Glossary extracted starting with manual seeds, with PTM for the domain art and language EN

cableA molding design resembling intertwined rape.
osteologyThe study of the structure and function of bones
hostingHosting refers to the housing of a web site, email or domain on another server.
nefSilver model of a ship fitted with containers for table condiments
basket analysisAnalyzing the association of individual product items purchased in the same transaction.
super kilovectorsMore powerful digital secondary correction in da Vinci 2K systems
flatsign indicating that a tone is to be performed one-half step lower than notated
base artworkartwork requiring additional components such as halftones or line drawings to be added before the reproduction stage.
débitageA term referring to all the pieces of shatter and flakes produced and not used when stone tools are made.
barrowA barrow is the archaeological term for a specific type of burial mound belonging to the Neolithic period structures in Western Europe.
pomanderEarly ancestor of the vinaigrette, a container used for holding an aromatic mixture of flowers/fruit and spices
city-stateAn independent, self-governing city that incorporated its surrounding territory, including smaller towns and villages
perfectA term used to describe the binding process where the signatures of a book are held together by a flexible adhesive.
levelan excavation layer, which may correspond to natural strata
file compressionSee Zipping
insertsExtra printed pages inserted loosely into printed pieces.
specialty printerPrinter whose equipment, supplies, workflow and marketing is targeted to a specific category of products.
ccConfiguration control.
ae indexA geomagnetic index of the auroral electrojet, which characterizes the maximum range of excursion (both positive and negative) from quiet levels; measured at a given universal time by using the combined data from a worldwide ring of high-latitude magnetic observatories
semibold typeType darker than normal but lighter than bold.
opacityPaper characteristic used to describe the ability of paper stocks to prevent two-sided printing from showing through.
feminist archaeologyA branch of archaeology that focuses on collecting evidence of female social roles in past cultures and of women's influence in shaping societies
brcBind-in reply card.
digitizeThis is the process by which analog images or signals are sampled and changed into digital form.
urologythe study and treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract, a branch of medicine
featuresEvidence of human activities visible as disturbances in the soil
advanced ceramic analysisStudies in ceramic analysis, including typology, manufacturing techniques, use-wear, form/function and style.
salmonidAny fish belonging of the family Salmonidae including whitefish, grayling, salmon, and trout.
firewireA high-speed data bus
mini webPress using rolls
solsticeA point on the ecliptic where the Sun reaches its greatest absolute declination
song cycleset of songs by one composer, often using texts by the same poet
grainDirection of fibers in a sheet of paper governing paper properties such as increased size changes with relative humidity, across the grain, and better folding properties along the
comic operaoperas light in mood, modest in performing requirements, written in the vernacular language of the intended audience
anthropologythe study of humanity from a comprehensive, holistic approach; the study of humankind from the earliest times to the present, including the four subfields: physical anthropology, archaeology, socio-cultural anthropology and linguistics.
xerographya photocopying/printing process in which the image is formed using the electrostatic charge principle
tibetologythe study of Tibet
right ascensionThe angular distance measured eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox.  It is expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds (the circumference of the celestial equator is defined as 24 hours).
drillTo drill a whole in a printed matter
smpteSociety of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
footThe bottom of a page or book.
tip in or onTo glue one edge of a sheet to another sheet or signature.
picaStandard measurement of 1/6 of an inch
emulsionA light-sensitive substance made from a silver halide compound used as a coating for film.
landscapehorizontal page orientation where the width is greater than the height.
semitologythe study of Semitic cultures
short-grainPaper in which the fiber orientation (grain) is parallel to the shortest sheet dimension.
burning-inGiving additional exposure time to one selected area, during printing to selectively darken.
urlUniform Resource Locator; the address used to locate a site on the World Wide Web.
choirAlso spelled quire
pork chopA half-column mug shot.
stratigraphyThe study of the layers (strata) of sediments, soils, and material culture at an archaeological site (also used in geology for the study of geological layers)
capitalThe carved part at the top of a column
dummy modelResembling finished piece in every respect except that the pages and cover are blank, used by the designer as a final check on the appearance and +feel+ of the book as a guide for the size and position of elements on the jacket.
collectorsIndividuals who acquire archaeological artifacts for private collections
cantatamultimovement dramatic vocal work on a religious or secular subject, performed in concert style; shorter than an oratorio
cynch markCynching
teaserAn advertisement or promotion designed to excite curiosity about a subsequent advertisement or promotion.
grainDirection of paper sheet fibers that control paper properties.
gangingBundling two or more printing projects on the same sheet of paper.
white lightThe sum of all visible wavelengths of light (400-700 nm) so that all colors are blended to appear white to the eye
wellAds stacked along both edges of the page, forming a deep trough for stories in the middle.
toxicologythe study of poisons
meteorologythe study of weather
debris pluggingReduction in flow capacity of a road stream crossing drainage structure or ditch relief pipe due to blockage by woody materials.
wood free paperMade with a chemical pulp only
furnishThe slurry mixture of fibers, water, chemicals and pigments that is delivered to the fourdrinier machine in the papermaking process
miniaturea representation executed on a much smaller scale than the original object.
client/serverAn arrangement in which two or more computers work together
continuous changeSee continuous improvement.
genlockA system whereby the internal sync generator in a device, such as a camera, locks on to and synchronizes itself with an incoming signal.
hueThe property of light that discriminates one color from another
corner marksmarks printed on a sheet to indicate the trim or register marks.
original artInitial photo or illustration prepared for reproduction.
inorganic artifactsartifacts made of stone, minerals, clay, or metals.
stock orderOrder for paper that a mill or merchant sends to a printer from inventory at a warehouse, as compared to a mill order.
ftp file transfer protocol.File Transfer Protocol is a popular and effective way of sending larger files via the internet
hopper headAn open funnel or hopper shaped head at the top of a rain or waste pipe to collect rainwater and/or waste from one or more pipes.
databaseAn electronic program that is used to efficiently organize, store, retrieve, and modify information, such as a mailing list
cabrioleCurved shape that resembles the leg of an animal, such as a goat ("cabriole" in Spanish)
tintVarious even toned areas of a solid color.
maximum-likelihoodA method that selects the phylogenetic tree that has the highest probability of explaining the sequence data, under a specific model of substitution (changes in the nucleotide or amino-acid sequence).
vibratorapid variation of pitch that lends "warmth" to the tone of a voice or instrument
head(1) Of a signature, the edge of the page closest to the crosshead
computer-based trainingAny instructional course delivered primarily on a computer
resolutionsharpness of an image on film, paper, computer screen, disk, tape or other medium.
economyThe management and organization of the affairs of a group, a community, or an establishment to ensure their survival and productivity.
dipterologythe study of flies
share-of-customerThe level of penetration of a customer's total expenditures in any given product/service category which a marketer has succeeded in achieving.
cwbsContract work breakdown structure.
self coverA cover made out the same paper stock as the interior sheets of a booklet.
perfect bindA method for attaching pages of a printed piece to its cover and spine, usually by a gluing process.
stafffive lines and four spaces on which music is notated
botanicalAnalysis of plant remains.
flying pasterAn automatic pasting device that splices a new roll of paper onto an expiring roll without stopping the web press.
character piece: etudesstudies or "exercises" based on specific pianistic techniques
backboneThe portion of a binding that connects the front of a book with the back of a book; also called "back."
lines per inchThe number of lines or rows of dots there are per inch in a screen and therefore in a screen tint, halftone, or separation.
diffusionThe transmission of ideas or materials from culture to culture, or from one area to another
guillocheAn ornament formed by two or more intertwining bands or interlacing figure eights frequently enclosing rosettes or other details.
midtonesIn a photograph or illustration, tones created by dots between 30 percent and 70 percent of coverage, as compared to highlights and shadows.
negativeCharacteristic of an image on film or paper in which blacks in the original subject are white or clear and whites in the original are black or opaque
stockA term for unprinted paper or other printing material.
foldBending and creasing a sheet of paper as required to form a printed product.
front-curtain syncThe default kind of electronic flash synchronization technique, originally associated with focal plane shutters, which consists of a traveling set of curtains, including a front curtain (opens to reveal the film or sensor) and a rear curtain (follows at a distance determined by shutter speed to conceal the film or sensor at the conclusion of the exposure)
restorationA proper renewal of a piece by a candid replacement of hopelessly damaged or mssing parts.
cost contractA cost-reimbursement contract in which the contractor receives no fee or profit.
r-numberRadar returns from electron density irregularities in auroral regions
white spacean area of a printed piece that does not contain images or type
mil 1/1000 inchThe thickness of plastic films, “mils”
duotoneColor reproduction from monochrome original
carolingianThe dawning of the Carolingian era rises with Charles Martel, ruler of the Franks, who defeated the Moors at Poitiers in 732 and consolidated the Frankish kingdoms
jogTo vibrate a stack of finished pages so that they are tightly aligned for final trimming or binding.
digital cameraA photographic system that transforms visual information into pixels that are assigned binary codes so that they can be manipulated, compressed and stored or transmitted as electronic files.
massRoman Catholic worship service
cardiologythe study of the heart
imprintTo print new copy on a previously printed sheet, such as imprinting an employee's name on business cards
target marketThe “ideal” audience for a marketing effort
wire stitchingBindery process of fastening sheets, signatures, or sections together with wire staples
formatThe way data is organized.
gatefoldAn oversize page where both sides fold into the gutter in overlapping layers
letterboxBlack bands at the top and bottom of a TV screen to change the aspect ratio of the picture area
latitude1)The range of exposure a film stock can tolerate and still give substantially correct reproduction
cutoff ruleA horizontal line running under a story, photo or cutline to separate it from another element below.
preview(F) To screen a completed product to a select audience, usually for approval
frock coatA long-sleeved, knee-length garment with tails, collars, reverse-buttoning, and back vents
critical thinkingLogical thinking that draws conclusions from facts and evidence.
coatedpaperPaper with a coating of clay and other substances that improves reflectivity and ink holdout.
maunder minimumAn approximately 70-year period, centered near 1670, during which practically no sunspots were observed.
uncoated paperPaper that is not clay coated.
die cuttingCutting irregular shapes in paper.
intervaldistance between two pitches
penologythe study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation|.
spot colorA second color added to parts of a page or flat to highlight and emphasize certain copy
hewnWood shaped by heavy cutting or chopping blows struck by hand tools such as axes or adzes.
leading· The space between lines of type.
legacy materialsArt, film or files from previous print jobs for incorporating into a new job.
mark-upInstructions written to indicate changes, directions or special information.
chenetsOrnamental pieces placed in front of a fire place
logoAbbreviation for logotype, an artistic assembly of type and art into a distinctive symbol unique to an organization, business or product
coalescenceThe joining of genetic lineages to common ancestors when they are traced backwards in time.
almoravid dynastyThe Almoravid Dynasty was a Berber empire located in North Africa during the 11th and 12th centuries AD.
emetologythe study or knowledge of emetics
paleoecologythe study of prehistoric environments by analyzing fossils and rock| strata|
recycled paperNew paper made entirely or in part from old paper.
lithocoated paperA paper that is coated with a special water-resistant material which is able to withstand the lithographic process.
critical riskRisk that can jeopardize achievement of a project’s cost, time, or performance objectives.
award expirationThe automatic voiding of issued but unredeemed points, often used to create ‘breakage'.
long grainAlternate term for Grain long (paper).
quickframeSingle channel uncompressed SDTV Digital Disk Recorder from da Vinci, compatible with 525 and 625 video
foilA Gothic term denoting the intersection point of the junction of circular areas, as in trefoil.
super calendaringA procedure used in the papermaking process in which the finished surface of paper is made extremely smooth for superior printing quality.
palplusA wide screen (16x9) television standard that is broadcast in Europe
gcrAbbreviation for gray compenent replacement.
post-consumer wastePaper that has been printed and returned to a paper mill instead of going into a landfill.
sfeSolar flare effect
draw downSample of specified ink and paper, used to evaluate color.
coronal streamerA large-scale structure in the white-light corona often overlying a principal inversion line in solar photospheric magnetic fields.
scalingThe overall spacing between characters in a block of type.
stratigraphic sectionThe excavation of trenches and squares across man-made layers to expose a cross section of the deposits and reveal the sequence and methods of construction.
sampling frequencyThe number of sample measurements taken from an analog signal in a given period of time
country-westernAmerican vernacular music rooted in the South glorifying the guitar and featuring frank lyrics delivered in an earthy style in southern or country dialect
tk“Tele-Kinematograph” or “Television Kinescope”, now known as a telecine
column logoA graphic device that labels regularly appearing material by packaging the writer's name, the column's name and a small mug or drawing of the writer.
colophonPublication information, which usually appears at the back of a document
four-upPrinting the same image four times on the same sheet.
second-class mailU.S
jewellingOrnamental carving in the shape of jewels
mpeg-2“Moving Picture Experts Group”
deathwatch beetle(Xestobium rufovillosum)
flyera term that outlines a promotional printed material which is neither folded nor stapled
recycled paperNew paper made entirely or in part from old paper
tri-foldBoth sides of a piece are folded inward, usually one-third the length of the piece.
unipolar magnetic regionA large-scale photospheric region where the magnetic elements are predominantly of one polarity (for example, the solar polar regions)
topologythe mathematical study of closeness and connectedness
canopyA covering, attached to tops of bed posts, consisting of wood frame covered with fabric.
engraverPerson who makes a plate for engraving
ghostingTransparent duplicate image resulting from signal reflections
pulpitThe speaker stand in the front of a church used by clergy for sermons and Gospel readings
cosmic rayAn extremely energetic and relativistic charged particle.  Galactic Cosmic Rays originate from outside the solar system and the Sun can produce "cosmic rays" during energetic proton events.
mural artOne of the two major categories of Paleolithic art, along with portable art
felinologythe study of cats
leachingA natural process by which chemicals and minerals are transported downwards through a soil profile.
negativeA representation of an image in which the tones are reversed, blacks as white, and vice versa.
rag paperStationery or other forms of stock having a strong percentage content of "cotton rags."
bindingVarious methods of securing folded sections together and or fastening them to a cover, to form single copies of a book.
gummingThe application of gum arabic to the non printing areas of a plate.
ambulatoryA covered passage behind the altar, linking it with chapels at the east end of the church.
auto dynamic scene rippleAn option on all da Vinci systems that allows changes made to the scene before a dissolve to be automatically rippled to the next scene (the dissolve).
component videoA video signal where different elements (either luminance and color difference, or Red Green and Blue) are kept as separate signals
symphonic jazzconcert music with the sounds of jazz but no improvisation
copyrightThe right of copyright gives protection to the originator of material to prevent use without express permission or acknowledgement of the originator.
fleur-de-lis(a) a white iris, the royal emblem of France; (b) a stylized representation of an iris, common in artistic design and heraldry.
shikhara(literally "mountain peak"), a northernstyle Hindu temple tower surmounting a garbha griha, typically curved inward toward the top, with vertical lobes and horizontal segments (bhūmi), and crowned by āmalaka.
bibliographyList of publications providing reference material on a particular subject, usually included in the end-matter of a book.
justified typeType set flush right and left.
loop stitchTo saddle stitch with staples that are also loops which slip over rings of binders.
remote sensingNon-intrusive survey methods used to find archaeological sites; these may include aerial reconnaissance and geophysical techniques such as magnetometry, radar, resistivity, and conductivity
stochastic screenHalftone with dots that vary in placement, not size
leafOne of a number of folds (each containing two pages) which compose a book or manuscript.
perforatingThe process of creating a line of small holes for the purpose of tearing off a part of the page.
cultural traditiona distinctive toolkit or technology that lasts a long time, at one or several localities.
orchestrain an ancient Greek theater, a circular space used by the chorus.
