different molecular structure
foibeA blind or dead-end shaft.Cave - Parts of
british thermal unitA measure of the heating value of a fuel
hydrothermalof or pertaining to heated water, to its actions or to products related to its actions
underproductionProduction that is less than the allowable assigned to a proration unit.
attenuationReduction in magnitude, as in the lowering of peak runoff discharge rates, in the case of dry ponds; or the reduction of contaminant concentrations, as in the action of biodegradation in wetlands or bioretention facilities.
front-end costsCosts that are paid out of initial investment in a venture, first, before the venture activities actually begin.
interstellar mediumthe gas and dust that exists in open space between the stars.
tvaTemporary voluntary abatement
barometerInstrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure.
expansion valveA special valve used in refrigerating systems through which the liquid refrigerant (under high pressure) is allowed to escape into a lower pressure and thus expand into a gas.
gas-oil contactA bounding surface in a reservoir above which predominantly gas occurs and below which predominantly oil occurs
energy-efficiency programA DSM program aimed at reducing overall consumption, often without regard for the timing of the program-induced savings
velocity pressureSee PRESSURE, VELOCITY.
derDelivered East of the Rockies
off-peak serviceService made available on special schedules or contracts but only for a specified part of the year during the off-peak season
hypothesisA tentative assumption that is made for the purpose of empirical scientific testing
foldA flexure in rocks; that is, a change in the amount of sip of a bed, and also often a change in the direction of dip.
relative strength indexThis has become one of the most widely used and popular of technical indicators
associationA stable community of different species living in a specific habitat.Cave - Biota
operating reserve marginThe amount of unused available capability that can be applied to the system within ten minutes at peakload for a utility system, expressed as a percentage of total capability
dnrLouisiana Department of Natural Resources
discounted cash flowA method to determine the cost of common equity component of return using a discounted stream of future cash dividends.
coevolutionThe coordinated evolution of two or more species that interact and exert selective pressures on each other that can cause each species to undergo associated adaptations
contract storageStorage facilities, or a portion of storage facilities, which are leased to others for the purposes of storing gas
thermal stress crackingCrazing and cracking of some thermoplastic resins which results from overexposure to elevated temperatures.
crystallineHaving regular molecular structure; contrasted with amorphous.
new towna well-planned, self-contained settlement complete with housing, employment and services.
turbulent flowThe high-velocity flow of fluids in which the fluid elements are heterogeneously mixed and confused, and local velocities and pressures fluctuate irregularly.
standby sales serviceA service which permits a sales customer the option, on any day, of using up to a set percentage of its daily contract demand for transportation, rather than sales service
paleogenepart of the Cenozoic Era comprising the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene epochs, from 65.5 to 23.8 million years ago.
ittIn-tank transfer.
old gas subsidy cushionThe difference between the price of gas from regulated, pre-NGPA gas suppliers and the market price of unregulated gas.
chokeAn orifice with a small-diameter bore, installed at the wellhead in a line to restrict and control the rate of production.
full-forced outageThe net capability of main generating units that is unavailable for load for emergency reasons.
csgAbbreviation for Casing
specialist speciesSpecies that have a relatively narrow ecological niche
fishAn object that is left in the wellbore It can be.
priorities of serviceA predetermined schedule of service obligations or contracts which specifies where one such service or contract takes precedence over another for deliveries of natural gas.
braun-blanquet rank1
over-the-counterThis is a customized derivatives contract typically transacted through an intermediary such as bank or trading wing of an energy company rather than on a formal, more centralized stock exchange
stossSide of a slope that faces the direction of flow of ice, wind, or water
balancing agreementA contractual agreement between two or more legal entities to account for differences between chart measured quantities and the total confirmed nominated quantities at a point
mesotrophic lakeLake with a moderate nutrient supply
memberA division of a formation, generally of distinct lithologic character and of only local extent.
deflation hollowA surface depression or hollow commonly found in arid and semiarid regions caused by wind erosion
wholesalingthe sale of goods to retailers; wholesalers are not open to the general public.
cave cricketAn insect of the order Orthoptera
asteroida small planetary body in orbit around the Sun, larger than a meteoroid but smaller than a planet
ebThe UN Clean Development Mechanism's Executive Board.
base tariff rateThe effective rate on file with the Commission, excluding adjustments
quartz arenite"A sandstone containing very little except pure quartz grain and cement
conservation programA utility-sponsored program that attempts to reduce a customer's energy consumption, over most, or all hours of the day.
relative permeabilityThe ratio between the effective permeability to a given fluid at a partial saturation and the permeability at 100% saturation
venturiAn increase in the velocity of a fluid or gas due to the constriction of flow.
fossil fuelsFuel, such as oil, formed in the earth from plant or animal remains.
legA survey leg, the measurement between 2 adjacent survey stations in a cave survey.Survey & Mapping term
uic-10Annual Saltwater Disposal Well ReportSaltwater Disposal Report
cetaneA paraffinic hydrocarbon used as an additive in diesel fuel.
irradiated fuelNuclear fuel which has been loaded into a reactor and has undergone a sustained chain reaction.
stygoxeneAn habitual stygobiont which spends only part of its life cycle in cave waters and returns periodically to the epigean domain, eg for food.Speleology term
accidentalAn animal accidentally living in a cave, and not a normal resident
cementingPermanently securing the casing to the wellbore or plugging and sealing the wellbore.
hygrometerAn instrument for determining the relative humidity of air or other gases
diagenesisPost-depositional modification to a sediment that converts it into rock
first law of thermodynamicsSee Law of Conservation of Energy.
dry lineA boundary the separates dry and moist air in the warm sector of a mid-latitude cyclone wave
vallisa sinuous valley.
coreA cylindrical sample of subsurface rock taken during the drilling operation and returned to the surface for analysis in order to obtain properties of downhole rock and fluid systems.
moody's stock quality groupsPreferred and Common Stocks: High Quality - High quality by all standards
phScale used to measure the alkalinity or acidity of a substance through the determination of the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution
pidxAn acronym for Petroleum Industry Data Exchange
stack effectThe tendency of a heated gas to rise in a vertical passage as in a chimney, small enclosure, or stairwell.
long-run marginal costsAll costs associated with the lowest cost incremental unit including variable production costs and capital costs.
cone of depressionCone shaped depression occurring horizontally across a water table
clear gasTar free gas occurring between the carbonization and gasification zones in a coal gasification plant.
tritiumA radioactive isotope of hydrogen containing one proton and two neutrons in the nucleus
junk basketA device made up on the bottom of the drill stem or on wireline to catch pieces of junk from the bottom of the hole
market-based pricingThe basing of a longer-term contract or rate schedule on published current market prices of competing supplies of natural gas or alternate fuels
windAir moving horizontally and/or vertically.
spectroscopeAn optical instrument designed to spread out light into the spectrum of its component colors.
assetsItems of value owned by or owed to a business
wellheadThe equipment at the surface of a well used to control the pressure; the point at which the hydrocarbons and water exit the ground
load diversityThe difference between the sum of the peaks of two or more individual loads and the peak of the combined load
coking coaltrade category of coal that is used in the steel industry to de–oxidise iron ore in the blast furnace.
afeAn estimate of the costs of drilling and completing a proposed well, which the operator provides to each working interest owner before the well is commenced.
schedulingA process by which nominations are first consolidated by receipt point, by contract, and verified with upstream/ downstream parties
stream bedBottom of the stream channel.
dealer tankwagon priceThe price paid by a branded dealer for petroleum products supplied by a major oil company.
closing stockThe closing inventory at the end of a month after production has been added and disposition subtracted
dedicated acreageAcreage dedicated to a company by contract
eligibility criteriaStandards that describe the customers who can participate in a utility's DSM program.
global warmingThe increase in temperature of the Earth – a possible factor is the increase in greenhouse gases due to human activities.
gravityIs the process where any body of mass found in the universe attracts other bodies with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance that separates them
bring in a wellAct of completing and bringing a well into production
collapse dolineA doline which has formed chiefly by the collapse of rock strata
rimstone poolA pool held up by a rimstone dam.Cave - Depositional Features
rotary bitThe cutting tool attached to the lower end of the drill pipe of a rotary drilling rig
depreciation allowanceIncome tax deduction allowed for the exhaustion of a natural resource.
order to show causeAn order issued by the Commission or a court to bring a question for hearing
discoveryPart of the ratemaking process, after a rate or other filing and after suspension by the Commission which orders a hearing, where parties including the filing company can, through requests for data, obtain more information about the (rate) filing and the particular issues set for hearing.
impermeablePertaining to a rock that is incapable of transmitting fluids because of low permeability
cryostatic pressurePressure exerted on a substance by ice at rest.
calorimeterAn apparatus for measuring the amount of heat released by the combustion of a compound or mixture.
hdaHydrodealkylation, a process used for making benzene from toluene.
lost revenuesRevenues not collected by a utility due to the loss of sales as a direct result of DSM programs.
hydrostatic pressureThe pressure due to a column of water.Speleology term
theodoliteSurvey instrument that measures both horizontal and vertical angles, as well as horizontal distances using a telescope and a stadia.Survey & Mapping term
thrust faulta relatively low-angle fracture along which one rock mass has moved upward and over another.
packerA cylinder of rubber like material used to hold a tubing string central in the well, seperating and sealing the sections of the well above and below the packer.
biomassThe total mass or weight of living matter, usually relates to a given area, habitat or community.Biology - Flora & Fauna
megawatt-hourOne million watt-hours of electricity
convectional liftingThe vertical lifting of parcels of air through convective heating of the atmosphere
influx caveA cave entrance that has a stream flowing into it
management feeA cylindrical bar, spindle, or shaft around which other parts are arranged or attached or that fits inside a cylinder or tube.
throughputThe volume of gas flowing through a pipeline, ore processed by a concentrator etc.
combustible limitsSee EXPLOSIVE LIMITS.
a/fAbbreviation for anti-freeze, one of the larger end-uses of monoethylene glycol.
commercial in-service dateThe date at which a new unit has completed its testing and is turned over to operating staff for normal system operation.
thoriumAn element with atomic number 90
peak day methodAn allocation method used to allocate demand costs to customer classes based on peak day.
originThe arbitrary starting point on a graph or grid coordinate system
cation-exchange capacityAlso called base-exchange capacity
continental ice sheetSee continental glacier.
returnGenerally, interest on debt and the profit the company is allowed over and above the recovery of its operating expenses, depreciation and taxes.
fecal coliform fecal coliformA measure of fecal coliform bacteria in water
brinesaline water naturally occurring in porous sedimentary rock formations; fluid resulting from the dissolution of salt formations with fresh water for the purposes of salt solution mining.
benthic communitiesSea floor communities containing different types and numbers of various organisms, depending on the location within the community
storage mainsThose mains used primarily for injection and withdrawal of gas to and from underground storage.
dow theoryTheory of market movement developed by Charles Dow that prices move in defined trends of successive higher peaks and higher troughs in an uptrend, and lower peaks and lower troughs in a downtrend
chain tongsa hand tool used to tighten or loosen pipe, consisting of a handle and chain that resembles the chain on a bicycle.
natural gas design stressThe estimated maximum tensile stress in the wall of the pipe in the circumferential orientation due to internal natural gas pressure that can be applied continuously with a high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur.
posted priceOutright, non-market-related price requested by a seller of crude oil or products
adsorptionThe extraction from a mixture of gases or liquids of one or more components, by surface adhesion to that material with which the gases or liquids come in contact
farm tapA small meter station off of a transmission line usually to serve one customer.
waterfloodingThe injection of water into an oil reservoir to “push” additional oil out of the reservoir rock and into the wellbores of producing wells.
transition zoneThe area between habitats or ecosystems
meridianan imaginary circle drawn through the North and South poles of the celestial equator.
desiccantAny absorbent or adsorbent, liquid or solid, that will remove water or water vapor from a material
waterfloodingThe injection of water into an oil reservoir to "push" additional oil out of the reservoir rock and into the wellbores of producing wells.
catwalkA raised, narrow walkway extending from the front of a drilling derrick or mast which serves as a staging area or work area from which equipment is raised to the derrick.
azimuth(1) In well logging
fluoresceinA reddish-yellow organic dye C20H12O5 which gives a green fluorescence to water, used in water tracing
ice sheetA dome-shaped glacier covering an area greater than 50,000 square kilometers
stabilityThe capability of a system to tolerate or recover from disturbance or an environmental stress.
farmount agreementsAn arrangement (technically, a tax partnership) in which the responsibility for exploration and development for a specific work program is shifted (by assignment) from the working interest owner to another party.
burner-tipThe point at which natural gas is used as a fuel.
directional drillingA well drilled at an angle from the vertical
absolute zerothe temperature at which the motion of all atoms and molecules stops and no heat is given off
setbackA distance from the edge of a water body within which intensive development is restricted
exiniteone of the three types of macerals that make coal.
net revenue interestThe percentage of revenues from a property an interest holder is due, calculated as 100% minus royalties or other burdens on the property
llsLight Louisiana Sweet - API gravity higher than 33 degrees.
stegamiteA speleothem projecting upwards from a cave floor in the form of a calcite ridge
gamma ray logA type of radioactivity well log that records natural radioactivity around the wellbore
superchargingA method used to increase the pressure, and thereby the amount of charge per cycle, above that of a normally aspirated internal combustion engine; it permits more fuel to be burned and is a practical means to greater engine power.
rebate programA DSM program in which the utility offers a financial incentive for the installation of energy-efficient equipment
explosion headA term applied to a protective device that is arranged to blow out a disk, usually if an air-gas mixture explodes in a piping system
isotopeAtoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
variable costOperating costs which, in the aggregate, vary either directly or indirectly in relation to any change in the volume of gas sold and/or transported; i.e., compressor station fuel and expenses
turbine meterA meter using the rate of rotation of a rotor in the gas stream to measure flow rate.
rockAny naturally formed coherent and relatively hard mass of mineral matter.Geology
leachingProcess in which water removes and transports soil humus and inorganic nutrients in solution.
tech grdTechnical grade (also known as anti-freeze grade) monoethylene glycol.
gravitational lensa concentration of matter such as a galaxy or cluster of galaxies that bends light rays from a background object
abandonTo allow an option to expire worthless.
clearing feeA fee charged by a clearing house for clearing trades
superconductivityThe flow of electric current without resistance in certain metals and alloys at temperatures near absolute zero
high-resolution dipmeter toolA dipmeter tool which records four high-resolution microresistivity curves and has an additional electrode on one pad which yields another curve at displaced depth
n/dAbbreviation for Nipple down
depositional environmentThe conditions under which sediments were laid down
trogloxeneA terrestrial Cavernicole which spends only part of its life cycle in caves and returns periodically to the epigean domain for food.Speleology term
stratospherethe cold region of a planetary atmosphere above the convecting regions (the troposphere), usually without vertical motions but sometimes exhibiting strong horizontal jet streams.
gas research instituteAn organization sponsored by a number of U.S
impact craterThe hole or depression formed by a meteorite colliding with a surface.
finA metal projection (of various design configurations) from the exterior surface of tubes in heat exchange equipment to increase the heat transfer area.
deedA written legal document by which the title to a property is transferred from one party to another.
bleeding coreA core sample of rock so highly permeable and saturated that oil drips from it.
litterfallMovement of leaves, twigs and other forms of organic matter from the biosphere to the litter layer found in soil.
barrelA unit of measurement equal to 42 U.S
take-and-payA clause that requires a minimum quantity to be physically taken and paid for, usually gas in association with oil, or wells that will be damaged by failure to produce.
neutral solutionAny water solution that is neutral (pH approximately 7) or has an equal quantity of hydrogen ions (H+) than hydroxide ions (OH-)
exchange agreementAn agreement between two parties which defines the terms and conditions for the exchange of gas and title transfer.
small circleA circle on the globe's surface that does not bisect the center of the Earth
fallThe recovered meteorites of an event that was seen by eye witnesses.
csoCombined Sewer Overflow
uncased holeSee open hole.
beaufort wind scaleDescriptive system that determines wind speed by noting the effect of the wind on the environment
great circleAn imaginary circle drawn on the Earth's surface that has its center synchronize to the center of the planet
liquefaction of gasesAny process in which gas is converted from the gaseous to the liquid phase.
bond ratingsRating systems which provide investors with a simple series of gradations by which the relative investment qualities or risks of bonds are indicated
detached housea house standing alone (not joined to another) typical of the wealthy suburb zone of a city
rebound effectThe incremental increase in demand that occurs when customers, by undertaking conservation actions, perceive a lower relative cost of energy, and therefore, purchase more in terms of comfort or
range of a goodthe maximum distance that people are prepared to travel for a specific service.
firm transportation serviceTransportation services for which facilities have been designed, installed, and dedicated to a certified quantity
terminatorthe line separating the illuminated and darkened areas of a nonluminous planetary body such as Earth or the Moon
specific humidityMeasurement of atmospheric humidity
carbon dioxideCO2, a colourless odourless gas, which when dissolved in water, forms Carbonic acid.Mineral, Rock and Chemical terms
free electronan electron that has broken free of it's atomic bond and is therefore not bound to an atom.
thermoclineBoundary in a body of water where the greatest vertical change in temperature occurs
rolloverThe rapid release of vapor when stratified layers of LNG suddenly mix.
extrusionThe process whereby heated or unheated plastic forced through a shaping orifice becomes one continuously formed piece.
isolineLines on a map joining points of equal value.
fuel efficiencyWhen a fuel is burned, the amont of useful output energy, expressed as a percentage of the theoretical energy content of the fuel
cellularComposed of cells
ultimate customerThe customer who purchases gas for consumption and not for resale purposes
flash pointThe lowest temperature at which the vapors arising from a liquid surface can be ignited by an open flame.
geoconservationThe conservation of geodiversity protecting natural values that encompass its ecological and geoheritage values.Conservation
volumetric ratesA classification method which assigns 100% of fixed costs to the commodity rate.
drill pipeSteel pipe sections of about 9 m in length that are screwed together to form a continuous pipe extending from the drilling rig to the drilling bit at the bottom of the hole
underground gas storageThe use of sub-surface facilities for storing gas that has been transferred from its original location for the primary purpose of load balancing.
capacity marginThe amount of capacity above planned peak system demand available to provide for scheduled maintenance, emergency outages, system operating requirements, and unforeseen demand.
working interestInterest retained by the company in a given concession after joint venture or other agreements have been executed and includes interests held by both wholly owned and partially ownded subsidiaries
pressure gradientA scale of pressure differences in which there is a uniform variation of pressure from point to point
frAbbreviation for From
grid northThe direction north as measured on the Universal Transverse Mercator grid system.
peak loadSee DEMAND, MAXIMUM.
supplemental gasAny SNG, propane-air mixtures, refinery gas, biomass gas, air injected to reduce heat content, or manufactured gas that is mixed and distributed with natural gas.
accrualThe recording on the books of account, in a given period, of expenses or charges incurred and/or of income earned for the period, to reflect the matching of income and expenses to the fullest extent possible, independent of the dates on which settlements of such items are made.
impact resistanceEnergy required to break a specimen by a sudden blow.
interconnectionFacilities that connect two electricity grid systems, gas pipelines or control areas.
storage horizonSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
peak loadThe maximum load consumed or produced by a unit or group of units in a stated period of time.
draftA difference of pressure which causes a flow of air and/or flue gases through the boiler, flue connector, breeching, flue, or chimney.
focusSee earthquake focus.
incinerationThe process of reducing refuse material to ash.
resourcesThat which can be recovered with current technologies but may or may not be profitable to produce (excludes methane/natural gas hydrates that may be recoverable in the future with technical advancements) estimated to exist in naturally occurring accumulations
gas cyclingA petroleum recovery process which takes gas produced with condensate and injects it back into the reservoir to aid in producing more condensate
lease ratesHow much a company pays for land or mineral rights
sunspotDark patches on the Sun's surface caused by a temporary cooler region than the surrounding areas.
ice fieldLarge level area of glacial ice found covering a large expanse of land
inclinationDeviation angle
diagona lFarthest distance between two points on a proration unit.
gvtyAbbreviation for gravity (API @60 degrees)
grandfather clauseThe continuation of a former rule, clause, or policy (usually in a contractual agreement) where a change to a new rule or policy would be patently unfair to those covered by the former.
covered karstKarst where the bedrock is mainly covered by soil or superficial deposits.Karst - Kinds of
ftpAbbreviation for Flowing tubing pressure
weather mapMap that displays the condition of the physical state of the atmosphere and its circulation at a specific time over a region of the Earth.
methaneMethane is very strong greenhouse gas found in the atmosphere
peak responsibilityThe load of a customer, a group of customers, or part of a system at the time of occurrence of the system peak.
populationIndividuals of a species that form an interbreeding group, separated by physical barriers from other such populations.Biology - Flora & Fauna
anisotropyThe property of a rock which allows it to show different responses or measurements when measured along different axes
basal slidingThe sliding of a glacier over the surface it rests on
carbohydratesA group of compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which, when they are oxidised, provide energy.
water cutThe volume fraction of water in the total volume of liquid produced from a well.
fengcongChinese term equating to Cone karst.Karst - Hill Features of
square foot of radiationThe amount of heating surface in the form of radiators, convertors, unit heaters, or other devices which will emit 240 Btu per hour.
jointA planar or gently curving crack separating two parts of once continuous rock, without relative movement along its plane.Speleology term
base loadAs applied to gas, a given consumption of gas remaining fairly constant over a period of time, usually not temperature-sensitive.
oil fieldThe surface area overlying an oil reservoir or reservoirs
outdoor exposurePlastic pipe and plastic equipment stored so that it is not protected from the elements of normal weather conditions, i.e, the sun's rays, rain, air and wind.
common plantUtility plant used by a combination utility company (i.e., one which renders more than one utility service, such as gas and electric) to such extent and in such manner as to render segregation impractical, as would be the case of a garage housing gas utility and electric utility trucks.
contract demandThe amount of the system's capacity to deliver gas which a natural gas pipeline or distributor agrees to reserve for a particular customer and for which the customer agrees to pay a demand charge as specified in the applicable tariff
mopsMean of Platts Singapore
low pressure distribution systemSee SYSTEM TYPE.
galactic nucleusa tight concentration of stars and gas found at the innermost regions of a galaxy
fire clayA special kind of clay that will not melt or fuse at high temperatures.
department of energyThe Department of Energy is the twelfth Cabinet Position, and it consists of the Office of the Secretary of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
cubic feet per secondA measurement of water flow representing one cubic foot of water moving past a given point in one second.
usdUS Dollar
cave pearlA smooth polished and rounded speleothem found in shallow hollows into which water drips
balancing penaltyA daily or monthly penalty assessed on the difference between volumes tendered and volumes received by the shipper
room and pillar miningcommon mining method most suitable for thick, flat lying, laterally homogeneous, ore bodies
british thermal unitThe quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit from 58.5 to 59.5 degrees Fahrenheit under standard pressure of 30 inches of mercury at or near its point of maximum density
marginal wellA well that, for reasons of depletion or natural low productivity, is nearing the limits of viable production and profitability.
belay pointA fixed point used to support the belay, usually and ideally independent of the support point of the ladder or rope used for climbing.Climbing and SRT
capacity factorThe ratio of the actual sales during any specified period to the maximum amount of sales the system is capable of delivering during that time.
drillingThe act of boring into the earth.
side wall coringThe taking of geological samples of the formation which constitutes the wall of the well bore
free gas reservoirA gas reservoir without a related oil zone or oil ring where essentially all of the reservoir fluids are in a gaseous state.
fractionationProcess whereby saturated hydrocarbons from natural gas are separated into distinct parts of propane, butane, ethane, etc.
divergenceHorizontal outflow of wind from an area
flue gasSee GAS, FLUE.
fuseTo join two plastic parts by softening the material with heat.
street teeA tee with an external thread on one of the run connections and with internal threads on the opposite run connection and on the side outlet.
driplineA line on the ground at a cave entrance formed by drips from the rock above
suspended wellA well that has been capped off temporarily.
base periodRecently available 12 consecutive months of actual experience
second-growth forestStand of forest that is the result of secondary succession.
specific heatIs the heat capacity of a unit mass of a substance or heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram (g) of a substance 1 degree Celsius.
x-rayelectromagnetic radiation of a very short wavelength and very high-energy
sidereal daythe interval of time between two consecutive transits of the vernal equinox
phloemFood conducting tissue in vascular plants.
passive solarArchitectural designs in buildings taking advantage of site and building materials to enhance the amount of solar radiation turned into useful interior heat during cold periods and to minimize absorption of solar heat during warm periods
chasmIn caves, a deep, wide and elongated gap in a cave floor.Cave - Parts of
load shape effectsThe estimated changes in energy usage at specific times during the year that are caused by a DSM or other measure.
kilometerabbreviated km
taxonA classification category for a group of organisms.
corrasionThe wearing away of bedrock or loose sediment by mechanical action of moving agents, especially water, ie Corrosion & Abrasion.Speleology term
rappel rackA descender consisting of a frame mounting 5 or 6 brake bars.Climbing and SRT
formation waterSee interstitial water.
disjunct distributionThe separate occurrences of similar species in separate karst areas
field rulesSpacing and production rules for the common reservoir in an area.
mammalGroup of warm blooded vertebrate animals
drillerThe person in charge of the crew and who operates the equipment that controls drilling.
speciesIndividuals of a given species have a large number of characteristics in common, and are thought to be able to breed together & have come from a common ancestor.Biology - Flora & Fauna
netback pricing basisThe supplier receives a percentage of the price for which the product is sold.
unconformityA break in the sequence of sedimentary strata
short-period cometA comet with an orbital period of less than 200 years, the most famous example being Halley's comet, which appears every 76 years
equinoxTwo days during the year when the declination of the Sun is at the equator
viscosityA fluid's resistance to flowing.
water tableA shallow stratum of underground water that supplies potable water to sources and wells.
unconventional fuelsAny fuels that companies produce in ways other than traditional vertical oil wells
interest charged to construction-creditSee ALLOWANCE FOR FUNDS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION.
leaf dripThe rain water that fall to the ground surface from plant leaves after it has been intercepted by these structures.
situationthe location of a settlement in relation to places (physical and human) surrounding it e.g
jumarAn ascender with a simple finger operated safety catch, a handle and several attachment points.Climbing and SRT
spray pondArrangement for lowering the temperature of water by evaporative cooling of the water in contact with outside air; the water to be cooled is sprayed by nozzles into the space above a body of previously cooled water and allowed to fall into it.
orbital periodthe amount of time it takes a spacecraft or other object to travel once around it's orbit.
convergenceHorizontal inflow of wind into an area
total column ozoneA measurement of ozone concentration in the atmosphere.
saturated zoneThe zone below the water table, composed of shallow, deep (bathyphreatic) and stagnant phreatic zones
jacketThe steel structure of an offshore platform
tdpToluene disproportionation
index contourContour line that is accentuated in thickness and is often labeled with the appropriate measure of elevation
mudA term that is generally synonymous with drilling fluid and that encompasses most fluids used in hydrocarbon drilling operations, especially fluids that contain significant amounts of suspended solids, emulsified water or oil
triple integrated applianceA Combo Heater that includes a cooling unit operated from a standard air conditioning compressor using the same ductwork.
nitrogen liftingThe injection of nitrogen into the fluid column within the production conduit to initiate fluid flow from the wellbore and production from the reservoir
rimeDeposit of ice crystals that occurs when fog or super cooled water droplets comes in contact with an object with a temperature below freezing (0° Celsius)
temperatureThe degree of "hotness" or "coldness" as measured on a definite scale.
base loadThe minimum amount of electric power delivered or required over a given period of time at a steady rate
redeliveryThe delivery of natural gas by a pipeline to a shipper or for a shipper's account.
sour/sweet crudeDefinitions which describe the degree of a given crude's sulfur content
mud cakeFilter cake
micron1 micron = 1/1000 mm.
heat of combustionThe heat released when a substance is completely burned in oxygen
administrative penaltyStatutory penalty imposed by the RRC for violation of a rule.
agglomeratea volcanic rock consisting of fragments of pyroclastic rocks more than 2 cm in size.
safety hatsRigid headgear of varying materials designed to protect the workman's head -- not only from impact, but from flying particles and electric shock or any combination of the three
comparison goods/servicesthese are high-order (usually expensive) goods such as antiques, jewellery, and some clothing and electrical equipment
pygasPyrolysis gasoline: a naphtha-range product with a high aromatic content, used either for gasoline blending or as a feedstock for a BTX extraction unit
retrofitTo install a new BMP or improve and existing BMP in a previously developed area
value at riskA widely used risk measure of the maximum loss a specific portfolio of financial assets can sustain over some period with a certain probability
fractionationThe process whereby saturated hydrocarbons from natural gas are separated into distinct parts or "fractions" such as propane, butane, ethane, etc.
pfgAbbreviation of German pfennig, 1/100th of a Mark.
gross incomeTotal income from an activity, before deduction of (1) items that may be treated as expenses (such as intangible drilling costs), and (2) allowed tax items (such as depletion allowance, depreciation allowance, etc.).
market-responsive pricingSee MARKET-BASED PRICING.
drilling mudThe oil or water based liquid compound used to lubricate and cool working drills
just and reasonableSection 4(a) of the NGA of 1938 specifies that all rates and charges made, demanded, or received by any natural gas company for or in connection with the transportation or sale of natural gas ..
nitrogenAn odorless, colorless, generally inert gas
rock shelterA cave, often at a cliff base, with more or less level floor extending only a short distance so that no part is beyond daylight.Cave - Kinds of
phytoplanktonSmall photosynthetic organisms, mostly algae and bacteria, found inhabiting aquatic ecosystems
biotic potentialMaximum rate that a population of a given species can increase in size (number of individuals) when there are no limits on growth rate.
