Glossary extracted starting with manual seeds, with BOW for the domain lan and language EN

locality restrictions on movement   a head cannot move over the top of another head, a subject cannot move over the top of another subject – a constituent cannot move over the top of a like constituent
adjunct ruleone of the three rules of X-bar theory, a recursive rule of the form
referential   something that refers to something
subcategorya category under a main category, e.g
theta role   the semantic role of the participants as required by the predicate
incorrigibleThe property of a proposition that cannot be false if you believe it to be true
idIn Sigmund Freud's theory, the part of the psyche that is the unconscious source of instinctive impulses and drives
dp-hypothesisWould replace the usual NP-analysis by assuming that such structures are Determiner Phrases, headed by a determiner
stereotypythe constant repetition of certain apparently meaningless movements or gestures, e.g., rocking or head banging.
distributionthe set of positions that the grammar determines to be possible for a given category
sentenceA grammatically complete expression in a given language
structure preservation principleno movement can alter the basic X-bar nature of structure, structures are projected from the lexicon at all levels.
participle   a non-finite verb form, can be past or present: Singing (present participle) always out of tune, I got on the nerves of my music teacher./I have never met most of the people invited (past participle) to the wedding.
vp-shell   vP-projection(s) on VP: if the event structure of the verb is complex, the structural representation of the verb will be complex, too
it-cleftSee cleft sentence.
proper noun   a name, e.g
x-bar theory   a module of GB containing three very simple rules to describe the structure of the expressions of a language
focus   the stressed element in a sentence that carries new information.
quantifiera determiner that expresses a definite or indefinite amount or number of the nominal expression it modifies, e.g
module   GB is made up of different but interacting components called modules, e.g
interrogative sentenceA sentence whose form indicates it is intended as a question, whether through simple INVERSION, the use of WH-interrogatives with INVERSION, or the Tag-Question structure
central determiner   traditionally these are determiners following pre-determiners and preceding post-determiners
non-referentialwithout reference
clichéA trite expression, worn out from too much use
predicateThe verb and its complements (or objects) and adjunct modifiers (optional adverbials), if any--the VP
proper adjectiveAn adjective taking a capital letter even when not modifying a proper noun, either because it is itself derived from a proper noun or because it has the same kind of reference as a proper noun.
language   a system that enables people who speak it to produce and understand linguistic expressions.
a priori/a posteriori pairIn the philosophy of Saul Kripke, an a priori truth is a statement known to be true independently of any experience, and its opposite, an a posteriori truth, is a statement known to be true through experience
voiceless/unvoiced sounda sound produced without the vibration of the vocal cords, e.g
substitutiona) one of the constituency tests to define whether a certain constituent is the same type as another
tourette's syndromeboth multiple motor and one or more vocal tics present with tics occurring many times a day, nearly daily, over a period of more than one year
subject–auxiliary inversion   a descriptive cover term for the reverse order of the subject and the auxiliary in questions like Can you dance?, see also I-to-C movement.
adjunctsAn optional constituent of a phrase or sentence, though still part of the phrase or sentence
structural ambiguity   the source of ambiguity is not lexical
rationalismThe epistemological theory that reason is either the sole or primary source of knowledge; in practice, most rationalists maintain merely that at least some truths are not known solely on the basis of sensory experience
mothera node directly above another node.
locative inversiona structure where a PP locative argument apparently sits in subject position while the DP theme sits behind the verb, as in In the corner sat a shadowy figure.
relative clauserelative clauses are adjoined to NPs, they give information about the nominal expression
coodinating conjunctionSee conjunction.
chaina moved element and its associated traces functioning as a single object made up of several parts
rounded lipslips formed into the shape of a circle
stemSee base form.
past participleA verb form which functions as part of the structures for perfect aspect (when preceded by a form of have) and passive voice (when preceded by a form of be)
constituent   a linguistic expression that functions as a unit in grammatical structure
feminismMovement in support of the view that men and women should have equal social value and status
binding   an element that can be coreferential with another element (the most typically pronouns and anaphors) is bound by that element
morphological casethere is a morphologically visible indication of Case on the nominal expression (DP)
doubly filled comp filterno CP can have both an overt specifier and an overt complementiser generated in C.
distributionWhen we classify words into one word category or another by the kinds of functions they can serve in sentences, we are defining those categories by "distribution"--that is, by syntactic clues.
tree diagram   a representation of grammatical structure containing nodes connected by branches.
passiveA verb structure in which the subject position is occupied by what would normally be a complement of a transitive verb.
endocentric structure   one that gets its properties from an element that it contains, this element can function by itself as a whole phrase
degp   the functional projection on top of APs (similarly to DPs taking NP complements) hosting degree modifiers like the superlative and comparative morpheme.
arguments   the participants minimally involved in an action defined by the predicate
phonologythe study of the sound patterns of language.
object position   the specifier position of VP.
adjective   a constituent with the feature composition: [+N, +V, –F] modifying nouns, e.g
heavy dp-shift   when the DP is particularly long and complicated, it may undergo extraposition: You can post today [all the letters you have written in the past five days]./*You can post today them.
immediate constituentthe immediate constituent of a node is the node that is lower than the given constituent and is connected to it by a single branch
tracemoved constituents leave traces in the position where they have been moved from
intransitiveA verb type
complementizerThe pre-subject position in clauses, heading a complementizer phrase (CP) and taking an IP as its complement
one-place predicate   a predicate with one argument, e.g
focusthe stressed element in a sentence that carries new information.
daughteran immediate constituent of a node which then is the mother node.
tensea syntactic category with the help of which we can locate an event or situation in time
recursive rulea rule where the definition refers to what is being defined, e.g
topicalisationa process which moves an element interpreted as a topic to the front of the sentence.
adjunctconjunct, disjunct.
genitive case   in traditional terminology the 's ending on a nominal expression (e.g
future tenseSee tense.
prospective longitudinal studya type of research study in which observations of the same subjects are made over long periods of time, often many years or even decades.
complementisera constituent introducing a sentential complement
existential there sentencesCalled "existential" because the there which begins it functions less as a locative than as an assertion that a condition exists
definiteness   a category expressing whether a nominal expression is identifiable or not
rewrite rulea phrase structure rule defining what the immediate constituents of e.g
dative construction   an alternative to the verb–indirect object–direct object construction where the indirect object appears in the form of a PP: I gave an apple to Peter as opposed to I gave Peter an apple.
head movement constrainta head must move to the next head position.
indefinite determiner   a determiner like a or some turning a nominal expression into an indefinite DP.
extensionA property by which a thing occupies space; according to Descartes, the essential attribute of matter
theta-markingthe assignment of theta-roles.
predicate nominalSee predicate nominative below.
arbitrary referencein certain contexts PRO does not need an antecedent, it has a generic interpretation similarly to the pronoun one:
indirect objectsA sentence function reserved for an NP which is the recipient or beneficiary of the action of the verb in sentences in which there is also a direct object.
present participleSee verb
predicateThe part of a sentence that indicates what the subject does (Birds fly),
topic   an element appearing in front of the subject with a special interpretation (something like ‘as far as topic is concerned')
subjectThe part of a sentence that names something—a person, a place, a thing, an idea, a situation—about which the predicate makes an assertion (The king lives.)
relativized minimalitya rule expressing the locality conditions on movement, see also Locality Restrictions on Movement.
nasal consonantsconsonant sounds made by pushing air through the nose, as in /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/
agentThe thematic role of the initiator of an action
i-language   the language which is internal to the mind; a finite system that linguists try to model with grammars.
