Glossary extracted starting with automatic seeds, with PTM for the domain mus and language EN

vibratoSmall fluctuation of pitch used as an expressive device to intensify a sound.
deskUsually refers to the grouping of orchestral string players sharing a music stand
das letzte zurücknehmen(German) to undo
mensural notationA system of notating the length of time a given note is to be held.
das geschirr abtrocknen(German) to dry the dishes, to do the drying (up)
dafür aber(German) but on the other hand, although
dämpferpedal(German n.) damper pedal, sustaining pedal
das schafft einen präzedenzfall.(German) This constitutes a precedent.
dachtreppe(German f.) attic stairs, loft stairs
damenzimmer(German n.) boudoir
das ist diskussionswürdig.(German) This is a (legitimate) subject for debate.
das gesprächsthema wechseln(German) to vary the topic
das führt zu nichts.(German) That will get you nowhere
das wird nicht klappen.(German) It won't work.
das rad neu erfinden(German) to reinvent the wheel
dame von adel(German f.) noblewoman
topThe starting point of a chorus or a piece of music....
dämmzahl(German f.) sound absorption coefficient, sound insulation coefficient, insulation coefficient (heat)
dankte ab(German) abdicated, resigned
das andenken aufrechterhalten(German) to preserve the memory
das französische festland(German) continental France
das falsche(German) the wrong thing
darioleor dariole mould, a small mould as used for crème caramels
das wesentliche erfassen(German) to capture the essence
work songsRhythmic songs sung by African American workers while they worked
dachgebälk(German n.) roof beams
das gefühl kenne ich.(German) I know the feeling.
dame de compaigne(French f.) a paid (female) companion
modalCharacterizes music that is based on modes other than major and minor, especially the early church modes.
das bett machen(German) to make the bed
castanetsPercussion instruments consisting of small wooden clappers that are struck together
send-off riffsensemble riffs played in the first few bars of a chorus by the entire band
verseA composed set of music and words that serves as introductory material to a song, lyrically setting up the story (usually rubato -- rarely played by jazz instrumentalists but occasionally sung by jazz vocalists).
darüber lässt sich diskutieren.(German) This is a legitimate subject for debate.
aestheticsThe study of the emotional and expressive aspects of music.
das schlimmste kommt noch.(German) The worst is yet to come.
phasingA technique in which a musical pattern is repeated and manipulated so that it separates and overlaps itself, and then rejoins the original pattern; getting "out of phase" and back "in sync."
das haar hochstecken(German) to pin one's hair up
soloThe passages of a tune during which one musician improvises within the context of the tune; that person is known as the soloist.
troubadoursMedieval poet/singers from southern France
talkTo "tell a story" or "say something" on an instrument: speech-inflected instrumental playing....
espressivoA direction to play expressively.
medium tempoOne of the three basic tempos of jazz, between ballad and up-tempo....
assemblyA military bugle call, in the category of formation calls, played to signal troops to assemble at a designated location
xylophoneThe xylophone, a pitched percussion instrument of African origin, consists of tuned blocks of wood laid out in the shape of a keyboard.
dahingeschlendert(German) moseyed, ambled, walked in a leisurely manner
contrastSomething different from what came before.
dantzarispecialist dancers who perform the more difficult sequences in Basque folk dance
tubaBass-range brass instrument that changes pitch by means of valves.
strophic formSong structure in which the same music is repeated with every stanza (strophe) of the poem.
dagehusee gehu
damenoberteil mit nackenträger(German n.) halter-neck top
das erhabene(German) the sublime
das opfer werden von(German) to fall victim to
al fineAn indication to the performer to repeat a composition either from the beginning (da capo), or from the dal segno symbol, to the place marked fine (the end of the composition)
das weibliche geschlecht(German) womankind
das gesicht verziehen(German) to raise one's eyebrow
glockenspielA percussion instrument with two rows of steel bars, each of which produces a definite pitch when struck by a mallet.
das weiße gold(German) the white gold (figurative: porcelain)
dak(Hindi) travel by a system of relays of horses or bearers, the carriage of mail by relays of bearers
cross rhythmThe simultaneous use of two or more different rhythmic patterns; a basic feature of most African American musics....
membranophoneA percussion instrument whose sound is produced by the vibration of a stretched membrane, either skin or plastic
program musicInstrumental music associated with a nonmusical idea, this idea often being stated in the title or in an explanatory program note.
gigA musician's playing job.  The term is occasionally used to represent any job.
danza guerrera(Spanish f.) war dance
dappresso(Italian) near, closely
das gleichgewicht stören(German) to unbalance, to upset the balance, to upset the balance, to upset the equilibrium
dampfkesselversicherung(German f.) steam boiler insurance
open voicingVoicing in which the notes are widely spread...
das stimmt.(German) That's right.
doubleThe ability to play more than one instrument....
das tut man nicht(German) it isn't done, one doesn't do that
dachpfanne(German f.) pantile
specific chord symbolSymbol indicating the specific notes to be included in a chord, e.g., Cmaj9 indicates that the chord contains C E G B D, Cmi11 indicates C Eb G Bb D F, etc
danse cosaque(French f.) Cossack dance
multiphonicsA wind instrument or vocal technique by which more than one tone is produced simultaneously
dachshaar(German n.) badger hair
darstellung christi im tempel(German f.) Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
tromboneA large brass wind instrument
damenrasierer(German m.) ladies' shaver, lady shaver, lady's shaver
sinfoniaShort instrumental work, found in Baroque opera, to better facilitate scene changes.
damwild(German n.) fallow deer
das übel des trinkens(German n.) the curse of drink
das ganze haus zusammenschreien(German) to shout the house down
empfindsamkeitGerman "sensitive" style of the mid-eighteenth century, characterized by melodic directness and homophonic texture.
d'accordo(Italian) in tune (figurative), agreed, granted
alegriaJoyful flamenco dance from the province of Cadiz
dantesk(German) Dantesque
trading twos or foursA term for a type of improvisation used especially by jazz musicians in which two or more musicians take turns improvising on two- or four-bar sections of music.
dado que(Spanish) since, given that
ternarySee form.
congaAfro-Cuban dance performed at Latin-American Carnival celebrations
legatoSinging as though all the notes were tied together; the notes flow together smoothly.
danke für die mühe!(German) Thanks for the trouble!
darioleform(German f.) dariole mould
dahinwelken(German) to fade away, to pine away
urban leagueAn organization that works to end racial discrimination and increase economic and political opportunities for blacks and other minorities in the United States.
das unheimliche(German n.) weirdness
ghostingplaying notes so lightly that they are almost inaudible.
das büßerhemd tragen(German) to wear sackcloth and ashes (figurative)
dança erudita(Portuguese f.) academic or serious dance
daraus folgender verlust(German m.) consequential loss
noodlingImprovising in a random and wandering manner....
das spiel ist aus.(German) The game is up
darüber lässt sich reden.(German) That's a matter of argument.
das amt antretend(German) coming into office
morality playMedieval drama, often with music, intended to teach proper values.
danças populares(Portuguese f.) popular dance
dactylographythe study of fingerprints as a method of identification
das feuer anfachen(German) to fan the flames, to blow on the fire
dança(Portuguese f.) dance
divine officesCycle of daily services of the Roman Catholic Church, distinct from the Mass.
theme groupSeveral themes in the same key that function as a unit within a section of a form, particularly in sonata-allegro form.
dahintrotten(German) to jog on
damenplumphosen(German pl.) bloomers
dans le coin(French) locally
balladA slow song, usually of a romantic nature; sometimes used for any song of the AABA or similar popular song form....
dans l'expectative(French) still waiting
das sinkende schiff verlassen(German) to leave a sinking ship
jongleursMedieval wandering entertainers who played instruments, sang and danced, juggled, and performed plays.
das tempo bestimmen(German) to set the pace
das weitere(German) further details
nationalistic musicConcert art music that reflects national or regional rather than universal characteristics
darreichung(German f.) presentation
dandelion(English from French dent-de-lion, 'lion's tooth) wild plant with jagged leaves, a yellow flower, and a fluffy seed-head
dämonisch(German) demoniac, demoniacal, demonic, demonically, demoniacally
harmonicaMouth organ; a small metal box on which free reeds are mounted, played by moving back and forth across the mouth while breathing into it.
das ist ein kinderspiel(German) that is dead easy, that is child's play
dar palmadas(Spanish) to clap
bisRepeated twice
das bett neu überziehen(German) to change the bed, to change the sheets, to change the bedclothes, to change the bed-linen
das letzte mal(German) last, last time
das nibelungenlied(German) (The) Song of the Nibelungs
daffsee def
dachzimmer(German n.) attic room, garret
seventh chordFour-note combination consisting of a triad with another third added on top; spans a seventh between its lowest and highest tones.
dämmschicht(German f.) insulating layer, insulation layer, insulating course
darunter liegend(German) underlying
darreichen(German) to administer
das geschieht ihm recht.(German) That serves him right.
romanticMusical period that ran for most of the 19th century, identified by a general trend that moved away from the accepted forms and structures of the Classical period and towards an emotional, expressive and imaginative style
dankopfer(German n.) thanks offering
das unterbewusste(German n.) the subconscious
agitatoAgitated or restless
dankbrief(German m.) bread-and-butter letter
timbalesShallow, single-headed drums of Cuban origin, played in pairs; used in much Latin-American popular music.
das muss reichen.(German) That'll have to do.
dal niente(Italian) from nothing
damas(Spanish m
das schweigen brechen(German) to break the silence
quadruplumFourth voice of a polyphonic work.
damenfahrrad(German n.) ladies' bike, ladies' bicycle
dachgleiche(German f.) topping out
dämonenhaft(German) demoniac
danubio(Italian m., Spanish m.) Danube
spiritualsAmerican folk hymns and other religious songs that originated in the late 18th or early 19th centuries and developed into gospel music.
dahinkriechen(German) to crawl along
field recordingA scholarly or professional recording of folk or traditional music made in the environment where the performers typically make music, rather than in a professional recording studio.
das ist heller wahnsinn.(German) That's sheer madness.
das urheberrecht liegt bei(German) copyright by
das gleiche maß benutzen(German) to apply the same yardstick
fluteThe flute is a cylindrical metal tube closed at one end that is held horizontally and blown across the mouth hole.
voiceany melodic line, including bass line, melody line, and the inner voices between...
affrettandoA directive to perform the indicated passage in a hurried manner
toneThe quality of sound of a note.
das wird sich finden.(German) We'll see about that.
dasiattamsee mohiniyattom
daft-dayssee 'festival of fools'
damaszenerpflaume(German f.) damson plum, damson
darbieten(German) to present, to serve (dishes)
dare(Italian m.) debit (commerce)
dahinsiechend(German) ailing
reedFlexible strip of cane or metal set into a mouthpiece or the body of an instrument; set in vibration by a stream of air.
das ist fakt.(German) That's a fact.
da ja(German) since
strophicA musical structure in which the same music is used for each stanza of a ballad, song, or hymn.
strophic formVocal form in which each stanza of a poem is set to the same music
das essen kochen(German) to cook the dinner
danke schön.(German) Thank you
das ruder abgeben(German) to hand over the reins (figurative)
dann und nur dann(German) if and only if, only as and when
das beste(German) the best
sequenceA melodic pattern repeated several times either a step lower or a step higher than the preceding statement.
overdubbingThe technique of adding more tracks of sound to a recording that has already been recorded.
danke für ihr kommen!(German) Thanks for coming!
dahergelaufener(German m.) nonentity (person)
danzáre(Italian, mentioned in John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611)) to dance
character pieceSee miniature.
preludeA free-form piece that may introduce another piece or stand alone.
dadaist(German m.) Dadaist
classicalThe period in music history that falls after the Baroque and before the Romantic: ca
pop song formThe structure of repeated and contrasting sections of a song in which each section (represented as letters when the form is described) is usually similar in length and corresponds to an AABA, or some variant on that organization.
baroqueThe period in music history that spans from ca
das muss man wissen.(German) You need to know that.
damnatio memoriae(Latin) the Roman decree condemning those who ran afoul of the Senate
das übersteigt mein fassungsvermögen.(German) It's beyond me.
dableiben(German) to stay there, to stay on, to stick around (colloquial)
acculturationThe blending of cultures
dank(German m.) thanks
renaissanceA European cultural movement from the 14th to the 17th centuries that saw huge developments in the arts, science and politics
dankt(German) reciprocates, thanks
all ottavaThis is a directive to perform an indicated note or passage of a composition one octave higher than notated
dan(English, Japanese) grade of proficiency in judo, holder of such a grade
balladeA relatively large, free-form work
dämmerschlaf(German m.) twilight sleep
das wahlrecht verleihend(German) franchising
dämonen austreiben(German) to exorcise demons
das gesicht entstellen(German) to deface
venueA place to perform, such as an auditorium, nightclub, bandstand, arena, or church.
dartun(German) to state, to explain, to demonstrate
dandy rollduring the paper making process while the paper is still 90% water, it passes over a wire mesh cylinder (dandy roll), which imparts surface textures on the paper such as wove or laid
das unmögliche verlangen(German) to ask for the impossible, to attempt the impossible
phraseA natural break or unit in a melody line, similar in function to a clause in a sentence....
half cadencea musical stopping point on the dominant
das größte(German n.) the bee's knees (colloquial: the best)
dans tous les azimuts(French) all over the place
refrainA repeating phrase that is played at the end of each verse in the song
das höchste amt erreichen(German) to attain the highest office
darle ánimo a ...(Spanish) to encourage ..., to cheer ..
allegroA fast tempo, faster than Allegretto.
das diplomatische korps(German n.) the diplomatic corps
dacchè(Italian) since
chinese blockPercussion instrument made from a hollowed rectangular block of wood that is struck with a beater.
cdCompact Disc.  ("Disc" refers to audio and video discs.  "Disk" refers to computer disks.)
droneA long-held note or notes over or under which other music is played.
frequencyIn acoustics, the number of times per second that the air carrying a sound vibrates as a wave
das gefällt mir irgendwie.(German) I kind of like it.
das buch esra(German) (the Book of) Ezra
das gesetz missachten(German) to treat the law with contempt
das dach anzünden(German) to set the roof on fire
das aufgebot verkünden(German) to publish the banns
fermata(U) A notational symbol indicating that a note is to be sounded longer than its normal time value, the exact length being left to the discretion of the performer.
improvisationMusic created in the moment of performance, without written scores or played from memory....
danger listlist of those dangerously ill
dankenswerterweise(German) generously
danke im voraus!(German) Thanks in advance!
damit fertig werden(German) to take it (colloquial) (referring to criticism, abuse, etc.)
agilitaA directive to perform the indicated passage with lightness or agility
das allerwesentlichste(German) the most essential thing of all
damit nicht(German) lest
darlehensvertrag(German m.) loan agreement, loan contract
das eigentliche(German n.) the essence
das haupt entblößen(German) to bare one's head
megaphoneA large funnel-shaped horn used to increase the volume of the voice.
daran besteht kein zweifel.(German) Of that there is no doubt.
das beweismaterial sichten(German) to sift the evidence
dasein(German, dated) to be there, to be here, to exist
psalmsThe sacred poems from the book of Psalms in the Bible.
epA 7-inch of 12-inch disc that is played at 45 rpm, with usually two songs on each side.
darauffolgend(German) following (day, etc.), proximate, ensuing, subsequently, subsequent
dar clase(Spanish) to teach, to lecture (university)
"b" sideThe "flip" side of a recording; the side that is not usually promoted.
spiritualMusic with a religious theme.
das sortiment erweitern(German) to broaden the range
das ist zweideutig.(German) This argument cuts both ways.
dämmernd(German) twilit, dawning
das establishment(German n.) the Establishment
lay outTo temporarily cease playing while others continue....
darunterliegend(German) underlying
dance popcontemporary form of dance music with pop music structures
erhuBowed, two-string fiddle from China, with its bow hairs fixed between the strings; rests on the leg while playing.
darangegangen(German) to set to work
danspas(Dutch) dance step
dachrestaurant(German n.) rooftop restaurant
dämlicher(German) dopier (colloquial)
das steht fest.(German) And no mistake about it.
dar muerte a ...(Spanish) to kill ..
das aufgebot aushängen(German) to publish the banns
das tagesgespräch sein(German) to be the topic of the day
das unvermeidliche akzeptieren(German) to make the best of a bad job
darauf vorbereitet sein müssen(German) to stay on one's toes
das hohelied salomos(German) the Song of Solomon
asperges meThe opening of the Mass in the Catholic service; it is not a number of the musical Mass itself, but sung during the purification of the alter at the beginning of the service
modeA particular series of notes that are derived from a "parent" scale beginning and ending with a note other than the parent scale's root, resulting in a different set of intervals and tonal center thus creating a different mood, e.g., the second mode of the Bb major scale (Bb C D Eb F G A Bb) is C Dorian (C D Eb F G A Bb C).
das sind bloße vorurteile!(German) This is mere prejudice!
das kommen und gehen(German) the comings and goings
minstrelsMedieval wandering street musicians and entertainers.
daphnomantie(German f.) daphnomancy
darangeben(German) to sacrifice
pocoA little.
half-timeA rhythmic device in which the melody continues at a fixed tempo while the accompanying instruments double the tempo....
das ergebnis akzeptieren(German) to accept the results
das buch geht gut.(German) The book sells well.
das zeitliche segnen(German) to cease to be, to pass on
mamboDance of Afro-Cuban origin with a characteristic quadruple-meter rhythmic pattern.
hi-hat cymbalTwo cymbals on a single rod that snap together when operated by a foot pedal....
burgundian chansonFifteenth-century French composition, usually for three voices, some or all of which may be played by instruments
das versäumte nachholen(German) to make up leeway
das umweltziel(German n.) the environmental objectives
darle aventón a ...(Spanish - Mexico) to give ..
das befriedigende(German) satisfactoriness
daiquiri-cocktail(German m.) Daiquiri
through-composed formA term applied to songs in which new music is used for each successive verse.
das goldene kalb verehren(German) to worship the golden calf
dankeschön(German n.) thankyou, thank-you
das unbewusste(German n.) (the) unconscious mind
tone clusterA chord produced by playing a large group of adjacent notes on the piano with the flat of the hand
dahinbrausen(German) to tootle along (colloquial)
dar de cabeza(Spanish) to fall flat on one's face
scaleSuccessive notes of a key or mode either ascending or descending.