natural gasA mixture of hydrocarbons and varying quantities of non-hydrocarbons that exist either in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in natural underground reservoirs.
lvnLight virgin naphtha.
diskthe surface of the Sun or other celestial body projected against the sky.
deprivationThe degree to which an individual or an area is deprived of services and amenities
coefficient of determinationStatistic that measures the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that is associated with the statistical regression of an independent variable
frostDeposition of ice at the Earth's surface because of atmospheric cooling.
notice of inquiryProcedure used by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to gather information on a specified industry issue
massachusetts formulaA method used to allocate costs incurred by a parent company on behalf of its affiliates to those affiliates
workover rigA portable rig used for working over a well.
spot purchaseShort term sale of gas to an end-user, LDC, or pipeline for which the duration varies.
bayA body of sheltered water found in a crescent shaped coastal configuration of land.
daily drilling reportA record made each day of the operations on a working drilling rig and, traditionally, phoned, faxed, emailed or radioed in to the office of the drilling company and possibly the operator every morning.
rotary drillingA method for drilling wells using a cutting bit attached to a revolving drill pipe.
geopressured brinesSaltwater found in underground formations in which the pressure is much higher than commonly exists at such depths (primarily in the Gulf Coast states and under the Gulf of Mexico)
persistenceA measure of the effectiveness, over time, of a DSM measure, usually represented by the percentage of energy savings that remains each year
steam turbineA type of motive equipment powered by steam used to drive mechanical apparatus
gibbsAn ascender with its cam operated by the weight of the climber.Climbing and SRT
open outcryA trading system in which members trade verbally on a trading floor
gameteA haploid reproductive cell.
stabilizationStabilization is the addition of a gas to the gas normally supplied for the purpose of adjusting the heat content to a specified value
windwardUpwind side or side directly influenced to the direction that the wind blows from
thermodynamic equilibriumThis type of equilibrium describes a condition in a system where the distribution of mass and energy moves towards maximum entropy.
energy information administrationThe statistical information collection and analysis branch of the Department of Energy.
oxygenA gas which forms about 21%, by volume, of the atmosphere
scrogginFood, being high energy food eaten by cavers etc consisting of nuts, dried fruit, lollies, chocolate pieces etc.Miscellaneous terms
clinometerAn instrument for measuring vertical angles, or angles of dip.Survey & Mapping term
nondestructive testingA method of testing strength or mechanical integrity of a piece of equipment without damaging the item being tested
survivorsThe plant surviving at the beginning of an age of interval and exposed to the risk of retirement during that interval.
trophic levelLevel of organization in the grazing food chain.
transgressionAn advance of the sea across the land, due to subsidence of the land, or a eustatic rise in sea level
troughAn elongated area of low pressure in the atmosphere.
meter classA designation for a range of meter capacity
crack spreadThe simultaneous purchase or sale of crude against the sale or purchase of refined petroleum products
assignmentThe legal instrument whereby Oil and Gas Leases are assigned/conveyed.
retail competitionSee domestic competition.
fiber stressThe stress acting on a fiber or a strand of fibers in a piece of material that is subjected to an applied load.
back-fillEarth or other material which has been used to refill a ditch or trench
r/uAbbreviation for Rigging up
unitizationA term used in connection with Continuing Property Record Unit
pulsed neutron logA term with broad application
overriding royaltyA revenue interest in oil and gas, created out of a working interest
boom catA tractor equipped with a boom used in laying pipe.
b/lSee Bill of Lading.
fairAs in "fair" rate of return
aquiferany stratum or zone below the surface of the earth capable of producing water from a well.
adhesiveA substance capable of holding materials together by surface attachment.
predictionForecast or extrapolation of the future state of a system from current or past states.
straddle pointA gas plant constructed near a transmission company pipeline downstream from the fields where the gas is produced, also referred to as "on-line" plants
bacteriaUnicellular microscopic plants
call optionAn option that gives the buyer (holder) the right but not the obligation to buy a specified quantity of an underlying futures at a fixed price, on or before a specified date
subsurfaceEarth material (as rock) near but not exposed at the surface of the ground.
aquifer systemGroup of two or more aquifers which are hydraulically connected, meaning that water can flow from one to the other
turn-offDiscontinuance of utility service.
ippIndependent power producers – unregulated power generators which, unlike utilities, have no franchised retail service territories
combustible constituentsThe components of a fuel that will burn
turbulent flowMovement of water within a stream that occurs as discrete eddies and vortices
strengthThe stress required to break, rupture or cause a failure.
non-silicatesAll other minerals that are not silicates are put into the non-silicate group then broken down into subgroups of non-silicates
hydrogen sulphideCommonly known as sour gas
ocsOuter Continental Shelf, a term used primarily in the U.S
atlantic-seaboard classification methodA method of classifying costs as demand or commodity costs promulgated by the FPC in Opinion 225, April 25, 1952
heavy louisiana sweetAPI gravity 33 degrees or lower.
allocation-measurementThe assignment of a total measured quantity of gas at a point to the various contracts active at that point during a specific period of time.
bobbinA descender that opens to enclose the rope around two fixed pulleys
block valveMain transmission line valve designed to close in or shut down gas flow.
stressThe resultant force that resists change in the size or shape of a body acted on by external or internal forces
basalt plateauExtensive continental deposits of basaltic volcanic rock.
deflationThe removal of loose fine grained material from a surface by wind action
lineriderAn employee who inspects a pipeline right-of-way for leaks or potential hazards
customerAn individual, firm, or organization which purchases service at one location under one rate classification, contract, or rate schedule
stygophileA facultative stygobiont, usually lacking troglomorphies, and considered as the aquatic equivalent of a (terrestrial) troglophile.Speleology term
dewateringThe process of removing water from a coal seam in the vicinity of a producing gas well
hydraulic fracturing water lifecycleThe lifecycle of water in the hydraulic fracturing process, encompassing the acquisition of water, chemical mixing of the fracturing fluid, injection of the fluid into the formation, the production and management of flowback and produced water, and the ultimate treatment and disposal of hydraulic fracturing wastewaters.
dolomitea common rock forming mineral comprising calcium, carbon, magnesium and oxygen (CaMg(CO3)2.
voltage controlThe control of transmission voltage adjustments in generator reactive output and transformer taps, and by switching capacitors and inductors on the transmission and distribution systems
obsolescenceA process that brings about the retirement of plant prior to its physical degeneration by the development of new types of plant which are more economical, efficient, versatile and reliable.
tufaSpongy or vesicular calcium carbonate deposited from spring, river or lake waters
graupelA type of precipitation that consists of a snow crystal and a raindrop frozen together
optimumThe level of an abiotic factor or condition in the environment within the tolerance range at which a species or population can function most efficiently or with the greatest positive effect to its physiological or reproductive fitness.
hydropyrolysisA method of effecting the pyrolysis of a fuel by contacting it with hot hydrogen.
equity capitalInvestment capital provided by common and preferred stockholders.
bottom hole pressureThe pressure in a well at the bottom of the hole, usually measured in pounds per square inch (psi).
glaciokarstKarst landscape which has been glaciated during or since the Ice Ages.Karst - Kinds of
contract pricePeriodic (monthly/quarterly/annual) price agreed between sellers and buyers of commodities for term business
infill drillingDrilling of a well between known producing wells to better exploit the reservoir.
sdm-2Louisiana State Potential Report
tight spotA section of a borehole in which excessive wall cake has built up, reducing the hole diameter and making it difficult to run the tools in and out.
vertical wellsTraditional gas and oil well technique (pdf link) that bores straight down into a reserve
drainage windA wind common to mountainous regions that involves heavy cold air flowing along the ground from high to low elevations because of gravity
capital expenditureAn expenditure intended to benefit the future activities of a business, usually by adding to the assets of a business, or by improving an existing asset.
strainThe ratio of the elongation to the gauge length of the test specimen, that is, the change per unit of original length
boomA temporary floating barrier used to contain an oil spill.
polymersPlastics made from monomers
flapA section of wall lining in a lava tube that has broken free and sagged or rolled down away from the wall
downhole combinationThe term "Downhole Combination" refers to a well producing more than one sand simultaneously
run casingTo lower a string of casing into the hole
immiscibleNot capable of mixing or being permanently mixed (as oil and water).
frack water recyclingThe reuse of water or brine that comes up out of the well after the shale has been fractured
set casingTo run and cement casing at a specific depth in a well bore.
cave mineralA secondary mineral formed in caves from a primary mineral, by a physico-chemical reaction
aquifer storageSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
pioneer communityCommunity dominated by pioneer species of plants.
demand side resource portfolioComprehensive collection of DSM resources, both viable and non-viable, that are available, both currently and in the future to the utility.
dispersed settlement patternwhere buildings in a settlement are not clustered around a particular point but are scattered in a random fashion (see linear and nucleated settlement).
intrastateWith respect to natural gas companies, the transporting and sale of gas for resale within the boundaries of a state.
gleizationA soil formation process that occurs in poorly drained environments
recharge areaThe area on the Earth's surface that receives water for storage into a particular aquifer.
cost of service tariffA special type of tariff which allows a gas pipeline to adjust periodically for any overage or underage in recovery of its cost of service (including per unit adjustments for loss of load)
landfill gasGas produced by aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of a landfill generally composed of approximately 55% methane and 45% carbon dioxide, sometimes refined with membrane methods to eliminate the carbon dioxide.
service riserA vertical pipe, either inside or outside a foundation wall, from the grade of the service pipe to the level of the meter.
hedgingAny method of minimizing the risk of price change
proterozoicGeologic eon that occurred from 570 to 2500 million years ago
anemoliteA speleothem (eg Helictite, stalagmite) with a preferred orientation caused by air currents
correlative rightsOwnership rights of multiple oil and/or gas producers within a common reservoir.
saturation exponentThe exponent of the saturation term in Archie's saturation equation
service dripA liquid-collecting trap at the low point in a customer's gas service piping when the piping cannot be sloped back to the distribution main
paleozoicGeologic era that occurred from 570 to 245 million years ago.
isopodAn animal of the order of Crustaceans having 7 pairs of legs
true northDirection of the North Pole from an observer on the Earth.
evaporative coolingThe adiabatic exchange of heat between air and a water spray or wetted surface
hsfoHigh sulfur fuel oil
receiving terminalCoastal plant that accepts deliveries of liquefied natural gas and processes it back into gaseous form for injection into the pipeline system
contract assignmentA mutual agreement to release or ascribe a contractual obligation from the original contractor to another party.
landowner royaltyThe share of the gross production of the oil and gas on a property without deducting any of the cost of producing the oil or gas
steam generation plantA thermal electricity generating plant which creates steam to drive a turbine.
proverSee FLOW PROVER.
nife cellA rechargeable alkaline battery for use with an electric cap lamp.Lighting term
geophoneA device used in surface seismic acquisition, both onshore and on the seabed offshore, that detects ground velocity produced by seismic waves and transforms the motion into electrical impulses
tcfTrillion Cubic Feet
refractorya general term for a material that resists chemical or physical change.
radarsatSatellite program established by the Canadian Space Agency for the purpose of remotely sensing the Earth's resources
hlsHeavy Louisiana Sweet, a US crude oil.
bufferA vegetated strip immediately adjacent to a water body
production sharing contractA contract in which one or more companies involved in the development of oil and natural gas acts as a contractor and undertakes operations for exploration and development on behalf of the governments of oil-producing countries or national oil companies
caco3Calcium carbonate.Mineral, Rock and Chemical terms
logTo conduct a survey inside a borehole to gather information about the subsurface formations; the results of such a survey
tetraethyl leadA chemical additive used to enhance the anti-knock characteristics of motor gasoline.
holeCommon term for wellbore
volume imbalanceSee IMBALANCE.
closed traverseIn surveying, a traverse which forms a loop, thus enabling determination of a loop error.Survey & Mapping term
affiliated marketerA marketer that is owned either by a distribution or transmission company, or by a corporation that also owns a distribution or transmission company.
dual-fuel capabilityAbility of an energy-using facility to alternately use more than one kind of fuel.
weightThe force with which the Earth's (or any celestial body's) gravity pulls down on something.
value of service pricingA method of apportioning costs among utility customers so that users who place a greater value on the service are charged higher rates than the more price sensitive customers.
intergenerationIn ratemaking intergeneration refers to costs that are incurred by more than one generation of rate payers (e.g., depreciation)
cle familyFamily of CLV3-related peptide ligands that bind to receptor kinases that contain leucine-rich repeats, such as CLV1.
intrastate gasGas sold and consumed in the state where it is produced and not transported in interstate pipelines.
source regionArea where air masses originate and come to possess their moisture and temperature characteristics.
make-up airSee HEATER, MAKE-UP AIR.
adventiveIntroduced accidentally, as most weeds are.Flora
second law of thermodynamicsThis law states that heat can never pass spontaneously from a colder to a hotter body
hypergalaxya system consisting of a spiral galaxy surrounded by several dwarf white galaxies, often ellipticals
fluvialPertaining to flowing water
rate caseA proceeding before a regulatory commission involving the rates to be charged for a public utility service.
genusA group in the classification of organisms
carbideCalcium Carbide Ca2C
lease condensateA mixture consisting primarily of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons which is recovered as a liquid from natural gas in lease or field separation facilities
natural bridgeA bridge of rock spanning a ravine or valley and formed by erosive agents.Speleology term
stereoscopean optical device to facilitate obtaining a stereoscopic image
wattlesFence or barrier constructed of interwoven twigs and branches used to stabilize soil from erosive forces.
calcinationthe process of roasting metallic concentrates to remove sulphur prior to smelting.
solution panA dish shaped depression on a flat, horizontal rock surface
asphOccasional abbreviation for asphaltene.
exposuresSee SURVIVORS.
rolled-in pricingCurrent practice where rates reflect the accumulation or overall cost of all gas purchases
attenuationWhen a form of energy is propagated through a medium, its amplitude is decreased
oceanAn ocean is a vast body of salt water
yield pointThe stress at which a material exceeds its elastic limit
boreThe inside diameter of a pipe or a drilled hole; or, as a verb, to penetrate or pierce with a rotary tool
archeanperiod of geological time that is the older of the two main Precambrian divisions
roughneckA member of the drilling crew who operates equipment.
isotopic datingDating technique used to determine the age of rock and mineral through the decay of radioactive elements.
emigrationMigration of an organism out of an area for the purpose of changing its residence permanently
baseboard radiatorA heat disseminating unit located at the lower perimeter of a room
natural gas liquidsHydrocarbons that are gaseous in the reservoir, but will separate out in liquid form at the pressures and temperatures at which separators normally operate
dry valleyA valley in karst terrain without a surface flow of water
variation marginProfits and losses on open positions which are calculated daily by the mark-to-market process, which are then paid or collected daily.
triassicperiod of geological time from 250 to 205.1 million years ago
asset depreciation rangeSee DEPRECIATION.
glacier caveA cave formed within or beneath a glacier
polybutyleneA plastic or resin prepared by the polymerization of butylene as essentially the sole monomer.
p&cPrivate and confidential
eisSee environmental impact study.
caveA natural cavity in rock, large enough to be entered by people
blind valleyA valley which ends at its lower point in a ridge or wall of limestone
limestoneProduced by sediments that included the shells of ancient marine creatures that were composed of calcite (calcium, carbon, and oxygen)
acoustic travel timeThe total time required for a specific acoustic wave to travel from one point to another.
normal test pressuresThose pressures specified for testing purposes at which adjustment of burner ratings and primary adjustments are made.
line packNatural gas occupying all pressurized sections of the pipeline network
base volume indexA device which continuously and automatically compensates to correct gas volumes measured at operating temperature and pressure to volume at a specified base temperature and pressure.
data requestSee DISCOVERY.
wellboreA hole drilled for the purpose of extracting oil.
beam pumping unitA machine designed specifically for sucker rod pumping
zone of accumulationArea of a glacier where additions of snow exceed losses of ice from melting, evaporation, and sublimation.
orbitThe path of an object revolving around another object due to common gravity, e.g., the Moon around the Earth or planets moving around the Sun.
krabShort for Karabiner
afforestationThe establishment of trees on an area that has lacked forest cover for a very long time or has never been forested (see also reforestation).
tcfTrillion Standard Cubic Feet.
statusThe standing of a lease, unit or well.
cave lengthThe total length of all the passages of a cave
periodPeriod is the time between two successive waves.
terrestrial planeta name given to a planet composed mainly of rock and iron, similar to that of Earth.
cfdSee Contract for Differences.
holiday detectorAn electronic device for locating discontinuities or breaks in the protective coating on a pipe, tubing, or fitting.
net plantIn accounting, Utility Plant less Accumulated Provision for Depreciation (including Depletion) and Amortization.
coalA black, relatively lightweight rock composed of accumulations of plant matter converted by pressure and heat.
air diffuserAn air delivery device or louver so arranged as to promote mixing of the air introduced by it into a room with the room air, without causing objectionable drafts or noise.
population parameterA value used to represent a certain quantifiable characteristic of a population
dcpData Collection Platform
off-peakThe period during a day, week, month, or year when the load being delivered by a gas system is not at or near the maximum volume delivered by that system for the corresponding period of time.
viscositythe property of a fluid that resists internal flow; its internal friction.
rigThe physical apparatus used to drill and frack wells
fire brickHeat resistant refractory ceramic material formed into bricks and used to line fire boxes of boilers, furnaces, or other combustion chambers.
mixed gasFuel gas in which natural or LP gas is mixed with manufactured gas.
cash incentiveAn incentive in the form of a rebate or cash payment that is used to induce customers to participate in a DSM program.
blister caveStrictly, a cave formed by gas pressure pushing up a surface crust
mmboeOne million barrels of oil equivalent
replacing or replacementWhen not otherwise indicated in the context, means the construction or installation of plant in place of property retired, together with removal or abandonment of the property retired.
lsfoLow sulfur fuel oil, usually 1% sulfur or less.
amortizationThe gradual extinguishment (or accumulated provision or reserve therefor) of an amount in an account by pro-rating such amount over a predetermined period, such as
solar systemThe Sun and all the objects bound to it by gravity (planets, satellites, asteroids, comets).
karabinerA steel or other alloy, oval or D-shaped link with a spring loaded gate on one side to admit a rope, or to clip to a ladder etc
scoriaRefers to the angular pebble-sized frothy fragments that have solidified while flying through the air
motion ratesRates placed into effect subject to refund at the end of the five month suspension period by the motion of the company
release gasGas previously contracted and dedicated between producers/brokers and a pipeline company which, through mutual agreement between the parties, was thereafter "released" from contract and ultimately made available for purchase by third parties.
polar frontWeather front located typically in the mid-latitudes that separates arctic and polar air masses from tropical air masses
short term saleAny short term purchase covering a period of two years or less
overturned foldA fold in rock layers where one limb is pushed past the perpendicular
casingUsed to line the walls of a gas well to prevent collapse of the well
organic matterAny substance or compound containing carbon as an essential component
pressure limiting stationEquipment installed for the purpose of preventing the pressure on a pipeline or distribution system from exceeding some maximum pressure as determined by one or more regulating codes by controlling or restricting the flow of gas when abnormal conditions develop
butane-air plantA gasification plant where liquid butane is vaporized and mixed with air and delivered into a gas distribution system for the use of consumers.
emergency response planERPs are pre-planned responses to incidents to ensure protection of public health, safety, property and the environment and quick and effective responses.
hydrocarbonsNaturally occurring organic substances composed of hydrogen and carbon
upslope fogFog produced by air flowing over topographic barriers
tongsThe large wrenches used for turning when making up or breaking out drill pipe, casing, tubing, or other pipe; variously called casing tongs, rotary tongs, and so forth according to the specific use.
brownoutThe partial reduction of electrical voltages caused by customer demand being higher than anticipated or by the failure of the generation, transmission, or distribution system.
longitudeLongitude is a west-east measurement of position on the Earth
simexThe Singapore Monetary Exchange.
dormitory settlementone where many commuters 'sleep' overnight but travel to work elsewhere during the day.
mioceneperiod of geological time from 23.8 to 5.32 million years ago.
slope failureThe downslope movement of soil and sediment by processes of mass movement.
hydrometerAn instrument that measures the specific gravity of liquids.
secondary measure adoptionAny conservation or energy efficiency measures that a customer adopts outside of a DSM program as a direct result of that program.
botryoidA speleothem shaped like a bunch of grapes
inch of mercuryA pressure unit representing the pressure required to support a column of mercury one inch high at a specified temperature; 2.036 inches of mercury (at 32 degrees F and standard gravity of 32.174 ft/sec2) is equal to a gauge pressure of one pound per square inch.
arenaceousDescribing sandy-textured rock or sediment
weathering landformIs a landform created by the physical or chemical decomposition of rock through weathering
buddy swapAn arrangement whereby, during a period of severe curtailment, one industrial or commercial customer that can use an alternate fuel agrees to do so temporarily and transfers that part of his gas allocation to another customer that cannot use an alternate fuel.
temperature-compensated metersThese meters measure volume at pipeline conditions using a device which will convert volume at flowing temperature to volume at base temperature
rippleStream bed deposit found streams
harnessIn climbing, an arrangement of tape, either the seat harness or chest harness for the attachment of ascenders or descenders.Climbing and SRT
mud ballAn accumulation of mud solids that sometimes builds up on the drilling bit during circulation prior to logging
neutralismInterspecific interaction where the species do not directly influence each other fitness.
spudAbbreviation for Spud date (the actual date that Drilling began)
sandSediment composed of particles with a diameter between 1/16 mm and 2 mm.
system operatorA person or entity who operates the electric system .
voltThe unit of measurement of electromotive force
perfsAbbrevation for Perforated interval
design day temperatureThe mean temperature assumed for the Design Day.
hydrographA graph describing stream discharge over time.
fracturingA process of opening up underground channels in hydrocarbon-bearing formations by force rather than by chemical action such as in acidizing
mboThousand Barrels
bcfBillion Cubic Feet
fishGroup of vertebrate animals that inhabit aquatic habitats.
ngpaSee NATURAL ENERGY ACT of 1978.
mdAbbreviation for Measured depth
double stara grouping of two stars
cap-and-tradeA market mechanism designed to reduce the cost of cutting pollution
neutron stara compressed core of an exploded star made up almost entirely of neutrons
dendriticIn caves, a network formed by the merging of small channels which in turn merge to form larger ones
indexationThe tying of the contract price for a commodity, such as LNG, to the published price of another commodity or index
vadose flowWater flowing in free-surface streams in caves.Speleology term
treatment/refining chargesThe fee paid by a miner to the smelter/refiner which upgrades the mine's concentrate output
habitatThe immediate surroundings of a plant or animal, with everything necessary to sustain life.Biology - Flora & Fauna
private placement memorandumThis refers to any type of offering of securities to any number of private accredited investors
wastewater wellsA vertical pipe in the ground into which water, other liquids, or gases are pumped or allowed to flow.
j&rJust and Reasonable as in J&R rates
lineamenta broad term used to include any visible linear trend
mariaLow areas on the Moon that appear dark and smooth
paleontologyEarth science section dealing to the studies of fauna and flora fossils.
hang rodsTo suspend sucker rods in a derrick or mast on rod hangers rather than to place them horizontally on a rack.
tonneThe standard Platts abbreviation is mt
sedimentMaterial deposited by water ice or wind or precipitated from water.Cave - Erosional & Solutional Features
longwall miningtype of mining that is typically found in underground coal mines
temporary voluntary allowanceA price discount instituted voluntarily by a supplier, usually in recognition of competitive factors.
old growth forestClimax forests dominated by late successional species of trees that are hundreds to thousands of years old
gas capA layer of free gas on top of the oil zone in an underground structure or reservoir.
zone of ablationArea of a glacier where losses of ice from melting, evaporation, and sublimation exceed additions of snow annually.
reservesResources profitable to produce with current technologies; due to the uncertainty in estimates of subsurface resources, companies use the terms possible, probable and proven to describe their confidence in the quantity of reserves that can be produced profitably.
horizontal drillingThe newer and developing technology that makes it possible to drill a well from the surface, vertically down to a certain level, and then to turn at a right angle, and continue drilling horizontally within a specified reservoir, or an interval of a reservoir.
reinforced plasticA plastic with high strength fillers imbedded in the composition, in some mechanical properties superior to those of the base resin
automatic adjustment clauseSee CLAUSE, ADJUSTMENT.
universeAll of the observable phenomena in the celestial cosmos.
static pressureThe force exerted per unit area by a gas or liquid, measured at right angles to the direction of flow, or the pressure when no liquid is flowing.
exit feeA fee that is paid by a customer leaving a utility network intended to compensate the utility in whole or part for the loss of fixed cost contribution from the exiting customer.
specific gravityThe ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance, both at specified physical conditions
condensateLiquid hydrocarbon which is usaually in a gas phase at reservoir condition.
networkAn interconnected system of electrical transmission lines, transformers, switches and other equipment connected in such a way as to provide reliable transmission of electricity.
hydrostatic design stressThe estimated maximum tensile stress that can act in the wall of the pipe along the circumferential direction due to internal hydrostatic pressure, with a high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur
cibpAbbreviation for Cast Iron Bridge Plug
galaxyAn assemblage of millions to hundreds of billions of stars.
carbon-oxygen logA log which presents a measure of the relative abundance of carbon to oxygen derived from the detection of the gamma rays produced from both elements by the inelastic scattering of 14-Mev neutrons
finesFragments or particles of rock or mineral which are too minute to be treated as ordinary coarse material
trog upTo dress in suitable clothing and to gather lighting and other gear before going caving.Speleology term
shawlA simple triangular shaped curtain.Cave - Depositional Features
service factorA factor which is used to reduce a strength value to obtain an engineering design stress
interruptible demandThe amount of customer demand that, in accordance with contractual arrangements, can be interrupted by direct control of the system operator, remote tripping, or by action of the customer at the direct request of the system operator.
collapse domeA chamber formed by progressive roof collapse until it reaches a stable dome-shaped form
watt hourAn electrical energy unit of measure equal to 1 watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an electric circuit steadily for 1 hour.
radiationThe transmission of energy by means of electromagnetic waves
climatic cycleChanges in the environment brought about by the changes in the climate.
psychrometerInstrument used to measure atmospheric humidity
conversion unitA unit consisting of a burner together with associated thermostat and safety controls, which can be used to convert heating equipment from one fuel to another.
marketing affiliateA marketing company that has corporate ties to an interstate pipeline, an intrastate pipeline, or a local distribution company.
black holethe collapsed core of a massive star
field salesTotal sales from any field
valley fillingThe building of off-peak loads.
sourceIn well logging, the source of radiation used in the operation of radioactivity logging or nuclear logging tools.
inductionInference of a generalized conclusion from particular instances
gemsGulf Ecological Management Sites
solutionMixture in which the components lose their identity and are uniformly dispersed
system type - distribution.Generally mains, services, and equipment which carry or control the supply of gas from the point of local supply to and including the sales meters
blowoutAn unexpected violent eruption of oil and gas from a well during the drilling phase of operation
hinshaw amendmentAn amendment to the Natural Gas Act which exempts from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulation the transportation and sale for resale of natural gas received within the boundaries of a state, provided (1) all such gas is ultimately consumed within the state, and (2) the facilities and rates are regulated by the state
joint ventureA general partnership formed for a specific project.
dye penetrant weld examinationA method for inspecting for surface defects of welds by using a dye and developer applied to the weld.
ganguethe undesirable or unwanted minerals in an ore deposit.
carbon dioxideA gas which is a product of combustion resulting when carbon unites with sufficient oxygen to produce complete combustion; a component of many natural gases.
rabbitA small plug that is run through a flow line by pressure to clean the line or test for obstructions
well boreThis is the entire length of hole that the drill makes in the ground; there is a great deal of engineering software for the design and casing of a well bore, as it is integral to the overall structural integrity of the well.
millOne tenth of a cent.
cave extentThe length, breadth and depth of the smallest cube that will contain the entire cave
holisticConcerned with a complete system.
straight gas utilityCompany which derives the major portion of its total operating revenue from gas operations
thermodynamicsThe science and study of the relationships between heat and mechanical work
brackish waterWater that contains relatively low concentrations of any soluble salts
depreciation reserve ratioThe ratio of the accumulated depreciation to the recorded cost of surviving plant at any given date.
submeteringThe practice of remetering purchased energy beyond the customer's utility meter, generally for distribution to building tenants through privately owned or rented meters.
ductA passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material, not necessarily leak-tight, used for conveying air or other gas at low pressures.
design loadThe maximum average rate of gas use by a group of appliances or customers over a specified short time period, usually 15 to 30 minutes.
molecular weight distributionThe ratio of the weight average molecular weight (Mw) to the number average molecular weight (Mn) gives an indication of the distribution.
scienceScience is a way of acquiring knowledge
trogA caver
carabinerSee Karabiner
double-breasted buyingA practice that pipelines are sometimes accused of employing-buying large packages of gas, and deciding later whether its marketing subsidiary bought it for system supply, or whether its marketing subsidiary bought it for resale on the spot market
porosityVoids in a reservoir rock available for storage of fluids
dielectric constantThe ratio of the capacity of a condenser with given dielectric and the capacity of the same condenser with a vacuum as a dielectric.
orographic precipitationIs precipitation that forms when air is forced to rise because of the physical presence of elevated land
dome syndromeThe tendency for cavers to go to the known end of a cave, especially when without due regard for the cave itself nor for its contents
deferred creditsAccounts carried on the liability side of the balance sheet in which are recorded items being amortized as credits to income over a period of time (such as Unamortized Premium on Debt) and items held in suspense pending final transfer or disposition (such as Customer Advances for Construction, etc.)