corporate charterA document, filed with a U.S
universal copyright conventionA system to protect unique work from reproducing without knowledge from the originator
impressionalismstyle of painting and music that avoids explicit statement instead emphasizing suggestion and atmosphere
dowery chestMade to store the trousseau of a prospective bride
strippingThe positioning of film on a flat prior to platemaking
estimated hemispherical power inputFor the Earth, an estimate made from NOAA particle measurements of the instantaneous power dissipated daily in a single auroral zone by auroral particle precipitation
closed-loop analysisA continuous improvement process in which data analysis, campaign planning and customer interaction are combined in a virtuous “closed loop” where execution of the campaign through customer interaction produces metrics that can be further analyzed for better campaign planning.
flats or fltsClassication of mail, larger than letter-sized, indicative of postal rate.
center spreadThe two pages that face each other in the center of a book or publication.
resolutionThe quality of digital detail in an image, depending upon its number of dots per inch (dpi).
cairnA cairn is, in essence, an intentionally-laid pile of rocks.
ex librisA Latin term meaning "from the library." In the trade, it often refers to a book that was once owned by someone whose ownership adds value, often someone famous
flintHard, fine-grained sedimentary rock used by early humans to manufacture stone tools, such as spear and dart points, knives, and other utilitarian tools
phototypeType created by projecting light onto photosensitive paper.
grave goodsThe items that are placed in graves to accompany the deceased.
serpentologythe study of snakes
dataText, audio, video, and images stored in a form that can be understood by a computer.
neighbour-joiningA distance-based molecular phylogenetic method that involves the sequential addition of taxa and the minimization of branch lengths, but does not assume a molecular clock.
chronologyan arrangement of events in the order in which they occurred.
blade coatingMethod of coating paper that ensures a relatively thick covering and level surface, as compared to film coating
spandrelthe triangular area between (a) the side of an arch and the right angle that encloses it or (b) two adjacent arches.
affinity marketingCampaigning to a customer/consumer group with similar interests.
solar maximumThe month(s) during a sunspot cycle when the smoothed sunspot number reaches a maximum.
hyperlinkAn image, word or phrase (usually in color and underlined) that connects you to another Web page.
aerologythe study of the atmosphere
walk sequenceThe path the postal carrier walks, assigned by the postal service
grainDirection of fibers in a sheet of paper governing paper properties such as increased size changes with relative humidity, across the grain, and better folding properties along the grain.
microbiologythe study of microorganisms.
confidence intervalA measure of the reliability of survey results; for example, the plus-or-minus figures reported in opinion poll results.
uprightA term given to books bound on the longer dimension.
screen rulingNumber of rows or lines of dots per inch or centimeter in a screen for making a screen tint or halftone
jetA compact, black coal that can be highly polished; used to make beads, jewelry, and other decorative objects.
collections managementCollections management attempts to identify the best method of keeping archaeological material preserved and accessible to archaeologists for further study, and/or the general public for educational purposes.
exobiologythe study of life in outer space
postscriptA tradename of Adobe Systems, Inc
ecofactAny of the remains of plants, animals, sediments, or other unmodified materials that result from human activity.
hopewell interaction sphereA complex trade network involving goods and information that connected distinct local populations in the midwestern United States from approximately 100 b.c
perf marksOn a "dummy" marking where the perforation is to occur.
lineara style in which lines are used to depict figures with precise, fully indicated outlines.
reformationThe religious movement that attempted to reform the Catholic Church in the mid-sixteenth century.
bceBCE stands for "Before the Common Era" and it is basically equivalent to "BC", except that it doesn't have the Christian religious connotations of BC.
baselineAn imaginary line that type rests on.
zippingCompress and group one or more files into one single file or folder
colorist toolboxda Vinci 2K Plus option that adds 4 channels of matte defocus, 2 channels of color enhancement, textures and effects filters such as emboss and blur
chaco cultureChaco culture was one of three three great ancestral pueblo cultures and regional powers of the American southwest in the late prehistoric times
demonologythe study of demons
half-lifeA measure of the rate of decay in radioactive materials; half the radioactive material will disappear within the period of one half-life.
copy editorPerson who checks and corrects a manuscript for spelling, grammar, punctuation, inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and conformity to style requirements
orphanIn type, a single line of type sitting alone at the bottom of a page; usually the first line of a new paragraph that continues in the next column or page
solar windThe outward flow of solar particles and magnetic fields from the Sun
abortA computing command that instructs the system to abandon a program or ignore all data transferred after a given point.
gradual commencementThe commencement of a geomagnetic storm that has no well-defined onset.
pipestoneAny of a variety of heat-hardened, compacted clays that can be carved and polished.
refresh rateThe time it takes the camera to capture the image after you press the shutter release.
baseline shiftA software command that allows you to raise or lower the baseline of designated text characters.
greekinga software device where areas of grey are used to simulate lines of text
reflective copyCopy that is not transparent.
functionalisma philosophy of design (in architecture, for example) holding that form should be consistent with material, structure, and use.
sabattier effectSee Solarization
colorSoftware color correction system, designed by Silicon Color and now owned by Apple and included as part of Final Cut Studio.
small-format cameraCamera making negatives 35mm or smaller.
inter-negativeColor Negative made from an Inter-positive, from which the Release Prints are made
fully saturatedPhotographer term for rich color.
dummyAn example of what the final product may look like
jasperA high-quality flint, often highly colored; often used as a raw material for the manufacture of stone tools, beads, and other ornaments.
catComputer-assisted translation.
flatThe assembled composite of negatives or positives ready for platemaking
isdnIntegrated Services Digital Network is a set of digital telecommunications standards that transmit voice, video, and data over standard phone lines
rss feedReally Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary as it is also known is an XML format for syndicating Web content
quatrefoilA pattern used in masonry and wood, similar to the shape of a four-leafed clover, comprising of four curves joined together
gallerythe second story of a church, placed over the side aisles and below the clerestory.
eventA continuous sequence of frames with a programmed grading that makes up a part of a grading list, or Event List
neoplatonismsought to reconcile humanism w/ christianity; plato w/ church; art rationalizes secular work
apiologythe study of bees (apiaries)
career planningSee career management.
folk musicusually music of unknown origin, transmitted orally and enjoyed by the general population
cinemascopeTrade name of a system of anamorphic widescreen presentation
mitochondrial dnaGenetic material in the mitochondria of human cells that mutates at a relatively constant rate
context analysisAn analysis of the environment in which an organization operates
suitecollection of stylized dance pieces for keyboard; or an orchestral piece sonsisting of selections from a dramatic work or dance
configuration management planA project document that describes the configuration management methodology, tools, techniques, roles and responsibilities, and tasks that will be used to implement configuration management (CM) for the project
traditionpersistent technological or cultural patterns identified by characteristic or diagnostic artifact forms.
modemDevice for transmitting digital data over analog telephone lines.
framesA frame is when a browser window is divided into multiple parts called frames
rubylithUlano trade name for red masking film.
embrasuresOpenings for cannons at the top of a castle wall
close upA mark used to indicate closing space between characters or words
gamelanIndonesian percussion ensemble
paper plateA printing plate made of strong and durable paper in the short run offset arena (cost effective with short runs).
hairline rulethe thinnest rule that can be printed.
cognitive archaeologyCognitive archaeology is a theoretical underpinning of archaeological research that is interested in the material expression of human cognitive concepts.
affinity cardA co-branded credit card linked to a special consumer interest e.g
osteologythe study of bones
riban arched diagonal element in a vault system that defines and supports a ribbed vault.
animal sizedA technique of paper making which hardens the surface by passing the paper through a bath of animal glue or gelatin.
kerningthe adjustment of spacing between certain letter pairs, A and V for example, to obtain a more pleasing appearance
access timeThe interval between the instant at which a call for data is initiated and delivery of the data is completed.
hickiesImperfections in presswork due to dirt on press, trapping errors, etc.
cryptA vaulted chamber made to house graves and relics, generally located beneath the chancel
raidRedundant Array of Independent Disks
bifacialA flaked stone tool on which both faces or sides are retouched to make a thinner tool.
skylightA window set into a roof slope.
gray levelsNumber of distinct gray tones that can be reproduced by a computer.
formThe assembly of pages for printing, sometimes refers to one side of a signature
book paperTypes of paper usually used for printing books
make-upthe assembling of all elements, to form the printed image.
chantuto phaseThe Chantuto phase is the name given to Archaic period occupation of the coastal tidewaters along the southwest Mexico, dated roughly between 4000-1500 BC.
spreadTwo opposing pages designed as one visual
enrollment / re-enrollmentBecoming an “active” member in a loyalty program
blisteringAlthough seemingly dry, paper does contain approximately 5% moisture
cls and c2sAbbreviations for coated one side and coated two sides.
quincunxan arrangement of five objects, usually trees, with one at each corner of a rectangle and one at the center; this basic structural unit is often multiplied to create a larger pattern, and plantations of trees in this pattern may be identified by the same term.
underwater parksThose are sites that are made into underwater museums with on-site signs for visiting underwater tourists
self-mailerPrinted piece designed to be mailed without an envelope.
continuous toneImage made of non-discernable picture elements which give appearance of continuous spectrum of grey values or tones.
sdkSoftware Development Kit
conciliationSteps a third party takes to reduce adversity and tension between conflict groups, to create an environment where face-to-face negotiation is possible.
back liningThe fixing of a material, either paper or cloth, to the back of a book before it is bound.
dmaxThe point of maximum density in an image or original.
anti-offset powderFine powder lightly sprayed over the printed surface of coated paper as sheets leave a press
campaignA term given to a coordinated series of activities in advertising, promotions or sales.
partitionOn a hard drive, logical segments that present a large disk to the OS as separate physical drives
hutchEnclose structure, often raised on uprights, or an enclosed structure of more than one tier.
infeed(1) The section of a sheetfed press where the sheet is transferred from the registering devices of the feedboard to the first impression cylinder
sequencemelodic phrase repeated at different levels of pitch
keykodeA barcode on the edge of motion picture film which allows the film edge numbers to be electronically read and inserted into an edit list
base memoryUser programmable base settings for different film and video formats
geobiologythe study of the biosphere and its relations to the lithosphere and atmosphere.
exposedA light-sensitive material that has received exposure to an image
abhayasee mudrā.
ledger paperA stiff heavy business paper generally used for keeping records.
reflective copyProducts, such as fabrics, illustrations and photographic prints, viewed by light reflected from them, as compared to transparent copy
cpcCost per clickthrough.
chernyakhovChernyakhov is the name given to a Slavic village and cemetery in the Lower Danube region of Ukraine, dated to the 4th century AD.
misregisterA condition occurring when the form being printed is misaligned either to another color on the same flat or to the cut-off.
jacketOr dust jacket
interface(1)The electronic device that enables one kind of equipment to communicate with or control another
painterlyAn adjective used to describe a style of painting which is based not on linear or outline drawing, but rather patches or areas of color
block inTo sketch the primary areas and points of reference of an illustration in preparation for going to final design or production.
embossedA method of paper finishing whereby a pattern is raised above the paper when it is dry.
corrosionExcept for gold, metals corrode in sea water
dry mountThe process of adhering paper to sturdy materials (foamcore, gatorboard, sintra) using heat sensitive adhesives.
tesseraa small piece of colored glass, marble, or stone used in a mosaic.
consonancepassive sound that seems to be at rest
cultural sensitivityCreativity, empathy, and flexibility informed by cultural knowledge.
cover paperCategory of thick paper used for products such as posters, menus, folders and covers of paperback books.
postpressThe final stages in the printing process in which printed sheets are transformed into saleable products, including binding, finishing and delivery.
cotton content paperPaper made from cotton fibers rather than wood pulp.
reprographicsGeneral term for xerography, diazo and other methods of copying used by designers, engineers, architects or for general office use.
dst indexA measure of variation in the geomagnetic field due to the equatorial ring current
magnetiteA black iron oxide that can be polished to a lustrous surface.
personalizationThe use of names, addresses, and other personal information on direct mail piece specific to the recipient.
c1s or c2sPaper which is coated on one side (C1S) or coated on both sides (C2S).
chipboardSolid (not corrugated) cardboard.
photosphereThe lowest visible layer of the solar atmosphere; corresponds to the solar surface viewed in white light
web pressThe name of a type of presses that print from rolls of paper.
optical centrea point above the true centre of the page which will not appear 'low' as the geometric centre does.
third streamcombination of jazz and concert music
d16Quantel® format for storing high resolution “Domino” images, on a standard D1 cassette tape
byteUnit of computer memory consisting of eight bits.
resolutionthe measurement used in typesetting to express quality of output
balkA side wall of an excavated unit (square) or a partition of earth left standing between adjoining excavation units
diffusingSoftening detail in an image.
vertical intervalIndicates the vertical blanking period between each video field
graphic arts filmFilm whose emulsion responds to light on an all-or-nothing principle to yield high contrast images.
single autofocusThe camera lens focused only when the shutter release button is partially depressed, just prior to taking the picture
petroglyphsCarvings in rock which express artistic or religious meaning.
vignetteFade to white or small decorative design or illustration
emA unit of measurement equaling 12 points or 4.5mm.
breviaryBook containing the Divine Office of the Roman Catholic Church.
ntnanotesla = 10-9 Tesla
vocAbbreviation for volatile organic compounds, petroleum substances used as the vehicles for many printing inks.
crashCoarse cloth embedded in the glue along the spine of a book to increase strength of binding.
diagnostic artifactan item that is indicative of a particular time period and/or cultural group.
current assetsCash and other assets that are expected to be (or could be) converted into cash or used up in the near future, usually within a year; for example, accounts receivable and finished goods inventory
nestTo place a piece inside a part or all of another piece such as a card with directions inside an invitation.
primatologythe study of primates
retouchTo edit an image, most often to remove flaws or to create a new effect.
milankovitch forcingA term describing the phenomenon considered to be the prime reason for glacial fluctuations and climatic change
net-sinkerA small weight attached to fishing nets.
fan foldPaper folding that emulates an accordion or fan, the folds being alternating and parallel.
typologyclassification of types; the process of setting up and selecting categories to organize and analyze data.
chromatic aberrationAn image defect, often seen as green or purple fringing around the edges of an object, caused by a lens failing to focus all colors of a light source at the same point.
transverseComponent of magnetic field vector perpendicular to the direction of view and parallel to the solar surface at disk center.
cottage furnitureA term used in the Victorian period for mass produced simlified forms, frequently painted with decorative designs; often ornamented with spool turnings.
word breakthe division of a word at the end of a line.
legA column of text.
burzahomThe site of Burzahom is a Neolithic settlement and cemetery in the Kashmir state of India, occupied between about 3000-1500 BC.
foldera term that outlines a folded printed material on heavy paper which has pre-printed flaps that folded form a pocket to hold various documents
impressionReference to the paper passing through one color printing unit
vcr“Video Cassette Recorder”
ideogramA pictorial symbol used to express a concept or idea
foilsPapers with a surface resembling metal.
outputProcessed optical or electronic data transferred to another device such as a secondary storage unit, a laser printer, an electronic manipulation station, or an analog or digital proofing device.
back upIn printing, to print the second side of a sheet already printed on one side
run-aroundA term given to copy that accommodates the lines of a picture or other image or copy.
mandapaa northern-style Hindu temple's assembly hall.
deduplicatingDeduplicating (or Deduping) is a preocess which identifies duplicate records by name and/or address in a mailing list and removes them if desired
transparencyPositive photographic image, usually in color, on film allowing light to pass through.
rgbRepresents the colored lights - Red, Green and Blue - used to create color on your computer monitor or television screen
cutterMachine for accurately cutting stacks of paper to desired dimensions; can also be used to crease
oblongA booklet or catalog bound along the shorter dimension.
conflictAn interaction between people with differing, seemingly incompatible interests.
relief printingPrinting method whose image carriers are surfaces with two levels having inked areas higher than non-inked areas
ostinatopersistently repeated melodic or rhythmic pattern
galley slaveOld term for compositor.
segment mobilityThe ability to move customers within one performance category into another, more profitable category.
kinesiologythe study of movement in relation to human anatomy; a branch of medicine
kerningNarrowing of space between two letters in order to create more space on the page.
anasaziOne of three major cultural traditions of the American Southwest during late prehistoric times
monasterya religious establishment housing a community of people living in accordance with religious vows.
diplomaA fine type of paper made specifically for the printing of diplomas, certificates and documents.