daak(German m
das wohltemperirte klaviersee Wohltemperierte Klavier, Das
dampfgarer(German m.) steam cooker, steamer, steam oven, food steamer
das haus putzen(German) to clean the house
alternativeGuitar-based rock with desultory male vocalists or chirpy female vocalists
das gleichgewicht halten(German) to balance, to hold the balance, to keep one's balance
dänische dogge(German f.) Great Dane (breed of dog)
dal s.abbreviation of dal segno
dachhohlraum(German m.) roof void
das thema erledigen(German) to settle the issue
darstellerisches talent(German n.) dramatic talent, acting talent
darauf bedacht zu(German) anxious to
recitativeA form of "singing speech" in which the rhythm is dictated by the natural inflection of the words.
da herum(German) thereabouts
chartA musical arrangement....
pubA bar or tavern in Britain.
das fenster zumachen(German) to shut the window
damasceneor 'damaskeen', an object created using the processes involved in damascening
cadencecadential The musical punctuation that separates phrases or periods, creating a sense of rest or conclusion that ranges from momentary to final.
avant-gardeVery current, modern and experimental.
da chiesa(Italian) for the church
swingA big-band jazz style particularly popular for dance music during the 1930s through the middle 1940s.
dame von heute(German f.) woman of today
das spiel machen(German) to make the running
das ist ziemlich dasselbe.(German) It's much the same thing.
das böse(German n.) evil (per se)
das scheint naheliegend.(German) This seems natural.
dasselbe schicksal erleiden(German) to suffer the same fate
dahintergesteckt(German) having been behind it
periodThe musical equivalent of a paragraph
das hat einen pferdefuß.(German) There's a catch to it
das wird genügen.(German) That will do (be enough).
dar un paso atrás(Spanish) to step backwards
das reicht nicht.(German) That's not good enough.
das einzig gute daran(German) the only good thing about it
das geht einfach nicht.(German) This just isn't on
daidalion(German m.) Daedalion (in Greek mythology, a son of Hesperos and brother of Ceyx, who is described as cruel and warlike)
cake walkA dance contest in Congo Square
das ist wucher!(German) That's extortionate!
das mittelalter(German n.) the Dark Ages
das galt für ihn.(German) That was true of him.
polyrhythmTwo or more contrasting rhythms played simultaneously; two or more rhythms superimposed.
das handgelenk verstauchen(German) to strain one's wrist
bongosin Latin percussion, an instrument with two drumheads, one larger than the other, compact enough to sit between the player’s knees.
air checkA musical radio broadcast that was originally recorded for distribution to other stations; radio broadcasts that people have recorded off the radio that are sometimes released commercially or bootlegged....
tempoIndicating speed.
agnus deiA section of the Mass; the last musical movement of the Ordinary.
total serialismExtremely complex, totally controlled music in which the twelve-tone principle is extended to elements of music other than pitch.
das mystische(German) that which is mystical
das schöne(German n.) the beautiful
payolaThe practice of bribing disc jockeys to induce them to play particular recordings on the air.
axeSynonym for instrument.
dartscheibe(German f.) dart board, dartboard
creoleLouisiana residents with African heritage mixed with Spanish or French ancestry.
dänisch(German n.) Danish
dal segno al segno(Italian) from sign to sign
the majorsMajor recording companies which dominated the pop market in the 1950s: RCA Victor, Columbia, Capitol, Mercury and Decca.
das lager räumen(German) to clear the stock
program musicMusic that depicts images, moods, stories, characters, and other nonmusical associations
das rauchen einschränken(German) to cut down on cigarettes, to cut out smoking
daino(Italian m.) deer, buckskin
das allererste mal(German) the very first time
dachdecken(German n.) (roof) tiling
das reicht.(German) That's good enough.
chorusThe refrain or the main body of a popular song
d.a.f.abbreviation of 'described as follows'
damenbekleidung(German f.) ladieswear, women's apparel, women's clothing
das ist mir neu.(German) That's news to me.
das allerschlimmste war ...(German) Worst of all was ...
meterthe organization of recurring pulses into patterns
das eine oder andere(German) one or two things
agitatoAgitated or restless.
das thema anschneiden(German) to broach the subject, to raise the subject
council of trentA series of meetings of leaders of the Roman Catholic Church (1545–1563) to discuss church reforms following the Reformation
dandleto bounce (a child) on one's knees etc.
darboukasee darabukka
spacethe gap between lines on a stave.
atonalMusic that has no specific tonality
darstellungsart(German f.) notation
kettledrumsSee timpani.
musesNine daughters of Zeus in ancient mythology; each presided over one of the arts.
daguerrotypieren(German) to daguerreotype, to make a daguerrotype
das volk(German n.) the people
damenhalbschuh(German m.) ladies' low shoe
darse de bofetadas(Spanish) to clash
tonicThe key note of a musical piece; the first note of a scale....
damner(French) to damn
accentA note or tone that is given stress by volume or attack....
das klingt interessant.(German) That sounds interesting.
dachvorsprung(German m.) eaves
fakeTo play without written music....
daguerreotypeor 'daguerrotype', a photograph made by an early photographic process in which the image was produced on a silver plate, or a copper plate covered with silver, rendered sensitive to iodine and developed through exposure to mercury vapour
musicalsDramas that are told through a series of songs, usually with spoken dialogue between the songs.
dahintreiben(German) to drift
das leben bereichern(German) to enrich life
das wetter klärt auf.(German) The weather is clearing up.
darunter auch ...(German) These include ...
das tier in ihm(German) the animal in him
leitmotivA term adopted by Wagner's disciples to designate the "leading motives" in his operas.
das flämische(German) Flemish
das eigentum erwerben(German) to acquire ownership, to obtain ownership
das schicksal teilen(German) to share the fate
das risiko meiden(German) to avoid danger
das geschlecht der bourbonen(German) the House of Bourbon
dankbarkeit(German f.) gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness
idée fixe"Fixed idea"; term coined by Berlioz for a recurring musical idea that links different movements of a work.
das auge ansprechen(German) to appeal to the eye
das tote holz ausschneiden(German) to cut out the dead wood (also figurative)
das ist pech.(German) That's bad luck.
das studium aufnehmen(German) to take up one's studies
dalend(Dutch) descending
harlemThe best known African American neighborhood in the United States, located in Manhattan, north of Central Park
quotation musicMusic that parodies another work or works, presenting them in a new style or guise.
figured bassA shorthand method of notating an accompaniment part
das recht haben zu(German) to have the right to, to be entitled to
dandy-brushbrush for grooming a horse
da qui in poi(Italian) from now on
danksagungsbrief(German m.) a note of thanks
das abendmahl empfangen(German) to receive Holy Communion
ariaA composition for solo voice and instrumental accompaniment.
das schwache geschlecht(German) the weaker sex
dackel(German m.) dachshund, sausage dog (colloquial), silly clot (colloquial: person)
das freie(German) the open (air)
dankesrede(German f.) speech of thanks, acceptance speech
dabehalten(German) to keep there
darshanthe vision of the sanctity
das kriegsbeil begraben(German) to bury the hatchet
das zarte geschlecht(German) the gentle sex
damentrikotagen(German pl.) women's clothing
daheim(German) at home, at one's house, at one's home, at-home, home
dämmer(German m.) twilight
das teewasser aufsetzen(German) to put the kettle on, to put on the water for (some) tea, to put on the kettle for (some) tea
das hat keinen sinn.(German) It doesn't make sense
danzatóre(Italian, mentioned in John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611)) a dancer
das licht ausmachen(German) to turn off the light, to switch off the light
das terrain sondieren(German) to test the water (figurative)
vivaceA fast and "vivacious" tempo.
song formSee popular song forms....
dämmung(German f.) insulation
a cappellaChoral music performed without instrumental accompaniment.
black & tanA night club with customers of all races.
ordinarySections of the Roman Catholic Mass that remain the same from day to day throughout the church year, as distinct from the Proper, which changes daily according to the liturgical occasion.
intonationRefers to pitch
projectionGenerally, the ability to be heard by the audience
darüber scherzt man nicht.(German) This is not a joking matter.
darrieus-rotor(German m.) eggbeater (colloquial)
das gibt's doch nicht!(German) That's impossible!
oral transmissionPreservation of music without the aid of written notation.
lay backTo create an effect by falling behind the rhythm....
darius iii.(German) Darius III (of Persia)
darüberliegend(German) overlying
danebengeraten(German) to turn out badly
damasttischtuch(German n.) damask tablecloth
episodeIn a fugue, a transitional passage based on material derived from the subject or based on new material, leading to a new statement of the subject.
darbuccasee darabukka
damals berechtigt(German) then entitled
vibraphonean amplified metallophone (metal xylophone) with tubes below each slab; a disc turning within each tube helps sustain and modify the sound.
das wesentliche(German n.) substance, the basics, basic facts, the nitty-gritty, the bare essentials
panama canalA waterway that cuts across the Isthmus of Panama, linking the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
foot pedalthe mechanism that propels the mallet to hit a bass drum
crab canonA contrapuntal piece in which one part is identical to another, but backwards.
da capo senza replica(Italian) return to the beginning and then play without repeats
danxiansee quyi
free rhythmmusic that flows through time without regularly occurring pulses.
midiAcronym for musical instrument digital interface; technology standard that allows networking of computers with electronic musical instruments.
danach sehen wir weiter.(German) We take it from there
opera seriaItalian opera with a serious (i.e., noncomic) subject.
das ätzende(German) astringency (figurative)
das war zum schreien.(German) That was a scream
dar por(Spanish) to assume, to decide
darauf brennen(German) to be impatient to do ...
rumbaA dance and its rhythmically complex music, of Cuban origin.
masqueEnglish genre of aristocratic entertainment that combined vocal and instrumental music with poetry and dance, developed during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
das hat nur alibifunktion.(German) That is just tokenism.
das gleichgewicht verlieren(German) to become unbalanced, to lose balance, to lose one's balance, to overbalance
daran denken(German) to remember, to notice
daheimbleiben(German) to stay in
das ist ja fürchterlich!(German) Why, that's outrageous!
intervalThe distance between two tones....
das pfeifen der dudelsäcke(German) the skirl of the pipes
darsi pena con(Italian) to trouble yourself with
canticleA non-metrical hymn or song.
das ist doch selbstverständlich.(German) That goes without saying
dahinscheiden(German) to pass away
dabeisein(German, dated) to be present, to be involved, to be game
das klingt viel besser.(German) That sounds much better.
commedia dell'arteType of improvised drama popular in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Italy; makes use of stereotyped characters.
das volle programm(German) the whole nine yards, the whole gamut
das andere geschlecht(German) the opposite sex
danceuse(Dutch) ballet-dancer
dastehend(German) standing there
dämmert(German) dawns
daran glauben müssen(German) to be topped
das lager aufschlagen(German) to camp, to pitch camp
das recht vorbehalten(German) to reserve the right
jamMusician's slang for a session of improvising.
daressalam(German n.) Dar es Salaam
incidental musicMusic written to accompany dramatic works.
broadsideA song written on one large piece of paper with or without music notation
das abenteuer suchend(German) adventure-seeking
das obige(German) the above, the above-mentioned
dampfheizkessel(German m.) steam heating boiler
dansorkest(Dutch) dance
a&r"Artists and Repertoire" representative from a recording company ..
danse(French f.) dance, (the art of) dancing, dance tune
preludeInstrumental work intended to precede a larger work.
damnosa haereditas(Latin) a ruinous inheritance (one that imposes hardship on the legatee)
das englische wesen hassend(German) anglophobe, Anglophobic
dachorganisation(German f.) parent organization, umbrella organisation
a cappellaSung without instrumental accompaniment....
da capoAn indication to return to the beginning of a piece.
diaphragm"The dome shaped muscle attached to the bottom of the lungs that separates your chest and stomach cavities
psalmsBook from the Old Testament of the Bible the 150 psalm texts, used in Jewish and Christian worship, are often set to music.
back beatA rhythmic device in which the second and fourth beat of a measure is heavily emphasized in 4/4 time
das war zu erwarten.(German) That was to be expected.
chorusFairly large group of singers who perform together, usually with several on each part
cowbellRectangular metal bell that is struck with a drumstick; used widely in Latin-American music.
dampfig(German) steamy, vaporous, vaporously
swing eighth notesSee swing....
das haus bourbon(German) the House of Bourbon
das immunsystem unterdrückend(German) immunosuppressive
intuitionThe act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes.
damenhalbstiefel(German m.) bootee
das erste gebot machen(German) to open the bidding
dachgleichenfeier(German f
dangdutpopular Indonesian dance music with influences from Arabic and Indian music
darunter auch(German) including
danswijsje(Dutch) dance-tune
autonomyThe condition or quality of being autonomous; independence (e.g., jazz musicians have the autonomy to play chords any way they want).
darunter ...(German) These include ...
dadaistisch(German) Dadaistic
dampf ablassen(German) to blow off one's steam, to blow off steam, to let off steam
dubbingAlso called overdubbing; refers to the technique of adding instrumental, vocal or other sounds to a recording that has already been put on tape.  Dubbing requires a multiple-track tape machine to allow one track to be heard while the new one is being recorded.
platinum discAwarded to a single that sells in excess of 2 million copies (1 million copies after January 1, 1989) and an album that sells in excess of 1 million copies.
das ist haarspalterei.(German) That's splitting hairs.
dansmuziek(Dutch) dance music
fair housing actAn addition to the Civil Rights Act approved by Congress in 1968
arrangementAn adaptation of a musical composition
rosinSubstance made from hardened tree sap, rubbed on the hair of a bow to help it grip the strings.
das leben kennen lernen(German) to see life
das ist nicht schlecht.(German) That's not bad.
scaleAn ascending or descending series of tones organized according to a specified pattern of intervals.
da hast du recht.(German) You're right.
arabesqueDecorative musical material or a composition based on florid embellishment.
metallophonesAn idiophone with a row of tuned metal bars that are struck with mallets.
real bookFakebook (see fakebook).
lining outA call-and-response singing practice prevalent in early America and England; characterized by the alternation between a singer leader and a chorus singing heterophonically.
developmentIn a general sense, the elaboration of musical material through various procedures
das richtige gesangbuch haben(German) to belong to the right (religious) denomination
left hand/right handA distinction made by drummers' and pianists' for the use of different hands....
das unendliche(German) the infinite
the big six1950s rockers Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry and Fats Domino.
polyphonyMusic of several different melodic parts that support each other....
daneben liegen(German) to be off the mark
das feuer austreten(German) to trample out the fire
darbietend(German) presenting
das verwirrende bei ...(German) the confusing thing about ...
danke für ihre bemühungen!(German) Thank you for your efforts!
te deumSong of praise to God; a text from the Roman Catholic rite, often set polyphonically.
dánza(Italian, mentioned in John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611)) a dance, a ball
das macht durchaus etwas!(German)It does indeed matter!
daneben treffen(German) to be off the mark
dal segno ariasimilar to a da capo aria, except that instead of returning to the opening, the music begins at a point in the music designated by the segno
das ist mir unbegreiflich.(German) That beats me.
afro-cuban rhythmsBeat patterns typical of popular music of Cuba.
das ist schon besser.(German) That's more like it
das tageslicht ließ nach.(German) Daylight was ebbing
dare in escandescenze(Italian) to lose one's temper
dahinbummeln(German) to dawdle along
damasziert(German) pattern-welded
das gewissen ansprechen(German) to appeal to one's conscience
bitonalityThe use of two different keys at once....
dämmerungssehen(German n.) mesopic vision
dans l'ensemble(French) on the whole
dampfwolke(German f.) cloud of steam
organin jazz, an electrically amplified keyboard with pedals that imitates the sound of a pipe organ; used in soul jazz in the 1950s and 1960s.
danse du ventre(French f.) belly dance
jongleursMedieval street musicians who sang, played instruments, and sometimes acted in plays.
new criticismcriticism that emphasizes close examination of a work of art with little concern for the cultural or biographical circumstances under which it was created.
das rauchen einstellen(German) to stop smoking, to quit smoking
das würde mich wundernehmen!(German) That would surprise me!
das gewissen beruhigen(German) to silence the conscience
das a und o(German) the be-all and end-all (figurative)
das ziel erreichen(German) to attain the end one has in view
dämmerlicht(German n.) twilight, gloaming
dampfhaube(German f.) vapour hood
das ein und alles(German) the be-all and the end-all
das europäische festland(German) the Continent
goliard songMedieval Latin-texted secular song, often with corrupt or lewd lyrics; associated with wandering scholars.
darum geht's.(German) That's what it's all about.
gongPercussion instrument consisting of a broad circular disk of metal, suspended in a frame and struck with a heavy drumstick
darunterliegend(German) lying beneath, lying underneath
dandiaGujerati Dandia is a form of traditional folk stick dance performed mainly at temples at the end of Navaratri, festival of the nine goddesses
da bin ich überfragt(German) You've got me there! You've got me stumped
andanteWord used to suggest the speed of a piece of music
das alter zeigt sich.(German) Age is beginning to tell.
das will viel sagen.(German) That's saying a lot.
das elend lindern(German) to alleviate the misery
part songSecular vocal composition, unaccompanied, in three, four, or more parts.
das ganze(German) the ensemble, the whole thing, the whole issue
dahinstehen(German) to be pending
dahabiyeh(Arabic) a large sailing boat used to carry passengers in the Nile
dachte(German) thought
toneA sound of definite pitch.
dämmerschoppen(German m.) sundowner
das täuschende(German) the deceptiveness
das genügt mir völlig.(German) That'll do me fine.
das lyrische ich(German) poetic persona
transitionSee bridge.
bounceA light, medium fast tempo piece (swing era)....
cognitionThe mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
das beste vom besten(German) the cream of the crop
midi(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) MIDI is a means for providing electronic communication between synthesizers and computers or other synthesizers
common chordA chord composed of a root, third, and fifth.
das genügt vollauf.(German) That will do nicely.
dabbene(Italian) honest
controlsnormally rotary potentiometers (pots) or switches used to control electrical signals.
flamencoindigenous music and dance of Andalusia in Southern Spain.
chorusthe vocal ensemble of men and women who represent townspeople, relatives, guards, who contribute and comment on the action of the plot.
dachbegrünung(German f.) roof greening, rooftop greening (a thin layer of vegetation installed on top of a flat or sloping roof)
das schicksal herausfordern(German) to tempt fate, to tempt providence
basso cantanteA bass voice that demonstrates a melodic, lyrical quality, such as the role of King Philip in Verdi's Don Carlo.
shakuhachiA Japanese end-blown flute.
singer-songwriterin contemporary popular music, a perfomer who creates his or her own music; this contrasts with the practice in the music industry before the 1960s that set songwriters apart from performers.
counterrhythmsee cross-rhythm.
das auge ergötzen(German) to delight the eye
antiphonalPerformance style in which an ensemble is divided into two or more groups, performing in alternation and then together.
meterThe organization of strong and weak beats into a regular, recurring pattern.