composite logSeveral well logs of the same or similar types, usually from different logging runs, which have been spliced together to form a single continuous record from the shallowest to the deepest log reading
planktonMinute organisms floating in the seas, rivers, ponds, lakes as distinct from those which are attached or crawl upon the bottom.
fsoFloating storage and offloading vessel
consumptionThe quantity of natural gas used by ultimate consumers.
currentA flow of electrons in an electrical conductor
vernal equinoxOne of two days during the year when the declination of the Sun is at the equator
triangleChart pattern
fossilanimal or plant relics remaining in geologic beds.
belay ropeThe rope used for belaying, separate (usually) from the climbing rope.Climbing and SRT
turnaroundA refinery or petrochemical plant is said to be "in turnaround" when it is taken out of service of maintenance, usually planned.
dischargeThe outflow drainage of Aquifer waters.Hydrology terms
dedicated to interstate commerceGas reserves under contract to an interstate pipeline company and hence subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission and wellhead price controls under the NGA of 1938
no-notice delivery serviceDelivery of natural gas on as-needed basis, without the need to precisely specify the delivery quantity in advance
drip oilThe light oil or hydrocarbon liquids condensed in a piping system when the gas is cooled
burn-pitA pit, usually earthen and of shallow depth used to burn-off and dispose of petroleum distillates.
tallyTo measure andrecord the total length of pipe, casing, or tubing that is to be run in a well.
hot tapThe connection of branch piping to an operating line, and the tapping of the operating line while it is under pressure.
epiphyteType of vegetation that gets its physical support from the branches of other plants
solar dayTime required for the Earth to complete one rotation relative to the Sun.
galactic halothe name given to the spherical region surrounding the center, or nucleus of a galaxy.
pressure relief stationEquipment installed for the purpose of preventing the pressure on a pipeline or distribution system to which it is connected from exceeding the maximum allowable operating pressure by venting gas to the atmosphere whenever the pressure exceeds this valve.
valley fogFog formed by the movement of cooler, more dense air from higher elevations to the warm valley bottom.
lithologyThe physical description of the composition of a rock.
westerliesDominant winds of the mid-latitudes
bottomsThe liquid or other residual matter that is withdrawn from the bottom of a fractionator or other vessel during processing or while in storage; also, the heaviest product remaining in the liquid phase after distillation.
interior zonesThe portions of a building which do not have significant amounts of exterior surfaces
exotic speciesA plant or animal species that has been intentionally or accidentally introduced and that does not naturally occur in a region.
troglophileA terrestrial cavernicole which frequently completes its life cycle in caves but is not confined to this habitat.Speleology term
scout report terminologyStatus Codes and Terminology use on the Scout Report
long-period cometA comet with an orbital period exceeding 200 years
loscoLouisiana Oil Spill Coordinators Office - Our mission is to respond to oil spill events, restore natural resources, protect economic infrastructure, and safeguard public health
el ni隳Name given to the occasional development of warm ocean surface waters along the coast of Ecuador and Peru
leaseA contract by which the owner of the mineral rights to a property conveys to another party the exclusive right to explore for and develop minerals on the property during a specified period of time.
overproductionProduction in excess of the well's monthly allowable.
puddingsA local term for small tumuli within lava tubes, but also applied to porridge like mounds of pahoehoe that have been squeezed up through an opening in a crusted floor.Lava Cave term
capital fundsMonies invested in a business for use in conducting the operations of the business.
cashout provisionsTo the extent a shipper violates balancing provisions, any difference between receipts and deliveries will be "cashed out", with the pipeline purchasing excess receipts at below-market prices and selling receipt shortages at above-market prices.
collar(1) A coupling device with internal threads used to join two pieces of threaded pipe of the same size.
surface heat fluxProcess where heat energy is transferred into land and ocean surfaces on the Earth
pregranted abandonmentFERC authorization to terminate sales or transportation service automatically upon the expiration of the underlying contract.
sexual reproductionAny process of reproduction that does involve the fusion of gametes.
proven reserveThe quantity of oil or gas that is proven to be technically and economically feasible to recover.
bell holeA hole dug to allow room for workmen to make a repair or connection in buried pipe, such as caulking bell-and-spigot pipe or welding steel pipe
blowholeA hole to the surface in the roof of a sea cave through which waves force air and water.Karst - Miscellaneous features of
mesozoic eraperiod of geological time from 250 to 65.5 million years ago
red gianta stage in the evolution of a star when the fuel begins to exhaust and the star expands to about fifty times its normal size
reservoirThat portion of a resource that has been actually discovered and that is presently technically and economically extractable
heating degree daySee DEGREE DAY, HEATING.
orsat analysisMeasurement of the quantitative amounts (by volume) by selective absorption of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and carbon monoxide in a gas using an Orsat apparatus.
ftFirm transportation.
primary consumerOrganisms that occupy the second trophic level in the grazing food chain
gathering systemThe pipelines and other infrastructure that move raw gas from the wellhead to processing and transmission facilities.
comparable earningsSee OPPORTUNITY COST.
fission and fusionFission is the splitting of atomic nuclei and fusion is the combination of two atomic nuclei
sonris litePopular, quick access method to frequently-requested information
american petroleum instituteA petroleum industry association that sets standards for oil field equipment and operations
stygobiteAn aquatic troglobite
probable lifeThe total expected service life for survivors at any given age; the sum of the age attained and the remaining life.
stellar windthe ejection of gas from the surface of a star
solar generationThe use of the sun's radiation to generate electricity.
nuclear power plantA facility in which heat produced in a reactor by the fissioning of nuclear fuel is used to drive a steam turbine
potential energyStored energy
fisherman's gear compensation programThe purpose of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Fisherman's Gear Compensation Fund is to provide compensation or reimbursement to qualifying Louisiana commercial fishermen for damages to vessels or gear caused by encounters with obstructions located in state waters within the coastal zone.Fisherman's Gear
drill-stem testA method of gathering data on the potential productivity of a geological formation before installing casing in a well
polypropylene plasticsPlastics based on polymers made with propylene as essentially the sole monomer.
endogeanPertaining to the biological domain immediately beneath the ground surface
power combustion furnacesFurnaces that have a combustion blower, which may be located either upstream or downstream from the heat exchangers
extraordinary property lossesAn amortizable (Deferred Debit) account, which includes the depreciated value of property abandoned or damaged by circumstances that could not have been reasonably anticipated and which is not covered by insurance.
pscPublic Service Commission
mixing ratioThe ratio between the weight (mass) of water vapor (or some other gas) held in the atmosphere compared to the weight of the dry air in a given volume of air
cross sectionThe shape of a cave passage across its width.Survey & Mapping term
canyonA deep valley with steep to vertical walls
mothballTo place a generating facility in an inactive state so that it can neither be brought into operation immediately nor counted towards reserve margin
formal sectorthe employment sector comprising 'proper' jobs that are usually permanent, with set hours of work, agreed levels of pay, and sometimes pensions and social security rights.
isobarLines on a map joining points of equal atmospheric pressure.
whAbbreviation for Wellhead
ltvLoan-to-Value Ratio is the amount a lender will lend on a project relative either to its total appraised value or to its costs.
radiation shieldA separate panel or panels interposed between heating surfaces and adjacent objects to reduce heat transmission by radiation.
keyholeA small passage or opening in a cave having a keyhole shaped cross section, round above and narrow below.Cave - Parts of
alkylateA gasoline blending component composed of isobutane and propylene or butylene.
logA record of performance
annual volume methodA method to allocate commodity costs by function to customer classes based on the Test Period volume level for that customer
tropical disturbanceAn organized group of thunderstorms often found over a tropical ocean that generates a slight cyclonic flow of less than 37 kilometers per hour
commandant's duty officerClass As: Class Alpha uniform is worn to semiformal occasions
total allowanceSee PRE TAX RETURN.
masconliterally, mass concentration; an area of the lunar crust characterized by an excess of mass
mandatory carriageThe obligation to carry, for a fee, gas offered by another party
plasticizerA material incorporated in a plastic to increase its workability, flexibility or distensibility.
local groupa small group of about two dozen galaxies of which our own Milky Way galaxy is a member.
quadraturea point in the orbit of a superior planet where it appears at right angles to the Sun as seem from Earth.
busbarThe point at which power is available for transmission
anaerobicDescribes a microorganism that can survive without free oxygen.
open interestOpen interest is the number of open contracts on a given future or options contract
phenolic resinA synthetic resin produced by the condensation of a phenol with an aldehyde
morphometryThe measurement of shape
channelizationThe creation of a channel or channels resulting in faster water flow, a reduction in hydraulic residence time, and less contact between water and solid surfaces in the water body.
bara unit of measure of atmospheric pressure
arthropodaThe phylum Arthropoda includes invertebrate animals such as insects, crustaceans, and spiders
postage stamp ratesFlat rates charged for transportation service without regard to distance, as opposed to zone or mileage-based rates.
tag lineIn crane and truck operations, a rope attached to the bottom of a load suspended by the crane or truck, which, when grasped by a crew member, allows the crew member to prevent rotation and to assist in guiding the load.
biomeLargest recognizable assemblage of animals and plants on the Earth
light endsGroup of petroleum products with the lowest boiling temperatures, including gasolines and distillate fuels.
meter bookBook in which successive readings of utility customers' meters are recorded by gas utility meter readers
lateralA pipe in a gas distribution or transmission system which branches away from the central and primary part of the system.
@riskA computer program from Pallisade Corporation that adds risk analysis and modeling capabilities to Excel spreadsheets.
aragoniteA less common crystalline form of calcium carbonate CaCO3 than calcite, being denser and orthorhombic
rate design - seaboardThe term "Seaboard rate design" refers to a method of determining demand and commodity rates whereby 50% of fixed costs are classified in the commodity component and 50% in the demand component.
decontrolThe removal of government controls on prices and other factors of market activity.
hobA European term used to describe the surface below the range burner
action planA component of IRP, describing utility actions in the short-term (about two years) to meet the supply and demand objectives of the integrated resource plan.
respiration rateThe number of breaths a person makes per minute.
total chlorophyllGreen pigment in plants that transforms light energy into chemical energy in photosynthesis
confluenceThe place where two streams meet.
venturi throat or tubeA tube tapered down to a lesser diameter and then expanding gradually to its original diameter
solution fluteAn English term for some forms of Karren, generally equivalent to Rillenkarren
abandoned wellA well that is no longer in use, whether dry, inoperable, or no longer productive.
downstreamWhen referring to the oil and gas industry, this term indicates the refining and marketing sectors of the industry
floodTo drive oil from a reservoir into a well by injecting water under pressure into the reservoir formation.
meter cockSee METER STOP.
napNational Allocation Plan: Under the EU ETS, each country must submit a NAP to the European Commission, detailing every installation/plant and its proposed allocation of emissions allowances within the national cap.
t/aAbbreviation for Turnaround.
prusik slingA sling fastened by a prusik knot to a ropeClimbing and SRT
blankingInsertion of a solid metal disc between the companion flanges of a flanged joint.
mudflowsThe downhill movement, often rapid, of soft wet earth and debris, made fluid by rain or the rapid melting of snow.
dipOne of the directional properties of a geologic structure such as a fold or a fault
shear stressStress caused by forces operating parallel to each other but in opposite directions.
posted field pricePrice for oil or gas in a given area, set by principal buyers
mass numberTotal number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an atom
rodessa sand & limeA large part of the expansive Rodessa Oilfield reached far over into NE Texas
maximum allowable operating pressureSee PRESSURE, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OPERATING.
catalytic crackingThe decomposition or breaking down of oil or hydrocarbons through the action of a catalyst and heat.
easementAn acquired privilege or right, distinct from ownership of the soil, to use a specified area for certain specified uses.
coprophageA scavenger which feeds on animal dung, including guano.Miscellaneous terms
ad valoremTaxes imposed at a percent of a value.
kellyThe heavy square or hexagonal steel pipe which goes through the rotary table and turns the drill string (also called grief stem).
chemical resistance(1) The effect of specific chemicals on the properties of plastic piping with respect to concentration, temperature and time of exposure
free riderA customer who participates in a utility DSM program, and thereby receives the services or financial incentives provided by the utility, who would have taken the same conservation actions in the absence of a DSM program.
glacial valleyValley that was influenced by the presence of glaciers
oil ringOil in a reservoir underlying a gas-cap
tolerance model of successionThis model of succession suggests that the change in plant species dominance over time is caused by competition for resources
capacity relinquishmentThe permanent relinquishment of firm capacity on a pipeline.
stbA barrel volume of a fluid at standard (stock tank) conditions
condAn abbreviation for condensate measured in barrels per day, which applies to gas wells.
rhodamineA red organic dye detectable in very dilute solutions
impoundmentA body of water or sludge confined by a dam, floodgate, or other barrier.
demurrageThe detention or delay of a vessel in loading or unloading beyond the time agreed upon
progressive successionSuccession where the developing plant community becomes complex and contains more species and biomass over time.
microclimateThe climate (temperature, humidity, air movement etc) of a restricted space, eg of a cave, or of a portion of a cave
blowoutThe result of a loss of control of downhole reservoir fluid pressures, resulting in uncontrolled release of subsurface fluids to the surface or, in the case of a downhole blowout, uncontrolled flow between downhole reservoirs.
axial inclinationaxial inclination is the angle at which a planet's axis of rotation is tilted, with respect to that planet's own orbit
wheelingThe transportation of customer-owned gas by a transmission company for the customer at a pre-determined cost to the customer.
moving averageThe mean of prices over a pre-defined period, for instance, the previous five days
lagicLouisiana Geographic Information Center - LAGIC was established by the Louisiana GIS Council (LGISC) and the Louisiana Office of E-Services to facilitate the distribution of geographic information, provide technical assistance, and support GIS data development among state, federal, and local government
bridging pointa settlement site where a river is narrow or shallow enough to be bridged
gisThe current SONRIS Interactive Maps application was implemented in March 2001 with ESRI ArcIMS, ArcSDE and Oracle Spatial and database applications
forward contractAn over‐the‐counter transaction between two companies involving the future delivery of a commodity at a specific date and location at a fixed price, established on the date at which the contract is originated
core customersResidential and small commercial customers who must rely on the traditional distributor bundled service of sales and transportation
cryogenA material that is a gas at ambient conditions but can be liquefied at below-ambient temperatures
acceptance testAn investigation performed on an individual lot of a previously qualified product (e.g., plastic pipe) by, or under the observation of, the purchaser to establish conformity with a purchase agreement stipulating specified requirements.
kelvina temperature scale used in sciences such as astronomy to measure extremely cold temperatures
penetration rateThe annual rate at which a DSM measure is implemented, as a percentage of the measure's technical potential.
chargeIn refrigeration, the quantity of refrigerant in a system; also, to put in the refrigerant charge.
pyrometallurgicalthe treatment of ores by processes involving heating.
f-box receptorThe component of an SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase that acts as a hormone receptor and that recognizes repressor proteins as substrates to be targeted for degradation.
capacity allocationSee ALLOCATION-CAPACITY.
workoverThe performance of one or more of a variety of remedial operations on a producing well designed to increase production.
stance(is this a caving term)Speleology term
abandonment costsCosts associated with the abandonment of facilities or services, including costs for the removal of facilities and restoration of the land.
tornado watchA forecast issued to the public that a tornado may occur in a specified region.
abandonmentRegulatory authorization for a utility to cease provision of a particular service and/or to shut down a particular facility.
working interestInterest in a well which bears the cost of operations.
sidetrackTo drill a secondary wellbore away from an original wellbore
till plainExtensive flat plain of till that forms when a sheet of ice becomes detached from the main body of the glacier and melts in place depositing the sediments it carried.
phA scale from 1 - 14 that measures how acidic or basic (alkaline) a substance is.
well padsArea that has been cleared for a drilling rig to work on a plot of land designated for natural gas and oil extraction.
well casingSteel or cement containment that is installed on the inside of the well bore intended to keep gas or oil from seeping out of the wells into the surrounding ground.
drill bitThe cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock.
gathering agreementAgreement between a producer and a gathering system operator specifying the terms and conditions for entry of the producer's gas into the gathering system.
overburdenGeostatic load
hydrogenationA process whereby hydrogen atoms are added to an organic molecule to form a new compound; such reactions usually require heat and pressure in the presence of a catalyst.
gentrificationa process by which run-down houses in an inner city or other neglected area are improved by better off (affluent) people who move there in order to have easier access to the jobs and services of the city centre
runoffRunoff is water (or other liquids) that drains or flows from the land into streams and rivers, and eventually into the seas
unconfined aquiferAquifer that is not restricted by impervious layers of rock.
apparent magnitudethe apparent brightness of an object in the sky as it appears to an observer on Earth
cementationThe process of precipitation or growth of a binding material around grains or fragments of rocks
fuel reprocessingThe processing of used nuclear reactor fuel to recover the unused fissionable material.
reflectionProcess of returning sound or light waves back to their source.
solar cyclethe approximately 11-year quasi-periodic variation in frequency or number of solar active events.
coiled tubingA long, small diameter pipe flexible enough to be stored on and deployed from a large, truck-mounted roll
water tableThe upper surface of a zone of saturation; the upper surface of the ground water.
retailingthe sale of goods, usually in shops, to the general public.
stream channelLong trough-like depression that is normally occupied by the water in a stream.
saturatedWater which has dissolved as much limestone or other material as it can under the prevailing conditions.Speleology term
kernmantelA rope with a plaited sheath around a core of parallel or twisted strands.Climbing and SRT
coalbed methaneA form of natural gas extracted from coal beds
plant acquisition adjustmentsRepresents the difference between the cost to the utility of plant acquired as operating units or systems by purchase, merger, consolidation, liquidation or otherwise, and the Original Cost (defined herein) of such plant less the amount(s) credited at the time of acquisition to Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization and Contributions in Aid of Construction.
relative humiditySee HUMIDITY, RELATIVE.
incentiveIn DSM, a cash or non-cash award that is offered to encourage participation in a utility-sponsored DSM program.
speleologyThe study of caves and their contents
commutingthe process by which people living in one place, travel to another place to work.
direct-firedA heating unit in which the combustion products are mixed with the air or liquid being heated
tidal currentRegional scale ocean current that is created the tidal rise and fall of the ocean surface.
canyonSteep-sided valley where depth is considerably greater than width
diverterA device used to direct fluids flowing from a well away from the drilling rig.
penduliteA kind of stalactite which has been partly submerged with that part covered with Dog tooth spar, giving the appearance of a drumstick.Cave - Depositional Features
hydrocarbonsOrganic compounds of hydrogen and carbon whose densities, boiling points, and freezing points increase as their molecular weights increase
china wallsAn expression that refers to the complete separation of operations for affiliated companies within a corporation to prevent undue business advantages
butt-weldThe joining of two pieces of pipe or other material by full penetration welds.
conductorLarge diameter pipe/casing inserted into the initial drilling hole to stabilise the hole, and to which the BOP stack is attached.
secondary energy demandEnergy used by final customers for residential, commercial, industrial and transportation purposes, and hydrocarbons used for such non-energy purposes as petrochemical feedstock.
deregulationSee DECONTROL.
fast reactorA reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained with high-energy or high-speed (ie fast) neutrons.
aditcommon mining term for a horizontal to sub–horizontal tunnel driven into a hillside to access an ore body.
swabTo remove fluids from a well with a swabbing tool.
wellhead completionFinal preparations in preparing the well to fulfill its intended function (eg
vom--volt ohmmeterA device for measuring the voltage or the resistance of an electrical circuit
reformingA petroleum refining process, employing catalysis, in which heat and pressure are used to cause cracking and isomerization of the hydrocarbon molecules in low-octane petroleum fractions
hydrocarbonA chemical compound composed solely of carbon and hydrogen
half tubeExposed on a fractured rock surface
paraffinA white, tasteless, odorless, waxy substance composed of natural hydrocarbons and obtained from petroleum.
seismologyThe study of earthquakes and the evidence they provide about the interior of the Earth.
blow downThe process of reducing gas pressures by means of releasing such pressures to atmosphere.
foamingIn a boiler, the carry-over of slugs of water into the piping due to dirty water or overloading of the boiler
rillenkarrenA type of Karren, runnels about 20mm wide with sharp ridges between them
base load capacityElectricity-generating equipment that operates to meet the demand that continues throughout the year.
isomerateMixed xylenes used as gasoline blendstock
infill wellAny well drilled on a closer than normal well spacing pattern or requirement
qualification testAn investigation, independent of a procurement action, performed on a product to determine whether or not the product conforms to all requirements of the applicable specification
radiographic inspectionMethod used to determine flaws in pipe or other metals by use of a machine which emits X-rays or gamma rays which penetrate the metal and are transcribed onto film.
shrinkageThat volume or heating content reduction attributable to extracted liquids from a gas stream.
hydrationA form of chemical weathering that involves the rigid attachment of H+ and OH- ions to the atoms and molecules of a mineral.
mmcfpdMillion Cubic Feet Per Day
reagentAny material that causes a chemical reaction when added to a second substance.
population crashSudden decline in the number of individuals found in a population because of a scarcity of environmental resources that are required for survival, growth, and reproduction.
wetlandNatural land-use type that is covered by salt water or fresh water for some time period
sludgeIn discussions of environmental controls, the mud-like residue that results from the cleaning process of scrubbers or certain other devices, designed to prevent solid particulates from entering the environment
compatibleA condition wherein components of a piping system and/or different specific materials can be joined together to form satisfactory joints.
gridA network of elecric power lines and connections.
leaseA contract by which the owner of the mineral rights to a property conveys to another party, the exclusive right to explore for and develop minerals on the property, during a specified period of time.
supercooled waterCooling of water below 0° Celsius without freezing
frequencyThe frequency of a wave is the number of times that a wave is produced within a time period.
pumped-storage hydroelectric plantA plant that generates electricity by using water pumped during off-peak periods into an elevated storage reservoir
atmospheric pressureSee PRESSURE, ATMOSPHERIC.
throwIn heating or air conditioning, the distance air will carry, measured along the axis of an air stream, from the supply opening to the position in the stream at which air motion reduces to 50 feet per minute.
plugAn external thread pipe fitting that is inserted into the open end of an internal thread pipe fitting to seal the end of a pipe
circulateTo pass from one point throughout a system and back to the starting point
brecciaOne of the 2 main types of rudaceous rocks, consisting of angular fragments implying minimum transport of material.
cytoplasmAll of the protoplasm in a cell except for what is contained in the nucleus.
fwlAbbreviation for From west line
scheduling penaltyA monthly or daily penalty assessed on the difference between the volume scheduled to be tendered by the shipper to the pipeline and the volume actually tendered for delivery
sedimentFragment of a rock on the earth’s surface
claustrophobiaAn irrational fear of being in a closed space.Miscellaneous terms
shieldA speleothem consisting of 2 parallel plates separated by a medial planal crack
enriched uraniumUranium where the uranium-235 assay is above that of natural uranium
detritusShed tissues, dead body parts, and waste products of organisms
seyfert galaxya main-sequence star which rotates rapidly, causing a loss of matter to an ever-expanding shell.
gas conditioningThe removal of objectionable constituents and addition of desirable constituents.
pressure gaugeSee GAUGE, PRESSURE.
mmboeMillion Barrels of Oil Equivalent
impacta forceful collision
abbreviated applicationAn abbreviated application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity that may be filed under Section 7 of the NGA whenever the proposed action does not require all of the data and information normally filed in a certificate application in order to disclose fully the nature and extent of the proposed undertaking.
fuel fabricationThe production of reactor fuel, usually in the form of ceramic pellets, encased in metal tubes which are then arranged in fuel assemblies.
avogadro's lawSee LAWS.
casinghead  A heavy, flanged steel fitting connected to the first string of casing
barrelA unit of measure for oil and petroleum products that is equivalent to 42 U.S
stable equilibriumIn a stable equilibrium the system displays tendencies to return to the same equilibrium after disturbance.
joulesA measure of energy equal to 1 watt second
shut inTo close the valves at the top of a well bore
ra'sAbbreviation for Right angles
meridianA circular arc that meets at the poles and connects all places of the same longitude.
free on boardUsually abbreviated to FOB
dimension ratioThe average specified diameter of a pipe divided by the minimum specified wall thickness
distinguished studentsE
mastPortable derrick that can be erected as a unit, instead of assembled part by part.
potPotential of a well.
autocatalysta cylinder made from ceramic or metal formed into a fine honeycomb and coated with a solution of chemicals and platinum–group metals
available heatThe amount of energy that is converted into
tornadoA vortex of rapidly moving air associated with some severe thunderstorms
boilerA closed vessel in which a liquid is heated and/or vaporized
swing connectionThe combination of fittings that will swing up, down, or sideways slightly for aligning pipe and for absorbing movement or strain.
sand sheetDeposit of sometimes stratified less well sorted sand that almost resemble dunes
karst windowA closed depression, not a polje, which has a stream flowing across its bottom.Karst - Depression Features of
lapiesA synonym for Karren, used mainly in the special case of Marine Lapies which form on limestone surfaces exposed to the sea, or to sea spray
magnetic fieldThe space influence by magnetic force
joint ventureGroup of companies which jointly holds 100% interest in a given concession.
tight holeA well whose results are being kept confidential.
thermA unit of heating value equivalent to 100,000 British thermal units (Btu).
planetAn astronomical body with enough mass for its gravity to make it spherical but not enough to generate nuclear energy
aphelionthe point in its orbit where a planet is farthest from the Sun.
comparison groupA selected group of customers that do not participate in a DSM program, but otherwise have the same characteristics as the participating group
strike priceThe price at which an option holder has the right to buy or sell an underlying commodity/derivative.
inverse head and shouldersA bullish reversal pattern characterized by a low, a lower low, a less low low, and a breakout to the upside. 
allocation-capacityA process by which capacity available in a pipeline is distributed to parties in the event requests for volume (i.e., nominations) are in excess of the available space
domeA hemispheroidal hollow in the roof of a cave, formed by breakdown or salt weathering
bill frequency analysisA tabulation of bills by size (consumption) and type of service rendered.
fluorometerAn instrument for measuring the fluorescence of water
cave ageMost karst cave passages are less than 1 million years old, though Relict Caves could be hundreds of millions of years old
adiabaticA term indicating that no heat is lost or gained by a material being subjected to a thermodynamic process
lump-sum contractA contract agreeing upon and approving a fixed total for construction and work
american style optionAn option which can be exercised by the buyer (holder) at anytime during its life
mutationChange in the structure of a gene or chromosome.
lpaAbbreviation for Plug and abandon work permit approved in Lafayette District Office
book costThe amount at which property is recorded in plant accounts without deduction of related provisions for accrued depreciation, depletion, amortization, or for other purposes.
cat gasolineA gasoline blending component made in a cat cracker.
sp - spontaneous potentialThere are at least three sources of spontaneous potential
eccentricA speleothem of abnormal shape or attitude
nitrogen dioxideA gas produced by bacterial action in the soil and by high temperature combustion
c&cAbbreviation for Circulating AND Conditioning mud
open seasonGenerally refers to a period of time when all parties are given equal consideration
slug catcherA vessel or series of pipes to collect liquids at the inlet of a compressor station.
snow pelletsA form of precipitation also known as graupel
illuminantsThe group of unsaturated or heavy hydrocarbons in a manufactured gas, such as ethylene and benzene, which burn with a luminous flame.
mineral rightThe ownership of the minerals under a given surface with the right to enter thereon, mine, and remove them
cooling towerSee WATER-COOLING TOWER.
opening stkAbbreviation for Opening Stock
avoided costThe cost to produce or procure electric power that an electricity utility does not incur because it purchases this increment of power from a qualifying facility
double topA bearish reversal pattern characterized by two highs at roughly equal value.
frost wedgingA process of physical weathering in which water freezes in a crack and exerts force on the rock causing further rupture.
soil solutionAqueous liquid found within a soil
humidistatA regulating device, actuated by changes in humidity, used for the automatic control of relative humidity.
confiscatory ratesApproved rates which yield a rate of return insufficient to attract new capital.
nitrificationThe biochemical oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate
zone rateSee RATE, ZONES.
rate of flowThe volume or units of a material passing a given point in a system per unit of time.
doline karstKarst dominated by closed depressions, chiefly dolines, perforating a simple surface.Karst - Kinds of
force majeureA superior force, "act of God" or unexpected and disruptive event, which may serve to relieve a party from a contract or obligation.
lunar eclipsea phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth
integrating deviceA mechanism designed to automatically correct a gas-volume-related input to some predetermined base conditions.
dore barThe final saleable product of a gold mine, usually consisting of gold and silver.
decontrolThe act of ending federal government control over the wellhead price of new natural gas sold in interstate commerce
metamorphic rocksAny of a class of rocks that are the result of partial or complete recrystallization in the solid state of pre-existing rocks under conditions of temperature and pressure that are significantly different than those encountered at the Earth's surface
massHow much matter an object contains
chill factorThe temperature (at zero wind velocity) which would produce the same chilling effect as a particular combination of temperature and wind velocity
sorbentA material which extracts one or more substances present in an atmosphere or mixture of gases or liquids with which it is in contact due to an affinity for such substances.
loadThe amount of electricity delivered or required at any specific point or points on a system
resourcesAs used in this report, resources refers to the total volume of oil or natural gas that is thought to be found in an area, or to that portion of the total resources that is not penetrated by a wellbore to date, or the volume that could be found as a result of appreciation.
line riderAn employee who inspects a pipeline right-of-way for leaks or potential hazards
sales agreementAn agreement between a purchaser/buyer and seller (e.g., producer, marketer, pipeline, LDC) which defines the terms and conditions of a purchase/sale and title transfer of gas quantities.
pooling pointA common market point, generally located at the terminus of a pipeline's production area
effluxPlace of outflow for karst waters from an aquifer
sedgeGrass-like plant that is adapted to grow in moist habitats.
