Glossary extracted starting with automatic seeds, with PTM for the domain geo and language EN
pulp | Mechanically ground or chemically digested wood used in manufacturing paper and allied products (17). |
noncommercial species | Tree species in which small size, poor form, or inferior quality is typical |
feedlot | A confined area for the controlled feeding of animals |
discharge | Outflow; the flow of a stream, canal, or aquifer. |
soft suction | Commonly accepted term for short length of large diameter soft hose used to connect a structural or wildland engine with a hydrant |
width | In band sawing, the distance from the top of the tooth to the back of the blade. |
target hazard | Facilities in which there is great likelihood of loss of life or property. |
pendant | An ornamental termination to the low end of a hammer post, king post, queen post, etc. |
smoke-sensitive area | Area in which smoke from outside sources is intolerable, for reasons such as heavy population, existing air pollution, or intensive recreation or tourist use. |
tyloses | A waterproof foam-like substance that forms in the pores of certain species of wood |
percolation | (1) The movement of water through the openings in rock or soil |
delimbing gate | Metal grid used with a skidder for removing limbs. |
cycle | Complete set of operations or tasks that is repeated (20). |
fire progression | The progress of the fire outwards from the point of origin. |
haunch | The part of the whole timber beyond the shoulder which is let into another timber. |
aboriginal rights | Aboriginal rights are those rights, which peoples have due to traditional use and occupancy of land |
reach | A wooden or metal structural member connecting a logging trailer to a truck tractor. |
mat | A temporary roadway constructed of hardwood lumber. |
flg | Flooring |
visibility | The greatest horizontal distance at which selected objects can be seen and identified, or its equivalent derived from instrumental measurements. |
double doughnut | Two lengths of hose rolled side by side or a single length rolled into two small coils for convenient handling. |
infiltration rate | The rate at which water penetrates the earth's surface. |
vortex turbulence | Miniature whirlwinds trailing from the wingtips of any aircraft in flight |
operational tempo | The speed and intensity of actions relative to the speed and intensity of the unfolding events in the operational environment. |
prescribed burning | Deliberate use of fire under conditions where the area to be burned is predetermined and the intensity of the fire is controlled. |
above ground level | Term frequently used in aviation operations, usually in connection with a stated altitude. |
specific adhesion | Adhesion between surfaces that are held together by valence forces of the same type as those that give rise to cohesion. |
cardinal directions | North, south, east, west; used for giving directions and information from the ground or air in describing the fire (e.g., the west flank or east flank, not right flank or left flank). |
polymerization | A chemical reaction in which the molecules of a monometer are linked together to form large molecules whose molecular weight is a multiple of that of the original substance. |
joint information system | A system that integrates incident information and public affairs into a cohesive organization designed to provide consistent, coordinated, timely information during crisis or incident operations. |
year of sowing | Short form: YoS Year that a crop is sown. |
heel boom | Loading boom that uses tongs to heel or force one end of a log against the underside of the boom (22) |
irrigation | Applying water or wastewater to land areas to supply the water and nutrient needs of plants. |
estimator | See cruiser (8). |
dressing | Shaping the cutting edge of a chisel to correct the bevel. |
open compound | Short form: OC Outdoor growing area. |
macro scale indicators | Large single indicators or overall patterns of indicators that are readily visible from a distance. |
n1e | Nose One Edge |
accessibility burn | The burning of understory prior to the sale of forest products to improve the efficiency of timber marking and harvesting. |
box joint | A corner joint made up of interlocking "fingers". |
nail set | A short shaft of metal with a narrow blunt point used to set nails below the surface of wood by placing the blunt end on the nail head and striking the other end with a hammer. |
continental climate | Climate that is characteristic of the interior of a land mass of continental size, marked by large annual diurnal and day-to-day ranges of temperature, low relative humidity and irregular precipitation. |
total suspended solids | The entire amount of organic and inorganic particles dispersed in water |
patrol time | Elapsed time from completion of original mopping up until the fire is declared to be extinguished. |
operating time | See machine time, scheduled operating time. |
tooth back | The read side of a saw blade tooth facing away from the direction of the cut. |
cargo chute | A parachute designed and rigged for dropping equipment and supplies from an aircraft. |
rcd | Root collar diameter. |
suspended sediment | very fine soil particles that remain in suspension in water for a considerable period of time without contact with the bottom |
sediment | Particulate organic and inorganic matter that accumulates in a loose, unconsolidated form on the bottom of natural waters. |
rasp | A long and flat steel tool with raised teeth for shaping wood; some rounded on one side. |
southeastern states | Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida |
intermittent stream | One that has intervals of flow interspersed with intervals of no flow |
hydrophobic | Having a strong tendency to repel water. |
preventive maintenance | Maintenance measures taken in advance to avoid breakdowns. |
local agency | Any agency having jurisdictional responsibility for all or part of an incident. |
c.f.l. | Commercial forest land. |
ring rot | Circular rot in a log |
line level | A level that hangs from a mason's line; typically used to transfer level elevations from one post to another. |
indicated airspeed | The speed of an aircraft as shown on its pitot static airspeed indicator |
ft | Foot |
groundwater | Water that is beneath the surface of the ground, consisting mainly of surface water that has percolated down. |
climax forest | Plant community dominated by trees representing the culminating stage of natural succession for that specific locality and environment (17). |
freight on board | Short form: FOB FOB Nursery Gate indicates that the buyer pays shipping costs and takes responsibility for the goods when they leave PRT's premises. |
precision approach radar | Blind landing in which the aircraft is observed from the ground by means of radar and directed along a suitable glide path by instructions radioed to the pilot. |
elbow | In a dust collection system, a fitting used to torn corners. |
gage | The side-to-side thickness of a band saw blade. |
pressure gradient | The difference in atmospheric pressure between two points on a weather map |
baluster | One of a series of vertical supports used between posts of a railing |
load factor | Average load or power output of an engine or machine, expressed as a percentage of its maximum capacity (20). |
storet | U.S |
carcinogen | Any substance that can cause or contribute to the production of cancer. |
aerial photo interpreter | A person skilled in identification and measurements of natural and cultural features on aerial photographs. |
death watch beetle | A beetle that is about ¼ inch long and very destructive to structural beams. |
green lumber | Freshly cut, unseasoned, not dry |
side | Men and equipment needed to yard and load any one logging unit of an operation. |
brand | A log mark used to identify logs. |
flare-up | Any sudden acceleration in rate of spread or intensification of the fire |
rich tool | A long-handled combination rake and cutting tool, the blade of which is constructed of a single row of mowing machine cutter teeth fastened to a piece of angle iron |
general staff | The group of incident management personnel reporting to the Incident Commander |
bdl | Bundle |
holding orbit | A predetermined maneuver which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further orders. |
anemometer | An instrument designed to measure wind speed. |
riparian corridor | The parcel of land that includes the channel and an adjoining strip of the floodplain, generally considered to be 100 feet on each side of the channel. |
discharge spout | See portable chipper terms. |
calibrated airspeed | Indicated airspeed of an aircraft, corrected for position and instrument error |
channeled | Channeled means grooved or cut deeply. |
trim | The finish materials in a building, such as moldings, applied around openings or at the floor and ceiling of rooms. |
basic life support | Basic life support skills performed by an EMS practitioner or service, e.g |
material first ignited | The fuel that is first set on fire by the heat of ignition; to be meaningful, both a type of material and form of material should be identified. |
interphase | In wood bonding, a region of finite thickness as a gradient between the bulk adherent and bulk adhesive in which the adhesive penetrates and alters the adherents properties and in which the presence of the adherent influences the chemical and/or physical properties of the adhesive. |
moist adiabatic lapse rate | Rate of decrease of temperature with increasing height of an air parcel lifted at saturation via adiabatic process through an atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium |
hydrophyte | Plant typically found in wet areas or in water where oxygen deficiencies occur periodically (11). |
topo | A topographic map |
cirrus | A form of high cloud, composed of ice crystals, which seldom obscures the sun. |
mastic | A material with adhesive properties, usually used in relatively thick sections, which can be readily applied by extraction, trowel, or spatula. |
tank and gating system | Tanks, doors, and release mechanism installed in aircraft for cascading fire retardants. |
fbm | Feet board measure |
fire tool cache | A supply of fire tools and equipment assembled in planned quantities or standard units at a strategic point for exclusive use in wildland operations. |
arson task force | Group of individuals convened to analyze, investigate and solve arson problems in a particular region. |
minimum relative humidity | The lowest value for relative humidity measured at the observation site during the preceding 24-hour period. |
sill timber | Major horizontal timbers which lie on the foundation and form the lowest part of the frame. |
gross scale | Measurement of log volume in which no deduction is made for defect (17). |
bunch | To gather trees or logs into small piles for subsequent skidding by other equipment (24) |
porous wood | Wood with larger than normal pores and vessels. |
dynamic simulation | Modeling of the behavior of physical, chemical, and/or biological phenomena and their variation over time. |
sedimentation | The deposition or accumulation of sediment. |
trim allowance | Extra length allowed when bucking logs or estimating volume to account for loss from end injuries or uneven cuts (20). |
cargo compartment | An internal area of an aircraft specifically designed to carry baggage or cargo. |
joist | A piece of lumber two to four inches thick and six inches wide, used horizontally as a support for a ceiling or floor |
napalm | An incendiary mixture with a jelling agent used in flamethrowers and bombs. |
factory lumber | Lumber intended to be cut up for use in further manufacture' it is graded on the basis of the percentage of the area which will produce a limited number of cuttings of a specified, or a given minimum, size and quality. |
hydroscopic | The tendency of wood to absorb and expel moisture as humidity levels change. |
payload | Gross weight of a loaded vehicle minus the weight of the vehicle itself (24). |
knot | Nautical miles per hour, equal to 1.15 mph. |
ground speed | Speed with which an aircraft traverses the ground over which it flies. |
merch top | Merchantable top (10). |
buys ballot's law | If a person stands with his back to the general wind, the high atmospheric pressure is found to his right in the Northern Hemisphere |
air cleaner | A machine designed to filter fine dust from the air in a workshop |
automatic direction finder | An aircraft radio navigational receiver operating in the low frequency bands. |
live fuels | Living plants, such as trees, grasses, and shrubs, in which the seasonal moisture content cycle is controlled largely by internal physiological mechanisms, rather than by external weather influences. |
log rule | A table intended to show the amounts of lumber that may be sawn from logs of different sizes under various assumed conditions. |
nonforest land | See land-use classes. |
best management practices | Methods, measures, or practices determined to be reasonable and cost-effective means for a landowner to meet certain, generally nonpoint source, pollution control needs |
panoramic profile map | A panoramic sketch drawn around the circumference of a firefinder map to show the profiles of the topography as it appears from the lookout. |
cold trailing | A method of controlling a partly dead fire edge by carefully inspecting and feeling with the hand for heat to detect any fire, digging out every live spot, and trenching any live edge. |
ten-hour timelag fuels | Dead fuels consisting of roundwood 1/4 to l-inch (0.6 to 2.5 cm) in diameter and, very roughly, the layer of litter extending from immediately below the surface to 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) below the surface. |
multiple use | Harmonious use of the land for more than one purpose; not necessarily the combination of uses that will yield the highest economic return, e.g., a mix of residential and commercial developments in the same area. |
box lumber | Factory lumber, may be of any thickness, 4/4 and thicker and is graded for box cutting value. |
advection | The transfer of atmospheric properties by the horizontal movement of air, usually in reference to the transfer of warmer or cooler air, but may also refer to moisture. |
kip | Unit of weight or force equal to 1,000 pounds (20). |
short rotation energy plantations | Plantings established and managed under short-rotation intensive culture practices. |
wood pulp | Fiber from wood with varying degrees of purification that is used for the production of paper, paper board, and chemical products (22). |
nitrogen | The 14th of the 107 elements |
water table | Upper limit of a saturated zone in the soil (11). |
oxygen depletion | A deficit of dissolved oxygen in a water system due to oxidation of organic matter. |
probability forecast | A forecast of the probability of occurrence of one or more of a mutually exclusive set of weather contingencies as distinguished from a series of categorical statements. |
cold line | Fireline that has been controlled |
firesetting | Starting a fire, usually deliberately and maliciously. |
statistic | The number that results from manipulating raw data according to a specified procedure; associated with samples. |
soft rot | Rot occurring in the outer wood layers under very wet conditions. |
model | A simplified simulation of complex real-world relationships and processes that helps clarify how those processes and relationships work |
sacrification | Shallow loosening of the soil surface. |
crown ratio | The ratio of live crown to tree height. |
depth of char indicators | Sometimes referred to as "alligatoring", where combustible material appears to have a fissured or scaly appearance similar to an alligator's hide |
peak runoff | The highest value of the stage or discharge attained by a flood or storm event; also referred to as flood peak or peak discharge. |
grass stem indicators | Remains of grass stems having different appearances based on the direction of fire spread. |
main line block | Block on a spar through which the main line runs (32). |
crown height | Vertical distance of a standing tree from ground level to the base of the crown, measured to the lowest live branch whorl or to the lowest live branch (excluding epicormics), or to a point halfway between the two (26). |
knockdown | To reduce the flame or heat on the more vigorously burning parts of a fire edge. |
show | Any unit of operation in the woods associated with timber harvesting. |
extractives | Substances in wood, not an integral part of the cellular structure, that can be dissolved out with hot or cold water, ether, benzene, or other relatively inert solvents. |
adhesion | A substance in which two surfaces are held together by inter-facial forces, which may consist of valence forces or interlocking action or both. |
dry rot | A term loosely applied to many types of decay but especially to that which, when in an advanced stage, permits the wood to be easily crushed to a dry powder; the term is actually a misnomer for any decay, since all fungi require considerable moisture for growth. |
confinement | The strategy employed in appropriate management responses where a fire perimeter is managed by a combination of direct and indirect actions and use of natural topographic features, fuel, and weather factors. |
helicopter boss | An individual assigned to an agency helicopter to supervise assigned crew members, oversee the loading and unloading of personnel and/or cargo, and ensure that agency policies and procedures governing helicopter operations are followed. |
coastal zone | Lands and waters adjacent to the coast that exert an influence on the uses of the sea and its ecology, or whose uses and ecology are affected by the sea. |
forest management | The practical application of scientific economic, and social principles to the administration and workings of a specific forest area for specified objectives. |
drought | A period of relatively long duration with substantially below-normal precipitation, usually occurring over a large area. |
cold deck | Pile of logs left for later transportation (22) |
imperfect manufacture | Includes all defects or blemishes produced in manufacturing. |
water table | the top of the water surface in the saturated part of an aquifer. |
full length | Cut so the ends can be squared to exact length tallied. |
computed gross weight | Term used in calculating from performance charts the permissible helicopter payload at which a helicopter is capable of hovering in ground effect or hovering out of ground effect, based on pressure altitude and air temperature. |
development | The process by which a society goes about realizing its potential |
fines | Fine particulate material such as silt and clay particles typically of less than .85 mm diameter |
psychrometer | An instrument for measuring the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. |
helicopter manager | An individual assigned to a call-when-needed (CWN) helicopter to serve as helicopter boss, administer contracts, and verify CWN helicopter and pilot qualifications. |
flake | A small flat wood particle of predetermined dimensions, uniform thickness, with fiber direction essentially in the plane of the flake; in overall character resembling a small piece of veneer. |
taper | A piece of wood that has been cut so that it is wider on one edge compared to the other. |
nitrogen dioxide | The result of nitric oxide combining with oxygen in the atmosphere |
log jack | Tool used to raise a log from the ground during bucking (24) |
multiple entry | Entering a stand for commercial harvesting more than once in any one continuous rotation (17). |
particleboard | A type of manufactured plywood that is made from ground up and glued scrap wood |
true bearing | Bearing by true north rather than magnetic north. |
recovery | The increase in fuel moisture as a result of increased relative humidity, usually occurring overnight. |
aerial photogrammetry | Interpreting information from aerial photographs (17). |
pan | Large, flat upward-curving metal plate on which log ends or pallets are placed to make skidding easier and prevents digging in and rutting. |
heritage | Things inherited; passed down from previous generations; anything transmitted from past ages, especially buildings, culture, environment. |
labor | Most generally, work |
riparian area | Areas bordering streams and rivers. |
spindle | A narrow, turned piece of wood. |
edge joining | Smoothing and squaring the edge of a board so that it can be glued up evenly to another piece. |
jammer logging | Cable logging system generally restricted to one skidding line and used for winching logs up to 300 feet from the cutting area to a log collection point (17). |
greywater | wastewater from clothes washing machines, showers, bathtubs, hand washing, lavatories and sinks. |
national standard thread | Abbreviated (NH) for national hose |
consumption | The amount of a specified fuel type or strata that is removed through the fire process, often expressed as a percentage of the preburn weight. |
quadrangle | Mapping unit which defines an area in terms of longitude and latitude distance |
spatiality | The relationship between society and space; spatiality indicates the habitual and ingrained spatial behaviors that mark a people or society. |
simple hose lay | A hoselay consisting of consecutively coupled lengths of hose without laterals |
main line | In cable yarding, the line used to bring logs to the landing. |
command presence | How leaders present themselves to others |
hot spot | A particularly active part of a fire. |
juvenile wood | The wood in every tree that forms within its first 10 years or so; usually has undesirable characteristics such as low strength and shrinkage along the grain. |
shovel | A tool with a handle and a broad scoop or blade for digging and moving material, such as dirt or snow. |
course | In aviation, the intended direction of horizontal flight. |
spontaneous combustion | Combustion of a thermally isolated material initiated by an internal chemical or biological reaction producing enough heat to cause ignition. |
stabilization pond | Large earthen basin used for the treatment of wastewater by natural processes involving the use of both algae and bacteria. |
transferring | Lifting an entire load of logs from one mode of transportation and placing the logs on another carrier. |
density altitude | Pressure altitude corrected for temperature deviations from standard atmosphere |
joists and planks | The national grading rules contain four grades of structural joists and planks; select structural, No |
smoke management | The policies and practices implemented by air and natural resource managers directed at minimizing the amount of smoke entering populated areas or impacting sensitive sites, avoiding significant deterioration of air quality and violations of National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and mitigating human-caused visibility impacts in Class I areas. |
bracing | Structural supports placed between posts and beams or joists to provide stability to the structure. |
static water supply | Supply of water at rest which does not provide a pressure head for fire suppression but which may be employed as a suction source for fire pumps (e.g., water in a reservoir, pond, or cistern). |
uneven development | Segregation - the separation of ethnic, racial, religious, or other groups into different districts within a city.* |
epoxy glue | A two part glue that practically glues anything to anything, including metal to metal. |
fire interval | The number of years between two successive fire events for a given area; also referred to as fire-free interval or fire-return interval. |
commodity | a thing or process that is produced to be bought and sold; its value is realized as exchange-value, more so than use-value. |
grap link | Pear-shaped link used to connect chain (24). |
rigging | Cables, blocks, and other equipment used in yarding logs (22). |
second-in-command | Pilot who is designated to be second-in-command of an aircraft during flight time. |
low voltage lighting | Commercially available lighting systems that use a transformer to reduce the needed electrical current |
fuel loading | The amount of fuel present expressed quantitatively in terms of weight of fuel per unit area |
station catalog | A WIMS file that contains all the information defined for a weather station. |
diffuse-porous wood | Certain hardwoods in which the pores tend to be uniform in size and distribution throughout each annual ring or to decrease in size slightly and gradually toward the outer border of the ring. |
seasonal risk class | Objective ranking of protection units within an administrative group based on the number of human-caused fires for at least the past five years. |
level | An instrument for asserting whether a surface is horizontal, vertical, or at a 45 degree angle; essentially consists of an encased, liquid-filled tube containing an air bubble that moves to a center window when an instrument is set on an even plane. |
blemish | A defect or anything that marks the appearance of wood. |
shade structure | A structure built above decks, usually of posts and lattice, to provide a shaded area on the deck. |
drill | An implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit. |
statistical unit | The entity for which statistics are stored, produced and published |
rule joint | A joinery method used in drop left tables where the tabletop has a convex profile and the left has a concave cut |
day rate | Method of paying loggers by the day or hour instead of by the piece (9). |
loose knot | A knot not held in place by growth, shape or position. |
jig | A device used to make special cuts, guide a tool, or aid in woodworking operations. |
gross combination weight | Weight of tractor, trailer, and maximum load (24). |
stakeholder | Any individual or group who may be affected, impacted or has an interest in the issue or proposal |
selective cut | Type of timber harvesting that removes only certain species above a certain size or value (20). |
forb | A plant with an herbaceous (soft, rather than permanent woody) stem, that is not a grass or grasslike plant. |
underlayment | A layer of plywood or other manufactured board used as a base material under finished flooring |
stringer | A timber or other support for cross members in floors or ceilings. |
naturalism | Those systems of views which see consciousness as direct products of Nature. |
measured woody fuel moisture | Moisture content of the small branch wood and foliage of live woody plants, expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight of the sample, collected monthly and used to supplement NFDRS modeled outputs. |
move-up | System of redistributing remaining personnel and equipment following dispatch of other forces among a network of fire stations to provide the best possible response within the fire department's direct protection area in the event of additional calls for emergency assistance. |
brush disposal | Getting rid of slash on a logging operation (19). |
assigned resources | Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident. |
chaser | Member of a logging crew who unhooks the logs at the landing and does other odd jobs (24). |
ash indicators | White ash deposited on the origin side of objects. |
beam | A main horizontal member in a buildings frame |
personnel accountability | The ability to account for the location and welfare of personnel, accomplished when supervisors ensure that the ICS principles and processes are functional and personnel are working within these guidelines. |
slip hook | Rounded hook that permits a chain to run freely through it (22). |
simulation | A realistic portrayal of a task or operation that enables the operator/trainee to experience, under artificial conditions, situations likely to occur in actual performance of duty |
evaluator | The individual who is qualified in the position being evaluated, or supervises the position being evaluated, having responsibility for observing task(s) being performed and documenting successful performance for agency certification or re-certification |
hinterland | The area surrounding a node or center (such as a city) and influenced by it. |
tank trailer | Specialized trailer on which is mounted a tank, fire pump, hose, and ancillary equipment. |
hardness | a water-quality indication of the concentration of alkaline salts in water, mainly calcium and magnesium |
rough cut | Lumber that has not been dressed (surfaced) but which as been sawn, edged, and trimmed to at least show saw marks in the wood on the four longitudinal surfaces of each piece for its overall length (17). |
ev2s | Edge V two sides |
consumptive use | that part of water withdrawn that is evaporated, transpired by plants, incorporated into products or crops, consumed by humans or livestock, or otherwise removed from the immediate water environment |
included sapwood | Areas of light-colored wood, apparently sapwood, found within the portion of stem that has becomes heartwood. |
fasteners | Generic term for bolts, nails, bolts, and other connecting devices. |
j&p | Joists and Planks |
technical life length | Time from when the machine goes into operation until it is no longer used in any operation |
large fire-day | In FireFamily Plus, a day with both a weather observation and at least one large (as defined by the user) fire. |
piling | Round timber of any required size or length, usually used with smaller end in the ground. |
d.i.b. | Diameter inside bark. |
infeed | The direction a work piece is fed into a blade or cutter. |
shake | A lumber defect that is a lengthwise separation of wood; along the growth rings. |
concentration | Amount of a substance or material in a given unit volume of solution; usually measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm). |
advanced life support | Advanced life support skills performed by an EMS practitioner or service, e.g |
grade mark | A stamp or symbol indicating the grade, quality, and/or intended use of a piece of lumber, plywood, or other wood products |
flammable | Easily ignitable and capable of burning and producing flames. |
fire risk | The chance of fire starting, as determined by the presence and activity of causative agents. |
back saw | A short rectangular saw with fine teeth and a rigid "spine" along the top of the blade |
patrol unit | Any light, mobile unit with limited pumping and water capacity. |
gross measure | ‘Board Measure' contents of lumber when calculated from measurements of named sizes; same as nominal measure. |
firebase | A computerized program utilized to analyze the fire workload and project the organization to adequately manage the workload for a given response area. |
latin name | The scientific naming system of designating plants and animals by two Latinized words signifying the genus and species. |
em | End Matched |
lentic waters | ponds or lakes (standing water). |
organic matter | plant and animal residues, or substances made by living organisms |
fall planting | Short form: FA Seedlings that are lifted and shipped directly from the nursery to the field for planting between September 16 and December 31 |
national resource lands | Public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S |
standard operational procedure | Specific instructions clearly spelling out what is expected of an individual every time they perform a given task |
s1s | Surfaced one face |
surface area-to-volume ratio | The ratio between the surface area of an object, such as a fuel particle, to its volume |
environment | The complex surroundings of an item or area of interest, such as air, water, natural resources, and their physical conditions (temperature, humidity). |
set | The teeth are offset on each side of the blade to allow clearance for the thickness of the blade. |
pyrotechnic | A mixture of chemicals designed to produce heat, light, gas, smoke or noise. |
rough-sawn | Lumber that is either green or dried that has not been dressed (planed). |
disappear | To vanish from sight; to become lost; to cease to exist, be felt |
mill run | Lumber that is in varying grades and widths. |
barking drum | Large drum in which logs or billets are tumbled by mechanical rotation, the bark being removed by abrasive action (26) |
trench | A small ditch often constructed below a fire on sloping ground (undercut or underslung line) to catch rolling material. |
bacteria | Single-celled microorganisms. |
lumber-core plywood | Plywood where thin sheets of veneer are glued to a core of narrow boards |
peel | To convert a log into veneer by rotary cutting. |
skidder | See harvesting machine classifications, single function machines. |
surface water | water that is on the Earth's surface, such as in a stream, river, lake, or reservoir. |
semitransparent stain | A suspension of pigments in a drying oil designed to color and protects wood surfaces by penetration without forming a surface film and without hiding wood grain. |
stewardship | The responsible use and conservation of natural resources in a way that takes full and balanced account of the interests of society, future generations, and other species. |
aerial logging | Yarding system employing aerial lift of logs, such as balloons or helicopters (26). |
automatically regulated | A proportioning method or device that readily adjusts to changes in water flow and or pressure to maintain a desired mix ratio. |
swamp | An area saturated with water throughout much of the year, but with the surface of the soil usually not deeply submerged |
forest floor | A general term for the surface layer of soil supporting forest vegetation; includes all dead vegetation on the mineral soil surface in the forest as well as litter and unincorporated humus. |
surface tension | The elastic-like force at the surface of a liquid, tending to minimize the surface area and causing drops to form |
effluent | water that flows from a sewage treatment plant after it has been treated. |
template guide | A jig mounted to the bottom of a router that is used to keep the router on the profile of a template when routing with a non-pilot beating bit. |
pm2.5 | Particulate matter of mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. |
drawdown | a lowering of the ground-water surface caused by pumping. |
intumesce | To expand with heat to provide a low-density film; used in reference to certain fire-retardant coatings. |
particle size | The size of a piece of fuel, often expressed in terms of size classes. |
edge | The narrow face of a rectangular-shaped piece of lumber. |
cargo drop | Dropping of equipment or supplies, with or without a parachute, from an aircraft in flight. |
back azimuth | Angle or bearing 180 degrees opposite of azimuth. |
bole | The trunk of a tree. |
external load | A load that is carried or extends outside of the aircraft fuselage. |
contour map | A map having lines of equal elevation that represent the land surface (Topographic). |
a-frame | Two wooden or metal uprights mounted in the shape of the letter "A" to support lead blocks at the upper end. |
restricted airspace | Airspace of defined dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the earth within the flight of an aircraft, which is subject to restrictions (but not wholly prohibited). |
mortality | Number or sound wood volume of healthy trees that have died from natural causes during a specified period (33). |
defoliators | Insects that destroy foliage. |
fire triangle | Instructional aid in which the sides of a triangle are used to represent the three factors (oxygen, heat, fuel) necessary for combustion and flame production; removal of any of the three factors causes flame production to cease. |
perennial plant | A plant that lives for more than two growing seasons |
export sale | Sale of lumber to be shipped to a foreign country. |
suspended solids | solids that are not in true solution and that can be removed by filtration |
substrate | A material upon the surface of which an adhesive containing substance is spread for any purpose, such as bonding or coating. |
biomass | Total woody material in a forest |
optimum road spacing | The distance between parallel roads that gives the lowest combined cost of skidding and road construction costs per unit of log volume. |
access | Means of gaining entry to timber on a tract or logging chance (6). |
auxiliary pump | A secondary pump on an engine in addition to the main pump |
allen head | A screw head with a recess requiring a hexagon shaped key, used mainly on machinery |
yarding | See harvest functions. |
indicator categories | Classification of indicators into a variety of categories based on how they are formed and the types of material they are found on. |
mobilization | The process and procedures used by all organizations, federal, state and local, for activating, assembling, and transporting all resources that have been requested to respond to or support an incident. |
worldview | This is a particular philosophy or view of life. |
rate of spread | The relative activity of a fire in extending its horizontal dimensions |
scarification | Shallow loosening of the soil surface (22). |
stocking | Degree of utilization of land by trees |
necessity | Necessity, when used in contrast to Chance, denotes what is essential in a process |
threshold | "Rational Economic Beings" - An assumption made in many models, particularly economic ones, that people rationally weight the costs and benefits of any action and always seek to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs in any given situation. |
fibril | A threadlike component of cell walls, invisible under a light microscope. |
elearning | Conceptually represents the optimum integration of modern educational methods and professional staff development training with state of the art technology |
jack | Device for suspending a loading-line lead block from a skyline. |
total fuel | All plant material both living and dead that can burn in a worst case situation. |
open burning | Burning of any fuel outdoors without the use of mechanical combustion enhancements. |
total maximum daily load | the total allowable pollutant load to a receiving water such that any additional loading will produce a violation of water-quality standards ( |
communications unit leader | The ICS position responsible for supervising the Communications Unit |
w.t.c. | Whole tree chips. |
radiant burn | A thermal trauma that maybe a superficial, partial thickness or full thickness burn. |
tusk joint | Also called a tuck or through tenon; a mortise and tenon joint in which the tenon goes all the way through the corresponding mortise. |
aquatic community | an association of interacting populations of aquatic organisms in a given water body or habitat ( |
dissolved oxygen | The amount of oxygen that is dissolved in water |
absorption | The gain of free water by the cell cavities. |
slash | Woody material or debris left on the ground after an area is logged |
fire progress map | A map maintained on a large fire to show at given times the location of the fire, deployment of suppression forces, and progress of suppression. |
kilowatthour | a power demand of 1,000 watts for one hour |
staining indicators | Glossy, varnish-like stain, usually light yellow to orange to dark brown in color, which is deposited on the origin side of objects. |
dry air mass | A portion of the atmosphere that has a relatively low dew point temperature and where the formation of clouds, fog, or precipitation is unlikely. |
saw kerf | Grooves or notches that are made in cutting with a saw. |
surplus seedlings | Seedlings that were grown under contract for customers but that are in excess of the amount ordered, and thus not required by the customer and made available for sale to others. |
mixing | A random exchange of air parcels on any scale from the molecular to the largest eddy. |
industrialization | The development of industry such as manufacturing into a major facet of a region or national economy, replacing small-scale production for local markets with large-scale mechanized, production for national or global markets |
shareable content object | Self-contained units of learning |
pressure pattern | The distribution of surface atmospheric pressure features over an area of the earth as shown on a weather map |
face flaps | Used for writing bureaus and cabinets where it is essential to preserve an uninterrupted flush writing surface are hinged with back flap hinges, and can be rebated/rabbeted over the carcass sides. |
isobar | A line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure on a weather map. |
human-caused fire | Any fire caused directly or indirectly by person(s). |
forced landing | Landing necessitated by failure of engines, systems, or components which makes continued flight impossible and which may not result in damage. |
purlin | A horizontal member of the roof frame which runs between rafters. |
conceptual model | A model that is a diagram or description of a set of relationships between factors that describe how a system works, such as an ecological model. |
affidavit | A statement of declaration in writing and affirmed before an official with authority to administer an oath; a statement of declaration alleging fact to support the issuance of a search or arrest warrant. |
biotic | Something that is living, or pertaining to living things. |
helitack foreman | A supervisory firefighter trained in the tactical use of helicopters for fire suppression. |
scoot | Two-runner sled, without tongue or shafts, used to haul logs or bolts from the woods (22). |
area source | A source category of air pollution that generally extends over a large area |