substormA geomagnetic perturbation lasting 1 to 2 hours, which tends to occur during local post-midnight nighttime
central hallA frame house consisting of two rooms and an enclosed central hall
coursewareEducational software that delivers course material on a computer.
banker's flap envelopeA flap where the edges are more rounded; also called a wallet flap.
loupeLens built into a small stand
cultural adaptationThe process of adjusting a translation based on the cultural environment of the target language.
elements of musicbasic materials of which music is composed: rhythm, melody, harmony, and timbre
beguinageA community of lay women living a life of poverty and chastity without living under a monastic rule or taking irrevocable vows.
aestheticthe theory and vocabulary of an individual artistic style.
passionoratorio based on the events leading to the crucifixion of Christ
spineBack edge of a book.
samplea recorded sound stored digitally and thus subject to manipulations indeterminate, aleatoric, random, or chance music
pageOne side of a leaf in a newsletter
list managementVersatile control of a system by means of a list or lists of events each of which triggers changes.
flashA technology owned by Adobe and used to create very compressed slide shows and movies for Web display.
paleoethnobotanyThe study of plant remains from archaeological sites.
karyologythe study of karyotypes (a branch of cytology)
cut sizesPaper sizes used with office machines and small presses.
cosmetologythe study of cosmetics and their use
balustradeA series of short vertical posts, often ornamental, used to support a rail at a stairway, porch or roof.
wipe on plateA plate on which is wiped a light sensitive coating by a coating device; usually the first step in this type of platemaking.
spectral power distributionThe relationship of energy to frequency across the visible spectrum for a light source
liturgyThe prescribed worship rituals of the church, including the mass and divine office.
vestryRoom in a church where the clergy and choir dress and the vestments are kept.
vialtaTelecine made by Sony
desktop publishingThe creation of fully composed pages with all text and graphics in place on a system that includes a personal computer with a color monitor; word processing, page layout, illustration and other off-the-shelf software; digitized type fonts; a laser printer; and other peripherals, such as an optical image scanner
hueThe color of light that is reflected from an opaque object or transmitted through a transparent one.
rectilinearconsisting of, bounded by, or moving in, a straight line or lines.
cosmologyThe worldview of a group or society, encompassing their understanding of the universe, their origins and existence, and nature.
glaciationThe expansion of continental glacial ice during a period of cold climate.
sexologythe study of sex
nomadsPastoralists; groups that move across a territory seasonally in search of food, water, and grazing grounds for livestock
convectionThe bulk transport of plasma (or gas) from one place to another, in response to mechanical forces (for example, viscous interaction with the solar wind) or electromagnetic forces.
rectoThe odd numbered pages (right hand side) of books.
slip sheetsSeparate sheets (stock) independent from the original run positioned between the "printed run" for a variety of reasons.
opaque(1) Not transparent
reprographicsGeneral term for xerography, diazo, and other methods of copying used by designers, engineers, architects, or for general office use.
underscanReducing height and width of the active picture on a video monitor so that the edges, and thus portions of the blanking, can be observed.
pasteupThe process of pasting up
plasticizerAn ink additive that adds flexibility, softness and adhesion.
chronological analysisArchaeologists use the term 'chronological analysis' to refer to the analysis of an object, set of objects, archaeological site or set of sites in terms of its temporal characteristics
makereadyAll activities required to set up a press before production begins
iron ageThe third major stage of the “Three Age System” after the
flat color(1) Any color created by printing only one ink, as compared to a color created by printing four-color process
lecternThe speaker stand in the front of a church used for things like lay Bible readings and announcements
pendentiveA concave triangle supporting a corner of a circular dome built over a square space.
kufican early form of Arabic script in which letters are relatively uncursive; used later for headings and formal inscriptions.
middle agesHistorical period between 500 and 1450 A.D.; fills the gap between Greco-Roman events and modern European history
stateA form of government with an internally specialized and hierarchically organized decision-making apparatus
temporal contextthe age/date of an object and its temporal relation to other items in the archaeological record.
gamutEvery color combination that is possible to produce with a given set of colorants on a given device or system.
key linesLines on mechanical art that show position of photographs or illustrations.
registerTo position printing in proper relation to edges of paper and other printing on the same sheet
chassey le campChassey le Camp is the Chasséen (middle Neolithic) type site located on the Saone river, a small farming village of between 100 and 400 people, occupied beginning about 1500 BC.
manuscriptthe original written or typewritten work of an author submitted for publication.
solifluctionA phenomenon in which freezing and thawing of the ground results in slippage of the surface.
technologythe study of the practical arts (but see above)
densityThe lay of paper fibers relative to tightness or looseness which affects the bulk, the absorbency and the finish of the paper.
matrixThe physical material (often dirt) in which archaeological objects are located
resolution independentA term to describe equipment that can work in more than one resolution
lambrequinA short piece of hanging drapery, often imitated in metal or wood for decorative purposes.
sterile layera deposit lacking evidence of human activity.
s3dStereoscopic 3D
balneologythe scientific study of baths, bathing and of their application to disease
christ pantocratorChrist depicted as "Ruler of the Universe," a common image on Orthodox icons.
assemblageThe set of artifacts and other remains found on an archaeological site or within a specific level of a site.
helioseismologyThe study of wave oscillations in the Sun using acoustic, gravity, and surface gravity waves.
modesseven-note scales within the range of an octave
north/south labelsMailing labels that read from top to bottom and can be affixed with Cheshire equipment.
in-plant printerDepartment of an agency, business or association that does printing for a parent organization
bow-drillA device for perforating beads or other small objects, in which a bow is used to rotate the shaft of the bit.
cmosComplementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
course designThe process of developing learning objectives, choosing media applications, planning evaluation methods, and preparing instructional strategies.
bentonitesA clay formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash, having the ability to absorb large quantities of water and to expand to several times its normal volume.
publisher1) Person or organization that coordinates creation, design, production and distribution of newsletters
post-and-lintel constructionan architectural system in which upright members, or posts, support horizontal members, or lintels.
fountainTrough or container, on a printing press, that holds fluids such as ink, varnish or water
estimatePrice that states what a job will probably cost
base artCopy pasted up on the mounting board of a mechanical, as compared to overlay art
white balanceCompensation for tints caused by ambient light
list brokerA list specialist hired by a mailer to make the necessary arrangements to use other companies' lists
biometeorologythe study of the effects of atmospheric conditions on living organisms
cultureTo anthropologists (and many archaeologists), culture refers to the way of life of a group of people.
hieroglyphOriginally, the pictographic script of ancient Egypt; any depictive, art-related system of writing, such as that of Mesoamerica; also may refer to an individual symbol.
end papersthe four page leaves at the front and end of a book which are pasted to the insides of the front and back covers (boards).
insetArt or text set inside other art or text.
measureunit containing a number of beats
register marksCrosses or other targets applied to original copy prior to photography
redistributionThe accumulation and dispersal of goods through a centralized agency, individual, or institution.
arcadeAn arcade is the word used to describe a line of arches in a garden setting
keylinesLines on a mechanical or negative showing the exact size, shape and location of photographs or other graphic elements
bindingVarious methods used to secure or fasten folded sections together and/or to a cover in order to form single copies of a book.
epr“Electronic Pin Register”
preprintTo print portions of sheets that will be used for later imprinting.
longitudinal componentThat component of the solar magnetic field vector parallel to the direction of view, radial from the solar surface at disk center.
writing paperAnother name for bond paper.
celestial equatorThe projection of Earth’s geographic equator onto the celestial sphere.
harmonyunity of all visual elements of composition; repetition of same characteristics
afar triangleThe Afar Triangle is the name given to the region of Ethiopia, Africa, known for the identification of very old hominid remains, especially the Australopithecus afarensis.
middle latitudeWith reference to zones of geomagnetic activity, 20 degrees to 50 degrees geomagnetic latitude.  Other zones are equatorial, polar, and high latitude.
trimExtra frames that are not used in the edit
litanyA form of prayer consisting of a series of petitions sung by a deacon, a priest or cantors, to which the people made fixed responses.
corlea trackwayCorlea Trackway is an Iron Age roadway that measures one kilometer long and four meters (12 feet) wide, and was built of massive oaken planks
featureAn immovable structure or layer, pit, or post in the ground having archaeological significance.
cuneiformOne of the earliest forms of writing, cuneiform was (probably) invented in Uruk, Mesopotamia around 3000 BC.
vanishing pointsPoints in a perspective drawing that serve as connection points for all lines of sight
resolveSoftware color correction system, designed by da Vinci and now owned by Black Magic Design.
bioecologythe study of the relationship of organisms to each other and to their environment|
infographicNewsroom slang for "informational graphic"; any map, chart or diagram used to analyze an event, object or place.
nematologythe study of nematodes
letter paperIn North America, 8 1/2" x 11" sheets
composite proofProof of color separations in position with graphics and type
uncoated paperPaper that has not been coated with clay
advanced archaeological field techniquesAs a continuation of Archaeology 306, students are offered training in the more advanced aspects of fieldwork.
ceque systemThe word 'ceque' means 'line' in the Inca language Quechua but in reality it meant many things to the Inca, some of which we probably will never understand.
beninThe modern city of Benin is named after the kingdom in what is now Benin.
running head or footTitle or other information at the top or bottom of every page of a publication.
cycladic cultureThe Cycladic Culture is the term used to refer to the ancestral Greek culture of the Cycladic islands of the southern Aegean Sea
lexicologythe study of the signification and application of words
data compressionTechnique of reducing the amount of storage required to hold a digital file to reduce the disk space the file requires and allow it to be processed or transmitted more quickly.
split runDifferent images, such as advertisements, printed or bound in different editions of a publication
wormWrite once/read many
white-light flareA major flare in which small parts become visible in white light
firewireA fast serial interface used by scanners, digital cameras, printers, and other devices
flood frequency analysisA procedure for identifying the magnitude of flow, i.e., the N year precipitation event, that will be equaled on an average of every N years
quarrya type of site where mineral resources are procured or mined.
joggerVibrating, sloping platform that evens up the edges of stacks of paper.
financial modelA financial model is essentially the pro forma for the program
quarkShort for QuarkXPress, one of the primary computer applications used in graphic design.
linear aAn undeciphered writing system used in Minoan Crete from the 18th to the 15th century B.C.E
shrink wrapMethod of wrapping packages or products in clear plastic film then using heat to tighten the film around the item,
entityA spirit or non-material entity
baritonemedium-range male voice
bromideA photographic print created on bromide paper.
medium frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 0.3 to 3 MHz.
e-mode edlAn E mode edit decision list is similar to a C mode list, but all transitions other then cuts are placed at the end of the list.
separationAlternate term for Color separation.
ring currentIn the magnetosphere, a region of current that flows from east to west in a disk-shaped region near the geomagnetic equator in the outer of the Van Allen radiation belts
wire-o bindingContinuous double series of wire loops run through punched slots along the binding edge of a book.
cliff dwellingsThe term "Cliff dwellings" generally refers to Anasazi culture sites such as Mesa Verde, Colorado in the United States that have residences built right into the sheer cliffs of mountains.
twelve-tone techniquearrangement of the twelve chromatic pitches into a row that provides the melodic and harmonic basis for a music composition
vsr plusVisual Scene Representation
box gullyBox Gully is the name of a very old archaeological site located on Lake Tyrell, southern Victoria, Australia.
pietàan image of the Virgin Mary holding and mourning over the dead Christ.
composite proofsSingle test sheet showing position and color of all elements as stripped up.
ledgedA method of door construction whereby the vertical boards are fixed together with horizontal members (ledges)
finished sizeSize of product after production is completed, as compared to flat size
ground stoneStone tools slowly shaped by repeated pounding with a hammer
defaultA method or value that software will use in processing information unless the computer operator specifies otherwise
pull downThe telecine transfer relationship of film frames to video fields
reward sourcingThe activities associated with developing reliable sources of supply or vendors to provide the rewards in a customer loyalty, retention or incentive program.
fillerA small story or graphic element used to fill space on a page.
hengeA monument defined by the presence of an enclosure, usually made by a circular ditch and bank system, up to 500 m in diameter
locusA specific point in space; a discrete excavated unit or archaeological context (plural = loci)
binderA length of wood used to provide cross bracing to a set of roof trusses
half-lifeThe amount of time necessary for one-half of a given mass of a radioactive isotope to decay into another element.
alleyThe blank space between columns of type, sometimes also called a gutter or column margin.
blanchedbecome white or pale
absorbencyThe ability of a material to take up moisture.
beth alpha synagogueThe site of Beth Alpha in Israel is believed to be a Jewish synagogue dated to the Byzantine period.
high-resolution printerAn output device capable of resolution from 1,200 to 5,000 dots per inch.
benefitsOngoing privileges of being a member of a program
scapulimancyThe ancient practice of seeking knowledge by reading cracks on bones
xdcam hdSony disk recorder with HDSdi, SDSdi and iLink connections
strippingThe positioning of film on a flat prior to platemaking.
piera vertical support used to bear loads in an arched or vaulted structure.
adapterUsed to insert a smaller storage device into a larger slot in a computer or other device.
collateTo organize printed matter in a specific order as requested.
parterrea flower garden with beds and paths designed to form a pattern, the outdoor and botanical equivalent to an indoor Persian carpet; literally "on the ground" in French.
register marksAny crossmarks or other symbols used on a press sheet to assure proper registration.
animationThe process of creating moving images from a series of still frames.
channel profitablityAnalyzes channel performance and profitability by product revenue and total sales.
ink mistThreads or filaments protruding from the main printed letter body as seen in newsprint.
impluviuma basin or cistern in the atrium of a Roman house to collect rainwater falling through the compluvium.
shovelwareA condescending term for dumping information onto your Web site without changing its format or enhancing its content.
natural colorVery light brown color of paper
veloxBrand name for high-contrast photographic paper.
defaceTo cause damage to the appearance of an object.
antiquarianA handmade paper (53 x 31 inches), largest known handmade paper.
castelluccio cultureThe Castelluccio Culture is a Bronze Age (2000-1400 BC) culture of Sicily, and the name of the type site.
specificationsComplete details of a book or any project to be printed
base materialBase material is used before pavers are being laid
process blueAlternate term for Cyan.
cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contractA contract type that provides reimbursement of allowable cost of services performed plus an agreed-upon percentage of the estimated cost as profit.
readers pairsTwo consecutive pages as they appear in a printed piece.
cutmarkA trace left on bone by a stone or metal tool used in butchering a carcass; one of the primary forms of evidence for meateating by early hominins.
acheulean traditionThe Acheulean Tradition is an Old World Lower Paleolithic culture, dated from 1.4 million years ago to 100,000 years ago.
central meridian passageThe rotation of an active region or other feature across the longitude meridian that passes through the apparent center of the solar disk.
quarterfoldA product which is folded at the nose, at the half fold, and at the quarterfold
pomologythe scientific study and cultivation of fruits
caliperThe measurement of thickness of paper expressed in thousandths of an inch or mils.
ascenderAny part of a lower case letter which rises above the main body of the letter such as in "d", "b" and "h."
bit rateThe amount of data transported in a given amount of time, usually defined in Mega (Million) bits per second (Mbps)
xmleXtensible Markup Language is designed especially for Web documents
coosaCoosa was an important Mississippian (Native American) polity based in the American Southeast in the 15th through 16th centuries AD.
lost wax castingA technique for casting metal in which a sand or clay casing is formed around a wax sculpture; molten metal is poured into the casing, melting the wax
pulpMixture of wood and/or cotton fibers, chemicals, and water from which mills make paper.
registrationPutting two or more color plates together so that they are exactly aligned and the resulting image is sharp.
hardboundAnother term for casebound book.
dp or dop“Director of Photography” The cinematographer in charge of creating and capturing a scene in camera.
making orderOrder for paper that a mill makes to the customer's specifications, as compared to a mill order or stock order.
astral body  The word astral on its own means relating to, resembling or emanating from the stars
damaskA fine, lustrous fabric with flat patterns and a satin weave.
monochromeA black and white display with no gray tones.