"a" sideThe side of the single recording that is hoped to be the hit side; the side that is promoted.
synthesizeran electronically amplified keyboard that creates its own sounds through computer programming.
dämmgrad(German m.) (sound) absorbance
darsi pace(Italian) to calm down, to be resigned
dampfabzug(German m.) cooker hood ventilator
tempoThe speed at which a piece of music moves.
das protokoll niederschreiben(German) to draw up the minutes, to write the minutes
da capo dal segno(Italian) repeat from the sign
augmentationStatement of a melody in longer note values, often twice as slow as the original.
chansonFrench polyphonic song, especially of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, set to either courtly or popular poetry
dämmschichtbildner(German m.) intumescent paint (a paint that provides flame spread and fire propagation protection)
patterA "patter song" is one with many lyrics sung rapidly
apronThe forward part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra pit.
dahindösen(German) to slumber
concertoA work for one or more solo instruments and orchestra.
idiophonesA general term for solid percussion instruments in world music that are struck together, shaken, scraped, or rubbed to create their sound.
damenmodeartikel(German f.) confection
das priesteramt entziehen(German) to unfrock
das spektakel anschauen(German) to view the spectacle
tone clustersThree or more adjacent tones sounding simultaneously.
das einte mal(German - Switzerland) the first time
rim shotThe sharp, loud sound made by a stick striking the head and the rim of a snare drum simultaneously....
das handtuch werfen(German) to throw in the towel
massCentral service of the Roman Catholic Church.
das gute alte england(German) Merry England (the time of Queen Elizabeth I of England)
dans cette éventualité(French) in that event
das ist mir gleich.(German) It's all the same to me.
dar parte de(Spanish) to report
dappen glassa glass dish used in the cosmetic industry as a mixing dish for eyelash tint and peroxide, as a dish for use with Tip & Dip nails, for mixing acrylic liquid and powder that are used in the preparation of finger and toe nails, etc.
dann erst(German) only then
das lässt tief blicken.(German) That provides a deep insight.
plantillathe outline shape of a classical guitar.
dankgottesdienst(German m.) a service of thanksgiving, thanksgiving service
das ist es nicht.(German) That's not it.
gloriaA section of the Mass; the second musical movement of the Ordinary.
dämmerte(German) dawned
assimilationThe process whereby immigrant groups gradually adopt the characteristics of the host society
runA fast descending or ascending scale or line....
flag waverA spectacular (and usually up-tempo) piece of music (swing era)....
dachgesellschaft(German f.) holding company, parent company
damascusan ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria
da ist nichts dabei.(German) There's nothing to it.
minimalismA late-twentieth-century movement that seeks to return music to its simplest, most basic elements
dasselbe tun(German) to do likewise
daraus resultierend(German) consequent
am stegA directive to string players to play a particular passage very near, or directly on top the bridge
dynamic rangeThe expanse between the softest and loudest passages of a piece of music; the expanse between the softest and loudest notes capable on a particular instrument.
daghestan(English, German n.) an autonomous republic of southwest Russia bordering on the Caspian Sea
attackThe manner in which a tone is articulated....
dahintrabend(German) steadily pounding
danebentreffen(German) to miss
das wahlrecht verleihen(German) to enfranchise
dachraum(German m.) attic
das schicksal besiegeln(German) to seal the fate
daher der name(German) hence the name
danse de vertige(French f.) a whirling dance (likely to cause dizziness in the performer)
dahinrollen(German) to bowl along
das glaube ich nicht.(German) I don't think so.
dämpfungskonstante(German f.) attenuation constant
triple-stopPlaying three notes simultaneously on a string instrument.
embouchureThe placement of the lips, lower facial muscles, and jaws in playing a wind instrument.
dargestellt(German) posed, depicted, shown, represented
zydecoThe popular dance and entertainment music of the black Americans living in southwestern Louisiana
das gegenteil(German) the other thing (colloquial)
das ist vergangenheit.(German) That's in the past.
dalmatien(German n.) Dalmatia
dachbalken(German m.) roof beam, beam of a roof, roof joist, truss
dankesgabe(German f.) thanks-offering (figurative)
das seinige tun(German) to do one's bit, to play one's part
dachsvertreiber(German m.) badger blender (brush)
tangoAn Argentine dance form and music with roots in the 19th century that spread across the world in the early 20th century and now exists in various forms and styles....
das bestgehütete geheimnis(German) the most closely guarded secret
das macht keinen unterschied.(German) That makes no difference.
da dentro(Italian) from within
das protokoll führen(German) to keep the minutes, to take the minutes
pimaletter names for the picking hand fingers, derived from the Spanish language.
acid rockSee Psychedelic Rock.
das tischgebet sprechen(German) to say grace
das gelenk einrichten(German) to case the joint
danksagen(German) to give thanks
dardo(Italian m., Spanish m.) dart
das verhalten der tiere(German) animal behaviour
das unerträgliche(German n.) (the) unbearable, (the) intolerable, (the) insufferable
das maß vollmachen(German) to fill the cup to the brim
da prima(Italian) at first, from the beginning
canzone"song"; a short lyrical song, usually reflecting the singer's state of mind
keeping timeplaying the foundation layers for a musical piece.
das ist nur schönfärberei.(German) This is just spin.
das sagen haben(German) to be top dog
pantomimeTheatrical genre in which an actor silently plays all the parts in a show while accompanied by singing; originated in ancient Rome.
ballad(1) a slow, romantic popular song; (2) a long, early type of folk song that narrated a bit of local history
das tempo drosseln(German) to slow down, to decelerate
das innerste(German n.) core, marrow, innermost part, heart
45A 7-inch-diameter vinyl disc of recorded music that revolves at 45 rpm; also known as a disc, single, or platter.
saxophoneA musical instrument in the woodwind family
timbreThe quality of a tone or tones....
droneAn instrument whose primary purpose is to play a low sustained pitch, perhaps a constantly repeated pitch that produces a trance-like quality
clavierA generic term for a keyboard instrument.
dance compositionsynonymous with 'choreography'
das abgeschöpfte(German n.) skimmings
das beste erhoffen(German) to hope for the best
allegro moderatoModerately fast.
damayantiin Hindi mythology, wife of Nala and heroine of the tale of Nala and Damayanti; she is also known by her patronymic Bhaimi
da oben(German) up there
danzonAlso danzón
basMedieval category of soft instruments, used principally for indoor occasions, as distinct from haut, or loud, instruments.
dargeboten(German) presented
darben(German) to starve
dampfbefeuchter(German m.) steam humidifier
world beatCollective term for popular third-world musics, ethnic and traditional musics, and eclectic combinations of Western and non-Western musics
das bisher beste ergebnis(German) the best result so far
answerSecond entry of the subject in a fugue, usually pitched a fourth below or a fifth above the original subject
classical eraThe musical period from the late 18th century to the early 19th century.
head arrangementA musical arrangement made up (usually collectively) during a performance....
das boot verpassen(German) to miss the boat
danmyé(Martinique) a combined dance and martial art, similar to the better known Brazilian capoeira
aorAdult-oriented rock.
das einzig wahre(German) the real deal
dankenswert(German) deserving of thanks
four-beatAlso playing in four
cymbalsCymbals are two circular brass plates of equal size, which when struck together produce a shattering sound, as heard in this example.
das auge laben(German) to delight the eye
dahintraben(German) to urge forward, to drive briskly, to jog along, to move or work briskly, to whig
das gras mähen(German) to cut the grass, to mow the grass
das thermometer ablesen(German) to read the thermometer
darein(German) in it, in them
dança religiosa(Portuguese f.) religious or ritual dance
tipico"Typical," 'traditional," or "characteristic": a term used to identify popular forms of music with roots in the past of a number of Latin countries and regions....
dar es salaamthe capital and largest port city of Tanzania, lying on the Indian Ocean
wire brushesdrumsticks–actually hollow handles with thin wire strands–used to strike or brush the drumheads.
ostinato(Italian for “obstinate”) a repeated melodic or rhythmic pattern.
dabeihaben(German) to carry (to have with oneself)
refrainText or music that is repeated within a larger form.
glee clubSpecialized vocal ensemble that performs popular music, college songs, and more serious works.
damenunterhose(German f.) bloomers (old-fashioned)
darsena(Italian f.) dock
das höchste strafmaß(German) the maximum sentence, the maximum penalty
dans le principe(French) as a rule
dalaunaa form of Palestinian popular song
das fazit ziehen(German) to sum up, to consider the results (of)
formThe shape or structure of a piece of music
actA large section of a play or an opera
das hochamt feiern(German) to celebrate mass
answerSecond entry of the subject in a fugue, usually pitched a fourth below or a fifth above the subject.
das sind kleine fische.(German) That's no big deal.
pcm Pulse-code modulation
danken(German) to thank
darstellung des falles(German f.) statement of the case
dame von welt(German f.) woman of the world
daphnomancyor 'pyromancy', the art of divination by means of fire
das ein oder andere(German) the one or other
damping pedalsee 'damper pedal'
dasitzen und däumchen drehen(German) to sit on one's hands (colloquial)
rhythmThe organization of time in music, creating patterns of long and short durations of pitches to achieve desired degrees of rhythmic energy—the rhythmic impulse.
dargereicht(German) handed
das auch noch!(German) What next?
gigSynonym for job.
das allumfassende(German) catch-all
das gebietet der anstand.(German) That is common decency.
tambourineA single-headed drum with metal discs loosely set in the frame
analysisThe study of music that focuses on the form or structure of the music itself
das gespräch abbrechen(German) to stop talking
das bild hängt schief.(German) The picture is crooked.
daltronde(Italian) on the other hand
das herz schlägt.(German) The heart beats.
dämmerzustand(German m.) semiconsciousness, semi-consciousness, twilight state
das tempo der reformen(German) the pace of reforms
urban bluesA blues style that developed in the big cities and was generally more sophisticated and played by larger instrumental groups than the older country-blues style.
micropolyphonyTwentieth-century technique encompassing the complex interweaving of all musical elements.
darüberlegen(German) to superimpose
penny whistleSee tin whistle.
das rauchen aufgeben(German) to give up smoking, to quit smoking
dañino(Spanish) harmful
dachflächenfenster(German n.) skylight window, roof-top window
dar brillo(Spanish) to polish
dargelegt(German) presented, posed (problem, etc.)
das ist reine vermutung.(German) That's anyone's guess.
das salz der erde(German) the salt of the earth
da hast du es.(German) Here you are
basso profundoThe lowest and often serious bass voice
daseinsform(German f.) way of life
das wort führen(German) to be the main speaker (in a discussion)
dañar(Spanish) to damage, to harm (a person)
con brioWith spirit; vigorously.
accesibleMusic that is easy to listen to and understand
das klingt gut.(German) That sounds fine.
das glaubst du vielleicht.(German) That's what you think.
playing outsideimprovising outside the structure of a tonal harmonic progression.
das unvermeidliche akzeptieren(German) to accept the inevitable
closed endingSecond of two endings in a secular medieval work, usually cadencing on the final.
das milchkännchen umkippen(German) to upset the milk jug
damaszener(German m.) Damascene
dankbare rolle(German f.) rewarding part
dasselbe besagend(German) tautological
darfst(German) may (are permitted), can (may)
singleA 45.
dahinter kommen(German) to find out, to come behind
alla cacciaA directive to perform the indicated passage in the style of hunting music
dar un acelerón(Spanish) to put one's foot down (figurative: to increase the pace)
scat singingA vocalist's improvisatory device whereby he/she sings in nonsense syllables rather than lyrics as a means of approximating an instrumental solo; vocal improvisation (note: listen to Ella Fitzgerald singing How High the Moon on the album The Complete Ella in Berlin).
das ganze theater(German) the whole rigmarole
das ist mir einerlei.(German) I've no preference
dachlinie(German f.) roofline
melismaticDesignating a melodic phrase in which one syllable of text is spread over several notes.
fuzztoneA distorted sound effect achieved by cutting through the speaker cone of an amplifier, playing a tube amplifier at a much higher volume than it was intended for, or using an electronic device that creates a controllable version of the sound.
balladA narrative poem set to music.
speakeasyA nightclub which operated illegally during Prohibition
cymbalsCircular metal plates that can be hit together or can be suspended and hit with a beater
dahinraffen(German) to carry off (to cause to die)
dänischsprachig(German) Danish-speaking
darstellung des herrn(German f.) Presentation of the Lord
thereminElectronic instrument developed by Leon Theremin (1896-1993).  The Theremin is performed without touching it.  As the hand nears the antenna, the pitch rises.  A second antenna, if available, affects volume.
dagegen sein(German) to oppose, to disapprove
antique cymbalsSmall disks of brass, held by the player one in each hand, that are struck together gently and allowed to vibrate.
dança macabra(Portuguese f.) dance performed in or around cemeteries
dachte nach(German) cogitated, deliberated
danke!(German) Thank you!
da eseguirsi(Italian) to be executed
daherkommen(German) to come in
damnation(English, French f.) eternal punishment in hell
das meistgelesene buch(German) the most-read book
danzantes y pecadoseucharistic dance of sinners from the town of Camuñas (Toledo, Spain), which some believe could be the remnant of an ancient pagan dance assimilated by Christianity
dactilógrafo(Spanish m.) typist
das geld macht's.(German) Money talks.
dadaikolarge Japanese barrel drum, usually around two metres in diameter
das lamm gottes(German) the Lamb of God
dappertutto(Italian) everywhere
darüber hinwegziehen(German) to browse
turnaroundA short melodic or harmonic passage usually comprised of a I VI II V progression (or variation thereof) that returns ("turns around") to the beginning of a section or top of the form.
dass-satz(German m.) that-clause
dämmerig(German) dim, dusky
chopsTechnical ability; the lips of a brass player....
romanticA period in history during the 18th and early 19th centuries where the focus shifted from the neoclassical style to an emotional, expressive, and imaginative style.
damit rechnen(German) to reckon
darren(German n.) drying (hops, etc.)
das hat keine eile.(German) There's no rush.
das strafmaß verkünden(German) to pass sentence, to pronounce (the) sentence
damenvelo(German n
jitterbugA lively dance for couples, usually done to swing music.
das liegt lange zurück(German) that was long ago
dahingehen(German) to walk along, to pass (time), to pass away (to die)
mentoA Jamaican folk music that combines a Cuban rumba with African rhythms.  The name comes from the Spanish mentar, meaning "to mention," referring to the subtle way the music and dance express personal complaints or social criticisms.
das muster ändern(German) to alter the pattern
cut/cutting/carvingTo outplay other musicians, usually in a jam session....
con caloreWith warmth.
das problem ist(German) the trouble is
volumeDegree of loudness or softness of a sound
art musica form of music with high aesthetic standards and social prestige, created by professional artists for a well-educated public and insulated from the commercial world.
dareinmischen(German, dated) to meddle (in someone else's affairs)
dankend(German) reciprocating, thanking
alla sicilianoA directive to the musician to perform a composition in the style of a siciliana
daeabbreviation of 'Dictionary of American English'
dampfkessel(German m.) boiler, steam generator
straight mutea standard orchestral mute that dampens the sound of a brass instrument without much distortion
das bett nass machen(German) to wet the bed
dance suiteA multimovement work for keyboard or orchestra
polyphonySee texture.
dagestanden(German) stood there
clavea Latin time-line pattern
daneben greifen(German) to blunder
dan trongsmall single-headed Vietnamese barrel drums of varying sizes and depths
frequencythe vibrations per second of a musical note.
das augenlicht verlieren(German) to lose one's sight
das gewicht prüfen(German) to check the weight
markingA practice used by singers to conserve their voices in rehearsals
dar alcance a(Spanish) to catch up with
das aussehen verändern(German) to change appearance
darauf hinauslaufen(German) to imply
damenrunde(German f.) ladies' company, ladies' circle
dandie dinmont terrier(English, German m.) a breed of small terrier with long wiry coat and drooping ears
pasticheA parody; can be satirical or affectionate in intent
moving assembly lineA row of workers and machines along which work is passed until the product is made.
bootlegRecordings or made or sold without the permission of the performers or a recording company....
dactylographe(French f.) typist
das gesetz übertreten(German) to perpetrate, to commit an offence
caesuraA sudden silencing of the sound; a pause or break, indicated by the following symbol: //
da qui(Italian) from here, from now
shape-note systemAn aid in learning to read music popular in nineteenth-century America
dämonopathie(German f.) demonopathy
stock arrangementA commercially published musical arrangement....
dactylion(from the Latin dactylus, literally, a finger) a device invented by Henri Herz in 1835, consisting of ten rings fitted to a pianist's fingers and thumbs, each ring attached to springs, as a way of strengthening and training the digits
neumaticMelodic style with two to four notes set to each syllable.
das heilige abendmahl nehmen(German) to commune, to partake of the Lord's Supper
playing insideimprovising within the structure of a tonal harmonic progression
darstellende geometrie(German f.) descriptive geometry
textureThe interweaving of melodic (horizontal) and harmonic (vertical) elements in the musical fabric
dahinfahren(German) to bowl along
dankbarerweise(German) thankfully
dahinterkommen(German) get to the bottom of it (figurative)
das schiff verlassen(German) to abandon ship
dachshaarpinsel(German m.) badger (hair) brush
dahinten(German) back there (behind a person), over there
danpigu(China) single headed drum
damentaschen(German pl.) ladies' handbags
das unerfahrbare(German n.) (the) unexperienceable
bridge of a songA musical connection between the last verse and the chorus.
pastoralePastoral, country-like.
headbangersThe post-punk hardcore rock audience.
ethnicPertaining to people who are not part of a mainstream population but are recognized as a group on the basis of certain distinctive characteristics, such as religion, language, ancestry, culture, or national origin.