rough-edge lumber | Boards having attached bark on both edges. |
bench mark | Survey reference point, used to signify a starting point (29). |
smoke pall | Extensive, thick blanket of smoke spreading more or less horizontally from a fire. |
closure | An administrative action limiting or prohibiting access to a specific geographic or jurisdictional area for the purposes of reducing wildfire or the risk it poses to life, property, and/or resources |
flaming combustion phase | Luminous oxidation of gases evolved from the rapid decomposition of fuel |
e | Edge |
sediment | Sediment is small particles of soil or rocks that are transported by water or the wind. |
specific gravity | The ratio of the weight of wood to an equal volume of water |
particleboard core plywood | Plywood that is made by gluing a thin layer of veneer to a piece of particleboard. |
hot logging | Logging system operation in which the logs are not stored or decked, but loaded onto a truck as soon as they are skidded to a landing (24). |
pennyweight | A system of measuring the size of a nail |
hit and miss | In surfaced lumber, hit and miss is a series of skips by planer knives with surfaced or entirely rough. |
crude death rate | The annual number of deaths per 1000 population in a given area. |
kip | Unit of weight or force equivalent to 1,000 pounds. |
isotropic | Exhibiting the same properties in all directions. |
fire damage | Detrimental fire effects expressed in monetary or other units, including the unfavorable effects of fire-induced changes in the resource base on the attainment of organizational goals. |
milk pain | Paint made with milk solids, chemically akin to casein glue, often the original finish on antique furniture. |
turbulent flow | A flow characterized by agitated and irregular, random-velocity fluctuations. |
drive axle | An axle that supports a portion of the vehicle weight and transmits a driving force to the wheels. |
incident command system | A standardized on-scene emergency management concept specifically designed to allow its user(s) to adopt an integrated organizational structure equal to the complexity and demands of single or multiple incidents, without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries. |
water hammer | A force created by the rapid acceleration or deceleration of water, commonly created by opening or closing a valve too quickly |
reciprocating saw | A portable power saw with a reciprocating blade |
sheave | A grooved wheel or pulley. |
softwoods | Lumber often from a conifer, such as pine or cedar |
laminated veneer lumber | Structural wood members constructed of veneers laminated to make a "flitch" from which pieces of specific sizes can be trimmed. |
spring planting | Short form: SP Spring delivery products are lifted in the late fall, packaged and stored at –2°C/18°F over the winter |
inversion | Atmospheric inversion |
spalling | Chipping or pitting of concrete, masonry, or stone surfaces. |
swath cutter | See harvesting machine classifications; single function machines. |
particulate matter | Any liquid or solid particles |
incendiary fire | A fire that is deliberately ignited under circumstances in which the person knows that the fire should not be ignited |
anvil | Fixed steel block that provides support and resistance for the cutting blade of a single-action tree shear |
scour | To abrade and wear away |
threatened | A species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future if certain conditions continue to deteriorate. |
hem | Hemlock |
air ambulance | A rotary wing aircraft configured, staffed and equipped to respond, care for and transport a patient(s) and approved/licensed by a state to do so |
live woody moisture content | Ratio of the amount of water to the amount of dry plant material in shrubs. |
dry-bulb thermometer | In a psychrometer, the thermometer not covered with muslin which is used to determine air temperature. |
vent | The release of enclosed smoke and heat from a structure by creating openings in it, as by hacking a hole in the roof, to allow free passage of air. |
drum barrel | Spool around which cable is wound (22). |
gravity tank | Water storage tank for fire protection and sometimes community water service that supplies water by gravity pressure. |
farmer owned | See ownership classes. |
girdle | To encircle a tree with ax cuts or a saw kerf to sever the bark and cambium layer, thus killing the tree (24). |
jointed | In lumber manufacture, finger-jointing is most common although sometimes other types of joints may be used. |
hit or miss | Pits or spots in wood caused by fungi |
forest land | See land-use classes. |
aircraft accident | An unplanned event that does substantial damage or causes serious injuries when associated with the operation of applicable aircraft |
empty-cell process | Any process for impregnating wood with preservatives or chemicals in which air is imprisoned in the wood under the pressure of the entering preservative and then expands, when the pressure is released, to drive out part of the injected preservative. |
return and hold | An order to an air tanker pilot to return to the retardant base and await further instructions; mission completed, further loads not required. |
work/rest ratio | An expression of the amount of rest that is required for each hour an individual is in work status |
treated | Wood products infused or coated with any variety of stains or chemicals designed to retard decay, deterioration, fire, or insect damage due to weather. |
eyewitness | Person who sees evidence of criminal activity, actual commission of a crime or a criminal fleeing a crime scene. |
lb | Lumber |
compass rose | A circle, graduated in degrees, printed on some charts or marked on the ground at an airport or heliport |
caftan | Partially healed fire scar on the face of a tree; often the place where rot enters (24). |
lateral fire | Rate or spread and intensity of a fire usually falling somewhere in between advancing and backing with spread lateral to the main direction of fire travel |
brownbelt | A term of art describing recreational trails that can be closely associated with blue- and greenbelts. |
operator | Owner or contractor of a logging operation |
mini-plug | Short form: MP Miniature plugs used for the first phase (source container) and then transplanted to larger destination containers for growth completion |
trees lifted | Short form: Lift Total number of seedlings lifted for an order. |
vapor suppression | Creating a seal with foam which prevents a release of flammable vapors from fuels. |
conk | Visible fruiting body of a wood-destroying fungus, usually indicating rot in the underlying wood (24). |
crew transport | Any vehicle capable of transporting a specified number of personnel in a specified manner. |
hierarchy | An accepted order of ascending importance; |
contract logging | Operator doing all or part of the logging for a company (19) |
thin layer | Layer of clouds whose ratio of dense sky cover to total sky cover is 1/2 or less. |
leader's intent | A concise statement that outlines what individuals must know in order to be successful for a given assignment |
morphology | The shape and structure of a thing; in human geography the study of morphology is often used to understand landscapes or cities. |
growth monitoring | Scheduled measurements of seedling morphology which are compared to crop plan targets. |
less than carload | This term indicates that a railcar is not loaded full, nor does it meet minimum requirements as prescribed by railed tariffs. |
high pressure fog | Small capacity spray jet produced at very high pressures (greater than 250 psi, the normal maximum pressure for standard ground tankers) and discharged through a small hose with a gun-type nozzle. |
damage differential | The difference in change or damage that occurs to similar objects after they are exposed to fire of differing intensity and/or duration |
edge guide | A straightedge that is used to guide tools, such as a circular saw or router, along a work-piece. |
non-piloted bit | A router bit without a guide bearing. |
watershed | A watershed is the term given to the land that drains water into a particular stream, lake, or river. |
rolling resistance | Retarding force of the ground against the wheels of a vehicle (22). |
integrated logging | Logging operation that segregates and delivers a variety of products to mills and processors that will use them to their greatest potential. |
historical weather station | In WIMS, a weather station that is no longer in service for which access to archived observations is still available in NIFMID. |
resin | An organic material that has an indefinite and often high molecular weight, exhibits a tendency to flow when subjected to stress. |
federal aviation regulation | Refers to the regulations governing all aviation activities of civil aircraft within the United States and its territories. |
check | Splitting of the wood in logs or lumber, often the result of drying (8). |
break left or right | Means "turn" left or right |
poorly stocked stands | See stocking classes. |
deciduous | Trees that have broad leaves that are shed in the fall |
industrial | A term for lumber destined for remanufacture such as industrial clears, moulding stock and shop. |
desalination | the removal of salts from saline water to provide freshwater |
tig welder | An arc welding process that sues a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld |
mor | Modulus of Rupture |
mbf | Thousand Board Feet. |
adiabatic process | Thermodynamic change of state in which no heat is added or subtracted from a system; compression always results in warming, expansion in cooling. |
choker hooks | Fastener on the end of a choker that forms the noose (22). |
burning index meter | A device used to determine the burning index for different combinations of burning index factors. |
behave | A system of interactive computer programs for modeling fuel and fire behavior, comprised of two systems: BURN and FUEL. |
learning objects | Reusable learning objects represent an alternative approach to content development |
maritime air | Air which has assumed high moisture content and the temperature characteristics of a water surface due to extensive exposure to that surface. |
nephelometric turbidity unit | unit of measure for the turbidity of water |
filling | An increase in the central pressure of a low |
show | Any unit of operation in the woods associated with timber harvesting (22). |
backing wind | Wind that changes direction in a counter clockwise motion. |
out-of-service resources | Resources assigned to an incident but unable to respond for mechanical, rest, or personal reasons. |
watthour | an electrical energy unit of measure equal to one watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an electrical circuit steadily for one hour. |
benefit-cost ratio | Ratio obtained by dividing the anticipated benefits of a project by its anticipated costs |
wildland fire leadership values | Three guiding values that should be the basis for the decisions that leaders make |
hb | Hollow Bark |
winds aloft | Generally, wind speeds and wind directions at various levels in the atmosphere above the domain of surface weather observations. |
doughnut roll | A 50 or 100-foot length of hose or a 50-foot length of hose rolled up for easy handling |
transferring | Lifting an entire load of logs from one mode of transportation and placing the logs on another carrier (22). |
convective-lift fire phase | The phase of a fire when most of the emissions are entrained into a definite convection column. |
aquatic ecosystem | Complex of biotic and abiotic components of natural waters |
oxygen demand | the need for molecular oxygen to meet the needs of biological and chemical processes in water |
sling psychrometer | A hand operated instrument for obtaining wet and dry bulb temperature readings and, subsequently, relative humidity. |
photosynthesis | The process that plants use to synthesize nutrients from water and minerals, using light. |
fuel arrangement | A general term referring to the spatial distribution and orientation of fuel particles or pieces. |
gross weight | Total allowable weight of a loaded aircraft for takeoff or landing, adjusted for altitude differences. |
climate class | In NFDRS, one of four classifications of general climate of an area. |
diameter at ground line | Diameter measure of a standing tree at the estimated cutting height. |
contract hauler | Independent truck owner or a driver working for the contractor who hauls logs from the woods to the dump (19). |
chip | Small piece of wood used to make pulp |
sample size | The number of items or observations in a sample; usually denoted by lower case letter n. |
latitude | Short form: Lat Seed collection latitude. |
bastard grain | Annual rings on an angle at or near 45 degrees to the wide face of a piece of lumber. |
live line | Hose line filled with water under pressure and ready to use. |
humidity | General term referring to the moisture content of the atmosphere. |
group felling | Felling method used to orient the butts of small- diameter, tree-length timber in one direction for skidding (9). |
protection indicators | Fuels that are unburned or exhibit a less damaged appearance on the non-origin side of the fuel itself or other objects. |
mc | Moisture Content. |
high-speed steel | A particular grade of steel that offers improved hardness and wear resistance |
banks | Banks are the sides of a river or stream between which the water normally flows. |
tailboard | Back step of a wildland or structural fire engine. |
ipe | An exotic hardwood of South America; renowned for its attractive color, density and rigidity. |
long-term fire retardant | Chemical that inhibits combustion primarily through chemical reactions between products of combustion and the applied chemicals, even after the water component has evaporated |
culture | yet we also speak of "human nature," which indicates that we conceive of people as both within, and apart from "nature." Nature, like culture, is one of the most complex words in the English language. |
national park | A federal reservation administered by the National Park Service of the U.S |
virga | Precipitation falling out of a cloud but evaporating before reaching the ground. |
operational period | The period of time scheduled for execution of a given set of tactical actions as specified in the Incident Action Plan |
lgr | Longer |
paperboard | The distinction between paper and paperboard is not sharp, but broadly speaking, the thicker, heavier, and more rigid grades of paper are called paperboard. |
raindrop splash | Erosion created when a raindrop hits a bare soil surface. |
short-term | Persons or work for which employment is less than 12 months (excluding firefighters hired for a particular fire). |
spline | A thin strip of wood fitting between two grooves to make a joint. |
fire-day | In FireFamily Plus, a day with both a weather observation and at least one fire. |
cross-cut saw | Saw designed specifically to cut wood across the grain (8). |
secondary wood | This is the material used in furniture that is not seen or on the sides or back of an object |
along the grain | Generally paralleled to the grain direction. |
attack unit | Single vehicle or aircraft and its associated personnel and material provided for the purpose of responding to and abating a fire or other emergency. |
mallet | A tool like hammer with a wooden, rawhide or rubber head. |
cavities per block | Short form: Cav per Blk Number of cavities in a standard Styroblock area (14" by 24"). |
isothermal layer | Layer through which temperature remains constant with elevation. |
primary wood | This is the wood that is on the main or primary surfaces of a piece of furniture |
linseed oil | This is an amber-colored, fatty oil extracted form the cotyledon and inner coats of the linseed |
rheology | Science of deformation and flow of fire retardants and other liquids, especially of the cohesiveness bodies and stress-strain relationship of their particles. |
kingpin | Master link in a track |
smoke concentration | The amount of combustion products found in a specified volume of air, commonly expressed as micrograms of emission per cubic meter of air. |
septic tank | a tank used to detain domestic wastes to allow the settling of solids prior to distribution to a leach field for soil absorption |
forest service | Generally understood to mean an agency of the U.S |
restoration | The continuation of rehabilitation beyond the initial three years or the repair or replacement of major facilities damaged by the fire. |
station pressure | Pressure of the atmosphere at an assigned station location and elevation. |
transport wind speed | A measure of the average rate of the horizontal transport of air within the Mixing Layer |
lf | Light Framing |
tip | The point of the saw blade tooth that digs in and cuts the work piece. |
fire scar | A healing or healed injury or wound to woody vegetation, caused or accentuated by a fire. |
hydrology | The study of the distribution, properties and effects of water on the earth's surface, in the soil and underlying rocks and in the atmosphere. |
fixed-point detection | Detection of fires from lookout towers or other semi-permanent locations as distinguished from roving ground patrols or aerial detection. |
thermal imagery | The display or printout of an infrared scanner operating over a fire |
ledger | A length of a board that is horizontally attached to the side of a house and holds up one edge of a deck. |
windrow | Long narrow pile, usually of logging slash removed from a planting site (17). |
joystick | A hydraulic control lever that can be operated in up to four directions, controlling a number of functions through one hydraulic valve. |
occluded front or occlusion | The front that is formed when and where a cold front overtakes a warm front or a stationary front. |
cargo hook | Mechanically and electrically operated hook attached to the bottom of a helicopter to which a sling load is attached. |
galvanize | Coating a piece of metal with zinc, a metal that resists corrosion |
gaging station | A selected section of a stream channel equipped with a gage, recorder, or other facilities for measuring stream discharge. |
e&cb2s | Edge & Center Bead Two Sides |
straight stream nozzle | A hose tip spout designed to provide the maximum reach of water without feathering. |
lcl | Less than Carload |
chain of command | A series of management positions in order of authority. |
diverter valve | Hydraulic valve that permits a change in the direction of flow of a fluid (23). |
stress wave timing | A method of measuring the apparent stiffness of a material by measuring the speed of an induced compression stress as it propagates through the material. |
ring-rot | A circular rot in a log |
abney level | Hand-held clinometer used to measure slope in percent (22). |
assembly time | The time elapsed between spreading adhesive on surfaces to be joined and application of pressure to the joint |
precipitation intensity | The rate at which water is delivered to the earth's surface. |
exporter | Wholesaler or broker selling to a foreign market. |
reaction intensity | The rate of heat release, per unit area of the flaming fire front, expressed as heat energy/area/time, such as Btu/square foot/minute, or Kcal/square meter/second. |
critical | Given to careful, precise judgments; precise analysis. |
riparian | Riparian means located by the banks of a river, stream, or other body of water. |
plib | Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau |
increment borer | Tool used to take a small core from the bole of a tree to determine growth rate (17). |
squall line | Any nonfrontal line or narrow band of active thunderstorms extending across the horizon |
standing line | Fixed cable that does not move during logging operations; for example, a skyline anchored at both ends (22). |
head pressure | Pressure due to elevation of water |
threat fire | Any uncontrolled fire near to or heading toward an area under organized fire protection. |
separation | Spacing of aircraft while landing and taking off at airports to achieve safe and orderly movement in flight. |
afforestation | Establishment of forest crops by artificial methods, such as planting or sowing on land where trees have never grown (28). |
burl | Bulges and irregular growths that form on the trunks and roots of trees |
vertical disintegration | The process whereby vertically integrated firms are dismantled and in which there is a greater reliance on "out-sourcing" and sub-contracting in place of services and activities formerly provided by branches within the firm |
expansion and contraction | Boards expand when they heat up and contract when they cool down |
adult wood | Wood produced after cambial cells have attained maximum dimensions. |
r/w | Random Widths |
bladder bag | A collapsible backpack portable sprayer made of neoprene or high-strength nylon fabric fitted with a pump. |
riparian | Pertaining to, situated, or dwelling on the margin of a river or other body of water. |
rub tree | Tree used as a fender or pivot to protect the remaining stand during yarding (20). |
pulp | Mechanically ground or chemically digested wood used in manufacturing paper and allied products. |
thermal belt | An area of mountainous slope (characteristically the middle third), where the top of the radiation inversion intersects the slope |
loading capacity | The greatest amount of loading a water body can receive without violating water quality standards. |
d2s | Lumber that has been dressed on two sides. |
adverse grade | In highway transport, uphill haul that requires trucks to use lower gears (10) |
sawhorse | A trestle usually used in pairs to hold wood for cutting. |
turbocharger | An air pump designed to put more air into engine cylinders; pump is driven by the exhaust heat. |
tack | The property of an adhesive that enables it to form a bond of measurable strength immediately after adhesive and adherent are brought into contact under low pressure. |
apron | A frame around the base of a table to which the top and legs are fastened. |
symmetrical construction | Panels in which the plies on one side of a center ply or core are essentially equal in thickness, grain direction, properties, and arrangements to those on the other side of the core. |
cruiser | One who conducts surveys of timber land |
water cycle | The water cycle the natural cycle in which the sun's energy evaporates water into the atmosphere, and the water vapor condenses, returning to the Earth as precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.). |
sticker stain | Sometimes called shadow, it's a stain that forms under the stickers in a stack of drying wood. |
haywire operation | Contemptuous term for logging operation that has poor equipment (24). |
square | An instrument used to lay out or test right angles, with two arms at 90 degrees to each other; the longer and wider arm is the blade, the shorter narrower arm is the tongue. |
wave | A disturbance that transfers energy from one point to another point and may take the form of a deformation of pressure or temperature |
double jacket hose | Fire hose having two cotton or other fiber jackets outside the rubber lining or tubing. |
threatened waters | waters that fully support their designated uses, but may not support uses in the future unless pollution-control action is taken because of anticipated sources or adverse pollution trends ( |
seedbed | Area prepared to receive seeds, such as an area cleared of plants and duff, so that natural seed fall can establish a new forest (17). |
hose clamp | Crimping device for stopping the flow of water in a hose. |
drawer stop | A device installed in a cabinet to limit the drawers' movement. |
industry | A group of establishments engaged in the same or similar kinds of activity |
council tool | Long-handled combination rake and cutting tool, the blade of which is constructed of a single row of three or four sharpened teeth |
seed zone | A geographic area, defined on the basis of ecological characteristics and genetic information, within which seeds may be collected and freely deployed without any significant loss of adaptation and growth potential. |
balanced construction | The symmetrical construction of plywood or other composites having matching layers on both sides of the central plane so that changes in moisture content will not cause warp. |
smoke vent height | Level, in the vicinity of the fire, at which the smoke ceases to rise and moves horizontally with the wind at that level. |
gender | Social elaboration of sex-based differences |
wastewater treatment | Chemical, biological and mechanical procedures applied to an industrial or municipal discharge or to any other sources of contaminated water to remove, reduce or neutralize contaminants. |
pole | Young tree at least 4 inches and less than 8 to 12 inches in d.b.h |
international log rule | A formula rule that allows a 1/2 inch taper from each 4 feet of length and allows for 1/16-inch shrinkage for each inch of board thickness |
fuel moisture content | The quantity of moisture in fuel expressed as a percentage of the weight when thoroughly dried at 212 degrees F. |
fire | Rapid oxidation, usually with the evolution of heat and light; heat fuel, oxygen and interaction of the three. |
standard operating procedure | Specific instructions clearly spelling out what is expected of an individual every time they perform a given task |
rawinsonde | Method of upper-air observation consisting of an evaluation of the wind speed and wind direction, temperature, pressure, and relative humidity aloft by means of a balloon-borne radiosonde tracked by a radar or radio direction-finder. |
fuel bed | An array of fuels usually constructed with specific loading, depth, and particle size to meet experimental requirements; also, commonly used to describe the fuel composition. |
short rotation energy plantations | Plantings established and managed under short-rotation intensive culture practices (32). |
sewer | a system of underground pipes that collect and deliver wastewater to treatment facilities or streams. |
bloom | Crystals formed on the surface of treated wood by exudation and evaporation of the solvent in preservative solutions. |
mathematical model | A system of mathematical expressions that describe the spatial and temporal distribution of water quality constituents resulting from fluid transport and the one, or more, individual processes and interactions within some prototype aquatic ecosystem |
live herbaceous moisture content | Ratio of the amount of water to the amount of dry plant material in herbaceous plants, i.e., grasses and forbs. |
quarter-sheet sander | A vibrating sander that uses ¼ size piece of sand paper |
latex paint | A paint containing pigments and a stable water suspension of synthetic resins that forms an opaque film through coalescence of the resin during water evaporation and subsequent curing. |
allowable cut | Volume of timber that may be harvested during a given period to maintain sustained production (31). |
hot logging | Logging system operation in which the logs are not stored or decked, but loaded onto a truck as soon as they are skidded to a landing. |
yarding road | A path followed by a turn of logs yarded by a cable method. |
condition class | Depiction of the degree of departure from historical fire regimes, possibly resulting in alternations of key ecosystem components |
coupling | Device that connects the ends of adjacent hoses or other components of hose. |
ground fog | Fog which extends vertically to less than 20 feet. |
erosion | the process in which a material is worn away by a stream of liquid (water) or air, often due to the presence of abrasive particles in the stream. |
field test | A job-related test of work capacity designed for those with moderately strenuous duties |
position currency requirement | The requirement to perform satisfactorily in a specified position within the last five years (three years for aviation and expanded dispatch postions) in order to maintain qualification for the position. |
running line | A moving cable |
first nation | A term, which came in to usage in the 1970's to replace the word "Indian" which many people, found offensive |
stock type | Short form: StkTyp Growing systems are called types |
natural resources | The elements of supply inherent to an area that can be used to satisfy human needs, including air, soil, water, native vegetation, minerals and wildlife. |
principle rafters | A pair of inclined timbers that are framed into a bend and used with either purlins or secondary rafters or alone. |
buglehead screw | A screw with a curved taper between the head and shank or threads so it doesn't tear the wood when screwed down flush with the surface. |
precision approach procedure | A standard instrument approach procedure for fixed-wing aircraft in which an electronic glide slope is provided, such as ILS and PAR. |
spanner | Metal wrench used to tighten and free hose connections. |
permafrost | A short term for "permanently frozen ground"; any part of the earth's crust, bedrock, or soil mantle that remains below 32° F (0° C) continuously for a number of years. |
milligrams per liter | a unit of the concentration of a constituent in water or wastewater |
tri-square | Is a woodworking or metal working tool used for marking and measuring a piece of wood |
break | A piece of equipment that bends metal sheeting into perfect angles. |
leaders | Growing shoots or sprouts of a plant or tree (26). |
bm | Board Measure |
gridding | To search for a small fire by systematically traveling over an area on parallel courses or gridlines. |
rwd | Redwood |
rig | To install the blocks and lines used in a cable logging system (6). |
elevated deck | A deck requiring a structure of beams, footings, and posts to raise it to the desired level |
off-highway truck | A truck designed to handle loads exceeding legal highway size and weight restrictions |
undercut | Wedge-shaped notch cut in the base of a tree to govern the direction of its fall |
cross-sectional area | Wet area of a waterbody normal to the longitudinal component of the flow. |
fire edge | The boundary of a fire at a given moment. |
box | See notch (24) |
daily activity level | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
ethnicity | The real or perceived commonalties within a group of people that differentiates it from other groups. |
top plate | Attached to the posts and the top rail to support the top rail and balusters |
tongs | Pair of curved arms that pivot like scissors so that a pull on the ring connecting the shorter segments will cause the points on the longer segments to bite into the log |
personnel time recorder | Person responsible to the time unit leader for daily recording of the time of all personnel at the incident, posting commissary charges to the time reports, closing out all records prior to personnel leaving the incident, and distributing completed time documents according to each agency's policy. |
scheduled machine hour | Time in which a machine is intended to be operated and has an operator scheduled. |
fire weather station | A meteorological station specially equipped to measure weather elements that have an important effect on fire behavior. |
thalweg | Deepest part of a stream channel. |
mouth | The mought is the end of a river, where it empties into a large body of water. |
flowing well/spring | a well or spring that taps ground water under pressure so that water rises without pumping |
birds-eye figure | A figure composed of many small "BB" size rounded areas, resembling a bird's eye |
gentrification | Resource - Something of use to a person or group |
durability | A general term for permanence or lastingness; frequently used to refer to the degree of resistance of a species or of an individual piece of wood to attack by wood-destroying fungi under conditions that favor such attack. |
emergency locator transmitter | A radio transmitter attached to the aircraft structure which operates from its own power source on 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz |
notice to airmen | Notice identified as either a NOTAM or Airmen Advisory containing information concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any component of, or hazard in, the National Airspace System, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. |
creeping fire | Fire burning with a low flame and spreading slowly. |
wildland fire leadership principles | Eleven principles describing tangible behaviors that reflect and demonstrate the wildland fire leadership values |
significant weather trigger | A weather phenomenon resulting in an environment that has a significant impact on fire spread, intensity, or occurrence |
spray | Water applied through an orifice in finely divided particles to absorb heat and smother fire, to protect exposures from radiated heat, and to carry water toward otherwise inaccessible fire. |
c.f.i. | Continuous forest inventory. |
flash point | Lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be made to ignite in air. |
barking iron | Tool with a narrow-shaped, curved blade used in removing bark by hand |
gouge | A chisel like tool with a curved cutting edge. |
fusion | Fusing, melting; a close union of things melded together. |
skimmer | Any aircraft equipped to pick up water while moving on or over water. |
face frame | In cabinetmaking, a face frame is a flat frame attached to the front of a carcase |
other public | See ownership classes. |
sounding | A sampling of upper air conditions made by means of instruments and a small radio transmitter on a free balloon |
threatened waterbody | Any waterbody of the United States that currently attains water quality standards, but for which existing and readily available data and information on adverse declining trends indicate that water quality standards will likely be exceeded by the time the next list of impaired or threatened waterbodies is required to be submitted to U.S |
smoldering combustion | Combined processes of dehydration, pyrolysis, solid oxidation, and scattered flaming combustion and glowing combustion, which occur after the flaming combustion phase of a fire; often characterized by large amounts of smoke consisting mainly of tars. |
holding wood | When felling timber, this is the part of a tree left uncut until the end in order to hold the fall of the tree in the desired direction (19) |
immigration | movement into a place |
adapter | A device for connecting hoses of the same size with non-matching hose threads, or connecting a threaded coupling to a quick-connect coupling. |
channel | A channel is an area that contains flowing water confined by banks. |
freeboard | Freeboard is the vertical distance between the normal maximum level of the water in a river or reservoir and the top of the levee or dam |
assessment | A fire weather fire danger product based on a thorough evaluation of all pertinent sources of meteorological, fire danger and resource information. |
flight visibility | Average forward horizontal distance from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified by day and prominent lighted objects may be seen and identified by night. |
story stick | A "story stick" or "story pole" is a scrap strip of wood used to record dimensions for a project on site, then the dimensions are used in the ship to build the project |
squeeze out | Bead of adhesive squeezed out of a joint when pressure is applied. |
height | The vertical measurement of vegetation from the top of the crown to ground level. |
bead | A semicircular piece of molding. |
joint | Part or the arrangement of the part, where two or more timbers are joined together. |
ogee | A decorative molding profile with an "S" shape. |
air cargo | All items for transport and delivery by aircraft. |
designated dispatch point | The address where the unit must be physically located, and dispatched from, during the mandatory availability period. |
disability | Imperialism - An unequal relationship usually between states in which a dominant state seeks to control the economic and political activities of a subordinate state (or states) in order to reap economic and geopolitical benefits |
tightlining | A method of high-lead cable yarding in which the haul-back line supports the butt rigging and makes it possible to lift the butt rigging and its load over obstacles. |
bull stick | Steel bar for punching holes under stumps for placement of dynamite or powder (19) |
multicultural | A society or made up of many cultural groups |
external payload | Maximum external stress load (in pounds) with full fuel and pilot in calm air at standard atmospheric temperature. |
cumulonimbus | The ultimate growth of a cumulus cloud into an anvil-shaped cloud with considerable vertical development, usually with fibrous ice crystal tops, and usually accompanied by lightning, thunder, hail, and strong winds. |
variable | Any changing characteristic; in statistics, a measurable characteristic of an experimental unit. |
peak wind speed | Maximum wind speed during the previous 60 minutes. |
radio cache | A cache may consist of a number of portable radios, base station, and, in some caches, a radio repeater that is stored in a predetermined location for dispatch to incidents. |
cut | One season's output of logs (8). |
dispersion | The decrease in concentration of airborne pollutants as they spread throughout an increasing volume of atmosphere. |
environmental inventory | Record of an area's natural and man-made resources, including vegetation, animal life, geological characteristics and mankind's presence in such forms as housing, highways and even hazardous wastes. |
trees shipped | Short form: Ship Number of trees shipped from nursery or cold storage. |
indian act | The Indian Act is federal legislation that sets out certain federal government obligations and responsibilities toward First Nations and reserve lands |
wetland | Transitional area between dry land and aquatic areas having a high water table of shallow water |
eutrophic lake | A nutrient-rich lake that isusually shallow, green in color and with limited oxygen in the bottom layer of water. |
catface | Defect on the surface of a tree resulting from a wound where healing has not re-established the normal cross-section. |
water-soluble | capable of being dissolved in water |
silt | Silt is very tiny particles of soil or rocks that are 3 to 60 micrometers in diameter. |
discovery | Determination that a fire exists |
calks | Short, hobnail-like spikes in the soles and heels of boots, designed to give secure footing while walking on logs |
nominal size | The rough-sawn size of a piece of lumber |
night | The time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the American Air Almanac, converted to local time. |
skidding chain | Length of chain fastened around the end of a log (22). |
incident communications manager | This ICS position is responsible for providing incident dispatch services and for receiving and transmitting radio and telephone messages to and among incident assigned personnel and reports to the Communications Unit Leader. |
tension wood | See reaction wood. |
manufacturer's agent | A sales representative for a particular sawmill or several non-competitive lumber manufacturers. |
staff ride | A case study of a previous incident that is conducted on the actual physical site where the incident occurred |
shoulder | The area of the void created when the waste around a tenon has been cut away. |
implementation plan | The document or section of a document detailing the suite of corrective actions needed to reduce pollution and remediate an impaired waterbody |
mobile weather unit forecast | A special weather forecast for a specific incident prepared by a meteorologist on site at or near the incident area. |
pp | Ponderosa Pine. |
hydrologic cycle | the cyclic transfer of water vapor from the Earth's surface via evapotranspiration into the atmosphere, from the atmosphere via precipitation back to earth, and through runoff into streams, rivers, and lakes, and ultimately into the oceans. |
state | Natural Increase - See growth rate. |
damage differential indicators | The amount of fire related destruction to combustible objects determined by comparing opposing sides of an object. |
mass wasting | Downslope transport of soil and rocks due to gravitational stress. |
mean sea level | Average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of the tide over a 19-year period |
gum thickened sulphate | A dry chemical product which is mixed with water to form a fire retardant slurry. |
variable positive | A tooth form that has variable tooth spacing, standard tooth forms, varying gullet depth, and a zero-degree rake angle. |
eb2s | Edge bead two sides. |
pacific coast states | Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii. |
river | A river is a large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean. |
wind shear | A variation in wind speed and/or direction in a layer of the atmosphere or between layers |
carried wet | Booster hose carried full of water during mild weather to speed discharge of water on fire without filling or priming from tank. |
expert witness | Someone with sufficient skill, knowledge, or experience in a given field so as to be capable of drawing inferences or reaching conclusions or opinions that an average person would not be competent to reach |
turn | Logs yarded in any one trip (22) |
shock wave | The leading edge of an expanding air mass. |
monte carlo simulation | A stochastic modeling technique that involves the random selection of sets of input data for use in repetitive model runs |