malacologythe study of mollusks
opiOpen Prepress Interface
san1) “Storage Area Network”
specially printerPrinter whose equipment, supplies, work flow and marketing is targeted to a particular category of products.
lobes  In the magnetotail, the two regions (north and south) separated by the neutral sheet.
secondary colorscombo two primary colors; orange green purple
screedFinal smooth finish of a solid floor; usually cement or concrete.
expanded typeType with a greater width than standard type that produces a rectangular effect.
barA thick rule
arrowheadan informal term for stone tips mounted on arrowshafts; the term projectile point is preferred because for many such pointed tools, the method of hafting or propulsion is inferred but not known.
conversion planA document that clearly defines the system or project's conversion procedures, outlines the installation of new and converted files/databases, coordinates the development of file-conversion programming, and plans the implementation of conversion procedures.
coil bindTo bind using a spiral of continuous wire or plastic looped through holes
knock outTo clear an area of absolutely every printing dot; or to outline an image and drop out all dots surrounding it.
chou dynastyThe Chou Dynasty (also spelled Zhou) ruled China for over 700 years (1050-256 BC).
acid-free paperA paper containing no acidity or acid producing chemicals that degrades less over time than acidic papers.
bannerThe primary headline usually spanning the entire width of a page.
were-jaguarA representation of a supernatural figure that is half jaguar and half human, a common symbol in Preclassic Mesoamerica.
cropTo reduce the size of an image.
color framedThe achievement of a correct edit in either PAL or NTSC, by ensuring that the 2 scenes are in the same field sequence as each other.
ecologyThe study of interrelationships of organisms and their environment.
opacityThe degree to which a paper will allow the characters, printed on it, "to show through" to the other side.
alexander cultureAlexander ceramics were first recognized in the middle Tennessee Valley of northern Alabama
magnetohydrodynamicsThe study of the dynamics of an electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic field.
register marksCross-marks and symbols used in layout to ensure proper image registration.
baryta paperA coated stock (barium sulfate compound) used for text impressions on typesetting machines.
cost overrunThe amount by which actual project costs exceed estimated costs.
wanTwo or more related LANs that are linked across a great distance, such as one state to another.
application programThe computer software designed to perform actual jobs as opposed to the system programs that manage equipment operation.
trumeauCentral pier in a doorway, sometimes decorated with sculptures.
leadingVertical spacing between lines of type, measured in points.
crescentsCrescents are a type of chipped stone tool found on Paleoindian and preclovis sites throughout the western United States--but scholars have yet to decide exactly what its function was.
international colorist academyThe international Colorist Academy (ICA) was set up in 2009 by Kevin Shaw and Warren Eagles to provide hands on training for colorists by working colorists
press-proofActual press sheet to show image, tone values and colors as well as imposition of frame or press-plate.
outlinea typeface in which the characters are formed with only the outline defined rather than from solid strokes.
aspect ratioThe dimension of a mail pieces expressed as ratio of height to weight.
jacketThe paper or "dust cover" of a hardbound book.
edge numbersNumbers printed on the edge of 16 and 35 mm motion picture film every foot which allows frames to be easily identified in an edit list.
emFixed space equal in size to the chosen point size
bleedExtra ink area that crosses trim line, used to allow for variations that occur when the reproduction is trimmed or die-cut.
perfect bindingBinding process in which the backs of sections are removed, roughened, glued together, and then rung in a cover.
x-heightThe height od the lowercase letters relative to the capitals; an important typographic concept
cassCode Accuracy Supporting System - a service that examines and improves the accuracy of delivery point zip codes and carrier route information by diagnosing and correcting the inaccuracies thus eliminating charges for bad addresses.
borderThe decorative design or rule surrounding matter on a page.
bioclimatologythe study of the effects of climate on living organisms
chincha cultureThe Chincha was a small polity on the coast of Peru oriented to living on marine resources, from 1000 AD to 1476 when they were conquered by the Inca
foragerSee hunter-gatherer.
application filesThe files that contain the data created by software programs; also called data files.
ethylene vinyl acetateHotmelt glue used on perfect bound books
overstrikeA method used in word processing to produce a character not in the typeface by superimposing two separate characters, eg $ using s and l.
ghostingA faint printed image that appears on a printed sheet where it was not intended.
akkadAkkad was the historical name of the southern region of Mesopotamia beginning during the 25th century BC
palA European video out standard to display images on a TV screen.
csaConfiguration status accounting.
imitative polyphonytechnique in which each phrase of a composition is addressed by all the voices which enter successively in imitation of each other
guildA club, or professional organization, with employment benefits for its members
printing-inSee Burning-in.
thermologythe study of heat.
samplingMethods for identifying portions of an archeological site or resource area to be examioned
blackeningDarkening a portion of a sheet of paper due to the excessive pressure of the calendar roll
fluxThe rate of flow of a physical quantity through a reference surface.
kiss cutAn incomplete die-cut often used to produce stickers; a very light impression.
classical periodPeriod in ancient Greece encompassing the 5th century B.C.E., characterized by distinctive art and architecture
actinologythe study of the effect of light on chemicals
parcelA class of mail offered by the postal service for packages.
grip and grinStaged photograph of two people smiling and shaking hands at a ceremonial event.
proton flareAny flare producing significant counts of protons with energies exceeding 10 MeV in the vicinity of the Earth.
subjectiveexisting in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought
brakesDevice used to apply tension to a roll of paper to help ensure even feeding of the web into the printing unit and proper tension from the printing unit to the folder.
optional endorsement lineAn optional endorsement line (OEL) may be used to label bundles instead of applying pressure-sensitive bundle labels or facing slips to the top piece of bundles
disk trackOne of several concentric circular recording bands where data is stored on a magnetic disk
cgr“Computer Graphics Range” A linear data format that maps minimum black to 0 and maximum white to 1023 in a 10 bit range
call to actionAn advertising and marketing concept in which the customer is requested/directed to do something—often, to take the next step toward the purchase of a product or service.
checklistA tool used to ensure that all important steps or actions in an operation have been taken
digital photographyDirect electronic capture of an image within a camera without using film and processing.
assemblagea group of three-dimensional objects brought together to form a work of art.
100# gloss textSimilar to the 80# gloss text, but 25% thicker and heavier, for a piece that feels more substantial
oncologythe study of cancer
image systemsDefence company with motion estimation technology that now owns Digital Vision and their products, which includes Nucoda grading systems
photopolymer platesPrinting plates formed by bonding a light-reactive polymer plastic to a film or metal base; polymer emulsion hardens upon ultraviolet exposure and the unexposed areas are then washed away to leave an image area in relief.
uncalendaredPapers that are not smoothed by going through the calendaring process.
dot screenA special screen used to produce tiny rows of dots, thus allowing newspapers to print shades of gray.
super d1Sony cassette component digital videotape format
pageOne side of a leaf in a publication.
print-on-demandThe capability to print documents right at the time they are required by patrons and consumers, rather than following traditional norms of printing documents in advance of need and coping with the need to distribute and inventory printed documents in anticipation of demand.
silverprintReference, brownline proof.
spec sheetShort for sheet on which specifications are written.
check copy(1) Production copy of a publication verified by the customer as printed, finished and bound correctly
phytosociologythe study of the ecology of plant communities
operettacomic or romantic form of music theater sometimes called light opera
tonologythe study of intonation in speech
asbestos cementCement mixed with up to 15% asbestos fibre as reinforcement
victimologythe study of victims of crime, often applied to characterizing the criminal
acpAdvanced Color Processing
critical design reviewA series of control gates to approve the build-to and code-to documentation, associated draft verification procedures, and readiness and capability of coders to carry out the implementation.
paleoethnobotanyThe analysis and interpretation of plant remains from archeological sites in order to understand the past interactions between human populations and plants (Thomas 1998:325).
sickle polishA clear polish that forms along the edges of flakes and blades that are used to cut reeds, grass, wheat, and other long-stemmed plants.
rayleigh-taylor instabilityA fluted or ripple-like instability that can develop on a fluid or plasma boundary surface and propagate along it
wrong readingAn image that is backwards when compared to the original
syphilologythe study of syphilis
layouta sketch of a page for printing showing the position of text and illustrations and giving general instructions.
concept testingResearch that measures market responses to new ideas or their implementation.
cmsColor Management System
gate foldA three or four panel fold where the two outside panels fold inward to meet in the center
spamElectronic junk mail.
over runAdditional printed matter beyond order
for position onlyRefers to inexpensive copies of photos or art used on mechanical to indicate placement and scaling, but not intended for reproduction
screen densityAmount of ink, expressed as percent of coverage, that a specific screen allows to print.
in-houseRefers to an activity, such as graphic design or printing, performed within an organization, not purchased from outsiders.
afontova cultureThe Afontova culture is the name given to the Upper Paleolithic culture in Siberia, 22,000-14,000 years before the present.
akan cultureIn the 11th century AD the Akan were a West African forest kingdom in what is now Ghana and the Ivory Coast.
mailing permitAn authorization; typically a mailing permit or an authorization to mail without postage affixed, using an indicia containing specific information
doppler shiftA change in the perceived frequency of a radiated signal caused by motion of the source relative to the observer.
causewaysA causeway is an early form of transportation system, consisting of a narrow, man-made earthen or rock structure that bridged a waterway.
occipital bunA distinctive shelf or protrusion at the base of the skull; a feature usually associated with Neanderthals.
compressed filesFiles with nonessential data deleted to make them easier to store and transmit.
film assemblyPositioning, mounting and securing various individual films to one carrier sheet in preparation for platemaking.
classa general group of artifacts, like hand axes or projectile points that can be broken down into specific types.
word paintingmusical illustrations of verbal concepts
emblem glyphA set of Maya hieroglyphs; generally, each emblem glyph is specific to a given Classic Maya city
deckel edgeThe untrimmed feathery edges of paper formed where the pulp flows against the wire of a paper making machine.
linear perspectiveThe idea that it is possible to represent a three-dimensional shape (such as an apple or building) on a two-dimensional piece of paper or canvas
captionIdentifying or descriptive text accompanying a photograph, illustration, map, chart or other visual element
heliosphereThe magnetic cavity surrounding the Sun, carved out of the galaxy by the solar wind.
still storeDevice which stores individual images, and has extremely fast access time
proof sheet1) Photographic term for sheet of images made by contact printing negatives
terminologythe usage and study of terms.
monochromeAn image consisting of only one color
rectoRight-hand page of an open publication.
cultureCommon beliefs and practices of a group of people
microlithA small stone artifact varying in size from about 1-5 cm, used in composite tools (e.g., the tip of a bone, antler or wooden implement or as an arrow-point)
schedulingThe process of arranging the extraction of resources accord-ing to their availability and the demands of competing subsistence activities.
bell beaker cultureThe culture known as Bell Beaker is the largest portion of the loosely grouped Beaker Folk, named for a very particular type of ceramic vessel, shaped like an upside-down bell.
bats'ub/25 flight caveThe Bats'ub cave is a karst rock shelter located within the Columbian Forest Reserve of Belize.
font substitutionThe process of choosing a print or display font that is close, but not the same as the specified font in a document or application
gray component replacementTechnique of replacing gray tones in the yellow, cyan and mavpeata ffies with btack
cost-plus-fixed-fee contractA type of contract where the buyer reimburses the vendor for the vendor’s allowable costs, as defined in the contract, plus a fixed amount of profit (the fee).
columnA vertical stack of text; also called a leg.
linenA paper that emulates the look and texture of linen cloth.
co-branded cardA (normally payment) card issued by two companies
live areaArea on a mechanical within which images will print
logoabbreviation for logotype, an artistic assembly of type and art into a distinctive symbol unique to an organization, business or product.
emAn old printing term for a square-shaped blank space that's as wide as the type is high; in other words, a 10-point em space will be 10 points wide.
compressionSee file compression.
dvnr“Digital Vision Noise Reducer”
transverse archAn arch that supports the main vault and connects the nave walls.
second passThe extra passage of a sheet through the press for additional color impressions or coating applications.
upRefers to the imposition of multiple impressions of one image printed on a single sheet to take advantage of full press capacity
ecclesiologythe study of Church architecture and decoration, or separately the study of the Christian Church
vexillologythe study of flags
initial capA large capital letter set at the beginning of a paragraph.
ieee 1394A new port on the computer capable of transferring large amounts of data
pec“Photo Electric Cell”
steel-frame constructionsee skeletal construction.
platemakingMaking a printing plate from a film or flat including preparation of the plate surface, sensitizing, exposing through the flat, developing or processing, and finishing.
vaultAn arched structure of masonry that forms a ceiling or roof
american bottomThe American Bottom is the name given to the Mississippian culture homeland, a segment of the Mississippi River Valley in Illinois in the central United States.
oracle boneAn animal bone with cracks (due to heating) or other markings, used to foretell the future.
leoAmong satellite operators, a common abbreviation for Low Earth Orbit. 
double page spreadtwo facing pages of newspaper or magazine where the textual material on the left hand side continues across to the right hand side
rubberyThe look of images and sound which have been synchronized, but where the synch drifts in and out, often as a result of post synching
accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS) A method of radiocarbon dating using an accelerator to count the individual isotopes of the carbon sample; advantages include small sample size, speed of counting, and accuracy.
case bindingBooks bound using hard board (case) covers.
genreThis French word meaning “type” now refers to paintings that depict scenes of everyday life without any attempt at idealization
emerging flux regionAn area on the Sun where new magnetic flux erupts
gullyAn opening into which rain and waste water are collected before entering the drain.
flareA streak of light across a frame or frames, caused by reflections or stray light in the optical system of a camera or telecine.
nemesa head cloth worn by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
patinaThe surface layer of an
addendumsupplementary material additional to the main body of a book and printed separately at the start or end of the text.
masking materialOpaque paper or plastic used to prevent light from reaching selected areas of film or a printing plate
screen anglesAngles at which the halftone screens are placed with relation to one another to avoid undesirable moire pattern
westwork(German: westwerk)
roof comban ornamental architectural crest on top of a Maya temple.
ball courtAn I-shaped or oval prehispanic structure, found throughout Mesoamerica and the southwestern United States, that was the site of ritual ballgames.
downbeatfirst beat of a measure
loose leafA product that is trimmed on all four sides.
cognitive psychologyThe study of mental processes, including how people think, perceive, remember, and learn.
catliniteAnother name for pipestone, reddish sandstone used by Native Americans for making pipes
crypta chamber or vault beneath the main body of a church.
font(Also baptismal font) A bowl-shaped container, usually of stone, which contained holy water for baptism
file transfer protocolSee FTP.
cost per clickthroughA payment model in which a web advertising network charges an advertiser based on the number of times a banner ad is clicked (usually during one month)
stratigraphyThe study of layers, sequentially deposited over time
thumbnail sketchSmall rough sketch of a design.
color barsThis term refers to a color test strip, which is printed on the waste portion of a press sheet
rakeThe angle or slant of a chir back or of a non-vertical table leg.
interpretationHaving documented a find (described what you see), the next step in your investigation is to make an interpretation
crmCRM stands for Customer Relationship Management
ledger paperStrong, smooth bond paper used for keeping business records
free-standing insertPrinted material that is inserted loose inside a publication, or mailing package or piece.
specificationsThe complete information described for a print job: page size, type size, specific colors, etc.
booleanBased on the case-sensitive operators AND, OR, and NOT - serves as the basis of machine intelligence and, hence, computer searches.
headerA brick laid end on.
argosThe ancient site of Argos is an Early to Middle Helladic settlement and one of the most important Mycenaean city-states of the Peloponnese.
keyframeMethod of creating gradual changes over time by using trigger points on the timeline
sfumatothe definition of form by delicate gradations of light and shadow.
pur bindingStands for polyurethane reactive material; a hot melt adhesive usually used in binding.
acid resistAn acid-proof protective coating applied to metal plates prior to etching.
bronzingA printing method whereby special ink is applied to sheets and then a powder is applied producing a metallic effect.
biogeomorphologyor ecogeomorphology, the study of interactions between organisms and geomorphological processes|
sahnan enclosed courtyard in an Islamic mosque, used for prayer when the interior is full.