das buch josua(German) (the Book of) Joshua
das knie aufschürfen(German) to scrape one's knee
darauf herumreiten(German) to rub it in (colloquial)
dampfbetrieben(German) steam-powered, steam-driven
orchestra pitThe area below the stage, usually, where the orchestra is situated
dallage(French m.) paving
sotto voce"under voice"; A musical term that asks the performer to sing or play with less intensity, sometimes a declamatory whisper.
das schiff ist überfällig.(German) The ship is overdue.
bopSee bebop.
das zweite gesicht haben(German) to have second sight
ariaLyric song expressing intense emotion
dar por descontado(Spanish) to take for granted
das wort haben(German) to have the floor
danza española(Spanish f.) a dance in simple duple rhythm originating from Spain
das joch abwerfen(German) to cast off the yoke
das geld locker halten(German) to loosen the purse strings
darrabukasee darabukka
das leben geht weiter.(German) Life goes on.
das muss so kommen.(German) It's bound to happen.
chromaticismThe use of all 12 tones of a scale...
lipThe strength and ability of brass players to execute music, especially high notes....
dahinterstecken(German) to be behind it
dankbar sein(German) to appreciate
damenwäsche(German f.) lingerie
dachswimmingpool(German m.) rooftop swimming pool
das einzig sinnvolle(German) the only thing that makes sense
aabaThe most common popular song form
dasselbe gilt für ...(German) the same is true of ...
das steht bombensicher fest.(German) That's absolutely certain.
das dauert genauso lange.(German) That takes just as long.
das wort ergreifen(German) to rise to speak, to take the floor, to begin to speak
das kleinere übel(German) the lesser of the two evils
dämonisieren(German) to demonise
dame spielen(German) to play checkers
bridge of a guitarA piece of wood or metal attached to the body of the guitar to which strings are attached, or over which they pass.
lip syncingMoving the lips to synchronize with a prerecorded song, giving the impression that the song is being performed live.
das ist ein topfen.(German) That's nonsense.
das allerbeste(German) all the best
dachschalung(German f.) timber roofing, roof boards
darabukkahsee darabukka
storyvilleThe New Orleans tenderloin district in which some of the first jazz musicians played
dança moderna(Portuguese f.) contemporary dance, modern dance
damit sollte gesagt sein(German) as much as to say
clavesA pair of wooden sticks used to play the clave pattern (Latin)....
dangerliability or exposure to harm, thing that causes or may cause harm (for example, 'in danger of' meaning likely to incur or to suffer from)
dann mal los!(German) Here goes!
damaszenisch(German) Damascene
das defizit ausgleichen(German) to finance the deficit
das göttliche(German) the divine
damastseide(German f.) damask silk
verse-chorusA form in which there are different texts to each verse and a return to the chorus after each verse.
lineA general term for a discrete voice or part in a vocal or instrumental composition.
dachschaden(German m.) mental injury
das ist frauensache.(German) That's women's business.
dare ascolto a(Italian) to pay attention to
das stimmt!(German) That's for sure! Quite (so)!
das kostet ... euro.(German) That costs ..
din music theory, designating the triad of D-major
dafür ausgelegt(German) designed to
multiphonicTechnique in instrumental music in which a monophonic instrument (one which generally produces only one note at a time) is made to produce several notes at once.
glitter rockA theatrical style of 1970s rock music that stressed glamorous outfits and androgynous dress by male performers.
das sind gute nachrichten.(German) That is good news.
das ist unzureichend begründet.(German) This begs the question.
dachgeschosswohnung(German f.) attic flat
false fingeringA technique of altered finger placement that produces tones or density of sound on horns that are not available by orthodox techniques....
darüber hinweggesehen(German) connived
daabbreviation of 'Doctor of Arts'
dagegen ist nichts einzuwenden.(German) (Well that's) fair enough.
das ist kein spaß!(German) This is no laughing matter!
das gespräch alleine bestreiten(German) to do all the talking
muteThe device brass players insert in the bell of their instrument to diminish the loudness of their instrument and create various effects.
sequenceRepetition of a phrase at a higher or lower pitch
das kapiere ich nicht.(German) I don't get it
das übliche(German) the usual
das ist(German) that is
das gegenteil trifft zu.(German) The reverse is true.
choirA group of singers who perform together, usually in parts, with several on each part; often associated with a church.
darüber besteht kein zweifel.(German) There's no question about it
dados(Portuguese) data
darübergelegt(German) superimposed
rhythmThe pulse or pattern of beats of a given piece of music; the element of music dealing with time.
avecWith, as in avec verve "with spirit"
dachboden(German m.) loft, attic, garret
darmkrebs(German m.) bowel cancer, colon cancer
programmaticmusic that attempts to link itself to specific places, people, or events.
british invasionA term for rock music from Britain that first became enormously popular in the United States in and after 1964
dachausbau(German m.) loft conversion
damalig(German) at that time, then (as in 'the then manager'), that, at the time
electronicMusic produced by such means as magnetic tape, synthesizer, or computer.
da bis du also!(German) There you are!
das kleinste(German) the least
das wichtigste zuerst.(German) First things first.
daseinsfreude(German f.) joie de vivre (French: love of life)
dandyisma form of aestheticism which pretends to give aesthetic value to a smart life
crotalesA pair of small pitched cymbals mounted on a frame; also made in chromatic sets.
das ist schon wahr.(German) That's true, of course.
das schlechte ende erwischen(German) to get the worst of it
das gebiet betreffende probleme(German pl.) problems affecting the region
damaszenerpflaumenbaum(German m.) damson tree
das ergebnis beeinträchtigen(German) to affect the result
variable layerscontrasting parts played above the foundation layers in a piece
dachgaube(German f.) dormer (a gabled extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical window)
daivi sampadhigher propensities of the mind that lead to man's upliftment
flatA symbol indicating that the note is to be diminished by one semitone.
damenschuhe(German pl.) women's shoes
instrumentMechanism that generates musical vibrations and transmits them into the air.
dar la alerta(Spanish) to raise the alarm
dahinfegend(German) sweeping
dadaismus(German m.) Dadaism
das seine tun(German) to do one's bit
a cappellaChoral music without instrumental accompaniment.
global perspectiveA worldwide point of view, including awareness of and respect for the lifestyles, traditions, values, and arts of nations and cultures.
liederPlural of Lied.
protestantismReligions that "protested" against the Church of Rome (later called the Roman Catholic Church) during the Renaissance and broke away from it in what was called the Reformation.
daguerreotypie(German f.) daguerrotype, daguerreotype (early photographic process)
das irgendwie missverstehen(German) to get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick (colloquial)
vocableNonlexical syllables, lacking literal meaning.
song formA 32-bar aaba chorus (verse)
resolutionSee tension.
darstellungsmethode(German f.) method of presentation
moldy figA 1940s modern jazz fan's derogatory term for a fan of traditional jazz....
danoso(Italian) harmful
parlando"speaking"; The term directs the singer to imitate speech in singing
symbolismA subtle French poetic style from the late nineteenth century that stressed the sound and color of the words and suggested rather than clearly outlined the meaning or story behind the text.
das muss gesagt werden(German) it has to be said
combinatorialA descriptive term for tone rows in which the second half is a transposed version of the first half.
das ende bedenken(German) to have the end in view, to signify the end
das geheimnis aufklären(German) to clear up the mystery
das mag wohl stimmen.(German) That may be so.
darbukkasee darabukka
das gleiche alte lied(German n.) the same old song
das pfeifen im walde(German) whistling in the dark
oboeA high-sounding woodwind instrument that uses a mouthpiece with a double reed.
das altniederdeutsche(German) Old Low German
daffare(Italian m.) work
down-homeMusic that is honest, folk-like, and possibly funky....
lyricsThe words to a popular song
rent partyA gathering in one's home for which an admission fee is charged in order to raise money to pay the rent or other bills.
graveInstruction to play slowly and seriously
das papierlose büro(German) the paperless office
das(German) the, that, what, which, who
choralBaroque congregational hymn of the German Lutheran church.
french overtureA popular type of introductory movement in baroque music that begins with a stately section using dotted rhythms (very long followed by very short notes) followed by a faster fugal section
daheim(German n
dactylo-graphie(French f.) typing
darmgrippe(German f.) gastric flu, gastric influenza
das leben im gefängnis(German) prison life
das heutige datum(German) today's date
dahingerafft werden(German) to be removed by death
das ist dasselbe.(German) It's the same thing.
dalmatisch(German n.) Dalmatian
thematic developmentMusical expansion of a theme by varying its melodic outline, harmony, or rhythm
das lebensnotwendige(German pl.) life's essentials, the bare necessities (of life)
das völlig falsch interpretieren(German) to get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick (colloquial)
dado(Italian m.) dice, (stock) cube
villanelleAn Italian secular vocal form; a predecessor of the madrigal
daraufhin(German) as a result, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, after that
pedalsthe bass notes on an organ, played on a keyboard with the feet.
dahinsausen(German) to sweep along, to spin along, to tank along (colloquial)
das selbe problem aufwerfen(German) to raise the same issue
multi-instrumentalismPlaying instruments of different types as a means of expanding a musician's creative possibilities...
phraseA section of music with a recognizable beginning and ending
alternate takesThe various takes recorded of a piece of music at a single recording session, that for whatever reasons were not chosen to be used
coverRecording that remakes an earlier, often successful, recording with a goal of reaching a wider audience.
dabeisitzen(German) to sit there
damenkränzchen(German n.) hen party, hen-party
dança folclórica(Portuguese f.) folk dance
darin genannt(German) specified therein
das läuten der sterbeglocke(German) the death knell
dachbodenantenne(German f.) loft antenna
dan.abbreviation of 'Danish'
bellthe flared opening at the end of a brass instrument.
das dach ausbessern(German) to repair the roof
block chordsA series of chords with wide voicings that move in parallel motion
das bleibt dahingestellt(German) that remains to be seen
registrationThe combination of stops or registers chosen by an organist for the performance of a work.
das kann sein.(German) That may (well) be.
das pressewesen(German) the press (newspapers)
rounded binaryCompositional form with two sections, in which the second ends with a return to material from the first; each section is usually repeated.
dissonanceAn active, unstable sound
das kompliment erwidern(German) to return the compliment
organOriginally a wind instrument in which sets of pipes are controlled by a keyboard that sends air from a blower into the pipes
da sind sie ja!(German) There you are!
darum liebe ich dich.(German) That's why I love you.
da ballo(Italian) in dance style, specifically 'light and spirited'
das arbeitsende registrieren(German) to clock out
matrix numberNumbers and letters stamped near the center of a 78 RPM recording indicate the number of the take on the record....
darlehen(German n.) loan, credit, advance (of money)
d'anticipation(French) science fiction (book, film, story)
preampa signal boosting device.
das tut mir leid.(German) I'm sorry about that.
chartColloquial or jazz term for a score or arrangement.
damast(German m.) damask, Damascus steel
codaThe conclusion to a piece of music that functions like a summing-up, or an afterthought
feedbacka sound produced by a string or microphone picking up and amplifying its own signal from a loudspeaker.
passacagliaBaroque technique in which a brief melodic idea repeats over and over while the other voices are varied freely.
clavesA Cuban clapper consisting of two solid hardwood sticks; widely used in Latin-American music.
madrigalRenaissance secular work originating in Italy for voices, with or without instruments, set to a short, lyric love poem; also popular in England.
dahinter bleiben(German) to remain behind
historicismthe theory that artistic works do not rise independently of history but must be understood in relation to the past.
segueThe joining together, without pause, of two different pieces of music.
danseur noblea title that given to principal male dancers in a ballet company
dans(French) in, into, inside, about (approximation)
könige(German) (Book of) Kings
dabei bleiben(German) to remain adamant (figurative)
descargaA Latin jam session....
das gehörte(German) the things heard
dado(Spanish m.) dice
cutting contestMusical game of one-upmanship where the performers attempt to outdo each other.
dahlie(German f.) dahlia
da multos annos(Latin) a wish for a long life (on the occasion of a birthday)
das meiste abbekommen(German) to bear the brunt
dampf machen(German) to shake a leg (colloquial)
dämpfungsfaktor(German m.) damping factor, decay factor
das schiff wechseln(German) to jump ship
dar el alta(Spanish) to discharge from hospital
das blatt wenden(German) to turn the tables (figurative)
calliopeA musical instrument consisting of steam whistles, played by means of a keyboard.
dabeigewesen(German, dated) been present
damaszenerrose(German f.) damask rose (Rosa × damascena)
dalmatinerwelpe(German m.) Dalmatian puppy
evensongThe sung service of early-evening prayer in Anglican churches
das eis brechen(German) to break the ice (also figurative), to break the spell
recordersA wooden end-blown flute-type instrument common during from the Middle Ages through the baroque.
syllabicDesignating a musical phrase in which each syllable of text is given one note.
dadukBulgarian flute
das genick brechend(German) breakneck
crumhornEarly woodwind instrument, whose sound is produced by blowing into a capped double reed and whose lower body is curved.
repetitionA return to previously stated material
plunger mutethe bottom end of a sink plunger (minus the handle), used as a mute for a brass instrument
dahintippeln(German) to scuttle
dalend interval(Dutch) descending interval
concert bandInstrumental ensemble ranging from forty to eighty members or more, consisting of wind and percussion instruments
nakersMedieval percussion instruments resembling small kettledrums, played in pairs; of Middle Eastern origin.
das oberste zuunterst kehren(German) to turn everything upside down
daktylus(German m.) dactyl
das spielt keine rolle.(German) That's quite immaterial.
interpolationsSee quote....
danebenliegend(German) adjacent
new dealThe policies and measures proposed by President Franklin D
damascus steelor Damask steel, a hard resilient steel often decorated and used for sword blades
das oberste gebot(German n.) the highest precept
das angelsächsische(German) the Anglo-Saxon
dammstraße(German f.) causeway
das neue jahr begrüßen(German) to see the New Year in
violinA high-sounding bowed string instrument, the neck of which is held by the player's left hand, and the tail rests beneath the player's chin.
das lager überfüllen(German) to overstock
darlehen aushandeln(German) to arrange a loan
das gemüt beruhigen(German) to quiet the mind
glitter rockGlitter rock was not a specific musical style, but rather a performance image that influenced the development of the trend in the '70s toward large-scale theatrical performances.  While not all glitter groups assumed an androgynous image, most did stress sexuality of some sort as part of their act.
danziger bucht(German f.) Gulf of Danzig or Bay of Gdansk (a southeastern bay of the Baltic Sea, it is named after the adjacent port city of Gdansk in Poland)
danseries(French) collections of dances
das lachen unterdrücken(German) to choke back laughter, to restrain laughter
ethnomusicologyA study of music in culture, considering the context of music in a society, music as it relates to human behavior, and the general attitudes of a people about their music.
cantorSolo singer or singing leader in Jewish and Christian liturgical music.
danenative or national of Denmark, Viking invader of England in the 9th-11th centuries
da kommt freude auf.(German) That's a real pleasure.
ad libitumIndication to omit a section or improvise
das gehört dir.(German) This is yours.
das zimmer beleuchten(German) to lighten the room
dankesritus(German m.) rite of thanksgiving
darlegungslast(German f.) burden of producing evidence
saxophoneinvented by Adophe Sax in the 1840s, a family of single-reed wind instruments with the carrying power of a brass instrument
das erzbistum canterbury(German n.) the see of Canterbury
dar muestras de tristeza(Spanish) to look sad
das baby baden(German) to bath the baby, to bathe the baby, to give the baby a bath
delta bluesThe country-blues style of Robert Johnson and others who came from the Mississippi delta region.
ondesMartenot Electronic instrument that produces sounds by means of an oscillator.
das sagten sie schon.(German) You've said that already.
danés(Spanish m.) Dane, Danish (as in 'The Danish')
dampfdruck(German m.) steam pressure, vapour pressure
tragédie lyriqueFrench serious opera of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with spectacular dance scenes and brilliant choruses on tales of courtly love or heroic adventures; associated with J.-B
das ist kein problem.(German) That's not an issue.
ars antiquaTerm used by 14th century writers to distinguish the French sacred polyphonic musical style of the 13th century (c
romanceOriginally a ballad; in the Romantic era, a lyric instrumental work.
dahinschlendernd(German) moseying (colloquial), ambling, walking in a leisurely manner
das süße nichtstun(German) dolce far niente, carefree idleness
das gebietet die höflichkeit.(German) This is common courtesy.
das nichts(German n.) the void
new orleans styleJazz that developed in the early part of the 20th century in New Orleans and rural Louisiana
lyric-dramatic tenorthese roles, while still essentially lyric, demand some dramatic color and fire: Rodolfo in La bohème, the Duke in Rigoletto, Alfredo in La traviata and Faust are to be included."
das angebot überdenken(German) to consider the offer
dampfleitung(German f.) steam piping, steam pipe
das unmögliche zuwege bringen(German) to achieve the impossible
dame der gesellschaft(German f.) lady of society
daño(Spanish m.) damage, harm (a person)
hillbillyA style of popular song derived from the rural, southern folk tradition and from sentimental songs of the late nineteenth century
church modesA system of eight scales forming the tonal foundation for Gregorian chant and for polyphony up to the baroque era.
das buch jona(German) the Book of Jonah
dagegen ist keiner gefeit.(German) That could happen to anyone.
das abendmahl(German n.) Holy Communion
dämpfungselement(German n.) attenuator
dämmmaterial(German n.) insulating material, insulation (material)
danza dei coltelli(literally 'the dance of the knives'), a knife dance derived from the tarantella healing ritual
works progess administrationA United States government agency created in 1935 to provide paying jobs for unemployed workers.
da drinnen(German) in there
griotsAfrican singers who memorized their tribe's history through their songs.
vespersOne of the Divine Offices of the Roman Catholic Church, held at twilight.
a capellaUnaccompanied vocal music
ritardandoHolding back, getting slower.
das wird ihm wohltun.(German) That will do him good.
damselflyinsect like a dragonfly but with wings folded when resting
das vertrauen verlieren(German) to lose confidence
tempoThe speed at which a piece of music is moving....
dämmschicht(German f.) damp course
cd-romCompact disc-read only memory
character piecesWorks portraying a single mood, emotion, or idea.
dachfenster(German n.) dormer, dormer window, attic window, skylight, roof window
das protokoll annehmen(German) to adopt the minutes
affabilitaA directive to perform the indicated passage with ease and elegance; with affability; in a pleasing and agreeable manner
das fenster schließen(German) to close the window
darübergießen(German) to dash over, to pour over
jam sessionA spontaneous musical performance.