matterIs the material (atoms and molecules) that constructs things on the Earth and in the Universe.
boiler ratingThe rating of a steam boiler expressed as the total heat transferred by the heating surfaces in Btu per hour
native plantA plant that naturally occurred in an area before disturbance by humans
jug handleA small loop of rock shaped like a handle, used as an anchor point or hand hold to aid in climbing.Climbing and SRT
primary/secondaryIn metals, primary metal refers to metal produced from mined ore, as opposed to secondary metal, which is produced from secondary sources, mainly scrap
diesel indexA measure of the ignition quality of a given diesel fuel, equal to the product of its aniline point (in Fahrenheit degrees) and its API gravity, divided by 100
coralloidA speleothem which is nodular, globular or coral-like in shape and which forms from thin films of water
recoverable heatThat portion of thermal input to a prime mover that is not converted to mechanical power and can be reclaimed for utilization.
downstream pipelineThe pipeline receiving natural gas at a pipeline inter-connect point.
regressionprogressive retreat of the sea on a continental shelf.
magneto- telluricMagnetotelluric (MT) is a geophysical method using electromagnetic waves to measure the resistivities of subsurface rock formations at depths between surface and several kilometres
anthraciteA hard, black coal with high energy content, often referred to as hard coal
partial participantA DSM customer who has installed only some of the DSM program measures recommended for the facility.
switching station/switch yardFacility used to tie together two or more electric circuits through switches
interconnection agreementAn agreement made between two power utilities to govern the operation of interconnections between their systems
coalCarbon-containing rocks, derived from plant remains altered by increased pressure and temperature and various chemical processes
secondary carnivoreSee tertiary consumer.
respirationThe release of energy from organic compounds in living cells.
take-or-pay creditsCredits provided by FERC Order No.500 which allow the pipeline to credit a quantity of gas it transports against its obligation to take a similar quantity of gas under a take-or-pay contract executed before June 23, 1987.
test holeA well drilled to shallow depths for evaluation purposes
sluma house unfit for human habitation.
depreciation accountingA system of accounting intended to distribute the cost of tangible capital assets, less salvage, (if any), over the estimated useful life of the unit in a systematic and rational manner.
casingheadThe top of the first string of casing set in a well
industrial smogForm of air pollution that develops in urban areas
blow-off valveValve used to blow pressure off the pipeline
sinkA place where a surface water course disappears underground
accumulationA situation in which the market is dominated by buyers, who ‘accumulate' the commodity they are trading.
aeolianiteAlso as Eolianite
kepler's first lawa planet orbits the Sun in an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
regulatory adjustmentsCompany costs in the Base period that can not be included in the Cost of Service and are deleted.
rate adjustment provisionsA provision in a tariff which provides for changes in rates or total charges because of changes in specified items of cost, such as fuel price, purchased gas, tax, etc.
satellite lng facilityA facility for storing and vaporizing LNG to meet relatively modest demands at remote locations or to meet short-term peak demands
chloroplastOrganelle in a cell that contains chlorophyll and produces organic energy through photosynthesis.
venturi meterSee METER, VENTURI.
homosphereThe lower layer in a two part classification of the atmosphere based on the general homogeneity of chemical composition
audAustralian dollar.
ngpaNatural Gas Pricing Act.
tunnelA nearly horizontal cave open at both ends, fairly straight and uniform in cross-section.Cave - Parts of
recovery factorThe percentage of oil or gas in place in a reservoir that ultimately can be withdrawn by primary and/or secondary techniques.
market towna town whose main function is that of a shopping and service centre for the surrounding region.
fhlmc/freddie macFederal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation is a publicly chartered agency in 1970 that buys qualifying residential mortgages from lenders, pools them into securities, provides certain guarantees, and then resells the securities on the open market.
gigawattOne gigawatt equals 1-billion watts, 1-million kilowatts, or 1,000 megawatts
agricultural land reserveThe Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) is a provincial zone in which agriculture is recognized as the priority use
liquid mediumContains the Stygofauna or aquatic Cavernicoles.Speleology term
aquitardA geological formation that may contain ground water but is not capable of transmitting significant quantities of it under normal hydraulic gradients.
dynamic equilibriumA dynamic equilibrium occurs when a system displays unrepeated average states through time.
farmount agreementAn arrangement (technically, a tax partnership) in which the responsibility for exploration and development for a specific work program is shifted (by assignment) from the working interest owner to another party.
parallelTwo lines running side by side at an equal distance apart
benchterm used to describe the various working levels in a quarry, created and controlled by variations in bed depth as the worked quarry face is developed.
dolostoneA sedimentary rock composed primarily of dolomite, a mineral made up of calcium, magnesium, carbon, and oxygen.
inclinometerThe trade name of an instrument used to determine whether or not the well bore is proceeding in a vertical orientation at any point
coastal duneSand dune that forms in coastal areas
lampblackSee CARBON BLACK.
geographic isolationSee spatial isolation.
reversionary interestAn interest in a well or property that becomes effective at a certain time in the future or on the occurrence of a specific future event.
horizontal angleThe difference in direction of two survey lines measured clockwise in a horizontal plane.Survey & Mapping term
dielectricA material used in a capacitor to store a charge from an applied electrical field
catenary supportA steel cable or cables strung between two supports and sagged to the point of minimum tension for a given evenly distributed load
dew pointThe temperature at which a liquid starts to seperate out of a gas when it is cooled.
mcfpdThousand Cubic Feet Per Day
superior planetsThe planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are superior planets because their orbits are farther from the Sun than Earth's orbit.
aquicludeAn impermeable body of rock that may absorb water slowly, but does not transmit it.
microcavernAll cavities in rock that are smaller than 0.1 cm in diameter down to and including microscopic size
wildcatterOne who drills wells in the hope of finding gas or oil in territory not known to be a gas or oil field.
economic outContract provisions enabling a company to get out of gas purchase contracts based on economic changes that are detrimental to the company.
moderatorA component of some nuclear reactor types which slows neutrons, thereby increasing their chances of fissioning fissile material.
favelaa Brazilian term for an informal, shanty-type settlement.
solar windMass of ionized gas emitted to space by the Sun
remaining gasRemaining gas (ultimate potential minus cumulative production) represents the volume available for future market demands.
swashA thin sheet of water that moves up the beach face after a wave of water breaks on the shore.
formation pressureThe pore pressure existing within reservoir rock or non-reservoir rock at a specified time
sleeveA piece of pipe or thimble for covering another pipe or joint or for coupling two lengths of piping.
polar axisIs a line drawn through the Earth around the planet rotates
circulatorSee HEATER, ROOM.
mrMalaysian ringgit, the Malaysian unit of currency.
throughputTotal of transportation volumes and tariff sales; all gas volumes delivered.
bitA bit is the drilling tool that bores or cuts into the earth
estuarySomewhat enclosed coastal area at the mouth of a river where nutrient rich fresh water meets with salty ocean water.
equivalent length of pipeThe resistance of pipe valves, controls, and fittings to gas flow expressed as equivalent length of pipe or pipe of other sizes, for convenience in calculating pipe diameters.
long string Last string of casing set in the oil and gas well, covering the productive zone.
other property and investmentsA group of balance sheet accounts which includes Non-Utility Property, Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Non-Utility Property, Investment in Associated Companies, Other Investments, and the Special Funds Accounts.
gasificationThe process of converting solid or liquid fuel into a gaseous fuel
semi-diurnal tideTides that have two high and two low waters per tidal period.
pipeline patrolA general inspection of the pipeline right of way by foot, airplane, or land vehicle to observe surface conditions and activity along or on the right of way and noting changes in vegetation growth for indication of gas leakage.
transportation agreementAn agreement between a shipper and transportation company which defines the terms and conditions of the transportation services and transportation transfer to be provided.
law of captureStates that is a well is drilled on a property, anything that comes up from that well belongs to the owner of that property.
stakeholderStakeholders are people who may be affected by a project or who can influence it.
borehole compensated sonic logThe borehole compensated sonic sonde carries two sets of transducers, one with its transmitter above its receiver pair and one with its transmitter below
retirement frequency curveA graphical presentation of the retirement dispersion.
engineA machine for converting the heat content of fuel into rotary motion that can be used to power other machines.
sectionA square tract of land having an area of one square mile (=640 acres)
impermeablePreventing the passage of fluid
mottlingBlotchy or patchy colour patterning.Speleology term
dry holeAny well that does not produce oil or gas in commercial quantities
terrestriala term used to describe anything originating on the planet Earth.
experimental crude oilCrude oil produced from pilot projects designed to investigate new recovery techniques.
phreatomagmaticVolcanology: phreatomagmatic activity
photosphereThe visible surface of the Sun; the upper surface of a convecting layer of gases in the outer portion of the sun whose temperature causes it to radiate light at visible wavelengths; sunspots and faculae are observed in the photosphere.
beta particleElectron emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive isotope
bollardA projection of rock over which rope, tape or wire can be placed to create an anchor.Climbing and SRT
formationA body of earth material with distinctive and characteristic properties.
dripA container or segment of piping placed at a low point in a system to collect condensate, dust, and foreign material, enabling their removal
graphiteA crystalline form of the element carbon
verified nominationA nomination that has been validated against the conditions specified in the service contract and with any upstream/downstream or third parties involved in the transaction.
contractorA company or person contracted to perform construction work for the company
balancing unitsThe unit of measure used for the purpose of balancing the amount of gas received by transporter at the transporter receipt point(s) with the amount of gas delivered by transporter for shipper's account at the transporter delivery point(s)
tensile strengthThe tensile stress necessary to cause failure in a short-time test
cold expanded pipePipe that is formed and then expanded in the pipe mill while cold so that the circumference is permanently increased by at least 1/2 percent and tensile strength is increased.
maze caveA complex pattern of connecting passages often on two or more levels in a cave
coal gasificationA controlled process of reacting coal, steam, and oxygen under pressure and elevated temperature
meter manifoldGas piping between gas service line and meter
tracer(1) A material introduced into surface or underground water where it disappears or into soil to determine drainage interconnections and travel time
milky way galaxyAggregation of about 400 billion stars in a flattened, disk-shaped structure in space
combustion testsThe sampling of combustion products to determine the percentage of constituents and their temperature.
levelA group of cave passages developed in the same horizontal plane, especially in caves that are developed on 2 or more planes.Cave - Parts of
synthesis gasA mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen frequently used to produce (synthesize) many chemicals depending on the reacting conditions and catalysts used
glacierA large mass of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward across land.
service territorySee SERVICE AREA.
costThe amount of money actually paid for property, material or services
gradientthe pressure gradient (pressure at casing seat/metre of overburden) existing during cavern operation and is a function of the mode of operation (brine/hydrocarbon injection/withdrawal), the rate of fluid injection or withdrawal and its relative density and the tubing/casing string sizes.
gap towna town located at a gap between hills, providing a good defensive site and route centre that led to a trade and market function.
duckA place where water is at or close to the cave roof for a short distance so that it can be passed only by submersion.Cave - Parts of
conveyanceLegal term for transferring the title of a property from one party to another, typically by deed (or bill of sale, etc.).
domestic/retail competitionThe competitive sale of gas to residential or small commercial customers, allowing those customers a choice of supplier other than the local distribution company
proven reservesSee RESERVES, ENERGY.
rimstoneA deposit formed by precipitation from water flowing over the rim of a pool.Cave - Depositional Features
roundtripThe action of pulling the drill pipe out of the hole and subsequently running the pipe back into the hole to the same depth
show caveA cave that has been made accessible to the public for guided visits.Cave - Kinds of
exogenicRefers to a system that is external to the Earth.
pipelineUnderground or surface tubing or piping that is installed across states, countries and continents todeliver fuel
passageA cavity in a cave that is longer than it is wide or high
spillRelease of water from a reservoir over a spillway rather than putting it through turbines to generate electricity
direct solar radiationSolar radiation received by the Earth's atmosphere or surface which has not been modified by atmospheric scattering.
lateral organAn organ that is produced from the shoot apical meristem
immigrationMigration of an organism into an area for the purpose of changing its residence permanently
offsetAn offset deal is, normally, one in which a vendor government "offsets" the cost of an arms sale to a purchaser government by undertaking to invest in the purchaser country (or to persuade vendor country companies to do so)
capacity assignment/brokeringThe sale or assignment of a specific right to firm transportation (or storage) on an interstate natural gas pipeline to another entity
annulusThe space between two concentric objects, such as between the wellbore and casing or between casing and tubing, where fluid can flow
meteoric waterA term applied to water which penetrates the rocks from above, i.e
oceanographyThe scientific study of phenomena found in the world's oceans.
operatorIn the case of multiple parties to a contract regarding blocks of oil/gas and associated E&P work, a joint operating agreement is entered into between the parties and it is necessary to achieve agreement on the rights and obligations for all items required when conducting operations
geophoneThe recorder used to indicate arrival of seismic disturbances at a particular location
raftA speleothem consisting of a thin layer of crystalline material which forms and floats on the surface of a cave pool
chokeThe flow orifice in the Christmas tree (wellhead) or BOP stack by which volume flow rate and flowing bottomhole pressure is controlled by surface manipulation of the choke size
form a d cApplication for Dual Completion
industrial fuel switchingSwitching from natural gas to alternate fuels such as residual or clarified oil by large industrial customers, primarily motivated by the relative fuel prices.
shift converterA reactor which catalytically converts carbon monoxide and water into hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
superseding tariff sheetsRevised tariff sheets filed with the Commission to update or modify original or previously revised tariff sheets currently on file in a pipeline's FERC Gas Tariff
roof sniffingDescribes progress in a water filled passage with only sufficient air space for the nose to be above the water.Speleology term
organelleIs a specialized structure found in cells that carry out distinct cellular functions.
boiling water reactorA nuclear power reactor cooled and moderated by light water and fuelled by enriched uranium
regenerative heatingProcess of utilizing heat which must be rejected in one part of the cycle to perform a useful function in another part of the cycle.
retained interestThe portion (or fraction) of an interest in a property the owner of  such interest retain when conveying the balance of  the  interest to another party.
dendriticTerm used to describe the stream channel pattern that is completely random
propaguleStructure that develops into a plant.
assigneeIn law generally a transferee; a recipient of an interest in property or a contract.
poohAbbreviation for Pulling out of hole
public utilityA business organization performing a service relating to or affecting all of the people within a specified area, usually under provisions of a franchise, charter or "certificate", and subject to special governmental regulations
purchased gas adjustmentA provision approved by the regulatory agency allowing a company to make filings to change its rates, without the usual suspension period, for the purpose of recovering currently the changes in its cost of purchased gas
solsticethe time of the year when the Sun appears furthest north or south of the celestial equator
capital costsCosts incurred in acquiring capital assets
vaultAn enclosed room or pit having an access opening in the top, side wall, or both
lightningVisible discharge of electricity created by thunderstorms.
urban sprawlthe unplanned uncontrolled growth of urban areas into the surrounding countryside.
olda planetary surface that has been modified little since its formation typically featuring large numbers of impact craters; (compare to young).
contractA binding agreement between a buyer and a seller in a transaction.
energy conservation measureA device, material, or appliance used or installed to improve energy efficiency.
physical weatheringBreakdown of rock material by mechanical processes, including freeze-thaw, heat-cold, wetting-drying etc.
coefficient of expansionThe change in length per unit length or the change in volume per unit volume, per degree change in temperature.
best practicesManagement practices or techniques recognized to be the most effective and practical means to develop the resource, while minimizing adverse environmental and other effects.
agSee Arab Gulf
best effortsAn agreement by a contracting party to do its best to complete some specified result
accumulated deferred income taxesAccount(s) shown on a corporation's balance sheet, typically a net liability, that represents a future (deferred) claim by the government against the corporation's assets
pressure loaderDevice in which the rate of gas flow controls the operation of a pressure governor or regulator.
moving average crossoverThe point where a short moving average crosses a longer-moving average
heat joiningMaking a pipe joint by heating the mating surfaces of the parts to be joined so that they fuse and become essentially one piece with or without addition of material
specific gravityThe ratio of the mass of a body to the mass of an identical volume of water at a specific temperature.
grosskrotzenburgLies just south of Frankfurt-am-Main
lobeA tongue-like extension of some material
grasslandEcosystem whose dominant species are various types of grass
tree ringSeasonal growth in trees results in concentric rings being formed in the trunk, where each ring represents a summer or a winter season.
run pipeTo lower a string of casing into the hole.
licenceAgreement entered into with a host country granting the company the right to explore and produce oil and gas in a designated area, in return for paying to the government licence fees and royalties on production
medMarket abbreviation for Mediterranean.
alternating currentA periodic current, the average value of which over a period is zero
wheelingIn the gas business, refers to the transfer of gas between pipelines
authorized over-runSee OVER-RUN, AUTHORIZED.
hour anglethe telescope based coordinate specifying the angle, in the equatorial plane, from the meridian to a plane containing the celestial object and the north and south celestial poles.
public offeringAn investment offering intended for sale to the general public
sedimentary rocksRocks which are an accumulation of fragments of many pre-existing rocks.
cngCompressed Natural Gas
wattA measure of real power production or usage equal to one Joule per second
nitric acidAcid with the chemical formula: HNO3.
wall thicknessSpecified wall thickness of pipe without adding an allowance to compensate for the underthickness tolerances permitted in approved specifications.
flarerapid release of energy from a localized region on the Sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation, energetic particles, and mass motions.
sidereal dayTime it takes to complete one Earth rotation relative to the position of a fixed star
glacial driftA generic term applied to all glacial and glaciofluvial deposits.
decommissionTo remove (as a ship) from service.
spatial traditionAcademic tradition in modern Geography that investigates geographic phenomena from a strictly spatial perspective.
mandrelA cylindrical bar, spindle, or shaft around which other parts are arranged or attached or that fits inside a cylinder or tube.
corrosion fatigueReduction of fatigue durability by a corrosive environment.
ice shelfLarge flat layer of ice that extends from the edge of the Antarctic ice cap into the Antarctic Ocean
annulusthe space between two casings, between a casing and the tubings or between the casing and the adjacent formations.
non-participantAny customer who is eligible but does not participate in a utility DSM program in a given year.
porosityThe ratio of the volume of empty space to the volume of solid rock in a formation, indicating how much fluid a rock can hold.
aquiferA body of rock saturated with water, that is capable of allowing the subterranean water to be stored, transmitted and is capable of absorbing recharge water
gradient windHorizontal wind in the upper atmosphere that moves parallel to curved isobars
expansion loopEither a bend like the letter "U" or a coil in a line of pipe to provide for expansion and contraction.
coal liqueficationThe conversion of coal into liquid hydrocarbons and related compounds by hydrogenation.
determinate organPlant organ that does not have unlimited growth potential but that differentiates once the final size is reached, for example, a leaf.
crustThe Earth's crust is its outermost, rocky layer.
bull plugA plug that is inserted into the end of an unfinished pipeline to keep out dirt and moisture; also a plug of a particular shape with a male thread on one end and considerable length to the closed end for convenient use of a wrench.
system type - transmission.Pipelines (mains) installed for the purpose of transmitting gas from a source or sources of supply to one or more distribution centers, to one or more large volume customers, or a pipeline installed to interconnect sources of supply
reactor typesNuclear reactors may be divided into two main types, fast and thermal
polypropyleneA polymer prepared by the polymerization of propylene as the sole monomer.
ccsTechnology to separate, capture and store CO2 emitted from major sources
tafoniRoughly hemispherical hollows weathered in rock at the surface
turbidity currentsA sediment-laden current that moves rapidly down the surface of a submarine slope.
slickA thin film of oil on the water's surface.
long-term hydrostatic strengthThe estimated tensile hoop stress in the wall of the pipe along the circumferential direction that when applied continuously will cause failure of the pipe, at 100,000 hours (11.43 years)
loose-knit settlementa settlement with many gaps between its buildings and little, if any, pattern
monoclineA fold in layered rock that creates a slight bend.
excess airAir which passes through a combustion zone in excess of the quantity theoretically required for complete combustion.
making up a jointAct of screwing a joint into another section of pipe
palsaA mound of peat that develops as the result of the formation of a number ice lenses beneath the ground surface
cetane numberA numerical index designed to reflect the ignition quality of diesel fuels
geophysical explorationThe study of the physics of the Earth, especially its electrical, gravitational and magnetic fields and propagation of elastic (seismic) waves within it
automatic meter reading"Real time" monitoring of natural gas quantities and characteristics as it passes through a specific location.
swdSaltwater Disposal
heavy crude oilHas an API gravity of less than 28 degrees
cementingThe application of a liquid slurry of cement and water to various points inside or outside the casing.
odorant Any malodorous substance added to natural gas or LP-gas in small concentrations for the purpose of making the presence of the natural gas/gas detectable.
target areaPredefined area in a gas spacing area where wells can be located without incurring a penalty on production for impacting adjacent spacing areas.
calcareous algaeA group of algae that contain a supportive framework made of calcium carbonate precipitated from sea water.
efficiencyRelating to heat, a percentage indicating the available Btu input to combustion equipment that is converted to useful purposes.
fundamental nicheDescribes the total range of environmental conditions that are suitable for a species existence without the effects of interspecific competition and predation from other species.
meridionalMovement of wind or ocean waters in a direction that is roughly perpendicular to the lines of latitude.
flow restrictorA device which reduces water flow at faucets or showerheads.
budget-type certificationA budget-type application is an abbreviated, single certificate application filed under Section 7 of the NGA covering a number of minor or routine construction projects expected to be completed during the calendar year or fiscal year of the applicant, where the facilities proposed are to be used for miscellaneous rearrangements not resulting in any change in service or exceeding a specified dollar amount
hingeThe point of maximum curvature or bending of a fold.
safety couplingA friction coupling adjusted to slip at a predetermined torque to protect the rest of the system from overload.
salvageThe value realized from plant removed or otherwise disposed
lipidIs an organic compound composed of carbon atoms that have two hydrogen atoms attached
natural gas condensateSee CONDENSATE.
constellationa grouping of stars that make an imaginary picture in the sky
shut-in wellA well that has been completed but is not producing
stimulationAny process undertaken to improve production from a subsurface formation
commercial serviceSee CLASS OF SERVICE.
fillerA relatively inert material added to a plastic to modify its strength, permanence, working properties, or other qualities, or to lower costs.
gridThe layout of a gas distribution system in which pipes are laid in both directions in the streets and frequently connected at intersections
kiloparseca distance equal to 1000 parsecs.
receiving waterA water body into which wastewater or treated effluent is discharged.
net capabilityThe maximum load-carrying ability of a power plant under specified conditions for a given time interval
canyonA deep elongated cavity cut by running water in the roof or floor of a cave, or forming a cave passage.Cave - Parts of
limestone marlLimestone that has been infiltrated by layers of silt or sand and which typically have poor reservoir potential.
basicSubstance having a pH greater than 7.
derrick or mastThe derrick or mast is the device used to hoist the drilling machinery
resonanceOne of the natural states of oscillation in a physical system, such as the periodic swing of a pendulum or vibration of a spring
fire floodingAn enhanced oil recovery method in which air or oxygen is injected into the reservoir to support controlled combustion, thereby increasing the temperature and lowering the viscosity of heavy oils to facilitate recovery by pumping
dwDeep Well
structureA term used to describe the overall relationship of rock masses e.g
office of conservationThe Office of Conservation has primary statutory responsibility for regulation and conservation of oil, gas, lignite, and other natural resources
currentA flow of electricity in a conductor
swashThe landward rush of water from a breaking wave up the slope of the beach.
stock tank barrelSTB
oil saturationThe percentage of the void space within reservoir rock containing hydrocarbon liquid at reservoir conditions (reservoir fluid pressure and reservoir fluid temperature conditions)
transmissionThe network of high voltage lines, transformers and switches used to move electricity from generators to the distribution system
combined-cycleThe utilization of waste heat from large gas turbines to generate steam for conventional steam turbines, thus
bidA proposal to buy a commodity/derivative at a specified price.
injAbbreviation for injection grade in plastics.
total output gasSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
species associationA particular grouping of species in an area.
vertical resolutionThe capability to resolve thin beds
pressure-decline-curve methodA method of estimating nonassociated gas reserves in reservoirs which do not have a water drive.
spectrographan instrument that spreads light or other electromagnetic radiation into it's component wavelengths (spectrum), recording the results photographically or electronically.
volatile matterMatter which is readily vaporizable at a relatively low temperature.
load curveA curve of power versus time showing the level of a load for each time period covered
loggingLogging refers to the lowering of different types of measuring instruments into the wellbore and gathering and recording data
tsekThousand Swedish Kronor
head and shouldersA reversal pattern characterized by a high, a higher high, a lower high, and a break below the line joining the lows between the highs, the so-called neck-line.
load dispatchingSee DISPATCHING.
active caveA cave with a stream flowing in it
environmental stress crackingCracks that develop when the material is subjected to stress or strain in the presence of specific chemicals.
fcaFree Carrier
fuel switchingSubstituting one fuel for another based on price and availability
butadieneA derivative of crude C4s
laufenburgAn electricity delivery hub in Switzerland, divided between Laufenburg National and Laufenburg International.
benchA horizontal shelf along the wall of a lava tunnel, generally close to floor level
della proteinsDELLA domain-containing gibberellin signalling repressors, which are named after a conserved stretch of amino acids that are required for their degradation by the 26S proteasome.
blister copperThe product of the Bessemer converter furnace used in copper smelting
hydrogen sulfideA poisonous, corrosive compound consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one of sulfur, gaseous in its natural state
silurianperiod of geological time from 440 to 417 million years ago.
herbivoreAn animal that eats plants.Fauna
lianaSpecies of plant that uses the support of wood plants to elevate its leaves above the forest canopy.
rangeabilityRatio of maximum operating capacity to minimum operating capacity within a specified tolerance and operating condition.
reservoir rockThe sedimentary rock within which hydrocarbon can be stored as a result of the presence of porosity and from which hydrocarbon can be produced as the result of the presence of permeability
plutinoA subclass of Kuiper Belt objects which, like Pluto, orbit the Sun twice during every three orbits of Neptune
probable reservesThe definition of probable reserves is in accordance with regulations (2007 PRMS) formulated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) through support from the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE)
soil structureGeneral term that describes how mineral and particles organic matter of are organized and clumped together in a soil.
department of environmental protection This state agency has permitting and primary regulatory authority over the natural gas industry in the state.
bradenhead completionA head, screwed into the top of the casing, used to confine gas/natural gas in the oil or gas well until release through an outlet into a pipeline.
suspSuspension grade PVC.
turbidityA cloudy condition in water due to suspended silt or organic matter.
cmeChicago Mercantile Exchange
water wetDescribing the preference of a solid to be in contact with a water phase rather than an oil or gas phase
dry gasOne of two types of raw natural gas, dry gas contains low amounts of condensable compounds, also called natural gas liquids or NGLs (such as butane and propane), making it more "pipeline ready." Gas is considered to be "dry" when it is composed of almost entirely methane.
poreA discrete void within a rock, which can contain air, water, hydrocarbons or other fluids
ecosphereSee biosphere.
leeSide of a slope that is opposite to the direction of flow of ice, wind, or water
e&p exploration and production.The "upstream" sector of the oil and gas industry.
cmpSee China Main Port.
lithologyA term usually applied to sediments, referring to their general characteristics
options contractA contract that gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying commodity at a certain price on or before an agreed date.
normal lapse rateAverage rate of air temperature change with altitude in the troposphere
main systemSee SYSTEM TYPE.
balancing provisionsA requirement that gas entering a pipeline for transportation (receipts) must equal the amount leaving the pipeline (deliveries)
hydrologic soil groupA designation developed by the NRCS which describes the infiltration capacity of soil
depreciation expenseThe cost of plant (less net salvage) recovered over the life of the plant through a reduction of income
diversitySee Species Diversity.
prokaryoteOrganisms whose cells have their genetic material in the form of loose strands of DNA found in the cytoplasm
nominal wall thicknessSee WALL THICKNESS, NOMINAL.
sidereal monththe average period of revolution of the moon around the earth in reference to a fixed star, equal to 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes in units of mean solar time.
methaneThe first of the paraffin series of hydrocarbons
transpirationLoss of water by plants, usually by evaporation from leaves
pit(Looking for a definition)Cave - Parts of
contract for differencesCrude oil swap, tied to published price assessments, which exchanges floating short-term risk for fixed risk.
syngenetic karstKarst developed in Aeolianite
wave troughArea in between wave crests.
plutoniumAn element with atomic number 94 formed as a by-product of nuclear fission in reactors
secondary airThe air for combustion externally supplied to the flame at the point of combustion.
trainProcess equipment composed of vessels, piping, heat exchangers, etc., required to produce SNG or also the utilization system after customer metering.
anodeA rectangular plate of metal cast in a shape suitable for refining by the electrolytic process.
distributionThe act or process of distributing gas from the city gas or plant that portion of utility plant used for the purpose of delivering gas from the city gate or plant to the consumers, or to expenses relating to the operating and maintenance of distribution plant.
formationA regionally distinctive sequence of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks that is extensive enough to be mapped.
coincidence factorThe ratio of the maximum demand of a group, class, or system as a whole to the sum of the individual maximum demands of the several components of the group, class, or system
workingsthe current or past underground or surface openings and tunnels of a mine
volcanic cycleA general term used to describe a period of increased volcanic activity.
acoustic logIn acoustic logging, a transmitter located in the borehole emits a pulse of mechanical energy which is recorded by one or more receivers located in the borehole some distance away from the transmitter
boltA high tensile steel bolt used as an anchor.Climbing and SRT
blind flangeA solid plate used to close off the end of a piping system or a device constructed with flanged ends.
placeA term used in geography that describes the factors that make the location of natural and human-made phenomena unique.