foreshorteningThe apparent distortion of solar features viewed near the limb of the Sun.
head-to-tail/head–to-toePage printed on both sides with second side fed with front side's tail first.
ligniteA soft, brownish-black coal in which the alteration of vegetable matter has proceeded further than in peat but not as far as in bituminous coal
creep allowancemade electronically, to compensate for creep.
outfallThe outlet end of a culvert.
for position onlyRefers to inexpensive or low resolution images used to indicate placement and scaling, but not intended for reproduction
perfector / perfecting pressPress capable of printing both sides of the paper during a single pass
widow· A single word, or piece of a sentence at the end of a paragraph, which extends onto the next page and stands alone.
resin-coatedBromide paper Bromide paper having a water-repellent plastic base
separationsUsually in the four-color process arena, separate film holding qimages of one specific color per piece of film
cactus hillCactus Hill is a buried multicomponent site on the Nottaway River of Virginia, with archaic, Clovis and, below the Clovis and separated by sterile sand, an apparent Pre-Clovis occupation.
poudresseSmall table with mirrored lid covering space for cosmetics.
plasmsheetIn the magnetosphere, the core of the magnetotail in which the plasma is hotter and denser than in the tail lobes north and south of it
mottleSpotty, uneven ink absorption
dinkyOne-half a full web
pickerOne who searches for and acquires goods of value for the purpose of reselling them for profit through various channels, including auctions
mechanicalCamera-ready copy art
circumscriptionThe process or act of being enclosed by either environmental boundaries, such as mountains, oceans, and rivers, or social boundaries, such as neighboring groups of people.
tmcUsually consists of placement of an ad in a combination of a paid circulation newspaper and a free distribution product (which usually contains certain generic parts of the newspaper and advertising) sent to non-subscribers.
barrel vaultan architectural element formed by the extrusion of an arch along a given distance.
fulfillmentWithin the loyalty marketing industry, this refers to the processes associated with distributing requested rewards to customers (gift cards, merchandise, travel, experiences).
ecogeomorphologyor biogeomorphology, the study of interactions between organisms and geomorphological processes|
nutriologythe study of nutrition
provenanceThe origin, or history of ownership of an archaeological or historical object
indirect percussiona stone tool manufacturing technique in which flakes are produced by striking a core with a punch made of bone, wood, or antler.
pmsThe abbreviated name of the Pantone Color Matching System.
off-line editorA low resolution, usually computer and disk based edit system in which the creative editing decisions can be made at lower cost and often with greater flexibility than in an expensive fully equipped on-line bay
memento morian image, often in the form of a skull, to remind the living of the inevitability of death.
bulletA type of dingbat, usually a big dot (·), used to highlight items listed in the text.
looterAn individual who plunders archaeological sites to find artifacts of commercial value, thereby destroying the area of the site the objects came from and their archaeological context
subsistence economyThe means by which a group obtains the food and shelter necessary to support life.
noise reductionA technology used to cut down on the amount of random information in a digital picture, usually caused by long exposures at increased sensitivity ratings
indiciaA pre-printed postage permit on a piece of mail, i.e., Bulk Rate Postage Paid, Non-Profit Postage Paid, including the city of origin and the permit number to be billed for the postage.
camelidA ruminant mammal—such as camel, llama, and extinct related forms—having long legs and two toes.
incident lightLight falling on a surface, as opposed to light reflected from a surface.
auraA field of energy believed by some to surround living creatures
stripTo assemble images on film for platemaking.
arc lightA light source produced by the passing of electric current between two electrodes; used in the production of plates in photolithography.
broadsideThe term used to indicate work printed on one side of a large sheet of paper.
halftone screena glass plate or film placed between the original photograph and the film to be exposed
data miningThe process of using software tools to sift through large amounts of information in a database to find patterns, groups, statistical correlations, and relationships.
very high frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 30 - 300 MHz.
statistical process controlMethod of understanding and managing production processes by collecting numerical data about each step in the process and all materials used in the production sequence, including output; this data is then analyzed to locate causes of variations.
kernTo reduce space between two or three characters so those characters appear better fitted together.
bugAnother term for a sig or logo used to label a story; often indented into the text.
scanTo read an image using a pinpoint beam of light.
marketingAn exchange system that frequently involves currencies and generally extends beyond close kinsmen and a small group of trading partners
fast color inksInks with colors that retain their density and resist fading as the product is used and washed.
cross-tabulationThe process of analyzing data by comparing the answers of one question to the way each respondent answered one or more questions on the rest of the survey, to better understand the results of a survey.
pastela crayon made of ground pigments and a gum binder, used as a drawing medium.
product trialA consumer's opportunity to test a product or service, usually without charge or with return privileges.
scriptoriumA room set apart for writing in a monastery.
non impact printingElectronic printing that creates images on paper without contacting it, such as a laser printer, ink-jet printer or copier.
hollowThat space on the spine of a case bound book between the block of the book and the case binding.
etiologysame as Aetiology
hematiteA common heavy mineral that is the principal ore of iron.
alidadeAn optical surveyor's instrument used in the field to create topographic maps and top plans
lithic technologyStudy and analysis of tools and other artifacts, including their forms, methods of manufacture and use.
clangroup of people from several lineages who live in one place and have a common line of descent; a kin grouping.
graphStatistical information presented visually, using lines or bars to represent values.
emulsificationA general term for the process by which a fatty or oily substance becomes suspended or mixed in water
rewardAn item of value that is exchanged for points, or offered as compensation for completion of desired behaviors.
acrylicA water-soluble polymer used in paints to make them dry both tough and flexible.
active dark filamentA filament displaying motion or changes in shape, location, or absorption characteristics.
metropolitan service areaA group of ZIP codes usually in close proximity defining a large metropolitan area (e.g
tholos(a) a circular tomb of beehive shape approached by a long, horizontal passage; (b) in Classical times, a round building modeled on ancient tombs.
importTo bring an electronic image into a computer software program.
data processing(1)Changing raw data or information into a usable format by using a computer
household archaeologyHuman perceptions and uses of the built environment, particularly residential architecture
blockingSticking together of printed sheets causing damage when the surfaces are separated.
cooperative learningSee collaborative learning.
aqueous plateWater soluble plate coatings, which are less toxic and less polluting.
uniface toolsTools or points that are worked or knapped on only one side or face
centimeter burstA solar radio burst in the centimeter wavelength range of 1 to 10 cm.
formatThe style, shape, size and layout determined for a book design.
end papersThe four page leaves at the front and end of a book which are pasted to the insides of the front and back covers (boards).
criterion-referenced testA test that compares a learner’s performance to the achievement of objectives.
amphitheateran oval or circular space surrounded by rising tiers of seats, as used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for plays and other spectacles.
anglo-saxon cultureThe Anglo-Saxons were peoples who originated in northern Germany and Scandinavia who invaded Britain during the 5th century AD.
glossA shiny look reflecting light.
aa or acAuthor's Alterations or Author's Correction.
mechanicalCamera-ready assembly of type, graphics and other copy complete with instructions to the printer
tiff“Tagged Image Format” A lossless single image format that can include an alpha channel
statistical process controlMethod used by printers to ensure quality and delivery times specified by customers
print qualityThe degree to which the appearance and other properties of a print job approach the desired result.
memorythe part of the computer which stores information for immediate access
8-bitThe number of levels available in a older digital video signals
machtkunstart used in the service of a military or other authority; literally, "power art" in German.
bvu“Broadcast Video U-matic.” Sony analog composite video tape format
non-great-circle propagationDescribing a degraded condition of radio propagation caused by horizontal gradients in ionospheric electron density
graphicsVisual elements that supplement type to make printed messages clearer or more interesting.
sharpCharacteristic of an image in clear focus.
fat faceType that is quite varied in its use of very thin and very wide strokes.
acorn turningKnob, pendant or foot shaped like an acorn, popular in the Jacobean period.
nameplateThe name of a newspaper as it's displayed on Page One; also called a flag.
run-aroundA term given to a copy that accommodates the lines of a picture, image, or copy.
electronic printing / publishingThe technology or devices used to reproduce printing without the use of traditional ink, presses.
two-upRunning two of the same image on a sheet of paper.
knock outTo mask out an image.
printing plateSurface carrying an image to be printed
wrought ironIron that is worked by being forged or hammered.
petrarchAuthor who studied ancient Greek and Roman writings
cathedralthe principal church of a diocese (the ecclesiastical district supervised by a bishop).
hardbackAnother term for casebound book.
rubylithA red acetate masking film used in stripping to make an opening.
ramonramón- A tree that grows abundantly in the tropical forests of the Maya Lowlands and bears an edible fruit; also called breadnut.
gifGraphics Interchange Format
estimateThe form used by the printer to calculate the project for the print buyer
sigA small standing head that labels a regularly appearing column or feature.
service bureauBusiness using imagesetters to make high resolution printouts of files prepared on microcomputers
signatureA sheet of paper printed and then folded to form a section of a printed product
jogging to the headWhen imposing pages, the top of the printed page is placed toward the closed head of the signature
bit“Binary DigIT”
mechanical bindingClasping individual sheets together with plastic, small wire, or metal rings
competencyA critical skill or personality characteristic required for an individual to complete an activity or project, or required for a certain position.
text paperDesignation for printing papers with textured surfaces such as laid or linen
jumpTo continue a story on another page; text that's been continued on another page is called the jump.
painterlydefined by color , not lines or edges
buyoutSubcontracted service.
terra cottaHard fired clay, either glazed or unglazed, molded into ornamental elements, wall cladding and roof tiles.
footerInformation, such as page number or chapter title, that appears at the bottom of every page
color modelWay of categorizing and describing the infinite array of colors found in nature.
hyphenationDividing a word with a hy-phen at the end of a line (as in these hy-phenated lines here).
asklepiosThe archaeological site of Asklepios is a Corinthian sanctuary at Epidauros and the center of an early cult of health and healing.
vallumARoman wall-and-ditch fortification.
cbtComputer-based training.
screen rulingA measurement equaling the number of lines or dots per inch on a halftone screen.
chilhacis the name of a karst cave in the Massif Central region of Auvergne, France, with an early hominid (probably Homo erectus) occupation.
teleportation The strange, unusual or paranormal movement of an object to another place.
abric romaniThe rock shelter of Abric Romaní is located in a cliff outside of the village of Capellades, 50 kilometers west of Barcelona, Spain.
whistling ghosts A phenomenon that is native to a tiny coral isle in the Southern Gilbert Group
subsidenceDownward movement resulting from failure in the ground.
contemporaryAnything made within the last 30 years approximately.
scfSectional Center Facility, as designated by the first three numbers of a zip code.
tetrastylean architectural unit consisting of four columns.
neutral lineThe line that separates solar magnetic fields of opposite polarity, typically determined from solar magnetograms recording the longitudinal magnetic component.
corinthianThe most decorative form of Classical architecture, characterized by fluted columns, capitals carved with leaves and flowers and a flat roof
chromeThe depth or strength of a color measured for purity and saturation.
fixed costsCosts that remain the same regardless of how many copies are printed, as compared to variable costs
cynologythe study of dogs
corbela block of stone, elaborately carved, projecting from a wall and sometimes supporting a load like the beams of a roof, floor or vault, or sometimes used for decorative effect only
settlement patternDistribution of human settlements on the landscape
luminisman American nineteenth-century art style emphasizing the effect of light on landcape.
stockPaper or other substrate.
earText or graphic elements on either side of a newspaper's flag.
rusticateto give a rustic appearance to masonry blocks by roughening their surface and beveling their edges so that the joints are indented.
andean civilizationsThe Andean Civilizations is a term used by archaeologists to refer to any of several civilizations of the Andes Mountains.
geomorphologythe study of present-day landforms, traditionally on Earth but with increasing frequency on nearby planetary objects
embossA method for pressing images into paper that creates a raised relief effect.
edaphologya branch of soil science that studies the influence of soil on life.
climaxThe arrangement of words, phrases, or clauses in a series, in order of ascending power
iconIn a computer system, a picture or drawing, such as a paint brush or trash can that represents a file or function
reciprocityThe exchange of goods between known participants, involving simple barter and face-to-face exchanges.
asbestosMaterial used in the past for insulation and fire protection
canterbury cathedralThe Canterbury Cathedral is probably among the most famous church edifices in the world, partly because of its famous archbishops including St
indirect processMethod of photographic, screen printing stencil preparation in which the stencil is exposed and developed on a support base and then mounted onto the screen.
concertmasterconductor's assistant, who is also the orchestra's first, or principal, violinist
wheel-thrown potteryPottery that is made using the potter’s wheel.
formEach side of a signature.
rood screenA divider, generally made of carved wood or stone, that separates the chancel of a church or cathedral from the rest of the nave.
manillaA tough brown paper used to produce stationery and wrapping paper.
hyoid boneA delicate bone in the neck that anchors the tongue muscles in the throat.
moderneAmerican style of furniture in the 1930's that derived from Europe's Art Deco and International Style
manifestation The appearance or taking of form of an entity
metateThe stone basin, often trough-shaped, or lower part of a stone-milling assembly for grinding maize or other foods.
iconologythe study of the meaning or content of a larger program to which individual works of art belong.
typescripta typed manuscript.
english renaissanceThe progressive Renaissance architecture of Italy was out of bounds to most English artists and patrons
clickable image mapA graphic or photo containing "hot spots" that, when clicked, link you to another Web location.
click rateSee click-through rate.
plow stationIn in-line ink-jetting, a mechanical device positioned after the caliper that opens books as they move along the binding line
climap projectThe CLIMAP Project was developed in the 1970s by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
logoshort for logotype
dmax l dminThe points of maximum/minimum density in an image or that a device can capture.
cap lineAn imaginary horizontal line running across the tops of capital letters.
spread(1) Two pages that face each other and are designed as one visual or production unit
mThe ratio of the maximum frequency reflected once from an ionospheric layer over a 3000 km range to the critical frequency of the layer.
static neutralizerA device on a printing press that minimizes the amount of static buildup on paper as it passes through the press.
offset printingMost commonly used for books
fertile crescentAn upland zone in Southwest Asia that runs from the Levant to the Zagros Mountains, with adequate rainfall and many wild species that were domesticated.
archaeologistA professional scholar who studies the past using scientific methods with the goal of recording, interpreting, and preserving knowledge of ancient and contemporary cultures
luxuriantgrowing profusely in amount
biennial plantBiennial plants are a type of plant which grows well for a year without flowering
stripperPerson who works in a stripping department.
formatThe type size, style, shape, layout or organization required of a layout or printed product.
finish sizeSize of printed product after production is complete.
organologythe study of musical instruments (not just organ|s); alternatively, the study of anatomical| organ|s
contre jourTaking a picture with the camera lens facing the light source.
reticulationThe formation of a coarse, crackled surface on the emulsion coating of a film during improper processing
user bitsPortion of time code (VITC and LTC) reserved for recording information of the user's choosing, e.g., Keycode numbers, footage count, etc.
chalkingA term used to describe the quality of print on paper where the absorption of the paper is so great that it breaks up the ink image creating loose pigment dust.
footerinformation, such as page number or chapter title, that appears at the bottom of every page.
printer’s spreadTwo facing pages in the order they will be printed, e.g
fitThe registration of images within a given page.
reserveMinimum threshold price a seller will accept to sell a lot at auction
signatureIn printing and binding, the name given to a printed sheet after it's been folded
contingency allowanceSee contingency reserve.
gateleg tableA table where the folding leaf is upheld by a leg swinging out lake a gate
beierlologythe study of stalkers
ribbed vaulta vault constructed of arched diagonal ribs, with a web of lighter masonry in between.
acquisitionThe events or activities undertaken to obtain new customers
custom messageIn ink-jetting, a personalized image that is unique to each book.
double parallelAlso called digest fold
dui"Da Vinci User Interface"
campaign managementA marketing campaign is a set of promotions that are directed at a specific group of customers to get them to behave in a certain way
bordera continuous decorative design or rule surrounding the matter on the page.