capitalismAn economic system in which ownership of the means of production and distribution is maintained mostly by private individuals and corporations
i-to-c movementthe generative equivalent of the descriptive notion of subject–auxiliary inversion attested in questions like ‘Can you swim?', where the auxiliary is assumed to move from the head position of IP to the head position of CP.
disjunctsAdverbials which comment on the desirability, probability, or style of the clause to which they are attached
markednessThe basic, default forms are said to be unmarked, while all others are marked
perfect aspectan action is viewed as being completed, e.g
phallusA symbolic representation of the penis
asterisk   a
ambiguity   a structure is ambiguous if it can be interpreted in more than one way
inflectional morpheme   it does not change the category of the lexical element to which it is added, it provides another form of the word, e.g
voiced sounda sound produced with the vibration of the vocal cords, e.g
patientAnother term applied to the semantic role of theme.
voiced sound   a sound produced with the vibration of the vocal cords, e.g
inborn error of metabolismthe cause in multiple diseases and due to the lack of, or poor functioning, of an enzyme.
declarative clausea positive or negative statement mainly used to convey information.
move α   move anything anywhere
s-structurepost-movement structure containing the traces of moved constituents.
branch   lines connecting the nodes in tree-structure representations.
double modalsSee modal.
canonical subject positionthe specifier position of the IP
phenomenaIn Kant's philosophy, objects as experienced and hence as organized and unified by the categories of the understanding and the forms of space and time; things as they appear to us or, alternatively, the appearances themselves
wh-question   a question containing a wh-element
naturalized epistemologyThe view that the important epistemological problems are those that can be resolved by psychological investigation of the processes involved in acquiring and revising beliefs
ulcerative colitisacute or chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum.
specificitya nominal expression is specific if the speaker knows the identity of its reference
operator   constituents affecting the interpretation of the sentence indicating a process that is needed to work out the meaning of the sentence that contains them; quantifiers and wh-elements.
retained objectIn a passive sentence, a verb complement which remains in the predicate--usually the direct object or indirect object in a sentence with a dative verb--e.g
metaphysicsThe branch of philosophy that studies the nature and fundamental features of being
pre-post studya research design in which the same tests are given to participants before and after they take part in a study to see if there are any changes that could be attributed to the intervention.
non-referential   without reference
lexicographic formSee base form.
degree adverba subclass of adverbs which specifies the degree to which some property applies, e.g
governmenta structural relationship between a head and its complement
controla term related to the interpretation of PRO
case filter   every overt DP must be assigned abstract Case.
adjunctiona type of movement where a new position is formed as a result of the movement creating an adjunction structure, like the (simplified) movement of the PP in the following tree structure representation where the S node is doubled:
positive form of adjectivesthe base form of the adjective appearing in structures expressing comparison to the same degree, like in He is as tall as I am.
interrogative clausea structure mainly used to ask for information, either in the form of a yes–no question or a wh-question.
coordination   one of the constituency tests where two elements of the same type are put together to form a single element using a coordinating conjunction
one-place predicatea predicate with one argument, e.g
lemmaThe form by which a word with more than one form is generally known and cited
inverted pseudo-cleftSee cleft sentence.
experiencerTerm sometimes applied to the thematic role of the one who perceives or experiences a state.
existential there-constructiona structure where there is used as an expletive, introducing a nominal expression as in There were three girls waiting for me
overtvisible, having phonological realisation
abstract casebeing Case-marked is assumed to be a universal property of overt nominal expressions
generative grammar   a grammar containing rules with the help of which we can generate all and only the well-formed expressions of a language (therefore excluding the ungrammatical structures).
instrumentThe thematic role of the entity by means of which an action is accomplished
wordbase, or phrase or inserted within a word or base and serving to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form
code pinkA third wave women's grassroots peace and justice movement that opposes any kind of military force
head of a chain   the position an element moves to, its final landing site.
extraction site   the position from which elements move.
that-deletionThe optional deletion of that as a complementizer or of any restrictive relative pronoun
genitivesA more general (and thus less misleading) term for possessives
it-cleftA form of cleft sentence in which the noun-phrase to be stressed is placed after an it-subject and a form of be, while the rest of the sentence is placed in a relative clause.
maximal projectionthe phrase-level projection, XP, where X is a categorial variable.
parallelismThe doctrine that there are two parallel and coordinated series of events, one mental and the other physical, and that apparent causal interaction between the mind and the body is to be explained as a manifestation of the correlation between the two series
adversative conjunctionSee conjunction.
haloperidolan antipsychotic medication that is also used to control tics and vocalizations that are part of Tourette's syndrome.
adverb   a constituent with the feature composition [+N, +V, –F] used to modify a verb (as in everything went smoothly) or a sentence (as in Unfortunately, I did not pass the first exam)
attributive nounSame as noun modifier.
x-bar theorya module of GB containing three very simple rules to describe the structure of the expressions of a language
topicalisation   a process which moves an element interpreted as a topic to the front of the sentence.
direct object   the DP complement of a verb most often bearing the theta-role of patient or theme.
retrospective studya study design in which cases of a condition or disease of interest are collected and analyzed after they have developed the condition or disease.
direct objectthe DP complement of a verb most often bearing the theta-role of patient or theme.
complete thoughtSome would say that a sentence is a "complete thought," but this definition has not been thought through.
r-expressionreferential expression, a nominal with independent reference, e.g
dutyA tax imposed on imports, exports, or manufactured goods.
agent   one of the thematic or theta-roles, where the argument deliberately performs an action, as Jamie in Jamie sang a song or Robert in Robert kicked the cat
lexical verba verb with lexical content as opposed to one having grammatical function in the structure.
inverted pseudo-cleftA form of cleft sentence in which the noun-phrase to be stressed becomes the subject and a form of be is the main verb is followed by a WH-clause containing the rest of the original sentence.
lexical entrya collection of the idiosyncratic properties of lexical items.
karmaThe idea that your point of departure in life is determined by your decisions and deeds in earlier lives
implicit argument   an argument that is not present in the syntactic structure but understood
accusative caseSame as objective case
pre-determiner   traditionally pre-determiners are those determiners that appear in front of central determiners within a nominal expression
positive form of adjectives   the base form of the adjective appearing in structures expressing comparison to the same degree, like in He is as tall as I am.
intermediate projection   the X-bar level projection connecting the zero-level (or word-level) projection X and the maximal (or phrase-level) projection XP.
expletive subject   a subject without reference, its presence is merely required by the EPP
isomorphism   a one-to-one correspondence between the members of two sets.
yes–no questiona question that can be answered either with yes or no, formed either by inverting the auxiliary with the subject as in Would you like to go to the cinema? or the insertion of dummy do as in Did you enjoy the performance?.
imperativeSee sentence types and mood.
heavy dp-shiftwhen the DP is particularly long and complicated, it may undergo extraposition: You can post today [all the letters you have written in the past five days]./*You can post today them.
existentialismA tradition of twentieth-century philosophy having its roots in the nineteenth century but coming to flower in Europe after World War II; of central concern is the question of how the individual is to find an authentic existence in this world, in which there is no ultimate reason why things happen one way and not another
idiosyncraticnot predictable
skepticism(capital "s") A school of philosophy that emerged in the Hellenistic and Roman periods after Plato; included the Academics and the Pyrrhonists; (lowercase "s") the doctrine that true knowledge is uncertain or impossible
distribution   the set of positions that the grammar determines to be possible for a given category
pan-african philosophyA cultural categorization of philosophical activity that includes the work of African thinkers and thinkers of African descent wherever they are located
subcategorisation frame   that part of the lexical entry that states the categorial status of the complement.