business frame | A database of all known individual private and public sector businesses and organisations engaged in the production of goods and services in New Zealand that meet economic significance criteria |
aerial ignition device | Inclusive term applied to equipment designed to ignite wildland fuels from an aircraft. |
spot | To place a truck or trailer in position for loading (24). |
density | See stand density. |
sawing | A basic, cutting process that uses a blade set with a series of teeth on its edge to cut a narrow opening in a work piece |
free along side | Seller delivers the shipment within reach of ship's loading tackle |
stemwood | Wood from the main part of a tree-not from the branches, stump, or root (26). |
priming | Filling pump with water when pump is taking water not under a pressure head |
sheave | Grooved wheel or pulley (22). |
crossing-the-lead | Timber felled across rough terrain or across other felled timber; this is a major cause of breakage in large timber (10). |
delignification | Removal of part or all of the lignin from wood by chemical treatment. |
gallons per minute | The measure of water flow in firefighting |
quad | One quadrillion (1x10(15)) Btu (35). |
gate valve | A valve with a gate-like disk that moves up and down at right angles to the flow when actuated by a stem screw and hand wheel |
turnaround time | Time used by an air tanker or helitanker to reload and return to the fire. |
sticker | A ¾" to 1" wood strip that is inserted between stacks of green wood and spaced between 16" to 24" to allow air to flow through the stack to ensure proper drying. |
cumulus | A principal low cloud type in the form of individual cauliflower-like cells of sharp non-fibrous outline and less vertical development than cumulonimbus. |
atmospheric pressure | The force exerted by the weight of the atmosphere, per unit area. |
p&t | Posts and Timbers |
southern states | Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee |
pool | Portion of a stream with reduced current velocity, often with deeper water than surrounding areas and with a smooth surface. |
man-hour | Unit of work preformed by one man in one hour. |
ceiling | Height above the earth's surface of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that is not classified as a thin layer or partial obscuration, that together with all lower clouds or obscuring phenomena covers more than half the sky as detected from the point of observation. |
forest management | Generally, the practical application of scientific, economic, and social principles to the administration and working of a specific forest area for specified objectives (26). |
herbaceous stage | The modeled condition of herbaceous vegetation (pre-green, green-up, transition, cured, frozen) for the 1978 version of NFDRS. |
m.c. | Moisture content. |
scaffold | A temporary platform either supported from below or suspended from above, on which workers sit or stand while performing tasks at heights above the ground. |
gum pocket | An excessive local accumulation of gum or resin in the wood. |
slick | A wide bladed and long handled chisel pushed by hand to create flat surfaces. |
feed plate | See portable chipper terms. |
landing | A cleared area in the woods to which logs are yarded for loading onto trucks for shipment to a processing plant |
hand crew | A number of individuals that have been organized and trained and are supervised principally for operational assignments on an incident. |
dispatch | The implementation of a command decision to move a resource or resources from one place to another. |
surface inactivation | In adhesive bonding to wood, physical and chemical modification of the wood surface that result in reduced ability of an adhesive to properly wet, flow, penetrate, and cute. |
plate joint | A butt joint that is reinforced with a football shaped "biscuit" |
bent | A structural section of a frame which is composed of a line of vertical posts and the horizontal timbers that connect them. |
firefamily | A computer program that uses historical weather and fire data for fire planning |
burning | Decomposition of material by the application of heat and oxidation |
migration | The movement of individuals or groups from one place to another |
capitalism | A specific form of economic organization in which workers (those who produce things) are separated from the ownership of the means of production; and in which labor is treated as merely another commodity in the production process |
inhibitor | Any agent which retards a chemical reaction. |
infiltration capacity | The capacity of a soil to allow water to infiltrate into or through it during a storm. |
fire injury | Injury suffered as the result of a fire that requires (or should require) treatment by a practitioner of medicine within one year of the fire, regardless of whether treatment was actually received. |
crew shuttle | Transportation of fireline personnel to and/or from assigned fireline locations. |
round wood | A length of cut tree generally having a round cross-section, such as a log or bolt. |
recurrence interval | Determined from historical records |
territory | Country, region or large area of land, belonging to or under the sovereignty of the state, government, royal family or ruling tribe; marked or mapped land; site of animal habitation. |
water quality-based effluent limitations | Effluent limitations applied to dischargers when mere technology-based limitations would cause violations of water quality standards |
discharge | Flow of surface water in a stream or canal, or the outflow of ground water from a flowing artesian well, ditch, or spring |
standard | A tooth form that has evenly spaced teeth, deep gullets, and a zero-degree rake angle. |
disturbance | A weather system usually associated with clouds, rain and/or wind. |
scatter diagram | Short form: Scatter Graphical representation of seedling population, used for growth monitoring, inventory projections, pre-lift assessments and audits. |
toughness | A quality of wood that permits the material to absorb a relatively large amount of energy, to withstand repeated shocks, and to undergo considerable deformation before breaking. |
scenic easement | A legal means of protecting beautiful views and associated aesthetic quality along a site by restricting change in existing features without government approval. |
fire management area | One or more parcels of land having a common set of fire management objectives. |
hardboard | A type of manufactured board similar to particle board but with a much smoother surface |
pond value | Market price of logs delivered to a wet site, log pond, or tidewater (22). |
pacific coast states | Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii (10). |
closed-top van | Van with a sealed top that must be rear loaded (23). |
psychrometer | General name for instruments designed to determine the moisture content of air |
vegetative regeneration | Development of new aboveground plants from surviving plant parts, such as by sprouting from a root crown or rhizomes |
multi-agency incident | An incident where one or more agencies assist a jurisdictional agency or agencies |
precure | Condition of too much cure, set, or solvent loss of the adhesive before pressure is applied resulting in inadequate flow, transfer, and bonding. |
feet surface measure | A term used to indicate a specific unit of measure |
intergrown knot | One partially or completely Intergrown on one or two faces with the growth rings of the surrounding wood. |
american lumber standard | The American Softwood Lumber Standards establishes standard sizes and requirements for the development and coordination of lumber grades of various species, the assignment of design values when called for, and the preparation of grading rules applicable to each species. |
radial | A magnetic bearing extending from a ground-based navigational system, providing airborne navigation information. |
spec stock | Seedlings grown on speculation that are for sale to any buyer and not grown for a specific customer. |
seasoning | The process of removing the moisture from green wood to improve its workability and stability. |
robertson head | A screw head requiring a driver with a square tip |
finish | A term indicating the higher grades of lumber, sound, relatively free of blemishes. |
recreation fire | A fire resulting from recreational use, except smoking. |
impairment | The loss of function in a limb or organ |
nail staining | Caused when the metal bleeds around the nail hole. |
relative humidity | The ratio of the amount of moisture in the air, to the maximum amount of moisture that air would contain if it were saturated |
stable atmosphere | Condition of the atmosphere in which the temperature decrease with increasing altitude is less than the dry adiabatic lapse rate |
blue-stain fungus | Most common form of fungal stain occurring in sapwood |
microbevel | An extremely narrow bevel along a cutting edge, which increases the sharpness angle for greater edge durability. |
lifting processes | Any of the processes that lead to upward vertical motion in the atmosphere |
setback | The area along a property's edge where new construction is restricted or forbidden by local zoning laws. |
instrument landing system | System for airplane landing in which the pilot is guided by radio beams. |
air pollution alert | A statement issued by an Air Quality Regulatory Agency due to high measured concentrations of pollutants |
planning interval | Period of time between scheduled planning meetings. |
swell-butted | Trees greatly enlarged at the base (24). |
heavy ignition source | Objects that will tend to settle or burrow under the surface of the materials first ignited as a result of either weight or temperature |
admission | Oral or written statement tending to link its maker to involvement in a particular crime. |
sliding miter saw | A compound miter saw with horizontal sliding arms for the cutter head, allowing much wider cuts. |
girt | Major horizontal timber that connects posts. |
electron beam welding | A metal joining process that uses a narrow stream of electrons to produce a highly concentrated heat source. |
e&cv2s | Edge & Center V Two Sides |
span | Distance equal to the wingspread of the air tanker being used; used for corrections right or left of the flight path. |
cross cut | Wood cut across the grain (8). |
sae | Society of Automotive Engineers |
spatiality | Spatiality - The relationship between society and space; spatiality indicates the habitual and ingrained spatial behaviors that mark a people or society. |
stumpwood chips | Chips manufactured from Stumpwood. |
orthotropic | Refers to having unique and independent properties in three mutually orthogonal planes of symmetry; longitudinal, radial, and tangential. |
flaming front | That zone of a moving fire where the combustion is primarily flaming |
glacier | a huge mass of ice, formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization of snow, that moves very slowly downslope or outward due to its own weight. |
rotor diameter | The main rotor arc in feet and inches (meters) |
edge grain | Lumber sawed parallel with the pith of the log and approximately at right angles to the growth rings; that is, the rings form an angle of 45 degrees or more with the wide face if the piece. |
drive wheel | The portion of a band saw's pulley-like drive system that propels the blade forward. |
monitor | A turret-type nozzle usually mounted on an engine. |
mass arsonist | An offender who sets three or more fires at the same location during a limited period of time. |
model | Theoretical abstraction, usually capable of mathematical manipulation, used to evaluate a problem or a subject of interest. |
yarding tower | Steel tower used on a steel spar skidder |
resilience | The property where a strained body gives up its stored energy on the removal of the deforming force. |
direct cost | Cost that varies in direct proportion to production and is attributable to a specific factor of production. |
pitch pocket | A pocket of resinous sap confined within the grain of many conifers. |
beetle | A heavy wooden mallet or maul used when material would be damaged by a sledge hammer. |
multiple fire-day | In FireFamily Plus, a day with both a weather observation and a number of fires equal to or greater than that determined by the user to be a significant workload. |
wet-bulb temperature | The lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by evaporating water into it at a constant pressure when the heat required for evaporation is supplied by the cooling of the air |
riparian zone | An administratively defined distance from the water's edge that can include riparian plant communities and upland plant communities |
settleable solids | Those solids that will settle to the bottom of a cone-shaped container, an Imhoff cone, in a 60-minute period. |
privatization | The sale or transfer of public assets (including space) to private interests |
endangered | In danger of becoming extinct. |
parts per billion | the number of "parts" by weight of a substance per billion parts of water |
keetch-byram drought index | An estimate (0-800) of the amount of precipitation (in 100ths of inches) needed to bring the top 8 inches of soil back to saturation |
longitude | Short form: Long Seed collection longitude. |
bareroot | Short form: BR Seedling crops grown in field beds and harvested without soil or "bareroot". |
select grade | High-quality lumber |
grit | Specially graded sand for seed covering, usually graded between 4½ and 10 mesh, also called forestry sand |
favorable grade | Gradient that slopes downward in the direction of a loaded log truck travel (22). |
finger joint | A method of joining two pieces of lumber end-to-end by sawing a set of projecting "fingers" that interlock into the end of each piece |
boundary conditions | Values or functions representing the state of a system at its boundary limits. |
prescription | Measurable criteria that define conditions under which a prescribed fire may be ignited, guide selection of appropriate management responses, and indicate other required actions. |
duff | The layer of decomposing organic materials lying below the litter layer of freshly fallen twigs, needles, and leaves and immediately above the mineral soil. |
moulding stock | Developed in the making of other standard grades; each piece is graded on the basis of the percentage of the area suitable for ripping into strips of a given minimum size and quality. |
water thief | A type of bleeder valve designed for installation at convenient points in hose lines to permit drawing off water for filling backpack pumps or other use without interfering with pump or nozzle operation. |
grapple yarding | Cable yarding with grapple instead of chokers (22). |
base | The location at which primary logistics functions for an incident are coordinated and administered |
biotic impairment | A divergence from the expected biological condition of a lake, stream or wetland, commonly in a fish and/or macroinvertebrate community. |
sky cover | Amount of clouds and/or other obscuring phenomena that are detectable from the point of observation. |
spalling indicators | Craters or chips in the surface of rocks which indicate direction of fire spread. |
lath | A thin, narrow wooden strip, used as a backing for wall plaster or other materials. |
juvenile wood | Inner core of xylem surrounding the pith |
most efficient level | The fire management program budget level that results in the minimum cost plus net value change. |
national fire codes | The collected technical fire protection standards prepared by various committees of the National Fire Protection Association and published annually in 15 volumes. |
mean sea level | A measure of the surface of the Earth, usually represented in feet above mean sea level |
shrub | A woody perennial plant differing from a perennial herb by its persistent and woody stem; and from a tree by its low stature and habit of branching from the base. |
land occupancy fire | Fire started as a result of land occupancy for agricultural purposes, industrial establishment, construction, maintenance and use of rights-of-way, and residences, except equipment use and smoking. |
caliper | Instrument for determining tree and log diameters by measuring their rectangular projection on a straight graduated rule via two arms at right angles to (and one of them sliding along) the rule itself |
dowel | A wood pin used to align and hold two adjoining pieces. |
fire retardant treated wood | As specified in building codes, a wood product that has been treated with chemicals by a pressure process of treated during the manufacturing process for the purpose of reducing its flame spread performance in an ASTM E 84 test conducted for 30 minutes to performance levels specified in the codes. |
burning period | That part of each 24-hour period when fires spread most rapidly; typically from 10:00 AM to sundown. |
wet-bulb depression | The difference between the wet and dry-bulb temperatures recorded by a psychrometer; used in conjunction with the dry-bulb temperature as a measure of the relative humidity of the air. |
df | Douglas Fir |
top rail | The horizontal member installed on the edge; attached to the top of the balusters as well as the posts. |
spring steel alloy | A type of hardened steel that has both hardness and yield strength. |
brown and burn | Application of herbicide to desiccate living vegetation prior to burning. |
discrete frequency | A separate radio frequency most commonly used in air traffic control which reduces frequency congestion by controlling the number of aircraft or other resources operating on a particular frequency. |
parallel tandem pumping | Procedure by which the flow from two fire pumps is combined into a third pump. |
hundredweight | A unit of weight, used by carriers as a basis to measure freight rates on lumber shipments. |
siding | The finish covering of the outside wall of a fame building, whether made of horizontal weather boards, vertical boards with battens, shingles, or other material. |
emergency operations center | A pre-designated facility established by an agency or jurisdiction to coordinate the overall agency or jurisdictional response and support to an emergency. |
double arsonist | An offender who sets two fires at one site, at the same time, in a single event. |
surface wind | Wind measured at a surface observing station, customarily at some distance (usually 20 feet) above the average vegetative surface to minimize the distorting effects of local obstacles and terrain. |
arch | Supporting device mounted on or towed behind or a skidding vehicle |
soil adhesion | See soil reaction nomenclature. |
haze meter | Instrument for measuring the dependable range of distance at which a standard smoke column can be detected by the unaided eye under existing haze conditions. |
direct runoff | Water that flows over the ground surface or through the ground directly into streams, rivers, and lakes. |
m.b.f. | Thousand board feet (20). |
mcleod | A combination hoe or cutting tool and rake, with or without removable blades. |
dilution | The addition of some quantity of less concentrated liquid (water) that results in a decrease in the original concentration. |
parts of a fire | Different areas of the fire usually determined by the predominant direction of fire spread and delineated from the fastest moving area (head) to the slowest moving area (base or tail) |
thousand board feet | Unit of measurement equal to 1,000 feet of wood having a thickness of 1 inch (26). |
browse | Buds, shoots, and leaves of woody plants that can be eaten by livestock or wild animals |
gradient wind | Wind flowing parallel to pressure isobars or contours with low pressure on the left of the observer in the Northern Hemisphere; velocity such that the pressure gradient, Coriolis, and centrifugal force acting in the area are in balance. |
beams and stringers | Large pieces (nominal dimensions, 5" and thicker, width more than 2" greater than thickness) of rectangular cross section graded with respect to their strength in bending when loaded on the narrow face. |
knee brace | A short diagonal timber placed between the horizontal and vertical members of the frame to make them rigid. |
maximum contaminant level | the designation given by the U.S |
situation unit | Functional unit within the planning section responsible for the collection, organization and analysis of incident status information, and for analysis of the situation as it progresses |
twist | Warping in lumber where the ends twist in opposite directions. |
wetland | An area that is saturated by surface water or ground water with vegetation adapted for life under those soil conditions, as in swamps, bogs, fens, marshes, and estuaries. |
visual greenness | An NDVI-derived image of vegetation greenness compared to a very green reference such as a golf course. |
arson | At common law, the malicious and willful burning of another's dwelling, outhouse or parcel; by most modern statutes, the intentional and wrongful burning of someone else's, or one's own, property |
skid trail | Any road or trail formed by the process of skidding logs from stump to landing. |
dolomite | A magnesium rich, carbonate, sedimentary rock consisting mainly (more than 50% by weight) of the mineral dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). |
fire damage appraisal | Method of determining financial or other losses resulting from a fire. |
aspect | Cardinal direction toward which a slope faces. |
planimeter | Instrument used to mechanically measure an area by tracing the perimeter on a plane surface (20) |
live reel | Hose line or reel on a fire engine, carried preconnected to the pump, ready for use without making connections to pump or attaching nozzle. |
fill tank | Large, portable tank from which helitankers can hoverfill. |
temperature coefficient | The relative change of some measurable quantity with change of temperature, like burning time per unit length, mostly expressed as mean change per degree in percentage of mean temperature within a certain range. |
prelogging | Cutting specified high-value wood products such as poles and pilings before cutting the remainder of the trees (24). |
shy | A term for an adjoining object being below the object it is next to |
rough lumber | Lumber which has not been dressed or surfaced but has been sawn, edged, and trimmed. |
block | Pulley used in wire rope logging to change direction or increase pulling power (24) |
large aircraft | Aircraft in which maximum certified gross weight at take-off exceeds 12,500 pounds. |
aggradation | The raising of the bed of a watercourse by the deposition of sediment. |
overpopulation | A condition where the number of people in an area exceeds the resources available to support that population |
relay | Use of two or more fire pumps to move water a distance which would require excessive pressures in order to overcome friction loss if only one pump were employed at the source. |
rub bearing | A ball bearing rub collar near the top or bottom of a spindle shaper that is used to keep the work piece a fixed distance away from the cutters. |
helicopter crewmember | An individual assigned to an agency or call-when-needed helicopter to support helicopter operations. |
hazardous areas | Those wildland areas where the combination of vegetation, topography, weather, and the threat of fire to life and property create difficult and dangerous problems. |
social space | Space as it is perceived or used by social groups. |
forest economics | The branch of forestry concerned with the forest as a productive asset subject, in relation to economic principles. |
methodology | A set of standardized procedures and practices that have been peer-reviewed and have received general acceptance by the profession. |
biocriteria monitoring | The use of organisms to assess or monitor environmental conditions. |
overtopped | See suppressed. |
against the grain | A reference to the cutting direction; as in planing a board surface, such that splitting ahead of the cutter follows the grain direction downward into the wood below the projected cutting surface |
double female coupling | A hose-coupling device having two female swivel couplings to permit joining two male hose nipples of the same size and thread type when lines are laid with couplings in opposite or reverse directions. |
ratchet | A generic term used to describe certain tool movements, such as the cone-to-slip engagement on permanent packers or plugs. |
smokey bear | The symbol of the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention Program since 1945 |
local resource | Resources within a dispatch center's area of responsibility. |
tilt blade | Blade that can be tilted in respect to a vertical position (22) |
face side | The wide surface of a piece of lumber; the wide surface showing the better quality or appearance from which a piece is graded. |
hydroelectric power water use | the use of water in the generation of electricity at plants where the turbine generators are driven by falling water. |
septic system | An on-site system designed to treat and dispose of domestic sewage |
industrial wood | All round wood products excluding fuel wood. |
biomass | The amount, or weight, of a species, or group of biological organisms, within a specific volume or area of an ecosystem. |
harvesting machine classifications | The mobile machinery used in forestry is classified into major types by the specific functions or combination of functions performed |
delamination | The separation of layers in laminated wood or plywood caused by failure of the adhesive itself or of the interface between adhesive and adhered. |
corrosion | Result of chemical reaction between a metal and its environment (i.e., air, water, and impurities in same). |
conversion burning | Burning an area where brush has excluded forest reproduction to prepare the area for tree planting. |
overstocked stands | See stocking classes. |
pit | A colloquialism for a landing, also known as a deck or ramp. |
coyote tactics | A progressive line construction duty involving self-sufficient crews which build fire line until the end of the operational period, remain at or near the point while off duty, and begin building fireline the next operational period where they left off. |
ring fire | A fire started by igniting the full perimeter of the intended burn area so that the ensuing fire fronts converge toward the center of the burn |
anthropogenic | Pertains to the [environmental] influence of human activities. |
tree-length logging | Felling and transporting the trimmed bole in one piece, whenever possible, for crosscutting at a landing or mill. |
saddle | Depression or pass in a ridgeline. |
highway truck | Truck designed to haul a load that does not exceed legal highway limits (20). |
burn block | A discrete area within a larger prescribed or fire use project. |
plain-sawn lumber | A method of sawing lumber, where the log is cut tangential to the growth rings. |
shackle | A clevis or U-shaped metal fitting with a pin through the ends. |
complete tree | Every component of the tree from the needles to the root hairs (36). |
probability | A number representing the chance that a given event will occur |
sustainable forest initiative | This is a program that was established in 1994 and currently certifies over 152 million acres in the United States and Canada |
fire qualifications | Computerized interagency summary of fire suppression qualifications of listed personnel |
haul | Conveying wood from a loading point to an unloading point. |
bone-dry ton | Wood pulp or residue that weigh 2,000 pounds at zero percent moisture content |
foot | A unit of lineal measurement usually used to indicate the length of lumber. |
pitch seam | Shake or check which is filled with pitch. |
allocated resources | Resources dispatched to an incident, that have not yet checked in. |
skyline | Cableway stretched tautly between two spar trees and used as a track for a skyline carriage. |
stream gradient | The change of a stream in vertical elevation per unit of horizontal distance. |
light wind | Wind speed less than 7 mph (6 knots) measured at 20 feet above ground |
model | A simplified or generalized representation of reality; a description, analogy, picture, or hypothesis to help visualize something that cannot be directly observed. |
cultural landscape | Nature - That which is characterized by the absence of human modification or production; that which is not culture; yet we also speak of "human nature," which indicates that we conceive of people as both within, and apart from "nature." Nature, like culture, is one of the most complex words in the English language. |
bunk | Cross beam on which logs rest in a trailer or a truck (24) |
leadership | The art of providing purpose, direction, and motivation to a group of people in order to accomplish a mission and improve the organization |
hose washer | Device for cleaning the exterior of fire hose. |
humus | Layer of decomposed organic matter on the forest floor beneath the fermentation layer and directly above the soil |
face | When a board has one side that is wider than the other, the wider side is referred to as the face (as opposed to the edge) |
patrol | To travel over a given route to prevent, detect, and suppress fires |
bind | To get a saw stuck when felling or bucking a tree and the sides of the cut pinch in; wedges are used to alleviate the situation |
turbidity | Measures particles in the water, such as sediment and algae |
planetary boundary layer | That part of the earth's lower atmosphere that is directly influenced by the presence of the earth's surface and responds to surface forcings such as fronts, friction, evapotranspiration and convective mixing. |
ecosystem | An interacting natural system including all the component organisms together with the abiotic environment and processes affecting them. |
china | a country that borders Russia on the southeast. |
setting | Area logged to an one yarder set-up. |
certifying official | The agency official at the home unit who is responsible for authorizing and granting position certification per agency policy |
project activity level | An application of fire danger rating to support regulation of contractors involved in land management activities for fire prevention purposes in California. |
dissolved oxygen | The amount of oxygen dissolved in water |
joint information center | A facility established as the central point of contact for news media and interest parties to coordinate incident information activities at the scene of the incident |
wye | A hose connection with two outlets permitting two connections of the same coupling diameter to be taken from a single supply line. |
bright sapwood/no defect | Bright sapwood that is permitted in each piece of any amount. |
cash flow | Difference between cash receipts and cash expenditures over a given time (22). |
upland vegetation | Vegetation typical for a given region, growing on drier upland soils |
dry hydrant | Permanent devices with fire engine threads attached to expedite drafting operations in locations where there are water sources suitable for use in fire suppression (e.g., piers, wharves, bridges over streams, highways adjacent to ponds). |
south | See Southern States. |
tributary | A smaller river or stream that joins a larger one and contributes to its water flow. |
heel tackle | System of lines and blocks used to tighten the skyline. |
hydrologic unit | A subdivision of watersheds, generally 40,000-50,000 acres or less, created by the USGS |
rod assemblies | Where the gland, wipers, O-rings, and packing are found in a hydraulic cylinder rod (23). |
public aircraft | Aircraft used only in the service of a government or a political subdivision |
sound wood | Wood that is free from defect. |
spread | The quantity of adhesive per unit joint area applied to an adherent. |
convection column | The rising column of gases, smoke, fly ash, particulates, and other debris produced by a fire |
power shift | Transmissions that can be shifted while transmitting full engine power to the tracks or wheels (22). |
janka test | A hardness test, usually for wood flooring, the rating is pounds of pressure required to press a steel ball .444 inches in diameter one half way into the wood. |
dog iron | Piece of iron rod turned at each end in a right angle |
hazard pay | A salary differential that compensates employees for exposure to hazards in the course of their duties. |
guiding rate of return | The rate attached to the use of capital that guides a firm in its choice of investments |
san diego basin plan | A regulatory Plan developed by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board that indentifies the designated beneficial uses, water constituents, and regulatory framework active within the hydrographic basins in the San Diego Region. |
sediment yield | Amount of sediment passing a particular point (e.g., discharge point of the basin) in a watershed per unit of time. |
hover | A stationary in-flight condition for helicopters when no directional flight is achieved. |
freezing rain | Rain that freezes upon contact with objects on the ground. |
understory burning | Prescribed burning under a forest canopy. |
girder | A large or principal beam used to support concentrated loads at isolated points along its length. |
decking | Boards used for the surface of a deck; lumber expressed in nominal terms as being 2" to 4" thick and 4" and wider |
grade | A designation of the quality of a log or wood product such as lumber, plywood, or veneer. |
rural fire protection | Fire protection and firefighting problems that are outside of areas under municipal fire prevention and building regulations and that are usually remote from public water supplies. |
wildland urban interface | The line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels. |
df-l | Douglas Fir-Larch |
rod | Surveying instrument made of wood and graduated in feet and tenths of a foot |
thermocline | The plane or surface of maximum rate of decrease of temperature with respect to depth in a water body. |
dowel center | A circular metal pin with a raised point that is inserted into a dowel hole and used to locate the exact center on a mating piece of wood. |
dormant season burning | Prescribed burning early in the dry season before the leaves and undergrowth are completely dry or before the leaves are shed, as an insurance against more severe fire damage later on. |
pilot balloon operation | A method of determining winds aloft by periodically reading the elevation and azimuth angles of a theodolite, usually at one-minute intervals, while tracking the ascent of a small free-lift balloon |
maximum relative humidity | The highest value for relative humidity measured at the observation site during the preceding 24-hour period. |
crown land | All or any part of land under the administration of the Minister of Natural Resources. |
dim | Dimension |
static pressure | Water pressure head available at a specific location when no water is being used so that no friction loss is being encountered |
solvent | a substance that dissolves other substances, thus forming a solution |
coordinated resource management | A process that directly involves everyone concerned with resource management in a given planning area. |
monitoring | Periodic or continuous surveillance or testing to determine the level of compliance with statutory requirements and/or pollutant levels in various media or in humans, plants, and animals. |
residue | Wood or bark that is left after a manufacturing process. |
turnout | Area of sufficient size, adjacent to a single lane road, that serves as a temporary parking place for vehicles so that oncoming vehicles may pass (22). |
lightweight ignition source | Objects that tend to rest on the surface of the materials first ignited |
dry | Seasoned, usually to a moisture content of less than 19%. |
coriolis force | An apparent force due to the rotation of the earth that causes a deflection of air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere |
lightning risk scaling factor | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
inorganic-bonded composites | Manufactured wood-based composites where an inorganic binder, typically gypsum or magnesia-cement, acts as a continuous matrix and fully encapsulates the wood elements. |
assistant | Term used as a title for subordinates of the command staff positions |
deterministic model | A model that does not include built-in variability: same input will always equal the same output. |
pollution | The presence of matter or energy whose nature, location or quantity produces undesired environmental effects |
regression | A statistical technique used to evaluate relationships among variables. |
final approach | Flight path in the direction of the landing along the extended runway center line from the base leg to the runway. |
skid pole | Logs or poles, commonly used in pairs, on which logs are rolled (22). |
pitch | The number of teeth on a saw blade per inch. |
setting | Area logged to one yarder set-up (22) |
contingency actions | A back-up plan of action when actions described in the primary plan are no longer appropriate |
forest practice | Any activity that enhances and/or recovers forest growth or harvest yield, such as site preparation, planting, thinning, fertilization, and harvesting |
limb | To remove the limbs from a felled tree (24) |
cavity volume | Short form: ml per Cav Volume of container cavity, expressed as milliliters, cubic centimeters or cubic inches. |
forest residue | Accumulation in the forest of living or dead (mostly woody) material that is added to and rearranged by human activities such as harvest, cultural operations, and land clearing. |
straight stream | Water or fire retardant projected directly from the nozzle (as contrasted with a fog or spray cone), provided by a solid stream orifice or by adjusting a fog jet into a straight stream pattern. |
branding iron | A tool used for burning a logo or name on to wood; electric or flame heated. |
grubbing | Removal of stumps from the ground by any of several methods or combination of methods (22). |
outfall | the place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges; the outlet or structure through which reclaimed water or treated effluent is finally discharged to a receiving water body. |
agency certification | The process whereby the employing agency or contractor documents that the individual is fully qualified to perform duties and responsibilities for a specified position. |
emigration | Movement out of a place |
adi | After date of Invoice. |
disjunct | Separated or disjoined populations of organisms |
ejector | A siphon device used to fill an engine's tank when the water source is below or beyond the engine's drafting capability. |
net annual growth | Increase in volume of trees during a specified year |
geopolitics | The study of control over territory, of power over the earth and the peoples on it |
thermal pollution | a reduction in water quality caused by increasing its temperature, often due to disposal of waste heat from industrial or power generation processes |
orbit | A circular holding pattern of an aircraft around a fixed location often related to a wildland fire |
drop pattern | The distribution of an aerially delivered retardant drop on the target area in terms of its length, width, and momentum (velocity x mass) as it approaches the ground |
suction lift | In fire service, the number of feet (meters) of vertical lift from the surface of the water to the center of the pump impeller |
gullet depth | The distance from the tooth tip to the bottom of the gullet. |
extension cord | A flexible, insulated, electric wire fitted with a plug at one end and one or more outlets on the other, allowing one to plug in. |
sea-level pressure | Pressure value obtained by the theoretical reduction or increase of station pressure to sea level |
deflection | Vertical distance between the chord and the skyline, measured at midspan; frequently expressed as a percentage of the horizontal span length (22). |
box shook | Produced by resawing standard S2S lumber; is cut to size for box manufacture but not yet assembled may be manufactured in many sizes to meet each individual buyer's requirements. |
species | The basic unit of biological classification |
phloem | The inner part of a trees bark that delivers water and other nutrients. |
location | Geographic area where seed was collected, often referring to the name of an area or creek drainage. |
calculation of probabilities | Evaluation of all factors pertinent to probable future behavior of a going fire and of the potential ability of available forces to perform fire suppression operations on a specified time schedule. |
hand tools | Are the basic tools of woodworking and the processes of sawing, chiseling, and smoothing wood. |
shakes | Shakes are very similar to checks, but usually wider and longer |
obstruction to vision | Condition in which obscuring phenomenon restricts horizontal visibility to six statute miles (10 km.) or less. |
drum | See winch. |
shackle | Clevis or U-shaped metal fitting with a pin through the ends (32). |
running line | Moving cable (32). |
chain hook | Same as binder |
alluvial soil | Soil deposits resulting directly or indirectly from the sediment transport of streams, deposited in river beds, flood plains, and lakes. |
officer | The ICS title for personnel responsible for the Command Staff positions of Safety, Liaison, and Information. |
staging area manager | The ICS position responsible for supervising a staging area |
forwarding | See harvest functions. |
kilogram | one thousand grams. |