laser typeType made using a laser printer
computer-aided software testingAutomated testing performed during the software life cycle.
complianceAdhering to all standards, procedures, or processes established as necessary for operational effectiveness
thirty -two sheetA poster size measuring 120in x 160in (3048mm x 4064mm).
cardiff giantThe Cardiff Giant was a famous nineteenth century hoax, which paid off handsomely to its perpetrators.
newton ringFlaw in a photograph or halftone that looks like a drop of oil or water.
foesThe maximum ordinary mode radiowave frequency capable of vertical reflection from the sporadic E layer of the ionosphere.
proofreading marksStandard set of signs and symbols used in copy preparation and to indicate corrections on proofs
bond paperA grade of writing or printing paper where strength, durability and performance are essential requirements; used for letterheads, business forms, etc
auThe mean distance between the Earth and Sun equal to 1.496 x10"m
x-ray flare terminationThe end time is defined as the time the flux has decayed to 1/2 the peak flux of the event.
camera-ready artThe finished page elements that are ready for printing.
coatepecCoatepec, or Snake Mountain, is a mountain sacred to the Aztecs/Mexica, as the birthplace of the Aztec patron deity Huitzilopochtli.
elementOne part of an image or page
coleopterologythe study of beetles
production workflowA sequence of production steps required to produce any printed item.
white noisesounds including the entire spectrum of tones as white includes the entire spectrum of colors
coxcatlan caveCoxcatlan Cave is a rockshelter in the Tehuacan Valley of Mexico, and it was occupied by humans for nearly 10,000 years.
post bindTo bind using a screw and post inserted through a hole in a pile of loose sheets.
vandykeBrown print
resolutionIn general, this refers to how sharp and clear an image looks on screen or on paper, and how much detail you can see
safe action areaThe area of a viewing monitor deemed to be visible on all domestic television sets and therefore safe for capturing movement
hominidA term that refers to the human members of the primates, both fossil and modern forms.
strainmelodic section of a march or tag
shamanA tribal priest who, following much preparation and rite of initiation, uses the forces of magic to effect healings and divinations.
mock upAn example of what the final product may look like
scales: pentatonicfive-note scale
centimeterMetric measurement of length
sculpture in the roundfreestanding sculptural figures carved or modeled in three dimensions.
mesolithicThe middle Stone Age period in the Old World, beginning around 10,000 years ago and situated between the
lymphologythe study of the lymph system and glands
mechanical artistAlternate term for Production artist.
flatStripped film ready for platemaking.
canona set of rules, principles, or standards used to establish scales or proportions.
castAn undesirable tinge of color in an image.
shinglingAllowance, made during paste-up or stripping, to compensate for creep
tintScreening or adding white to a solid color for results of lightening that specific color.
herbologythe study of the therapeutic use of plants
domesticationA process by which human beings tame wild animals and change the nature of plants
population pressure hypothesisLewis Binford’s theory that population increase in Southwest Asia upset the balance between people and food, forcing people to turn to agriculture as a way to produce more food.
paginationThe numbering of pages in a book.
adfluvialProduced by river action; occasionally used in reference to fish that mature in lakes and migrate upstream into tributaries to spawn.
partial haloA partial halo is a CME spanning greater than 120 degrees of solar latitude at the limb and encompassing at least one of the solar poles
terminus ante quemLatin: "limit before which"
colophonDerived from a Greek term meaning "finishing touch," it denotes a page at the end of a book traditionally listing details about the authorship and publication of the book
box(1) A section of text marked off by rules or white space and presented separately from the main text and illustrations
reconstructing plains cultureArchaeological plains cultures and the methodological and theoretical issues involved in the use of archaeological reconstructions of the past
x-ray burstA temporary enhancement of the x-ray emission of the Sun
d regionA daytime region of the Earth’s ionosphere beginning from approximately 40 km to 90 km altitude
audit trailAn established method for tracing the changes made to pictorial or text data during each stage of processing.
appreciation giftsAlso known as “Surprise and Delights.” Rewards that are sent to customers without “earning them” through points or other specific behaviors
web breakA tear in a web roll during the printing process.
axiologythe study of the nature of values and value judgements
mediums Persons who claim they can communicate with and even rely messages from deceased persons
magnetosphereThe magnetic cavity surrounding a magnetized body, carved out of the passing solar wind by virtue of the magnetic field, which prevents, or at least impedes, the direct entry of the solar wind plasma into the cavity.
fountain solutionMixture of water and chemicals that dampens a printing plate to prevent ink from adhering to its non-image area.
circaA Latin word meaning "about" or "around." It is used in reference to dates when the exact age of something cannot be known but can be approximated
basingThe process of creating or decorating the base of your figure
bitBinary Digit
viewing boothAlso called a color booth, where the lighting is conditioned and calibrated for proper viewing of color printed on a sheet.
work printIn a motion picture studio or processing laboratory, a rough print of a motion picture film used for editing and study of action and continuity.
chancelEarly and medieval churches were carefully made up of different sections
perceived funding rateThe perceived rate at which customers earn points and rewards in a loyalty program.
charnel houseA house in which the bodies of the dead are placed.
advanced geoarchaeologyCritical evaluation of case studies and field examples to explore analytical methods and interdisciplinary theoretical approaches used in geoarchaeology
electronic page assemblyAssembly and manipulation of type, graphics, and other visual elements on a computer screen.
cognitive walkthroughA testing methodology in which the developer walks through an interface in the context of the user’s tasks, compares actions and feedback to the user’s goals and knowledge, and notes discrepancies.
stuccoA type of plaster, often made out of lime, used for decoration.
basilica(a) in Roman architecture, an oblong building used for tribunals and other public functions; (b) in Christian architecture, an early church with similar features to the Roman prototype.
c/aChange of Address
fine papersPapers made specifically for writing or commercial printing, as compared to coarse papers and industrial papers
mug shotA small photo showing a person's face.
herpetologythe study of reptiles and amphibians
hieroglyphsThe pictographic symbols of ancient writing systems minerals and rocks which make up the crust of the earth.
base sheetsBase sheets are preprinted shells that will be used later
vitc“Vertical Interval Time Code”
floraPlant remains found on archaeological
burstA transient enhancement of the solar radio emission, usually associated with an active region or flare.
tagsHTML codes, enclosed in brackets, containing formatting information, anchors, etc.
erraticirregular, uneven
bandwidthThe range of frequencies a circuit will respond to or pass through
costThe cash value of project activity; that is, the value associated with materials and resources expended to accomplish project objectives
totem poleA pole or post that has been carved and painted with totems or figures, such as animals, that serve as the emblems of clans or families
continuous toneImage made of non-discernable picture elements which give appearance of continuous spectrum of gray values or tones.
cpicCapital planning and investment control.
total stationAn optical surveyor's instrument that combines a transit and an electronic distance measuring device
human variation and adaptationSome of the major problems involved in interpreting modern and recent human diversity
ultrahigh frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 300 MHz - 3 GHz.
environmentA term used on da Vinci DUI systems to refer to all parameters saved on a session to session basis, but not a scene to scene basis
efflorescencePowdery white salts crystallized on the surface of a wall as a result of moisture evaporation.
mesopotamiaThe flat plain between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in southern Iraq where the world’s first civilization developed.
digitized informationText, photographs and illustrations converted into digital signals for input, processing and output in an electronic publishing system.
bandwidthThe capacity of a network to carry data, usually expressed in bits per second (bps).
deckA small headline running below the main headline; also called a drop head.
mullCoarse muslin glue placed on the back of book or pads for strengthening.
dtpDirect to Plate
common gateway interfaceA standard that allows a web page to request that its host server activate a script (for example, an email feedback form).
personologya variant of physiognomy
caddoan cultureCaddoan culture is the name given to farmers in the Arkansas River Valley of the central southern United States and southwestward between about 1100-400 BP (years before the present).
relief printingA printing method where the ink is higher in some areas than others
acousticsscience of sound
column incha measure of area used in newspapers and magazines to calculate the cost of display advertising
dormer windowUsually small, these windows are found in roofs lighting attic rooms
agorathe open space in an ancient Greek town used as a marketplace or for general meetings.
scorecrease put on paper to help it fold better.
proximal endA term that relates to the manufacture of stone tools
bufferDevice for temporary storage of a signal, usually in a queue for further processing.
warm colorA color with a reddish tone rather than a blue tone
lomas(Spanish) Vegetation that is supported by fog in otherwise arid environments.
rowseries of tones on which a serial composition is based
neonatologythe study of diseases and the care of newborn infants; a branch of pediatrics/paediatrics
sector boundaryIn the solar wind, the area of demarcation between sectors
kwimKnow what I mean?
atmospheric perspectivesee aerial perspective.
leadingSpace between lines of type expressed as the distance between baselines
whiteThe color formed by combining all the colors of light (in the additive color model) or by removing all colors (in the subtractive model)
greek cross planChurch floor plan with four equal arms
coronal rainMaterial condensing in the corona and appearing to rain down into the chromosphere as observed in H-alpha at the solar limb.  Rarely observed and usually seen following the impulsive phase of a large limb flare.
cable paperA strong paper used to wrap electrical cables.
accordion foldA type of paper folding in which each fold runs in the opposite direction to the previous fold creating a pleated or accordion affect.
unders - under runA quantity of printed copies below the number specified in an order (possibly within a previously noted margin of error).
anthroOf or relating to humans
marginSpace forming border of a page or sheet.
humUnwanted interference at mains supply frequency or a harmonic thereof.
address(1)A character or group of characters that identifies a particular part of computer storage or some other data source or destination
tabloida page half the size of a broadsheet.
digitalA form in which everything is defined by a series of ones and zeros (Bits).
acanthusa Mediterranean plant with prickly leaves, supposedly the source of foliage-like ornamentation on Corinthian columns.
chunkingGrouping information into related small sets for readability and short-term retention.
bar codePattern of vertical lines of varying thickness identifying details of a product, conforming to the Universal Product Code (UPC).
even smallsThe use of smaller sized capitals at the beginning of a sentence without the use of larger sized capitals.
joggerA vibration machine with a slopping platform to even-up stacks of printed materials.
vision mixer(British) Vision Switcher
fenestrationA word used to describe the window arrangement of a building
teaserAn eye-catching graphic element, on Page One or section fronts, that promotes an item inside; also called a promo.
reconstructionA reconstruction can be a way to test a hypothesis or an interpretation
autecology|the study of the ecology of any individual species
artAll copy used in preparing a printed piece
work and tumbleMethod of printing where pages are again imposed together
altarThe holiest part of a church, used primarily for the Eucharist
densityThe amount an object absorbs or reflects light is called " density level." High-density objects absorb or stop light; low-density objects reflect or transmit light.
mimeograph bondHighly absorbent paper made for the mimeograph method of printing.
vanishing pointin the linear perspective system, the point at which the orthogonals, if extended, would intersect.
bufferA digital camera's internal memory, which stores an image immediately after it was taken until the image can be written to the camera's nonvolatile(semi-permanent) memory or a memory card
cross-sellingThe strategy of promoting additional products to current customers, often based on their past purchases
canonpolyphonic composition in which all the voices perform the same melody beginning at different times
betacam spSony analog component video tape format
lettershopAlternate term for Mailing service.
styleCharacteristics of appearance used to classify objects into groups
assembled viewIn illustration; a term used to describe a view of a drawing in its assembled or whole format.
woodfree papermade from chemical pulp only with size added
color shiftChange in image color resulting from changes in register, ink densities or dot gain during four-color process printing.
grippersMechanical fingers that pull the paper through the printing unit of a press.
color barsThe little squares at the edge of a press sheet where density readings of inks are taken during the press run.
mullA specific type of glue used for books binding and personal pads needing strength.
budA bud is a shoot which comes off a plant, flower, shrub or tree which contains a flowering shoot
orphanA short word or phrase that's carried over to a new column or page; also called a widow.
ng“No Good”
metallic inkInk containing powdered metal or pigments that simulate metal.
ionogramA plot or record of the group path height of reflection of ionospherically returned (echoed) radio waves as a function of frequency.
frequencyrate of a sound wave's vibration
wet rot(Coniophora puteana et al.)
arrisThe sharp external edge where where two surfaces meet at a point.
ductor rollerThe roller between the inking and dampening rollers.
music theaterstaged drama including instrumental and vocal music and sometimes dance
châteauFrench word for a castle or large country house.
manorspecifically, the district over which a lord had domain in medieval western Europe; in general, any landed estate.
soil characteristics and formationCharacteristics of soils and the processes and factors of soil formation
award issuanceThe exchange of member points into awards for which the member has qualified.
rulingSee Screen ruling.
focusTo adjust the lens to produce a sharp image.
flush leftType aligning vertically along the left side of the column
laser printingMethod of photocopying using a laser beam to charge the drum.
carbon blackA pigment made of elemental carbon and ash.
pouncedThe decorative technique of treating the metal surface with a dotted texture
x-rayRadiation of extremely short wavelength (generally less than 1 nm).
symbolismAn art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symbols and ideas, usually spiritual or mystical in nature, which represent the inner life of people
colonnettea small, slender column, usually grouped with others to form cluster piers.
characteristics of ancient civilizationsAncient civilizations sometimes evolve from simpler societies; this much is apparent
back dirtThe excavated, discarded material (sediment, dirt) from a site that has generally been sifted for artifacts and is presumed to be of no further archaeological significance
resident fishFish that spend their entire life in a limited range of habitats, such as fresh water.
positive filmFilm that prevents light from passing through images, as compared to negative film that allows light to pass through
molinologythe study of windmills, watermills and animal engines.
webThe roll of paper that is used in web or rotary printing.
composite printA motion picture print with both picture and sound on the same strip of film.
jitterRandom picture instability, usually of the whole frame.
pixelThe smallest dot you can draw on a computer screen (short for "picture element").
render wranglerThe job title of the systems engineer in charge of a render farm of networked computers on which rendering applications are run.
fuzzA term for the fibers that project from the paper surface.
compass roseused to show direction on a map
forbush decreaseAn abrupt decrease, of at least 10%, of the background galactic cosmic ray intensity as observed by neutron monitors
justifythe alignment of text along a margin or both margins
trackingThe transfer of ink from one area of the printed product to an area it is not wanted
killologythe study of human beings killing other human beings (Grossman|'s theory)
verso pageThe left-hand or even-numbered page of an open book or spread.
laryngologythe study of the larynx, or voice box; a branch of medicine
hyperventilationexcessive breathing
shinglingAllowance made to compensate for creep
jpegA name for a kind of computer image file, abbreviation for Joint Photographic Experts Group
base filmThe foundation material onto which the film positives are stripped for making printing plates
readableCharacteristic of messages that are written and edited and set in type selected and composed to make them easy to understand.
aveburyAvebury is an ancient megalithic site, dated to the Late Neolithic period and located in central south England.
customer acceptance criteriaThe criteria the customer will use to determine if he/she is satisfied with the final deliverables.
cosmologyCosmology is the intersection between astronomy and religion; many if not most prehistoric cultures studied the movement of the stars and planets as part of a religious rituals.
cost-effectiveness analysisA systematic quantitative method for comparing the costs of alternative means of achieving the same stream of benefits or a given objective.
braceA character " }" used to group lines or phrases.
lake dwellingFormer name for Early Neolithic lakeshore settlements originally thought to have been built over the water.
self mailerA printed item independent of an envelope
standing headlineHeadline whose words and position stay the same issue after issue, such as "President's message." Also called slug.
baptisteryRoom in a church where the font is stored and baptisms are performed, generally near the west door
cpiCost performance index.
fold marksMarkings at top edges that show where folds should occur.
e regionA daytime region of the Earth’s ionosphere roughly between the altitudes of 90 and 160 km
electronic image assemblyAssembly of a composite image from portions of other images and/or other page elements using a computer.
terabyteOne trillion bytes or more accurately 2^40 = 1,099,511,627,776
aes/ ebuThe standard for digital audio defined by the Audio Engineering Society and the European Broadcasting Union, now adopted also by ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
densitometerInstrument used to measure density
pneumologya synonym of Pulmonology
plate wearThe loss of image on the plate during the course of the press run, due to such causes as overpacked blankets, forms set too tight to the plate, abrasive paper, etc.