finite verb forma verb form that is inflected for tense in a visible or invisible form
e-language   the language that is external to the speaker – the infinite set of expressions defined by the I-language – that linguists have access to when formulating their grammars
parenthetical expressionAn aside to readers or a transitional expression such as, for example
specifier rule   one of the three rules of X-bar Theory of the following form:
conditionalA verb tense that expresses an action that should have, could have, or would have happened if the conditions were right.
premodifierOptional modifying elements in a noun phrase which come between the determiner (if any) and the head noun.
echo questiona question in which a previously uttered sentence is more or less repeated and a part of it that was either not heard or not believed is replaced by a wh-element
syntactic expletiveSee expletive
bare infinitivean infinitive without to, a non-finite verb form appearing after auxiliaries, not to be confused with the base form of the verb which can also be finite.
run-on sentenceA punctuation error resulting from the failure to separate sentences correctly
move αmove anything anywhere
phenomenologyThe objective philosophical investigation of essences or meanings developed by the philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859–1938)
stanford-binet intelligence testa test that assesses intelligence and cognitive abilities in children and adults aged two to 23
headThe constituent of a phrase which determines its nature and properties
base position   the position where a constituent first appears in the generative process.
conjunctionWord class including coordinating conjunctions and, in traditional use, subordinators.
abstract case   being Case-marked is assumed to be a universal property of overt nominal expressions
grammar(a) a (finite) set of rules which tell us how to recognise the infinite number of expressions that constitute the language that we speak
projection principle   lexical information is syntactically represented.
complementary distributiontwo constituents are in complementary distribution if one of them never appears in any of the environments where the other appears
finite verb form   a verb form that is inflected for tense in a visible or invisible form
non-finite verb forma verb form without independent tense interpretation
wh-cleftSee cleft sentence.
articulationthe act of making speech sounds
collective nounA singular noun that names a group of people or things acting together or individually
lexicona mental dictionary where we store information about all the words we use focusing on the idiosyncratic properties such as pronunciation, meaning, etc.
capabilities approachIn the philosophy of Martha Nussbaum, the principle that all nations and governments should provide for the core ingredients of human dignity
slangTrendy sayings or figures of speech that go in and out of style (he’s totally clueless, she got ripped off).
head movement constraint    a head must move to the next head position.
social responsiveness scalean instrument that measures social impairment in 4- to 18- year-old children
bracketed representationa representation of grammatical structure by bracketing those constituents that belong together, an alternative to tree diagrams.
a'-movementA-bar movement, non-argument movement, the movement of arguments or non-arguments to non-argument positions, e.g
prevalencethe proportion of people with a particular condition or disease within a given population at a given time.
specificity   a nominal expression is specific if the speaker knows the identity of its reference
constituency testa test for deciding whether a certain string of words is a constituent or not, e.g
doCan be a main verb but is usually an auxiliary, with different grammars counting it as a primary auxiliary or as a modal
head   a word level or zero level category
participlea non-finite verb form, can be past or present: Singing (present participle) always out of tune, I got on the nerves of my music teacher./I have never met most of the people invited (past participle) to the wedding.
non-count nounA more descriptive term for mass nouns.
dpsee Determiner Phrase.
palilogiaSee epizeuxis.
pragmatic theory of truthIn Dewey's and William James's philosophies, a theory of justification according to which (roughly) a belief may be accepted as true if it "works,"; in Peirce's philosophy, a species of correspondence theory
government   a structural relationship between a head and its complement
inflection phraseA phrase headed by the INFL category
of-insertion   a rescue strategy to avoid a Case Filter violation
adjunction   a type of movement where a new position is formed as a result of the movement creating an adjunction structure, like the (simplified) movement of the PP in the following tree structure representation where the S node is doubled:
adverbA word used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb by expressing time, place, degree, and so on
barrier   certain nodes in a tree form barriers to government, they ‘protect' their constituents from government from the outside
theoretical positsEntities whose existence we hypothesize to explain our sensory experience
perfect aspect   an action is viewed as being completed, e.g
general willIn the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the will of a politically united people, the will of a state
thought experimentImagining a situation in order to extract a lesson of philosophical importance
non-restrictive relative clausethis clause-type is used to add extra information rather than to restrict the application of the noun
übermenschIn the philosophy of Nietzsche, the "Superman" who escapes the triviality of society by embracing the will to power and rejecting the slave mentality that permeates society and dominates religion
r-expression   referential expression, a nominal with independent reference, e.g
vp-shellvP-projection(s) on VP: if the event structure of the verb is complex, the structural representation of the verb will be complex, too
thematic hierarchythe hierarchy of the assignment of thematic roles
declarative sentenceSee sentence types.
superlative form of adjectivescomparison to a higher (or in the case of least lower) degree when there are more than two agents involved: He is the tallest of us
inversionAs a kind of movement to make yes/no questions, this moves a tense-bearing operator from the I position in front of the subject.
external validitya measure of the "real world" applicability of research results, or their generalizability to other settings.
collective nounA noun which refers to a group (like army, group) of things or people as a collective entity
multiple light verbthe internal structure of the VP and the structure of the event expressed by the verb are isomorphic
passive voiceA verb form that indicates the subject is receiving the action.
e-languagethe language that is external to the speaker – the infinite set of expressions defined by the I-language – that linguists have access to when formulating their grammars
thematic hierarchy   the hierarchy of the assignment of thematic roles
intermediate projectionthe X-bar level projection connecting the zero-level (or word-level) projection X and the maximal (or phrase-level) projection XP.
non-finite verb form   a verb form without independent tense interpretation
word categorya set of expressions that share certain linguistic features, a grouping of words that cluster together, e.g
negative frontinga movement type where a negative element is placed at the beginning of the clause as in Never have I met such a talented musician!
regular   can be described with the help of a rule, e.g
a'-movement   A-bar movement, non-argument movement, the movement of arguments or non-arguments to non-argument positions, e.g
prospective studya study in which groups of people that have been exposed or have not been exposed to an intervention or risk factor of interest are followed forward through time to determine the outcome.
dictionary formSee base form.
metaethicsThe philosophical investigation of the sources, criteria, meaning, verification, validation, and logical interrelationships of moral value
landing site   the position elements move to.
focus frontingfocus can be indicated either by stress alone or by movement in which latter case we speak about focus fronting, as the constituent that bears focus stress moves to the front of the clause, as in Peter I wouldn't trust
exocentric structure   one that contains no element that can have the same function as the whole phrase, it appears to have properties that are independent from the elements it contains
toneThe attitude a writer conveys in his or her writing
pragmatics   a branch of linguistics concerned with the meaning of sentences as they are uttered in a given context
extraction sitethe position from which elements move.
doubly filled comp filter   no CP can have both an overt specifier and an overt complementiser generated in C.
extraposition   a constituent (PP, CP) moved from the phrase where it belongs to a sentence final position: The rumour t has been circulating [that we will have an oral exam this semester].
superegoIn Sigmund Freud's theory, that part of the psyche that functions as conscience
topican element appearing in front of the subject with a special interpretation (something like ‘as far as topic is concerned')
paradox of hedonismHenry Sidgwick's term for the fact that the desire for pleasure, if it is too strong, defeats its own aim
noun adjunctSee noun modifier just below.
reflexive pronoun   a DP without independent reference, e.g
control   a term related to the interpretation of PRO
wordbase, or phrase and serving to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form
three-place predicatea predicate with three arguments, e.g
genitive casein traditional terminology the 's ending on a nominal expression (e.g
aestheticsThe philosophical study of art and of value judgments about art and of beauty in general
phenomenological reductionA method of putting aside the ordinary attitude toward the world and its objects in order to see the objects of pure consciousness through intuition
gold standarda treatment or way of diagnosing a condition, etc., that is widely accepted as being the best available.