nature | That which is characterized by the absence of human modification or production; that which is not culture; yet we also speak of "human nature," which indicates that we conceive of people as both within, and apart from "nature." Nature, like culture, is one of the most complex words in the English language. |
oysters | A few woods are cut into oysters, a cross-section of end grain either at right angles to the grain or at an oblique angle. |
tooth back clearance angle | The angle that measures the amount of space, or clearance between the tooth back and the work piece. |
feed rate | See portable chipper terms. |
warm front | The leading edge of a relatively warm air mass which moves in such a way that warm air replaces colder air that moves away from a region |
sloop | A two-runner sled to haul logs or bolts out of the woods |
ecosystem | a system that is made up of a community of animals, plants, and bacteria and its interrelated physical and chemical environment ( |
exposure | See aspect. |
yard | Place where logs are accumulated (22). |
toxin | Any of a group of poisonous, usually unstable compounds generated by microorganisms, plants, or animals. |
after deducting freight | A term used to define a condition upon with payment of an invoice may be made. |
capstan | Drum that provides power to a cable by friction rather than by attachment (24). |
marlin spike | Iron tool that tapers to a point |
arctic circle | an imaginary circle that is 23 degrees 28 minutes south of the North Pole (and parallel to the equator). |
bioenergy | Renewable energy obtained from materials derived from biological sources |
flammable liquid | A liquid generally with a flash point below 140F (60C) and a vapor pressure that does not exceed 40 PSI at 100F (37.8C). |
exposure fire | Classification for a fire not originating in a building, but which ignites building(s) |
use attainability analysis | A structured scientific assessment of the factors affecting the attainment of the use which may include physical, chemical, and economic factors as described in section 131.10(g) |
air quality model | Mathematical or quantitative representation or simulation of air quality processes; e.g., emission models, receptor models, or air quality dispersion models. |
boundary layer | The air in immediate contact with a fuel particle. |
southeastern states | Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. |
forest industry | See ownership classes. |
flagging | Colored plastic ribbon attached to trees or stakes to make boundaries, stakes, and other markers visible (20). |
wind profile | A chart of wind speed in relation to height, most commonly determined by a pilot balloon observation. |
step test | Five-minute test used to predict a person's ability to take in, transport, and use oxygen (aerobic capacity), the most important factor limiting the ability to perform arduous work. |
attached deck | A deck with one or more sides supported by a ledger and attached to a house. |
hogged fuel | Fuel made by grinding wasted wood in a hog; a mix of wood residues such as sawdust, planer shavings, and sometimes coarsely broken-down bark and solid wood chunks produced in the manufacturing of wood products and normally used as fuel. |
auger | Various hand tools, typically that have a threaded shank and cross handle, used for boring holes in ice or wood. |
easement | A legal right for restricted use of property by the easement holder |
cordwood | Wood that is cut in short lengths, usually measured in cords and commonly used as fuel |
gland hand | Hose end and trailer connection for attaching an air line to a trailer (23). |
common name | The common or popular name rather than the Latin or scientific name. |
barrier | Any obstruction to the spread of fire |
ecosystem sustainability | A concept that promotes the use of natural resources to benefit humans while conserving and wisely managing natural ecosystems for the future. |
w.t.c. fires | Fires occurring in W.T.C |
nominalism | The philosophical theory that the variety of objects to which a single, generic word is given, really have nothing in common but the name itself – for example, "dog". |
commissary | Supply of items such as candy, tobacco products, toilet items, and work clothes that are made available for sale to all incident personnel. |
fas | Mixed domestic hardwood lumber grade is the highest grade of hardwood lumber |
structural composite lumber | Wood elements glued together to form products that are similar in size to solid sawn lumber. |
consumption | the use of a thing or process |
surface fire | Fire that burns loose debris on the surface, which includes dead branches, leaves, and low vegetation. |
fire endurance | A measure of the time during which a material or assembly continues to exhibit fire resistance under specified conditions of test and performance. |
lined fire hose | Fire hose with a smooth inner coating of rubber or plastic to reduce friction loss. |
evapotranspiration | the sum of evaporation and transpiration. |
absorption | Act of soaking up and retaining a gas in liquid or in a solid; also retention of radiant energy. |
self government | Governments designed, and administered by Aboriginal peoples. |
shellac | Resin flakes dissolved in alcohol used as a finish for wood. |
dead fuels | Fuels with no living tissue in which moisture content is governed almost entirely by absorption or evaporation of atmospheric moisture (relative humidity and precipitation). |
flotation | Tractive ability of the transport device to resist sinkage into the medium being traversed (7). |
water supply map | A map showing location of supplies of water readily available for pumps, tanks, trucks, camp use, etc. |
gauge | A tool used to determine depth, width, and/or height of an object. |
environmental protection agency | A Federal organization, housed under the Executive branch, charged with protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment — air, water, and land — upon which life depends. |
zoning laws | Laws adopted by local governments that restrict the location and type of new construction. |
unicom | VHF/AM aircraft radio frequencies assigned by the FAA for use in air-to-ground communications at uncontrolled airfields |
coastal plain | Any plain (or plains) of unconsolidated fluvial or marine sediment that had its margin on the shore of a large body of water, particularly the sea |
witness tree | Tree used by surveyors to mark the location of a survey corner; the tree is located near the survey corner and is inscribed with survey data |
combination nozzle tip | Two attached straight stream nozzle tips of different orifice size used to increase or restrict water flow. |
surfaced lumber | A piece of wood that has been planed smooth on one or more surfaces. |
thunderstorm | Localized storm characterized by one or more electrical discharge(s). |
conduction | Heat transfer through a material from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. |
topography | The lay of the land, particularly its slope and drainage patterns; the science of drawing maps and charts or otherwise representing the surface features of a region or site, including its natural and man-made features. |
shipping dry | Having a moisture content (ovendry basis) of 14 to 20 percent |
roll cloud | A turbulent altocumulus-type cloud formation found in the lee of some large mountain barriers |
sash | A frame structure, normally glazed, that is hung or fixed in a frame set in an opening. |
bluebelt | A term of art describing the land area directly adjacent to streams where water quality improvements are the primary objective in management efforts. |
lathe checks | In rotary cut and sliced veneer, the fractures or checks that develop along the grain of the veneer as the knife peels veneer from the log |
multistem | Operation handling two or more stems at the same time (23). |
weather advisory | In aviation forecasting, an expression of hazardous weather conditions not predicted in the zone weather forecast, as they affect the operation of air traffic. |
winch | Steel spool connected to a power source |
medium grain | Wood with 4 to 6 rings per inch. |
thinning | Cuttings made in immature stands in order to stimulate the growth of the trees that remain and to increase the total yield of useful material from the stand (25). |
end hooks | Pointed hooks placed against the end of the log for loading (22). |
pilot-in-command | Pilot responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight time. |
blackout | Short form: B/O The practice of shortening day-length using dark-out systems so that the "critical photoperiod" for shoot growth is not met |
pattern | The distribution of an aerially delivered retardant drop on the target area in terms of its length, width, and momentum (velocity x mass) as it approaches the ground |
frt | Freight |
strength | The ability of a member to sustain stress without failure. |
peeler | High-grade log from which veneer is peeled, on a lathe, for the production of plywood |
tackle | Combination of blocks and ropes used in cable logging (24). |
swamp | Area saturated with water throughout much of the year, but with the surface of the soil usually not deeply submerged |
redd | Nest made in gravel, consisting of a depression hydraulically dug by a fish for egg deposition (and then filled) and the associated gravel mounds. |
visual resources | The visible physical features on a landscape (e.g., land, water, vegetation, animals, structures and other features). |
piece rate | Payment for labor where income is related to output. |
local winds | Winds which are generated over a comparatively small area by local terrain and weather |
sewer | A channel or conduit that carries wastewater and storm water run-off from the source to a treatment plant or receiving stream |
tongs | A pair of curved arms that pivot like scissors so that a pull on the ring connecting the shorter segments will cause the points on the long segments to bite into the logs |
detection | The act or system of discovering and locating fires. |
drift | Effect of wind on smoke, retardant drops, paracargo, smokejumper streamers, etc. |
land trusts | Legal entities which can operate locally, regionally, or nationally designed to own titles to or conservation easements on specific properties |
fume | An airborne irritating, noxious, or toxic smoke, vapor, or any combination of these produced by a volatile substance or a chemical reaction. |
sewer | A channel or conduit that carries wastewater and stormwater runoff from the source to a treatment plant or receiving stream |
jig saw | A power tool that cuts by moving a blade up and down as it is guided through the cut. |
air mass | An extensive body of air having the same properties of temperature and moisture in a horizontal plane. |
two-way radio | Radio equipment with transmitters in mobile units on the same frequency as the base station, permitting conversation in two directions using the same frequency in turn. |
molecular weight | The sum of the atomic weights of the atoms in a molecule. |
strength of force | Total firefighting resources available, during a specified period, to conduct and support firefighting operations. |
nitrogen oxide | Product of combustion from transportation and stationary sources and a major contributor to acid deposition and the formation of ground level ozone in the troposphere. |
pan | Large, flat, upward-curving metal plate on which log ends or pallets are placed to make skidding easier and prevent digging in and rutting (6). |
dkg | Decking |
biscuit joint | A butt joint that is reinforced with a football shaped "biscuit" |
anchor cable | Line used to tie down a yarder to prevent tipping on a heavy pull (32). |
skidding pan | A plate of heavy steel, round in front, placed under the front end of logs being skidded to prevent them from digging into the ground. |
long-range spotting | Large glowing firebrands are carried high into the convection column and then fall out downwind beyond the main fire starting new fires |
equipment manager | Person responsible to the ground support unit leader for servicing, repairing, and fueling all apparatus and equipment on the incident, for obtaining transportation and scheduling its use, and for maintaining records of equipment service and use. |
honeycomb | A drying defect that occurs when the lumber undergoes severe case hardening in the early stages of drying; appears as deep, internal checks. |
frequency of occurrence | A quantitative expression of the presence or absence of individuals of a species in a population; the ratio between the number of sample units that contain a species and the total number of sample units. |
facility maintenance specialist | Person responsible to the base / camp manager for general maintenance of the base or camp, including provision of sleeping and sanitation facilities, lighting and electricity, and camp cleanliness. |
baffle | A partitioned wall placed in vehicular or aircraft water tanks to reduce shifting of the water load when starting, stopping or turning. |
dispatch center | A facility from which resources are assigned to an incident. |
saplings | See tree classes. |
m.a.i. | Mean annual increment. |
mass balance | An equation that accounts for the flux of mass going into a defined area and the flux of mass leaving the defined area |
finished size | The net dimensions after surfacing. |
wet-bulb thermometer | In a psychrometer, the thermometer with its bulb covered with a jacket of clean muslin which is saturated with distilled water before an observation. |
bottom-up | The internationally preferred approach for regional GDP compilation is to directly measure the local activity of enterprises, and build up regional accounts from this information |
delimbing | See harvest functions. |
drought index | A number representing the net effect of evaporation, transpiration and precipitation in producing cumulative moisture depletion in deep duff or upper soil layers. |
dry-bulb temperature | Temperature of the air. |
transition zone | Areas where the fire progress transitions from one direction to another which are characterized by change in the appearance of the indicators. |
ee | Eased Edges |
steady-state model | Mathematical model of fate and transport that uses constant values of input variables to predict constant values of receiving water quality concentrations. |
aspect | Compass direction to which a slope faces |
fret saw | A saw with a very fine toothed blade used for delicate cuts in thin material. |
indian | See ownership classes. |
section | Land survey subdivision |
seedlot | Numeric or alphanumeric code applied to a batch of tree seeds, used to identify the source and ownership of the seed. |
brackish | Beackish water is water that is saltier than river water but less salty than sea water. |
drainage | The running off of water from a land surface or subsurface, such as through sewers or natural means. |
watershed | the land area that drains water to a particular stream, river, or lake |
cap | Cone of sheet iron on steel, with a hole in the apex through which a chain passes, fitted over the end of a log to prevent catching on stumps in skidding (8). |
plant | The major horizontal timber which runs from one end of the frame to the other and supports the base of the rafters. |
brush patrol unit | Any light, mobile vehicular unit with limited pumping and water capacity for off-road operations. |
hydrograph | A graph of runoff rate, inflow rate, or discharge rate, past a specific point over time. |
inherent rights | These are rights with which one is born. |
dog | Short, heavy piece of steel, bent and pointed at one end, with an eye or ring at the other |
pre-logging | Cutting specified high-valued wood products such as poles and pilings before cutting the remainder of the trees. |
l | Larch |
general winds | Large scale winds caused by high- and low-pressure systems but generally influenced and modified in the lower atmosphere by terrain. |
woven jacket fire hose | Fire hose of conventional construction, woven on looms from fibers of cotton or synthetic fibers |
fungicide | A chemical that kills fungi; used to control fungal diseases in greenhouses and nurseries. |
lp | Lodgepole Pine |
pond value | Market price of logs delivered to a wet site, log pond, or tidewater. |
tackle | The combination of blocks and ropes used in cable logging. |
piece rate | Payment for labor where income is related to output (22). |
multiple-use management | Management of land resources with the objective of achieving optimum yields of products and services from a given area without impairing the productive capacity of the site (33). |
major repair | A repair (1) that, if improperly done, might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength, or other qualities affecting airworthiness or (2) that is not done according to accepted practices or cannot be done by elementary operations. |
international log rule | Formula rule that allows a 1/2 inch taper for each 4 feet of length and allows for a 1/16-inch shrinkage for each inch of board thickness |
alkaline | sometimes water or soils contain an amount of alkali (strongly basic) substances sufficient to raise the pH value above 7.0 and be harmful to the growth of crops. |
measuring tape | A tape of cloth, paper, plastic, or steel marked off in a linear scale, as of inches or centimeters, for taking measurements. |
chloride | An atom of chlorine in solution; an ion bearing a single negative charge. |
machine down-time | See machine time. |
dry adiabatic lapse rate | The rate of decrease of temperature with height of a parcel of dry air lifted adiabatically through an atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium |
ecology | Study of plants and animals in relation to their physical and biological surroundings (17). |
free flow | Maximum water flow rate a fire pump will attain when there are no restrictions at the pump outlet or losses due to friction or head. |
tooth face | The front side of a saw blade tooth facing toward the direction of the cut. |
anisotropic | Shows different properties when measured along a different axes. |
true airspeed | Velocity of an aircraft in its flight path relative to the air through which it is moving. |
well | an artificial excavation put down by any method for the purposes of withdrawing water from the underground aquifers |
fiduciary obligation | Fiduciary Obligation is legal duty of one party to look after the well being of another |
nationalism | A feeling of belonging to a nation; also an ideology that asserts the primacy of national feeling to other means for organizing societies |
bondline | The layer of adhesive that attaches two adherents. |
convergence | The term for horizontal air currents merging together or approaching a single point, such as at the center of a low pressure area producing a net inflow of air |
orthophoto maps | Aerial photographs corrected to scale such that geographic measurements may be taken directly from prints |
stratification | Formation of water layers each with specific physical, chemical, and biological characteristics |
log scale | Measure of the volume of wood in a log or logs, usually expressed in board feet and based on various log scaling rules (12). |
european hinge | A hidden style hinge fastened to the door with a cup hole. |
state | See ownership classes. |
reverse osmosis | (1) (Desalination) The process of removing salts from water using a membrane |
selection system | Uneven-aged silvicultural system in which single or small groups of trees are periodically selected to be removed from a large area so that age and size classes of the reproduction are mixed (20). |
command climate | The working environment within the influence of a particular leader or chain of command |
task force leader | The ICS position responsible for supervising a task force |
skidding pan | Plate of heavy steel, round in front, placed under the front end of logs being skidded to prevent them from digging into the ground (24). |
site class | Classification based on ecological factors and the potential production capacity of an area; a measure of the relative production capacity of a site. |
effective windspeed | The midflame windspeed adjusted for the effect of slope on fire spread. |
metaphor | A figure of speech that links two objects by speaking as if they were one, as in referring to the world as "spaceship earth" or "a lifeboat." In geography, models are metaphors of the geographical world. |
ray | A ribbon like figure caused by the strands of cells which extend across the grain in quarter-sawn lumber. |
cloud | A visible cluster of minute water/ice particles in the atmosphere. |
repeater | A radio signal station that automatically relays a radio transmission, sometimes over a different frequency, thereby increasing the range of transmission |
pin router | A router that is fixed above a table with its bit point down |
digital elevation model | A set of points which defines the terrain as numbers for computer applications |
emission factor | The mass of particulate matter produced per unit mass of fuel consumed (pounds per ton, grams per kilogram). |
frost | Crystals of ice formed and deposited like dew, but at a temperature below freezing. |
pet | Precision End Trimmed |
density | The weight of a body or substance per unit volume. |
mini-plug transplant | Short form: MPT Second phase for miniature plug transplanted to a larger container for growth completion. |
polymer | A compound formed by the reaction of simple molecules having functional groups that permit their combination to proceed to high molecular weights under suitable conditions. |
fan | See portable chipper terms. |
dolly varden siding | A pattern with a thick and a thing edge and lap joint. |
dark grain | Grain which is darker than the rest and should not be confused with pitch streaks. |
deck | Pile of logs on a landing |
internal stresses | Stresses that exist within an adhesive joint even in the absence of applied external forces. |
facilities unit leader | The ICS position responsible for supervising the Facilities Unit |
peak wind | The greatest 5-second average wind speed during the previous hour that exceeded 25 knots. |
impulse | A term used in weather primarily to describe a weak disturbance that does not necessarily have an associated storm center or surface low |
independent | One who logs and sells his output on the open market; not associated with a mill or under a company/dealer contract. |
delta | A delta is a large, silty area at the mouth of a river at which the river splits into many different slow-flowing channels that have muddy banks |
pat | Pattern |
wastewater treatment | Chemical, biological, and mechanical procedures applied to an industrial or municipal discharge or to any other sources of contaminated water in order to remove, reduce, or neutralize contaminants. |
friction sawing | Usually a type of band sawing that uses high speed to generate heat to soften the metal in front of the blade. |
administratively determined | A person hired and compensated under the Pay Plan for Emergency Workers. |
mldg | Moulding |
designated | An area of land formally recognized by the Governor in Council under the terms of the Provincial Parks Act. |
intensive forest management | Utilization of a wide variety of silvicultural practices, such as planting, thinning, fertilization, harvesting, and genetic improvement to increase the capability of the forest to produce fiber. |
merchantable top | Smallest utilizable top (10). |
outfall | The point where water flows from a conduit, stream, or drain. |
source | A point, line, or area, at which mass or energy is added to a system, either instantaneously or continuously |
design | the creative illustration, planning and specification of space for the greatest possible amount of harmony, utility, value and beauty. |
miter-and-spline joint | A joint with two mitered surfaces connected by a spline. |
unity of command | The concept by which each person within an organization reports to one and only one designated person. |
raker | A tooth set that has a uniform set angle and a three tooth set sequence of left, right, and straight. |
snag | A standing dead tree or part of a dead tree from which at least the leaves and smaller branches have fallen |
command | The act of directing, and/or controlling resources by virtue of explicit legal, agency, or delegated authority. |
peg | A hardwood dowel usually ranging from 5/8 of an inch to 2 inches in diameter. |
mutual aid agreement | Written agreement between agencies and/or jurisdictions in which they agree to assist one another upon request, by furnishing personnel and equipment. |
company | Any piece of (fire) equipment having a full complement of personnel. |
equilibrium moisture content | Moisture content that a fuel particle will attain if exposed for an infinite period in an environment of specified constant temperature and humidity |
plug copper treated | Short form: PCT Container seedling grown in a styroblock which is coated with a copper-containing compound that affects the way the roots develop |
awl | A pointed instrument that looks like an ice pick, useful for marking positions when laying out a project. |
rilling | Erosion caused by water carrying off particles of surface soil. |
cation exchange capacity | The sum total of exchangeable cations that a soil can adsorb |
phylum | A class of a group of plants |
anchor | Piece of equipment that holds something in place |
flood attenuation | When flood levels are lowered by water storage in wetlands. |
fg | Flat of slash grain. |
overstory trees | Bees that form the uppermost canopy layer in a forest of more than one story (20). |
crosshaul | Loading logs by rolling them with a cable (22).-One end of a line is passed over the load, around the log to be loaded, and then fastened to the load |
gear pump | Positive displacement pump which uses closely meshed gears to propel water when high pressures and low volumes are desired; can be used safely only with clear water-- suspended particles of soil or rocks can quickly wear the gears and reduce pressure and volume of water. |
restricted category | Aircraft that is generally used for cargo, retardant dropping, agricultural operations, survey work and other specific projects, and may not transport passengers. |
planting density | Number of seedlings planted per hectare or acre. |
parameter | A variable which can be measured quantitatively; sometimes, an arbitrary constant; associated with populations |
hot-spotting | Checking the spread of fire at points of more rapid spread or special threat |
check valve | A valve that permits flow of liquid through a hose or pipe in one direction but prevents a return flow |
guard unit | Geographic subdivision of a fire-protected area, delimiting the initial attack bounds of a single fire guard or fire crew. |
lightning stroke counter | Electronic sensor used to record the number of lightning strokes within a predetermined range over a specified period of time. |
c.m.a.i. | Culmination of the mean annual increment. |
purnice | A fine, abrasive powder that is made from volcanic ash |
whole-tree chips | Chips made from a whole-tree. |
bore | A hole for the arbor in a circular saw blade. |
phenotype | The physical appearance of an organism |
eutrophication | The aging process by which lakes are fertilized with nutrients |
diurnal | Daily, especially pertaining to cyclic actions which are completed within 24 hours, and which recur every 24 hours, such as temperature, relative humidity and wind. |
surface high | An area on the earth's surface where atmospheric pressure is at a relative maximum |
bedrock | the solid rock beneath the soil and superficial rock |
wind shift | For aviation purposes, a change in the average wind direction of 45 degrees or more which takes place in less than 15 minutes if the wind speed during this period is 6 knots (3 m/s) or greater. |
terrorism | Any premeditated, unlawful act dangerous to human life or public welfare that is intended to intimidate or coerce civilian populations or governments. |
unified command | In ICS, unified command is a unified team effort which allows all agencies with jurisdictional responsibility for the incident, either geographical or functional, to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies |
bucking | See harvest functions, slashing. |
high-lead logging | Wire rope system that involves yarding in logs or trees by means of a rope passing through a block at the top of the head spar. |
pine | Any evergreen tree of the genus Pinus, native to northern temperate regions |
log scale | Measure of the volume of wood in log/logs, usually expressed in board feet and based on various log scaling rules. |
framing | Lumber used for structural members in a house or other building |
radio fix | Determination of position by one or more radio navigational aids. |
design value | A measurement of strength in lumber, involving basic properties of wood |
miter box | An apparatus to guide a saw to make miter joints. |
hydrodynamic model | Mathematical formulation used in describing fluid flow circulation, transport, and deposition processes in receiving water. |
site preparation burning | Fire ignited to expose adequate mineral soil and control competing vegetation until seedlings of the desired species become established. |
stilling basin | Also called an energy dissipater, a stilling basin slows fast-moving water from a dam’s spillway in order to prevent erosion of the downstream channel |
nonprecision approach procedure | Standard aircraft instrument approach procedure in which no electronic glide slope is provided. |
bottom rail | The horizontal member, installed on edge, attached to the bottom of the balusters, as well as the post |
gullet | The curved area between two band saw teeth into which the chip curls. |
siamese | Hose fitting (preferably gated) for combining flow from two or more lines of hose into a single stream; one male coupling to two female couplings. |
planting season | Short form: SoP Season of planting, where SP = Spring; SU = Summer; FA = Fall; WI = Winter. |
aquifer | soil or rock below the land surface that is saturated with water |
deadman | Anchoring device buried in the ground to which a guy or anchor line is attached |
tooth set | The side to side bending of teeth |
foam solution | A low expansion foam type with no expansion, therefore lacking bubble structure, which is used for mopup and flame knockdown. |
site | The absolute, physical location of a place or thing |
hollow grinding | A concave bevel on a chisel, gouge, or knife. |
time unit leader | The ICS position responsible for supervising the Time Unit |
freight measure | "Board Measure" contents of lumber-when calculated from measurements of over-all dimensions; it is used only for displacement measurements for freight purposes. |
drainage basin | See Watershed. |
chaining | Method of skidding pulpwood on short, steep slopes by wrapping a chain around several bunches of wood and dragging them crosswise down the slope (8). |
effluent | Effluent is wastewater (like sewage water or factory runoff) that flows from a factory or other facility. |
fry | Young, newly hatched fish. |
lab germination | Short form: Lab Germ Seed germination results from tests performed in a controlled laboratory setting. |
fence | A straight guide to keep a board a set distance from a blade or other cutters. |
dispatcher | A person who receives reports of discovery and status of fires, confirms their locations, takes action promptly to provide people and equipment likely to be needed for control efforts. |
mobile yarder | See harvesting machine classifications, single function machines. |
heel boom | Loading boom that uses tongs to heel or force one end of a log against the underside of the boom. |
charged line | Hose filled with water under pressure and ready to use. |
prehauling | Moving pulpwood from a stump site to a truck loading site by carrying it off the ground |
watershed | The region of land drained by a river, stream, or creek. |
girth | The distance around a tree; circumference. |
aqueduct | a pipe, conduit, or channel designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity. |
elastomer | A macromolecular material that, at room temperature, is deformed by application of a relatively low force and is capable of recovering substantially in size and shape after removal of the force. |
slurry cut-off wall | A slurry cut-off wall creates a watertight barrier to prevent seepage through and under levees during high flood flows |
yoke | Heavy U-shaped part of a block by which the pulley is attached (24). |
competition | Struggle among trees and other vegetation, generally for limited nutrients, light, and water present on a site |
b.d.t. | Bone-dry ton. |
machinability | The relative ease with which a metal can be shaped by various cutting processes. |
tributary | A stream or river whose water flows into a larger stream or river. |
round wood products | Logs, bolts, or other round sections cut from trees for industrial or consumer use. |
impact | a change in the chemical, physical, or biological quality or condition of a water body caused by external sources ( |
chase truck | Vehicle that carries crew gear, supplies, and operational equipment for initial/extended attack. |
open-grained | Common classification of painters for woods with large pores, such as oak, ash, chestnut, and walnut |
soft rot | Rot occurring in the outer wood layers under very wet conditions (26). |
division | The ICS organization level between the branch and the task force/strike team |
tandems | Second axle and set of wheels on the rear of a truck |
timber stand improvement | The intermediate thinning of a forest stand, prior to it reaching mature rotation age, generally for the purpose of improving growing conditions or controlling stand composition. |
grit | A measure of the size of abrasive particles used in the manufacturing of sandpaper |
compare and contrast | An investigative technique that involves comparing same sized indicators within a category at separate locations; looking for either differences or similarities in appearance. |
assisting agency | An agency directly contributing tactical or service resources to another agency. |
southern states | Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee. |
vehicle fire | Fire originating in or on a vehicle or mobile equipment. |
punky material | Partly decayed material, such as old wood, in which fire can smolder unles it is carefully mopped up and extinguished |
nutri-plug® plus | Value added product |
mixing layer | That portion of the atmosphere from the surface up to the mixing height |
assimilation | The process where by traditional Aboriginal identity was absorbed into mainstream culture |
rheology | The study of the deformation and flow of matter. |
collective control | Controls the pitch angle of the main (helicopter) rotor blades |
rough cut | Lumber that has not been dressed (surfaced) but which has been sawn, edged, and trimmed to at least show saw marks in the wood on the four longitudinal surfaces on each piece for its overall length. |
eb1s | Edge bead one side. |
municipal | See ownership classes. |
pefc | Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes, which was formally known as the Pan European Forest Certification Scheme. |
mixing height | Measured from the surface upward, the height to which relatively vigorous mixing occurs due to convection |
outside aid | Firefighting assistance given to adjacent areas and nearby communities by contract or other agreement that covers conditions and payment for assistance rendered and services performed |
run | The horizontal distance from one stair riser to another, the depth of a stair step. |
reach | Wood or metal structural member connecting a logging trailer to a truck tractor |
transition | In the 1978 version of NFDRS, the herbaceous stage when herbaceous fuel moisture is between 120% and 30%. |
heat low | An area of low pressure caused by intense heating of the earth's surface |
mathematical model | A model that is a quantitative and mathematical representation or simulation which attempts to describe the characteristics or relationship of physical events. |
ordering manager | This ICS position is responsible for ordering personnel, equipment, and supplies for the incident and reports to the Supply Unit Leader. |
volatile | Readily changeable into vapor at low temperatures. |
skid pole | Logs or poles, commonly used in pairs, on which logs are rolled. |
aquifer | a geologic formation(s) that is water bearing |
board foot | The basic unit of measurement for lumber |
diffusion | The process where molecules spread out to form an even concentration. |
heat | Temperatures higher than that of the normal atmosphere, produced by the process of burning or oxidation. |
race | An ideology that assumes first that distinct divisions within humanity can be made on the basis of phenotypic or genotypic characteristics, and second that these distinctions are the cause of distinct differences in culture, intelligence, or behavior |
haul | Conveying wood from a loading point to an unloading point |
building code | A set of regulations governing construction in a particular political subdivision, such as a city or county |
bond failure | Rupture of adhesive bond. |
meandering | When a stream channel moves laterally across its valley. |
spring | a water body formed when the side of a hill, a valley bottom or other excavation intersects a flowing body of groundwater at or below the local water table, below which the subsurface material is saturated with water. |
indirectly visible area | Ground, or the vegetation growing thereon, that is not directly visible to a fixed point lookout but lies at not more than a specified depth (commonly 300 feet, 91 meters) below the lookout's line of sight. |
bardon hook | Hook used with wire rope slings for gripping trees or logs to be skidded (24) |
thermoelectric power water use | water used in the process of the generation of thermoelectric power |
full sawn lumber | Green Lumber, cut full to a specified size without variation undersize at time or original inspection. |
alidade | A sighting device used by lookouts to determine the horizontal bearing and sometimes the vertical angle of a fire from a lookout. |
on-call | Status of a federal casual or federal regular government employee used for timekeeping purposes |
hoseline tee | A fitting that may be installed between lengths of hose to provide an independently controlled outlet for a branch line. |
cooperating agency | An agency supplying assistance including but not limited to direct tactical or support functions or resources to the incident control effort (e.g |
pack test | Used to determine the aerobic capacity of fire suppression support personnel and assign physical fitness scores |
dehumidifier | Developed to reduce humidity in store rooms and basement conditions. |
mineral ash | The residue of mineral matter left after complete combustion of wood (wood ash) or other organic material; consists largely of oxides, carbonates, and phosphates of Ca, K and Mg, together with other compounds. |
soil creep | When gravity moves the soil mantle downhill at rates too small to observe. |
trainee | An individual who has met all required training and position experience for a specified position and is approved by their home unit's certifying official, to initiate a performance based training assignment in order to become qualified in the position. |
technical life length | The time from which the machine goes into operation until it is no longer used in any operation |
treaties | Treaties are instruments used by the crown to clear lands of Aboriginal title so that settlement and resource development could proceed. |
yarding road | Path followed by a turn of logs yarded by a cable method (22). |
lumber tally | A record of lumber giving the number of boards or pieces by width, thickness, length, grade and species. |
short ton | U.S |
absolute humidity | The weight of water vapor per unit of air; usually expressed as grains/cu |
rift lumber | Diagonally grained lumber. |
litter | The top layer of forest floor, composed of loose debris of dead sticks, branches, twigs, and recently fallen leaves or needles; little altered in structure by decomposition. |
delegation of authority | A statement provided to the incident commander by the agency executive delegating authority and assigning responsibility |
evacuation | An organized, phased, and supervised withdrawal, dispersal, or removal of civilians from dangerous or potentially dangerous areas, and their reception and care in safe areas. |
break a line | To insert a gate valve or some other device into a hose line. |
canary | Iron rod 6 feet long with a hook on one end and a handle on the other |
hydrological soil group | Soil groups which are classified according to their drainage potential |
chipping | See harvest functions. |
pole timber | Arbitrary term for small sawn timber trees |
wind shake | Crack in a tree caused by high winds (19). |
bookmatch | A term in sawing or veneering, where successive pieces of boards or veneer, from a flitch or a log, are arranged side by side |
bd | Board |
particle size | the diameter, in millimeters, of suspended sediment or bed material |
block plane | A small plane used to finish off rough edges of a deck. |
levee | People build levees to keep rivers out of their towns, farms, and to confine the water to where they want it to be |
sawlogs | Logs meeting minimum regional standards of diameter, length, and defect |
radial | Coincident with a radius from the axis of the tree or log to the circumference; in a round timber or piece of lumber, a line or surface extending outward from the heart-center; a radial surface is always edge-grain. |