ballad operaEnglish dramatic form in which humorous and satirical texts were set to popular tunes
pictographA written or painted symbol that more or less portrays the represented object
business reply cardPreaddressed card meeting postal regulations for size, caliper, bar coding and prepayment
electrojet(1) Auroral: A current that flows in the ionosphere in the auroral zone
smoothed sunspot numberAn average of 13 monthly RI numbers, centered on the month of concern
hd1Single channel uncompressed HDTV Digital Disk Recorder from da Vinci, compatible with SDTV and HDTV video.No longer available.
tampuA roadside lodging and storage place (principally for food, fodder, firewood, and other commodities) along the Inca road system, placed roughly one day’s walk apart.
foil embossingStamping a thin sheet of metalic foil onto a sheet of paper and then embossing a pattern under it, creating a three dimensional raised area, usually text or an image
amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)
corner marksMarks on a final printed sheet that indicate the trim lines or register indicators.
dx codingCoding printed onto film cassette denoting speed, length, etc
asphaltBlack, tar-like substance, designed to be impervious to moisture
gazelleOne of several species of small to medium swift and graceful antelopes native to Asia and Africa.
backlightingA lighting effect produced when the main light source is located behind the subject
furnishThe slurry mixture of fibers, water, chemicals and pigments, that is delivered to the Fourdrinier machine in the paper making process.
gutterthe central blank area between left and right pages.
pmsPMS stand for Pantone Matching System, an ink matching system to produce a specific ink color
extremely high frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 30-300 GHz.
transectA linear area of land from which samples are taken in order to determine the presence or absence of archaeological material in the region.
limited editionAn edition of an art print or book that is limited in number
ranged left/rightsuccessive lines of type which are of unequal length and which are aligned at either the right or left hand column.
blurbA description or commentary of an author or book content positioned on the book jacket.
uniformitarianismprinciple that holds that the earth was formed and has evolved through the same natural geological processes operating today.
bulla(Latin, pl
search queryA search query is a term that is typed into a search text box
camera obscuraa dark enclosure or box into which light is admitted through a small hole, enabling images to be projected onto a wall or screen placed opposite that hole; the forerunner of the photographic camera.
marginThe white space around the edge of the page.
bitmappedAn image formed (or appearing to be formed) by a rectangular grid of pixels
ethnologycross-cultural, comparative study of aspect of various cultures; part of the subfield of sociocultural anthropology.
chalcolithic periodThe Chalcolithic is the name given to the period in the Near East and Europe after the Neolithic and before the Bronze Age, between about 4500 and 3500 BC.
dadoThe bottom one metre or so of wall clad with timber, originally designed to provide protection to the wall, and also covering the area most likely to be affected by rising damp
altamira caveAltamira Cave is the Sistine Chapel of Paleolithic Art, or so it is called.
purlPersonalized Uniform Resource Locator is a personalized Internet address such as
closed economyEquity programs whose hard benefits are provided exclusively in the form of the sponsor's product/service.
orthochromaticAny light sensitive surfaces that are not sensitive to red.
bylineis a credit line for the author of an article.
planographic printingPrinting method whose image carriers are level surfaces with inked areas separated from noninked areas by chemical means
coreldrawA vector drawing application used to create line-art drawings, such as illustrations and logos.
ming dynastyRuled China in the fourteenth century, closed trade with outsiders
isometric projectionan architectural diagram combining a ground plan of a building with a view from an exterior point above and slightly to one side.
brazierAn open pan or ceramic vessel used for holding hot coals.
emulsionA liquid suspension where oil and water are mixed together, suspending the oil in the water
relative datingA technique used to estimate the antiquity of archaeological materials, generally based on association with materials of known age or simply to say that one item is younger or older than another.
modema device for converting digital data into audio signals and back again
eschatologya branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of mankind
mail pieceThe entire contents of a piece of literature that is mailed to an address.
subduction zonesPlaces where the crust of the earth is destroyed when one plate slides under another
densitometerA photoelectric instrument that measures transmitted or reflective light
celestialA term which refers to something of, or relating to: heaven, the divine, or the spirit
crossoverA term used to describe the effect of ink from an image, rule or line art on one printed page, which carries over to another page of a bound work.
work for hireCreative work for which the creator agrees that the client owns the copyright to the finished product.
levantA mountainous region paralleling the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, including parts of the countries of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.
parasitologythe study of parasites
pencil testAn animation of simple pencil lines, to test the way elements move and interact.
igneousA type of rock produced by volcanic action.
stewardSomeone who takes action to preserve and/or protect archaeological remains. 
spiral wireA type of mechanical binding using a continuous wire of corkscrew or spring-coil form run through round holes punched into the binding edge.
hierarchicalA term referring to societies that have a graded order of inequality in ranks, statuses, or decision makers
ppiAbbreviation for Pages Per Inch
paleoanthropologythe study of prehistoric people and human origins
limnologythe study of fresh water environments, particularly lakes
cpmCPM is an acronym for Cost Per Mil, which stands for cost per thousand
printing unitThe sections on printing presses that house the components for reproducing an image on the substrate
versoA term referring to left-hand or even-numbered pages of a book.
active surge regionAn active region that exhibits a group or series of spike- like surges that rise no higher than 0.15 solar radii above the limb
stylusA sharpened, wooden implement with a wedge-shaped tip used for making cuneiform inscriptions
album paperA wood pulp paper with an antique finish used for pages of photo albums.
preprintTo print work in advance to be ready for inserting or imprinting.
cold colorAny color that moves toward the blue side in the color spectrum.
futurologythe study of the future
cultural evolutiona theory similar to biological evolution, which views human cultures as changing gradually throughout time as a result of various cultural processes.
deltiologythe study of, but more often the collecting of picture postcards
orphanA word, or part of a word appearing alone at the end of a paragraph
enamelA hard, glassy element consisting of colored glass ground up fine in oil and applied as decoration to an object, typically either of metal or glass, and then fused on with heat.
burn out1) A loss of information in highlights usually as a result of a system clip or limit
nimbusThe disc representing a halo on apostle spoons.
fan foldPaper folding that resembles the style of an accordion or fan; folds are placed at alternate, parallel directions.
ainuThe Ainu are modern hunter-fisher-gatherer group of the Hokkaido region of northeastern Japan.
cycle-time reductionAny activity that reduces the time it takes an organization to produce a product or deliver a service by minimizing waiting time, eliminating activities that do not add value, increasing parallel processes, or speeding up the decision processes within an organization.
crannogsDwellings built on lakes in Ireland and Scotland
ancient mexicoAncient cultures of Mexico, excluding the Maya, from their beginnings to the historic period
bit streamA continuous series of bits.
sedentismLiving in permanent, year-round contexts, such as villages.
thermographya print finishing process producing a raised image imitating die stamping
aerial reconnaisanceThe technique of searching for sites and features, both cultural and natural, from the air, often using aerial photography or the human eye
guglioan obelisk -- that is, a tapering column of stone, square or rectangular rather than cylindrical, and topped by a pyramid -- often acting as a fountain.
pinholingSmall holes (unwanted) in printed areas because of a variety of reasons.
retaining wallA wall built to hold back a bank of soil.
below the lineOpposite of ‘above-the-line.' Promotional channels such as direct mail, telemarketing, electronic media, displays, leaflets and brochures, and sales promotion and other media.
mockupAlternate term for Dummy.
uv coatingA liquid coating applied to a printed sheet
adzeA heavy, chisel-like tool.
under-developmentGiving too short a developing time, using too low a temperature, too great a dilution or old or exhausted solutions
d dcsAbbreviation for desktop color separation, a format for four PostScript files for a color image.
gatheredSignatures assembled next to each other in the proper sequence for binding
sheet-fed pressPress that prints sheets of paper, as compared to a web press.
storageNonvolatile devices, including hard disk drives and floppy drives, used to store computer information or programs.
ispThe Internet Service Provider is the company that hosts or stores web pages.
compositionThe arrangement of the main subject, other objects in a scene, and/or the foreground and background.
crash printingLetterpress printing on carbon or carbonless forms so image prints simultaneously on all sheets in the set.
postnetPostal numeric coding or the barcode system that codes the delivery destination information and 9-digit zip code on letter-size and flat-size mail.
kiss die-cutA method for cutting the top layer of a thin sheet of paper without cutting the bottom layer.
chirandChirand is a stratified Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Iron Age settlement in the eastern Ganges Valley of Bihar in northern India, between about 2500-AD 30.
glissandoexpressive slide between pitches
frequencyThe number of times an ad runs in the newspaper (or other media) in a given amount of time.
archaeological recordThe physical remains produced by past human activities, which are recovered, studied, and interpreted by archaeologists to construct knowledge of the past.
file formatThe way that a digital image is stored
cocaCoca, from whence natural cocaine comes, has been used in South America for thousands of years.
static grassStatic grass is used in basing miniature figures create realistic looking grass
wanWide Area Network.
copy(1) For an editor or typesetter, all written material
pithouseA prehistoric semisubterranean dwelling in which the lower parts of the walls are the earthen sides of a shallow pit; the top parts of the walls often consisted of a framework of poles intertwined with small twigs, covered with mud.
share-of-marketThe percentage of business (transactions or dollar volume) that one company has as compared to the total business available from all competitors within a category.
character piece: nocturnespiece expressing the "character" of night
cradle-to-graveThe total concept of a procurement from inception through development, procurement, performance, and final disposition.
flotationA method of extracting carbonized plant remains, shells, small bones, and insect remains from ancient soils and sediments
contextual inquiryA semi-structured field interviewing method, generally used at the beginning of the design process, that has four principles: focus - planning based on a clear understanding of your purpose; context - watching customers perform in their own workplace; partnership - talking to customers about their work and uncovering undiscovered aspects; and interpretation - developing a shared understanding about the most important aspects of the work.
artwork – artImages, including photos and type that is set-up for printing on press.
ciConfiguration item.
nose perfA perforation made at the nose fold of a product instead of slitting, used particularly on signatures and tabloids which trim.
matteSurface finish of a substrate that is not shiny like a gloss.
web stretchThe increase in the width of the web across the grain as it moves from unit-to-unit in multi-color printing
chi-square testA family of distributions commonly used to test for statistically significant relationships in a data set.
manuscripta handwritten book produced in the Middle Ages or Renaissance
benedictineOrder of monks or nuns living according to the Rule of St Benedict.
vfxVisual effects, usually done in post production and often computer generated at least in part.
concept musicalmusical show presenting ideas subject ot the audience's interpretation and leaving situations unresolved
atmosphericsAlso known as ”sferics,” transient radio waves produced by naturally occurring electric discharges (e.g., lightning) in the Earth’s atmosphere.
mpegA digital video format developed by the Motion Pictures Expert Group.
control trackLinear signal recorded on videotape as the base reference for the replay servo
positivea true photographic image of the original made on paper or film.
reredorterA monastic toilet.
normanTerm used for Romanesque architecture in Britain, which originated in Normandy and arrived in Britain after the Norman invasion of 1066.
assembled viewIn illustration, a term used to describe a view of a drawing in its assembled or whole format.
uncoated paperpaper that has not been coated with clay
nested tablesThree or four identical lightweight tables sized from small to largest, each one nesting under the next.
geometric panelsForming or consisting of regular lines, curves and angles.
trade customsBusiness terms and policies codified by trade associations to provide guidelines for contracts.
cssCascading style sheet file format.
pleasing colorColor that the customer considers satisfactory even though it may not precisely match original samples, scenes or objects.
z-foldA piece folded inward once and outward once forming the shape of the letter “Z.”
nylonThe first commercially viable synthetic polymer, developed by DuPont in 1935
frame grabberA device that lets you capture individual frames out of a video camera or off a video tape.
chavezologystudy of devil worshipers
ncr paperAbbreviation for No Carbon Required paper, a brand name for carbonless paper.
diplomaA fine paper made specifically for the printing of diplomas, certificates and documents.
coachA team builder, mentor, and role model for personal or organizational improvement.
conditionTo keep paper in the pressroom for a few hours or days before printing so that its moisture level and temperature equal that in the pressroom.
mark-upTo write up instructions, as on a dummy.
ocn“Original Camera Negative” Usually used to refer to film that has been exposed and developed and is therefore the only first generation master of the shot.
brecciaThe accumulated materials from cave deposits that harden into a conglomerate rock, including sediments, rocks, and animal bones.
formicologythe study of ants
ditherTo fill the gap between two pixels with another pixel having an average value of the two to minimize the difference or add detail to smooth the result.
honours thesisThesis normally required of Honours BSc students and also open for credit to other undergraduate Majors
concerto grossomultimovement composition for orchestra and a small group of solo instruments
japanologythe study of Japanese people
modulationMixing a signal with a fixed frequency carrier signal, preparatory to recording.
quality controlThe day-to-day operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality, such as intermediate and final product inspections, testing incoming materials and calibrating instruments used to verify product quality.
coverrerecording for commercial purposes such as a recording by white musicians of a rhythm and blues hit
community of practiceGroups of people that assume roles based on abilities and skills, rather than titles and hierarchy.
wax-free inksPrinting inks used when UV coating or film lamination is to be applied to a sheet
siderealReferring to a coordinate system fixed with respect to the distant stars.
gloss finishPaper with a coating that reflects light well, as compared to dull- or matte-coated paper
ftpThe high level Internet standard protocol for transferring files.
evil eyea malicious glance which, in superstitious belief, is thought to be capable of causing material harm.
secure data memory cardA flash memory card format that is gaining acceptance for use in digital cameras and other applications.
empireHeavy architectural forms, winged chimera, massive bronze mount
shicraThe Inca word for meshed bags containing rocks, used as fill in the construction of ancient Andean structures.
el niño(Spanish) A warm-water countercurrent that periodically appears off the Peruvian coast, usually soon after Christmas, and alters the normal patterns of water temperature, flow, and salinity
panoramaA broad view, usually scenic
readers pairsTwo consecutive pages as they appear in printed piece.
epsA common computer format for saving scans, especially illustrations (short for Encapsulated PostScript).
music dramaWagner's concept of music theater in which the drama and the music were theoretically of equal interest
photomontage(pronounced photo-mon
bodhisattvaone of many enlightened Buddhist deities who delay their own nirvana in order to help mortals attain enlightenment.
power tierAn option for the da Vinci 2K that adds 2 extra color channels to the system
proofTest sheet made to reveal errors or flaws, predict results on press and record how a printing job is intended to appear when finished.
hepatologythe study of the liver; a branch of medicine
stockA term for unprinted paper or other material to be printed.
contract administrationManaging the relationship with the vendor.
brightness temperatureThe equivalent blackbody temperature at a specified wavelength of a uniform source filling the resolution element of the telescope.
value-at-risk customersAny high-value, high-yield customer with a high propensity to churn.
taf“Telecine Analysis Film”
linotypemanufacturers of a range of high resolution phototypesetting machines such as the 100, 202, 300 and 500
cross heada heading set in the body of the text used to break it into easily readable sections.
lpiRefers to Lines Per Inch, a measurement of how tight together the dots in a halftone screen are, and generally indicated the quality level of printed material
sectiona diagrammatic representation of a building intersected by a vertical plane.
swash bookA book in a variety of forms, indicating specific stock in specific colors in a specific thickness.
high definition1
print zoneThe size of the image area from the lead edge to the tail edge of the sheet
rubatoRomantic technique of "robbing" from the tempo at some points and "paying back"at others
hammer headA headline that uses a big, bold word or phrase for impact and runs a small, wide deck below.
dieDesign, letters or shapes, cut into metal (mostly brass) for stamping book covers or embossing
skidA pallet used for a pile of cut sheets.
absolute musicinstrumental music based on abstract principles of music theory and form
angiologythe study of the anatomy of blood and lymph vascular systems
wormholesA condition problem where pages of a book have holes that look like they were made by a worm crawling through
archive(1)A group of compressed computer files
bold typeType that appears darker than the next type of the same typeface
controlled languageA defined subset of a natural language which restricts grammar and vocabulary to reduce ambiguity and complexity.