theta-marking   the assignment of theta-roles.
compound sentenceA sentence in which two or more independent clauses are linked by a coordinating conjunction.
dp   see Determiner Phrase.
d-structure   the structure before movement takes place, a representation of thematic relations.
bindingan element that can be coreferential with another element (the most typically pronouns and anaphors) is bound by that element
do-support   a last resort operation when neither the auxiliary nor the lexical verb can move
human lawIn the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, the laws and statutes of society that are derived from our understanding of natural law
ip   see Inflectional Phrase.
aktionsart   see lexical aspect.
historical presentSee tense.
syntax   the study of sentence structure
binder   a nominal expression that gives reference to another nominal expression without independent reference
irregularcannot be described with the help of a rule, exceptional.
get-passiveAn informal passive construction using a form of the verb get as the auxiliary, in place of be.
raising adjectivean adjective inducing raising, e.g
morpheme   the smallest meaningful unit
active voiceSee passive.
comparative form of adjectivesthis form is used for comparison to a higher (or in the case of less lower) degree when two constituents are compared: He is taller than I am
periphrastic comparison of adjectivesthe comparative and superlative forms of the adjective are expressed with the degree adverbs more and most
adjuncta constituent not selected by a head.
complement ruleone of the three rules of X-bar theory of the following form:
intention to treat analysisa way of analyzing data from a randomized controlled trials in which the results for individuals are analyzed according to which group they were assigned whether or not they remained in the study or whether they received the treatment they were assigned
reductionthe natural shortening of sounds when speaking (e.g
tense   a syntactic category with the help of which we can locate an event or situation in time
imperative   a structure used to express a request or command
articlesA part of speech which can only occupy the determiner slot
verb phraseIn linguistic grammars in the generative grammar tradition, this denotes a phrase headed by a verb
traceAn empty place marked with a t in PS-trees, left when a sentence constituent has moved
topican element appearing in front of the subject with a special interpretation (something like ‘as far as topic is concerned')
pronominalthose DPs that cannot have a binder within the binding domain
political philosophyThe philosophical study of the state, its justification, and its ethically proper organization
aktionsartsee lexical aspect.
main verbThe verb in a sentence that identifies the central action (hit, stopped)
wait list control groupa comparison group composed of research participants assigned to a waiting list in order to receive an intervention after the active treatment group does.
cyrenaicismThe philosophy of Aristippus and others who lived in Cyrene about Plato's time; it emphasized seeking a life of as many intense pleasures as possible
eternal lawIn the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, the divine reason of God that rules over all things at all times
recall biasRecall bias refers to the greater tendency of those who have been diagnosed with a condition to more carefully scrutinize the past and remember details of an exposure to a causative agent or event.
attributive adjectiveSee adjective.
serotonina neurotransmitter implicated in the behavioural-physiological processes of sleep, pain and sensory perception, motor function, appetite, learning and memory.
regularcan be described with the help of a rule, e.g
base-generate   to insert constituents into a position reflecting the basic semantic relationships
direct objectThe main complement of a transitive verb, traditionally thought of as the object of its action
coordinationone of the constituency tests where two elements of the same type are put together to form a single element using a coordinating conjunction
parenthetical expressionAn aside to readers or a transitional expression such as, for example or in contrast
simple sentenceSee sentence types.
mustA modal auxiliary verb
anaphoricApplies to reference back to an antecedent
four noble truthsBuddha's answer to the central problem of life: (1) There is suffering; (2) suffering has specific and identifiable causes; (3) suffering can be ended; (4) the way to end suffering is through enlightened living, as expressed in the Eightfold Path
canonical subject position   the specifier position of the IP
barriercertain nodes in a tree form barriers to government, they ‘protect' their constituents from government from the outside
polymorphismthe regular and simultaneous occurrence in a single interbreeding population of two or more alleles of a gene, where the frequency of the more rare alleles is greater than can be explained by recurrent mutation alone (typically greater than 1%)
continuousSometimes used for what is more generally termed the progressive aspect.
moduleGB is made up of different but interacting components called modules, e.g
category variablein X-bar theory and the rules of X-bar theory X is a category variable that can be substituted by any of the categories
tree diagrama representation of grammatical structure containing nodes connected by branches.
irregular   cannot be described with the help of a rule, exceptional.
theta rolethe semantic role of the participants as required by the predicate
subject–auxiliary inversiona descriptive cover term for the reverse order of the subject and the auxiliary in questions like Can you dance?, see also I-to-C movement.
veil of ignoranceIn Indian philosophy, the perspective from which the world is viewed as a multiplicity of things; in John Rawls's philosophy, the metaphor for the conditions under which rational individuals are to select the principles of justice that govern the well-ordered society
binding principlesprinciples that refer to the interpretation of nominal expressions:
verb formsbase form, past tense form, the third person singular present form, the perfective (same as passive) form and the progressive form.
chain   a moved element and its associated traces functioning as a single object made up of several parts
complementizer phraseA phrase or clause with a C as its head and an IP as its complement.
base positionthe position where a constituent first appears in the generative process.
applied ethicsMoral theory applied to specific contemporary moral issues, such as abortion, affirmative action, pornography, capital punishment, and so on
internal validitya measure of, for example whether it is the intervention responsible for change seen in a research subject rather than some external force, or natural process such as physical or psychological maturation.
jargonSpecialized vocabulary used by people in a particular field
binding principles   principles that refer to the interpretation of nominal expressions:
subcategory   a category under a main category, e.g
echo question   a question in which a previously uttered sentence is more or less repeated and a part of it that was either not heard or not believed is replaced by a wh-element
translatability thesisThe idea that, in theory, statements about the world could all be translated into statements that refer to immediate sensory experience
marxismThe socialist philosophy of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and their followers that postulates the labor theory of value, the dialectical interplay of social institutions, class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat leading to a classless society
subordinating conjunctionSee conjunction.
uncountable nounSee mass noun.
buddhismA philosophical tradition, founded by Gautama Siddhartha Buddha in the fifth century B.C.E., that took on various forms as a religion and spread throughout Asia; Buddhism attempts to help the individual conquer the suffering and mutability of human existence through the elimination of desire and ego and attainment of the state of nirvana
unpronouncedsee phonologically empty
voice   a distinction between active voice and passive voice
reverse wh-cleftThe same as an inverted Pseudo-Cleft sentence.
third personEveryone and everything other than you and me
proprioceptivecapable of receiving stimuli originating in muscles, tendons, and other internal tissues.
minimal pairstwo words that differ only in terms of one sound, as in "cat and bat" OR "fine and vine"
ethnophilosophyA systematically descriptive method of investigating the philosophical concepts that are important in a culture, especially a culture that is primarily transmitted through unwritten stories, rituals, and statements of belief
non-restrictiveA post-modifying element in an NP which can be eliminated without rendering ambiguous the identity of what is being discussed
movementS-structure constituents do not always appear in the position where they are base-generated in D-structure, they often move from their base positions to other structural positions
constituency test   a test for deciding whether a certain string of words is a constituent or not, e.g
two-place predicatea predicate with two arguments, e.g
identity theoryThe theory that mental states and events are brain states and events
landing sitethe position elements move to.
predicative adjectiveSee adjective.
do-insertionsee do-support.
dialectunique vocabulary, pronunciation and usage that is typical of a certain group of people
conditional clauseNormally refers to a subordinate clause, usually beginning with it in a conditional sentence.