dry kiln | An enclosed chamber in which temperate and humidity conditions are subject to control for the purpose of drying lumber. |
global positioning system | A system of navigational satellites operated by the U.S |
division/group supervisor | The ICS position responsible for supervising equipment and personnel assigned to a division or group |
t-card | Cards filled out with essential information for each resource they represent |
sustained yield management | See sustained yield. |
mobilization center | An off-incident location at which emergency service personnel and equipment are temporarily located pending assignment, release, or reassignment. |
berm | Outside or downhill side of a ditch or trench |
btr | Better |
inventory | See management-volume inventory. |
hog | Machine used to grind wood into chips for use as fuel or for other purposes; the wood used is usually waste wood unfit for lumber or other uses (12) |
edge banding | Veneer that usually has an adhesive to stick to plywood edging. |
politics | The exercise of power, often but not always through formal institutions (such as governments). |
holding actions | All actions taken to stop the spread of fire. |
cured | In the 1978 version of NFDRS, the herbaceous stage when herbaceous fuel moisture falls to 30% or less. |
director | The ICS title for an individual responsible for supervision of a branch. |
atmometer | An instrument that provides an approximate measure of evapotranspiration by measuring the water loss from an artificial evaporating surface. |
carbon dioxide | A colorless, odorless, nonpoisonous gas, which results from fuel combustion and is normally a part of the ambient air. |
head saw | In a sawmill, the large band saw or circular saw used to size the log into lumber. |
man-hour | Unit of work performed by one man in 1 hour (24). |
blade stabilizers | Metal disks approximately 3 ½" in diameter that go on each side of a saw blade to minimize flexing and rim vibrations. |
life-safety | Refers to the joint consideration of both the life and physical well-being of individuals. |
scale | lb measure the weight or volume of a log or load of logs (24). |
grade | Established quality or use classification of timber |
leaching | the process by which soluble materials in the soil, such as salts, nutrients, pesticide chemicals or contaminants, are washed into a lower layer of soil or are dissolved and carried away by water. |
labor surplus | more people than there are jobs in any given region, or for any particular economic activity |
admiralty shackle | Heavy shackle at the tail tree that connects the skyline to the stub line (guyline extension) (19). |
drizzle | Precipitation composed exclusively of water drops smaller than 0.02 inches (0.5 mm) in diameter. |
quarter-sawn | A method of cutting lumber where the annual rings are relatively perpendicular to the face of the board |
head saw | See head rig. |
weir | A small dam placed in a river or stream to control or gage the flow of water. |
out-of-shift service time | See machine time, scheduled nonoperating time. |
rw/l | Random widths and random lengths. |
desiccant | Chemical that, when applied to a living plant, causes or accelerates drying of its aerial parts; used to facilitate burning of living vegetation by substantially lowering fuel moisture content within a few hours. |
required experience | Documented, satisfactory performance in a specified position needed to qualify for another (usually higher level) position |
stem | Main body of a tree from which branches grow |
mechanical adhesion | Adhesion between surfaces in which the adhesive holds the parts together by interlocking action. |
bearing strength | Amount of weight that a soil or subgrade can safely support (20). |
bumpup method | Progressive method of fireline construction on a wildfire without changing relative positions in the line |
adf | A term used to define a condition upon which payment of an invoice may be made. |
green | Wood of a live tree, or a tree that has recently been felled, or wood that has lost very little moisture since the time it was felled (26). |
bevel gauge | Also known as a T-bevel, the bevel gauge is a flat piece of metal attached to a handle with a wing nut that allows the metal piece to be set at any angle to the handle |
tempered hardboard | Dense fiberboard that has been specially treated to increase its durability, strength, density, and moisture resistance. |
end mark | See mark (8). |
v pattern indicators | The overall "V" or "U" shape of the exterior perimeter of a fire. |
particles | The aggregate component of particleboard manufactured by mechanical means from wood. |
counter fire | Fire set between main fire and backfire to hasten spread of backfire |
post cap | A small piece of wood attached to the top of the post to cover the posts wood grain and protect the post from the weather. |
ground-water recharge | inflow of water to a ground-water reservoir from the surface |
sling | Loop of wire rope used in loading logs too large to be handled by tongs (19). |
storm center | The central point or area of a weather system associated with increased winds, clouds or precipitation (or any combination thereof). |
conventional pollutants | As specified under the Clean Water Act, conventional contaminants include suspended solids, E |
estimate | See cruise (8). |
spread index | A number used to indicate relative (not actual) rate of spread. |
portatank | Container, either with rigid frame or self supporting, which can be filled with water or fire chemical mixture from which fire suppression resources can be filled |
hydrology | The study of the distribution, properties, and effects of water on the earth's surface, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere. |
secondary weather station | Station at which minimum weather measurements are taken to compute ratings of burning conditions; provides supplementary information on weather experience. |
speed square | The rafter angle square is a triangular-shaped measuring tool used to draw straight lines on lumber to be cut, or to lay out angles for roofs, stairways, decks and other general construction |
candy side | Well-equipped, smoothly operated, and efficient logging show |
range | The distance that interested consumers, on average, will travel to obtain a given good or service |
pilotage | Navigation of aircraft by visual reference to landmarks. |
forest residuals | Sum of wasted and unused wood in the forest, including logging residues; rough, rotten, and dead trees; and annual mortality (35) |
d&m | Dressed and Matched |
weighted monthly occurrence | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
pintle hook | Hooking device normally found on the rear of a piece of equipment and used to pull or attach a cable or trailer. |
precipitation | rain, snow, hail, sleet, dew, and frost. |
head spar | See head tree. |
base observation time | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
trophic status | The level of growth or productivity of a lake as measured by phosphorus content, algae abundance and depth of light penetration. |
return flow | irrigation water that is applied to an area and which is not consumed in evaporation or transpiration and returns to a surface stream or aquifer. |
sheep's foot roller | A steel drum with short metal rods on the outside; sometimes shaped like a sheep's foot |
electoral geography | The study of the geographical aspects of the elections |
clean air act | A federal law enacted to ensure that air quality standards are attained and maintained |
potato roll | Quick method of rolling hose for pick up; hose is rolled as a ball of string. |
dozuki | A type of Japanese woodworking saw that is used for fine joinery work such as dovetails |
point source | Source of pollution that involves discharge of wastes from an identifiable point, such as a smokestack or sewage treatment plant. |
kd | Kiln Dried |
wind direction | Compass direction from which wind is blowing. |
corduroy road | Road or pathway that has logs or poles placed crosswise to the road direction to act as a firm surface for hauling or skidding logs from the cutting area to the landing (12). |
riprap | Rough stones of various sizes placed compactly or irregularly on the ground surface to prevent scouring by water or debris (22). |
e&cv1s | Edge & Center V One Side |
species | Group of similar individuals having a number of correlated characteristics and sharing a common gene pool |
breaking radius | The limiting radius of curvature to which wood or plywood can be bent without breaking. |
attainment area | An area considered to have air quality as good as, or better than, the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) as defined in the Clean Air Act |
gust | Rapid fluctuations in wind speed with a variation of 10 knots (11.5 mph) or more between peaks and lulls. |
span | The width of a building or overall length of a truss. |
mortise | A rectangular hole cut into a piece of wood to accept a tenon. |
laminated wood | A "piece" of wood built up of plies or layers that have been joined; either with glue or mechanical fastenings |
state park | An area established by the government of a state primarily for public recreation or for the preservation of unique natural or historic resources, administrative details varying widely |
recharge | water added to an aquifer |
siltation | Siltation is the deposit or accumulation of very tiny soil particles (silt). |
oriented strand board | A structural panel made of narrow strands of fiber oriented lengthwise and crosswise in layers, with a resin binder |
kinetic processes | Description of the rates and modes of changes in the transformation or degradation of a substance in an ecosystem. |
tungsten carbide | A very common material on any sort of cutting tool |
british thermal unit | Amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit (from 59.50 to 60.50 F), measured at standard atmospheric pressure. |
local responsibility area | Lands on which neither the state nor the federal government has any legal responsibility for providing fire protection. |
burning rate | Rate at which a propellant and other combustibles burn. |
hand plane | A tool to smooth and true wood surfaces, consisting of a blade fastened in frame at an angle with hand grips to slide it along the board |
multilevel deck | A deck that has several discrete areas at different levels |
rate of growth | The speed at which a tree increases in size |
sealed bid sale | Sale in which interested parties submit written bids at the time and place specified (17). |
producer | An independent operator who produces and delivers pulpwood to a deal or pulpwood company. |
formal region | A region delineated on the basis of one or more identifiable trait which sets it apart from other regions - for example, a region defined by language or dialect |
master plan | A preliminary plan showing proposed ultimate site development |
ecology | The study of animals and plants in relation to their biological and physical surroundings. |
aircraft incident | An unplanned event that results in damage which is less than serious aircraft incident criteria, or injuries not requiring medical attention. |
hygrothermograph | Recording instrument combining, on one paper record, the variation of dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity as a function of time. |
required training | A course or courses that must be completed prior to initiating a position task book |
selects | In softwood, lumber which has been graded strictly for its appearance |
highball | To work at a high rate of speed, usually smoothly and efficiently |
london dispersion forces | Intermolecular attraction forces between non-polar molecules that result when instantaneous dipoles induce matching dipoles in neighboring molecules. |
tactical decision game | A simple role-play simulation technique that challenges participants to make decisions and communicate those decisions to others |
air tanker/fixed-wing coordinator | This ICS position is responsible for coordinating air tanker and fixed-wing operations over an incident and reports to the Air Tactical Group Supervisor. |
firefamily plus | A software application that provides summaries of fire weather/danger climatology and occurrence for one or more weather stations extracted from NIFMID. |
ground truth | Verification at the site of what has been observed and/or measured from aircraft, satellites, other aerial platforms, aerial photographs, or maps. |
herringbone pattern | In veneering, a herringbone pattern that is formed when successive layers of veneers are glued up so they form a mirror image |
friction layer | The layer of the atmosphere in which the frictional force of the earth's surface exercises an appreciable influence on winds. |
firmwood | Sound or solid wood in a log suitable for either chips or solid wood products such as lumber or veneer |
recorders | Individuals within ICS organizational units who are responsible for recording information |
bulk density | Weight per unit volume |
point source | Pollutant loads discharged at a specific location from pipes, outfalls, and conveyance channels from either municipal wastewater treatment plants or industrial waste treatment facilities |
heat per unit area | Total amount of heat released per unit area as the flaming front of the fire passes, expressed as Btu/square foot; a measure of the total amount of heat released in flames. |
greenhouse effect | the heating of the earth's surface by both atmospheric infrared radiation and incoming solar radiation. |
power shift | Transmissions that can be shifted while transmitting full engine power to the tracks or wheels. |
closing line | Line used to close a grapple (22). |
ground-fault circuit interrupter | An electrical safety device that instantly shuts down a circuit if leakage occurs; greatly reduces the risk of electrical shock |
hide glue | Prepared by boiling bones, hides, etc |
sinkhole | a depression in the Earth's surface caused by dissolving of underlying limestone, salt, or gypsum |
flood peak | The highest amount of flow that occurs during a given flood event. |
base manager | This ICS position is responsible for ensuring that appropriate sanitation, security, and facilities management services are provided at the Incident Base and reports to the Facilities Unit Leader. |
approved | In fire service terminology, that which is inspected and listed by recognized fire-testing agencies |
multicom | A VHF/AM aircraft radio frequency (122.9 MHz) assigned by the FAA for use in air-to-air communications. |
heavy fuels | Fuels of large diameter such as snags, logs, large limbwood, which ignite and are consumed more slowly than flash fuels |
watershed | the land area that drains into a stream, river, lake, estuary, or coastal zone ( |
condensation | The process by which a gas becomes a liquid. |
outfeed | The side of a power tool where the board exits. |
faunal | The animals of a specified region or time. |
dry bulb | A name given to an ordinary thermometer used to determine the temperature of the air (to distinguish it from the wet bulb). |
lacewood | When some woods are quarter-swan, a mottled effect is revealed in the section through the medullar rays |
a-frame | Two wood or metal uprights mounted in the shape of the letter "A" to support lead blocks at the upper end (22) |
dry strength | The strength of an adhesive joint determined immediately after drying under specified conditions or after a period of conditioning in a standard laboratory atmosphere. |
seed block | Used to describe uncut blocks of trees that are left between and around small clear-cut blocks to provide seeds for natural regeneration. |
density | The ratio of the original volume of the nonaerated foam solution to the resultant volume of foam |
smog | Generally considered only photochemical air pollution |
metaphor | Morphology - The shape and structure of a thing; in human geography the study of morphology is often used to understand landscapes or cities. |
sediment | usually applied to material in suspension in water or recently deposited from suspension |
mortality of sawtimber | See quality classes. |
stream order | A hierarchical ordering of streams based on the degree of branching |
conventional pollutants | As specified under the Clean Water Act, conventional contaminants include suspended solids, coliform bacteria, high biochemical oxygen demand, pH, and oil and grease. |
corks | See calks. |
buckle guy | Line attached to the middle of a spar tree or steel tower (32). |
built-up timbers | An assembly made by joining layers of lumber together with mechanical fastening so that the grain of all laminations is essentially parallel. |
situation awareness | An on-going process of gathering information by observation and by communication with others |
priority sequence | Order in which settings are to be yarded (25). |
atmospheric stability | The degree to which vertical motion in the atmosphere is enhanced or suppressed |
giardiasis | a disease that results from an infection by the protozoan parasite Giardia Intestinalis, caused by drinking water that is either not filtered or not chlorinated |
coordinates | The intersection of lines of reference, usually expressed in degrees/minutes/seconds of latitude and longitude, used to determine or report position or location. |
draw knife | A tool having a blade with a handle at each end; by drawing it towards you, you can shave surfaces. |
operations research | A scientific approach to decision making that involves the operations of organizational systems. |
aircraft network | Applies to radio frequencies primarily used for air operations. |
bridging | Boards placed perpendicularly between joists to stiffen the joists |
service center | Point of support for items not ordered through dispatch. |
meristem | A tissue capable of active cell division, thereby adding new cells to the plant body. |
strap | Short cable with a loop at each end (24). |
trees requested | Short form: Req Number of trees requested for an order. |
rink-shank nail | A nail with grooves and ridges around the shank to prevent the nail from popping out of the wood as the wood contracts and expands because of changes in moisture and temperature. |
regression | Statistical technique used to evaluate relationships among variables (22). |
slope percent | The ratio between the amount of vertical rise of a slope and horizontal distance as expressed in a percent |
in-shift repair time | See machine time, scheduled operating time, delay time, mechanical delay time. |
straw line | A light-weight line used to change main skidding lines and tackle in cable yarding systems. |
meandering line | Survey line at the high-water mark on navigable lakes and streams |
nozzle operator | A person assigned to operate a fire hose nozzle, usually on a hand line. |
stream restoration | Various techniques used to replicate the hydrological, morphological, and ecological features that have been lost in a stream due to urbanization, farming, or other disturbance. |
lumber tally | Record of lumber giving the number of boards or pieces by size, grade, and species; often expressed in MBF (17). |
decaying knot | A knot is disintegration of wood due to the action of wood-destroying fungi. |
levee | a natural or manmade earthen barrier along the edge of a stream, lake, or river |
planimeter | An instrument used to mechanically measure an area by tracing the perimeter on a place surface |
safety advisory | A safety alert addressing wildland fire safety information that isn't related to imminent or potential threats of injury. |
means of production | and in which labor is treated as merely another commodity in the production process |
dolly | See bummer. |
brace and bit | A hand drill with a crank shaped handle with a flat knob on the end, special auger bits with a square tapered shank fit into a two jaw chuck |
release order | The order that defines when personnel and/or equipment will be ready for release from an incident. |
crib | Pen of short logs assembled cabin style |
mobilization guide | A written description of procedures used by federal, state, and local organizations for activating, assembling, and transporting resources that have been requested to respond to or support an incident. |
dressed and matched | Lumber that has been worked with a tongue off center on one edge of each piece and a groove on the opposite edge to provide a close joint by fitting two pieces together. |
fire perimeter | The entire outer edge or boundary of a fire. |
waterfall | A waterfall is a sudden drop in a river as it flows over a rock cliff |
linear foot | A measurement of the length of a board (i.e |
effluent plume | Delineates the extent of contamination in a given medium as a result of a distribution of effluent discharges (or spills) |
longitudinal | Parallel to the direction of the wood fibers. |
grapple skidder | See harvesting machine classifications, single function machines: skidder. |
secondary industry | Economic activity designed to make things; manufacturing |
crown cover | The ground area covered by the crown of a tree as delimited by the vertical projection of its outermost perimeter. |
depth of burn | The reduction in forest floor thickness due to consumption by fire. |
natural landscape | The surface of the earth as modified by natural physical processes |
ground water | (1) water that flows or seeps downward and saturates soil or rock, supplying springs and wells |
millibar | A unit of pressure equal to a force of 1,000 dynes per square centimeter |
edge trimmer | Tool used to trim edge banding. |
milligram | One-thousandth of a gram. |
medium stocked stands | See stocking classes. |
canopy | More or less continuous cover of branches and foliage formed collectively by adjacent tree crowns |
skid | A load being pulled by the skidder. |
long ton | British unit of weight equal to 2,240 pounds (17). |
hydrologic cycle | The circulation of water around the earth, from ocean to atmosphere and back to ocean again. |
open space | A relatively clear or forested area left untouched in or near a city |
peak flow | the maximum instantaneous discharge of a stream or river at a given location |
head of a fire | The most rapidly spreading portion of a fire's perimeter, usually to the leeward or up slope. |
climate | The prevalent or characteristic meteorological conditions of any place or region, and their extremes. |
may day | International distress signal/call |
mortality of growing stock | See quality classes. |
effluent | Municipal sewage or industrial liquid waste (untreated, partially treated or completely treated) that flows out of a treatment plant, septic system, pipe, etc. |
horizontal boring | An alternative to mortise and tenon joint; has two drilling heads, side by side and usually an adjustable table for height. |
chain | Unit of measure in land survey, equal to 66 feet (20 M) (80 chains equal 1 mile) |
aircraft footprint | That area on the surface of the earth, runway, or ramp that is covered by the tread of the aircraft tire while the aircraft is motionless |
discharge monitoring report | Report of effluent characteristics submitted by a municipal or industrial facility that has been granted an NPDES discharge permit. |
boxed heart | Used when the pith falls entirely within the four faces anywhere in the length of a piece. |
surfaced checks | A drying defect that occurs when the surface dries too quickly in relation to the core. |
cords per man-hour | Quotient derived by dividing the total number of cords that a crew produces by the number of man-hours required for the production (8). |
depletion allowance | Deduction from taxable income derived from wasting assets |
saw timber | Trees suitable for production of saw logs. |
urbanization | The process of becoming urban |
pressure-treating | A process of impregnating lumber or other wood products with various chemicals, such as preservatives and fire-retardants, by forcing the chemicals into the structure of the wood using high pressure. |
training specialist | Person responsible to the planning section chief for coordinating the use of trainees on the incident and for assuring that the trainees meet their training objectives and receive performance evaluation reports. |
flame | A mass of gas undergoing rapid combustion, generally accompanied by evolution of sensible heat and incandescence. |
logging truck | Vehicle used to transport logs |
fiber saturation point | The stage in the drying or wetting of wood at which the cell walls are saturated and the cell cavities free from water |
fire climate | Composite pattern of weather elements over time that affect fire behavior in a given region. |
firescope | Firefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies |
plume rise | How high above the level of release an emission plume rises. |
park reserve | Crown lands administered through the provincial parks program |
idler wheel | In band sawing, it is the unpowered half of the pulley-like system that turns the blade |
surplus value | The value of goods above and beyond the costs of making those goods |
s2s1e | Surfaced two sides, one edge |
double male coupling | A hose-coupling device having two male thread nipples for connecting hose and for connecting two female couplings of the same diameter. |
leader | The ICS title for an individual responsible for a task force, strike team, or functional unit. |
dray | Sled used for yarding logs (24). |
micro scale indicators | Small individual indicators and patterns that are not easily observable without close observation or magnification. |
lookout tower | Structure that elevates a person above nearby obstructions to sight for fires; generally capped by some sort of house or cupola. |
colonizer | Species of vegetation that establish on a burned (or otherwise denuded) site from seed. |
flow conditioner | Chemical powders that will, in very small quantities, tend to prevent other powders from caking and flocculating |
elevation loss | In hydraulics, the pressure loss caused by raising water through hose or pipe to a higher elevation (roughly equal to one psi for every two-foot increase in elevation above the pump) (11.3 kPa per meter). |
tidal flushing | The act of seawater displacing fresh water within a lagoon or estuary. |
tail | The end portion of a birds-mouth joint which extends beyond the plate when there is a roof overhang. |
statistics | A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. |
flight following | The method and process through which an aircraft is tracked from departure point to destination |
wind speed | Wind, in miles per hour, measured at 20 feet above open, level ground or as adjusted to meet this standard to compensate for height of ground cover, uneven ground, and nearby obstructions. |
view | Narrowly defined, an extended view or prospect from a site which, many times, is as important as or more important than the site itself. |
conifer | Tree that is a gymnosperm, usually evergreen, with cones and needle-shaped or scalelike leaves, producing wood known commercially as softwood (17). |
ground-lead logging | Cable yarding method in which the main line lead block is hung on a stump |
risk management | A continuous, five-step process that provides a systematic method for identifying and managing the risks associated with any operation. |
fate of pollutants | Physical, chemical, and biological transformation in the nature and changes of the amount of a pollutant in an environmental system |
tilt blade | A blade that can be tilted in respect to a vertical position. |
eductor | A device used to introduce and mix fire chemical into a water stream |
vander waal forces | Physical forces of attraction between molecules, which include permanent dipole, induced dipole, hydrogen bond, and Long dispersion forces. |
incident objectives | Statements of guidance and direction necessary for the selection of appropriate strategy(s), and the tactical direction of resources |
schoolmarm | Tree that initially had a single trunk that later split into two separate trunks part way up the tree (12). |
tree farming | Application of silvicultural practices for the perpetual production of commercial timber crops |
slip | Relative movement in the direction of travel at the mutual contact surface of the traction or transport device and the surface that supports it (7). |
elasticity | A property of a material that causes it to return to its original dimensions after being deformed by loading. |
dewpoint | The temperature at which atmospheric water vapor condenses out as a liquid. |
loading | See harvest functions. |
main ridge | Prominent ridgeline separating river or creek drainages |
merch | Merchantable. |
grade | The slope of a plot of land |
gaining reach | Reach where groundwater is flowing into the stream channel to become surface water. |
sapwood | The new wood in a tree that lies between the bark and the heartwood |
deflagration | Chemical decomposition by burning material in which the reaction is less than sonic velocity, for example, low explosives. |
blind area | An area in which neither the ground nor its vegetation can be seen from a given observation point. |
resin ducts | Intercellular passages that contain and transmit resinous materials. |
source | The source is the beginning of a stream or river. |
ambulance | A ground transport vehicle configured, equipped and staffed to respond, care for and transport a patient(s) and approved by a state to do. |
hydraulic barking | Removal of bark from round timber, such as logs, bolts or billets, by high-pressure jets of water as the pieces are mechanically rotated in a closed chamber (26). |
preservative | Any substance applied to wood that helps it resist decay, harmful insects, or rotting. |
agriculture | The systematic cultivation of plants and animals |
diagonal grain | Cross grain exhibiting deviation of the growth-ring plane from the longitudinal axis, commonly the result of sawing boards other then parallel to the bark of the log. |
pulp log | Log that does not meet the one-third merchantability standard for a saw log but contains a minimum of 50-percent sound wood fiber by volume (17). |
moisture content | Amount of water present in a material such as wood or soil |
ground effect | Reaction of a rotor downdraft against the ground surface, forming a "ground cushion" that increases lifting capability of that section of air. |
vertical temperature profile | Plot of the actual dry-bulb temperature against height above the earth's surface, most commonly determined by a RAWINSONDE observation. |
monkey wrench | A half tool with adjustable jaws for turning nuts of varying sizes. |
binder | Chain or wire rope used to bind logs |
turbulence | Irregular motion of the atmosphere usually produced when air flows over a comparatively uneven surface such as the surface of the earth; or when two currents of air flow past or over each other in different directions or at different speeds. |
incendiary device | Contrivance designed and used to start a fire. |
fire discovery | The act of determining that a fire exists; does not include determining its location. |
offshore flow | Wind blowing from land to water. |
nephelometric turbidity units | The units of measurement for turbidity in water as determined by the degree light is scattered at right angles when compared to a standard reference solution. |
main line | In cable yarding, the line used to bring logs to the landing |
pintle hook | Hooking device normally found on the rear of a piece of equipment and used to pull or attach a cable or trailer (23). |
smoke plume | The gases, smoke, and debris that rise slowly from a fire while being carried along the ground because the buoyant forces are exceeded by those of the ambient surface wind. |
peak monthly average | Highest monthly average of human-caused fires calculated for a protection unit. |
bobtail | Refers to a two-axle truck (24). |
kink | A form of warp characterized by abrupt deviation from straightness or flatness due to either localized grain distortion (as around knots) or to deformation by misplaced stickers. |
six-by-six | Motor truck with six powered wheels, two in front and four in back (24). |
recurrence interval | The inverse probability that a certain flow will occur |
assumption | Acceptance of information as true without proof or demonstration. |
intermittent smoke | Smoke which becomes visible only at intervals. |
shrinkage | A decrease in wood dimensions due to loss of water in the wood cell walls |
barrel | Liquid measure, equivalent to 42 U.S |
surfactant | A surface active agent; any wetting agent |
geographic structure | Often called "spatial structure," the term refers to the modes in which space is organized in any given society |
ignition energy | Quantity of heat or electrical energy that must be absorbed by a substance to ignite and burn. |
better | A term usually used to indicate that a lumber shipment contains a percentage of pieces that are of a higher grade than the lowest grade stated |
bicycle | Carriage or trolley used on a skyline (24). |
pole | Young tree at least 4 inches and less than 8 to 12 inches in D.B.H. |
epidermis | The outermost layer of cells on the primary plant body; often with strongly thickened and cuticularized outer walls; sometimes consisting of more than one layer of cells. |
precipitation duration | Time, in hours and fraction of hours, that a precipitation event lasts |
box beam | A built-up beam with solid wood flanges and plywood or wood-based panel product webs. |
tension | In an adhesively bonded joint, a uni-axial force tending to cause extension of the assembly, or the counteracting force within the assembly the resists extension. |
firm heart stain | A brownish or reddish discoloration, and in the grades where specified, does not affect the use of the piece to any greater extent than the other characteristics of the grade. |
expansion diffusion | Representation - A technical term that refers to the depiction of a place or process |
domestic | Derived from the Latin word domus, meaning house, domestic refers to anything relating or belonging to the house, home or family; at home, comfortable, familiar; not foreign. |
parallel pumping | Procedure by which the flow from two fire pumps is combined into one hose line. |
tsi | Timber Stand Improvement. |
seasoned | Wood that has been dried to a certain moisture content to improve its serviceability |
ranger district | An administrative subdivision of a national forest (under a district ranger) or other tract of public land. |
fire environment | The surrounding conditions, influences, and modifying forces of topography, fuel, and weather that determine fire behavior. |
preconnected | Hard suction hose or discharge hose carried connected to pump, eliminating delay occasioned when hose and nozzles must be connected and attached at fire. |
rural | Any area wherein residences and other developments are scattered and intermingled with forest, range, or farm land and native vegetation or cultivated crops. |
ripple marks | Fine horizontal striations visible on the tangential longitudinal surfaces of certain wood |
rotary planar | A power hand tool with rotating blades that smoothes the surface of material. |
imagined community | A term coined by political theorist Benedict Anderson to describe the way, through media and other large-scale activities, people imagine for themselves a shared sense of history and culture in which their commonalities (across a relatively expansive space) are greater than their differences |
equipment time recorder | Person responsible to the time unit leader for assisting all other units at the incident in properly maintaining a daily record of equipment use time, maintaining current records for charges and credits for fuel, parts, services, and commissary items for all equipment, and checking and closing all time record forms before demobilization of equipment. |
partial risk | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
point source pollution | Pollutant loads discharged at a specific location from pipes, outfalls and conveyance channels from either municipal wastewater treatment plants or industrial waste treatment facilities |
crotch | Small sled, without a tongue |
silt | Noncohesive soil whole individual particles are not visible to the unaided human eye (0.002 to 0.05 mm) |
reference sites | Waterbodies that are representative of the characteristics of the region and subject to minimal human disturbance. |
skid road | Road cut through the woods for skidding (24). |
runoff | That part of precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water that runs off the land into streams or other surface water |
brashness | Brittleness in wood, characterized by abrupt failure rather than splintering |
long butt | Section cut from the bottom log of a tree and culled because of rot or other defect |
special interest group | In WIMS, a group of weather stations. |
lignin | A complex chemical substance making up approximately 25% of wood substance; interspersed with cellulose in forming the cell wall |
restrictions | Measures taken by jurisdictional agencies to impose bans and standards of use on certain human activities that could lead to the cause of wildland fire |
fire whirl | Spinning vortex column of ascending hot air and gases rising from a fire and carrying aloft smoke, debris, and flame |
percolation | water movement through the soil. |
neutral atmosphere | Condition in which temperature decrease with increasing altitude is equal to the dry adiabatic lapse rate (i.e., the atmosphere neither aids nor hinders large-scale vertical motion). |
section | A land survey subdivision |
slope | The degree of inclination to the horizontal |
bulldozer | Steel blade mounted across the front of a standard crawler tractor that can be raised and lowered but cannot be angled to one side or the other; therefore all pushing is straight forward (24). |
transfer of command | The ICS management process in which the on-scene incident commander at a specified time hands off command responsibilities to the incident commander that will be taking over incident command. |
degrade | Any defect that lowers the grade or quality of a log (17). |
onshore flow | Wind blowing from water to land. |
face cord | Sometimes used in measuring firewood, a face cord is 4 feet high by 8 feet long but only as deep as the length of the individual firewood pieces |
fb | Extreme fiber stress in bending |
infiltration | flow of water from the land surface into the subsurface. |
point source | A permanent source of air pollution that can be distinctly identified such as a smokestack. |
large fire | For statistical purposes, a fire burning more than a specified area of land e.g., 300 acres. |
rosser | Machine that peels bark using knives (24). |
natural heritage reserve | A park that protects natural features, sites, objects or landscapes of provincial significance primarily for scientific and educational purposes. |
brad point bit | Similar to a twist drill but with a flat bottom and sharp point. |
woody fuel moisture | In NFDRS, a calculated value representing the approximate moisture content of the live woody vegetation in the rating area expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight of the sample. |
end joists | The joists at the end of a series of parallel joists. |
increaser | Increasing coupling used on hose, pump, or nozzles to permit connection of a larger size of hose. |
bed plate | See anvil. |
mobile | Capable of being moved from one location to another. |
outside diameter | External diameter of a cylinder or tube, conductor, or coupling as distinguished from the internal diameter. |
nation | A group of people with a common history, language, and culture that use a particular territory and live upon it, and use a unique system of governance. |
adherent | A material that is held to another material by an adhesive. |
h or m | Hit or Miss |
air guard | A common VHF-FM frequency used by natural resource agency aircraft for emergency radio transmissions |
trunk | The trunk is the main course of river. |
toggle clamp | Clamps which can be attached to a base or table to hold work. |
fire danger | Measure of the likelihood of a forest fire, based on temperature, relative humidity, wind force and direction, and the dryness of the woods (12). |
non-commercial species | A tree species in which small size, poor form, or inferior quality is typical |
t.s.i. | Timber stand improvement. |
degradation | In a discussion of fire retardant slurries, deterioration of viscosity. |
ph | Numeric value that describes the intensity of the acid or basic (alkaline) conditions of a solution |
check scaler | One who rescales logs in order to detect errors in the initial scaling (8). |
pier | A masonry post |
crude birth rate | The annual number of live births per 1000 population in a given area. |
water quality | a term used to describe the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually in respect to its suitability for a particular purpose. |
herbicide | Chemical used to kill or retard the growth of plants; weed killer (17). |
spark arrester | A device installed in a chimney, flue, or exhaust pipe to stop the emission of sparks and burning fragments. |
age class | One of the intervals, commonly 10 or 20 years, into which the age range of tree crops is divided for classification or use |
router | A high speed motor with handles and an adjustable base with a collet that accepts profile bits to cut dados, rabbets, and shapes. |
active resources | Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident. |