honkA low note played loudly on a reed instrument
das versprechen erfüllen(German) to do what it says on the tin (figurative)
axeSlang for instrument
walking bass lineThe line played by a bass player that "walks" melodically (by step) between chord tones instead of jumping from one chord tone to another.
mestizoNatives of Mexico and South America haying mixed Indian and Spanish blood.
bluesa musical/poetic form in African American culture, created c
upstage/downstagePositions on stage; upstage is toward the rear of the stage and farthest from the audience while downstage is toward the lip of the stage, closest to the audience
emancipation proclamationDeclaration by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863 that freed all persons previously held as slaves.
das saß.(German) That hit home
daraus ergibt sich(German) that implies
das alte testament(German) the Law
lied"song"; A German song; [leet], plural Lieder [leader]
allegroFast, cheerful
das gelobte land(German) the Promised Land
das tanzbein schwingen(German) to shake a leg, to take to the floor (cololoquial: to engage in social dancing)
das starke geschlecht(German) the stronger sex
dar aliento a ...(Spanish) to encourage ...
potpotentiometer for controlling a signal
das ergebnis bekannt geben(German) to announce the result
danzetta(Italian) a short dance
daktylisch(German) dactylic
dahinschmelzen(German) to melt away
standardA song that has sustained popularity through decades and generations, transcending changing styles and tastes.
darfst nicht(German) must not
amorevoleA directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition in a loving manner
dasjenige(German) that
fillsShort improvised passages behind a soloist or between sections of a piece of music....
danza antigua de hermigua(Spanish f.) ancient warrior dance from the Hermigua region in the Gomera Island (Canary Islands, Spain), accompanied by drums and chácaras (large castanets)
dass ich nicht lache!(German) Don't make me laugh! (ironic)
loudnessThe degree of intensity or energy producing a sound
trap setsee drum kit
inland waterwayA canal, river or lake that can be used by boats, barges or ships.
darlehen mit beweglichen zinssätzen(German n.) variable rate loan
troubadoursMedieval poet-musicians in northern France.
fluteA high-sounding woodwind instrument that is played by blowing across a mouthpiece on the side of the instrument
darre(German f.) oast house, drying kiln
polyrhythmsTwo or more contrasting and independent rhythms used at the same time.
demoA recording made as a demonstration of a group's sound, for the purpose of selling the group to a record company or promoter.
accentA stress or emphasis on a particular tone.
dalmatiner(German m.) Dalmatian (dog), Dalmatian (person)
damebrett(German n.) checkerboard, draughtboard, chequerboard
soul jazzOne of the musics included under the name of hard bop (c
sonA classic Cuban dance and song form originated near the turn of the 20th century and continued and varied in modern Cuban-derived pop music (Latin)....
taborCylindrical medieval drum.
fixed formsGroup of forms, especially in medieval France, in which the poetic structure determines musical repetitions
tonicThe tonal center
das gehört sich nicht.(German) That's just not done
virtuosoAn outstanding musician exceptional on his/her instrument; a musician with masterly ability, technique, and/or personal style.
das gewisse etwas(German) that certain something
danese(Italian) Danish
darauf trinken wir.(German) Let's drink to that.
da sein(German) to be on hand, to be there, to be around
grand operaA type of Romantic opera that concentrated on the spectacular elements of the production.
das telefon anzapfen(German) to tap the phone
das ist streng verboten!(German) That's strictly forbidden!
hymnReligious songs that usually praise God.
dama(Italian f.) lady, partner (in a dance), draughts (board game)
darwinianalso Darwinistic, of or pertaining to the work of the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
das waren noch zeiten.(German) Those were the days.
dämmrig(German) crepuscular, dark (during dawn or dusk)
dada-mamaa mnemonic for playing the sequence LLRR or RRLL on the side drum, where L indicates left stick and R the right stick
das deutsche(German) the German language
dachjuchhe(German n.) attic room
segregatedRacially separated.
dämonisiert(German) demonised
dames(French f.) draughts (game), checkers (US game)
daños y perjuicios(Spanish m
shedAlso "shedding." See woodshed....
das passiert ständig.(German) It happens all the time.
das ist mir bekannt.(German) I know that.
das gibt zu denken!(German) It makes one think
dans la dèche(French) broke
varietyMusic that has variety departs from previously stated themes and creates points of contrast.
das wär abgehakt!(German) That takes care of it!
dachsparren(German m.) rafter
standardAn acknowledged, popular piece of music in the jazz repertory....
das gleichgewicht ändern(German) to alter the balance
airplayThe number of times a popular song is broadcast on radio
das scharfe s(German) the German letter ß
requiem massRoman Catholic Mass for the Dead.
dachzeile(German f.) teaser, kicker, subheadline
das ist ein gerücht.(German) It's a myth
dalben(German m.) mooring post
darniederliegend(German) languishing
damaszieren(German) to damascene, to damaskeen
intonationThe degree of adherence to correct pitch by a given instrument; good intonation suggests close approximation of the pitch; poor intonation implies the opposite (horn players, unlike pianists, have the ability to adjust their intonation by pushing in or pulling out their mouthpieces as well as by adjusting their embouchure).
orchestral bellsSee chimes.
das seinige beitragen(German) to pull one's weight
graziosoInstruction to play gracefully
minnesingersMedieval German poet-singers.
pixie mutea small mute inserted into the bell of a brass instrument; players like Cootie Williams and “Tricky Sam” Nanton modified its sound further with a plunger mute.
daidalos(German m.) Daedalus (legendary Greek craftsman who, at the command of Minos, King of Crete, designed and built the Labyrinth)
altoLowest of the female voices
wall of soundThe lush, multitracked sound Phil Spector created as producer of hits for such acts as the Crystals, the Ronettes, and the Righteous Brothers.
killer-dillerAn exciting (or difficult to play) piece of music (swing era)....
das wissen sie doch!(German) But you know that!
salsaA hot, up-tempo U.S
acoustical instrumentAny musical instrument not relying on external power for operation
strollA pianist strolls when he or she lays out and allows the rest of the rhythm section to be heard....
dachstroh(German n.) thatch
damenschlüpfer(German pl.) knickers
allantA directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a bustling or lively manner
dactylonomythe art of counting on the fingers
dalmatinisch(German) Dalmatian
upbeatnote or notes that precede the downbeat
das gewicht reduzieren(German) to reduce weight
dappoco(Italian) worthless
daltonischdaltonian, colour-blind
damaststahl(German m.) damask steel
darauf bedacht(German) anxious
das wahlrecht entziehen(German) to disenfranchise
dahinter stecken(German) to be behind it
dare gas(Italian) to accelerate (vehicle)
das ist schon besser!(German) This is more like it! (colloquial)
timeA general term for meter, but also the way in which drummers play meter....
daherum(German) thereabouts
damenhose(German f.) a pair of ladies' trousers, (ladies') slacks, ladies' trousers
da ist was dran.(German) Good point
das warum und weshalb(German) the whys and wherefores
darüberhinaus(German) in addition to it, on top of this
daim(French m.) fallow deer, suede (leather)
assaiIndications to performers of the speed of a piece of music
a cappellaOne or more vocalists performing without an accompaniment
dahingestellt sein lassen(German) to leave open (figurative), to leave undecided
whole notethe longest possible rhythmic note; in a four-beat duple meter, it would fill up an entire measure.
das unvergleichliche(German) nonpareil
dämmpaket(German n.) noise attenuation package
dame des hauses(German f.) landlady
passionMusical setting of the Crucifixion story as told by one of the four Evangelists in the Gospels.
downbeatsThe first beat of each measure in Western notated music.
dachlos(German) roofless
hautMedieval category of loud instruments, used mainly for outdoor occasions, as distinct from bas, or soft, instruments.
dankend ablehnen(German) to decline with thanks
dank(German) thanks to, due to, (by) courtesy of, owing to, through the kindness of
dar razón(Spanish) to gice an account (of)
das walte gott!(German) Amen to that!
das spricht für ihn.(German) That says something for him
circle of fifthsA series of twelve perfect fifths that circle back to the original tone....
das ist reine phantasie.(German) It's all in the mind.
cup mutean orchestral mute with an extension that more or less covers the bell of a brass instrument
damenuntertaille(German f.) camisole
dasharathaKing of Ayodhya, father of Rama, in the Ramayana
dare(Italian) to give, to yield (produce)
das recht beugen(German) to bend the law
reductionThe compression of a complex, multi-stave score onto one or two staves.
dahinrasen(German) to barrel (along) (colloquial), to bomb along (colloquial)
ostinatoA repeated phrase.
polyphonicTwo or more melodic lines combined into a multivoiced texture, as distinct from monophonic.
das wahre(German) the true, the truth
thirty-two bar popular songa standard song form, usually divided into shorter sections, such as A A B A (each section eight bars long) or A A’ (each section sixteen bars long).
das hauptproblem ist ...(German) The main problem is ...
filla short drum solo performed to fill in the spaces in an improvised performance.
das tönt interessant.(German) That sounds interesting.
das gesicht verziehen(German) to grimace
das ganze haus zusammenbrüllen(German) to shout the house down
das ist ein überfall!(German) This is a hold-up!
das rauchen verbieten(German) to ban smoking
expositionThe first section in sonata form, containing the statement of the principal themes
damenbekanntschaft(German f.) female acquaintance
das ist ganz gut.(German) That's not bad.
dans le coma(French) in a coma
das heutige amerika(German) modern-day America
con amorewith love, tenderly.
dankesbrief(German m.) thank-you letter
motetA polyphonic choral work set to a sacred text.
das böse abwehren(German) to ward off evil
crossoversRecords in one market which succeeded in another market.  Crossovers were the key ingredient that enabled rock music to develop as a separate style.
das hat zeit.(German) There's no hurry
dahindämmern(German) to be semi-conscious
das gehirn schädigen(German) to affect the brain
das ist bedeutungslos.(German) That is not relevant.
pitch rangeThe span from low to high pitches that an instrument or a voice can produce.
dactylo(French f.) typist
damasceningthe art of inlaying different metals into one another, particularly, inlaying gold and silver into grooves gouged out of a metal surface
dass(German) insomuch, that
danno(Italian m.) damage, harm (a person)
das eiweiß steif schlagen(German) to beat the egg white until stiff
daoismus(German m.) Daoism, Taoism
das stimmt nicht.(German) That doesn't make sense.
durationLength of time something lasts; e.g., the vibration of a musical sound.
das ist eher möglich.(German) That's more likely.
tone clusterThree or more adjacent tones sounded simultaneously....
das brauchen sie vielleicht.(German) You may need this.
das argument zieht nicht.(German) That argument doesn't hold.
antibacchiusA musical foot of three syllables, the first two long or accented, the third short, or unaccented
das knie beugen(German) to bend the knee, to bend one's knee, to bow the knee, to genuflect
texture(1) The density of sound
danzante(Spanish) dancing
da stimmt etwas nicht.(German) Something is wrong
dasein(German n.) existence, being, entities, entity, presence
dackelblick(German m.) innocent look
dada(Also Dadaism) A movement in art in which frustration over the destruction of human life that took place during WW I was expressed by fashioning artworks out of trash or other material put together in chaotic form.  Also, a western European artistic and literary movement (1916-23) that sought the discovery of authentic reality through the abolition of traditional cultural and aesthetic forms.
das boot erreichen(German) to catch the boat
darsi a(Italian) to give oneself to
dalle(French f.) paving stone, slab
pianoA soft dynamic level.
composerA person who creates (composes) music.
darintraben(German) to bowl along
ring shoutan African American religious dance, performed in a circle moving counterclockwise; often cited as the earliest and most pervasive form of African survival in the New World.
statementSee exposition.
half-valvingdepressing one or more of the valves of a brass instrument only halfway, producing an uncertain pitch with a nasal sound
dampfbefeuchtung(German f.) steam moistening
galant styleLate 18th-century style of music that was less ornate and more melodic than the Baroque music it superseded
das falsche gesangbuch haben(German) to belong to the wrong (religious) denomination
ad libitumIndication that gives the performer the liberty to omit a section or to improvise.
das wesentliche nicht begreifen(German) to miss the point
das rettende ufer erreichen(German) to reach dry land (figurative), to reach terra firma (figurative)
acousticsHow a room sounds based on reverberation and other acoustical qualities
das großherzogtum luxemburg(German) the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
dämonomanie(German f.) demonomania
dal(Italian) also dall', dalla, dalle, dallo, from the
das wichtigste in stichworten(German) an outline of the main points
darf ich raten?(German) May I venture a guess?
dachbodenleiter(German f.) loft ladder
dagegen stimmen(German) to vote against, to dissent
dasitzen(German) to sit there
das andere extrem(German n.) the other extreme, the contrary extreme
acousticsThe science of sounds and the physical basis of music.
alternate singingTwo choirs singing in alternation in a religious service
quadruple meterA meter in which each measure has four beats.
dar una palmada(Spanish) to clap one's hands
das zeitalter der gotik(German) the Gothic age
damenfriseur(German m.) hairdresser
popGenerally pleasant music with broad appeal, aimed at an adult audience.
das zeug haben zu(German) to have the makings of, to have the making of
dans le temps jadis(French) in days of old, in days gone by, once upon a time
das geschirr spülen(German) to wash the dishes, to do the dishes
das gewünschte erhalten(German) to get one's wish
dance-songsee 'operatic air'
damaszenerklinge(German f.) Damascene blade
das unbewusste(German) the unconscious
dar la enhorabuena(Spanish) to congratulate
consonanceSounds that are pleasing to the ear.
dahinterkommen(German) to figure it out, to discover (despite attempts at concealment)
dahinwursteln(German) to muddle through
arch formA composition that comprises an odd number of sections, usually five, in which the first and last are related, the second and second to last are related (more if there are more than five), and the middle section stands alone, like the head stone of an arch.
das wird gerede geben.(German) Tongues will wag.
dar achares(Spanish) to make jealous
das abendmahl(German) the Last Supper
das schaufenster dekorieren(German) to trim the window, to dress the window
das gejammere und geplärre(German) the wailing and gnashing of teeth
dareinreden(German, dated) to meddle (in someone else's affairs)
dachstuhl mit stichbalken(German m.) hammer-beam roof
das leben besser gestalten(German) to alter life for the better
darwinismus(German m.) Darwinism
brass instrumentswind instruments, some of which are indeed made of brass, that use a cuplike mouthpiece to create the sound.
das ist erledigt.(German) Already done.
fantasiaAn improvised piece characterized by virtuosity in composition and performance; popular during the Renaissance and baroque eras.
das gesamte ausmaß(German) the sheer magnitude
doublesVariations of a dance in a French keyboard suite.
das bleibt abzuwarten.(German) That remains to be seen.
dämonenlehre(German f.) demonology
bass drumAlso "kick drum." The largest and lowest-pitched drum of the drum set, and played with a foot pedal....
das ist ausgeschlossen.(German) That's out of the question.
dapprima(Italian) at first
guiroin Latin percussion, a scraped gourd with ridges.
das schafott besteigen(German) to ascend the scaffold
virtuosoPerformer of extraordinary technical ability.
das ursprungsrecht erhalten(German) to obtain the copyright
dachgesims(German n.) eaves
raked stageA stage that is sloped upward toward the rear of the stage allowing audience patrons seated at the back of the theater to see performers at the rear of the stage.
damaszierung(German f.) damascening, damaskeening
das genügt nicht.(German) This won't do.
da quando(Italian) since
damenhandschuh(German m.) lady's glove
d'accord(French) in tune (figurative), agreed, granted
das ich(German n.) the self
dachluke(German f.) skylight
dalmatik(German f.) dalmatic (vestment)
continuoSee "basso continuo."
motiveA short melodic or rhythmic theme that reappears frequently throughout a work or section of a work as a unifying device.
indiesSmall "independent" record companies, other than the Majors.
systemA group of staves connected by a brace, indicating that they are to be played simultaneously.
dänisch(German) Danish
dasia-notation(German f.) or Dasia-Zeichen (German pl.), Daseian notation
dandifyto make a dandy
dahinsein(German) be gone
darauf ankommen(German) to matter, to come down to
das imaginäre(German n.) (the) imaginary
dampfkraftwerk(German n.) steam power plant
dammschüttung(German f.) embankment
cueIndication by the conductor or a spoke word or gesture for a performer to make an entry
das war ein fehler.(German) This has been a mistake.
cover recordingA recording made subsequent to the original recording of a particular song.
danois(French m.) Danish language
daraus folgende wirkungen(German pl.) consequential effects
stage right/leftThe sides of the stage from the performer's point of view, i.e., when a singer moves down right, s/he moves right toward the edge of the stage - which is the audience's left.
das andere ende erreichen(German) to reach the other end
das blatt einseitig beschreiben(German) to write on one side of the paper
das menschliche geschlecht(German n.) the human race
das alte ägypten(German) ancient Egypt
das eigentum übernehmen(German) to assume ownership
dahinschwindend(German) evanescent, evanescently, waning
toastingA Jamaican name for the rhythmic patter-talk used by disc jockeys.
das bin ich.(German) This is me
virtuosoA performer with complete technical control of the playing of his or her musical instrument.
keyDefines the relationship of tones with a common center or tonic
das gesicht schwärzen(German) to black one's face
chimesPercussion instrument of definite pitch that consists of a set of tuned metal tubes of various lengths suspended from a frame and struck with a hammer
pachangaA rhythmic style and a dance developed in the 1950s and 1960s....
darabukasee darabukka
chimesA set of tuned metal tubes suspended vertically in a frame, and played by being hit with mallets
das tut nichts(German) it doesn't matter
das schlimmste(German) worst
scoopBeginning a note beneath it's pitch, then sliding up to the correct pitch
darübersetzen(German) to superimpose
embouchurethe shaping and positioning of the lips and other facial muscles when playing wind instruments.
dabei sein(German) to be present, to be game, to be involved
das lebewohl(German n.) the farewell
daraus wurde nichts.(German) It didn't come off.
das buch nehemia(German) (the Book of) Nehemiah
das gegenteil bedeutend(German) to the contrary
magnificatBiblical text on the words of the Virgin Mary, sung polyphonically in church from the Renaissance on.
embouchureThe position of the mouth in the playing of wind instruments.
