Glossary extracted starting with automatic seeds, with PTM for the domain phi and language EN

ontologythe study of being, of the ultimate nature of things.
positivisma philosophical view which recognizes only those things that can be empirically verified, or known directly by observation.
ecumenisma movement providing worldwide unity among religions through cooperative understanding
monadPRIMORDIAL MATTER "Primordial matter is matter proper
pantheismthe doctrine that God is inherent in all things, that every particular thing in the universe is a manifestation of God's essence
determinismDescription: UPDATE: I no longer consider determinism to be equivalent to mechanism
flipspeakThe use of terminology in such a way that words mean the opposite of their literal or traditional meaning
first causethe beginning of an elaborate series of causes, often identified with God.
elementsbasic components or constituents of things; Aristotle recognized four: fire, water, earth, air.