end-split | A lengthwise separation of the wood fibers at the end of a piece of lumber. |
piling | See harvest functions. |
resource | Something of use to a person or group |
g/s | Grade-Stamped |
carbonaceous | Pertaining to or containing carbon derived from plant and animal residues. |
quad | One Quadrillion (1 X 10(15)) |
discoloration | Changes in the color of wood which affect only its appearance. |
pitch streak | A well-defined accumulation of pitch in the wood cells in a more or less regular streak. |
lumber tally | Record of lumber giving the number of boards or pieces by size, grade, and species; often expressed in MBF. |
toxic substance | A chemical or mixture that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. |
orographic | Pertaining to, or caused by mountains. |
banking snags | The act of throwing mineral soil about the base of an unlighted snag to prevent its being ignited by a surface fire. |
multiple-use | Practice of forestry that combines two or more objectives. |
cumulative impacts | Describes situations when the effects of an action are added to or interact with other effects in a particular place and within a particular time |
mattock | Hand tool with a narrow hoeing surface at one end of the blade and a pick or cutting blade at the other end; used for digging and grubbing. |
gum canal | An intercellular cavity, found in woods that may contain gum, latex, and resins. |
sediment oxygen demand | The solids discharged to a receiving water are partly organics, and upon settling to the bottom, they decompose anaerobically as well as aerobically, depending on conditions |
muntin | A strip of metal or wood separating and holding panes of glass in a window or door. |
sea breeze | A breeze (wind) blowing inland from the sea generally during daytime hours. |
ignition factor | The conditions, subsequent actions, and sequence of events that bring a competent ignition source into contact with the materials first ignited |
side | Men and equipment needed to yard and load any one logging unit of an operation (22). |
spar tree | Tree or mast on which rigging is hung for one of the many cable hauling systems (22). |
equilibrium moisture content | When the level of moisture in a board is equal to the moisture in the surrounding air. |
channel | A natural stream that conveys water; a ditch or channel excavated for the flow of water. |
pilot bit | A router bit fitted with bearing above the cutter which rides on the edge of a board or template, keeping the bit a fixed distance from the edge. |
boundary conditions | The temperature and relative humidity of the boundary layer. |
load area | The area found by multiplying the beam spacing by the post spacing to determine the post thickness required by building codes. |
staggered setting | Clear-cut settings separated by uncut timber (22). |
surface water | Water that is flowing across or contained on the surface of the earth, such as in rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, and reservoirs. |
empirical model | Use of statistical techniques to discern patterns or relationships underlying observed or measured data for large sample sets |
incident with potential | Wildland fire-related mishap that results in serious or non-serious injuries involving multiple personnel, near accident (which would have resulted in a serious injury or fatality), or substantial loss of property (less than $250,000) |
mixed grain | Lumber may be both vertical and flat grain. |
surge | Rapid increase in water flow which may result in a corresponding pressure rise. |
mismatched material | Worked material that does not fit tightly at all points of contact between adjoining pieces or in which the surfaces or adjoining pieces are not in the same plane. |
normative | Implying or establishing a norm; a normative model is one that describes not just how the world is but also suggests how the world should be. |
acceptable fire risk | The potential fire loss a community is willing to accept rather than provide resources to reduce such losses. |
face veneer | High quality veneer that is used for exposed surfaces on plywood. |
raised grain | The roughened condition of sanded wood when the hard latewood rises above the soft earlywood when moisture is applied. |
drainage basin | A geographic and hydrologic subunit of a watershed. |
air-dried | Lumber or other wood products that have been either dried by exposure to natural atmospheric conditions outdoors or in an unheated shed or dried to equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere |
portable | Something that can be picked up and carried from one location to another (24). |
surface low | An area on the earth's surface where atmospheric pressure is at a relative minimum |
detonation | An extreme rapid decomposition of a material in which the reaction is more than a sonic velocity, for example, high explosives. |
air rights | A type of easement granting permission to a constructor or developer to build over a street or structure. |
rops | Roll-over protective structures that protect the operator if a machine overturns (20). |
crown scorch height | The height above the surface of the ground to which a tree canopy is scorched. |
altimeter setting | The barometric pressure reading used to adjust a pressure altimeter for variations in existing atmospheric pressure or to the standard altimeter setting (29.92) inches. |
timber frame | A load-carrying structure of timbers ranging in size from 4x4 and up. |
torpedo level | A short level used in deck building to set posts plumb |
span of control | The supervisory ratio of from three-to-seven individuals, with five-to-one being established as optimum. |
over-all dimensions | The measurements-of thickness, width, or length-of a piece of lumber which are used to compute the space occupied. |
debarking | See harvest functions. |
glue laminating | Production of structural or nonstructural wood members by bonding two or more layers of wood together with adhesive. |
landscape | contrast natural landscape. |
bow | A defective piece of lumber that has warped along its length. |
solute | a substance that is dissolved in another substance, thus forming a solution. |
incident command post | Location at which primary command functions are executed |
permit | An authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved Federal, state, or local agency to implement the requirements of an environmental regulation; e.g., a permit to operate a wastewater treatment plant or to operate a facility that may generate harmful emissions. |
"rational economic beings" | An assumption made in many models, particularly economic ones, that people rationally weight the costs and benefits of any action and always seek to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs in any given situation. |
loess | Loamy soils deposited by wind, often quite erodible. |
supervisor | The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of a division or group. |
production | The process of making something |
ecology | A branch of biology dealing with the relationship between living things and their environment. |
manual weather station | A non-telemetered weather station that provides one observation every 24 hours for manual entry into WIMS. |
management action points | Geographic points on the ground or specific points in time where an escalation or alternative of management actions is warranted |
spray gun | A cloud of mist of fine liquid particles, as of water from breaking waves. |
heat transfer | Process by which heat is imparted from one body to another, through conduction, convection, and radiation. |
contamination | The act of polluting or making impure; any indication of chemical, sediment, or biological impurities. |
stressor | Any physical, chemical, or biological entity that can induce an adverse response. |
private space | Space owned or controlled by an individual or group and available to members of the "public" only by permission of the owner or controller |
variable visibility | A condition when the prevailing visibility is less than 3 miles (5 km) and rapidly increases and decreases by one or more reportable values during the period of observation. |
tree | A woody plant that usually grows to at least 20 feet in height at maturity and commonly has a single trunk with no branches within three feet of the ground. |
waste | See residuals. |
doubling time | The time it takes a population to double in size from any given numerical point |
log rule | Table intended to show amounts of lumber that may be sawed from logs of different sizes under various assumed conditions (22). |
crown density | Thickness, both spatially (depth) and in closeness of growth (compactness) of an individual crown as measured by its shade density |
glulam | A shorthand version of glue laminate |
residuals | Trees remaining after an intermediate or partial cutting of tree crops or stands |
boring | Starting a cut in the center of a log using the tip of the saw blade |
cold storage | Storage of trees for winter and spring planting at temperatures above freezing, typically at 2°C (36°F). |
screw gun | A tool used to install sheetrock, also known as drywall |
squall | Sudden increase in wind speed to at least 17 mph (15 knots) that is sustained for at least 1 minute but not more than 5 minutes. |
spud | Tool with a narrow-shaped, curved blade used in removing bark by hand |
oxygen demand | Measure of the dissolved oxygen used by a system (microorganisms) in the oxidation of organic matter |
connectivity | The degree of connection or separation between people, places, and things. |
incised wood | Wood with slots cut into the side of the wood so that preservative chemicals can penetrate more deeply during pressure treatment |
threatened | A species likely to become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed. |
miter joint | Pieces that are cut on an angle to make a joint. |
p.a.i. | Periodic annual increment. |
polar | Characteristics of a molecule in which the positive and negative electrical charges are permanently separated, as opposed to non-polar molecules in which the charges coincide. |
contour | The form of the land |
forward rate of spread | The speed with which a fire moves in a horizontal direction across the landscape, usually expressed in chains per hour or feet per minute. |
allowable property | The value of a property normally published for design used |
stick | Piece of short pulpwood (22). |
lag screw | A large screw, usually 4 inches or longer, with a hex head, tuned with a wrench. |
sedimentation tanks | wastewater tanks in which floating wastes are skimmed off and settled solids are removed for disposal. |
prehauling | Moving pulpwood from stump site to truck loading site by carrying it off the ground |
fire-flood cycle | The greatly increased rate of water run off and soil movement from steep slopes that may follow removal of the vegetative cover by burning. |
injectors | Metering devices with a diesel engine that regulate the fuel flow (23). |
subsidence | Downward or sinking motion of air in the atmosphere |
chevron burn | Burning technique in which lines of fire are started simultaneously from the apex of a ridge point, and progress downhill, maintaining position along the contour; used in hilly areas to ignite ridge points or ridge ends. |
wheelbase | The distance from the centerline of the front axle to the centerline of the rear axle |
chain | Unit of length equal to 66 feet (20). |
summer planting | Short form: SU Summer delivery products are lifted in the summer, packaged and shipped immediately to the customer for out planting |
heading | The compass direction in which the longitudinal axis of the aircraft points. |
ris | Redwood Inspection Service |
hardener | A substance or mixture of substances that is part of an adhesive and is used to promote curing by taking part of the reaction. |
fascia | A broad, flat, horizontal surface, sometimes used to cover a joint, or as the other edge of a cornice. |
hose reel | A rotating drum used for winding booster hose (normally) for storing and dispensing. |
incendiary | A burning compound or metal used to produce intense heat or flame, like a bomb. |
butt joint | A woodworking joint where the edges of two boards are placed against each other. |
spot | To place a truck or trailer in position for loading. |
manually regulated | A proportioning method or device that requires a manual adjustment to maintain a desired mix ratio over a changing range of water flows and pressures. |
notion | A generalized conception of something. |
suppressant | An agent that extinguishes the flaming and glowing phases of combustion by direct application to the burning fuel. |
mean annual increment | Total increment growth up to a given age divided by that age |
adze hoe | A fire-trenching or digging tool having a sharp, tempered blade, which is useful for heavy grubbing, trenching, and light cutting. |
place | A portion of geographical space occupied by a person or thing, and thus given meaning |
speck | A defect that's caused by a fungus living in a tree, which appears as small white pits of spots. |
medical director | A physician who assumes the ultimate responsibility for the patient care aspects of the incident EMS program. |
fire resources | All personnel and equipment available or potentially available for assignment to incidents. |
administrative payment team | A team that supports incident agencies by processing payments for resources |
state implementation plan | A plan required by the Clean Air Act and prepared by an Air Quality Regulatory Agency, which describes how the state will attain and maintain air quality so as to not violate National Ambient Air Quality Standards. |
feller delimber-buncher | See harvesting machine classifications, multifunction machines. |
perceptual region | A region perceived to exist, usually in the collective imagining of people at large, and possessing an identifiable nickname (i.e |
compact | A formal working agreement among agencies to obtain mutual aid. |
time-temperature curve | Graph showing the increase in temperature at a specified point in a fire as a function of time, beginning with ignition and ending with burnout. |
plasticizing wood | Softening wood by hot water, steam, or chemical treatment to increase its moldability. |
whole-tree chip fires | See W.T.C |
blue-stain | Discoloration in the sapwood of pine |
kickback | When a work-piece is thrown back in the opposite direction the cutter is turning. |
es | Englemann Spruce |
energy chips | Whole-tree chips used for energy (4). |
pyrolysis | The thermal or chemical decomposition of fuel at an elevated temperature |
rheologic properties | Flow characteristics of liquid fire retardants, especially their cohesiveness or ability to hold together while falling through the air. |
forward looking infrared | Hand held or aircraft mounted device designed to detect heat differentials and display their images on a video screen |
plant residues | See timber removals. |
flocculation | The process by which suspended colloidal or very fine particles are assembled into larger masses or floccules that eventually settle out of suspension. |
tail rotor | A small rotor, mounted on the tail of a conventional helicopter, which counteracts torque of the main rotor and provides a measure of directional control. |
lapse rate | Change of an atmospheric variable (temperature unless specified otherwise) with height. |
found curve | Naturally occurring crooked timbers usually with two sides sawn and two sides with the bark removed; used as beams, knee braces, and posts. |
stream | a general term for a body of flowing water; natural water course containing water at least part of the year |
hazard | Any real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness or death of personnel, or damage to, or loss of equipment or property. |
fohc | Free of heart center |
fire benefits | Fire effects with positive monetary, social, or emotional value or that contribute, through changes in the resource base, to the attainment of organizational goals. |
impeller | Rotating part of a centrifugal pump which imparts energy to the liquid to be moved |
abrasives | A material that is used to shape or finish a work piece through rubbing which leads to the work piece being worn away. |
incident medical specialist program | An incident-based program to care for emergent and minor medical as well as common occupational health care problems of incident personnel |
eutrophication | The process of increasing nutrient and decreasing oxygen supply within a water body |
integrated logging | Logging operation that segregates and delivers a variety of products to mills and processors that will use them to the best advantage (24). |
blue board | A weather resistant, plaster-based drywell. |
target forest | Type of forest, in terms of species mixture, size, stocking, and harvest age, considered best for a particular site in order to economically produce fiber in the qualities and quantities desired on a perpetual basis (17). |
choker man | See chokersetter (8). |
pneumatic nailer | A nail gun activated by air pressure. |
relay tank | A tank, usually collapsible, used as a reservoir in the relay of water from one fire pump to another. |
peck | Pockets or areas of disintegrated wood caused by advanced stages of localized decay in the living tree; it is usually associated with cypress and incense cedar; there is no further development of peck once the tree is felled. |
herbaceous fuel moisture | In NFDRS, a calculated value representing the approximate moisture content of the live herbaceous vegetation in the rating area expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight of the sample. |
turbulence | A type of flow in which any particle may move in any direction with respect to any other particle and not in a smooth or fixed path |
british thermal unit | Measure of the amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit |
dowel woodworking tip | A cylindrical wooden pin that is used to reinforce a wood joint. |
awls | A term used indicating that all widths and lengths of a specified thickness of lumber may be included in a shipment. |
compensation/claims unit leader | The ICS position responsible for supervising the Compensation/Claims Unit |
streamflow | The active flow of water within a stream, river, or creek |
dense layer | A layer of clouds whose ratio of dense sky cover to total sky cover is more than one-half. |
free water | Moisture found in the cell cavities of wood. |
tooth form | The shape and geometry of a tooth. |
burnover | An event in which a fire moves through a location or overtakes personnel or equipment where there is no opportunity to utilize escape routes and safety zones, often resulting in personal injury or equipment damage. |
reserve | In wildland fire suppression terminology resources not assigned to a specific task, but available for assignment. |
saline water | water that contains significant amounts of dissolved solids. |
criteria pollutants | Pollutants deemed most harmful to public health and welfare and that can be monitored effectively |
confederation | A group of people or organizations brought together for a common purpose. |
forest floor | General term for the surface layer of soil supporting forest vegetation; includes all dead vegetation on the mineral soil surface in the forest as well as litter and unincorporated humus (17). |
building codes | Regulations specifying the type of construction methods and materials that are allowable on a project. |
pattern clusters | A group of indicators in a close proximity, of the same or different categories, that exhibit consistent directional values. |
good one side | Plywood with one side patched solid and sanded, the other side will be rough and have open knot holes. |
bull buck | One who runs a felling and bucking crew (8). |
coarser residue | Plant residue that is suitable for chipping; for example, slabs, edgings, and veneer cores (33). |
timber stand improvement | Intermediate thinning of a forest stand, prior to its reaching mature rotation age, generally for the purpose of improving growing conditions or controlling stand composition (35). |
cubic scale | Estimate of the cubic-foot volume of wood fiber in a tree, log, or other wood product (17). |
uncontrolled airport | Airport not having an approved agency with radio communications to direct aircraft take-offs and landings. |
designated area | Those areas identified as principal population centers or other areas requiring protection under state or federal air quality laws or regulations. |
jtd | Jointed |
environment | Surroundings; external area and conditions upon which animals and plants, |
fiber | General term for any long, narrow cell of wood |
ultra high frequency | Radio frequencies from 300 Megahertz (MHz) to 3,000 MHz with a normal range of less than 50 miles |
instrument shelter | Naturally or artificially ventilated structure, constructed to specifications and used to shield weather measuring instruments from direct sunshine and precipitation. |
direct cost | Cost that varies in direct proportion to production and is attributable to a specific factor of production (26). |
bdft | Board foot |
upper level high | (Upper High, High Aloft, Upper Level Ridge) A circulation feature of the upper atmosphere where pressure, at a constant altitude, is higher than in the surrounding region |
osmosis | the movement of water molecules through a thin membrane |
half-blind dovetail | A dovetail joint where the cut does not go all the way through the board |
scope of practice | The set of responsibilities and ethical considerations that define the extent or limits of the care provider within the current standards of practice. |
hazard map | Map of the area of operations that shows all of the known aerial hazards, including but not limited to power lines, military training areas, hang gliding areas, etc. |
landscape | Narrowly defined, the amount of countryside and/or city that can be taken in at a glance |
aircraft data card | Card or documentation required to be on board the aircraft which approves use and indicates specific types of use. |
emergency management coordinator/director | The individual within each political subdivision that has coordination responsibility for jurisdictional emergency management. |
smoke target | An area that may be adversely affected by smoke from a prescribed burn |
climax species | Plant species that will remain essentially unchanged in terms of species composition for as long as the site remains undisturbed (17). |
group | Groups are established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation |
m | Thousand |
brush blade | Blade attachment with long teeth specially suited to ripping and piling brush with minimum inclusion of soil |
overpopulation | these might include, war, famine, disease, revolution, and so forth |
annual certification | Annual review by an employing agency of an individual's position qualifications and documentation certifying that the individual is fully qualified to perform duties and responsibilities for a specified position |
barometric pressure | Atmospheric pressure corrected for elevation. |
mdf | Medium density fiberboard, very stable underlay for counter tops etc |
soil failure | See soil reaction nomenclature. |
knockdown | A design feature that allows a piece of furniture to be easily disassembled by the use of special hardware or joinery. |
filtch | A thick piece of lumber with or without wane (bark) on one or more edges suitable for remanufacturing. |
inside diameter | The internal diameter of a tube, conductor, or coupling, as distinguished from its OD (Outside Diameter) |
social justice | The distribution of burdens and benefits in a society - and the mechanisms by which this distribution comes about. |
safety swede | Lever used to tighten binders on loaded logging trucks (12). |
visual range | Maximum distance at which a given object can just be seen by an observer with normal vision. |
fire inspector | Fire prevention specialist or arson investigator. |
endpoint | An endpoint (or indicator/target) is a characteristic of an ecosystem that may be affected by exposure to a stressor |
power | The real or presumed ability of a person, group or institution to exert force or influence, to make others do their bidding. |
upper level low | (Upper Level Disturbance, Cold Low Aloft) A circulation feature of the upper atmosphere where pressure, at a constant altitude, is lowest |
berm | A ridge of soil and debris along the outside edge of a fireline, resulting from line construction. |
splicer | One who joins two pieces of cable together by intertwining the wire strands (6). |
variable costs | Operation costs that result from running a machine, calculated on an hourly basis; includes cost of labor and items such as fuel, oil, wire rope, and replacement parts |
awareness | The continual process of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence, information, and knowledge to allow organizations and individuals to anticipate requirements and to react effectively and safely. |
structure | The arrangement of vegetation in terms of density, basal area, cover, and vertical arrangement. |
skid | Load being pulled by the skidder (22). |
saw logs | Logs meeting minimum regional standards of diameter, length, and defect |
stacker | Mobile machine for unloading and stacking or decking logs using the forklift principle and curved top clamps (22) |
hollow-core construction | A panel construction with faces of plywood, hardboard, or similar material bonded to a framed-core assembly of wood lattice, paperboard rings, which support the facing at spaced intervals. |
restoration | Return of an ecosystem to a close approximation of its presumed condition prior to disturbance. |
azimuth | Horizontal angle or bearing of a point measured clockwise from true (astronomic) north. |
face width | The width of the face of any piece of lumber; in tongued or lapped (rabbeted) lumber, it does not include width of tongue or lap. |
aspirate | To draw in gases (or other substances); nozzle aspirating systems draw air into the nozzle to mix with the foam solution. |
alluvium | Sediment deposited by flowing water, such as in a riverbed, floodplain, or delta |
tactics | Deploying and directing resources on an incident to accomplish the objectives designated by strategy. |
pressure loss | Reduction in water pressure between a pump or hydrant and a nozzle due to expenditure of pressure energy required to move water through a hose; includes losses due to back pressure, friction loss, elevation loss, and/or losses in fittings. |
brand | Log mark used to identify logs (17) |
internal order number | Short form: ION Internal control number given to every PRT contract order. |
fuelwood | Wood salvaged from mill waste, cull logs, and branches; used to fuel fires in a boiler or furnace (12). |
void | Volume in the wood structure that is not occupied by wood tissue (26). |
nationalisation | The terms was first used in 1874 in relation to nationalisation of the land |
cache | A pre-determined complement of tools, equipment and/or supplies stored in a designated location, available for incident use. |
incremental drop | Air tanker drop in which tank doors are opened in sequence so that fire retardant cascades somewhat continuously. |
relief valve | A pressure-controlled device which bypasses water at a fire pump to prevent excessive pressures when a nozzle is shut down. |
flanks of a fire | The parts of a fire's perimeter that are roughly parallel to the main direction of spread. |
lift arms | Front-end loader arms that carry an attachment used for the purpose of lifting (23). |
radial drill press | A drill press with the head mounted on a tube which is laterally and vertically adjustable |
chipper infeed | See portable chipper terms. |
confluence | The location at which two streams intersect and begin to flow as one larger stream. |
forest economics | Generally, that branch of forestry concerned with the forest as a productive asset subject to economic principles (26). |
general services administration | An agency of the United States Government that includes the Federal Supply Service, the Automated Data and Telecommunications Service, the Public Buildings Service, and the National Archives and Records Service. |
genotype | The genetic make-up of an organism, as opposed to that organism's physical appearance |
scribing | Shaping one member to the surface which it touches; for example, to fit a board snugly to a surface which is not straight. |
trellis | A framework of thin lumber designed to support climbing plants. |
estuary | An estuary is the area where a river meets the sea or ocean, where fresh water from the river meets salt water from the sea. |
rgh | Rough |
seed source | This covers all material from a single tree to any collection of trees within a region of provenance or seed zone. |
hold down | A type of iron clamp, fitting into a hole in a bench; tightened or loosened by hammer taps. |
discounted cash flow | In evaluating investment opportunities, the various costs and benefits anticipated in future years discounted to the present |
wastewater | water that has been used in homes, industries, and businesses that is not for reuse unless it is treated. |
emission rate | The amount, or mass of smoke produced per unit of time |
grap hook | Hook with a narrow throat adapted to cover a link on a chain and not slip (24). |
potting test/rgc test | Simple test involving potting of seedlings to demonstrate the viability of roots and buds, done for 28 days under greenhouse conditions with day temperatures of 18°C/64°F to 28°C/82°F and night temperatures of 12°C/54°F to 24°C/75°F. |
variable ceiling | A ceiling of less than 3,000 feet (900 m) which rapidly increases or decreases in height by one or more reportable values during the period of observation. |
container seedlings | Container seedlings are grown as "plugs" in containers |
air attack base | Permanent facility at which aircraft are stationed for use in air attack operations. |
deepening | As it refers to atmospheric pressure, a decrease in the central pressure of a low |
performance oriented objectives | On-the-job performance enhancement is a result of online training |
radiosonde | A device carried aloft by a balloon equipped with measuring instruments that automatically convert temperature, pressure, and humidity data into electrical impulses and transmit this information to a ground recorder. |
behavior | An observable activity or action demonstrated by an individual in a particular context. |
lumber for dimension | The National Dimension Manufacturers Associated defines both hardwood and softwood dimension components as being cut to a specific size from kiln-dried rough lumber, cants, or logs. |
sunny | The adjective classification of the sky when 5/10 or less of the sky is obscured by clouds |
lead | Block or series of blocks or rollers attached to a stationary object to guide the cable that drags logs (32) |
public | Any individual or group of individuals with an interest in, or affected by, the outcomes of a decision. |
slip | Relative movement in the direction of travel at the mutual contact surface of the traction or transport device and the surface that supports it. |
safety circle | An obstruction-free circle around the (helicopter) landing pad. |
benthic | Refers to material, especially sediment, at the bottom of an aquatic ecosystem |
rdm | Random |
para | Paragraph PART — Partition |
starter plants | Plants grown from seed or cuttings in smaller containers to be transplanted to the field or into larger containers for further growing |
benthic macroinvertebrate | Bottom-dwelling (benthic) animals without backbones (invertebrate) that are visible with the naked eye (macro). |
neocolonialism | Neocolonialism is the stage of development of capitalism and imperialism in which colonies are exploited by making them economically dependent on the imperialist power |
chief of party | The chief of party is responsible to the sending unit dispatcher until destination is reached |
wind vectors | Wind directions used to calculate fire behavior. |
agency/area coordination center | A facility which serves as a central point for one or more agencies to use in processing information and resource requests |
positive displacement pump | A pump which moves a specified quantity of water through the pump chamber with each stroke or cycle; it is capable of pumping air, and therefore is self-priming, but must have pressure relief provisions if plumbing or hoses have shut-off nozzles or valves |
logging truck | A vehicle used to transport logs |
orthophoto | Photograph obtained from the orthogonal (i.e., horizontal) projection of a correctly oriented stereoscopic model formed by two overlapping aerial photographs; an orthophoto is free of tilt and relief displacements. |
limestone | A sedimentary rock composed largely to minerals calcite, and/or aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium. |
gradient | The rate of change of the value of one quantity with respect to another; for example, the rate of decrease of temperature with depth in a lake. |
extrusion spreading | A method of adhesive application in which adhesive is forced through small openings in the spreader head. |
extend | To drop retardant in such a way that the load slightly overlaps and links a previous drop |
ground | Territory on which a logging operation is being conducted (19). |
naval stores | A term applied to the oils, resins, tars and pitches derived from oleoresin contained in, exuded by, or extracted from tress chiefly of pine species or from the wood of such trees. |
out-of-shift repair time | See machine time, scheduled nonoperating time. |
cost-share program | A program that allocates project funds to pay a percentage of the cost of constructing or implementing a best management practice |
barometer | An instrument for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere |
thin sky cover | Sky cover through which higher clouds or the sky can be detected. |
concentrate | A substance that has been concentrated; specifically, a liquid that has been made denser, as by the removal of some of its water. |
foliage freeze indicators | Small branches, needles, and leaves on green vegetation that take on a windswept appearance and "freeze" in that position. |
chemical pulping | Process in which wood fibers are separated by removing the lignin and certain other wood components through the use of chemicals (17). |
bastard sawn | Lumber in which the annual rings make angles of 30 to 60 degrees with the surface of the piece. |
boule | A log live sawn and kept together in the order of sawing. |
sewage treatment plant | a facility designed to receive the wastewater from domestic sources and to remove materials that damage water quality and threaten public health and safety when discharged into receiving streams or bodies of water |
decomposition | Metabolic breakdown of organic materials; the formation of by-products of decomposition releases energy and simple organic and inorganic compounds |
board measure | Is used to indicate that a ‘board foot' is the unit of measure. |
leach | Removal of soluble constituents from ashes or soil by percolation of water. |
capital | Plant, equipment, and related facilities used to produce a flow of goods and services (22). |
in situ | In place; in situ measurements consist of measurements of components of processes in a full-scale system or a field, rather than in a laboratory. |
metabolize | The physical and chemical processes in an organism by which nutrients and other compounds are absorbed. |
eutrophication | The nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem that promotes biological productivity. |
long-term fire danger | The results of those factors in fire danger affecting long-term planning; involves consideration of past records and conditions and probable future trends. |
vigor | A subjective assessment of the health of individual plants in similar site and growing conditions; or a more specific measure based upon a specific facet of growth, such as seed stalk or tiller production per plant or per unit area. |
branch | The organizational level having functional or geographical responsibility for major parts of incident operations |
volunteer firefighter | Legally enrolled firefighter under the fire department organization laws who devotes time and energy to community fire service without compensation other than Worker's Compensation or other similar death and injury benefits. |
chipper discharge | See portable chipper terms. |
residuum | Unconsolidated and partially weathered mineral materials accumulated by disintegration of consolidated rock in place. |
project objectives | The specific results expected from completing a project. |
ecoregion | A physical region that is defined by its ecology, which includes meteorological factors, elevation, plant and animal speciation, landscape position, and soils. |
backfire torch | A flame generating device (e.g., a fount containing diesel oil or kerosene and a wick, or a backpack pump serving a flame-jet). |
marine air | Air which has a high moisture content and the temperature characteristics of an ocean surface due to extensive exposure to that surface |
strainer | A wire or metal guard used to keep debris from clogging pipe or other openings made for removing water; used in pumps and on suction hose to keep foreign material from clogging or damaging pumps. |
hose lay | Arrangement of connected lengths of fire hose and accessories on the ground, beginning at the first pumping unit and ending at the point of water delivery. |
preservative | Any substance that, for a reasonable length of time, will prevent the action of wood-destroying fungi, bores or various kinds, and similar destructive life when the wood has been properly coated or impregnated with it. |
front | In meteorology, the boundary between two air masses of differing atmospheric properties. |
structural timbers | Pieces of wood of relatively large size, the strength or stiffness of which is the controlling element in their selection and use. |
figure | Any distinctive appearance on a longitudinal wood surface resulting from anatomical structure, irregular coloration or defects. |
d.b.h. | Diameter at breast height (24). |
measuring | Process of dividing the merchantable tree stem into segments of specified length for the purpose of bucking |
tool and equipment specialist | Person responsible to the receiving/distribution manager for sharpening, servicing, and repairing hand tools. |
net board measure | Content of lumber when calculated from measurements of actual dimensions, including tongue or lap. |
wet water | Water with added chemicals, called wetting agents, that increase water's spreading and penetrating properties due to a reduction in surface tension. |
divergence | The expansion or spreading out of a horizontal wind field |
vegetative reproduction | Establishment of a new plant from a seed that is a genetically distinct individual. |
perennial streams | Streams fed continuously by a shallow water table an flowing year-round. |
sound wood | Wood that is free from defect (26). |
fcpw | Flat car paper wrapped |
live run | Indicates that the air tanker has the target in sight and will make a retardant drop on this run over the target. |
flight path | Track of an aircraft over the earth's surface. |
buck | To saw a felled tree into short cuts (22) |
national response plan | A plan that integrates federal government domestic prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans into one all-discipline, all-hazard plan. |
extinguishing agent | Substance used to put out a fire by cooling the burning material, blocking the supply of oxygen, or chemically inhibiting combustion. |
scaling | Determination of the gross and net volume of logs using the customary commercial volumetric units for the product involved (22). |
solid piling | The close stacking of lumber or other products, without separation of layers with stickers, as in open piling. |
ambient monitoring | all forms of monitoring conducted beyond the immediate influence of a discharge pipe or injection well and may include sampling of sediments and living resources [U.S |
fire hazardous areas | Those wildland areas where the combination of vegetation, topography, weather, and the threat of fire to life and property create difficult and dangerous problems. |
recurrent training | Training scheduled at established intervals that has been identified as required training in order to maintain position currency. |
foam systems | The apparatus and techniques used to mix concentrate with water to make solution, pump and mix air and solution to make foam, and transport and apply foam |
bulk density | Measure of weight per unit of volume of a material; generally serves as an indicator of the specific gravity of wood (4). |
biomonitoring | the measurement of biological parameters in repetition to assess the current status and changes in time of the parameters measured ( |
interchangeable course | A course developed by an interagency, all-hazard subject matter expert group containing the same learning objectives and content as an NWCG developed course |
dial gauge | A measuring instrument with a circular graduated face and a pin which activates a rotating pointer to measure variation in movement in thousandths of an inch. |
toxic | Relating to a harmful effect by a poisonous substance on the human body by physical contact, ingestion, or inhalation. |
flame angle | Angle between the flame at the leading edge of the fire front and the ground surface, expressed in degrees. |
drag | Single sled used in dragging logs |
log jack | A tool used to raise a log from the ground during bucking |