[±f]one of the three basic binary features on which all categories can be defined
covertinvisible, without phonological realisation but still having grammatical function
base-generateto insert constituents into a position reflecting the basic semantic relationships
constituenta linguistic expression that functions as a unit in grammatical structure
foot of a chain   the lowest position an element has been moved from containing the trace of the moved constituent; the extraction site of the moved element.
hmcsee Head Movement Constraint.
nominative absoluteAnother term for an absolute phrase.
adjacencyaccording to traditional analyses Case assigner and Case assignee must be adjacent, next to each other
wh-cleftThe same as a pseudo-cleft sentence.
epiphoraSee epistrophe.
imperativea structure used to express a request or command
focus fronting   focus can be indicated either by stress alone or by movement in which latter case we speak about focus fronting, as the constituent that bears focus stress moves to the front of the clause, as in Peter I wouldn't trust
polysynthetic languageSee synthetic language.
logical atomismThe metaphysical theory that the world does not consist of things but of facts, that is, things having certain properties and standing in certain relationship to one another
comment   it forms a full sentence together with a topic
rootWhen used of verbs, this sometimes refers to the base form.
dualismTwo-ism; the doctrine that existing things belong to one or another but not both, of two distinct categories of things, usually deemed to be physical and nonphysical or spiritual
i-languagethe language which is internal to the mind; a finite system that linguists try to model with grammars.
multiple wh-question   a single question that asks for more than one piece of information hence contains more than one wh-element, e.g
limiting adjectiveOld term for determiner.
nominalismThe theory that only individual things are real
pragmaticsa branch of linguistics concerned with the meaning of sentences as they are uttered in a given context
subject-verb inversionIn Shakespeare's time, yes/no questions could be formed by simply moving the verb in front of the subject ("Rides he hence?"), but Modern English uses a more complicated form of INVERSION movement
nodea symbol defining syntactic units (heads, intermediate constituents, phrases) connected by branches in a tree structure representation.
predicateThe part of a sentence that indicates what the subject does (Birds fly), what happens to the subject (Birds are kept as pets), or what is said about the subject (Birds are warmblooded).
epistemologyThe branch of philosophy concerned primarily with the criteria, nature, and possibility of knowledge
adjunct   a constituent not selected by a head.
recoverablea constituent is recoverable if it can be identified even if it has undergone deletion
phenylketonuriaan inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine, which is present in many common foods
pyrrhonistsMembers of a school of philosophical skepticism in the Hellenistic and Roman periods who attempted to suspend judgment on all knowledge claims
operatorThe modal or other verb which carries the tense/modal element in yes/no questions and negative sentences.
anaphora reflexive (e.g
hermeneuticsInterpretive understanding that seeks systematically to access the essence of things
levels of languageRange from formal to informal and should be appropriate for audience, subject matter, and purpose.
anarchismA utopian political theory that seeks to eliminate all authority and state rule in favor of a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups
bare infinitive   an infinitive without to, a non-finite verb form appearing after auxiliaries, not to be confused with the base form of the verb which can also be finite.
prognosisthe possible outcomes of a condition or a disease and the likelihood that each one will occur.
ordinal numberFirst, second, third, etc
subcategorisation framethat part of the lexical entry that states the categorial status of the complement.
second personYou
transcendental phenomenologyAn epistemological method that seeks the certainty of a pure of consciousness of objects in the transcendental ego
language gameThe context in which an utterance is made, which determines the purposes served by the utterance and hence its meaning; Wittgenstein believed that philosophical problems are due to ignoring the "game" in which certain concepts are used
themeThe thematic role played by someone or something undergoing the effect of the verb's action.
s-structure   post-movement structure containing the traces of moved constituents.
definitenessa category expressing whether a nominal expression is identifiable or not
socialismThe theory that communal ownership of land, capital, and the means of production is the best way of serving the common good
isomorphisma one-to-one correspondence between the members of two sets.
determiner   the head of a Determiner Phrase, a closed class item taking an NP complement defining its definiteness
theta-gridthat part of a predicate's lexical entry which informs us about what theta-roles the predicate has.
barteringGiving goods or services in return for other goods and services, as opposed to the exchange of money.
direct object nounA sentence element that answers the question, “Whom or what is the subject acting upon?” and may refer to people, places, things, or ideas.
of-insertiona rescue strategy to avoid a Case Filter violation
d-structurethe structure before movement takes place, a representation of thematic relations.
yes-no questionsA common question form, which assumes that the answer will be either "yes" or "no"--e.g
double modalsStandard English treats the modal auxiliaries as mutually exclusive, but some non-standard dialects permit combinations like might could
semantic roleAlternative term for thematic role.
determinerthe head of a Determiner Phrase, a closed class item taking an NP complement defining its definiteness
structural ambiguitythe source of ambiguity is not lexical
definite determinera determiner like the or this that turns a nominal expression into a definite DP.
perseverationrepetitive movement or speech, or sticking to one idea or task that has a compulsive quality to it.
conditional sentenceA declarative sentence with a subordinate construction, normally an if-clause, indicating the conditions under which the main clause will be true
prothe phonologically empty DP appearing in the subject position of non-finite clauses
np-movementsee DP-movement.
noun   a word that names people, places or things that can have a plural form
teacchan intervention for children with autism and other communication disorders
zero conditionalSee conditional sentence.
grammatical aspect   refers to how the event is viewed as a process: whether it has stopped (perfect aspect) or is still going on (progressive aspect).
instrumentalismA theory held by John Dewey, among others, that ideas, judgments, and propositions are not merely true or false; rather, they are tools to understand experience and solve problems
coindexationan indication of coreference between two constituents by giving them the same subscript index symbol
morphological case   there is a morphologically visible indication of Case on the nominal expression (DP)
stoicism(capital "s") The ethical philosophy of the ancient Greek Stoics, who emphasized the serene or untroubled life as the highest good and thought it best reached through acceptance of the natural order of things; (lowercase "s") the practice of a stoic, one who is indifferent to pleasure and pain
occupational therapistindividuals who specialize in the analysis of activity and tasks to minimize the impact of disability on activities of daily living
unaccusative verb   a verb taking one argument to which it assigns a theme theta-role in the specifier position of a VP
infinitive phraseA non-finite (untensed) phrase or clause in which the base form of the verb is preceded by the infinitive marker to.
exclamatory sentenceAlso called exclamative
subjective caseAnother term for nominative case.
coordinatorSame as coordinating conjunction
unaccusative verba verb taking one argument to which it assigns a theme theta-role in the specifier position of a VP
perfectA verb aspect indicating that the verb's action is or was completed (depending on whether present or past perfect) at the time indicated by the main tense
recoverable   a constituent is recoverable if it can be identified even if it has undergone deletion
tag questionsA question form which turns statements into questions by appending auxiliaries and pronouns--e.g., "isn't it?" or "have you?"
complement rule   one of the three rules of X-bar theory of the following form:
lexical verb   a verb with lexical content as opposed to one having grammatical function in the structure.
agentone of the thematic or theta-roles, where the argument deliberately performs an action, as Jamie in Jamie sang a song or Robert in Robert kicked the cat
adjunct rule   one of the three rules of X-bar theory, a recursive rule of the form
relative clause   relative clauses are adjoined to NPs, they give information about the nominal expression
locativeA place adverbial or the thematic role normally played by one.
multiple light verb   the internal structure of the VP and the structure of the event expressed by the verb are isomorphic
thematic rolesee theta-role.
phonology   the study of the sound patterns of language.
languagea system that enables people who speak it to produce and understand linguistic expressions.
dummy subjectsA subject (often the anticipatory or impersonal it which adds no semantic information to a sentence and exists only because English requires that the subject position be filled.