convection zonea layer in a star in which convection currents are the main mechanism by which energy is transported outward
flaringThe burning of natural gas that cannot be conserved
plane of the eclipticHypothetical two-dimensional surface in which the Earth's orbit around the Sun occurs.
kilowattA unit of electricity equal to one thousand watts.
straight runMaterial which has come straight from an atmospheric distillation unit and has not been cracked or reformed, and which is usually used as a feedstock or as a utility fuel.
double glazingTwo panes of glass, usually parallel, with an air space between, used to provide increased thermal and/or sound insulation.
frac jobA method of stimulating a well by pumping liquid under high pressure into the reservoir to fracture the reservoir rock with the aim of improving the well flow rate.
subtropical jet streamRelatively fast uniform winds concentrated within the upper atmosphere in a narrow band
rigging upAct of getting a rig assembled and ready to start drilling
volatileAble to vaporize at relatively low temperatures
redevelopmentthe rebuilding of parts of a city
load waterWater used to prime a well after acidizing.
bottom hole contractA contract providing for the payment of money or other consideration upon the drilling of a well to a specified depth.
fungi resistanceThe ability of plastic pipe to withstand fungi growth and/or their metabolic products under normal conditions of service or laboratory tests simulating such conditions.
agentA legal representative of buyers, sellers or shippers of natural gas in negotiation or operations of contractual agreements.
magnitudeThe intensity of an earthquake is described by a number in the Richter scale, called the magnitude
froth flotationa process by which some mineral particles are induced to become attached to bubbles and thereby to float, while others sink
gas in solutionGas dissolved in water or crude oil.
gasolineVolatile motor fuel used in cars
terminal fall velocityVelocity at which a particle being transported by wind or water falls out of the moving medium
diffractionThe bending of light as it passes through a small slit or opening
high btu gasA term used to designate fuel gases having heating values of pipeline specification, i.e., greater than about 900 Btus per standard cubic foot.
observed-life tableA table of plant experience relating (1) survivors exposed to retirement at the beginning of each age interval to (2) the actual retirements during each interval
fossil dismantlementThe dismantlement and disposal of all buildings, structures, equipment, tanks and stacks at the site and restoration of the site to a usable condition.
volatilizationThe process where a solid or liquid substance is converted into a gas.
astronomical unitThis is the distance from the Sun to the Earth; approximately 93 million miles.
electronic ignitionA spark ignition device designed to electrically initiate the combustion process.
physical deliveryThe transfer of ownership of an underlying commodity between a buyer and seller to settle a futures contract following expiry.
logWell log
carbide lampProduces light by burning acetylene gas formed by reacting water and (calcium) carbide.Lighting term
reg unlAbbreviation for Regular unleaded gasoline.
virgo clustera gigantic cluster of over 2000 galaxies that is located mainly within the constellation of Virgo
urban renewal/regenerationthe improvement of old houses and the addition of amenities in an attempt to bring new life to old inner city areas.
sour gasNatural gas containing hydrogen sulphide.
corAbbreviation for Corner
s/dOccasionally used abbreviation for shutdown.
socio-economic groupclassification of people according to their occupation, e.g
exsurgenceA spring fed only by percolation water, and not by sinking streams.Karst - Miscellaneous features of
premAbbreviation for Premium.
landsatNASA earth orbiting satellites that gather imagery for multi-use interpretations.
brineWater that has a quantity of salt, especially sodium chloride, dissolved in it; salt water.
radiationenergy radiated in the form of waves or particles; photons.
thunderSound created when lightning causes the rapid expansion of atmospheric gases along its strike path.
compoundA compound is the atoms of different elements joined together.
owner-occupieda house lived in by its owner (as opposed to renting - see tenant).
cone karstKarst of tropical areas, dominated by its projecting residual relief rather than by its closed depressions
brunton compassA type of compass, with a hinged mirror and including a clinometer
coronal mass ejectionA huge magnetic bubble of plasma that erupts from the Sun and travels through space at a high speed.
wtsWest Texas Sour crude oil.
southern oscillationReversal of atmospheric circulation in tropical Pacific Ocean that triggers the development of an El Ni隳.
porosityThe percentage of pore volume or void space, or that volume within rock that can contain fluids
proteasomeA large intracellular protein complex that degrades soluble proteins that have been modified by ubiquitylation.
offset wellA well drilled on the next location to the original well
habitatThe environment occupied by individuals of a particular species, population, or community.
dew pointThe temperature and pressure at which a liquid begins to condense out of a gas.
magnetic testThe mineral will be drawn to a magnet, therefore showing the presence of magnetic material.
gigajouleA joule is an international unit of energy defined as the energy produced from one watt flowing for one second
life lineA safety device additional to the main support in climbing
slakingSee wetting and drying.
currenciesThe following are standard abbreviations used by Platts.Currency Standard Telex Print US Dollar $ USD Cents cts ý Yen Yen ý Australian dollar A$ AUD Singapore dollar S$ S-DLR Canadian dollar C$ CAN Hong Kong dollar HK$ HKD Euro EUR British Pound GBP ý French franc FFr Swiss Franc SFr Belgian Franc BFr Deutschmark/Mark DM Spanish peseta PTA Dutch guilder NLG Norwegian Krone NOK Danish Krone DKr Swedish Krone SKr Finnish Markka FIM European Currency Unit ECU Italian lire ITL Greek drachma DRA Austrian schilling SCH Portuguese escudo ESC Malaysian ringgit MR Rubles Rb UAE Dirham DHNot abbreviated: Baht Thailand Bolivar Crown Czech Republic, Slovakia Dinars Kuwait, Iraq Dram Armenia Egyptian Pounds Forint Hungary Hryvnya Ukraine Irish Punt Kwacha Zambia Manat Azerbaijan Peso Rand Real Riyals Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran Rupee India Rupiah Indonesia Shekel Israel Som Several former Soviet Union Muslim republics Tenge Kazakstan Turkish Lira Won S
retrogressive successionSuccession where the plant community becomes simplistic and contains fewer species and less biomass over time.
burner capacityThe maximum Btu per hour that can be released by a burner while burning with a stable flame and satisfactory combustion
offshore drillingDrilling for oil in an ocean or large lake
natural gasHydrocarbon gas
bacteriaSimple single celled prokaryotic organisms
inclinationa measure of the tilt of a planet's orbital plane in relation to that of the Earth.
system type - main.The network of distribution piping to which customers' service lines are attached
enzymeAre types of proteins that are used to facilitate and regulate chemical reactions within cells.
reducerA pipe fitting which enables the connection of two pipes differing in diameter.
ria coastAn extensively carved out coast with conspicuous headlands and deep re-entrants.
rillA very small steep sided channel carrying water
bpAbbreviation for Bridge Plug
billion cubic metersThe natural gas industry's metric term — mainly used outside North America — for the amount of gas in a field's reserves or an amount of gas produced and moved to market daily, monthly or annually
cave developmentEquates to cave genesis, the processes that work together to produce caves.Speleology term
n2oNitrous Oxide
caverA person who enters a cave for recreation and or scientific purposes
topographyGraphic representation of the surface features of a place or region on a map, indicating their relative positions and elevations.
instabilityAtmospheric condition where a parcel of air is warmer that the surrounding air in the immediate environment
stress testingA test to simulate an extreme market event and examine what happens to prices under the stress of that exercise.
seismica word describing the nature or characteristic of a given phenomenon or place as being of, subject to or caused by an earthquake.
accretionprocess of particles sticking together to form larger bodies; for example, solar nebular dust accreted to form chondrules, and planetesimals accreted to form planets.
isomerizationTypically, the process of separating mixed xylenes into orthoxylene and paraxylene.
operatorA person, acting for himself or as an agent for others and designated to the Commission as the one who has the primary responsibility for complying with its rules and regulations in any and all acts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
retrofittingAdding a device or materials to an existing unit for the purpose of enhancing the functional performance of the original unit
magnitudeThe degree of brightness of a star or other object in the sky according to a scale on which the brightest star has a magnitude -1.4 and the faintest visible star has magnitude 6
aerosolA mass of tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in air or another gas (see volcanic gas).
cloggerA type of ascender without a handle, used with a karabiner to keep it securely on the rope.Climbing and SRT
cross subsidizationPractice of charging one customer class with rates that are higher than the cost of service for that class, thus allowing another class to be charged rates that are lower than the respective cost of service for that class.
infill drillingDrilling of wells according to a planned pattern and spacing to achieve full production from a new field
nameplate capacityThe full-load continuous rating of a generator or other electric power production equipment under specific conditions as designated by the manufacturer
pore iceA form of periglacial ground ice that is found in the spaces that exist between particles of soil.
regasification terminalSee RECEIVING TERMINAL.
r5tNatural Gas Transporter's Monthly Report.R5T Data Entry--R5T Natural Gas Transporter Information
tornado alleyRegion in North America which receives a extraordinary high number of tornadoes
disabling injury illness incidenceSee INJURY/ILLNESS INCIDENCE RATE, DISABLING.
stream long profileVertical and horizontal profile of the stream
analyteA substance or chemical constituent being analyzed.
discountAn amount agreed between buyer and seller to be subtracted from an existing benchmark.
rate zonesGeographic areas of the Company's operations established to facilitate a design of rates to properly reflect the cost of serving customers in different parts of the company's system.
leak limiterA device to limit the escape of gas from the vent opening of a regulator in the event of a diaphragm failure, to not more than 1 cubic foot per hour of a gas having a specific gravity of 0.6 at 7 inches water column.
pre tax returnIs equal to the debt component of the rate of return plus the equity component adjusted upwards to reflect the impact of Federal Income Taxes.
kaoliniteA type of clay that is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions
neutral atmosphereCondition in the atmosphere where isolated air parcels do not have a tendency to rise or sink
indexA general term for a measure; also applied to the mechanism, composed of gears, dials, and dial face, that indicates the quantity of gas passing through a meter.
demand side managementUtility activities designed to influence the amount and timing of customer demand, producing changes to the
operating costsRecurring costs related to day-to-day operations of a facility that are paid out of current revenue.
cable drillingA method of well-drilling that employs a reciprocating, rather than a rotary, motion to penetrate rock.
differentiationTerm used to describe the layered nature of a body or planet in space which has zones of differing density
opening stockThe volume of stock on hand at 7:00 a.m
flagA price chart pattern that looks like a flag-pole with a rectangular 'flag' hanging off it
seepageFailure that occurs through essentially microscopic breaks in the pipewall, frequently only at or near the test pressure.
guanobiaAn animal association feeding on guano
transit amplifying cellsStem cell daughters that divide for a definite number of times before they leave the meristem to undergo terminal differentiation.
atmospheric pressureA force over a given area that is caused by the weight of an atmosphere.
pupa(Plu Pupae) The inactive stage of certain insects when the larva undergoes metamorphis and becomes an adult.Fauna
circulationThe movement of drilling fluids described above.
troughThe trough of a wave is its lowest point.
water yearMeasured water flow during a 12-month period starting October 1st and continuing to September 30th of the following year.
ulccUltra large crude carrier; with a capacity of 320,000-600,000 dwt
stormwaterRunoff that flows from the surface of the watershed during a storm.
optimum air supplyVolume of air delivered to a burner that will produce the maximum thermal efficiency under specific operating conditions.
play areaThe geographical area that contains a defined geological configuration within a stratigraphic interval
permeabilityMeasurement of the ability of a fluid (natural gas, oil or water) to flow through a rock or other porous material.
load managementA method of controlling electrical demand by switching off equipment, or moving demand from one time period to another.
raynarrow light or dark streaks that extend radially outward from some lunar craters
leaderIn caving, the person directing the activities of a caving party, and with responsibility for the safety of the group.Speleology term
tropical savannaSee savanna.
ansAlaska North Slope crude oil.
tree rootTree roots often penetrate down into caves and can form dense mats of fine rootlets, or thick tap roots which can completely block a passage
elastomerA material which at room temperature can be stretched repeatedly to at least twice its original length and upon immediate release of the stress, will return to its approximate original length and shape.
carbon blackAlmost pure amorphous carbon consisting of extremely fine particles, usually produced from gaseous or liquid hydrocarbons by controlled combustion with a restricted air supply or by thermal decomposition.
curb lineStreet or highway map line which shows the curb location.
polymerA substance consisting of molecules characterized by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions and other minor irregularities) of one or more types of monomeric units
insertsPlastic, copper, etc., tubing inserted into a run of existing pipe, thereby eliminating the need for a new trench.
casingmetallic or non-metallic pipe placed in the bore hole for the purpose of supporting the sides of the bore and to act as a barrier preventing subsurface migration of fluids out of or into the bore hole e.g
salt caverna cavern constructed within a soluble rock formation, commonly rock salt, by circulating fresh water in a controlled manner for the purposes of creating an underground hydrocarbon storage chamber.
cream skimmingInstalling only the lowest cost or easy-to- install DSM measures while ignoring other cost-effective opportunities.
field priceThe price paid for natural gas at the wellhead or outlet of a central gathering point in a field.
condensateA low-density, high-API gravity liquid hydrocarbon phase that generally occurs in association with natural gas
mercator projectionMap projection system that presents true compass direction
montreal protocolTreaty signed in 1987 by 24 nations to cut the emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere
evaporatorEquipment or device that extracts or drives out vapors from liquid solutions or gases
overshotA downhole tool used in fishing operations to engage on the outside surface of a tube or tool
spacingThe distance between wells producing from the same reservoir
preflushone or more separate volumes of fluid that are pumped ahead of the cement as a compatible buffer between the cement and drilling fluid and to clean the drilling mud from the annulus in preparation for cementing.
forward priceThe price today for the delivery of a commodity to a specific location on a specified date in the future.
mud densityThe density of the drilling mud usually measured in pounds per U.S
water tableTop surface of groundwater.
biotaThe total assemblage of living organisms of a district
rihAbbreviation for Running In hole
emission nebulaa type of nebula that shines by emitting light when electrons recombine with protons to form hydrogen atoms
maritime effectThe effect that large ocean bodies have on the climate of locations or regions
md-15-rcAmended Permit to Drill for Minerals (Corrected)
slumpthe complex movement of materials on a slope; includes rotational slump.
tornado warningA warning issued to the public that a tornado has been observed by an individual in a specified region
organicOf biological origin
crystallizationCrystal development and growth.
molecular cloudan interstellar cloud of molecular hydrogen containing trace amounts of other molecules such as carbon monoxide and ammonia.
compressorAn engine used to increase the pressure of natural gas so that it will flow more easily through a pipeline.
densitometerAn instrument used to determine the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a given substance (as water or hydrogen) taken as a standard, when both densities are obtained by weighing in air.
invasive plantA plant that becomes established and spreads aggressively into new areas and environments, often with detrimental effects on native plant species.
meteora small particle of rock or dust that burns away in the Earth's atmosphere
christmas treeA surface flow control system that, as a part of the wellhead, contains the master valve, the choke, and other flow control and access valves relative to the production system for that particular well
dry natural gasNatural gas containing few or no natural gas liquids (ethane, propane or butane) or condensate.
troglodyteA human cave dweller.Speleology term
sling psychrometerPsychrometer that uses a rotating handle and a whirling motion to ventilate its wet-bulb thermometer.
physical geographyField of knowledge that studies natural features and phenomena on the Earth from a spatial perspective
carbohydrateIs an organic compound composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms
intermediate loadThe range from base load to a point between base load and peak
carbon monoxideA poisonous, combustible gas formed by incomplete combustion of carbon, or reduction of carbon dioxide.
scraper trapA fitting in either end of a pipeline with a shut-off valve and a door to insert or remove a pipeline scraper which is pushed through the pipeline to clean it and increase flow efficiency.
blendstockA component combined with other materials to produce a finished refined product.
self-help housing schemesgroups of people, especially in LEDCs, are encouraged to build their own homes, using materials provided by the local authority.
crude oilA naturally occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons as it comes out of the ground (before or after any dissolved gas has been separated from it, but prior to any process of distilling or refining)
organic matterMass of matter that contains living organisms or non-living material derived from organisms
triassicThe first period of the Mesozoic
wireline logWell log run on logging cable.
loopingA paralleling of an existing pipeline by another line over the whole length or any part of it to increase capacity.
coalA carbon-rich sedimentary rock that forms from the remains of plants deposited as peat in swampy environments
calvingThe loss of glacier mass when ice breaks off into a large water body like an ocean or a lake.
cersSee Certified Emission Reductions.
orifice plateA plate of noncorrosive material which can be fastened between flanges or in a special fitting perpendicular to the axis of flow and having a concentric circular hole
wet point sitea settlement location where the main advantage is a water supply in an otherwise dry area e.g
updipLocated up the slope of a dipping plane or surface
operatorThe operator is the project owner for hydrocarbon exploration and then exploitation.
residsOil market jargon for residual fuel oils.
bubble-point pressureThe pressure at which gas first begins to come out of solution at constant temperature.
hadley cellThree-dimensional atmospheric circulation cell located at roughly 0 to 30° North and South of the equator
differentialThe difference between two prices
west texas intermediateRefers to a grade of crude oil produced in the Permian and Midland basin areas of west Texas
holoceneperiod of geological time from 11,500 years ago to the present day
single rope techniqueThe practice of climbing up and down ropes with the help of ascenders and descenders
generalist speciesSpecies that can survive and tolerate a broad range of environmental conditions.
dwtDeadweight tonnage
extenderA substance, generally having some adhesive action, added to a plastic composition to reduce the amount of the primary resin required per unit volume.
n&aNaphthenes and aromatics.
sole source aquifersDesignated by the U.S
prusik knotA friction knot which can slide along a rope when no weight is applied, but grips when a pull is applied
taigaSee Boreal Forest.
doldrumsArea of low atmospheric pressure and calm westerly winds located at the equator
isotopeForm of an element where the number of neutrons in its atomic nucleus is different than the number of protons.
tideA tide is a periodic rise and fall of large bodies of water
calcium sulphateA chemical combination of calcium, sulphur, and oxygen
vaporThe gaseous state of a substance as distinguished from permanent gases
moratoriumSuspension of activity.
unconventional gasNatural gas resources which require greater than industry-standard levels of technology or investment to harvest
exterior zonesThe portions of a building, with significant amounts of exterior walls, windows, roofs, or exposed floors
ellipseA conic section; the curve of intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through the cone.
electronA sub-particle of an atom that contains a negative atomic charge.
domainA biological region of the earths crust.Cave - Biota
squeezeAn opening in a cave only passable with effort because of its small dimensions
balancingThe requirement imposed by electricity grids or natural gas pipelines that supply and demand be equal over a certain time period
plate tectonicsThe theory and study of the formation, movement, and interaction of the rigid plates that make up the earth's crust and upper mantle.
corrosion preventionThe halting or elimination of metal damage through use of protective methods and devices.
hipsHigh-impact polystyrene.
out-of-town shopping centrea large group of shops built either on a site on the edge of the urban area or on the site of a former large industrial area
abstract of titleA chronological history of the ownership of a tract of land.
n/uAbbreviation for Nippling up
workoverThe re-entry of a well in order to affect a repair or modification.
depletionAs applied to natural gas producing land and land rights, means the loss in value incurred in connection with the exhaustion of a natural resource.
foliar leachingProcess in which water from precipitation removes plant nutrients from the surface of leaves.
ambient vaporizerA vaporizer which derives energy for vaporizing and heating LNG from storage conditions to send out conditions from naturally occurring sources such as the atmosphere, sea water, or geothermal waters.
mechanical rigA drilling rig whose source of power is one or more internal combustion engines.
oil-gas parity pricingConversion of costs per gallon oil price to an equivalent gas price in dollars per Mcf by application of appropriate oil/gas heat (Btu) conversion factors.
overspill towna town that expanded by taking people who were forced to move out of cities as a result of slum clearance and redevelopment schemes.
microgourMiniature rimstone dam with associated tiny pool of the order 10mm wide and deep
capacityThe amount of capacity available for purchase from other power systems.
payoutThe amount of time it takes to recover the capital investment made on a well or drilling program.
surface casingFirst set of casing set in well
coincident demandThe sum of the simultaneous demands of a group of consumers.
subsidenceLowering or sinking of the Earth's surface.
star clustera large grouping of stars, from a few dozen to a few hundred thousand, that are bound together by their mutual gravitational attraction.
deedA written document by which the title to a property is transferred from one party (the grantor) to another (the grantee).
mobilityThe ratio of permeability to viscosity
form dm-1rOil Well Potential Report Well Test Information
pseudokarstTerrain with landforms (and caves) which resemble those of karst but are not the product of karst solution processes.Karst - Kinds of
butaneA low-boiling paraffin hydrocarbon generally stored and delivered in liquefied form and used as a fuel in gaseous form, obtained by processing natural gas as produced and also from a process in petroleum refining
mixerThe combination of mixer head, mixer throat, and mixer tube
differentiationThe chemical zonation caused by differences in the densities of minerals; dense materials sink, less dense materials float
shieldA large stable area of exposed very old (more than 600 million years) igneous and metamorphic rock found on continents
washerA shell with internal baffler or packing, so arranged that gas to be cleaned passes up through the baffles counter-current to the flow of scrubbing liquid down through the washer
leaseA legal document conveying the right to drill for oil and gas, or the tract of land on which a lease has been obtained where the producing wells and production equipment are located.
half blind valleyA blind valley that overflows its threshold when the flow exceeds a certain limit, beyond which the stream sink cannot accept all the waterKarst - Depression Features of
offerAn indication of willingness to sell a specified amount of a commodity at a specific price
deposition nucleiSix-sided microscopic particle that allows for deposition of water as ice crystals in the atmosphere
probeA spacecraft, with no humans aboard, designed to study conditions on or near a planet.
full scale programA DSM program that is available to all eligible customers within a utility's service territory.
crawlA passage which, because of its low roof height, must be negotiated on hands and knees
ell or elbowA pipe fitting that makes an angle in a piperun
rigMachine used to drill a wellbore.
burner headThe portion of the burner beyond the outlet end of the mixer tube which contains the ports.
drainage patternGeometric pattern that a stream's channels take in the landscape
pyroclastican adjective used to describe rock materials formed by fragmentation as a result of volcanic action.
katabatic windAny wind blowing down the slope of a mountain.
repeat formation testerThe repeat formation tester (RFT) is operated by an electrically driven hydraulic system so that it can be set and retracted as often as necessary to pressure test all zones of interest on one trip in the well
humidityThe entrained weight of water per unit weight of moisture-free gas or air.
sunLuminous star around which the Earth and other planets revolve around
maximum day allocationSee DESIGN DAY AVAILABILITY.
electromagnetic radiationradiation that travels through vacuous space at the speed of light and propagates by the interplay of oscillating electric and magnetic fields
standard deviationA statistical measure of the dispersion of observation values in a data set
photomorphogenesisA light-dependent developmental process, such as seed germination or seedling growth.
form sdm-2Louisiana State Potential Report
or-1Organization/Transporter Permit and Annual Registration FormOrganizations (OR-1) Information--Organization Search --Organization Officer/Contact Search
oligotrophic lakeLake with a low supply of nutrients in its waters
tenement blocksLarge residential blocks built in the inner cities of the MEDCs during the Industrial Revolution to house workers in high density cramped and unhygienic conditions next to the factories.
load researchThe systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data describing customers' patterns of energy usage.
fracture porosityPorosity resulting from the presence of openings produced by the breaking or shattering of brittle rocks.
casingSteel pipe cemented in place in an oil or gas well as the drilling progresses or when the well is completed
meteoroidMeteoroids are tiny stones or pieces of metal that travel through space.
superseding rate scheduleA contract submitted as a rate schedule to replace an existing rate schedule
marketA context in which goods are bought and sold, not necessarily confined to a particular geographic location.
ecosystemAn ecosystem is a system where populations of species group together into communities and interact with each other and the abiotic environment.
2-psig gas piping systemA gas piping system that utilizes 2-psig pressure downstream of the point of delivery
lifting costsThe cost of producing oil from a well or lease.
retirement frequencySee RETIREMENT DISPERSION.
vugSolution cavity.
satelliteA body that orbits around a larger body.
regressive evolutionConcept used to describe the adaptive traits or troglomorphies of obligate cavernicoles, particularly those species that only live in the dark zone
electrolyticthe process of extracting metal based on passing an electric current through a solution containing dissolved metals, causing the metals to be deposited on the cathode.
joint planeThe plane in which a joint has formed.Speleology term
vapor barrierA moisture-impervious layer applied to the warm side for the purpose of preventing moisture travel.
longitudinal seamsThe weld which is used to manufacture pipe rolled or formed from plate.
depreciable plantUsually tangible plant in service which is subject to depreciation, depletion, or amortization.
reamTo enlarge the wellbore by drilling it again with a special bit
capA cup-shaped fitting placed on the end of a pipe to seal the pipe, usually threaded on the inside and screwed over the end of the pipe
btx extractionThe process for removing benzene, toluene and xylene from reformate or pyrolysis gasoline.
commissionFederal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), or local public utility regulatory commission (PUC).
cave breathingThe movement of air in and out of a cave entrance
hydrologyThe Science dealing with the properties, distribution and circulation of water.
demand based gicSee GAS INVENTORY CHARGE.
load shapeVariations in the power load over a daily, weekly or annual period.
synclineA fold in rock layers that forms a trough-like bend.
celluloseA type of carbohydrate
compoundA substance made by combining two or more parts or elements; water is a chemical compound made from hydrogen and oxygen.
climatologyScientific study of the Earth's climate over long time spans (greater than several days)
crypticAnimals that are inconspicuous either because they are small, secretive in their habits, or well camouflaged
torrenta sporadic and sudden channelized discharge of water and debris.
hydrogenThe lightest, simplest, and most abundant element in the universe
lubricated plug valveSee VALVE, LUBRICATED PLUG.
terraceAn elevated surface above the existing level of a floodplain or shore that is created by stream or ocean wave erosion.
prominencean explosion of hot gas that erupts from the Sun's surface
seismographA seismograph is a device that records and measures seismic waves (vibrations in the Earth), like those from earthquakes.
containment capA collection device engineered to create a seal over an open pipe atop the blowout preventer to funnel leaking oil up to a tanker ship floating above.
pooled unitUnit created by combining separate mineral interests under the pooling clause of lease or agreement.
population densityThe number of buildings or dwelling units within a class location unit of a pipeline.
drawdownThe difference between static and flowing bottom-hole pressures.
systemA system is a set of interrelated components working together towards some kind of process.
cdAbbreviation for CONTRACT DEMAND.
dry holeAny exploratory or development well that does not find commercial quantities of hydrocarbons.
nfuNo future utilities
property retiredAs applied to plant, means property which has been removed, sold, abandoned, destroyed, or which for any cause has been withdrawn from service.
mopMeeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
sidetrackTo deviate from the original direction of a well.
sauropod(suborder Sauropoda) Very large herbivorous (plant-eating) dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods (about 200 to 65 million years ago)
heat of fusionThe heat lost or gained by a substance in passing from
domestic productionOil and gas produced in the United States as opposed to imported product
riserA large-diameter pipe that connects the subsea BOP stack to a floating surface rig to take mud returns to the surface
bactericideTerm used to describe a product that stops the spread of bacteria. 
oilfield servicesService companies that do work in and for the oilfield
cyclogenesisProcess of cyclone formation, maturation, and death.
porosityA measure of the number and size of the spaces between each particle in a rock
conditionally effective ratesRates that have been allowed by FERC subject to refund pending final disposition of the rate hearing.
spot marketA product of deregulation, the spot market is a method of contract purchasing whereby commitments by the buyer and seller are of a short duration at a single volume price.
endokarsticSubterranean region in karst, below the Epikarstic zone
sulfidesA group of organic compounds containing a sulfur atom that is directly bonded between two carbon atoms
loop flowThe tendency of electricity to flow along the path of least resistance, which may not necessarily be the same as that intended in the contract between the two transmitting entities
casing testAffidavit of Test of Casing in Well
terraced housea house within a (usually) long line of joined housing
hydrocarbonsHydrocarbons are substances composed solely of carbon and hydrogen
casingSteel pipe placed in an oil or gas well to prevent the wall of the hole from caving in, to prevent movement of fluids from one formation to another and to aid in well control
additions to utility planta
check stubStub attached to a check disclosing well name, month of production, price received, total volumes produced, and JIB expenses deducted.
native base gasSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
department of energyA
overfire airModification to allow an increase of air entering the furnace above the fire and reduction of air entering near the coal.
economic interestAn interest in oil and gas in the ground
tolerance acreageSmall amounts of acreage assigned to a proration unit after the unit is already established.
radiatorA heating unit which transfers heat by radiation to objects within visible range and by conduction to the surrounding air which, in turn, is circulated by natural convection; a so-called radiator is also a convector, but the term radiator has been established by long usage.
reciprocating pumpA pump consisting of a piston that moves back and forth or up and down in a cylinder.
playA set of oil or gas accumulations sharing similar geologic and geographic properties, such as source rock, hydrocarbon type, and migration pathways.
tihAbbreviation for Tripping in hole
tidal forcesthe gravitational pull on planetary objects from nearby planets and moons
carbon/hydrogen ratioThe ratio, either on a weight or on a molecular basis, of carbon-to-hydrogen in a hydrocarbon material
impounding areaAn area which is defined through the use of berms,
shut-in pressurethe pressure recorded at the wellhead or subsurface when valves are closed to shut-in the flow from or injection into the well.
carbonaceous materialA material which contains carbon.
elementA substance composed of atoms having the same number of protons in each nucleus.
tolerance rangeLimits of tolerance a species has to an abiotic factor or condition in the environment.
fee landsPrivately owned, nonpublic lands.