phillips head | A type of screw head requiring a driver in the shape of +. |
joist hanger | A pre-manufactured metal piece typically attached to a ledger or to beam to support a joist |
y.u.m. | Yarding of unmerchantable material. |
nation | A people bound together by a shared sense of history and culture and rooted in a particular territory |
area of influence | Delineated area surrounding a base which can be reached first by the ground or air attack units assigned to the base |
st. petersburg | a city in northwestern Russia near Finland and north of Moscow. |
pressure pricess | Any process of treating wood in a closed container whereby the preservative or fire retardant is forced into the wood under pressure greater than one atmosphere. |
wasteload allocation | The portion of a receiving water's loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution |
blister | An elevation of the surface of an adherent, somewhat resembling in shape a blister on human skin. |
cost unit leader | The ICS position responsible for supervising the Cost Unit |
evapotranspiration | The amount of water leaving to the atmosphere through both evaporation and transpiration. |
shutoff pressure | Maximum pressure a centrifugal pump will attain when water flow is clamped or shut off. |
indicator | Visual remains at a fire scene revealing the fire's progress and action. |
necktonic | Organisms that live in the open water areas (mid and upper) of water bodies and streams. |
pm10 | Particulate matter of mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) less than or equal to 10 micrometers. |
advancing a line | Moving a hose lay toward a specified area from the point where the hose-carrying apparatus has stopped. |
solar radiation | The amount of sunlight exposed to the fuels. |
anticyclone | An area of high atmospheric pressure with closed clockwise circulation. |
drive wheels | Wheels powered by all of the vehicle's drive axles |
substrate | Bottom sediment material in a natural water system. |
apparatus | A motor-driven vehicle, or group of vehicles, designed and constructed for the purpose of fighting fires |
beneficiation | Process used to upgrade chips, making them more acceptable for pulp and paper manufacture |
fiddleback | A type of washboard-like figure that occurs in some species of wood with wavy grain; a decorative wood figure caused by wavy grain |
flush | When two adjoining surfaces are perfectly even with one another. |
function | In ICS, function refers to the five major activities, command, operations, planning, logistics and finance/administration. |
impervious surface | Surface (such as pavement) that does not allow, or greatly decreases, the amount of infiltration of precipitation into the ground. |
shaper | A machine with an interchangeable rotary cutter head to cut profile shapes on the edge or face or material |
primary wastewater treatment | the first stage of the wastewater-treatment process where mechanical methods, such as filters and scrapers, are used to remove pollutants |
friction | A saw blade made with one piece of carbon steel used at high speeds to soften metal for removal. |
beaufort wind scale | A system of estimating and reporting wind speeds |
break up | Period of time in the spring when melting snow creates soft soil conditions and high water in streams |
lattice | A framework of crossed wood made of laths or other thin pieces of wood |
bundle bucking | Cutting bundles or truck loads of tree-length wood or long wood into short lengths (8). |
miter gauge | A tool that slides into a slot on a power tool such as a table saw, router table, band saw, etc |
consensus | General accord, group agreement. |
hypolimnion | The region of a body of water that extends from the thermocline to the bottom and is essentially removed from major surface influences during periods of thermal stratification. |
static bending | Redwood |
skidder unit | A self-contained unit consisting of a water tank, fire pump, and hose specially designed to be carried on a logging skidder for use in forest fire suppression. |
absolute humidity | Total amount of water vapor in the air. |
gross national product | The annual total value of all goods and services produced in a country, plus income received from overseas |
infiltration | process of water moving into the soil/ground |
water expansion system | Apparatus utilizing a pressurized tank, hose, and nozzle for producing foam by injection of compressed air or gas into a liquid stream downstream from the pumping source |
rill | A rill is a very small channel of water, caused mainly by runoff water that eroded the soil. |
thickness planer | A power-fed rotary planer that trims the surface of a board to a certain thickness. |
firebrand | Any source of heat, natural or human made, capable of igniting wildland fuels |
biogeoclimatic zone | Short form: BGC Zone Forest zones (defined on the basis of dominant tree species, other plant systems, geographic and climatic criteria) used in nurseries as part of the seedlot description. |
crown length | Vertical distance of a standing tree from the tip of the leader to the base of the crown, measured to the lowest live branch whorl or to the lowest live branch (excluding epicormics), or to a point halfway between the two (26). |
pole size | Trees from 5 to 11 inches in D.B.H. |
technical advisory unit | This unit consists of advisors with special skills who are activated only when needed |
nonpoint numeric targets | A measurable value determined for the pollutant of concern which, if achieved, is expected to result in the attainment of water quality standards in the listed water body. |
fob | Free on board |
marine climate | Regional climate under the predominant influence of the sea, that is, a climate characterized by marine air; the opposite of a continental climate. |
tongue and groove | A joinery method where one board is cut with a protruding "groove" and an identical piece is cut with a matching groove along its edge. |
stable layer of air | A layer of air having a temperature change (lapse rate) of less than dry adiabatic (approximately -5.4 degrees F per 1,000 feet) thereby retarding either upward or downward mixing of smoke. |
resource status board | Visual aid containing pertinent information regarding fire organization, current operational period resources, previous operational period resources, and next operational period resources being prepared; placed at a convenient location in fire camp for review by fireline overhead personnel on large fires. |
internal payload | Allowable aircraft cabin load, in pounds, with full fuel and pilot in calm air at standard atmosphere. |
self-supplied water | water withdrawn from a surface- or ground-water source by a user rather than being obtained from a public supply |
air hose | A hose that carries air under pressure. |
one-hour timelag fuels | Fuels consisting of dead herbaceous plants and roundwood less than about one-fourth inch (6.4 mm) in diameter |
pt | Pressure Treated |
hydrogen bond | An intermolecular attraction force that results when the hydrogen of one molecule and a pair of unshared electrons on an electronegative atom of another molecule are attracted to one another. |
fine residues | Residues not suitable for chipping, such as sawdust, shavings, and veneer clippings (33). |
light sap stain | A slight difference in color which will not materially impair the appearance of a piece if given a natural finish. |
headwaters | Headwaters are streams and rivers (tributaries) that are the source of a stream or river. |
tooth pitch | The distance between one tooth tip and the next. |
space | Most simply, area |
moulding | Small shaped lengths of wood used for both interior and exterior trim. |
b/l | Bill of Lading - A written document issued by a carrier serving as a receipt of goods and as a contract to deliver goods to a specified destination. |
incident communications technician | This ICS position is responsible for the programming, tracking, installation, and maintenance of radio and telephone electronic communication equipment and system design for an incident, and reports to the Communications Unit Leader. |
fixed costs | Operation costs that will remain relatively constant for all levels of output (22). |
caucus | An Algonkian word that describes a meeting of council to make policy decisions and select leaders. |
j-root | To bend the root system laterally, forming a "J"—hence the name. |
service branch director | The ICS position responsible for supervising the Service Branch |
multifunction machines | See harvesting machine classifications. |
straw drum | A small drum on a yarder that handles the straw line. |
fecal coliform | A type of bacterium occurring in the guts of mammals |
controlled airspace | Airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided to IFR and VFR flights in accordance with the airspace classification. |
housing | The shallow mortise or cavity for receiving the major part of a time end, generally copied with a smaller deep mortise to receive a tenon tying the joint together. |
xylem | The cellular tissues inside a tree's bark; often called wood. |
greenhouse | Short form: GH Polyethylene film or glass-covered structure, complete with heat and ventilation. |
suppression | All the work of extinguishing or confining a fire beginning with its discovery. |
estuary | a place where fresh and salt water mix, such as a bay, salt marsh, or where a river enters an ocean. |
shutoff nozzle | Common type of fire hose nozzle permitting stream flow to be controlled by the firefighter at the nozzle rather than only at the source of supply. |
secondary wastewater treatment | treatment (following primary wastewater treatment) involving the biological process of reducing suspended, colloidal, and dissolved organic matter in effluent from primary treatment systems and which generally removes 80 to 95 percent of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and suspended matter |
roller | A roller that has an absorbent surface used for spreading paint. |
mechanized logging | Logging in which most or all of the hand labor is replaced by machines; requires a large outlay of capital. |
guy | Rope, chain, or rod attached to brace, steady, or guide (22). |
multiple-use | Practice of forestry that combines two or more objectives (22). |
medium density fiberboard | A special type of tempered hardboard characterized by a very fine, smooth finish |
consistency | Uniformity and size of bubbles. |
payload | Weight of passengers and/or cargo being carried by an aircraft. |
roughness coefficient | A factor in velocity and discharge formulas representing the effects of channel roughness on energy losses in flowing water |
emergency firefighter | A person employed as an emergency worker on a forest or wildland fire which threatens damage to property under public management |
event | A planned, non-emergency activity |
d.b.h. | Diameter at Breast Height |
molle | Circle of twisted strands of wire rope used as a temporary line to connect the eye splices of two lines |
stock size | Part of the product definition referring to the cell size |
permeable barriers | A feature or condition which partially prevents, slows, or transforms diffusion |
available resources | Resources assigned to an incident and available for assignment. |
southern yellow pine | A species group composed of primarily of Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, and Slash Pines |
modulus of elasticity | The relationship between the amount a piece deflects and the load causing the deflection determines its stiffness. |
controlling nozzle | Shut-off nozzle that permits the nozzle operator to open or close the nozzle or adjust the pattern of the stream. |
framing lumber | A term generally applied to lumber when the nominal size is 2 through 4 inches thick and 2 inches and wider; lumber used to construct a building or structure. |
drywall | A paneling product used as an interior wall and ceiling covering made of gypsum plaster with paper facings |
jurisdictional agency | The agency having land and resource management responsibility for a specific geographical or functional area as provided by federal, state or local law. |
mixed car | A railroad car loaded with various kinds, sizes and/or species of lumber. |
geomorphology | The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms. |
dozer | Any tracked vehicle with a front mounted blade used for exposing mineral soil. |
precipitation amount | The total amount of precipitation that occurred within the preceding 24-hour period. |
land/resource management plan | A document prepared with public participation and approved by an agency administrator that provides general guidance and direction for land and resource management activities for an administrative area |
hundred lineal feet | A term used to indicate unit of measurement. |
parent tree | Any tree whose seeds are used to produce progeny for use in genetic experimentation |
cloudy | Adjective class representing the degree to which the sky is obscured by clouds |
cable | Wire rope used for lines in yarding systems (22) |
chance | Logging unit such as a timber sale or a specific drainage area (24) |
circumstantial evidence | Testimony or information not based on actual personal knowledge or observation, but dependent on inference of other facts or experience |
flight time | The time from the moment the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of flight until the moment it comes to rest at the next point of landing. |
national forest system | Consists of all national forest lands, the national grasslands and land utilization projects administered under title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, and other interests as defined in Section 9 of the National Forest Management Act of 1976. |
reel | A frame on which hose is wound, now chiefly used for "booster" or small hose (3/4- or l-inch hose) (19 or 25 mm) supplied by a water tank on the apparatus; also, a hand-drawn 2-wheel frame for 2-1/2 inch (64 mm) hose used in industrial plants. |
unit | The organizational element of an incident having functional responsibility for a specific activity in the planning, logistics, or finance/administration activity. |
lightning activity level | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
entrapment | A situation where personnel are unexpectedly caught in a fire behavior-related, life-threatening position where planned escape routes or safety zones are absent, inadequate, or compromised |
eg | Edge (vertical) Grain |
delimbing gate | Metal grid used with a skidder for removing limbs (23). |
end checks | A drying defect caused by the ends of the boards drying faster than the rest of the wood |
chord | Straight line that joins the end points of any arc |
wind | The horizontal movement of air relative to the surface of the earth. |
synoptic chart | In meteorology, any chart or map on which data and analyses are presented that describe the state of the atmosphere over a large area at a given moment in time. |
base | a substance that has a pH of more than 7, which is neutral |
site built | A structure constructed at the site where it is to remain. |
trough | An elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure, usually extending from the center of a low pressure system. |
tracheary elements | The principal water-conducting elements of the xylem, mostly vessel members and tracheids. |
river reach | a river or stream segment of a specific length |
activity fuels | Fuels resulting from, or altered by, forestry practices such as timber harvest or thinning, as opposed to naturally created fuels. |
clear text | The use of plain English in radio communications transmissions |
secondary logging road | A road designed for relatively little use |
capital | "Public" - As used in this class, "the public" refers to private citizens freely coming together in public space so as to deliberate on important political issues of the day |
re-certification | Confirmation through the re-issuance of an incident qualification card that an individual has regained qualifications for a specified position that was lost through a lack of current experience |
herbicide | Chemical used to kill or retard the growth of plants; weed killer. |
inductor | A control mechanism that allows a regulated quantity of foam concentrate to be introduced into the main hose line. |
canopy | The stratum containing the crowns of the tallest vegetation present (living or dead), usually above 20 feet. |
supporting technologies | Any technology which may be used to support NIIMS |
embrittlement | A loss in strength or energy absorption without a corresponding loss in stiffness |
planting year | Short form: YoP Year of planting. |
storied | A term applied to the axial cells and rays in wood when these are arranged in horizontal series on tangential surfaces. |
position task book | A document listing the performance requirements (competencies and behaviors) for a position in a format that allows for the evaluation of individual (trainee) performance to determine if an individual is qualified in the position |
blow | Usually in plywood and particleboard, the development of steam pockets during hot pressing of the panel, resulting in an internal separation or rupture when pressure is released. |
grain pattern | Three distinct grain patterns: |
rescue medical | Any staffed ground vehicle capable of providing medical services. |
long-span skidding | Cable system capable of skidding f logs for 3,000 feet or more (17). |
channel pattern | Description of how a stream channel looks as it flows down its valley (for example, braided channel or meandering channel). |
ventilation factor | A numerical value relating the potential of the atmosphere to disperse airborne pollutants from a stationary source, calculated by multiplying the mixing height by the transport wind speed. |
drop zone | Target area for airtankers, helitankers, cargo dropping. |
hardness | The property of wood that is indicated by a resistance to cutting, scratching, denting, pressure or wear. |
roof truss | An engineered building component that supports the roof in place of rafters |
eddy | A circular-like flow of a fluid (such as air or water) drawing its energy from a flow of much larger scale, and brought about by pressure irregularities as in the downwind (lee) side of a solid obstacle |
generator | A machine that converts one form of energy into another; especially mechanical energy into electrical energy, as a dynamo, or electrical energy into sound, as an acoustic generator. |
infeed throat | See portable chipper terms. |
s.m.h. | Scheduled machine hour. |
grade stamped | Grade indicated with official stamp impression. |
density rules | A procedure for segregating wood according to density, based on percentage of latewood and number of growth rings per inch of radius. |
lacquers | A finish; a clear varnish. |
cutover | Land that has previously been logged (12). |
bedding | Raised mound on which seedlings are planted |
tear-out | The tendency for a blade to splinter the last part of a piece of wood during crosscutting. |
flood | An overflow of water onto lands that are used or usable by man and not normally covered by water |
landing | Cleared area in the woods to which logs are yarded for loading onto trucks for shipment to a processing plant |
culture | The attitudes and values shared by a |
bark beetle | Small, cylindrical beetle of the family Scolytidae, the adult of which bores into and beneath the bark of various trees for the purpose of egg laying. |
bh | Boxed Heart |
lookout | A person designated to detect and report fires from a vantage point. |
bev | Bevel |
span | Horizontal distance between skyline supports (22). |
washload | Sediments smaller than 63 microns which are not from the bed but could be from bank erosion or upland sources. |
dike | A dike is an embankment that fills in an area around a lake rim that is lower than the top of the dam |
value added product | Refers to "extra" feature(s) of a seedling product that go beyond standard expectations and provide something "more" to the end product |
aw&l | A term used indicating that "all widths and lengths" of a specified thickness of lumber may be included in a shipment. |
bare | root seedling-Tree seedling grown in a nursery bed |
snubbing line | Line used for lowering a load (22). |
duty week | Regular number of hours worked per week by a full-time firefighter, excluding overtime. |
specific gravity | Ratio of the weight of a volume of material to the weight of an equal volume of water at a given temperature (7). |
set | An individual incendiary fire. |
booster pump | An intermediary pump for supplying additional lift in pumping water uphill past the capacity of the first pump. |
periphery | The edge or line around the outside of anything; the surrounding region |
heuristic | normative; metaphor. |
across the grain | Generally perpendicular to the grain direction. |
shuttle hauling | Use of preloading trailers to reduce truck turn-around time. |
barriers | In diffusion studies, the term given to something that slows, stops, or transforms a diffusion event |
bullnose | The process of rounding an edge of a board used for seating, shelving, stadium seating steps, etc. |
fuelbreak system | A series of modified strips or blocks tied together to form continuous strategically located fuel breaks around land units. |
slashing | See harvest functions. |
target forest | A type of forest, in terms of species mixture, size, stocking, and harvest age, considered best for a particular site in order to economically produce fiber in the qualities desires on a perpetual basis. |
combustion rate | Rate of heat release per unit of burning area per unit of time. |
structure fire | Fire originating in and burning any part or all of any building, shelter, or other structure. |
hot landing | See hot deck. |
haze | A sufficient concentration of atmospheric aerosols to affect a visible attenuation of light and measurable reduction in visual range |
basal area per acre | See land classification. |
wasteload allocation | The portion of a receiving water's loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution (e.g., permitted waste treatment facilities). |
pre-green | In the 1978 version of NFDRS, the herbaceous stage approximately 30 days prior to green-up. |
maximum dry bulb temperature | The highest value for dry bulb temperature measured at the observation site during the preceding 24-hour period. |
aquifer | an aquifer whose upper water surface (water table) is at atmospheric pressure, and thus is able to rise and fall. |
furnish | Wood material that has been reduced for incorporation into conventional wood-based composites; including flakes, particles, and fiber. |
joystick | Hydraulic control lever that can be operated in up to four directions, controlling a number of functions through one hydraulic valve (23). |
conceptual | Relating to something thought of, an idea, a notion or mental image. |
backdraft | Instantaneous explosion or rapid burning of superheated gases that occurs when oxygen is introduced into an oxygen-depleted confined space |
wash coat | Typically used as the first coat of a finish |
tracheids | An imperforate wood cell with bordered pits. |
site plan | A dimensioned drawing indicating the form of an existing area and the physical objects existing in it and those to be built or installed upon it. |
lead plane | Aircraft with pilot used to make trial runs over the target area to check wind, smoke conditions, topography and to lead air tankers to targets and supervise their drops. |
fuel type | An identifiable association of fuel elements of distinctive species, form, size, arrangement, or other characteristics that will cause a predictable rate of spread or resistance to control under specified weather conditions. |
cutting | Process of felling trees (24) |
chain saw | Saw that is powered by a gasoline, hydraulic, or electric motor; cutting elements are on an endless chain similar to a bicycle chain (24). |
rip-cut | A cut made parallel to the grain of a board. |
fire management objective | Planned, measurable result desired from fire protection and use based on land management goals and objectives. |
nesdis id | An 8-character identifier assigned by NESDIS that becomes the RAWS identification number for use with the GOES satellite. |
warp | A defect in lumber characterized by bending in one or more directions; any deviation of the face or edge of a board from flatness, or any edge that is not at right angles to the adjacent face or edge; the most common forms of warp are bow, crook, cup, and twist. |
push factors | Push Factors - In studies of migration, those negative characteristics of a place that encourage emigration out of that place |
fittings | For dust collection, accessories that are used to connect hoses, pipes, and tools within a dust collection system. |
dew point | Temperature to which a specified parcel of air must cool, at constant pressure and water-vapor content, in order for saturation to occur |
spade bit | These are an inexpensive bit, suitable for general use, they get their name from their shape. |
gradient | Amount by which the grade increases or decreases in a unit of horizontal distance (21). |
atmospheric inversion | Departure from the usual increase or decrease with altitude of the value of an atmospheric property (in fire management usage, nearly always refers to an increase in temperature with increasing height). |
increment | Any resource or grouping of resources on which individual status is maintained. |
end coating | The process of sealing the ends of the boards to prevent checking caused by unrestrained evaporation of moisture |
cyberspace | The intangible space created through electronic communication, especially on the Internet or other computer networks. |
μg/l | See Mg/L |
picket | A sharpened or pointed pale, post, or stake usually used as fencing. |
abort | To jettison a load of water or retardant from an aircraft, or terminate a preplanned aircraft maneuver. |
storability test | The practice of freezing seedlings to specific temperatures and then evaluating them, post-freezing, to determine if the seedlings have been damaged or not |
nation-state | most literally, a condition in which the territory of a nation is congruent with the territory of a state |
dry lightning storm | Thunderstorm in which negligible precipitation reaches the ground |
nonflammable | Material unlikely to burn when exposed to flame under most conditions. |
salinity | Salinity is the amount of salt dissolved in water. |
lgth | Length LIN (Lineal) |
gravimetric | Of, or pertaining to, measurement by weight. |
fall block | Block which, in tight-skyline systems, can be lowered to pick up loads on the ground and then raised as required for hauling them onto the landing |
arbor | A shaft, driven by the tools motor that turns blades or other cutting tools. |
shrink-swell | The amount of elasticity (percent clay) in a soil. |
casual | A person hired and compensated under the Pay Plan for Emergency Workers. |
pathogen | a disease-producing agent; usually applied to a living organism |
impreg. | Wood in which the cell walls have been impregnated with synthetic resin so as to reduce materially its swelling and shrinking. |
optimum road spacing | Distance between parallel roads that gives the lowest combined cost of skidding and road construction costs per unit of log volume (22). |
medium-range forecast | A forecast for a period extending from about two days to five days or a week in advance; there are no absolute limits to the period embraced by this definition. |
unacceptable risk | Level of risk as determined by the risk management process which cannot be mitigated to an acceptable safe level. |
tagline | Extra length of line at the end of a main line |
de-synchronization | To interrupt the regular timing of a process |
extensive agriculture | Crop or livestock growing which involves relatively large amounts of land and relatively small amounts of labor (or other energy) |
rotor | Assembly of airfoils (rotor blades), together with a hub and attachments, that rotates about an axis to provide lift and/or thrust on a helicopter. |
pith fleck | A narrow streak, resembling pith on the surface of a piece, resulting from burrowing of larvae in the growing tissues of the tree. |
elevation | Short form: Elev Seed collection elevation. |
field germination | Short form: Field Germ Percentage of seeds that germinate to the point of being visible above the seed covering in field or container conditions. |
structure | A constructed object, usually a free-standing building above ground. |
filtch matched | See ‘bookmatched'. |
fly ash | Particulate matter emitted by a fire and larger than 10 microns in diameter with a consequently short residence time in the atmosphere. |
combination nozzle | A nozzle is designed to provide either a solid stream or a fixed spray pattern suitable for applying water, wet water or foam solution |
indicator organism | An organism used to indicate the potential presence of other (usually pathogenic) organisms |
bunching | See harvest functions. |
viscosity | Thickness of a liquid, the degree to which it resists flow. |
draft | Drawing water from static sources such as a lake, pond, cistern, river, etc |
lumber ruler | A tool resembling a ruler with a handle at one end and a hood at the other which is used to calculate the board footage of a piece of lumber. |
one-thousand hour timelag fuels | Dead fuels consisting of roundwood 3-8 inches in diameter and the layer of the forest floor more than about 4 inches below the surface. |
mineral soil | Soil layers below the predominantly organic horizons; soil with little combustible material. |
non-operational park | A property with no facilities or services available. |
tree | Woody plant that usually grows to at least 20 feet in height at maturity, typically having a single trunk with no branches within 3 feet of the ground (11). |
mensuration | In forestry, the measurement of both standing and harvested timber (12). |
kindling point | Lowest temperature at which sustained combustion can be initiated for a specified substance |
cost sharing agreements | Agreements that document the financial responsibility for incident resource costs, possibly identifying requirements of other party payments. |
ram set gum | A nail gun used in construction and manufacturing to join materials to hard substances such as steel and concrete. |
skyline crane | Yarding system capable of moving logs laterally to a skyline as well as transporting logs either up or down a skyline to a landing (22). |
gelatinous fibers | Modified fibers that are associated with tension wood in hardwoods. |
competency | A broad description that groups core behaviors necessary to perform a specific function. |
human-caused risk | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
cant hook | Stout wooden lever used in rolling logs |
wet storage | Fire retardants mixed with water and stored in tanks at air attack bases for immediate use by air tankers. |
rick | A pile of evenly stacked cordwood, stave, bolts, or other short-length wood. |
organic soil | Any soil or soil horizon containing at least 30% organic matter (e.g., muck, peat). |
s3s | Surfaced two faces and straight line ripped one edge |
enhancement | In the context of restoration ecology, any improvement of a structural or functional attribute. |
miscellaneous federal | See ownership classes. |
sedimentary rock | rock formed of sediment, and specifically: (1) sandstone and shale, formed of fragments of other rock transported from their sources and deposited in water; and (2) rocks formed by or from secretions of organisms, such as most limestone |
objective | A description of a desired condition; quantified and measured, and where possible, with established time frames for achievement. |
little change | Insignificant change in wind speed, direction, and temperature (less than 5 degrees) and relative humidity (less than five percent), respectively |
shaving | A small wood particle of indefinite dimensions developed incidental to certain woodworking operations involving rotary cutter heads usually turning in the direction of the grain. |
embeddedness | The degree to which fine sediments (e.g., clays, silts) fill the spaces (interstices) between rocks, cobbles, and gravel on the bottom of a stream or river. |
piling and burning | Piling slash resulting from logging or fuel management activities and subsequently burning the individual piles. |
gross domestic product | Total market value of goods and services produced in a given area, minus the cost of goods and services used in the production process. |
terra torch ® | Device for throwing a stream of flaming liquid, used to facilitate rapid ignition during burn out operations on a wild fire or during a prescribed fire operation. |
ground pressure | Weight of a vehicle under specific conditions, transmitted to the ground and computed for the per-unit area of contact between ground and wheels or track shoes (26). |
impermeable layer | a layer of solid material, such as rock or clay, which does not allow water to pass through. |
dominant trees | The most numerous and vigorous species in a mixed forest |
natural fuels | Fuels resulting from natural processes and not directly generated or altered by land management practices. |
t-slot | A slot milled in the shape of an upside down "T" to hold special bolts for clamps or jigs. |
grade-level deck | A deck flush with, or slightly above, ground level |
external order number | Short form: EON Order number provided to PRT by customers |
framing chisel | A large chisel with long, heavy blades, strong enough to be hit with a heavy mallet. |
wall decking | Lumber covering the walls; usually 1" tongue-and-groove. |
directional felling | Predetermining the way a tree will land when it hits the ground |
glowing combustion phase | The final phase of combustion following flaming and smoldering phases. |
preattack block | Unit of wildland delineated by logical and strategic topographic features for preattack planning. |
filler | A substance that is used to fill pores and irregularities on the surface of material to decrease the porosity before applying a finishing coat. |
hemicelluloses | A cellulose-like material in wood that is easily decomposable as by dilute acid. |
partial-thickness burn | A burn where the outer layer of skin is burned through and the second layer of skin (dermis) is damaged and is typically, a painful injury |
sooting indicators | The black, carbon based soot deposited on objects in the fire's path |
emergency operations plan | The plan that each jurisdiction has and maintains for responding to appropriate hazards. |
soil compaction | See soil reaction nomenclature. |
continuous discharge | A discharge that occurs without interruption throughout the operating hours of a facility, except for infrequent shutdowns for maintenance, process changes, or other similar activities. |
precipitation | Any or all forms of water particles, liquid or solid, that fall from the atmosphere and reach the ground. |
raveling | Erosion caused by gravity, especially during rain and drying periods |
initial action | The actions taken by the first resources to arrive at a wildfire or wildland fire use incident |
anchor cable | A line used to tie down a yarded to prevent tipping on heavy pull. |
natural seed | Seed collected from natural forest settings |
load and return | Order given to the air tanker pilot to pick up another load of fire retardant or water and return to the fire. |
exterior fire protection | The protection of structures from the exterior, with no interior access or activity. |
mixmaster | The person in charge of fire retardant mixing operations with responsibility for quantity and quality of the slurry and for the loading of aircraft. |
slope winds | Small scale convective winds that occur due to local heating and cooling of a natural incline of the ground. |
primary logging road | Road designed and maintained for a high level of use |
gin pole | Erect pole with guys, 30 to 50 feet in height, leaning so that a loading block hung at the top is directly over the point where the truck will be spotted for loading (22). |
trainer/coach | A position-qualified individual who provides instruction to a trainee in the classroom, on-the-job, or on an incident |
average yarding distance | Total yarding distance for all turns divided by total number of turns for a particular setting (20). |
residue | Wood or bark that is left after a manufacturing process (23). |
deputy | A qualified individual who could be delegated the authority to manage a functional operation or perform a specific task |
fire load index | Numerical rating of the maximum effort required to contain all probable fires occurring within a rating area during the rating period. |
single-stem | An operation handling one tree at a time. |
surfacing | The way a piece of lumber has been prepared at the lumber mill. |
spread index meter | Device for combining measured ratings of various fire danger factors into numerical classes or rates of spread. |
plank | A piece of lumber, from 2 but not including 5 inches thick, generally used with wide face horizontal. |
torque | The amount of force that is needed to turn an object such as a screw or bolt. |
flame spread | The propagation of a flame away from the source of ignition across the surface of a liquid of a solid, or through the volume of a gaseous mixture. |
rotor blast | Air turbulence occurring under and around the main rotor of an operating helicopter |
arrest | The taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal authority, especially in response to a criminal charge. |
residual stand | Trees remaining in an area after the cutting operation has been completed (9). |
contractor | Person who has a contract to do all or any part of a logging job (19). |
effluent | Municipal sewage or industrial liquid waste (untreated, partially treated, or completely treated) that flows out of a treatment plant, septic system, pipe, etc. |
irrigation return flow | Surface and subsurface water that leaves a field after the application of irrigation water. |
risk index | A number related to the probability of a firebrand igniting a fire. |
volatiles | Readily vaporized organic materials which, when mixed with oxygen, are easily ignited. |
hammer | A hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking. |
multiple points of origin | Two or more separate points of fire origins at a fire scene; strong indication of arson. |
structural integrity | A structure uncompromised ability to safely resist the required loads. |
hem-fur | Hemlock - True Firs |
critic | A person who passes judgement on a piece of art, literature, theatre etc, assessing its quality |
thousand board feet | A unit of measurement equal to 1,000 feet of wood having a thickness of one inch. |
burning priority rating | System of rating slash to indicate the treatment objective, whether or not burning is required to meet that objective, the fuel treatment necessary to achieve successful burning, and the time of year burning should occur. |
national wildlife refuge system | All lands, waters and interests therein administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service for the protection and conservation of fish and wildlife, including those that are threatened with extinction. |
oven-dry wood | Wood completely dried until it is without any moisture content. |
pit | Generally a colloquialism for a landing, also known as a deck or ramp (23). |
cover | The area on the ground covered by the combined aerial parts of plants expressed as a percent of the total area. |
hazardous materials | Substances that are identified, classified, and regulated in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49 and Hazardous Materials Regulations 175. |
crown | Upper part of a tree, including the branches and foliage (28). |
macroclimate | General large-scale climate of a large area or country as distinguished from smaller scale mesoclimate and microclimate. |
plastic sphere dispenser | Device installed, but jettisonable, in a helicopter, which injects glycol into a plastic sphere containing potassium permanganate, which is then expelled from the machine and aircraft |
rekindle | Reignition due to latent heat, sparks, or embers or due to presence of smoke or steam. |
county | See ownership classes. |
fix | Geographical position determined by visual reference to the surface, by reference to one or more radio navigational aids, by celestial plotting, or by any other navigational device. |
curling indicators | Green leaves on succulent, uncured vegetation which bends and curls inwards towards the heat source. |
secondary rafters | Smaller sized timber rafters placed between principle rafters. |
partners | All agencies and organizations that engage in joint decision making with federal agencies in planning and conducting fire management projects and activities. |
engine | Any ground vehicle providing specified levels of pumping, water, and hose capacity but with less than the specified level of personnel. |
spillway | A spillway is the part of a dam over which excess floodwater flows |
friction loss | Pressure loss caused by the movement of water or solution against the interior surface of fire hose, pipe, or fittings; normally measured in pressure loss per length of hose or pipe. |
dense sky cover | Sky cover that prevents detection of higher clouds or the sky above it. |
fuel depth | The average distance from the bottom of the litter layer to the top of the layer of fuel, usually the surface fuel. |
operating costs | See variable costs. |