risperdalRisperdal, like other new antipsychotic drugs currently under development, is designed as a serotonin/dopamine antagonist
relative pronounsA subset of WH-pronouns used to introduce relative clauses and nominal relatives
tonguemuscular tissue in the mouth used for tasting and articulating
degpthe functional projection on top of APs (similarly to DPs taking NP complements) hosting degree modifiers like the superlative and comparative morpheme.
bracketed representation   a representation of grammatical structure by bracketing those constituents that belong together, an alternative to tree diagrams.
beneficiaryAlternative term for recipient.
categorical imperativeImmanuel Kant's formulation of a moral law that holds unconditionally, that is, categorically; in its most common formulation, states that you are to act in such a way that you could desire the principle on which you act to be a universal law
syntaxthe study of sentence structure
cleft sentenceA sentence which has been reordered for emphasis by adding a new subject and some form of be.
coreference   when two or more referential phrases pick out the same entity in the world they are said to be coreferential
cynicismA school of philosophy founded around the fifth century B.C.E., probably by Antisthenes of Diogenes; the Cynics sought to lead lives of total simplicity and naturalness by rejecting all comforts and conveniences of society
postmodernismThe period of twentieth-century Western culture following modernism that challenges traditional cultural values in a variety of ways
specifier positiona position defined by X-bar Theory
coordinatorA coordinating conjunction
predicate nounSee predicate nominative.
hellenistic ageThe period of Macedonian domination of the Greek-speaking world from around 335 B.C.E
fricativea speech sound (consonant) in which air is forced to pass through a small opening and creates friction, as in /f/ and /v/
do-insertion   see do-support.
theta-grid   that part of a predicate's lexical entry which informs us about what theta-roles the predicate has.
ecm   see Exceptional Case-marking.
nirvanaIn Buddhism, the highest good; the extinction of will and of the accompanying ego, greed, anger, delusion, and clinging to existence
demonstrative adjectiveAn adjective that indicates or points out this, that, these, or those people, places, or things to which a speaker is referring.
definite determiner   a determiner like the or this that turns a nominal expression into a definite DP.
branchlines connecting the nodes in tree-structure representations.
formAristotle's theory of forms; in Plato's philosophy that which is denoted by a general word, a word (such as "good") that applies to more than a single thing
complementiser   a constituent introducing a sentential complement
communism(capital "c") The ideology of the Communist Party; (lowercase "c") an economic system
teleological explanationAn explanation of a thing in terms of its ends, goals, purposes, or functions
subject predicativeAnother name for a subject complement
projection principlelexical information is syntactically represented.
qualifierAnother term for degree word or intensifier.
wh-pronounSee WH-word.
of-genitiveA prepositional phrase with of taking as its complement an NP that would otherwise be a possessive NP.
extrapyramidal effectsa common side effect of neuroleptic agents (phenothiazines) affecting motor coordination, balance, and movement.
functional category   categories without lexical content, fulfilling some grammatical function in a given structure: inflections, determiners, degree adverbs and complementisers.
patientAnother term applied to the semantic role of theme
gluten-free/casein-free dietA diet believed by some to help improve the symptoms of autism
skepticOne who questions or suspends judgment on the possibility of knowledge
clausea structure containing a (visible or invisible) subject and a predicate.
dp-movementthe movement of DPs in passive and raising structures
thematic roleThe semantic role played by a constituent of a particular IP.
unmarkedSee markedness.
pre-determinertraditionally pre-determiners are those determiners that appear in front of central determiners within a nominal expression
dative alternate   see dative construction.
participleA participle is a type of verbal, a verb form that does not function as a verb
sister nodestwo nodes that have the same mother.
coindexation   an indication of coreference between two constituents by giving them the same subscript index symbol
fluvoxaminea medication which treats both depressive and obsessive symptoms.
secretina polypeptide neurotransmitter (chemical messenger), one of the hormones that controls digestion, increasing the volume and bicarbonate content of secreted pancreatic juices.
ordinal numberA number used to indicate order in a particular series.
subjectivismIn ethics, the doctrine that what is right is determined by what people believe is right; elsewhere, the theory that limits knowledge of conscious states
[±f]   one of the three basic binary features on which all categories can be defined
pronominal   those DPs that cannot have a binder within the binding domain
specifier position   a position defined by X-bar Theory
relativized minimality   a rule expressing the locality conditions on movement, see also Locality Restrictions on Movement.
false dilemmaOffering only two options when in fact more than two options exist
original positionJohn Rawls' name for a hypothetical condition in which rational and unbiased individuals select the principles of social justice that govern a well-ordered society
complementary distribution   two constituents are in complementary distribution if one of them never appears in any of the environments where the other appears
articlesA, an, and the
adjacency   according to traditional analyses Case assigner and Case assignee must be adjacent, next to each other
themeone of the thematic roles where the argument is not affected by the action described by the verb e.g
double genitiveSee possessive case.
ejaculationAn older term for interjection, now seldom used as such for obvious reasons.
pronounand refer to an entity, quality, state, action, or concept
voiceless/unvoiced sound   a sound produced without the vibration of the vocal cords, e.g
raising adjective   an adjective inducing raising, e.g
clause   a structure containing a (visible or invisible) subject and a predicate.
np-movement   see DP-movement.
obligatory adverbialSee adverbial complement.
transitiveWhen a predicate needs a nominal complement to complete its meaning, it is a transitive predicate, and its verb is said to be transitive
patriarchySecond wave feminist term representing the set of institutions that legitimized universal male power
exocentric structureone that contains no element that can have the same function as the whole phrase, it appears to have properties that are independent from the elements it contains
case theory   one of the modules of GB defining Case-assignment to DPs.
hypercorrectionA misapplication of a misunderstood grammatical rule in a failed attempt to be "correct."
placeboan inactive substance that looks the same as, and is administered in the same way as, a drug in a clinical trial, usually in a double-blinded study
indirect questionA sentence that paraphrases what a question is or was
confucianismA philosophical tradition that began with Confucius in the sixth century B.C.E
argumentsthe participants minimally involved in an action defined by the predicate
time seriesa research design in which subjects are tested at different times during the course of a long-term study.
declarative sentenceAn independent clause that makes a statement
do-supporta last resort operation when neither the auxiliary nor the lexical verb can move
correlative conjunctionA pair of linking words (such as either/or, not only/but also) that appear separately but work together to join parts of a sentence
descriptive relativismThe doctrine that the moral standards people subscribe to differ from culture to culture and from society to society
do-insertionA rule that inserts do into the I slot when it is needed to realize the tense, as in INVERSION.
word category   a set of expressions that share certain linguistic features, a grouping of words that cluster together, e.g
negative fronting   a movement type where a negative element is placed at the beginning of the clause as in Never have I met such a talented musician!
cultural relativismThe theory that what is right (and wrong) is what your culture believes is right (and wrong)
tag questionsA question form which turns statements into questions by appending auxiliaries and pronouns
ecmsee Exceptional Case-marking.
present participleFormed by adding ing- to the base form of the verb
exceptional verbverbs selecting not a CP but an IP complement when their complement is clausal
immediate constituent   the immediate constituent of a node is the node that is lower than the given constituent and is connected to it by a single branch
operatorconstituents affecting the interpretation of the sentence indicating a process that is needed to work out the meaning of the sentence that contains them; quantifiers and wh-elements.
locality restrictions on movementa head cannot move over the top of another head, a subject cannot move over the top of another subject – a constituent cannot move over the top of a like constituent
antecedenta constituent another constituent without independent reference (such as an anaphor or a trace) takes reference from/is coreferential with
sister nodes   two nodes that have the same mother.
gender   the contrast between masculine and feminine, or (in some languages) animate and inanimate nominal expressions.