das gemeine volk(German) the common people
das muss gefeiert werden.(German) This calls for a celebration.
modulationGradual or rapid change from one key to another within a composition.
damenoberbekleidung(German f.) women's wear (in a department store)
trading eightsAlso "trading fours," etc
danach benannt(German) named for it (US), named after it
das macht nichts.(German) That doesn't matter.
darsi al bere(Italian) to take a drink
entr'acte"between the act" A musical composition played between the acts or between scenes; also a term used to mean Intermission.
da steckt mehr dahinter.(German) There's more behind it
dramatic tenoralso called tenore di forza in Italian, Chénier and Alvaro in La forza del destino are dramatic tenor roles that require a spinto quality, able to carry over heavy orchestral textures with ease
dar las boqueadas(Spanish) to be dying
dämmmasse(German f.) insulating compound
das buch ruth(German) the Book of Ruth
eaiElectroacoustic improvisation; a term that may be used to include such styles and processes also known as "reductionist," "Onkyo," "minimal," and "lowercase" improvised music....
straightA more accurate or "legitimate" manner of playing which sticks close to the original music; a notably "square" way of playing....
das schlimmste erwarten(German) to anticipate the worst, to expect the worst
das tempo mitgehen(German) to hold the pace
darangehend(German) setting to work
damenabend(German m.) hen party (colloquial)
darlehen mit festgelegter laufzeit(German n.) fixed-term loan
das gemeine volk(German n.) commonality, commonalty
das gesetz befolgend(German) law-abiding
das ergibt keinen sinn.(German) That doesn't make sense.
dafür sorgen(German) to make sure
dampfförmig(German) in the vapour state, vaporous
darüber hinwegsehen(German) to connive
boot itTo play with energy and excitement (early jazz)....
das land bereisen(German) to tour the country
damenrad(German n.) ladies' bicycle, ladies' bike
mtvCable Music Television.
groupieAn obsessively devoted female fan of a male rock star, traditionally.  Could easily go the other way, too.
damasttuch(German n.) damask cloth
dança hebraica(Portuguese f.) (ancient/Biblical) Jewish dance
dañoso(Spanish) harmful
damisch(German f.- Southern Germany) dizzy, stupid
jukeboxAn automatic phonograph that plays recordings when money is inserted into a coin slot.
das deck scheuern(German) to scrub the deck
duetA musical composition for two performers.
animà©A directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a lively and animated manner
measureSee meter.
das schottische hochland(German) the Scottish Highlands
das problem erkennen(German) to understand the problem
keynoteSee tonic.
da ...(German) What with ..., See that ...
harmon mutea hollow mute, originally with a short extension but usually played without it, leaving a hole in the center and creating a highly concentrated sound
work songA song sung in the same rhythm as a task being done
damaszenerstahl(German m.) Damascus steel
das stimmt nicht!(German) That's not so!
daccapo(Italian) again, from the beginning
dabeistehen(German, dated) to stand by
das publikum mitreißen(German) to carry an audience
daltonismus(German m.) daltonism
darf nicht erlassen werden(German) may not be waived
dämmern(German) to dawn (morning), to grey, to grow dusky (evening)
allegro assaiVery fast and cheerful.
dartspiel(German n.) game of darts
das bedeutet mir nichts.(German) That's nothing to me.
das design ändern(German) to alter the design
dargebracht(German) offered
d'abord(French) first, at first
danser(French) to dance
daktylographie(German f.) dactylography
das wird nie was.(German) This is never going to work.
dachpappe(German f.) roofing felt, roofing paper, bitumen felt, bituminous felt
dachaufsatz(German m.) clerestory
bass drumA large, low drum that produces an indefinite pitch.
das essen ist angerichtet!(German) Dinner is served!
folliesSee vaudeville.
ellingtoniansmusicians who played with Duke Ellington for years or even decades.
flutter tonguingWind instrument technique in which the tongue is fluttered or trilled against the roof of the mouth.
inversionMirror or upside-down image of a melody or pattern, found in fugues and twelve-tone compositions.
cross-rhythma rhythmic layer that conflicts with the underlying meter.
dar asco(Spanish) to be disgusted, to be infuriated
das ganze jahr(German) all the year
dar dentera a uno(Spanish) to set someone's teeth on edge, to make someone green with envy
dampfhammer(German m.) steam hammer
das große ganze(German n.) the big picture
arcoIndication to string-players that they should use the bow
dachvertrag(German m.) blanket insurance
das zimmer lüften(German) to change the air in a room
dachspeicher(German m.) loft
das öffentliche vertrauen genießen(German) to enjoy public confidence
shuffleA rhythm used in earlier jazz, based on uneven triplets, and deriving from a dance step in which the feet move across the floor without being lifted....
dampf dahinter machen(German) to put some oomph into it
das gegebene(German n.) datum
das herz zerreißen(German) to lacerate the heart
dachantenne(German f.) roof antenna, roof aerial
das lager heimlich verlassen(German) to decamp
darniederliegen(German) to be laid low (ill)
das dümmste(German) the stupidest thing
damenkostüm(German n.) ladies' suit
damenschneider(German m.) ladies' tailor, dressmaker
rockabillyA 1950s rock style that combined elements of "hillbilly" country music with rock music
dabeibleiben(German) to stay with, to stick to ...
dangerousinvolving or causing danger
das schwächste glied(German n.) the weakest link
darsi su(Italian) to give on to
tessituraa term used in reference to the ‘lie' of a role: if a tessitura is said to be high, this may not mean that any individual note is particularly high but rather that the role on the whole tends to lie in the upper area of the voice."
das ende vom lied(German) the upshot, the end of the story
dareios iii.(German) Darius III (of Persia)
secular musicNonreligious music; when texted, usually in the vernacular.
great migrationThe movement of thousands of African Americans from the South to the North beginning about 1910
press-rollan intense rumbling on the snare drum.
jim crow lawsLaws of segregation.
dahinwatscheln(German) to shamble
arrangementPreplanned music involving written-out parts for instrumentalists and/or vocalists
bel canto"Beautiful singing"; elegant Italian vocal style characterized by florid melodic lines delivered by voices of great agility, smoothness, and purity of tone.
das will getan sein.(German) It's got to be done.
danés(Spanish) Danish
properSections of the Roman Catholic Mass that vary from day to day throughout the church year according to the particular liturgical occasion, as distinct from the Ordinary, in which they remain the same.
daniederliegen(German) to be depressed (trade, economy)
aerophonesA general term for wind instruments in world music.
darmabführung(German f.) catharsis
aerophoneAn instrument such as the flute, whistle, and horn that produces sound by using air as the primary vibrating means
das siebenfache(German) septuple
dagesessen(German) sat there
das abenteuer liebend(German) adventure-loving
daß du nicht fällst!(German) mind you don't fall!
anthemsSacred choral compositions.
dampfer(German m.) steamer (a device for producing steam), steamship, steamboat
danke für die einladung.(German) Thanks for having me.
das lächerlichste(German) the most ridiculous thing
das letzte wort haben(German) to have the final say, to get the last word, to get the final word, to have the last word, to have the final word
darse(Spanish) to happen
daechwita(Korean) processional military music
darangehen(German) to set about
dabeibleibend(German) staying with
das maß ist voll!(German) Enough is enough!
chronik(German) (Book of) Chronicles
das angebot annehmen(German) to take the offer
damaskisch(German) damaskeen (archaic)
refrainA repeating phrase that is played at the end of each verse in the song.
film musicMusic that serves either as background or foreground for a film.
dankadresse(German f.) (official) letter of thanks
das lenkt ab.(German) That takes one's mind off things.
ghost noteA note that is fingered on a wind instrument but blown so lightly as to be inaudible; on a musical transcription, a note that may or may not be in the original....
dämonologie(German f.) demonology
darlehensgrenze(German f.) credit limit
das hat gute wege.(German) There is no hurry.
das lässt sich hören.(German) That sounds reasonable
das tägliche leben(German n.) daily routines
dampfbügeleisen(German n.) steam iron
danimarca(Italian f.) Denmark
das beste denken(German) to think the best
opera seriaTragic Italian opera.
das wird dich aufmuntern.(German) This will cheer you up.
damenuhr(German f.) ladies' watch, lady's watch
das unglück komplett machen(German) to complete the misery
fortissimoA very loud dynamic level.
concert masterFirst chair violinist in an orchestra.
dampedsordo (Italian), gedämpft (German), étouffé (French), the condition where the sound is deadened, choked or muted
maracasLatin-American rattles (idiophones) made from gourds or other materials.
das große sterben(German n.) the great mortality (the Black Death)
das orakel befragen(German) to consult the oracle
das waren zeiten!(German) What times they were!
architectural acousticsThe term used to describe how the structure of a room or building affects the flow of sound
danzón-mambosee danzón-chá
oral traditionMusic that is transmitted by example or imitation and performed from memory.
autoharpA zither-type folk instrument of German origin, popular in the USA since the late 19th century
das allerbeste auswählen(German) to choose the very best
danegeld(English, German n.) a tax raised to pay tribute to the Viking raiders to save a land from being ravaged
damasco(Spanish m.) damask
das ungleiche paar(German n.) the ill-matched couple
das menschliche moment(German n.) the human factor
tin whistleSmall metal end-blown flute commonly used in Irish traditional music.
das auserwählte volk(German n.) the chosen people
dança dionisíaca(Portuguese f.) Dionysian dance
office(Divine) The eight daily worship services, apart from the Mass, in the Roman Catholic Church.
das aufgebot bestellen(German) to call the banns
minnesingersLate medieval German poet-musicians.
das zeitgefühl verlieren(German) to lose track of time
darüber lässt sich streiten.(German) That's open to dispute.
da draußen(German) out there
dabei stehen(German) to stand by
verseIn poetry, a group of lines constituting a unit
refrainText and/or music that is returned to or repeated within a larger piece of music.
das nötige(German) needful
das ist ja unglaublich!(German) That's unbelievable!
d'allora in poi(Italian) from then on
mezzo-sopranoSee this page
darlehen mit niedrigen zinsen(German n.) low interest loan
dämmen(German) to repress, to dam
mass(1) The Roman Catholic worship service
binarySee form.
dämpfungseigenschaften(German pl.) damping characteristics, dampening characteristics
dachte aus(German) devised
das konnte keiner vorhersehen.(German) Nobody could have foreseen (predicted) that.
darauf achten(German) to make sure
dare su(Italian) to give on to
darstellung der tatsachen(German f.) statement of facts
son clavethe standard version of the clave pattern.
das familienleben beeinträchtigend(German) affecting family life
keyA scale; the first note of a scale....
stanzaIn vocal works, poetic units two lines or longer of equal length and accent pattern, often sung to the same music.
d'apparat(French) ceremonial
das versprochene tun(German) to carry out a promise
dämpfermaschine(German f.) steam engine
das schwarze(German n.) bull's eye
a ballataIn the style of a ballad
actionTerm applied to the mechanical workings of an instrument, typically of keyboard instruments
non troppoNot too much.
damenrock(German m.) skirt
darlehensrückzahlung(German f.) loan repayment
das dänische festlandgebiet(German) continental Denmark
dämmplatte(German f.) insulating wall panel, insulating board
das wäre geschafft!(German) It's a wrap!
binary formA basic musical form consisting of two contrasting sections (AB), both sections often being repeated (AABB).
propsArticles used by the performers to enhance the plot, i.e., handkerchiefs (Othello), bottles of wine (L'elisir d'amore), swords (La Forza del Destino), letters (Eugene Onegin).
das gesicht freilassend(German) off the face (hat, hairstyle)
danke vielmals!(German) Thanks a million!
das bleibt unter uns.(German) That's just between (the two of) us
dänemarkstraße(German f.) Denmark Strait (strait between Greenland (northwest) and Iceland)
darstellung jesu(German f.) Presentation of Christ (in the Temple)
stock marketPlace where investors may purchase "shares" or small increments of a business.
dämpferkochtopf(German m.) pressure-cooker
da scherzo(Italian) in jest, in a playful manner
das signifikante andere(German) significant other
lynchingPutting an accused person to death, usually by hanging without a lawful trial.
sight singSing by looking at musical notation instead of having memorized the music in advance.
actThe division of sections of the story similar to Acts in a play
embellishmentSee ornamentation.
stop-timeA rhythmic device in which the accompanying instruments play a few notes of the rhythm with especially sharp accents, exaggerating the rhythm which, despite its name, does not stop
dämmziegel(German m.) insulating brick
mediumPerforming forces employed in a certain musical work.
das sind keine tatsachen.(German) It's all make believe.
das reale(German) the real
das geht zu weit.(German) That's going too far
fugatoA fugal passage in a nonfugal piece, such as in the development section of a sonata-allegro form.
darstellungskunst(German f.) dramatics
conservatoireA music school usually offering university-level education but with an emphasis on the practical skills of performance and composition
dar las cartas(Spanish) to deal the cards
damen-...(German) prefix meaning ladies' or lady's ...
daedalionin Greek mythology, a son of Hesperos and brother of Ceyx, who is described as cruel and warlike
das gemüt zerrütten(German) to shatter the mind
union pipesSee uilleann pipes.
damson(in full 'damson plum', sometimes called 'bullace') small dark-purple plum, dark-purple colour
atonalmusic with no key center.
da lontano(Italian) at a distance (the music is to sound as though it is coming from a long way off)
dáil(Irish) the Parliament of the Republic of Ireland
dampfentwickler(German m.) steam generator
dar en el blanco(Spanish) to hit the mark
cancelA natural sign, used to remove a previously accidental.
das animalische in ihm(German) the animal in him
das ist kein argument.(German) That's neither here nor there.
impressionismA style of music, exemplified in the works of Debussy, that avoids explicit statement and literal description but instead emphasizes suggestion and atmosphere, evokes moods, and conveys impressions of images and feelings.
darstellungsweise(German f.) manner of representation, way of representing
daraus folgend(German) consequential, consequent, hence
breath supportEfficient use of the singer's stream of breath, controlled primarily by the diaphragm.
allegrettoJust a "little allegro", slower than allegro
das gleichgewicht wiederherstellen(German) to redress the balance
dachziegel(German m.) (roof) tile, roofing tile, (roof) tiles
daß(German) that
dara(Spanish) look on to, face (a building)
das system perfektionieren(German) to perfect the system
word paintingMusical pictorialization of words from the text as an expressive device; a prominent feature of the Renaissance madrigal.
das ist kein kinderspiel(German) that is not easy, that is not child's play
dabbasso(Italian) downstairs
dans l'erreur(French) mistaken
dachstromabnehmer(German m.) pantograph
das wahlergebnis bekannt geben(German) to declare the poll, to declare the result of the voting
damaskeenor 'damascene', of or pertaining to the art of damascening, to produce wavy lines on (as in Damascus steel), of or pertaining to the city of Damascus
melismaticMelodic style characterized by many notes sung to a single text syllable.
das thema wechseln(German) to change the subject, to change the conversation, to veer off
tradA general term for traditional music, music of the 1900s to 1920s....
das glas erheben(German) to raise the glass
das wird sich zeigen.(German) That remains to be seen.
dänisches blätterteiggebäck(German n.) Danish pastry
das zieht nicht.(German) That cuts no ice.
das lager auffüllen(German) to supplement stocks
dammerde(German f.) black earth (for example, dark fertile soil in the Amazon Basin that contains wood, fish, animal bones and pottery shards and is the result of centuries of slash-and-char)
dahinziehende wolken(German pl.) drifting clouds
das mündige alter(German) years of discretion
das büßerhemd anziehen(German) to put on sackcloth and ashes (figurative)
das fahrgeld abgezählt bereithalten(German) to tender the exact fare
daheimgebliebene(German pl.) people who stayed at home
darlegend(German) explaining
dance positionthe position of a dancer or a mutual position of a dance couple assumed during a dance
pants roleA male role portrayed by a female singer
das ist alles!(German) And that's all!
dachgepäckträger(German m.) roof rack, roof-rack
top 40A listing of the 40 most popular records nationally for a given week, on the basis of radio station playlists and retail sales of singles.
das hat geschmeckt.(German) That was good.
intensityThe energy that generates the amplitude or height of sound waves.
rondeauMedieval and Renaissance fixed poetic form and chanson type with courtly love texts.
dar a luz(Spanish) to give birth
modsShort for "modernists"; the Mods were a '60s youth subculture in England who considered themselves the wave of the future; they usually had jobs, wore trendy clothes, rode around on motor scooters (rather than motorcycles) and took amphetamines.
dahinjagend(German) skittering
dancesportan official term to denote dance as competitive, sport activity
das letzte zusammenkratzen(German) to be scraping the (bottom of the) barrel (figurative)
elegyAn instrumental lament with praise for the dead.
dantesqueof or relating to the Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) or his writings, in particular his most famous work the Commedia later later christened Divina by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375): the work is known in English as 'The Divine Comedy'
daselbst(German) thereat, in said place
dänische minderheit(German f.) Danish minority
danzare(Italian) to dance
samplerBy means of MIDI technology, samples of sounds can be recorded and stored in memory to be recalled and performed
darstellbarkeit(German f.) presentability
dança a caráter(Portuguese f.) or dança folclórica (Portuguese), danse de caractere (French)
gagakuTraditional court music of Japan.
stopsRows of organ pipes that are activated by the player pulling the knob that opens them and then playing the keyboard.
dafria very small Indian frame drum, usually only several centimetres in diameter
odeSecular composition written for a royal occasion, especially popular in England.
das eilt nicht!(German) That's not urgent!
expressionismAn artistic school of the early twentieth century that attempted to represent the psychological and emotional experience of modern humanity.
dare un concerto(Italian) to hold a concert
genreGeneral term describing the standard category and overall character of a work.
das ist ein märchen.(German) It's a myth
das erste mal(German n.) the first time
daemon(Latin from the Greek) a demi-god or deified hero
das ist gut möglich.(German) That's quite possible.
das ufer erreichen(German) to reach shore
riffShort repeated melodic phrases that function rhythmically and sometimes even to undercut the harmonic structure of a musical piece....
collegium musicumAn association of amateur musicians, popular in the Baroque era
das heißt nicht viel.(German) That doesn't mean a lot.
das herz erfreuen(German) to warm the cockles of the heart, to cheer the heart, to soften the heart
dasselbe zeitmass(German) the same pace, l'istesso tempo (Italian) (beat remains the same even though the meter changes)
dactylographier(French) to type
aulosDouble-reed pipe; played for public and religious functions in ancient Greece.