hoHeating oil
fin-fan coolerA dry cooler that passes cooling air over finned tubes, through which some hot fluid is being passed, during the cooling process
natural gasA highly compressible, highly expansible mixture of hydrocarbons having a low specific gravity and occurring naturally in a gaseous form.
exotic streamA stream that has a course that begins in a humid climate and end in an arid climate
revenueTotal revenue from operations, less sales and excise taxes, plus income from investments and any other pre-tax income.
counter-radiationRedirection of the Earth's longwave radiation back to the surface because of the greenhouse effect.
morphologyas used here, the external shape and arrangement of landforms.
subtropical high pressure zoneSurface zone of atmospheric high pressure located at about 30° North and South latitude
combustion controlA device which manually or automatically proportions combustion air to fuel over the whole operating range of the burner or burners.
bivalveA Mollusc
wellA deep rounded hole in a cave floor or on the surface in karst
air shutterAn adjustable device for varying the primary air inlet(s) regulating primary or secondary air.
wh-1Well history & work resume report (completions/recompletions).
uic-29Authorization for After-Hours Disposal of E&P Waste
space stationAn orbiting space laboratory on which people could live and work for several years or more.
benchesSurface configurations added to stormwater basins that create flat edges, usually installed for safety and to minimize erosion.
thermA unit of heating value equal to 100,000 Btus, in common use in the UK
ecotoneBoundary zone between two unique community types.
gann theoryAn eclectic blend of fact and fantasy, the works of WD Gann caught on in the City in the late 1980s
occluded frontA transition zone in the atmosphere where an advancing cold air mass sandwiches a warm air mass between another cold air mass pushing the warm air into the upper atmosphere.
permeabilityA property of a porous medium: a measure of the capacity of the medium to transmit fluids
firm powerElectricity capacity intended to be available at all times during the period covered by a guaranteed commitment to deliver, even under adverse conditions, but subject to force majeure interruptions
function of a settlementwhat the settlement does to 'earn its living' e.g
consolidationAll this means is that prices are moving in a broadly sideways range after a sharp move in one direction
argillic horizonA clay-rich layer of soil
eorEnhanced Oil Recovery
wtiWest Texas Intermediate, a type of crude oil commonly used as a price benchmark.
beachThe terrestrial interface area in between land and a water body where there are accumulations of unconsolidated sediments like sand and gravel
cationAn ion carrying a positive atomic charge.
tariffA gas company schedule detailing the terms, conditions and rate information applicable to various types of natural gas service
tracer logA survey that uses a radioactive tracer such as a gas, liquid, or solid having a high gamma ray emission
urban hierarchysee hierarchy.
suunto clinometerA small, handheld pendulum clinometer commonly used in cave survey.Survey & Mapping term
pillarA bedrock column from roof to floor left by removal of surrounding rock.Cave - Parts of
satelliteA satellite is an object that moves around a larger object
convergent liftingThe vertical lifting of parcels of air through the convergence of opposing air masses in the atmosphere
certificate of restorationA document issued by the BC Oil and Gas Commission certifying that an abandoned wellsite has been restored to meet regulatory requirements.
fpsoFPSO refers to a floating production, storage and offloading system where refined crude oil and condensate are stored in tanks within a vessel
curtainA speleothem of dripstone, in the form of a wavy or folded sheet hanging from a cave wall or roof, often translucent & resonant.Cave - Depositional Features
coffee and creamA cave decoration caused by salt exudation finely shattering base rock to the consistency of flour
water-cooling towerA device for evaporative cooling of water by contact with air.
absolute magnitudea scale for measuring the actual brightness of a celestial object without accounting for the distance of the object
pipelineUnderground or surface tubing or piping that is installed across states, countries and continents to deliver fuel
anti-oxidantA compounding ingredient added to a plastic composition to retard possible degradation from contact with oxygen (air), particularly in processing at, or exposures to, high temperatures.
labyrinthSyn, Maze cave, Network.Cave - Kinds of
gas wellSee WELL, GAS.
pipeA tubular cavity projecting down from the surface into karst rocks
regulator ventAn atmospheric connection to the diaphragm of the regulator.
micronutrientNutritional element required by an organism in relatively very small quantities.
commissionThe Railroad Commission of Texas.
traverseThe commonest form of cave survey in which direction, distance and vertical angle between successive points are measured.Survey & Mapping term
joint of pipeA length of drill pipe, tubing, or casing, usually 30 feet in length.
flexible connectorA flexible tubing connecting a rigid pipe gas supply line to gas utilizing equipment.
amorphousDevoid of crystallinity
kuiper beltA doughnut-shaped region of comets in orbit beyond Neptune, assumed to be the oldest surviving remnant of the original solar nebula and the source of short-period comets.
molecular weightThe sum of the atomic masses of the elements forming the molecule
visual magnitudeA scale used by astronomers to measure the brightness of a star or other celestial object
conurbationa large urban settlement which is the result of towns and cities spreading out and merging together.
water to carbon ratioThe ratio by weight of the amount of water to carbon compounds in a gas (vapor) stream.
jiscThe UN's Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee.
névéPartially melted and compacted snow that has a density of at least 500 kilograms per cubic meter.
saturated airAir containing all the water vapor it can hold at its temperature and pressure.
operatorThe person or company, either proprietor or lessee, actually operating an oil well or lease.
participantThe unit used by a utility to measure participation in its DSM programs; usually customers or households in the case of residential programs.
slickwaterSlick water fracturing is a method or system of hydraulic fracturing that involves adding chemicals to water to reduce friction and increase the fluid flow
angle of deflectionThe angle, in degrees, at which a well is deflected from the vertical by means of a whipstock or other deflecting tool
condensateThe liquid resulting when a vapor is subjected to cooling or application of pressure
oil majorsOil majors are also known as major international oil companies
certified capacityThe total certified capacity of a pipeline is the sum of the increments authorized in various certificates by the FERC
slug flowA fluid-flow condition in producing wells in which large bubbles of the lighter fluid move upward faster than small ones and aggregate to form larger bubbles or slugs which reach pipe diameter.
rio grande/rio bravoThe river that is the boundary between Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande, although our friends in Mexico call it the Rio Bravo
specific heatThe heat required to raise a unit mass of a substance through a degree of temperature difference
furnaceWhen used in a central heating system, this is a self-contained appliance for heating air by transfer of heat of combustion through metal to the air.
hlsHeavy Louisiana Sweet -API gravity 33 degrees or lower.
fastlineThe end of the drilling line that is affixed to the drum or reel of the drawworks, so called because it travels with greater velocity than any other portion of the line.
dynamic phreasA phreatic zone where water moves fast with turbulent flow under hydrostatic pressure.Speleology term
precipitateSolidification of a previously dissolved substance from a solution.
settlement priceA price established at the close of a trading day used to calculate the settlement of futures contracts.
uic-13Community Saltwater Disposal Well/System Notification Certification
settlement functionthe main activity, usually economic e.g
dielectric strengthThe voltage that will rupture or puncture the material when placed between electrodes of a given size.
rigDrilling platform.
explosive limitsThe lowest (lower limit) and highest (upper limit) concentrations of a specific gas or vapor in mixture with air that can be ignited at ordinary temperature and pressure of the mixture
batholithA large mass of subsurface intrusive igneous rock that has its origins from mantle magma.
squall lineA band of thunderstorm development found ahead of a cold front.
lesseeThe person who purchases an oil, gas and mineral lease.
net primary productivityTotal amount of chemical energy fixed by the processes of photosynthesis minus the chemical energy lost through respiration.
tight holeA well about which information is restricted and passed only to those authorized, for security and competitive reasons.
btxBenzene, toluene and xylene.
hydrologic cycleThe cycle of water movement from the atmosphere to the earth and back to the atmosphere through various processes
pbtdAbbreviation for Plugged back total depth
bridge plugA downhole tool (composed primarily of slips, a plug mandrel, and a rubber sealing element) that is run and set in casing to isolate a lower casing interval while testing an upper section.
field and gathering linesSee SYSTEM TYPE.
asphodilitesno definition (term mentioned in ASF codes)Miscellaneous terms
paleosolA soil exhibiting features that are the result of some past conditions and processes.
solidA state of matter where molecules where the mass of the substance does not have the property of flow.
convertible securitiesSecurities which are convertible into other classes of securities (usually common stock) of the same corporation at the option of the security holder, but only in accordance with prescribed conditions.
shortTraders are said to be short when they have contracted to sell more than they contracted to buy.
invaded zoneThe portion of formation surrounding a well bore into which drilling fluid has penetrated
supply trackingA supply forecasting procedure utilized during a period when supply capability exceeds demand, whereby deliverability is restricted to (or "tracks") that demand, until such time as supply capability falls below the demand level.
open pitA surface mine, open to daylight, such as a quarry
compressor stationAny permanent combination of facilities which supplies the energy to move gas at increased pressure from fields, in transmission lines, or into storage.
cirrus cloudsHigh altitude cloud composed of ice crystals
thermometerDevice used to measure temperature.
completionThe process of finishing a well so that it is ready to produce gas.
differential pressureThe pressure difference between two points in a system
fslAbbreviation for From south line
pressure regulating stationEquipment installed for the purpose of automatically reducing and regulating the pressure in the downstream pipeline or main to which it is connected
bi-monthly billingA customer billing procedure in a distribution company where bills are rendered every month, but meters are read every other month
southeast trade windsSee trade winds.
vaporizerA heat exchange used to return liquid natural gas to a gaseous form and then continue to heat the gas to a temperature at which it can be sent into the distribution system.
locAbbreviation for Location
specific conductanceA measurement of water's ability to conduct an electric current (conductivity) that is directly related to the total dissolved salts (ions) in the water
manholeAn opening into a tank, boiler, furnace, vault, or other equipment through which a person can enter to service equipment; can be sealed with a removable plate or door.
threatened speciesSpecies that is still plentiful in its natural range but is likely to become endangered because of declining population numbers.
automatic ignitionSee IGNITION, AUTOMATIC.
gridThe layout of an electrical transmission system or a synchronized transmission network
buoyA buoy is a floating device that is tethered to the sea floor
pipeline fuelNatural gas consumed in the operation of a natural gas pipeline, primarily in compressors.
foraminiferaA subclass of Sarcodina, unicellular (mostly microscopic & marine) animals that secrete tests of CaCO3
psychrometerA device for measuring the humidity in the air, employing a wet bulb and a dry bulb thermometer.
parasiteDeriving food from a host, to which it is attached, and harming the host
ice pelletsA type of precipitation
bcpdBarrels of Condensate Per Day
bottom-cycle plantsAn energy system which produces heat first for process use and electricity as a by-product.
building envelopeThe walls, doors, windows and roof that separates the inside of a building from the outside.
centralizerA device which positions the logging tool in the centre or near centre of the well bore
barrelPetroleum barrel
south georgia methodMethod which bridges the gap between the Commission's past flow-through policies of book and tax timing differences to the Commission's current policy of tax normalization as expressed in the Commission's Order No.144
drilling headRotation of the drilling bit for penetration.
christmas treeThe valve assembly at the top of tubing strings and casing of a gas well or an oil well to provide primary pressure reduction, production rate control, and shut-in service.
in situIn place
sedimentRock debris commonly produced by mechanical or chemical weathering processes.
usgTanker and market abbreviation for United States Gulf, more properly known as the Gulf of Mexico.
bs&wAn acronym for Basic Sediment and Water.
clean water actThe federal law that regulates discharges into waterways.
sublimationThe process of a solid returning directly to a gas without changing to a liquid first.
walkingIn caving, a passage in which there is enough head room to walk upright
meanderAn arcuate curve in a river course due to the stream eroding sideways.Geology
organic soilSoil order (type) of the Canadian System of Soil Classification
geothermal gradientThe rate of increase of temperature in the earth with depth
section 311 transportationRefers to transportation pursuant to Section 311 of the NGPA, which authorizes interstate pipelines to transport "on behalf of" local distribution companies or intrastate pipelines without the necessity of obtaining a certificate under Section 7 of the NGA.
nitrateForm of nitrogen commonly found in the soil and used by plants for building amino acids, DNA and proteins
stabilizerAn ingredient used in the formulation of some plastics, to assist in maintaining the physical and chemical properties of the compounded materials at their initial values throughout the processing and service life of the material.
elAbbreviation for Electric Log
evergreen vegetationVegetation that keeps a majority of their leaves or needles throughout the year
geologistScientist whose duties consist of obtaining and interpreting data dealing with the earth’s history and its life, especially as recorded in rocks
blowout preventerBOP
gbpBritish Pound
auroraa glow in a planet's ionosphere caused by the interaction between the planet's magnetic field and charged particles from the Sun.
completionAfter the drilling of a successful well, the "completion" includes all the work required to make the well ready for commercial production.
classificationProcess of grouping things into categories.
gouge-pipeA groove or scooped out cavity damage to pipe caused by a foreign object.
sublimationProcess where ice changes into water vapor without first becoming liquid
black shaleA thinly bedded shale that is rich in carbon, sulphide and organic material, formed by anaerobic (lacking oxygen) decay of organic matter
waterfloodingA secondary recovery method in which water is injected into a reservoir to force additional oil into the wells.
surplus energyEnergy generating capability that is beyond the immediate needs of the producing system
torqueThe turning force that is applied to a shaft or other rotary mechanism to cause it to rotate or tend to do so
risk disaggregationAn identification of specific risk components within transactions, assets, and contracts
proportionalCause and effect relationship between two variables where a positive or negative change in the quantity of one causes a predictable similar quantity change in the other.
floodwayPart of the floodplain, centered on the stream, that will convey most of the flow during overbank flooding events.
gas dayA period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours commencing at a specified hour on a given calendar day and ending at the same specified hour on the next succeeding calendar day.
dt-1Gas Well Deliverability TestWell Test Information
price capA method of setting a utility distribution company's rates where a maximum allowable price level is established by regulators, flexibility in individual pricing is allowed, and where efficiency gains can be encouraged and captured by the company
technical potentialIn DSM, an estimate of energy savings based on the assumption that all existing equipment or measures will be replaced with the most efficient equipment or measure that is technically feasible, without regard to cost or market acceptance
fallThe designation given to a meteorite that was observed as it came through the Earth's atmosphere and that was retrieved soon afterward.
flow formulasIn the gas industry, formulas used to determine gas flow rates or pressure drops in pipelines, regulators, valves, meters, etc.
transition zoneA zone of transitional saturations between water and gas, water and oil, or gas and oil.
jetA hydraulic device operated by pump pressure for the purpose of cleaning fluid out of the pits and tanks on a rotary drilling location.
reserve capacityExtra generating capacity available to meet unanticipated demands for power or to generate power in the event of loss of generation
spiculesthe range of colors produced when visible light passes through a prism.
moody'sRating Quality Description:
shipperOwner of the transportation contract, for whom gas is transported.
kelly bushingDrilling rig equipment that fits inside the rotary table and is also used as a reference point on logs to calculate depth.
paleozoic eraperiod of geological time from 545 to 245 million years ago
net revenue interestAn owner's interest in the revenues of a well.
julian datethe interval of time in days and fraction of a day since 1 January 4713 BC, Greenwich noon.
pump jackA surface unit similar to a pumping unit but having no individual power plant.
maximum actual operating pressureSee PRESSURE, MAXIMUM ACTUAL OPERATING.
eutrophicationPhysical, chemical and biological changes in a water body as a result of the input nitrogen and phosphorus.
abandoned wellA well no longer in use, whether dry, inoperable or no longer productive, and the previous operator has intentionally relinquished its interest in the well
weatheringThe action of elements in altering the colour, texture, composition, or form of exposed objects on the surface of a planet of Moon.
pressure baseThe standard pressure used in determining a gas volume, expressed in terms of pounds of pressure per square inch, usually 14.73 psia.
cathodic protectionan electro-chemical, anti-corrosion technique for protection of metal structures such as well casings, pipelines, tanks, buildings whereby weak electric currents are set up to offset the current associated with metal corrosion. 
logA detailed depth-related record of geological, formation attribute, and hydrocarbon potential data obtained by lowering measurement instruments into a well.
non-associated gasNatural gas produced from a reservoir that does not contain significant quantities of crude oil.
kilowatt-hourA unit of energy equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour
histone acetyltransferaseAn enzyme that adds acetyl groups to lysine residues in the DNA-binding histone group of proteins and thereby modulates the transcriptional activity of genes.
subA short piece of pipe used to connect parts of the drilling string that could not otherwise be connected due to differences in thread size or design.
mud loggingHydrocarbon well logging
abney levelA type of clinometer, having a bubble tube.Survey & Mapping term
laggingAsbestos and magnesia plaster used on process equipment and piping as a thermal insulation.
tectonic activityTectonic activity is the shifting of a planet's surface because of changes deep inside the body
protoplasmSubstances making up a cell including its exterior membrane.
nippleTubular pipe fitting, usually threaded at both ends.
district officeThe Commission designated office for the geographic area in which the property or act subject to regulation is located or arises.
desulfurizationThe process by which sulfur and sulfur compounds are removed from gases or liquid hydrocarbon mixtures.
well boreThis is the entire length of hole that the drill makes in the ground; there is a great deal of engineering software for the design and casing of a well bore.
spreadAn option trade in which two or more open positions are established in order to trade the differentials and offset risk
irregular galaxya galaxy with no spiral structure and no symmetric shape
portOpening in the seat of a slide valve in diaphragm gas meters or an opening in any equipment for the flow of gases or vapors.
conversion burnerSee BURNER, CONVERSION.
faultOccurs when a part of the earth's crust fractures due to forces by movement of plates on the earth's crust
custom smelterA smelter which processes concentrates from independent mines
bitThe cutting or boring element used in drilling oil and gas wells.
order 636The FERC order which implemented the provisions outlined in the Mega-NOPR.
titleThe combination of factors that, together, constitute legal ownership of a property.
net salvageIn accounting, the difference between gross salvage and cost of removal resulting from the removal, abandonment or other disposition of retired plant
tectonicRelating to large-scale structural features of the earth and their origin.
gamma rayhighly penetrating rays emitted by radioactive substances
absolute zeroThe zero point on the absolute temperature scale
delta hedgingThe process whereby the grantor of an option decides to buy or sell more or less of an underlying futures contract in order to protect against being declared upon by the options holder
e-4Russian high sulfur straight-run feedstock
operating agreementA special type of agreement between the State of Louisiana (acting through the State Mineral Board) and an operator (who has applied for an operating agreement and shown that the special conditions required for an operating agreement to be issued are present) allowing the operator to enter an existing well on unleased state owned land or water bottoms and produce and sell, save or utilize hydrocarbons from same in return for payment to the state of a specified production payment and carrying out other terms set forth in the agreement
cold frontA transition zone in the atmosphere where an advancing cold air mass displaces a warm air mass.
dew pointDew point is the temperature at which water vapor saturates from an air mass into liquid or solid usually forming rain, snow, frost or dew
lp gas--air mixturesLiquefied petroleum gases distributed at relatively low pressures and normal atmospheric temperatures which have been diluted with air to produce desired heating value and utilization characteristics.
service stopThe plug-type valve located in the service line between the main and the building; however, it is often used synonymously with the meter stop which is located within the building or immediately before the meter or regulator in outside settings
landfallThe coastline location where a tropical storm or hurricane moves from ocean onto land.
transporterA legal entity which has the capability of providing the service of transporting gas
manifestSee Form UIC-28
gas-to-liquidsThe conversion of natural gas to a liquid form so that it can be transported easily
chromatogramThe recorder chart response to an analysis of a gas air mixture
gravityA standard adopted by the American Petroleum Institute for measuring the density of a liquid
total porosityThe total pore volume occupied by fluid in a rock
one-tailed statistical testIs an inferential statistical test where the values for which one can reject the null hypothesis are located entirely in one side of the center of the probability distribution.
transmission lineA line used for bulk transfer of electricity between a generating plant or receiving point and major substations or delivery points.
test periodA period of time extending nine months beyond the end of the Base Period
barrelThe standard measurement in the oil industry
brokerage of gasThe term applies to the activities and compensation in arranging for the sale of gas between producers and buyers.
load duration curveA graph made by plotting data in order of magnitude against time intervals for a specified period
capacitorA transmission element designed to inject reactive power into the transmission network
anticlineA fold of rock layers that convex upward
aptAmmonium paratungstate
synthetic natural gasA descriptive term used interchangeably with SNG and Substitute Natural Gas
drlgAbbreviation for Drilling in Progress
common carriageThe obligation to carry, for a fee, gas that belongs to another party
anaerobicA life or process that occurs in, or is not destroyed by, the absence of oxygen.
perennialPersisting for more than one year
go-devilSee PIG.
safety clampA clamp placed tightly around a drill collar that is suspended in the rotary table by drill collar slips.
greenhouse effectThe greenhouse effect causes the atmosphere to trap more heat energy at the Earth's surface and within the atmosphere by absorbing and re-emitting longwave energy
doghouseA portable, one-room shelter at a well site for the convenience and protection of the drilling crew and others
aaA type of lava surface in which the surface was too stiff to flow well, and so broke up into fragments
sand duneA hill or ridge of aeolian sand deposits with a minimum height of less than one meter and a maximum height of about 50 meters
river-dogSee RIVER-CLAMP.
karst geomorphologyThe scientific study of karst landforms (both on the surface and underground) and the processes which contribute to their development.Speleology term
hypogeanPertaining to the domain below the endogean, including the dark zone of caves
absorption refrigerating systemSee REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, ABSORPTION.
obliquityTilt of the Earth's polar axis as measured from the perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
mandrelA cylindrical bar, spindle or shaft around which other parts are arranged or attached or that fits inside a cylinder or tube.
wooAbbreviation for Waiting on orders
successionThe temporal changes of plant and animal populations and species in an area that has been disturbed.
spreadThe difference between two prices, either across time or between commodities or instruments.
on pumpA phrase used in reference to a well that does not flow from natural reservoir energy but is produced by means of a pump
baconA thin, translucent sheet of dripstone hanging from a cave wall or roof, and with streaks of colour suggesting bacon.Cave - Depositional Features
gas condensateHydrocarbon liquid dissolved in saturated natural gas that comes out of solution when the pressure drops below the dewpoint.
pkrAbbreviation for Packer
defensive sitea settlement which usually grew at or around a fort or castle on top of a hill, although river meander bends, bridges, dry-point sites and coastal sites with cliffs were also good for defence.
poolA natural underground reservoir containing an accumulation of oil or gas or both, separated or appearing to be separated from any other accumulation.
shoulder-bed effectAdjacent bed effect
tidemarkA horizontal bench or a marking on a wall of a lava tube which indicates a prior lava level.Lava Cave term
sewage gasA gas produced by the fermentation of sewage sludge low in heating value due to dilution with CO2 and N2; also marsh gas or firedamp.
distrigas methodA formula used to allocate overhead costs of a parent to its affiliates
safety-control circuitA circuit classified as a safety-control circuit is one involving one or more safety controls in which failure due to grounding, opening, or shorting of any part of the circuit can cause unsafe operation of the valve or the controlled equipment.
hierarchya ranking of settlements or shopping centres according to their population size or the number of services they provide.
chamberThe name for the largest space in a cave
linear settlementa settlement which follows the line of, for example, a road or river.
capacity rightsRefers to the level of firm transportation service to which a customer has a contractual right.
bathyalPertaining to the environment of deposition and the organisms of the ocean between depths of 200 m [656 ft], the edge of the continental shelf, and 2000 m [6560 ft].
modified fixed variableSee RATE DESIGN.
cavesUnsatisfactory term
random walkTheory that market prices move randomly around a main trend, in other words, that the volatility is arbitrary.
water gasMade by passing steam over hot coke or other carbonaceous material; it consists of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with varying amounts of carbon dioxide and nitrogen
associated reservoirOil and gas reservoir with a gas cap
cost based gicSee GAS INVENTORY CHARGE.
inverted siphonA siphon of U-profile.Cave - Parts of
leak detectorA device for identifying and locating a gas leak.
escape velocityThe speed an object must have in order to escape from another object's gravity.
doAbbreviation for Drilled OUT
inversionSee temperature inversion.
diastemic bedding contactsA diastemic contact is a depositional break of minor extent with little erosion
icebergA mass of ice found floating in the ocean or a lake
oppositionthe position of a planet when it is exactly opposite the Sun as seen from Earth
contract requestA customer request for transportation or sales service.
imdInjection and Mining Division of the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation
bevelBeveled pipe ends are for welding purposes
setSediment Erosion Table
expiryThe date by which an option holder must decide whether to exercise or abandon an option.
astronomyThe scientific study of the universe, including the solar system, stars and galaxies.
filter stripA vegetated boundary characterized by uniform mild slopes
rotationSee Earth rotation.
megawattA unit of electrical power equal to one million watts or one thousand kilowatts.
planeta very large body in orbit around a star
bar holeSmall diameter hole made in the ground in the vicinity of gas piping for the purpose of extracting a sample of the ground atmosphere for analysis such as when searching for leaks.
spud or spudding inCommencement of actual drilling of well
gross secondary productivityTotal amount of chemical energy assimilated by consumer organisms.
nonjurisdictionalGenerally used to denote activities or companies not subject to control and regulation by the Commission
guaranteed paymentsPayments by a partnership to one or more of its partners for services rendered.
speleologistA person who studies caves and their contents, especially by actually entering caves.Speleology term
networkA complex pattern of repeatedly connecting passages in a cave
foam generationEquipment, normally consisting of a generator and related material to produce foam for fire control particularly necessary for LNG spillover.
state of matterForm of matter
roof crustA thin speleothem on a cave precipitated from water films exuding from pores or cracks.Cave - Depositional Features
soil horizonLayer within a soil profile that differs physically, biologically or chemically from layers above and/or below it.
bop system(Blow Out Prevention) High pressure valve, associated activation and control equipment fitted to the top of the casing to prevent blowouts.
due diligenceIn an offering of securities, certain parties who are responsible for the accuracy of the offering document, have an obligation to perform a "due diligence" examination of the issuer; issuer's counsel, underwriter of the security, brokerage firm handling the sale of the security
pbhlAbbreviation for Proposed bottom hole location
sustainabilityWhether or not a resource can be exploited without it running out.
transportation serviceThe act of moving gas from a receipt point to a delivery point pursuant to a contract between the shipper and the transporter
biospeleologyThe study of plant, animal and other organisms living in caves.Cave - Biota
mid-latitude cycloneCyclonic storm that forms primarily in the middle latitudes
terrestrial planet"A planet similar in size and composition to the Earth; especially Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury
working gasVolume of gas that is expected to be cycled from a natural gas storage facility.
wind vaneA mechanical device used to measure the direction of wind flow
exponentially-smoothed moving averageAn average calculated using a system where a percentage of today's price is applied to yesterday's moving average value, eg 9% MA =(today's close*9%)+(ydy's close*91%).
curb boxA vertical tube, capped at ground level, and usually located near the street, that protects access to the underground shut-off valves on service lines to residential and small commercial customers
casingPipe cemented in the well to seal off formation fluids or keep the hole from caving in
saltationTransport of sediment initiated by moving air or water where particles move from a resting surface to the transport medium in quick continuous repeated cycles.
pressure gradient forceForce due to spatial differences in atmospheric pressure
meanStatistical measure of central tendency in a set of data
rrAbbreviation for Released rig
inferential statisticsStatistical test that makes generalizations about a population based of the numeric information obtained from a sample based on the laws of probability.
flowback waterAfter the fracking procedure is complete and pressure is released, the water and excess proppant flow up through the wellbore to the surface
load profilePattern of a customer's gas usage, hour to hour, day to day, or month to month.
genusA group of species thought to have a fairly recent ancestor, but which do not interbreed, or if they do, they form sterile hybrids.Biology - Flora & Fauna
heap leachingA process whereby valuable metals (usually gold and silver) are leached from a heap (or pad) of crushed ore by leaching solutions percolating down through the heap and are collected from a sloping, impermeable liner below the pad.
wellboreThe hole made by the drilling bit.
conventional natural gasNatural gas consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds, primarily methane, and small quantities of various non-hydrocarbons.
private placement offeringAn investment offering not intended for the general public.
adjacent estuarine zonesThis term embraces the area inland from the coastline of Texas and is comprised of the bays, inlets, and estuaries along the gulf coast.
spot marketA short-term contract for the purchase and sale of commodities (such as oil and gas) at a specific price.
derdAbbreviation for Directorate of Engine Research and Development
middle distillatesA term broadly applied to hydrocarbons in the so-called "middle range" of refinery distillation
booster stationA facility containing equipment which increases pressure on oil or gas in a pipeline.
olefin resinA resin made by the polymerization of any member of the ethylene series having but one double bond with the general formula CnH2n, e.g., ethylene, propene, etc.
projected sectionIn mapping, a vertical section along the main trend of a cave
town border stationSee GATE STATION.
prismatic compassA compass with a prism that enables the viewing angle to be read whilst sighting a distant object.Survey & Mapping term
distinguished military graduateDMS: Distinguished military student.
gas imbalancea
facilityThe physical location where a product is produced, metered, stored, delivered, received or processed.
steepheadA steep-sided valley in karst, generally short, ending abruptly upstream where a stream emerges or formerly did so.Speleology term
coiled tubingAlong, small diameter pipe flexible enough to be stored on and deployed from a large, truck-mounted roll
electric logSee LOG, ELECTRIC.
ukcsUnited Kingdom Continetal Shelf
salt cavernAn underground natural gas storage cavern which has been developed in a salt dome by the solution mining process.
eligible marketThe subset of the total market that is allowed to participate in a utility's DSM program based on eligibility criteria.
economic potentialIn DSM, an estimate of energy savings based on the assumption that all energy-efficient options will be adopted and all existing equipment will be replaced with the most efficient measure possible whenever it is cost-effective to do so, without regard to market acceptance
brineA highly saline solution
wilting pointThe point at which the rate of water leaving a plant's leaves is greater than the water uptake by the roots
escape velocitythe speed required for an object to escape the gravitational pull of a planet or other body.