bindera nominal expression that gives reference to another nominal expression without independent reference
law of the fatherIn Lacan's theory, a system that contains encoded patriarchal values in language
passive voicethe subject of the passive sentence is interpreted as the object of the verb.
free-market economyAn economic system built around the belief that supply and demand, competition, and a free play of market forces best serve the interests of society and the common good
inflectional morphemeit does not change the category of the lexical element to which it is added, it provides another form of the word, e.g
predicate nominativeAn NP or other nominal used as a subject complement
transitiveA verb type
vowel backnessposition of the tongue in relation to the back of the mouth when making a vowel sound (positions include front, near-front, centre, near-back, back)
theta-criterionThe theory that each argument of a verb can play only one thematic role and that each role can be played by only one argument.
recipientThe thematic role of the recipient or beneficiary of the action
[±n]   one of the three basic binary features on which all categories can be defined
zero level projection   the head of a phrase, X in an XP.
case filterevery overt DP must be assigned abstract Case.
clustersblended sounds put together to make a single sound
exceptional verb   verbs selecting not a CP but an IP complement when their complement is clausal
subject complementobject, predicate.
syntaxHow sentences are formed in language
generative grammara grammar containing rules with the help of which we can generate all and only the well-formed expressions of a language (therefore excluding the ungrammatical structures).
lexical ambiguity   the source of ambiguity is a lexical constituent which is associated with more than one meaning in the lexicon, e.g
anaphoric operator   an operator that behaves like an anaphor, one that is referentially dependent on another constituent in the sentence, like a wh-element in relative clauses.
lexicon   a mental dictionary where we store information about all the words we use focusing on the idiosyncratic properties such as pronunciation, meaning, etc.
sentenceA word group that includes both a subject and a predicate and can stand alone
maximal projection   the phrase-level projection, XP, where X is a categorial variable.
gumthe tissue around the base of the teeth
commentit forms a full sentence together with a topic
dummy subjectA subject (often the anticipatory or impersonal it which adds no semantic information to a sentence and exists only because English requires that the subject position be filled
progressive aspectthe event is viewed as being in progress, e.g
incomplete sentenceA nicer name for sentence fragment
daughter   an immediate constituent of a node which then is the mother node.
declarative clause   a positive or negative statement mainly used to convey information.
subordinatorA subordinating conjunction
coordination test for phrasesPhrases (and other sentence constituents) can be joined with a like group of words by a coordinating conjunction.
neoplatonismA further development of Platonic philosophy under the influence of Aristotelian and Pythagorean philosophy and Christian mysticism; it flourished between the third and sixth centuries, stressing a mystical intuition of the highest One or God, a transcendent source of all being
complete sentenceA word group that includes both a subject and a predicate and can stand alone
noun markerSee determiner.
force   the distinction between declarative and interrogative interpretation.
imperativeDenotes both a verb mood and the sentence type of a sentence with the main verb in that mood
lexical ambiguitythe source of ambiguity is a lexical constituent which is associated with more than one meaning in the lexicon, e.g
functional categorycategories without lexical content, fulfilling some grammatical function in a given structure: inflections, determiners, degree adverbs and complementisers.
alternative questionsSee yes/no questions.
psychoanalysisA psychological theory and therapeutic method developed by Sigmund Freud
phrase structure treesA way of visually presenting the structure of phrases and larger units.
narrative presentSee tense.
lexical entry   a collection of the idiosyncratic properties of lexical items.
agrpAgreement Phrase
zero level projectionthe head of a phrase, X in an XP.
implicit argumentan argument that is not present in the syntactic structure but understood
fused sentenceA type of run-on sentence in which two sentences are run together with no intervening punctuation or conjunction--in effect, a comma splice without the comma
active voiceA verb form that indicates the subject is performing the action.
ethical relativismThe theory that there are no absolute and universally valid moral standards and values and that therefore the moral standards and values that apply to you are merely those that are accepted by your society
ordinal numberNumbers indicating place in some order, as first, second, last
critical theoryA philosophical method that seeks to provide a radical critique of knowledge by taking into account the situation and interests involved
indefinite determinera determiner like a or some turning a nominal expression into an indefinite DP.
preparatory itSame as the anticipatory it.
referentialsomething that refers to something
representationalismThe doctrine that true beliefs are accurate representations of the state of affairs they are about
sonorantsounds that are made when air is impeded only slightly, as in /m/, /n/
periphrastic comparison of adjectives   the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective are expressed with the degree adverbs more and most
tonethe emotion that is conveyed through the sound of speech (e.g
pro   the phonologically empty DP appearing in the subject position of non-finite clauses
unpronounced   see phonologically empty
citation formSee base form.
aspectual auxiliary verbthose dummy auxiliary verbs that participate in forming the progressive (different forms of be as in They are waiting.) or the perfective aspect (different forms of have as in I have read this book.)
substitution   a) one of the constituency tests to define whether a certain constituent is the same type as another
degree adverb   a subclass of adverbs which specifies the degree to which some property applies, e.g
dp-movement   the movement of DPs in passive and raising structures
adverb clauseA subordinate clause serving an adverbial function.
functionalismThe doctrine that what a thing is must be understood and analyzed not by what it is made of but by its function; for example, anything that functions as a mousetrap is a mousetrap, regardless of what it is made of or how it looks or is assembled
agreementWhen two words or phrases share a common feature
there-sentenceSee existential sentence.
i-to-c movement   the generative equivalent of the descriptive notion of subject–auxiliary inversion attested in questions like ‘Can you swim?', where the auxiliary is assumed to move from the head position of IP to the head position of CP.
appositive genitiveApposition may be expressed with a genitive expression--in English, usually an of-genitive--e.g., the merry month of May.
agreement   a syntactic process whereby certain constituents must share certain features, e.g
semioticThe pre-Oedipal stage when the child does not distinguish between itself and its mother
mirror stageIn Lacanian theory, the stage of development when the child identifies itself with its own image, separate from its mother
interrogative clause   a structure mainly used to ask for information, either in the form of a yes–no question or a wh-question.
anaphor   a reflexive (e.g
recursiveAnother term borrowed from mathematics, this refers to structures and operations which can be endlessly repeated
open class of wordsA part of speech which is constantly being added to by the creation and borrowing of new members
preposition   a syntactic unit preceding its complement, the most often a DP defining a special syntactic and/or semantic relationship between the complement and another constituent: cat in the bag/grapes of wrath/tea without sugar/a reduction of taxes
deixisReference depending on contextual clues--e.g.,here, now, them
pluperfectThe past perfect
risperidonea drug used to treat problem behaviours such as aggression, self-injury, and irritability in children, adolescents, and adults with autism
dative constructionan alternative to the verb–indirect object–direct object construction where the indirect object appears in the form of a PP: I gave an apple to Peter as opposed to I gave Peter an apple.
epizeuxisRepetition in succession of a single word--again, again, and again
anaphoric operatoran operator that behaves like an anaphor, one that is referentially dependent on another constituent in the sentence, like a wh-element in relative clauses.
genushow a thing is similar to other things
abstract light verb   the head position of a vP can be occupied by a phonetically empty light verb.
pseudo-cleftSee cleft sentence.
number   a contrast between singular and plural as in a shirt/several shirts
contractarian theoryThe political theory according to which a legitimate state exists only by virtue of an agreement or "contract" among the subjects of the state
expletive subjecta subject without reference, its presence is merely required by the EPP
case theoryone of the modules of GB defining Case-assignment to DPs.
to-infinitive   an infinitive appearing with to, a non-finite verb-form.
head of a chainthe position an element moves to, its final landing site.
tpTense Phrase, an alternative label for Inflection Phrase (IP).
structure preservation principle   no movement can alter the basic X-bar nature of structure, structures are projected from the lexicon at all levels.
antecedentA previous expression being referred to
two-place predicate   a predicate with two arguments, e.g
recursive rule   a rule where the definition refers to what is being defined, e.g
object positionthe specifier position of VP.
materialismThe theory that only physical entities exist and that so-called mental things are manifestations of an underlying physical reality
ipsee Inflectional Phrase.