damnum(German n.) loss
open formIndeterminate contemporary music in which some details of a composition are clearly indicated, but the overall structure is left to choice or chance.
darmspiegelung(German f.) colonoscopy
da hinein(German) in it, in them
dactylus(Latin) dactyl
daraufsetzen(German) to superimpose
dampfbeheizt(German) steam-heated
irregular meterThe mixture at a single rhythmic level of more than one metric grouping.
das wohltemperirte claviersee Wohltemperierte Klavier, Das
daedaluslegendary Greek craftsman who, at the command of Minos, King of Crete, designed and built the Labyrinth
foundation layerscontinuous, unchanging patterns whose very repetition provides a framework for a musical piece
bass clarinetWoodwind instrument of the clarinet family with the lowest range.
darlehensantrag(German m.) loan application, request for a loan
notationThe use of written or printed symbols to represent musical sounds
das heilige offizium(German) Holy Office
darmspülung(German f.) irrigation, colonic irrigation
tempothe speed of a piece of music.
das geschäft aufgeben(German) to go out of business, to give up business
stop-timea technique in which a band plays a series of short chords a fixed distance apart (e.g., a measure), creating spaces for an instrument to fill with monophonic improvisation; often used in early jazz
abalonecolourful shell material commonly inlaid on instruments for decoration
dachgeschoss(German n.) top floor, attic
congo squareThe area in New Orleans where musicians met for social activities and to play music.
das ändert die lage.(German) That alters the case.
kabukiA Japanese theater style with music that is considered a genre of traditional Japanese music
das essen auftragen(German) to serve up dinner
dare le dimissioni(Italian) to resign
das gewöhnliche(German) ordinariness
violsFretted, bowed string instruments commonly used during the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
damenunterwäsche(German f.) lingerie
dämmerung einer neuen zeit(German f.) dawn of a new era
flip sideB side.
darlehen mit festem zinssatz(German n.) fixed-rate loan
das zepter übernehmen(German) to take the reins (figurative)
jamA genre in which bands are known to tour constantly, draw their fan base and fame from live concerts, and are dedicated to live experimentation and improvisation.
damenbart(German m.) facial hair (of a woman)
das bewusstsein verlieren(German) to fall senseless, to pass out, to lose consciousness
backbeatBeats two and four of a four-beat pattern, the accenting of which creates rock's basic rhythm.
structureThe way in which parts are arranged to form a whole
danke(German) thank you, thanks, cheers (thanks)
scale lengththe length between the nut and the saddle.
muteMechanical device used to muffle the sound of an instrument.
darf ich mich vorstellen?(German) Allow me to introduce myself.
talaOne of the ancient rhythmic patterns employed in Indian music.
themeA short melody or phrase that has a sense of completeness—a complete musical thought; a theme usually ends with a cadence
dakisch(German) Dacian
dahinbrettern(German) to tank along (colloquial)
dämonisierung(German f.) demonisation
das dachte ich mir.(German) I anticipated as much.
dang-aksee 'Korean court music'
das war's.(German) That's it.
darin(German) in it, in them, therein
dahingejagt(German) skittered
darbuka(English, German f.) darabukka (goblet drum)
das tischtuch abnehmen(German) to remove the cloth
damenmode(German f.) ladieswear, ladies' fashion, women's fashion, fashion for women
danza del paloteo(Spanish f., full name: danza del paloteo y el cordón a La Virgen de La Piedad) a dance from the La Mancha region of Toledo (Spain)
dalassen(German) leave there
danklied(German n.) Thanksgiving song
territory bandsin the 1920s and early 1930s, dance bands that serviced a “territory,” defined by a day’s drive from an urban center.
das dach der welt(German) the roof of the world
damaskus(German n.) Damascus
damenjacke(German f.) coat
anticipationA musical foot of three syllables, the first two long or accented, the third short, or unaccented
das kommt darauf an!(German) That depends!
dal giardino(Italian) from the garden
das geringere übel(German) the lesser of two evils
dahinjagen(German) to skitter
staccato"Detached." Indicating a style of performance in which each note is played in a short, crisp manner.
verismo"Realism." An Italian operatic point of view favoring realistic subjects taken from everyday, often lower-class, life.
dar com(Spanish) to meet, to find
attacaProceed without a pause between movements
dahlia(English, French m.) any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously-coloured flower heads
das mag wohl sein.(German) That (very) well may be.
darstellende kunst(German f.) dramatic arts, performing arts
das numinose(German n.) the numinous
dachte vorher aus(German) preconceived
rockersAn English youth subculture in the '60s that wore leather jackets, rode motorcycles (not motor scooters), and identified with American rockabilly music.
das genügt.(German) That will do.
revuesSee vaudeville.
allemandeGerman dance in 3/4 time, 16th/17th, rather slow
da questa parte(Italian) from this place
das unvergängliche(German n.) that which endures forever
intervalthe distance between two different pitches of a scale.
industrial rockA 1980s and after rock style that expresses anger at an industrial society
dabeigeblieben(German) stayed with
das land der verheißung(German n.) the Promised Land
das totenglöckchen läutete.(German) The death knell sounded.
boogalooAlso bugalú
double bassThe largest and lowest-voiced member of the bowed string family of instruments
dababbreviation of 'Dictionary of American Biography'
prosceniumThe part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra pit.
das ist gelogen!(German) That's a lie!
cuttingA technique used by disc jockeys to segue one recording into another using a vari-speed control on one phonograph to maintain a constant beat pattern through the change.
dankerfüllt(German) grateful
das datum ändern(German) to alter the date, to change the date
melismaticseveral notes sung to a single syllable.
requiemChoral work relating to the words of the Latin Mass of the Dead
dafsee def
das bedeutet(German) that implies, this means that
das schottische tiefland(German) the Lowlands of Scotland
daktylogramm(German n.) dactylogram
das gute leben lieben(German) to be fond of good living
das leben auf tour(German) life on the road
das umfassende(German) catch-all
das kommende jahr(German) the year to come
consonanceA relatively stable, comfortable sound that seems to be at rest in contrast with a dissonant, restless sound
atonalWithout a tonal center....
darlehensmöglichkeiten(German pl.) credit facilities
das buch jeremia(German) (the Book of) Jeremiah
allargandoGrowing broader, getting slower and louder
trad jazzDixieland jazz in the style played in New Orleans and Chicago during the '20s.
damenlederjacke(German f.) ladies' leather jacket
overblowingA wind instrument technique in which increased air pressure is combined with lip manipulation to extend the range of the horn and produce a variety of tones
darsela a gambe(Italian) to take to one's heels
dahinter(German) behind, behind it, behind them
axAlso "axe." Any musical instrument....
dank sei dem herrn.(German) Thank the Lord.
dänische übersetzung(German f.) Danish translation
dachpolice(German f.) blanket insurance policy
darle albergue a ...(Spanish) to take ..
a-styledescription of certain types of mandolin
das ist unwichtig.(German) That's of no importance.
dasia-zeichen(German f
dahingehend(German) to that effect
dahinziehen(German) to roll by (years)
dasitana form of quyi popular among the Uygur people in Xinjiang
dalk(German m
damenkonfektion(German f.) ladies' wear (department)
time-line patterna repeated, asymmetric pattern that serves as a basic foundation layer in African (and, to a lesser extent, African American) music.
darlehenssumme(German f.) amount borrowed
dämpferwalze(German f.) steamroller
dar amparo a ...(Spanish) to give ..
dachschindeln(German pl.) shingles (roofing shingles)
turnaroundAlso "turn back." The short chord pattern just before the musicians must "turnaround" to play the same larger passage again....
das wird gesagt.(German) People are saying that.
darf(German) may (is permitted), can (may)
developmentStructural reshaping of thematic material
das buch esther(German) (the Book of) Esther
ariosoShort, aria-like passage.
das klassenziel erreichen(German) (not) to reach the required standard, (not) to make the grade
dachte ich mir.(German) I thought so.
carolEnglish medieval strophic song with a refrain repeated after each stanza; now associated with Christmas.
consonanceGroups of tones that are harmonious when sounded together as in a chord.
tempoThe rate of speed at which music is performed.
das licht fernhalten(German) to obstruct the light
daliegen(German) to lie there
race recordsRecordings produced in the 1920s-30s exclusively for African American audiences....
das ist der gipfel!(German) That just takes the biscuit! That beats everything!
dastehen(German) to stand there
das feuer schüren(German) to stir the fire
darum!(German) That's why!
dans le civil(French) in civilian life
das übernächste haus(German n.) the next house but one
indigenousNative to a culture; the original people in a region.
dancing(French m.) dance-hall
cornetValved brass instrument similar to the trumpet but more mellow in sound.
embellishedA musical line that has been decorated by added notes or ornaments.
das ist reinigungsbedürftig.(German) This wants cleaning.
darbringung christi im tempel(German f.) Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
dahingleiten(German) to slide
homorhythmicMultiple horizontal lines moving with the same rhythm in all parts.
dank entgegennehmen(German) to accept thanks
das schlimmste herausholen(German) to bring out the worst
bowa string instrument, such as a string bass, played by drawing a bow with horsehair across the strings; also known as arco.
accentEmphasis placed on a particular note that gives it more stress than the others
das vorliegende problem(German n.) the problem in hand
outsidesee playing outside.
das steuer herumreißen(German) to change course, to alter course
das licht erlosch.(German) The light faded.
darmgeräusch(German n.) borborygmus
das genaue porto(German) the exact postage
damenschneiderei(German f.) couture, dressmaking (trade), dressmaker (female)
das gute(German) the good thing
da capo senza ripetizione(Italian) return to the beginning and then play without repeats
atonalLacking a recognizable tonal center or tonic.
registerA name for different parts of a vocalist's or an instrument's range....
mainstreamHaving the prevailing characteristics of a society.
spiritualFolklike devotional genre of the United States, sung by African Americans and whites.
counterpointThe compositional art of combining two or more simultaneous melodic lines (polyphonic texture); term means "point against point" or "note against note."
dankschreiben(German n.) thank-you letter, letter of thanks
d'aprés(French) according to
darse aires(Spanish) to put on airs, to give oneself airs
das bewusstsein wiedergewinnen(German) to regain consciousness
dampfzug(German m.) steam train
darstellbar(German) presentable, educible, representable, presentably, portrayable
das extrem vermeiden(German) to avoid extremes
de quando(Italian) since, ever since
beats(Also beatniks) American writers and poets of the '50s and later whose works included social criticisms questioning the lack of individual freedom in American society.
danke für den tipp.(German) Thanks for the advice.
danelag(German n.) Danelaw
das schließt alles ein.(German) That covers everything.
dance crazesthe public's reaction to 'fad dances'
damenbesuch(German m.) lady visitor
dannazione(Italian f.) damnation
daiquirian iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar
mezzo pianoA moderately soft dynamic level.
vernacularThe everyday spoken language.
dahintersteckend(German) being behind it
daktyloskopie(German f.) dactyloscopy
damenring(German m.) ladies' ring
das pensionsalter erreichen(German) to reach retirement age
harlem renaissanceTime in American History (1920 to late 1930s) when African American literature, art & music began to flourish in New York City.
dampfdrucktopf(German m.) pressure cooker
fantasiaFree instrumental piece of fairly large dimensions, in an improvisational style; in the Baroque, it often served as an introductory piece to a fugue.
resta moment of silence, indicated by a sign in musical notation; for example, indicates a quarter rest (a quarter note’s duration of silence).
darunter gehören(German) to belong under
depressionDecrease in business activity for an extended period of time.
dank sei dem herrn!(German) Thanks be to God!
tonicthe first degree of the scale, or the chord built on the first scale degree
dominantThe fifth scale step, sol.
sousaphoneBrass instrument adapted from the tuba with a forward bell that is coiled to rest over the player's shoulder for ease of carrying while marching.
fundamentalThe basic pitch of a tone.
tape loopA loop of recording tape that repeats a sound or sequence of sounds....
das klima ändern(German) to alter the climate
das abendmahl nehmen(German) to receive Communion
dann(German) then, after that, next
styleExternal characteristics of music developed through the creative process that distinguish one piece from another, characteristics that are determined by the composer’s use of musical elements, formal design, and emotional expression.
das fehlt mir noch!(German) That's just what I needed! (colloquial - ironic)
das beruht auf gegenseitigkeit.(German) The feeling is mutual.
das absolute(German n.) absoluteness
damastdolch(German m.) damask dagger
dandruffflakes of dead skin in the hair and the condition itself
arrangementAn adaption of a composition.
das nachsehen haben(German) to be left with nothing
dahinsiechen(German) to waste away, to fall into decline, to pine away
das glaube ich gern(German) I dare say (confirming)
das passt mir gut.(German) It suits me fine.
interludeMusic played between sections of a musical or dramatic work.
auxiliary toneIn part writing, an ornamentation such as a grace note, which is an unaccented, non-harmonic note immediately above or below a principal or harmonic note
das abendmahl austeilen(German) to distribute (Holy) Communion
dasselbe(German) the same, same, sic, ditto
das wetter ist schlecht.(German) The weather is bad.
secondThe interval between two adjacent scale tones....
brushesDrum sticks with wire brushes on the end, sued to produce a quieter, scratching sound....
das macht mir kopfzerbrechen.(German) That worries me.
heldentenorthis is the dramatic tenor of the German repertoire, a voice type that must have a distinctive 'ring', weight and spin to portray heroic roles such as Lohengrin (on the lighter side) and Tristan or Siegfried (on the heavier side)
dachbelag(German m.) roof cladding
daggasee tabla
das abendmahl reichen(German) to administer Holy Communion
dado(Spanish) given, gone
arrangementThe selection and adaptation of a composition or parts of a composition to instruments for which it was not originally designed or for some other use for which it was not at first written
dahinasee tabla
tubular bellsSee chimes.
ternary formThree-part (A-B-A) form based on a statement (A), contrast or departure (B), and repetition (A), Also three-part form.
darstellende künstler(German m.) performing artist
offbeata note that falls in between the basic beats of a measure.
country-guitar fillsShort bits of melody played as a response to a vocal line.
dämpfer absetzensee Dämpfer ab
bopSee bebop....
darstellbares zeichen(German n.) displayable character
formalismTendency to elevate formal above expressive value in music, as in Neoclassical music.
das genaue gegenteil(German) the exact opposite, the very reverse, the very antithesis
das hat schule gemacht.(German) That set a precedent.
microphoneAn instrument for magnifying sound.
inflectionSmall alteration of the pitch by a microtonal interval
darmkollern(German n.) borborygmus
singing schoolsSchools established to introduce and teach singing from musical notation
straight eightsEighth notes played evenly....
dahingegen(German) on the other hand
scat-singingimprovising by a vocalist, using nonsense syllables instead of words; popularized by Louis Armstrong.
danzar(Spanish) to dance, to meddle, to interfer
chaseA series of short musical passages (trading fours or twos) played by several players at a fast tempo....
dahinrosten(German) to rust away
afficionado"affectionate"; a Spanish term for a passionately knowledgeable individual.
damenlederhose(German f.) ladies' leather slacks
darstellung der angelegenheit(German f.) version of the affair
dahaben(German) to have (got) in
dampfkesselanlage(German f.) steam-boiler plant
dalmaticitem of mass vestments; a fringed tunic with split sides, worn under the chasuble by a bishop and as an upper garment by a deacon
das geschäft ist geplatzt.(German) The deal is off.
dar muestras de alegría(Spanish) to look happy
das sorgerecht behalten(German) to retain custody
speed metalA faster version of Thrash Metal.  (See Thrash Metal.)
barAlso known as measure
das wird sich zeigen(German) we shall see
daimio(Japanese) a Japanese prince or nobleman
strophicDesignating a song in which all verses of text are sung to the same music.
darreichend(German) handing
woodshed[also know as: shedding] Rehearsing or practicing alone....
das ist alles gesponnen.(German) It's all fairy tales.
daseinszweck(German m.) raison d'être (French)
durationThe length of time a pitch sounds
das einzig gute(German) the saving feature (of)
darsi per vinto(Italian) to give up
das leben erhalten(German) to preserve one's life
das einmaleins(German n.) the basics
da camera(Italian) for or of the chamber
straight aheadTerm used to suggest a manner of playing which adheres closely to the tradition of jazz, as in played straight, moving in a straight forward manner; also used as a stylistic designation related to mainstream (see mainstream) playing; acoustic jazz based on the hard bop tradition and sensibilities.
das kann gut sein.(German) That may very well be.
darf nicht(German) must not
dampfgetrieben(German) steam-driven, steam-powered
dahinvegetieren(German) to vegetate
dancing and deray(archaic) disorderly mirth and revelry at a dance or some similar festivity
dank annehmen(German) to accept thanks
dannare(Italian) to damn
hymnSong in praise of God; often involves congregational participation.
salsa rhythmPopular music from Cuba based on rhythm patterns from Africa; salsa music often includes an improvisational montuno section.
balladsSongs with a story having a beginning, middle, and end
comprimario"next to the first"; A singer who plays a secondary role such as a confidante, servant, messenger
dankbare aufgabe(German f.) rewarding task
antaraAndean panpipes typically made of cane or clay
damp squibunsuccessful attempt to impress etc.
standarda popular song that has become part of the permanent repertory for jazz musicians.
dänemark(German n.) Denmark
das ist mir recht.(German) That's OK with me
damoklesschwert(German n.) sword of Damocles
daranmachen(German) to set about
das dritte geschlecht(German) the third sex (transexual)
dämmerungsaktiv(German) crepuscular, active at twilight
dahinschlängeln(German) to wriggle along
maracasin Latin percussion, a gourd filled with beans and shaken.
hornSee French horn.
daseinsberechtigung(German f.) raison d'être (French: right to exist)
deus ex machina"god out of a machine"; A stage or literary device that represents a last minute salvation of a dicey situation by a god/goddess who's been watching the plot unfold from afar
sequenceoften a term for a song or a chordal pattern.
das amerikanische volk(German) the American people
stoppingOn a string instrument, altering the string length by pressing it on the fingerboard
dar la coincidencia(Spanish) to happen
formA term used to designate standardized musical shapes, such as binary form or sonata form.
anapestA musical foot consisting of two short notes or syllables, followed by one long
dabei gewesen(German) been present
das bringt nichts.(German) It's pointless.