air compressor | A compressor that takes in air at atmospheric pressure and delivers it as a higher pressure. |
oven-dried weight | The weight of a piece of lumber that has been dried, under high temperatures, in an oven until it is devoid of all water |
bsnd | Bright Sapwood No Defect |
variable sky condition | A sky condition that varies between reportable values of sky cover amounts during the period of observation. |
time in service | With respect to maintenance time records, the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it touches at the next point of landing. |
incident overhead | All supervisory positions described in the Incident Command System. |
boundary value | The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) commensurate with the boundary conditions and precipitation events of the preceding 24 hours. |
proud | To protrude above the surface so it is sticking out a bit. |
cost of capital | Investment required to create and maintain productive capital (22). |
compaction | See soil reaction nomenclature, soil compaction. |
band | A group of First Nations people for whom lands have been set aside and money is held by the Crown |
processor | See harvesting machine classifications; multifunction machines. |
ind | Industrial |
chain lightning | Lightning in a long zigzag or apparently broken line. |
ecology | The study of the interactions and relationships between organisms and environments |
burning conditions | The state of the combined factors of the environment that affect fire behavior in a specified fuel type. |
small trees | Live trees 1.0 to 5.0 inches in d.b.h |
x | The drafting symbol for a cross section of an object. |
bevel cut | An angled cut through a board. |
air pollution | The general term referring to the undesirable addition of substances (gases, liquids, or solid particles) to the atmosphere that are foreign to the natural atmosphere or are present in quantities exceeding natural concentrations. |
torx head | A screw head requiring a driver in the shape of a star. |
wildland fire serious accident | Any accident where one or more fatalities occur and/or three or more personnel are inpatient hospitalized as a direct result, or in support of wildland fire suppression or prescribed fire operations |
pulaski | A combination chopping and trenching tool widely used in fireline construction, which combines a single-bitted axe blade with a narrow adze-like trenching blade fitted to a straight handle. |
forecast area | Geographical area for which a fire weather forecast is specified. |
tips | Nozzle tips used to change orifice size of a hose stream. |
precision end trimmed | Lumber is trimmed square and smooth on both ends to uniform length. |
mg | Mixed Grain |
radiation | Propagation of energy in free space by virtue of joint, undulatory variations in the electric or magnetic fields in space, (i.e., by electromagnetic waves). |
light framing | The national grading rules contains three grades of light framing; construction, standard and utility |
tractor | A powered vehicle for off-the-road hauling |
ecosystem | Complex ecological community and environment forming a functional whole in nature (12). |
dry bulb temperature | The temperature of the air measured in the shade 4-8 feet above the ground. |
mobile | Capable of being moved from one location to another (24). |
dynamic model | A mathematical formulation describing and simulating the physical behavior of a system or a process and its temporal variability. |
surface tension | The force per unit length acting in the surface of a liquid that opposes the increase in area of the liquid. |
return flow | (1) That part of a diverted flow that is not consumptively used and returned to its original source or another body of water |
featherboard | A piece of wood with thin "fingers" that hold a board against a fence or down against the table of a power tool; usually a table saw or router. |
stress skin construction | A construction in which panels are separated from one another by a central partition of spaced strips with the whole assembly bonded so that it acts as a unit when loaded. |
heart shake | A split that starts at the heart of a log. |
acid | a substance that has a pH of less than 7, which is neutral |
mat | Temporary roadway constructed of hardwood lumber. |
swell-butted | Trees greatly enlarged at the base. |
tether line | Line used to restrain a balloon in flight, such as the line from a logging balloon to the butt rigging (22). |
slasher buncher | See harvesting machine classifications, multifunction machines. |
hacksawing | The use of a long blade mounted in a bow-shaped frame |
drawer slide | A mechanism used to make drawers slide in and out. |
pathogen | Disease-causing agent, especially microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. |
dead blow hammer | A specialized mallet helpful in minimizing damage to the struck surface and in controlling striking force with minimal rebound from the striking surface. |
species code | Abbreviation for each seedling species |
reversible siamese | Hose fitting that performs the functions of a Siamese or a wye (i.e., to combine the flow from two lines into a single line or to permit two lines to be taken from a single line). |
crotch line | Loading method that uses two lengths of rope suspended from the end of the loading line and terminating in the end hooks (22). |
shipping dry | Having moisture content (over-dry basis) of 14 to 20 percent |
azimuth circle | A circle graduated in 360 degrees in a clockwise direction from true (astronomic) north. |
non-attainment area | An area identified by an air quality regulatory agency through ambient air monitoring (and designated by the Environmental Protection Agency), that presently exceeds federal ambient air standards. |
green-up | Green-up for the 1978 version of NFDRS model is defined as the beginning of a new cycle of plant growth |
storage life | The period of time during which a packaged adhesive can be stored under specific temperature conditions and remain suitable for use. |
bioaccumulate | the net uptake of a material by an organism from food, water, and (or) respiration that results in elevated internal concentrations [U.S |
organic matter | That fraction of the soil that includes plant and animal residues at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil organisms, and substances synthesized by the soil population. |
fixed tank | A device mounted inside or directly underneath an aircraft which can contain water or retardant for dropping onto a fire. |
cooperator | Local agency or person who has agreed in advance to perform specified fire control services and has been properly instructed to give such service. |
protection | The actions taken to limit the adverse environmental, social, political, and economical effects of fire. |
hard suction hose | Noncollapsible suction hose attached to a pump and used to draft water from a source lower than the pump |
mature timber | Stand of trees that has attained an age or size that satisfies the primary economic goal for which it was managed (17). |
bearing tree | Tree marked to identify the nearby location of a survey corner |
foam | The aerated solution created by forcing air into, or entraining air in water containing a foam concentrate by means of suitably designed equipment or by cascading it through the air at a high velocity |
redwood | An exceptionally large Californian conifer, Sequoias semervirens, which yields red wood |
after date of invoice | A term used to define a condition of sale; cash discounts are often allowed for payment within a specified period "after date of invoice." |
angle of char indicators | Standing fuels that are burned at an angle that indicates the direction of fire spread |
mid-flame windspeed | The speed of the wind measured at the midpoint of the flames, considered to be most representative of the speed of the wind that is affecting fire behavior. |
push stick | A tool used that is to safely push a board through a table saw or other power tool. |
contingency resources | Planned and identified fire suppression personnel and equipment that mitigate possible but unlikely events that exceed or are expected to exceed holding resource capabilities. |
hoedag | Hoelike tool with an elongated blade used for planting trees (17). |
throw out | Soil pushed over the edge of a fireline by a tractor plow or dozer. |
open line | Refers to open fire front where no line has been constructed. |
yield | Amount of product output recovered from a quantity of raw material input in forest product industries |
annual plant | A plant that lives for one growing season, starting from a seed each year. |
grading rules | A set of criteria by which to judge various pieces of lumber of panels in terms of appearance, strength, and suitability for various uses |
full-cut lumber | Lumber that in thickness and width measures fully up to specified sizes; a term sometimes confused with ‘cut-full' lumber, the latter admitting lumber intentionally manufactured in larger than nominal thickness and width. |
eased edges | Slightly rounded surfacing on pieces of lumber to remove sharp corners |
abney level | Hand-held clinometers that are used to measure slope in percent. |
bound water | Water found within the cell wall of wood. |
cunit | Unit of volume consisting of 100 cubic feet (22) |
priority sequence | The order in which items are to be yarded. |
experimental plot | Area of ground laid out to determine the effects of a certain method of treatment |
air tanker | Fixed-wing aircraft certified by FAA as being capable of transport and delivery of fire retardant solutions. |
hydric | Soil that is saturated for sufficient periods of time to produce anaerobic conditions (11). |
live fuel moisture content | Ratio of the amount of water to the amount of dry plant material in living plants. |
monsoon climate | Climate characterized by (a) a long winter-spring dry season which includes a "cold season" followed by a short "hot season" immediately preceding the rains, (b) a summer and early autumn rainy season which is usually very wet (but highly variable from year to year), and (c) a secondary maximum of temperature immediately after the rainy season. |
high grade | Good quality timber |
depletion allowance | Deduction from taxable income derived from ? wasting asset |
non-violence | Non-violence is the political tactic of physically confronting oppressive authority without the use of violence. |
tooth rake angle | The angle formed by the tooth face and a line perpendicular to the back of the blade. |
inhibition | Process of extinguishing fire by the use of an agent that interrupts the chemical reactions in the combustion process. |
framing square | A flat piece of metal shaped like an "L", with measurements along both legs of the "L"; commonly used when building decks for marking lines perpendicular to the length of lumber. |
flume | Trough of water used to convey wood (24). |
mbm | Thousand (ft.) board measure. |
windspeed meter | A handheld device which indicates wind speed, usually in miles per hour. |
assistant disbursing officer | Person with authority to pay wildland fire suppression crews, transient labor, local residents, and vendors with US Treasury checks. |
draw shear | Carrier-mounted, single-action, anvil shear used in mechanized cutting operations |
contract specifications | Describes the contract specifications of the seedling product |
ballhooter | Person who rolls or slides logs down a hillside (8). |
stain | A discoloration in wood caused by a chemicals, fungus, or minerals |
fir | Any evergreen coniferous tree, especially of the genus Abies, with needles borne singly on the stems. |
tour | A prolonged journey from place to place |
strength ratio | The hypothetical ratio of the strength of a structural member to that which it has if it contained no strength-reducing characteristics. |
resource capability | The ability of the wildland fire program to respond to current and anticipated workload needs for the area of concern. |
molding | A strip of material with a profile cut on the facing edges, used for trimming. |
burn out time | The duration of flaming and smoldering combustion phases at a specified point within a burn or for the whole burn, expressed in convenient units of time. |
serious aircraft incident | An incident or malfunction that could adversely affect the safety of flight. |
patriarchy | A condition in which gender relations are characterized by the dominance of men over women, or masculinity over femininity |
blaze | To permanently mark trees, indicating those to be cut or the course of a boundary, road, or trail (24). |
stand improvement | Measures such as thinning, release cutting, girdling, weeding, or poisoning of unwanted trees to improve growing conditions (33). |
conservation | The protection, improvement and use of natural resources according to principles that will assure the highest economic or social benefits for people and the environment now and in the future. |
detritus | Any loose material produced directly from disintegration processes |
try square | A square with a steel tongue in a wooden handle. |
native species | A species which is a part of the original fauna or flora of the area in question. |
fragipans | A natural subsurface soil horizon seemingly cemented when dry, but when moist showing moderate to weak brittleness, usually low in organic matter, and very slow to permeate water. |
drum lifter | Device used to transport a 55-gallon drum (208 L) via sling on a helicopter. |
specific heat | The heat required to raise a unit mass of a substance one degreee kelvin |
model fireworks law | Model legislation recommended by the Fire Marshals' Association of North America and adopted by many states, regulating display of fireworks. |
sapling | Young tree less than 4 inches in d.b.h |
post cure | A treatment applied to an adhesive assembly following the initial cute, to complete cure, or to modify specific properties. |
texture | The size of the cells in wood, described as ranging from coarse to fine; often confused with grain. |
conversion | Transformation of a forest from one forest type to another, favoring a particular species or group of species through practices such as cutting, planting, or weeding |
fire day | Standard 24-hour period beginning at 1000 hours, during which most wildfires undergo a predictable speeding up and slowing down of intensity, depending primarily on the influence of weather and fuel factors. |
pocket hole | A hole drilled on an angle with a step bit to make a butt joint |
celsius | A temperature scale with 0° as the freezing point of water and 100° as the boiling point of water at sea level. |
rotary-cut veneer | Veneer which was cut from a log in one long sheet |
on center | A method of measuring distance between two structural members, such a joists, where you measure from the center of one member to the center of the other |
moisture content | A measure of the amount of water in a piece of lumber. |
directional vectors | The physical characteristics of the indicators that show the direction of fire spread, i.e., advancing, backing, or lateral. |
mechanical harvesting | Cutting with mechanized equipment, such as the carrier-mounted shear or feller-buncher, instead of by hand with a power saw (9). |
i-joist | A beam whose cross section resembles the letter "I" |
ideology | A partial truth that benefits a particular group of class of people |
ev1s | Edge V one side |
synoptic | Literally, at one time |
operational control | The exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, or terminating any operation |
ridge purlin | The beams connecting rafter to rafter at the apex. |
alkalinity | the capacity of water for neutralizing an acid solution. |
tilt cab | Cab on a machine that is hinged on one side and can be tilted back and lowered for transport (23). |
evaporation | The transformation of a liquid to its gaseous state; heat is released by the liquid during this process. |
river | A natural stream of water of considerable volume, larger than a brook or creek. |
planning | The illustration and description of problem-statements and large-scale design solutions that affect extensive areas of land; the anticipation of problems that will be encountered as human use and development of land continues. |
condensation | the process of water vapor in the air turning into liquid water |
walk test | The walk test is designed to determine the ability to carry out light duties |
pith | A soft core in the center of a tree trunk. |
free on board | Refers to a named point to which the seller will deliver and load lumber on board transportation equipment at no additional charge to the buyer |
ground water | The supply of fresh water found beneath the earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs |
staging area | Locations set up at an incident where resources can be placed while awaiting a tactical assignment on a three (3) minute available basis |
fahrenheit | A temperature scale on which 320 F denotes the temperature of melting ice, and 2120 F the temperature of boiling water, both under standard atmospheric pressure. |
sovereignty | Possessing supreme authority |
incipient decay | An early stage of decay in which hyphae have invaded the cell structure, sometimes discoloring the wood, but have not perceptibly reduced the hardness of the wood. |
incident business advisor | Liaison and advisor to the Agency Administrator or Area Commander and works directly for the Agency Administrator or Area Commander |
length of ground | See ground length. |
bone-dry unit | Wood residue that weighs 2,400 pounds at zero percent moisture content (17). |
model | Theoretical abstraction, usually capable of mathematical manipulation, used to evaluate a problem or a subject of interest (22). |
power shovel | Crane, equipped with a boom and dipper stick on the end, to which a shovel bucket is mounted for moving soil (22). |
concentration yard | Pulpwood yard providing facilities for unloading trucks, storage, and loading for shipment (22). |
reserve capacity | Pollutant loading rate set aside in determining stream waste load allocation accounting for uncertainty and future growth. |
succession | The process of vegetational development whereby an area becomes successively occupied by different plant communities of higher ecological order. |
thermoplastic | A material that will repeatedly soften when heated and harden when cooled. |
skyline slope | The slant or inclination of the skyline chord, generally expressed as a percent (32). |
kraft paper | Comparatively coarse paper particularly noted for its strength; unbleached grades are used primarily as a wrapping or packaging material |
internal load | Load carried inside the fuselage structure of an aircraft. |
potable water | water of a quality suitable for drinking. |
ridge | An elongated area of relatively high atmospheric pressure extending from the center of a high-pressure region. |
military operations area | Military Operations Area found on aeronautical charts. |
glue joint | A special interlocking groove pattern that is used to join two pieces, edge to edge, securely. |
plant byproducts | See timber removals. |
clevis | U-shaped metal fitting, with a pin connecting the two ends, used for connecting cables and rigging (22) |
wastewater | Usually refers to effluent from a sewage treatment plant |
bond | The union of materials by adhesives. |
r/l | Random Lengths |
ball valve | A valve in which fluid flow is controlled by a ball with a hole drilled through it |
kiln dried | Lumber that has been dried in a kiln (See Kiln). |
sheepsfoot roller | Steel drum with short metal rods on the outside; sometimes shaped like a sheep's foot |
preparedness plan | A written plan providing for timely recognition of approaching critical fire situations, priority setting, the deployment of forces, and other actions to respond to those situations. |
fairlead | Device containing pulley wheels or rollers used so that the winch can pull in the cable from any direction without damage (26). |
fall-down | Lumber not up to a particular grade. |
eutrophic | A water system high in nutrients with high organic production |
sweep | Gradual bend in a standing tree or in a log, pole, or piling (24). |
lock set | A door lock. |
smoldering combustion phase | Phase of combustion immediately following flaming combustion |
style or stile | A vertical member of a door's framework attached to the horizontal rails. |
surplus property | Any excess personal property not required for the needs and the discharge of the responsibilities of all federal agencies as determined by the General Services Administration (GSA). |
station id | A six-digit number assigned to a specific weather station by the servicing National Weather Service Fire Weather Office. |
hook | A tooth form that has evenly spaced teeth, wide gullets, and a positive rake angle. |
hydrology | The science of the behavior of water from the atmosphere into the soil. |
shuttle hauling | Use of preloading trailers to reduce truck turn- around time (22). |
heart stain | A discoloration of the heartwood. |
surface tension | the attraction of molecules to each other on a liquid's surface |
mass wasting | (also soil mass movement): Downslope transport of soil and rocks due to gravitational stress. |
split | A separation of wood fibers that extends completely through a piece of lumber, usually at the ends. |
ground length | Extent to which the ground around a tree is broken by gullies, or swells ridges, rock outcrops, and sharp slope changes. |
tread | The walking surface of each step in a stairway. |
abiotic | Something that is not living (for example, rock). |
easement | The legal grant of right-of-use to an area of designated private property. |
riser | The vertical piece between two stair steps. |
ferrule | Metal band or socket in which the terminal of a wire or wire rope is fastened securely (32). |
cross shot | Intersecting lines of sight from two points to the same object, frequently used to determine location of a fire from lookouts |
hydro-geomorphic | Pertaining to the influence of water on the formation of the earth's surface, and the influence of soil and geology on the flow of water. |
king post | A central, vertical post extending from the bent plate or girt to the junction of the rafters at roof peak. |
machine availability | See machine time. |
independent | One who logs and sells his output on the open market; not associated with a mill or under company or dealer contract (19). |
plunge router | A router mounted on a spring loaded base |
rake | The angle at which the leading edge of the teeth are cut on a saw blade. |
residency | The residency approach to regional GDP is based on the physical and legal existence of a unit in a region |
loosened or raised grain | Consists of a small portion of the wood being loosened or raised but not displaced. |
convection | The transfer of heat by the movement of a gas or liquid; convection, conduction, and radiation are the principal means of energy transfer. |
posts and timbers | Large pieces (nominal dimensions 5" by 5" and larger, width not more than 2" greater than thickness) of square or approximately square cross section graded primarily for use as posts or columns. |
per capita use | the average amount of water used per person during a standard time period, generally per day. |
creaming | Logging operation where only the best trees in the stand are cut (24). |
boards | Lumber two-inches or more wide that is nominally less than two-inches thick |
discharge | Volume of water flowing in a given stream at a given place and within a given period of time, usually expressed as cubic feet per second. |
total risk | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
toxic | relating to harmful effects to biota caused by a substance or contaminant ( |
rig | To install the blocks and lines used in a cable logging system. |
national park | An area of federal land administered by Parks Canada. |
machine stress-rated | Lumber that has been evaluated by mechanical stress rating equipment; each piece is nondestructively tested and marked to indicate the modulus of elasticity |
det | Double End Trimmed |
imperialism | An unequal relationship usually between states in which a dominant state seeks to control the economic and political activities of a subordinate state (or states) in order to reap economic and geopolitical benefits |
environmental determinism | The theory that the physical environment (especially climate) controls human character and behavior and consequently human cultures and societies. |
aquifer | A body of rock that can collect groundwater, and can yield water to wells and springs |
rick | Pile of evenly stacked cordwood, stave, bolts, or other short-length wood (24). |
high stump | Stump that is higher than a specified standard (17). |
dimension | Framing lumber; generally applied to lumber when the nominal size is 2 inches thick and 2 or more inches wide |
cable yarding | Taking logs from the stump area to a landing using an overhead system of winch-driven cables to which logs are attached with chokers (35). |
run-out | The amount of wobble in a shaper or router. |
butt off | To cut off a piece of a log because of a defect |
streamflow | Discharge that occurs in a natural channel |
merchantable | Logs exceeding a minimum size and a minimum usable volume that are suitable for sale (20). |
precautionary landing | A landing necessitated by apparent impending failure of engines, systems, or components which makes continued flight unadvisable. |
transition forest | See interim forest. |
percolation | Passage of liquid through a porous body, as movement of water through soil. |
acequia | acequias are gravity-driven waterways, similar in concept to a flume |
learning objective | A description of the intended outcome of a training class, program, or evolution |
oxbow lake | An oxbow lake is a stagnant lake that is formed alongside a winding river when the river changes path because of soil erosion, leaving an abandoned stream channel, cut off from the rest of the river. |
core | Remaining wood after a veneer peeling operation is completed |
band saw | A saw with a looped blade running around two or three wheels |
infrared | A heat detection system used for fire detection, mapping, and hotspot identification. |
imi interactivity levels | Standards to which IMI products are developed conforming to interactivity level(s) which are appropriate for the instructional design, strategy, media, content, and course specifications. |
base fuel model | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
rise | The vertical distance from one stair tread to another. |
torque converter | Centrifugal pump, driven by an engine, that rotates in a case filled with oil (22). |
pin knot | One knot over ½" in diameter. |
brad | A small finishing nail up to 1" long. |
transpiration | process by which water that is absorbed by plants, usually through the roots, is evaporated into the atmosphere from the plant surface, such as leaf pores |
butt cut | See butt log (8). |
skyline slope | The slant or inclination of the skyline chord, generally expressed as a percent. |
ambient air | Air of the surrounding environment. |
endpoint | Also known as an indicator or target - a characteristic of an ecosystem that may be affected by exposure to a stressor |
hyster | A winch (19). |
mosaic | The intermingling of plant communities and their successional stages in such a manner as to give the impression of an interwoven design. |
dovetail joint | A method of joining wood at the corners by the use of interlocking pins and tails; a tenon that is shaped like a dove's spread tail to fit into a corresponding mortise. |
air quality | The composition of air with respect to quantities of pollution therein; used most frequently in connection with "standards" of maximum acceptable pollutant concentrations |
off-highway truck | Truck designed to handle loads exceeding legal highway size and weight restrictions (20) |
trim allowance | Extra length allowed when bucking logs or estimating volume to account for less from end injuries or uneven cuts. |
sling | A loop of wire rope used in loading logs too large to be handled by tongs. |
source water | Untreated water from streams, rivers, lakes, or underground aquifers which is used to supply private wells and public drinking water. |
gis | The combination of hardware and software used to store and analyze features located on the earth's surface. |
site class | Classification based on ecological factors and the potential production capacity of an area; a measure of the relative production capacity of a site (17) |
precipitation | The liquid equivalent (inches) of rainfall, snow, sleet, or hail collected by storage gages. |
suspended and bedded sediments | Particulate organic and inorganic matter that suspend in or are carried by the water, and/or accumulate in a loose, unconsolidated form on the bottom of natural water bodies. |
solution | a mixture of a solvent and a solute |
mean | The sum of the values in a data set divided by the number of values in the data set. |
bright | Term used to indicate that lumber is free from discoloration. |
communications unit | An organizational unit in the Logistics Section responsible for providing and maintaining communication services at an incident |
low | An area of relatively low atmospheric pressure in which winds tend to move in a counterclockwise direction, spiraling in toward the low's center. |
windfall | Tree that has been uprooted or broken off by wind. |
precipitation gauge | Device commonly used to collect and permit measurement of any form of rain and snow sufficiently heavy to have fallen to the earth's surface |
scaling | Determination of the gross and net volume of logs using the customary commercial volumetric units for the product involved. |
inlay | Covers the practice of inletting any one material into another material of different color or composition. |
strategy | The general plan or direction selected to accomplish incident objectives. |
all widths and lengths | A term used indicating that all widths and lengths of a specified thickness of lumber may be included in a shipment. |
ft sm | Feet surface measure |
dirt wiper | Mechanism on a hydraulic cylinder that cleans the cylinder shaft as it moves in and out (23). |
diagram | A scale drawing showing information about a fire scene. |
eye splice | Loop formed by bending a rope's end back and splicing it into the line (22). |
split flow | A divergent wind field |
pw | Paper Wrapped |
age | Mean age of the trees comprising a forest, crop, or stand |
environmental lapse rate | The actual rate of decrease of temperature with elevation. |
iwp | Idaho White Pine |
site preparation | Removal or deadening of unwanted vegetation prior to planting trees; includes prescribed burning, use of herbicides, disking, and other mechanical means of removing vegetative cover (33). |
dummy | Bee rigged to raise a spar tree for use in yarding (22). |
lumen | The cell cavity in wood anatomy. |
infrared groundlink | A capability through the use of a special mobile ground station to receive air-to-ground IR imagery at an incident. |
streamflow | the water discharge that occurs in a natural channel |
periodic annual increment | Mean annual growth or increase in volume during a specific period of time (26). |
turbocharger | Air pump designed to put more air into engine cylinders; pump is driven by the exhaust heat (22). |
safenet | A form and process, used by wildland firefighting agencies, for reporting and resolving incidents relating to firefighter safety |
organic matter | The organic fraction that includes plant and animal residue at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil organisms, and substance synthesized by the soil population |
bench dog | A metal part of a wooden peg that fits into a hole in a workbench that is used to hold a work piece in place |
fragile fire cause objects | Objects that are easily susceptible to damage from head and flame and can be easily damaged or destroyed by suppression action and/or during the evidence collection process |
residual combustion stage | The smoldering zone behind the zone of an advancing fire front. |
exile | Enforced or regretted absence from one's country or home; banishment; the captivity of the Jews in Babylon; a person who is expelled, banished or forcibly absent from their country or home, often because of their personal, political, religious or sexual beliefs, or because of their ethnic origin. |
firemodel | Computer program which with specified information (fuel, weather, topography) predicts an hourly rate of spread from a point of origin. |
payload | The gross weight of a loaded vehicle minus the weight of the vehicle itself. |
stagnant conditions | Atmospheric conditions under which pollutants build up faster than the atmosphere can disperse them. |
layout | Logging plan |
land use plan | A set of decisions that establish management direction for land within an administrative area; an assimilation of land-use-plan-level decisions developed through the planning process regardless of the scale at which the decisions were developed. |
headwater | (1) the source and upper reaches of a stream; also the upper reaches of a reservoir |
friction reducing agent | Water soluble substance that reduces frictional drag of solutions and dampens turbulent flow while being pumped through pipe or hose. |
gradient | Amount by which the grade decreases or increases in a unit of horizontal distance. |
grit | Contaminant that may be found in whole-tree chips |
background level | In air pollution control, the concentration of air pollutants in a definite area during a fixed period of time prior to the starting up, or the stoppage, of a source of emission under control |
twitch | L skid logs or tree lengths on the without an antifriction device (24). |
category day | A numerical index related to the ability of the atmosphere to disperse smoke |
rill erosion | An erosion process in which numerous small channels of only several centimeters in depth are formed; occurs mainly on recently cultivated soils. |
post anchor | A metal piece attached to or imbedded in the footing that attaches the post to the footing and keeps the post from being exposed to moisture in the ground. |
right-of-way | Strip of land on which a road is to be constructed (22). |
full-cell process | Any process for impregnating wood with preservatives or chemicals, in which a vacuum is drawn to remove air from the wood before admitting the preservative. |
command staff | The command staff consists of the information officer, safety officer and liaison officer |
floodway | The channel of a river or stream and the parts of the floodplain adjoining the channel that are reasonably required to efficiently carry and discharge the flood water or flood flow of a river or stream. |
rating period | Part of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) |
dado | A rectangular channel cut partway into a board. |
task | A unit of work activity that is a logical and necessary action in the performance of a behavior; how the behavior is demonstrated or performed in a particular context. |
job hazard analysis | A job hazard analysis identifies hazards associated with work projects and worksites, and identifies protective equipment or modified work procedures needed. |
radiant heat flux | The amount of heat flowing through a given area in a given time, usually expressed as calories/square centimeter/second. |
isotherm | A line connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map. |
fungicide | Chemical that kills fungi; used to control fungal diseases in greenhouses and nurseries (17). |
hazard assessment | Assess hazards to determine risks |
actual dimensions | The exact measurements of a piece of lumber |
h&m | Hit and Miss |
situational awareness | An on-going process of gathering information by observation and by communication with others |
modular housing | A type of housing in which major components are assembled in a factory and then shipped to the building site to be joined with other components to form the finished structure |
ventilation index | A measure of the volume rate of horizontal transport of air within the mixing layer, per unit distance, normal to the wind |
feral | Non-domesticated animals living in a natural state or environment. |
freestanding platform deck | A deck supported entirely by its own structure, typically used for remote decks. |
engine company | A resource that includes an engine of a specific type |
centrifugal pump | Pump which expels water by centrifugal force through the ports of a circular impeller rotating at high speed |
plumb bob | A usually conical metal weight attached to the end of a plumb line. |
emission standard | A general type of standard that limits the mass of a pollutant that may be emitted by a source |
response | Movement of an individual firefighting resource from its assigned standby location to another location or to an incident in reaction to dispatch orders or to a reported alarm. |
stumpage | Value of timber as it stands uncut in the woods |
avoidance | A smoke emission control strategy that considers meteorological conditions when scheduling prescribed fires in order to avoid incursions into smoke sensitive areas. |
diel | Involving a 24-hour period. |
extirpated | A species that no longer exists in the wild in the Province but exists in the wild outside the Province. |
spokeshave | Used to shape curved surfaces, consists of a blade fastened between two handles, blades come in straight concave and convex curves. |
toe kick | An indentation designed into the bottom of a cabinet to provide room to allow the user to stand closer to the countertop. |
operations research | Scientific approach to decision making that involves the operations of organizational systems (22). |
manufacturer | The producing sawmill sawing lumber from logs. |
tree-length logging | Felling and transporting the trimmed bole in one piece, whenever possible, for crosscutting at a landing or mill (26) |
wetting agent | A chemical that when added to water reduces the surface tension of the solution and causes it to spread and penetrate exposed objects more effectively than the untreated water. |
choked | Condition in which a log is attached to a skidding unit by means of a wire rope or chain choker (22). |
flow duration curve | A graphic representation of the number of times given quantities of flow are equaled or exceeded during a certain period of record. |
pin hole | From any cause approximately 1/16" in diameter. |
shrinkage | Decrease in wood dimensions due to loss of water in the wood cell walls |
mottling | A term used to describe various figuring effects, from subtle lacewood to a more velvety figuring. |
base flow | sustained flow of a stream in the absence of direct runoff |
modified wood | Wood processed by chemical treatment, compression, or other means to impart properties quite different from those of the original wood. |
hydrologic cycle | The hydrologic cycle is another name for the water cycle. |
front end loader | Wheeled or tractor loader, with a bucket or fork hinged to lifting arms, that loads or digs entirely at the front end (20) |
oxidation | Process during which oxygen combines with another substance. |
maximum management area | The maximum geographic limits of spread within which a wildland fire use fire is allowed to spread. |
ic | Incense Cedar |
logging debris | Unwanted tree parts (crowns, logs, uprooted stumps) remaining after harvest. |
assimilative capacity | The amount of contaminant load that can be discharged to a specific waterbody without exceeding water quality standards or criteria |
nation-state | nationalism; state. |
in | Inch or inches. |
diurnal | Showing a periodic alteration of condition with day and night, such as the fluctuation of air temperature. |
rabbet | R/L (RL) |
incident | An occurrence either human-caused or natural phenomenon, that requires action or support by emergency service personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or natural resources. |
domestic wastewater | Also called sanitary wastewater, consists of wastewater discharged from residences and from commercial, institutional, and similar facilities. |
clear | Log without knots; first quality log (19). |
heartwood | The dead inner core of a tree |
seedling | Young tree grown from seed, from the time of germination until it reaches sapling size |
carousel hook | A remote hook attached to the end of a longline |
frozen storage | Storage of trees for winter and spring planting at temperatures below freezing (–2°C/28°F). |
fully stocked stands | See stocking classes. |
herb | A plant that does not develop woody, persistent tissue but is relatively soft or succulent and sprouts from the base (perennials) or develops from seed (annuals) each year |
hierarchical | A system, which ranks persons and things in order of, perceived importance and worth. |
hammer beam | A horizontal timber projecting from the top of the wall or rafter that supports a wood truss |
mitigation | Those activities implemented prior to, during, or after an incident which are designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property that lessen the actual or potential effects or consequences of an incident |
six-by-six | A motor truck with six powered wheels, two in front and four in back. |
metric tons | Unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms |
iron pipe thread | A tapered thread standard that is used for connecting various sizes of rigid pipe |
runoff | Water which is not absorbed by the soil and flows to lower ground, eventually draining into a stream, river, or other body of water. |