θ-rolesee theta role.
randomized controlled triala study design in which enrollment into a study is done by random allocation, that is, the patient has no greater likelihood or receiving the treatment or placebo (or the comparison treatment) than could be expected by chance alone
social philosophyThe philosophical study of society and its institutions; concerned especially with determining the features of the ideal or best society
category variable   in X-bar theory and the rules of X-bar theory X is a category variable that can be substituted by any of the categories
interrogative sentenceSee sentence types or pronoun.
mother   a node directly above another node.
quantifier   a determiner that expresses a definite or indefinite amount or number of the nominal expression it modifies, e.g
adverbconjunct, disjunct.
idiosyncratic   not predictable
complex transitiveA verb type.
functional analysisa process of carefully observing behaviour to determine what sets off the chain of events that leads to tantrums or aggression
progressiveAn verb aspect with a form of be as an auxiliary followed by the present participle of the next verb in the expression
locative inversion   a structure where a PP locative argument apparently sits in subject position while the DP theme sits behind the verb, as in In the corner sat a shadowy figure.
multiple wh-questiona single question that asks for more than one piece of information hence contains more than one wh-element, e.g
larynxthe hollow, muscular organ in the throat that holds the vocal chords; the voice box
prevalence studya study of the rates of a condition in a given population at a given time
alveolar ridgethe bony region at the roof and bottom of the mouth behind the front teeth; contains the tooth sockets
specifierIn English, the constituent of a phrase which comes before the head
to-infinitivean infinitive appearing with to, a non-finite verb-form.
grammar   (a) a (finite) set of rules which tell us how to recognise the infinite number of expressions that constitute the language that we speak
thesis-antithesis-synthesisIn the philosophy of Hegel, to each thesis there is an antithesis (opposite), and the two are a unity in a higher synthesis
superlative form of adjectives   comparison to a higher (or in the case of least lower) degree when there are more than two agents involved: He is the tallest of us
endocentric structureone that gets its properties from an element that it contains, this element can function by itself as a whole phrase
heada word level or zero level category
pluralMore than one
correlativeName for expressions reinforcing coordinating conjunctions (e.g
singularOnly one
arbitrary reference   in certain contexts PRO does not need an antecedent, it has a generic interpretation similarly to the pronoun one:
tensevoice, and capacity to take adverbial qualifiers and to govern objects
[±n]one of the three basic binary features on which all categories can be defined
trace   moved constituents leave traces in the position where they have been moved from
case assignera head that has the ability to assign Case, like V(erb), P(reposition) and finite I(nflection).
consequentialismEthical theories that evaluate actions by their consequences
dative alternatesee dative construction.
theme   one of the thematic roles where the argument is not affected by the action described by the verb e.g
verb tenseAn expression of time; it conveys whether the action, occurrence, or state of being takes place in the past, present, or future.
passive voice   the subject of the passive sentence is interpreted as the object of the verb.
moodIndicates whether the sentence states a fact or asks a question (indicative mood), gives a command or direction (imperative mood), or expresses a condition contrary to fact, a wish, or a suggestion (subjunctive mood)
moodIndicates whether the sentence states a fact or asks a question (indicative mood),
node   a symbol defining syntactic units (heads, intermediate constituents, phrases) connected by branches in a tree structure representation.
non-restrictive relative clause   this clause-type is used to add extra information rather than to restrict the application of the noun
third man argumentAristotle's criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms, according to which there must be a third thing that ties together a Form with the particular things that exemplify it
covert   invisible, without phonological realisation but still having grammatical function
non-pulmonicwhen the air comes from a source other than the lungs
analytic philosophyThe predominant twentieth-century philosophical tradition in English-speaking countries; analytic philosophy has its roots in British empiricism and holds that analysis is the proper method of philosophy
verb forms   base form, past tense form, the third person singular present form, the perfective (same as passive) form and the progressive form.
simple formSee base form.
rewrite rule   a phrase structure rule defining what the immediate constituents of e.g
post maturityrefers to birth of a baby 14 days or more after the usual 280 days of gestation
argument from designA proof for the existence of God based on the idea that the universe and its parts give evidence of purpose or design and therefore require a divine designer
specifier ruleone of the three rules of X-bar Theory of the following form:
ambiguitya structure is ambiguous if it can be interpreted in more than one way
progressive aspect   the event is viewed as being in progress, e.g
hmc   see Head Movement Constraint.
grammatical aspectrefers to how the event is viewed as a process: whether it has stopped (perfect aspect) or is still going on (progressive aspect).
experiencerone of the thematic or theta-roles where the argument experiences some physical or mental state, like Mary in Mary was afraid of dogs
yes–no question   a question that can be answered either with yes or no, formed either by inverting the auxiliary with the subject as in Would you like to go to the cinema? or the insertion of dummy do as in Did you enjoy the performance?.
case assigner   a head that has the ability to assign Case, like V(erb), P(reposition) and finite I(nflection).
preposing   the movement of PPs, VPs, negative expressions to the beginning of the sentence: Under no circumstances would I read another novel by him.
existential there-construction   a structure where there is used as an expletive, introducing a nominal expression as in There were three girls waiting for me
coreferencewhen two or more referential phrases pick out the same entity in the world they are said to be coreferential
experiencer   one of the thematic or theta-roles where the argument experiences some physical or mental state, like Mary in Mary was afraid of dogs
preposingthe movement of PPs, VPs, negative expressions to the beginning of the sentence: Under no circumstances would I read another novel by him.
comparative form of adjectives   this form is used for comparison to a higher (or in the case of less lower) degree when two constituents are compared: He is taller than I am
foot of a chainthe lowest position an element has been moved from containing the trace of the moved constituent; the extraction site of the moved element.
cataphoricApplies to reference forward to a later expression
taoIn Chinese philosophy, the Way: the ultimate and eternal principle of unity, meaning, and harmony in the universe; See also Taoism
subordinate clauseA part of a sentence containing a subject and verb that can’t stand on its own but describes something in the larger sentence.
thematic role   see theta-role.
overt   visible, having phonological realisation
raising verb   a verb inducing raising, e.g
liberalismA political philosophy whose basic tenet is that each individual should have the maximum freedom consistent with the freedom of others
emphatic sentenceAn exclamatory sentence in the broad sense.
verb   a word used to describe an event or situation that can appear in one of the five verb forms
spellan acronym for Structure, Positive (approaches and expectations), Empathy, Low arousal, and Links, the framework used in UK schools to design programs that recognize individual needs of child and adult participants
forcethe distinction between declarative and interrogative interpretation.
abstract light verbthe head position of a vP can be occupied by a phonetically empty light verb.
direct objectThe main nominal complement of a transitive verb, traditionally thought of as the object of its action.
prepositiona syntactic unit preceding its complement, the most often a DP defining a special syntactic and/or semantic relationship between the complement and another constituent: cat in the bag/grapes of wrath/tea without sugar/a reduction of taxes
antecedent   a constituent another constituent without independent reference (such as an anaphor or a trace) takes reference from/is coreferential with
aspectual auxiliary verb   those dummy auxiliary verbs that participate in forming the progressive (different forms of be as in They are waiting.) or the perfective aspect (different forms of have as in I have read this book.)
tail questionsTAG-questions
adverbial relative clauseA sentential relative
correlative conjunctionSee conjunction.