disposition pointA code for the point at which a purchaser or transporter may assume custody of liquids
prime moverThe engine, turbine, water wheel or similar machine that drives an electric generator; or, for reporting purposes, a device that converts energy to electricity
riffleBar deposit found on the bed of streams
thresholdThat part of a cave near the entrance where surface climatic conditions rapidly grade into cave climatic conditions
run-of-river plantA hydroelectric plant which depends chiefly on the flow of a water stream as it occurs for generation
colluviuma general term to include loose rock and soil material that accumulates at the base of a slope as the result of mass wasting processes
lengthA piece of pipe of the length delivered from the mill
retail parkan out-of-town shopping centre with a few large warehouse-type stores, selling electrical goods, carpets, D.I.Y
service teeA tee is a customer's service piping with one leg closed and used for access to the service pipe in case of plugging with solids
demand side resourcesResources obtained through the implementation of DSM that may be used as an alternative to traditional supply-side resources.
chemical reactionReaction between chemicals where there is a change in the chemical composition of the elements or compounds concerned.
acid mine drainageRunoff caused by water flowing over and through sulfur-rich areas, such as coal or metal mines, is one of the main pollutants (pdf link) of surface water in this region, raising long-term ecological and economic concerns
injection wellsDeep wells used worldwide to dump contaminants, often suspended in water
overpressuringThe technique of increasing the maximum pressure in a natural gas storage reservoir above the discovery pressure.
ppmSee parts per million.
chertAn impure rock, often gray in color, that consists primarily of extremely small quartz crystal precipitated from water solutions.
reproduction costSee COST, REPRODUCTION.
flowA current or stream of fluid or gas
confined spaceAny space not intended for continuous employee occupancy, having a limited means of egress.
closed water piping systemSee WATER PIPING SYSTEM, CLOSED.
colonizationMovement of individuals or propagules of a species to a new territory.
mogasUsed in some markets as a substitute term for gasoline.
rinsA Renewable Identification Number (or RIN) is a serial number assigned to a batch of biofuel for the purpose of tracking its production, use, and trading as required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Renewable Fuel Standard implemented according to the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
louversOverlapping and sloping slats arranged to prevent entrance or exit of some substances but allow ventilation air to pass.
extragalactica term that means outside of or beyond our own galaxy.
nominationA request for a physical quantity of gas under a specific purchase, sales or transportation agreement or for all contracts at a specific point
viscosityMeasure of a liquid's resistance to flow
hydrocrackingA catalytic process for converting high boiling hydrocarbon liquids to lighter, high-quality fractions such as gasoline, diesel fuel, etc., in the presence of hydrogen
refractory oreore from which it is difficult to extract the valuable constituents
condensation nucleiMicroscopic particle of dust, smoke or salt that allows for condensation of water vapor to water droplets in the atmosphere
gasketAny material (such as paper, cork, asbestos, stainless steel or other types of metal or rubber) used to seal two essentially stationary surfaces.
debenturesCertificates of indebtedness issued under an indenture agreement (administered by a trustee) representing long-term borrowings of capital funds, secured only by the general credit of the issuing corporation
longTraders are said to be long when they have contracted to buy more of a commodity or instrument than they have contracted to sell.
light yearDistance that light travels in the vacuum of space in one year
brineA strong saline solution such as common salt and water cooled by a refrigerant and used for the transmission of heat without a change in its state, having no flash point or a flash point above 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
formationA designated geological subsurface layer that is composed of substantially the same kind of rock or rock types.
racewayA channel for holding wires, cables, or bus bars which is designed expressly for and used solely for this purpose
air heaterCombustion air (fed to burners) can be heated to approximately 500 degrees F by transferring heat from the flue gases to the air.
environmentThe aggregate of all surrounding conditions, influences, or forces affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism.
tower karstThe ultimate development of Cockpit karst through Cone karst to Tower karst, in which the residual hills have very steep to overhanging lower slopes
time valueThe time component in a premium for an option art
nominal pipe sizeDesignates a method of identifying the size of steel pipe without compromising the actual diameter data
gas saturationThe percentage of the reservoir rock porosity containing hydrcarbon gas at reservoir conditions
heliopausethe point at which the solar wind meets the interstellar medium or solar wind from other stars.
flow ratethe volume measure of the flow of a fluid per unit of time through an orifice, pump, turbine, conduit or channel.
spectrumIs a graph that describes the quantity of radiation that is emitted from a body at particular wavelengths.
billing cycleThe regular, periodic interval used by a utility for reading the meters of customers for billing purposes
ring-tensile testMethod of determining apparent tensile strength of plastic pipe by applying tensile forces in the hoop direction to a ring-specimen cut from pipe.
caodcCanadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors.
watered-outOf a well, having gone to water.
gene frequencyFrequency of alleles at an individual or population level.
inner citythe part of the urban area surrounding the CBD; it often contains older housing and industry, in a state of poor repair and dereliction (See urban redevelopment and urban renewal).
bhpThe abbreviation for bottom-hole pressure
neutronAtomic sub-particle found in the nucleus of an atom
dead caveA cave without streams or drips of water.Cave - Kinds of
abseilControlled descent on a rope using friction obtained by passing the rope through any of various devices, eg rack, descender, karabiners
gasThat state of matter which has neither independent shape nor volume
casing inspection logUses a method of relating the effects of eddy currents on a magnetic field to casing wall thickness
slugA volume of mud that is more dense than the mud in the drillpipe and wellbore annulus
circulated gas-oil ratioThe number of cubic feet of gas introduced into the well for gas-lift operations, per barrel of oil lifted.
disposal wellWell used for disposal of waste fluids into an underground formation.
mesophytePlants that have moderate water requirements.
maximum transportation rateThe maximum rate that an open-access transporter may charge for its services
total energyA concept under which the electricity required by a given facility is produced on-site by natural gas and possible alternate standby fueled engines or turbines with the recovery of the equipment's heat of rejection for space conditioning and/or process uses.
form uic-10Annual Saltwater Disposal Well Report Saltwater Disposal Report
withdrawn gasSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
flow-through methodAn accounting method under which decreases or increases in state or federal income taxes resulting from the use of liberalized depreciation and the Investment Tax Credit for income tax purposes are carried down to net income in the year in which they are realized
stalactiteA speleothem hanging or growing downwards from a roof or wall, usually of cylindrical or conical form, originally with a central hollow tube, and formed by dripping water
cave earthSee Cave fill.Cave - Erosional & Solutional Features
route centrea settlement located at the meeting point of several roads/railways; the meeting point of two or more river valleys (which provide good road and rail routes through high land), is often the location of a route-centre settlement
agoAtmospheric gasoil.
marshA wetland dominated by herbaceous emergent plants.
drumlinA hill shaped deposit of till
topping-cycle plantsEnergy systems which produce electricity first and heat as a by-product.
peak dayThe one day (24 hours) of maximum system deliveries of gas during a year
shopping mallA modern very large out-of-town shopping centre with a motorway junction location that provides a family day 'experience'
maximum-reading thermometerA mercury-filled thermometer with a constriction in the capillary tube which registers the maximum temperature attained
sumpA point in a cave passage where the water meets the roof, then continues under water.Speleology term
sanitary sewageWastewater (sewage) collected from households and businesses.
ferromagnesiandescribes rock–forming silicate minerals which contain essential iron (Fe) and/or magnesium (Mg)
meter densityThe number of meters per unit of area or per unit length of distribution main.
pa-35Form filed for a temporary inactive well, with no stock on hand, to be omitted from the Operators Oil and Gas Monthly Production Report.
composite book depreciationA method of determining an allowance for depreciation to be included as an element of cost in a cost of service study
true vertical depthThe vertical depth of the well from the ground to the bottom hole.
flame detectorAn element of the equipment used for flame supervision.
gas tracerA radioactive isotope (e.g., I131 in a methyl iodide carrier) used to follow gas flow in a well bore and determine a velocity flow profile.
equal rate treatmentTerm used to designate a test of the reasonableness of an allocation of costs
drilling fundThe generic term employed to describe a variety of organizations established to attract venture capital to oil and gas exploration and development
poolingThe bringing together of small tracts sufficient for the granting of a well permit under applicable spacing rules
joint ventureTypically abbreviates to JV.
capacityThe power output rating of a generator, typically in megawatts, measured on an instantaneous basis.
uncovered positionWhen the grantor of an options position has no cover in the underlying futures market against a price swing in the holder's favor (see delta hedging).
key seatIn drilling a well, a channel, or groove cut in the side of the hole, parallel to the axis of the hole
break of bulk pointthe place where goods have to be unloaded e.g
retracementA temporary move in the opposite direction to that of the main trend
capital assetAn asset acquired as an investment, for the purpose of creating a product or service intended to be used in the activities or operations of a business.
sourContaining hydrogen sulphide.
horsepower hourThe equivalent of one horsepower expended for one hour
oxygen deficiencyAn atmosphere containing oxygen at a concentration of less than 19.5% by volume and is not safe for breathing.
brunisol soilSoil order (type) of the Canadian System of Soil Classification
radonA radioactive inert gas (Rn86 half life 3.8 days) formed continuously in the earth's interior by radioactive decay
spectrometerthe instrument connected to a telescope that separates the light signals into different frequencies, producing a spectrum.
bag holeA hole cut into a main in preparation for a bag-off.
dutchmanA filler-piece used to close a gap between two pieces of pipe or between a pipe or fitting and a piece of equipment where the pipe is too short to effect the closure or where the pipe and equipment may be out of alignment.
dongaIn the Nullarbor plain, a closed depression generally hundreds of metres across and often from 2 to 5 metres deep
renewable sourceA power source that is continuously or cyclically renewed by nature
cleanContaining no appreciable amount of clay or shale
blowout preventerA "BOP" is a large, specially designed valve that is mounted on top of the well during the drilling and completion stages of operation
dnaDesignated National Authority: a competent national body set up in most Kyoto Protocol signatory countries to provide approval for CDM projects.
take-or-payA clause in a gas supply contract which provides that a minimum quantity of gas be paid for, whether or not delivery is accepted by the purchaser
drainage radiusThe radius, measured from a wellbore, of a circular area of a reservoir which is drained by a single well.
ceiling priceThe maximum lawful price which may be charged for regulated gas.
benchSome 'benches' form differently by the rolling down of a long flap of wall lining
bafflesPlates, louvers, or screens placed in the path of fluid flow to cause change in the direction of flow; these are used to promote mixing of gases or to eliminate undesirable solid or liquid particles in the fluid stream
axisalso known as the poles, this is an imaginary line through the center of rotation of an object.
motor octane numberThe earlier of two numerical systems for measuring gasoline octane
point-and-figureA charting system which ignores time and displays only the main price changes
attritionErosion of earnings on invested capital resulting from the regulatory practice of setting utility rates based on past costs during an inflationary period.
electric logsRecording that indicates the well's rock formation characteristics by different responses to electric current
chokeAn adjustable or removable bored steel fitting designed to reduce pressure and/or control production from a gas well or an oil well.
ethanolThe two-carbon alcohol present in the greatest proportion upon the fermentation of grain and other organic matter, such as potatoes, sugar or timber
rfgReformulated gasoline
tariff gasGas purchased by gas distributors from gas pipelines
indefinite price clausesContract clauses that cause the price of natural gas to increase
down draftA flow of air down the chimney or flue because of adverse draft conditions.
dsAbbreviation for Directional Survey
thermocoupleTwo pieces of dissimilar metal welded or brazed together at one end
decommissioningRemoval of facilities from depleted oil field.
dm-1rOil Well Potential ReportWell Test Information
taxonomic classificationClassification of organisms based on structural and physiological connections between other species.
open-flow testA test made to determine the volume of gas that will flow from an oil or gas well during a given time span with minimum restrictions.
copper insertInsertion of a copper liner into a steel service line.
distributionA state where the market is dominated by sellers, who are holding length and 'distributing' to the players who need to buy.
blackoutThe emergency loss of the source of electricity serving an area caused by failure of the generation, transmission, or distribution system
compression ratioThe relationship of absolute outlet pressure at a compressor to absolute inlet pressure.
conuliteA speleothem which is hollow and conical and which forms in silt or other soft material, as a drill hole under a ceiling drip
cbdCentral Business District or city centre; the commercial and business centre ot a town or city where land values are at the highest
wind chill factorThe equivalent temperature resulting from the combined effect of wind and temperature
trophic pyramidA graphic model describing the distribution of energy, biomass, or some other measurable quantity between the different trophic levels found in an ecosystem.
laycanThe range of dates during which a ship will load.
holeA common term which usually refers to the well bore
doppler effectthe apparent change in wavelength of sound or light emitted by an object in relation to an observer's position
case-in-chiefThe position of the company, of staff, or of intervenors in a rate or other proceeding prepared in the event of a hearing
work permitAllows a defined type of work to proceed on a well.
pyrolysisA chemical reaction brought about by the action of heat.
thermal generationEnergy conversion in which fuel is consumed to generate heat, which is then converted to electrical energy
stratus cloudsLow altitude gray colored cloud composed of water droplets
loaningAllowing a customer to take gas and return it at a future state
rankine scale of temperatureThe absolute Fahrenheit scale
cryosol soilSoil order (type) of the Canadian System of Soil Classification
dipThe angle at which beds are inclined from the horizontal, being the maximum angle of the bedding planes at right angles to the strike.Geology
vugA cavity in a rock.
cost oilA share of oil produced used to cover ongoing operations costs and to recover past exploration, appraisal and development expenditures.
free surface streamA cave stream which does not normally fill its passage to the roof.Speleology term
uplandAn area that is not an aquatic, wetland, or riparian habitat
agreement on principlesThe Agreement between the United States of America and Canada on the ALASKA NATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ANGTS)
top storage gasSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
electrical energy/surplusEnergy generated that is beyond the intermediate needs of the system
successor contractAny contract, other than a rollover contract, entered into on or after the date of enactment of the NGPA of 1978, for the first sale of natural gas that was previously subject to an existing contract, whether or not there is an identity of parties or terms with those of the previously existing contract.
pipeSee PIPING.
stack lossThe flue gas loss; the sensible and latent heat lost up the chimney in the flue gas.
evaporation fogA type of fog produced from the advection of cold air over warm water or warm or moist land
rectifierA device for converting alternating current to direct current, used in the gas industry for external corrosion control of pipe and other metals.
return on capitalNet income (or profit) before extraordinary items, interest expense, and income taxes, divided by average capital
roustaboutA member of the drilling crew who helps bring supplies and equipment to the rig.
radial flowThe flow of fluids into a wellbore from the surrounding drainage area
artificial liftIndicated on the Completion Report, Potential Report and DM-1-R
wildcat wellThe first well to be drilled in a geographic region
apiUsually: American Petroleum Institute
gatheringThe act of operating extensive low-pressure gas lines which aggregate the production of several separate gas wells into one larger receipt point into an interstate pipeline.
load centerA point at which the load of a given area is assumed to be concentrated.
mattea product of a smelter that is composed of a metal, or metals, combined with sulphur
trade windsSurface winds that generally dominate air flow in the tropics
independentAs used in the oil industry, usually refers to a nonintegrated producing company
fluidSubstance, gas or liquid, that has the property of flow.
sweet crudeCrude oil which has a very low sulfur content
helmetA miners, climbers or other kind of non metallic protective helmet used in caving
nuclear fuelFissionable materials that have been enriched to such a composition that, when placed in a nuclear reactor, will support a self-sustaining fission chain reaction, producing heat in a controlled manner for process use
chfSwiss Franc
standard atmospheric pressureA pressure of 101.32 kilopascals or 1013.2 millibars.
orifice spudA removable plug or cap containing an orifice which permits adjustment of the flow of gas either by substitution of a spud with a different sized orifice or by motion of a needle with respect to it.
shareholders' equityBook value for common and preferred equity.
extraterrestriala term used to describe anything that does not originate on Earth.
take-or-pay liabilitiesThe liabilities incurred by many pipelines under contractual obligation to pay for volumes of gas they were unable to take because of reduced sales and lack of market demand
varianceA statistical measure of the dispersion of observation values in a data set
natural gas distillateMaterial removed from natural gas at the "heavy end" portion; that is, aliphatic compounds ranging from C4 to C8.
light-yearThe distance that light travels in one year (63,000 astronomical units, or 9.46 trillion kilometers), a convenient unit of measurement for interstellar distances.
glossaryThis Glossary (compiled by M Meth Feb 98) is the copyright property of the Australian Speleological Federation inc (ASF).Miscellaneous terms
invertebrateAnimal that does not have a backbone
whaletailA descender consisting of an aluminium block with slots, knobs and a safety gate.Speleology term
angstromabbreviated Å
aquiferAn aquifer is an subsoil geological formation of permeable rock which has a permanent or temporary capability to contain a water table. 
salvage valueThe amount received for property retired, less any expenses incurred in connection with the sale or in preparing the property for sale; or, if retained, the amount at which the material recoverable is chargeable to Materials and Supplies, or other appropriate account.
special marketing programsSee RATE DESIGN.
intervenorA person, business entity, or public body that is granted the right to participate in a rate case or hearing.
direct installation programDSM program in which the utility directly installs DSM measures within customers homes or businesses.
nuclear magnetic resonanceA phenomenon exhibited by atomic nuclei which is based on the existence of nuclear magnetic moments associated with quantized nuclear spins
zonalMovement of wind or ocean waters in a direction that is roughly parallel to the lines of latitude.
bs&wBottom sediment and water, usually expressed as a percentage by weight
form p sPacker Setting Certificate
caratterm used in gemology to describe the weight of a semi–precious or precious stone (1 carat = 2.4 g)
condenserA heat exchanger which removes heat from vapor causing it to condense into a liquid.
nuclear wasteRadioactive substances generated at different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, which are considered to have no further potential use.
nonutility propertyTitle of Account 121, which includes the book cost of land, structures, equipment or other tangible property owned by the utility but not used in utility service and not property includible in Account 105 Utility Plant Held For Future Use.
united methodA classification method that allocates 25% of fixed costs to the demand component and 75% to the commodity component of the rate.
eyepiecethe lens at the viewing end of a telescope
deliverabilityThe volume that a particular well, storage field, pipeline or distribution system can supply during a 24-hour period.
seedFertilized ovule of a plant that contains an embryo and food products for germination
design pressureThe maximum operating pressure permitted by various codes, as determined by the design procedures applicable to the material and location involved.
producerAn organism that can synthesize the organic nutrients in requires for growth through processes like photosynthesis.
weatherThe conditions resulting from a combination of all atmospheric processes operating at one time in any one place.
magnetic reversalA change in the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field
clay-sized sedimentSediment in which particles are smaller than 1/256 millimeter
md-19Authority to Produce or Cancellation of Allowable Letter
necrophageA scavenger feeding on animal carcasses rather than live prey.Cave - Biota
pitHole dug out in the ground surface for temporary storage of fluids during drilling operations.
interruptible serviceLow priority service offered to customers under schedules or contracts which anticipate and permit interruption on short notice, generally in peak-load seasons, by reason of the claim of firm service customers and higher priority users
differential pressureThe difference between two fluid pressures
hydrogen sulphideA gaseous compound, H2S, of sulphur and hydrogen commonly found in petroleum which causes the foul smell of sour petroleum fractions
spectroscopythe technique of observing the spectra of visible light from an object to determine its composition, temperature, density, and speed.
perigeeThe point in the Moon's orbit where it is closest to the Earth.
outflow caveA cave from which a stream flows or formerly did, and which can not be followed upstream to the surface.Cave - Kinds of
sealed burnersGas burners that are sealed to prevent spillovers from reaching the burner box.
synoptic scaleScale of geographic coverage used on daily weather maps to describe large scale atmospheric phenomenon (for example, mid-latitude cyclone, air masses, fronts, and hurricanes).
cmdCoastal Management Division-The division within the Office of Coastal Restoration and Management(OCRM) which is responsible for the coastal zone regulatory program
semi-detached housea house joined to one other
farm outA commercial transaction where a company sells a share in a concession in return for some consideration.
known change adjustmentsSee ANNUALIZATION.
blind shaftA vertical extension upwards in a cave that does not reach the surface
half-lifeTime required for one half of the nuclei in a radioisotope to emit its radiation
payloadThe cargo (scientific instruments, satellites, spacecraft, etc.) carried by a rocket.
artefactAn item of human manufacture, normally applied only to the products of previous culture
mineralizationDecomposition of organic matter into its inorganic elemental components.
operating interestA working interest owner who is also the well operator.
seepage waterSyn
streambank erosionRemoval of soil particles from a bank slope primarily due to water action
test-well contributionAn agreement to pay the owner of an adjacent tract for a portion of the cost of drilling an exploratory well on his property.
allocationThe process of determining ownership rights to the gas delivered to a meter.
flameAn ordinarily visible condition resulting from the rapid oxidation of a fuel which produces self-evident heat, light, or both.
combined cycleThe combination of one or more gas turbine and steam turbines in an electric generation plant
pressure regulatorSee REGULATOR, PRESSURE.
branch connectionThe junction of one pipe with another, often a header.
bradenheadA packer (or fitting) installed on a well at the surface that enables the use of one size pipe inside another, for the subsequent control of products being delivered from either one of the two pipes.
spontaneous settlementa squatter settlement or shanty town containing self-built houses made of scrap materials such as corrugated iron and plastic; the settlement usually lacks piped water, an electricity supply and sewage disposal facilities
grot holeA small and insignificant cave with no leads, often tight and difficult to maneuver in.Speleology term
flattenerA passage, often of considerable length which though wide, is so low that one has insufficient room to stand or crawl
low priority usersAn interruptible, industrial customer that has the ability to switch to an alternate fuel.
impedanceThe opposition in an electrical circuit to the flow of alternating current (AC).
recompletionAfter the initial completion of a well, the action and techniques of reentering the well and redoing or repairing the original completion to restore the well's productivity.
cooling degree daySee DEGREE DAY, COOLING.
leaseAn agreement between the operator and the landowner which gives the operator the right to go on property for the purpose of exploring and exploiting for mineral resources
shut-in royaltiesAmounts paid to lessors as compensation for loss of income from non-production of producible reserves.
cast iron pipePipe made of pouring molten iron into molds.
neutralAny substance with a pH around 7.
riparian corridorThe strip of land immediately adjacent to and including a stream
pahoehoeA type of lava in which the surface was relatively fluid and so formed smooth or porridge-like surfaces
meteor showeran event where a large number of meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere from the same direction in space at nearly the same time
permeabilityThe property of a rock which indicates the presence of flow channels within the rock
wellheadThe equipment used to maintain surface control of a well.
solifluctionUsually relates to the slow movement or flow of saturated soil or rock fragment masses down slopes and may be applied to subaqueous flowage.Hydrology terms
pool depositAny sediment which accumulates in a pool in a cave
liftingThe act of loading petroleum or petroleum products at a terminal or transfer point.
orogenic beltA major range of mountains on the continents.
cave shieldSee Shield.Cave - Depositional Features
fault zone metamorphismmetamorphic changes caused by fault movements
gallonGenerally accepted across the oil industry to refer to a US gallon
well cntAbbreviation for well count
common batteryA production storage facility into which combined production from lease wells and/or unit wells is stored, and all lease wells and/or unit wells contain the same division of ownership.
telescoping pointsSee POOLING POINT.
shutdownA production hiatus during which the platform ceases to produce while essential maintenance work is undertaken.
conference of partiesConference of Parties to the UNFCCC
flocculantSuspended sediment.Hydrology terms
naked karstSyn
observatoryA collection of hardware and software, which is easiliy moved and installed, to monitor restless volcanoes
pumpA device that increases the pressure on a fluid or raises it to a higher level.
mbopdThousand Barrels of Oil Per Day
snapback effectSee REBOUND EFFECT.
cost allocationThe rate design step that allocates the demand and commodity costs of the various functions to the customer classes
chockA device, being a block of metal, for use as a chockstone.Climbing and SRT
bswAbbreviation for Barrels Salt Water
lambdaThe measure of the rate at which fuel is consumed relative to electric output, expressed in Btu's per kWh.
dark zoneThe part of a cave in perpetual darkness, that lies beyond the Twilight zone
iridiumA rare metallic element
geothermal energyHeat energy derived from the Earth's interior.
peak loadThe maximum electrical load demand in a stated period of time
public water systemA system for providing the public with water for human consumption (through pipes or other constructed conveyances) that has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals.
feedstockRaw material used in a processing plant.
tail blockThe last or lowest priced block of energy in a declining block rate structure.
flowstoneA speleothem
shale cuttingsSmall pieces of rock that break away during the drilling process
troglobiteAn animal (an obligate cavernicole) that lives in a cave and is unable to live outside of it
seaboard methodA classification method that allocates fixed costs equally between the demand and commodity components of the rate.
liborLondon Interbank Offered Rate
photic zoneThe area of a water body receiving sunlight.
surface pipeThe first string of casing to be set in a well
storage rightsSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
blowmoldingA process by which polymers are "blown" into a tubular mold
mantleThe shell of the earth between the crust and the core
bioclasticContaining grains composed of fragmented and transported organic material, eg
humusDark colored semi-soluble organic substance formed from decomposition of soil organic matter.
periapsisthe point in the orbit closest to the planet.
repeat sectionA log rerun over a short section of hole, generally 100m, to enable comparison of similarity with the main survey to show instrument stability and repeatability.
textureThe feel of a rock based on the size, shape, and arrangement of the grains and other parts of the rock
shale gasNatural gas contained in gas bearing shales.
alkalinea term applied to igneous rocks which are characterised by relatively high concentrations of sodium and potassium.
ampereThe unit of measurement of electrical current produced in a circuit by 1 volt acting through a resistance of 1 ohm
exploratory wellA well drilled in an unproven area or geological formation where no oil or gas production exists nearby.
unitizationThe process by which wells are combined in order to function as one reporting entity.
olefinsClass of double-bonded aliphatic hydrocarbons made by cracking naphtha, LPG or gasoil at high temperatures
breakdown(1) Rock that has fallen from the wall or roof of a cave
weighted costA combination of Actual Cost and Fair Value in rate base determination
magnetic field linesimaginary lines that indicate the strength and direction of a magnetic field
cometA large mass of ice and dust that has an orbit around a star.
oilless bearingSleeve bearings of porous metal which depend solely on the porosity of the metal for oil storage.
observation wellSee STORAGE, UNDERGROUND.
nitrogen fixationBiological or chemical process where gaseous nitrogen is converted into solid forms of nitrogen
distributorA wholesaler of gasoline and other petroleum products
methaneThe principal component of natural gas; the simplest hydrocarbon molecule containing one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms
stipper oil wellA well that is barely profitable, generally capable of producing less than 10 barrels of oil per day.
crystal poolA cave pool, usually with little or no overflow, containing well formed crystals.Cave - Parts of
accretionThe accumulation of material, under the influence of gravity, to form a galaxy, star, planet, or moon.
plunge poolA small permanent pool at either the inlet to a BMP or at the outfall from a BMP
out-turnThe quantity of oil unloaded from a vessel at its discharge point
unit-years of serviceThe same as "dollar-years" except expressed in terms of units rather than plant dollars.
stoopingIn caving, describes a passage in which there is not quite enough head room walk, but more than a crawl way
working interestThe interest in a mineral property which entitles the owner to the production from the property, usually subject to a royalty and sometimes to other nonoperating interests
metabolismDescribes all of the enzymatic reactions performed by the cells of an organism.
big bangthe theory that suggests that the universe was formed from a single point in space during a cataclysmic explosion about 18 billion years ago
used and usefulRate making principle regarding the timing and inclusion of plant in the rate base.
jointThe location at which two pieces of pipe or a pipe and a fitting are connected together
air-gas ratioThe ratio of the air volume to the gas volume
kilometerA unit of length equal to 1,000 meters, or .62 miles.
split systemHistorically, a combination of warm-air heating and radiator heating; the term is also used for other combinations such as hot water-steam, steam-warm air, as well as gas heat-electric cooling.
parent materialThe mineral material from which a soil forms.
obliquitythe angle between a body's equatorial plane and orbital plane.
time value of moneyThe concept that a dollar in hand today is worth more than a dollar that will be received in some future year.
controlA device designed to regulate the gas, air, water, and/or electrical supply to a gas-consuming or any other device.
cogenerationThe use of a single prime fuel source in a reciprocating engine or gas turbine to generate electrical and thermal energy in order to optimize the efficiency of the fuel used
take-or-pay contractA (long-term) contract between a gas producer and a gas purchaser, such as a pipeline transmission company.
risingAnother term for a spring
rebelayThe placing of an additional belay on a rope so as to avoid a rub point on a pitch
ozone holeIs a sharp seasonal decrease in stratospheric ozone concentration that occurs over Antarctica in the spring
removal costsThe costs of disposing of plant, whether by demolishing, dismantling, abandoning, sale, or other
poolAn underground reservoir containing a common accumulation of crude petroleum or natural gas or both
wet caveA cave containing a lake, often a non flowing (or extremely slow flowing) lake at water table
cumulus cloudPuffy clouds with relatively flat bases
effective permeabilityThe ability to preferentially flow or transmit a particular fluid when other immiscible fluids are present in the reservoir (e.g., effective permeability of gas in a gas-water reservoir)
deviation surveyAn operation made to determine the angle from which a hole drilled by the bit deviated from the vertical during drilling
viscosityThe amount of the resistance to flow in a fluid due to intermolecular friction.
compressorA mechanical device for increasing the pressure of a gas.
leak clampA clamp used to press and hold tight a gasket against a leaking section of pipe or pipe joint to seal the leak.