arrhythmicWithout an obvious beat....
das boot umkippen(German) to upset the boat
das rote meer(German) the Red Sea
damigiana(Italian f.) demijohn
d.a.i.abbreviation of 'died from accidental injuries'
darm-(German) intestinal, enteric (prefix)
barSee meter.
dame gesetzten alters(German f.) woman of mature years
das beweismaterial durchgehen(German) to sift the evidence
dachgarten(German m.) roofgarden, roof garden, roof-top garden
introThe introductory section of a tune prior to the theme statement, or head.
call and responseA means whereby instruments or sections of instruments in a band or combo play a passage which is in turn responded to by another instrument or section; a musical conversation: one musician or section will play a short melodic idea and is answered by another musician or section.
darwinistisch(German) Darwinian, Darwinist, Darwinistic
das dritte reich(German n.) Third Reich
das essen ist fertig!(German) Dinner is ready!
measureA grouping of beats, which indicates the meter of a particular piece of music
das geld wert(German) worth the money
das ist reine übungssache.(German) It's just a matter of practice.
damengesellschaft(German f.) company of ladies, company of a lady, ladies' gathering
das okkulte(German) the occult
damenwahl(German f.) ladies' choice
das für und wider(German) the pros and cons
das bezweifle ich.(German) I doubt that.
dachisolation(German f.) roof insulation
das heißt(German) that is, scilicet, meaning
das und das(German) such and such
dar lugar a(Spanish) to give rise to
dachterrasse(German f.) roofgarden, roof garden, roof terrace, deck
big bandAn orchestra of more than 10 members....
verseAn introductory section at the beginning of some pop songs (especially older songs) that leads to the refrain (see Pop Song Forms)....
das ist eine kleinigkeit!(German) That's nothing!
das segel laufen lassen(German) to douse
morMiddle-of-the-road; popular music with the greatest appeal to the masses.
klezmera Jewish dance music.
diva'goddess'; A female opera star of rank or pretension.
das parlament auflösen(German) to dissolve parliament
attentionA military bugle call, in the category of warning calls, played to warn the troops that they are about to be called to attention
coro/pregónCall-and-response between soloist and the coro (Latin)
phrasea musical sentence.
accent A conspicuous, sudden emphasis given to a particular sound, usually by an increase in volume.
das unbekannte(German) the unknown
dankbares publikum(German n.) grateful public, appreciative audience
das schlichtungsangebot annehmen(German) to accept arbitration
trapssee drum kit
dämpfer weg(German) mute off, take of the mute
dampf inhalieren(German) to inhale steam
das ist völlig sinnlos.(German) This makes no sense at all.
tagA short section of music added to the end of a composition to emphasize that the piece is ending.  The term "coda" is also used for a tag ending.
syllabicMelodic style with one note to each syllable of text.
das schöne geschlecht(German) the fair sex
arcoa stringed instrument (such as the string bass) played with a bow.
darne(French) a slice of round fish on the bone
discographythe science of record classification.
perceptive listeningListening to music attentively in an attempt to understand the musical processes and structure that give the music its characteristic qualities.
elegyA musical lament usually composed in tribute to the dead
das schlimmste befürchten(German) to assume the worst
da drin(German) in there, inside it, inside them
dankkarte(German f.) thank-you card
das war's für heute.(German) That was it for today.
das radio anlassen(German) to leave the radio on
das ist eine tatsache!(German) That's a fact!
das umgreifende(German) the encompassing
frequencyThe rate of speed of sound waves.
das ist ein pappenstiel.(German) That's chicken feed
dalia(Italian f., Spanish f.) dahlia
camberthe curvature of the fretboard, also known as the radius.
das würde mir zuwiderlaufen.(German) That'd be against my principles.
dänenprinz(German m.) Danish prince, prince of Denmark (for example, Hamlet)
danke sehr!(German) Thank you very much!
dar addietro(Italian) to draw back
instabSee tension.
dansen(Dutch) to dance
das ist noch musik.(German) That's what I call music.
dachrinne(German f.) gutter, roof gutter
das richtige tun(German) to do the proper thing, to do the right thing
das sitzt wie angegossen.(German) That's a perfect fit
daher ...(German) That is why ...
bookThe repertoire of a band or singer....
dans le temps(French) at one time
dar alcance(Spanish) to catch up
damenkleidung(German f.) women's clothing
chopsSynonym for technique.
das schlimmste befürchten(German) to fear the worst
liturgyThe text of the Roman Catholic Mass (reenactment of the Last Supper) service, also used by some Protestant religions.
dachjuhe(German n.) attic room
dar destino a(Spanish) to find a use for
dartington hall[1925-present]originally founded by Leonard & Dorothy Elmhirst, as a successful experiment in rural regeneration financed by the New York heiress's fortune
spinto"pushed"; a voice is 'pushed' toward another, i.e., a lyrico spinto is a lyric soprano that can lean toward a heavier, dramatic quality.
das buch hiob(German) the Book of Job
daraus(German) hence, out of it, out of them, from it, from them, thereof
darfst du das machen?(German) Are you allowed to do that?
common time4/4 meter.
blue notes(1) Pitches in the scale that can be flattened or sharpened within the blues scale; (2) tones that are bent or changed to increase the expressivity of the music, not simply to alter the scale....
das genügt völlig.(German) That's quite enough.
dampferhitzt(German) steam-heated
ethnomusicologistA scholar of music in culture—of world music; one who studies ethnomusicology; one who pursues research on the music of a culture, writes about it, and teaches others about it.
das ist ein argument.(German) That's a good point.
danube new wavemixture of Viennese schrammelmusik and American blues and rock and roll
das unternehmen abbrechen(German) to abandon the undertaking
licksShort musical ideas that are regularly repeated in the improvisations of a particular soloist
romanticthe period of music between ca
progressive jazzModern jazz (c
das boot ist abgefahren.(German) It's too late.
das bewusstsein wiedererlangen(German) to regain consciousness
crooningThe soft vocal style of Rudy Vall嶪, Bing Crosby, Perry Como and others who tended to slide from one note to another, giving the effect of warmth, intimacy and sentimentality.
dämpfungsblättchen(German n.) felt pad
lindy hopSee "jitterbug."
dare un'occhiata(Italian) to have a look at
daoulitwo headed goatskin drum from Greece
daftsilly, foolish, mad
daneben gehen(German) to go awry
dampf erzeugen(German) to raise steam
dachbodenisolierung(German f.) loft insulation
lyreAn ancient plucked string instrument in the shape of a box (Figure 5
das geschaute(German) the things being looked at
das zählt alles nicht.(German) None of that counts at all.
das haar waschen(German) to shampoo (one's hair)
bassoonA low-sounding woodwind instrument that uses a mouthpiece with a double reed.
das recht verdrehen(German) to pervert the course of justice
damenhaft(German) ladylike
vernacularThe most familiar and most used language of the people of a nation, region, or a cultural group
dalIndian culinary dish whose principal ingredient is the split lentil
das große bibbern haben(German) to get a touch of the jitters (colloquial)
dammbruchargument(German n.) slippery slope (logical argument)
fugatoA fugal passage within a composition.
das reinste museum für(German) a shrine to (figurative)
sopranoThe highest range of the female voice; lyric soprano is warm, graceful; dramatic soprano is fuller and heaver, e.g
darse por aludido(Spanish) to take it personally
dansje(Dutch) dance
dänischwörterbuch(German n.) Danish dictionary
dampfen(German n.) steaming
antique cymbalsA set of two small disks of brass each held in one hand of the performer that are played by being struck together gently and allowed to vibrate
coro"Chorus": the two or three-voice refrain sung against a montuno....
camerataA group of Florentine writers and one musician who regularly met in the late 1600s to discuss art and experiment with art form
unityMusic that has unity does not ramble and is cohesive, and there is an exact or a modified repetition of themes and patterns.
chorusa group of singers with more than one individual singing each part
dachlüfter(German m.) roof vent
danemark(French m.) Denmark
das ding an sich(German) the thing-in-itself (colloquial)
dämpfer abnehmensee Dämpfer ab
das ist wirklich schlimm!(German) How awful!
sit inMusician's slang for performing with a group.
daoismor Taoism, a principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao-tzu in the sixth century BC
das ganze jahr hindurch(German) all the year round, throughout the whole year, perennial, at any time of the year
danaergeschenk(German n,) Greek gift (a gift given with the intention of tricking and causing harm to the recipient)
damaha(Nepal) a frame drum that features in the Panche Baja ensemble
stabilitySee tension.
naturalismA literary movement of nineteenth-century France that realistically depicted the lives of working-class people.
dodecaphonySee "twelve-tone."
darüber hinwegsehend(German) conniving
das schlimmste ist vorbei.(German) The worst part's over.
das humane(German n.) the essence of what it means to be human
damman(Indian) a set of two kettledrums called fo and mo, meaning male and female
french hornA medium-ranged, mellow-sounding brass instrument.
acutusThe earliest form of musical notation from the two signs of Greek prosody (written text to be performed) indicating stress, pitch, length of syllables in the text
alto fluteWoodwind instrument of the flute family that plays in the alto register
dans quelque temps(French) in a while
darauf hinweisen(German) to point out
dämpfer ab(German) also Dämpfer abnehmen, Dämpfer absetzen, without mute(s) (also ohne Dämpfer, keine Dämpfer)
das leben ist kurz.(German) Life is short
das bett hüten(German) to stay in bed, to keep to one's bed
danke für den anruf!(German) Thanks for calling!
renaissanceA period in history dating from the 14th to 16th centuries
staffA graph-like structure consisting of five lines and four spaces
danse oriental(French f.) belly dance
dance cuersee 'dance caller'
dance notationchoreology
das verlangen erhöhen(German) to sharpen the desire
dar disculpas(Spanish) to make excuses
danebengehen(German) to miss, to fail, to go wrong, to miscarry, to misfire, to be wide (of the target)
dachfirst(German m.) roof ridge, crest (top of a pitched roof)
allegrettoA moderately fast tempo.
dämonismus(German m.) demonism
folk musica form of music created by ordinary people for its own use, insulated from the commercial world and the world of social elites.
das kannst du knicken.(German) Nothing doing
das ist nicht ohne.(German) That's not half bad.
das tauende loswerfen(German) to douse
daktyloskopisch(German) dactyloscopic
mezza voce"medium voice"; Singing 'mezza voce' means intentionally singing with less volume, usually to heighten the emotion
damaszenerpflaumenmus(German n.) damson cheese
das lager abbrechen(German) to decamp, to raise camp, to break camp
das ist nichts besonderes.(German) It's all in the day's work
das feinste vom feinsten(German) the creme de la creme
daher der name.(German) Whence the name.
ronde livelyRenaissance "round dance," associated with the outdoors, in which the participants danced in a circle or a line.
rhythm and bluesCalled "race music" until the end of the '40s, an originally black American popular music in which the back-beat was accented and beats were usually subdivided unevenly.
das gespräch aufzeichnen(German) to record the conversation
das zepter niederlegen(German) to abdicate
dachverband(German m.) umbrella association, governing body, holding organization, umbrella organisation
da droben(German) aloft there
dannaggiare(Italian) to damage, to harm
virelaiMedieval and Renaissance fixed poetic form and chanson type with French courtly texts.
da drüben(German) across there, over there
collageA technique drawn from the visual arts whereby musical fragments from other compositions are juxtaposed or overlapped within a new work.
extensionsnotes added to extend a chord beyond the triad (such as the sixth, seventh, ninth, or thirteenth).
passing toneA non-harmonic note that connects other notes that are harmonic...
danke schön!(German) Thanks a lot!
string quartetThe string quartet was one of the most common chamber ensembles
grace notea short, decorative note sounded either immediately before or simultaneously with a longer melodic note.
das unmögliche schaffen(German) to manage the impossible
alliterationA characteristic of ancient Northern European poetry such as Beowulf consisting of the use of words with the same initial letter
darbringend(Spanish) offering
dafür sein(German) to be for it, to be in favour of it
das lass mal stecken.(German) Forget about that
danger moneyextra payment for dangerous work
das ist die höhe.(German) That's the limit.
grace noteOrnamental note, often printed in small type and not performed rhythmically.
dagegen reden(German) to speak to the contrary
encore"again"; an audience request that the performer(s) repeat a piece or perform another.
v chordchord built on the fifth degree of the scale; known as the dominant.
dämlichkeit(German f.) dimwittedness, dopiness
dahin(German) there, thither (old-fashioned)
intonationThe relation of a note to its actual frequency
das gespräch führen(German) to do the talking
das weiße im auge(German) the whites of the eye
dampfkraft(German f.) steam power
dans le but de(French) with the intention of
das neueste von(German) the latest from
das ist nebensache.(German) That's a minor matter.
das symbolische(German n.) (the) symbolic
rapA style of black popular music that, in the 1980s, emerged from the inner city to become mainstream— an ethnic style becoming nationally popular
damensattel(German m.) side saddle, side-saddle, pillion (sidesaddle, lady's saddle), sidesaddle
dampfzugmaschine(German f.) traction engine
dahinschlendern(German) to mosey (colloquial), to amble, to walk in a leisurely manner
das gewicht mehren(German) to add to the weight
das hohe lied(German) the Song of Songs
appassionatoA directive to a performer to play a certain passage passionately, or with intense emotion or feeling
jongleuressesFemale jongleurs, or wandering entertainer/minstrels.
dare un esame(Italian) to take an exam
chromaticProceeding by half steps, using sharps or flats
daß zusehen(German) to see that, to see to it that
dasitzen und nichts tun(German) to sit on one's hands (colloquial)
das mindeste(German) the least
dubA copy of another recording....
blowTo improvise (on any instrument); to play....
midiMusical Instrument Digital Interface: An electronic standard by which musical information can be exchanged between synthesizers and computers....
panpipeWind instrument consisting of a series of small vertical tubes or pipes of differing length; sound is produced by blowing across the top.
danse champêtre(French f.) a peasant dance, to be danced in the open
darbringung(German f.) performance (of religious sacrifice)
harmonic progressiona series of chords placed in a strict rhythmic sequence; also known as changes.
dans les coulisses(French) backstage
dargestellt als(German) figured as
celestaPercussion instrument resembling a miniature upright piano, with tuned metal plates struck by hammers that are operated by a keyboard.
versethe introductory portion of a popular song, preceding the chorus; usually omitted by jazz musicians.
das ist ansichtssache.(German) That's a matter of opinion.
danksagung an das publikum(German f.) curtain call
das ganze kroppzeug(German) all this junk, all that junk
din music theory, designating the triad of d-minor
mazurkaType of Polish folk dance in triple meter.
dahintreibend(German) drifting
darse un atracón(Spanish) to stuff oneself
darüberlackieren(German) to varnish over
computer musicA type of electro-acoustic music in which computers assist in creating works through sound synthesis and manipulation.
das gleichgewicht wahren(German) to preserve the balance
dañado(Spanish) damaged
dammweg(German m.) causeway
dagegenhalten(German) to put up some resitance, to argue
das gelernte anwenden(German) to apply what you have learned
marching bandInstrumental ensemble for entertainment at sports events and parades, consisting of wind and percussion instruments, drum majors/majorettes, and baton twirlers.
daltoniano(Spanish) daltonian, colour-blind
dampfauto(German n.) steam car
stretch outAn opportunity to play as long as one wishes to....
das zeitungswesen(German) the press (newspapers)
dämlichste(German) dopiest (colloquial)
darstellerisch(German) acting, representational
dan day(Vietnam) a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets, a feature of ca tru or 'tally card singing'
dynamicsThe level of loudness
chordophonesA general term for stringed instruments in world music.
song cycleGroup of songs, usually Lieder, that are unified musically or through their texts.
das geschäft wieder aufnehmen(German) to resume business
vocablesWords in Native American songs having no meaning and intended only as vocal sounds.
darse de baja(Spanish) to take sick leave
dabachiJapanese temple bell
damals gültig(German) then in force
dactyloscopythe examination of fingerprints as a method of identification
serialismSee "twelve-tone."
das glas leer trinken(German) to drink the whole glass
sequencerAn electronic device that stores a series of tones to be played back later
dama(Spanish f.) lady, lady in waiting (at court)
das macht insgesamt ...(German) That comes to a total of ...
insidesee playing inside.
darlehensbedingungen(German pl.) conditions of a loan, loan conditions, terms of a loan
dársena(Spanish f.) dock
dar alojamiento(Spanish) to accommodate
damier(French m.) draught-board, checker-board (US)
dahinschwinden(German n.) evanescence
dans la gêne(French) in financial straits
damm-(German) perineal (of or relating to the perineum) (prefix)
rollA sustained sound on the drums produced by fast alternate strokes of the drum sticks....
das nächste mal(German) next time
allegroA direction to play fast and in a lively way
dachstuhldurchstichbalken(German m.) hammer beam
melismaA setting of a text to music in which one syllable of text is given a series of musical notes
danza de las ánimas(Spanish f., literally 'dance of the souls') an ancient folk dance from Albaladejo in the Spanish region of La Mancha
das übertrifft alles!(German) That beats everything!
chorale variationsBaroque organ piece in which a chorale is the basis for a set of variations.
das kleingedruckte(German n.) the small print
dampfleistung(German f.) steam power
dissonanceIntervals or chords that sound impure, harsh, or unstable.
daniederliegen(German) to be laid low (ill), to be prostrate
noteA symbol used to notate a pitch and its duration
das kostbarste(German n.) the choicest
autonomousNot controlled by others or by outside forces.
circular breathingA technique used by wind instrument players and singers to produce a continuous stream of notes without stopping for air
das o.k. geben(German) to give the okay
damennachthemd(German n.) nightie (colloquial)
dar abasto(Spanish) to supply
dacha(Russian) a country house or villa in Russia
damsel(from French) archaic or literary young unmarried woman
dachstock(German m.) attic
triadA three-note chord in which each note is the interval of a third from the next closest note.
däninsee Däne
dänischstämmiger amerikaner(German m.) Danish American
dämonolatrie(German f.) demonolatry
studioa room for recording or practising.
daigner(French) to deign
damenbegleitung erwünscht(German) please bring a lady, please bring a partner
tape splicingThe technique of cutting apart and putting together pieces of pre-recorded tape.
das beunruhigt mich etwas(German) I'm slightly worried about it.
cadenceA point of rest at the end of a passage, section, or complete work that gives the music a sense of convincing conclusion