o horizonTopmost layer of most soils
ofgemUK regulatory body which oversees electricity and gas trade, pipelines and the power grid
particulate matterParticles of dust, soot, salt, sulfate compounds, pollen, or other particles suspended in the atmosphere.
clustered settlement patterna settlement where buildings are clustered around a particular point.
bistatic radara method of studying the electrical properties of the surface by reflected radio waves
longshore currentA water current that moves parallel to the shoreline.
coningThe change in oil-water or gas-oil contact profiles as a result of drawdown pressures during production
pyriteA common mineral-iron disulfide (FeS2) which has a pale brass-yellow color and metallic luster and is burned in making sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid
substrateSubstances used by organisms for growth in a liquid medium
parkingProviding a customer with temporary gas storage, typically at a market hub.
psigPounds per square inch (gauge)
contract carriageTransportation, by a company, of gas quantities belonging to another party, for which the company charges a fee.
electrical energy/off-peakEnergy supplied during periods of relatively low system demand, as specified by the supplier.
meteorA body of matter that enters the Earth's atmosphere from space
work-overTo perform one or more of a variety of remedial operations on a producing well with the hope of restoring or increasing production.
ground temperatureSee TEMPERATURE, GROUND.
nymphSome insect young or juveniles are called nymphs
minimum transportation rateThe minimum rate which an open-access transporter may charge for service
federal energy regulatory commissionAn
leasehold costsAll costs related to obtaining an oil and gas lease.
nyhNew York Harbor.
asteroid beltThe region of the solar system where most of the asteroids orbit
upstream industryThose operations within the industry to the point where the produced resource is metered into the transportation system
heterogeneityState of being dissimilar or diverse.
high pressureAn area of atmospheric pressure within the Earth's atmosphere that is above average
typhoonAnother name for hurricane.
talikAn unfrozen section of ground found above, below, or within a layer of discontinuous permafrost
progradationThe natural extension of a shoreline seaward.
biospherePart of the Earth where life is found
joint interest billingAccounting procedure of billing each working interest owner for his proportional share of drilling and lease operating expenses.
platform-offshoreAn above the water reinforced structure with pipe pile legs extending down into the ocean floor to support the above water structures and equipment installed for the measurement of gas, and for the operation of the offshore pipelines.
interplanetary magnetic fieldthe magnetic field carried along with the solar wind.
wave periodThe time elapsed for a wave to travel the distance of one wavelength.
ground waterwater which occurs underground, as opposed to surface water.
cathodeNegative electrode in an electrolytic system
diploidCell that contains two sets of chromosomes
openhole completionA method of preparing a well for production in which no production casing or liner is set opposite the producing formation
paraffinic naphthaFavored quality of naphtha for ethylene plant feedstock.
cavitationProcess of intense erosion due to the surface collapse of air bubbles found in constricted rapid flows of water
droughtClimatic condition where water loss due to evapotranspiration is greater than water inputs through precipitation.
rate design - unitedThe term "United rate design" refers to a method of determining demand and commodity rates whereby 75% of fixed costs are classified in the commodity component and 25% in the demand component.
polyethyleneA plastic or resin prepared by the polymerization of ethylene as essentially the sole monomer.
andrew's pitchforkThree parallel trendlines are drawn linking a major low or high with a point either side of this marking an intermediate high or low
oort clouda theoretical shell of comets that is believed to exist at the outermost regions of our Solar System
positive displacement pumpPump that delivers a constant volume of fluid per cycle of operation at whatever pressure is necessary, within the design limits of the mechanism of the pump.
radThe unit of absorbed dose of energy from ionizing radiation in living systems
non-operatorThe working interest owner(s) other than the owner designated as the operator of the property.
abandon wellA well that is no longer in use
pedimentA gradually sloping bedrock surface located at the base of fluvial-eroded mountain range
formationA geological formation is a body of earth material with distinctive and characteristic properties and a degree of homogeneity in its physical properties.
rateThe unit charge or charges made to the customers for natural gas.
karst hydrologyThe scientific study of the movement of water through a karst system, and the storage of water in it.Hydrology terms
absolute viscosityThe measure of a fluid's tendency to resist flow, without regard to its density
lendingIn a futures market, selling a nearby contract while at the same time buying an equivalent forward contract
vertebrateAnimal that does have a backbone
gas-oilA middle-range petroleum distillate
hydrologyField of physical geography that studies the hydrosphere.
temperatureTemperature is defined as the measure of the average speed of atoms and molecules
form uic-29Approval for after-hours disposal is granted on a case-by-case basis by contacting the Injection and Mining Division at 225/342-5515.
rundkarrenA type of karren
crude oilUnrefined petroleum or liquid petroleum.
kinetic energyEnergy possessed by a body due to its own motion.
moderatorA material used in a nuclear reactor core to slow down fast neutrons without unduly absorbing them, in order to increase the probability that the neutrons will cause fission in a uranium-235 or plutonium-239 nucleus.
preyOrganism that is consumed by a predator.
artesian aquifersAn acquifer where the water is under sufficient head (pressure) to cause it to rise above the zone of saturation if the opportunity were afforded for it to do so.
sitpAbbreviation for Shut-in tubing pressure
black steel pipeOrdinary steel pipe, not galvanized.
meander nicheA hemispherically roofed part of a cave formed by a stream meandering and cutting down at the same time.Speleology term
cuttingsFragments of rock which are a result of the cutting action of the drill bit on the formation
solution tubeMay equate to blowhole, but solution tubes are often filled with sediment, which falls to a cave floor and forms a mound.Karst - Depression Features of
prtBritain's Petroleum Revenue Tax.
document accessThe SONRIS Electronic Document Access Component consists of a respository of scanned images of documents, accessible via your web browser and a free FileNet Corporation add-on named Panagon IDM Viewer, available via download or on CDROM
form r-2Monthly Transporter and Storers Report R2 Data Entry-- R2 Oil Transporter/Storer Information
celestial spherean imaginary sphere centered on the earth on which all of the stars are imagined to be projected.
hertzabbreviated Hz
intermittent streamA stream that flows only for short periods over a year
octane numberA measure of the detonative quality of gasoline, or otherwise expressed its tendency to cause "engine knock." The higher the octane number, the higher the resistance to engine knock
appraisal wellWells drilled after hydrocarbon presence has been identified with the drilling of the wildcat well, to define the reservoir or delineate the geology (also referred to as delineation wells)
enhanced oil recoveryInjection of water, steam, gases or chemicals into underground reservoirs to cause oil to flow toward producing wells, permitting more recovery than would have been possible from natural pressure or pumping alone.
biodiversityDiversity of the species, natural environments and genes that make up the living world
base flowThe flow in a stream between storm events
assignmentThe legal instrument whereby oil and gas leases are assigned/conveyed.
stimulate or stimulationthe treating of a well bore by any chemical or mechanical method such as acidizing, fracturing, perforating or solvent treatment to increase production, injection or recovery of oil, gas, brine or any other substance.
crude oilUnrefined liquid petroleum as it comes out of the ground
saltwater intrusionThe invasion of saltwater into freshwater aquifers in coastal and inland areas
semi-submersibleFloating mobile drilling rig with submerged pontoons to stabilise while operating
hookOn a drilling rig, a large, hook-shaped device from which the elevator bails or the swivel is suspended
ionosphereA region in the atmosphere above 50 kilometers from the surface where relatively large concentrations of ions and free electrons exist
eemAn energy efficient mortgage, often funded by Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, VA or FHA, that recognizes the energy efficiency of a home and allows the lender to stretch the
orbitthe path of an object that is moving around a second object or point.
meristemA plant stem cell system comprising the niche, the pluripotent stem cells and their highly proliferating daughter cells.
topographic mapMap that displays topography through the use of elevation contour lines
breakoutA sudden breakout of prices from a chart pattern that has been forming for some time
electric space heatingSpace heating of a dwelling or business establishment or other structure using permanently installed electric heating as the principal source of space heating for a specific area or areas of the premises.
dated brentBrent cargoes are known as dated Brent cargoes once they acquire a specific set of loading dates, usually at a point about two weeks from loading
water encroachmentThe movement of water into a producing formation as the formation is depleted of oil and gas by production
british thermal unitA unit of heat energy, used to describe the amount of heat that can be generated by burning oil or gas.
mtMetric tonne.
trajectorythe path of a moving body through space or the atmosphere.
penumbrathe area of partial illumination surrounding the darkest part of a shadow caused by an eclipse.
magmaMelted rock located deep below the surface of a planet, such as Earth, or a moon.
physicsThe study of matter and energy, and the forces and fields by which they interact in space and time.
protonA sub-particle of an atom that contains a positive charge.
marketerA non-regulated buyer and seller of natural gas.
transportOne of three distinct processes involved in erosion
neutrinoa fundamental particle supposedly produced in massive numbers by the nuclear reactions in stars; they are very hard to detect because the vast majority of them pass completely through the Earth without interacting.
infiltrationThe absorption and downward movement of water into the soil layer.
endothermicHeat absorbing
fracturingA method of breaking down a formation by pumping fluid at very high pressures.
eastingFirst measurement of a grid reference used to specific the location of a point on a rectangular coordinate system
ephemerisa table of data arranged by date
magnetic susceptibilitya measure of the degree to which a rock is attracted to a magnet
mechanical integrityAn injection well has mechanical integrity if: (1) there is no significant leak in the casing, tubing, or packer (internal mechanical integrity) and (2) there is no significant fluid movement into an underground source of drinking water through vertical channels adjacent to the injection wellbore (external mechanical integrity).
atmosphereThe outdoor air in general
protistaGroup, at the kingdom level, in the classification of life
transmission systemSee SYSTEM TYPE.
valve boxA housing around an underground valve to allow access to the valve and to protect the valve from mechanical damage or the effects of weather.
naphthenicHigh in naphthenes.
mega-noprWhen the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) wherein it served notice of its intention to totally restructure the natural gas industry, the NOPR was referred to as the "Mega" NOPR because of its scope.
burst strengthThe internal pressure required to cause a pipe or fitting to fail
lessorThe party who grants an oil, gas and mineral lease.
well logA record of geological formation penetrated during drilling, including technical details of the operation.
authorization for expenditureAn estimate of the costs of drilling and completing a proposed well, which the operator provides to each working interest owner before the well is commenced.
crackingThe process of breaking down the larger, heavier and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules, thus increasing the gasoline yield from crude oil
habitatLocation where a plant or animal lives.
blowholeA vertical hole often circular, on the surface in karst through which air blows in and out, often audibly
polymerizationA chemical reaction in which the molecules of a monomer are linked together to form polymers
radioactive decayThe spontaneous nuclear transformation in which an atom emits particles or radiation following orbital electron capture, or when the nucleus undergoes spontaneous fission
celsius scaleFavored name for centigrade scale, with freezing points and boiling points of water at 0 degrees and 100 degrees, respectively.
oxygenated gasolineGasoline containing more oxygen than pre-1990s formulation
hardness/scratch testThis test determines the hardness of the material (or its ability to resist scratching) by taking two materials; one where you know the hardness and the other where you do not
swabTo reduce pressure in a wellbore by moving pipe, wireline tools or rubber-cupped seals up the wellbore
negative feedbackChange in the state of a system that counteracts the measured effect of the initial alteration.
solution dolineA doline formed by solution processes and not modified by collapse.Karst - Depression Features of
subatomic particlesExtremely small particles that make up the internal structure of atoms.
fragmentationThe breakup during passage through the atmosphere of the cosmic body that forms the many pieces that may later be found as individual meteorites of the event.
shorelineThe line that separates a land surface from a water body
underground injection wellA steel- and concrete-encased shaft into which hazardous waste is deposited by force and under pressure.
convergence precipitationThe formation of precipitation due to the convergence of two air masses
terrestrialLiving or growing on land that is not normally flooded or saturated.
live caveA cave containing flowing water or active speleothems
bid priceThe price at which a buyer is prepared to buy.
fissureAn open crack in rock or soil.Speleology term
depleted uraniumUranium where the uranium-235 assay is below the naturally occurring 0.711%
true southDirection of the South Pole from an observer on the Earth.
residential wellA pumping well that serves one home or is maintained by a private owner.
superconductorA material that becomes a perfect conductor of electricity when chilled
uswcTanker and market abbreviation for US West Coast.
light crude oilHas an API gravity higher than 33 degrees
emergent plantA plant with stems and leaves that grows in periodically or permanently flooded areas
ceiling panel heatingA system using ceiling panels as heating surfaces
pitonA solid or folded metal spike driven into a crack in a rock to form an anchor.Climbing and SRT
quaternaryThe youngest geological period, extending from the end of the Tertiary 1.6 million years ago to the present
pressure testA pressure test run in a well, where flow is initiated followed by a shut-in period where the time rate of pressure increase is recorded after shut-in
traverse(1) A route along ledges above the floor of a cave, (2) to travel in a cave along such a route.Speleology term
kettle holeDepression found in glacial deposits
fetchThe distance of open water in one direction across a body of water over which wind can blow.
ground waterThe supply of fresh water found beneath the earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs
acre footA unit of measurement applied to petroleum and natural gas reservoirs
atomizeTo reduce a liquid to a fine spray or mist.
pulsara spinning neutron star (burnt-out star) that emits energy along its gravitational axis
mudsMuds are used in drilling to lubricate the drilling bit in rotary drilling rigs
meltingThe physical process of a solid becoming a liquid
fertilizerSubstance that adds inorganic or organic nutrients to soil for the purpose of increasing the growth of crops, trees, or other vegetation.
order 29eA statewide order establishing rules for spacing of wells drilled in search of oil and gas in areas of Louisiana for which no spacing regulations have been prescribed by Special Orders
dark adaptationOf eyes, a change in the retina sensitising it to dim light
decomposersLiving things, chiefly bacteria and fungi, that live by extracting energy from tissues of dead animals and plants.Miscellaneous terms
gas usedThe total quantity of gas used by the transmission or distribution company in the operation (i.e., fuel), the maintenance and the construction of facilities.
beyond economic reach reservesThose established reserves that, because of size, geographic location or composition, are not considered economically feasible for connection to a pipeline at the present time.
settlement ratesRates accepted by the interested parties which are effective retroactively to the end of the five month suspension period on order of the FERC.
entitlementWorking interest owner's share of production
stripTo remove light hydrocarbon fractions from gas for recovery and sale.
balance of tradeThe difference between receipts from foreign sources for a nation's goods and services, and payments to foreign sources for imported goods and services.
midstream or middle distillatesProducts produced in the middle range of the crude oil refining process which include kerosene, kerosene-based jet fuel, home heating fuel, and diesel fuel.
demand side biddingProcess in which a utility issues a request for proposals to acquire DSM resources from energy service companies and customers, reviews proposals, and negotiates contracts with winning bidders for a specified amount of energy savings.
fieldAn area consisting of a single reservoir or multiple reservoirs all grouped on, or related to, the same individual geological structural feature or stratigraphic condition
genetic adaptationChanges in the genetic makeup of organisms of a species due to mutations that allow the species to reproduce and gain a competitive advantage under changed environmental conditions.
winterSeason between fall and spring
biodegradationThe breaking down of substances by microorganisms, such as oil-hungry Alcanivorax, which use the substances for food and generally release harmless byproducts such as carbon dioxide and water.
law of the minimumThis biological law suggests that organisms are normally limited by only one single physical factor that is in shortest supply relative to demand.
butylene plasticsPlastics based on resins made by the polymerization of butene or copolymerization of butene with one or more unsaturated compounds, the butene being in greatest amount by weight.
fungiGroup, at the kingdom level, in the classification of life
thermal expansionThe fractional change in length (sometimes volume, specified) of a material for a unit change in temperature.
hot workMaintenance or construction work requiring welding, burning, grinding, or drilling.
wildcatExploratory well several kilometres from any known pool.
productivityRate of energy fixation or storage of biomass by plants
dry gasContains low amounts of condensable compounds making it more "pipeline ready." Gas is considered to be "dry" when it is composed of almost entirely methane.
crude oilLiquid petroleum as it comes out of the ground as distinguished from refined oils manufactured out of it.
exploration wellWell drilled in unproven territory
pacific highHigh pressure system that develops over the central Pacific Ocean near the Hawaiian Islands
direct currentAn electricity current that flows in one direction with a magnitude that does not vary or that varies only slightly.
experimental schemeSubject to B.C
cometseen as a light-giving body having a bright head and a luminous tail moving through space under the gravitational influence of the Sun
impact craterA circular depression in the ground caused by meteoroids or asteroids hitting the surface of a planet.
dredge spoilSoil material that is removed (dredged) from the bottom of a lake or stream and then must be disposed of.
capitalizeTo treat certain expenditures as capital expenditures for Federal income tax computations.
bopdBarrels of Oil Per Day
ultravioletelectromagnetic radiation at wavelengths shorter than the violet end of visible light
christmas treeValves, pipes, and fittings assembled at the top of a completed well used to control the flow of oil and gas
market areathe area served by a particular settlement, shop or service
cyclesCycle theory is based on the premise that prices are affected by an underlying cycle
r4Operator's Certificate of Compliance and Authorization to Transport Oil From Lease.R4 & Emergency Clearance Information
steam crackerEthylene plant
back-fireSee FLASH BACK.
premiumAn additional amount agreed between buyer and seller over and above an existing benchmark
tightHaving very low permeability.
boiler pressureThe pressure of the steam of water in a boiler, depending on type, generally expressed in pounds per square inch gauge and corresponding temperature.
kbAbbreviation for Kelly bushing
amberA fossil created from tree resin
enriched uraniumUranium in which the concentration of the fissionable isotope, Uranium-235, has been increased beyond the 0.7% level found in natural uranium.
recessional moraineMoraine that is created during a pause in the retreat of a glacier
potential energyIs the energy that a body possesses by virtue of its position and that is potentially transformable into another form of energy.
standpipeA vertical pipe or reservoir for water used to secure a uniform pressure.
unlAbbreviation for unleaded.
technically feasibleIn DSM, an option which could be implemented for which equipment has been developed and tested and is available in the current marketplace, or will be in the future.
zeebruggeBelgian port
demand costsThat part of the total cost of service which must be recovered through use of a demand rate; i.e., a rate for each Mcf of gas representing the customer's demand on the Company's system.
casingPipe cemented in the well to seal off formation fluids and to keep the hole from caving in.
future pricesRefers to the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) which introduced futures contracts for crude oil in 1985 and natural gas in 1990.
raindrop impactForce exerted by a falling raindrop on a rock, sediment, or soil surface.
electromagnetic energyEnergy stored in electromagnetic waves or radiation
velocityA vector that denotes both the speed and direction a body is moving.
drainageThe process of forcing a non-wetting phase into a porous rock
concentric ring modelsee Burgess model.
magnetospherethe area around a planet most affected by its magnetic field
circuitA conductor or a system of conductors through which electric current flows
furnaceFurnaces which recirculate the products of combustion and extract available heat to a point that causes condensation to occur
organic sulfurCompounds of carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen that are found in gas, such as thiophene.
ltaAbbreviation for Temporary abandon work permit approved in Lafayette District Office
classification of costsA two step process to take functionalized costs and (1) determine whether they are fixed or variable and then (2) determine whether the fixed costs will be recovered through the demand rate or the commodity rate.
water heater blanketInsulated wrap attached to a water heater which supplements the insulation contained in the water heater.
cdmSee Clean Development Mechanism.
tallyTo measure and record the total length of pipe, casing, or tubing that is to be run in a well.
spot pricePrice at a location and at a specific time.
end-userAn entity which is the ultimate consumer for natural gas
adsorbed gasNatural gas that is electrostatically bonded to the organic matter within a reservoir and requires the depressurizing of the reservoir to produce.
hornPyramidal peak that forms when several cirques erode a mountain from three or more sides.
direct heating equipmentSee HEATER, INFRA-RED RADIANT.
independent variableVariable in a statistical test that is thought to be controlling through cause and effect the value of observations in another dependent variable modeled in the test.
vgoVacuum gasoil, also known as catfeed
eddy diffusionMixing of the atmosphere by chaotic air currents.
dipIn surveying, the angle above or below horizontal of the current survey leg.Speleology term
turbidity currentA highly turbid, sediment-rich dense current which moves rapidly along the bottom of standing water until it loses its energy.
south magnetic poleLocation in the Southern Hemisphere where the lines of force from Earth's magnetic field are vertical
photosynthetic autotrophAn organism that produces food molecules inorganically by using light and the chemical process of photosynthesis
communityRefers to all the populations of interacting species found in a specific area or region at a certain time.
aausAssigned Amount Units: National level greenhouse gas emission allowances established under the Kyoto Protocol
completed wellA well that has had the necessary work done to enable production.
trippingMaking a trip; operation of hoisting pipe out of, and returning it to, the wellbore
fenglinChinese term for the isolated limestone hills known as Tower karst.Karst - Hill Features of
gravitya mutual physical force of nature that causes two bodies to attract each other.
compressive strengthThe degree of resistance of a material to a force acting along one of its axes in a manner tending to collapse it
suspensionErosional movement of sediment continually held in the transport medium of air, water or ice.
auxiliary devicesDevices used with a meter to provide an adjustment of the meter reading to permit obtaining special information, or to transmit information to a remote location.
troposphereLayer in the atmosphere found from the surface to a height of between 8 to 16 kilometers of altitude (average height 11 kilometers)
segregated iceA form of periglacial ground ice that consists of almost pure ice that often exists as an extensive horizontal layer
gas supply coordinatorA representative of a company assigned the task of managing the operations under Transportation, Sales or Purchase Service agreements
ppmParts per million
source waterOperators may withdraw water from surface or ground water sources themselves or may purchase it from suppliers.
kinetic energyThe energy due to motion.
rigMachinery for drilling a well that is used to search for and produce oil and natural gas.
ultimate co2The maximum theoretical percentage of flue gas CO2 that is possible to produce from the complete combustion of a fuel with the chemically-correct fuel-air ratio.
sandstone caveA cave formed in sandstone.Cave - Kinds of
indexingTying the commodity price in a contract to other published prices, such as spot prices for gas or alternate fuels, or general indexes like the Consumer Price Index or Producer Price Index.
form uic-13Community Saltwater Disposal Well/System Notification Certification
contiguous karstThe interconnected air filled or water filled solutional or hydrological network of spaces in any area of karstified carbonate rock.Karst - Kinds of
topplethe end-over-end motion of rock down a slope.
fissile materialAny element containing an isotope with nuclei capable of undergoing fission as a result of interaction with slow neutrons in a nuclear reactor
relief valveSee VALVE, RELIEF.
climographTwo dimensional graph that plots a location's air temperature and precipitation on times scales that range from a 24 hour period to a year.
flangeFor pipe, a metal collar drilled with bolt holes and attached to the pipe with its flat surface at right angles to the pipe axis so that it can be securely bolted to a mating flange on a valve, another pipe section, etc.
hoop stressThe tensile stress, usually in pounds per square inch (psi), acting on the pipe along the circumferential direction of the pipe wall when the pipe contains gas or liquid under pressure.
produced waterThe water extracted from the subsurface along with produced oil and gas, including water from the reservoir, water that has been injected into the formation, and any chemicals added during the production/treatment process.
chromatin remodellingTransient changes in chromatin accessibility.
runoffThat part of the precipitation that appears in surface water bodies after traveling across land.
bogA habitat that consists of waterlogged spongy ground
regoliththe layer of rocky debris and dust made by metoritic impact that forms the uppermost surface of planets, satellites and asteroids.
sprStrategic Petroleum Reserve in the US.
cave guanoAccumulations of dung in caves, in some places may be partly mineralised
bollinger bandsA system based on the premise that prices revert to their mean
base metalAny non-precious, non-minor metal (eg copper, lead, zinc, nickel, etc)
salt water disposal wellA well into which oilfield salt water is disposed.
electronic data transferThe computer-to-computer exchange of data for business transactions.
r horizonSoil horizon found beneath the C horizon
volatilityCalculate the exponential moving average of the difference between the daily high and low, lets call this 'range'
inorganicOf non-biological origin.Biology - Flora & Fauna
divideThe topographic ridge that separates drainage basins.
allocation methodA method of allocating volumes to affected parties when an imbalance occurs.
zodiacan imaginary belt across the sky in which the Sun, Moon, and all of the planets can always be found.
lubricatorRefers to the assembly of wireline pressure-control equipment consisting of blowout preventer, riser, flow tube, and stuffing box (or hydraulic packing head).
escalator clauseA clause in a purchase or sales contract that permits adjustment of price or profit, under specific conditions.
rhizomorphA calcareous structure formed around roots, and preserving the form of the root.Speleology term
final disposalThe storage of nuclear waste and/or spent fuel in a repository near the surface or in a deep geological formation, without the intention of retrieval.
american petroleum instituteA trade association that represents the interests of and sets standards for the oil and gas industry.
suburbanisationthe process by which people, factories, offices and shops move out from the central areas of cities and into the suburbs.
karsticPertaining to karst.Speleology term
delay rentalCash payments to the mineral rights owner (lessor) by the working interest owner (lessee), for the privilege of postponing the commencement of drilling operations on the leased property.
military property warehouseN
nadira term used to describe a point directly underneath an object or body.
trapA device designed for removing liquids or solids from a gaseous stream; a low spot in a pipeline or main
peak day designSee DESIGN DAY.
survivor curveA graphical presentation of survivors at the beginning of each of a consecutive series of age intervals
phylumA group or category used in the taxonomic and/or phylogenic classification of organisms
oil-water contactA bounding surface in a reservoir above which predominantly oil occurs and below which predominantly water occurs
polar jet streamRelatively fast uniform winds concentrated within the upper atmosphere in a narrow band
content of fuelThe heat value per unit of fuel expressed in Btu as determined from tests of fuel samples
rurRussian Rouble
carryoverA feature in some curtailment plans that allows volumes not used in one period to be used in the following period or periods.
compactionOccurs when the weight of overlying material compresses more deeply buried sediment
act 13Signed into law by governor Tom Corbett
sdm2State Oil Potential - test witnessed by a Conservation Enforcement Agent
normal recovery capacityAmount of water in U.S
opecOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
tissueA group of similar cells that are organized into a structure with a specific purpose.
base load plantA plant normally operated to take all or part of the minimum continuous load of a system, and which consequently produces electricity at an essentially constant rate
hydroacousticRefers to a series of specialised microphones placed in water.
hypereutrophicHaving excessively high nutrient content and biological activity
telephone directory - stateTelephone Numbers For State Agencies State Telephone Directory
geodesyThe science that measures the surface features of the Earth.
refrigeration ton12,000 Btu per hour or 200 Btu per minute of heat removal
double asteroidtwo asteroids that revolve around each other and are held together by the gravity between them
earthquakeIs a sudden motion or trembling in the Earth
packerA piece of downhole equipment that consists of a sealing device, a holding or setting device, and an inside passage for fluids.
productionA functional classification relating to that portion of utility plant used for the purpose of producing gas; or to expenses relating to the operation or maintenance of production plant.
bottomholeThe lowest or deepest part of a well.
blow jointPerforated joint of line pipe designed to capture "pig" after pigging and cleaning operations.
aurora australisalso known as the southern lights, this is an atmospheric phenomenon that displays a diffuse glow in the sky in the southern hemisphere
frost pointIs the temperature at which water vapor saturates from an air mass into solid usually forming snow or frost
deep gasGas found at depths greater than the average for a particular area; for FERC purposes, it is gas found at depths of more than 15,000 feet.
deficiency periodUsed in association with the EQUITABLE SHARING MECHANISM
carbon capture & storageCarbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a combination of a number of existing technologies, with the potential to play a major role in the management and reduction of global carbon dioxide (CO2) levels
burner portSee PORT.
ground trogA search on the surface for cave entrances
gene poolSum total of all the genes found in the individuals of the population of a particular species.
sedimentsSediments are deposits of different sized particles coming from the erosion of old rocks, waste generated by organic activity (mollusc shells, etc.) or from chemical precipitation (certain carbonates)
stream flowThe flow of water in a river or stream channel.
bopdThe abbreviation for barrels of oil per day.
sampleA sample is a subset group of data selected from a larger population group
moleculeMinute particle that consists of connected atoms of one or many elements.
lenticular galaxya disk-shaped galaxy that contains no conspicuous structure within the disk
company storageNatural gas storage facilities owned and controlled by the LDC.
pipeline condensateA liquid containing lower boiling aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons which may be found in natural gas production, transmission, and distribution pipelines
assayA chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals to determine the amount of valuable metals contained.
crooked holeWellbore that has deviated from the vertical inadvertently
saturationAtmospheric condition where water is changing its phase to liquid or solid
downtrendA price pattern characterized by successive falling highs and falling lows.
subterraneanPertaining to underground environments
modified seaboard methodSee UNITED METHOD.
walking beamThe horizontal steel member of a beam pumping unit that has rocking or reciprocating motion.
cuttingsFragments of rock removed from a well during drilling operations.
srtSee Single rope technique.Climbing and SRT
projected depthThe approximate depth the company will reach
lost opportunityIn DSM, an efficiency measure that is cost-effective but does not get installed, and which is unlikely to be cost-effective at a later time.
white lightvisible light that includes all colors and, therefore, all visible wavelengths.
distributionThe system of lines, transformers and switches that connect a transmission network to customer load
surface casingThe first string of casing put into a well
radiolarian chertA rock made up of the spherical siliceous shells of radiolarian which are single-celled planktonic animals (protozoans).
offering memorandumA legal document provided to potential investors in a venture describing the terms under which the investment is being offered.
suspended wellA well that was previously completed but is now no longer being produced.
daily drilling reportA record made each day of the operations on a working drilling rig and, traditionally, phoned, faxed, emailed, or radioed in to the office of the drilling company and possibly the operator every morning.
glaciolacustrinepertaining to lakes dammed by or bordering glaciers.