abbeyChurch, monastery or convent used by a monastic community governed by an abbot or abbess
stripperPerson who strips negatives.
robust"Big-boned," heavy, thick-walled skeletal tissue
galenaA common heavy mineral that is the principal ore of lead.
crmCustomer relationship management.
backboneAlternate term for Spine.
conical mounda cone or oval shaped mound that usually contains human burials
gutterA blank space or margin between components on a printed piece or press sheet.
reprographicsGeneral term for xerography, diazo, and other methods of copying used by designers, engineers, and architects.
index bristolA thick paper stock with a basis size of 25.5x30.5
reflective copyProducts, such as fabrics, illustrations and photographic prints, viewed by light reflected from them.
baseThe support onto which printing plates is fixed.
flash pointA term given to the lowest temperature of ignitibility of vapors given off by a substance.
regressionA functional relationship between two or more correlated variables that is often empirically determined from data and is used especially to predict values of one variable when values of the others are given.
glossA type of finish or coating that makes an image or photo shine and reflect light.
pinchbeckAn alloy of copper and zinc, intended to imitate gold
marginImprinted space around edge of page.
entomologythe study of insects
bleedAn area of extra ink that crosses the trim line of paper, most commonly used in the die-cut process and in full color projects requiring cutting.
cultureA culture is a particular way of life
soil scientistsOne who studies the distribution, fertility, and chemical and organic composition of the upper layer of the Earth.
impression· The printed product resulting from a full cycle through a printing machine.
readers spreadsTwo consecutive pages as they appear in printed piece.
data conversionTo change digital information from its original code so that it can be recorded by an electronic memory using a different code.
alloyingA technique of combining or mixing two or more metals to make an entirely new metal.
window(1) In a printed product, a die-cut hole revealing an image on the sheet behind it
bipedalismThe human method of locomotion, walking on two legs; one of the first human characteristics to distinguish the early hominids, as opposed to quadrupedalism, walking on four legs.
vehicleA combination of varnish, waxes, dryers etc., that contain the pigment of inks and control the flow, the drying and the adhesion of the pigments to the printed surface.
field sequenceIn NTSC coded signals there are 4 distinct color fields identified by the relationship of color subcarrier to horizontal sync
pmsObsolete reference to PANTONE's Matching System
em dashA dash, one em long, used to separate parenthetical phrases within a sentence.
moireA picture fault, caused by detail with information to fine to be accurately reproduced in a recording, which is characterized by a pattern of wavy lines over all or part of the picture
social identitySocial identity is a fundamental theoretical and practical concern for archaeologists, physical anthropologists, and paleoanthropologists
photosensitiveCharacteristic of paper, film, and printing plates coated with light-sensitive chemicals.
thumbnailsInitial ideas jotted on virtually anything in regard to initial concept of a future project.
baselineAn imaginary line that letters and numbers sit on.
linksLinks can be text or images on a web page that a visitor can click on to connect to another web page or document.
the liftImprovement in response to a mailing to which modeling or segmentation has been applied.
laminateA thin transparent plastic sheet (coating) bonded by heat or pressure, providing protection against liquid and heavy use
special topics in archaeologyThis course is offered periodically to meet special needs of students or visiting faculty members.
award redemptionThe exchange of an issued or qualified award for goods or services.
clippingElectronic limits imposed to prevent signals exceeding maximum levels for white, black and chrominance
through-the-lens meteringMeasuring exposure by a meter built into the camera body, which measures the intensity of light passing through the picture-taking lens.
da vinci1
mounting boarda heavy board used for mounting artwork.
4:4:4A sampling ratio that has equal amounts of the luminance and both chrominance channels
topics in mesoamerican archaeologyFocus will be on particular time periods or themes in Mesoamerican archaeology and ethnohistory.
aggregateAggregates are defined as crushed stone, rockery or rocks which are used in concrete mixtures to give a textured appearance.
airThe large white areas in a design layout.
pinningThe process of inserting a metal pin between two pieces of a model to strengthing the join
swopAbbreviation for specifications for web offset publications, specifications recommended for web printing of publications.
pathogenAnything that causes disease, particularly living microorganisms such as a bacterium or fungus.
rag paperPapers with a complete or partial content of cotton fibers.
neurologythe study of nerves
session1.A file created by a da Vinci user, for a specific job
color curvesInstructions in computer software that allow users to change or correct colors
omf“Open Media Framework”
customerSomeone for whom a product is made or a service is rendered.
tenorhigh male voice
minstreltraveling or resident entertainer and music performer
color gradingThe process of color timing, correction or enhancement
ampexManufacturer of the first ever Video Tape Recorder (VTR), the VR-1000
continuum stormGeneral term for solar radio noise lasting for hours and sometimes days, in which the intensity varies smoothly with frequency over a wide range in the meter and decimeter wavelengths.
dylux brandName for photographic paper used to make blueline proofs
courtesy reply mailMail which is pre-addressed and pre-barcoded to facilitate return to the distributor of it
copy1) For an editor or typesetter, all written material
porosityThe property of paper that allows the permeation of air, an important factor in ink penetration.
shelf lifeThe length of time before an item becomes obsolete.
predellathe lower part of an altarpiece, often decorated with small scenes that are related to the subject of the main panel.
ccir“Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications” A UN regulatory body that makes mandatory standards and recommendations for all aspects of communications
clip artHigh-contrast drawings printed on white, glossy paper and made to be cut out and pasted to a mechanical.
grain directionPredominant direction in which fibers in paper become aligned during manufacturing
crickley hillCrickley Hill is an important Neolithic and Iron Age occupation in Gloucestershire, primarily known for its archaeological evidence of a violent history.
eulogythe speech of praise
mitmaqA system of colonization used by the Inca to minimize provincial rebellion by moving people around to break up dissident groups.
color burstSample of the color sub carrier inserted into the horizontal blanking interval at the start of each line of video.
tileA method used when a page is too large to be output in its entirety by the output device
cross-platformFiles that can be used with different operating systems.
later african prehistoryLate Pleistocene and earlier Holocene developments throughout the continent.  Topics include the consolidation of modern human behavior, Later Stone Age developments, the spread of modern humans out of Africa, the trend towards sedentism at the end of the Pleistocene, and the evolution and spread of food production, metallurgy and trade.
century schoolbooka popular serif typeface used in magazines and books for text setting which has a large x-height and an open appearance.
scummingAn offset press condition in which the non-image area of the plate begins to accept ink.
phototypesettingSetting type directly on film or photosensitive paper for reproduction.
text paperA high quality light weight printing paper.
ramRandom Access Memory
glumeThe tough seed cover of many cereal kernels.
historic preservationThe management, protection and
archaeologyThe scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, and other such remains.
opaque1) Not transparent.
cyclopaean masonrystone construction using large, irregular blocks without mortar.
crossingThe point at which the transepts cross the nave of a church.
inversion lineThe locus of points on the solar surface where the radial magnetic field vanishes
bodyThe main shank or portion of the letter character other than the ascenders and descenders
planktologythe study of plankton
exposureThe amount of light permitted to reach each frame of film during shooting
makegoodThe rerun of an ad or printed piece by a publisher or printer because of their error.
soffitThe exposed underside of any architectural element, especially a roof.
web pressPress that prints paper from a roll.
wire sideThat side of the paper which lies on the wire screen side of the papermaking machine.
natural habitat hypothesisThe theory that the earliest domesticates appeared in the area that their wild ancestors inhabited.
cruciformshaped or arranged like a cross.
upPrinting two up or three up means printing the identical piece twice or three times on one sheet of paper in one impression.
aquatic animalsAquatic animals are marine animals which are used as pets in residential ponds
scoreImpressions or cuts in flat material that facilitate bending or folding without cracking.
gifThe Graphic Interchange Format is a compression format for images
set-off sprayA powder used in sheet press to prevent set-off of wet printing inks on the sheet above
megalithA large stone monument.
naturalA term to describe papers that have a color similar to that of wood; also called cream, off-white or ivory.
photo mechanical transferMechanically produced photoprints taken from originals to use in paste-ups and presentations
c1sA trade abbreviation for coated 1 (one) side
sedimentologya branch of geology that studies sediments.
bzA measure of the North/South orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field measured perpendicular to the ecliptic plane.  When Bz is southward, or antiparallel to the Earth's magnetic field, geomagnetic disturbances become much more severe than when Bz is northward.
ftpFTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol
original scene memoryOriginal Scene Memory is stored automatically each time a new event is entered or created and allows the colorist to undo any changes made, after entering the scene and before leaving it.
feltIn the papermaking process, a cloth conveyor belt that receives papers from the Fourdrinier wire and delivers it to the drier.
accrual partnerA partner that purchases points in a sponsor's program.
stucco(a) a type of cement used to coat the walls of a building; (b) a fine plaster used for moldings and other architectural decorations.
finishSurface characteristic of paper.
priority mailA class of mail the post office offers to mail owners that meet certain qualifications for mail over 15 ounces that requires First Class attention.
cockle finishSlightly puckered surface on bond paper.
gigoGarbage In, Garbage Out.
articulatedBones that are left in their correct anatomical positions after tissue decay.
cusp(s}In the magnetosphere, two regions near magnetic local noon and approximately 15 degrees of latitude equatorward of the north and the south magnetic poles
contract requirementsIn addition to specified performance requirements, contract requirements include those defined in the statement of work; specifications, standards, and related documents; management systems; and contract terms and conditions.
trompe d'oeflA French phrase meaning fool the eye
scatologythe study of feces
in-plant printerDepartment of an agency, business, or association that does printing for the parent organization.
bindingVarious methods of securing folded sections of paper together and fastening them to a cover to form a book.
kilnan oven used to bake (or fire) clay.
trim marksMarks placed on the sheet to indicate where to cut the page.
thermosphereThat region of the Earth’s atmosphere where the neutral temperature increases with height.  It begins above the mesosphere at about 80-85 km and extends to the exosphere.
lanWorkstations and personal computers in an office are commonly connected to each other with a LAN (Local Area Network); this allows them to send/receive files and/or have access to the files and data
capital projectThe acquisition of a capital asset and the management of that asset through its life cycle after the initial acquisition
cookieA small text file that a web site sends to a web user’s computer, which can be used to identify that user, store user preferences, and so on.
machine directionGrain direction.
formOne side of a press sheet.
payout rateFunding rate
menu-drivenprograms which allow the user to request functions by choosing from a list of options.
spiral bindA binding whereby a wire of metal or plastic is spiraled through holes punched along the binding side.
origins of agricultureIntensive study of the origins of agriculture throughout the world.
provenienceThe three-dimensional context (including geographical location) of an archaeological find, giving information about its function and date
shadow dotThe lowest density of a halftone image.
platePiece of paper, metal, plastic, or rubber carrying an image to be reproduced using a printing press.
orielA projecting window supported on a bracket or corbel
flying buttressA free-standing buttress linked to a church wall by an arch or part of an arch that serves to transmit the outward thrust of the wall to the buttress.
recitativespeechlike setting of a text, with homophonic accompaniment by a keyboard (dry recitative) or an orchestra (accompanied recitative)
aedicule(a) a small building used as a shrine; (b) a niche designed to hold a statue
mammoth(Mammuthus jeffersonii) The mammoth is a relatively close relative to the modern elephant
tectonicof, or pertaining to, building or construction.
carbonless paperPaper coated with chemicals that enable transfer of images from one sheet to another with pressure from writing or typing.
newslettershort, usually informal periodical presenting of specialized information to a limited audience.
lyreA stringed instrument of the harp class
gui“Graphical User Interface”
clientA networked personal computer or workstation that requests information or applications from a centralized server.
single event upsetWith reference to the effects of energetic particles on spacecraft microcircuits - an unexpected change in the logic state of a single digital bit.  SEUs can be either ”soft” (the microcircuit is not damaged and can be rewritten to either state), or a latch up, which cannot easily be reset.
finishingInclusive term sometimes used for all bindery operations.
steady gateA pin-registered device manufactured by Steady Film for precise telecine transfers
cost estimatingDeveloping an approximation of the cost of the resources needed to complete project activities.
chaparron complexThe Chaparron culture in the name given to a group of people who lived in sedentary villages of lower central America, especially Costa Rica, between about 1000-500 BC.
cosmic noiseThe broad spectrum of radio noise arriving at the Earth from sources outside the solar system.
atapuercaThe Sierra de Atapuerca is an ancient karst topography region of Spain, where several caves are located with evidence of very old occupations.
wasteUnusable paper or paper damage during normal makeready, printing or binding operations, as compared to spoilage.
saturationThe measurement of the amount of color pigment in a color
postscript(1) The computer language most recognized by printing devices
quernA stone grinding surface for preparing grains and other plant foods and for grinding other materials.
speleologythe study or exploration of caves
shatteringA natural mechanism of seed dispersal.
widescreenGeneral term for form of film presentation in which the picture shown has an aspect ratio greater than 1.33:1.
vgaVideo Graphics Array
depth of focusThe range that the image-capturing surface (such as a sensor or film) could be moved while maintaining acceptable focus
book of hoursA book for the laity containing Psalms and prayers to be read at the times of the Divine Office.
empireA union of dispersed territories, colonies, states, and unrelated peoples under one sovereign rule.
postalone!â®An electronic mail system the post office offers that allows their customers electronic access to mail documentation.
gessoAn undercoating medium used on the canvas or other painting surface before painting, to prime the canvas; usually a white, chalky, thick liquid
breakageThe difference between points issued and points redeemed
tinningMethod of binding by crimping a metal strip along edges of sheets.
mandalaa cosmic diagram in Asian art.
cursorThe blinking line approximately the length of one character that, as displayed on a computer screen, marks the current working position in a file and can be moved to any other point in the file by shifting the position of the mouse and clicking on the new position, by clicking on a command in a dialog box, or by executing function key commands.
spdSee Spectral Power Distribution
flagthe designed title of a newspaper as it appears at the top of page one.
letterspacingThe addition of space between typeset letters.
archaeologyThe scientific excavation and study of ancient human material remains
cognitive scienceA science that investigates how people learn rather than what they learn.
narthexa porch or vestibule in early Christian churches.
drop shipmentPrivate transportation of mail from the preparation point to the postal facility nearest the destination of the mailing.
file serverA networked computer system used to store common files in such a way that all or only designated users and applications can access them.
collateTo gather sheets or signatures together in their correct order
cariologythe study of cell|s
pre-masterTo format a data file into the ISO 9660 format (which is the International Standard for CD-ROM), before the mastering process
substrateAny surface or material on which printing is done.
lpgLiquid Petroleum Gas or Propane
topographyStudy of land features at a site
even smallsThe use of smaller-sized capitals at the beginning of a sentence without the use of larger-sized caps.
commercial registerColor registration measured within plus or minus one row of dots.
commercial-off-the-shelfCommercially available applications sold by vendors through public catalog listings, not intended to be customized or enhanced.
imagesetterLaser output device using photosensitive paper or film.
hypnologythe study of sleep (also: somnology)
grain long paperPaper whose fibers run parallel to the long dimension of the sheet
base lineThis is a term used to describe the imaginary horizontal line upon which stand capitals, lower case letters, punctuation points etc.
stereoscopyAny technique that gives an image the illusion of depth
magnetometerInstrument that detects changes in the earth's magnetic field
ghostingMarring a print by the placement of an image of work printed on the reverse side which has interfered with its drying so that differences in the trapping frame colors or glass variations are apparent.
comprehensive dummySimulation of a printed piece complete with type, graphics and colors
interplanetary mediumThe space between planets and other solid bodies in the heliosphere.  Populated by solar and cosmic particles, magnetic fields, and photons.
k kelvinSystem for expressing the temperature of light.
deathGenerally understood to be the extinction of an organism's life
felt finishThe smoother side of paper, usually a soft weave pattern used for book papers.
atlantean columnA carved human figure serving as a decorative or supporting column, such as at the Mesoamerican site of Tula.
n native fileFile still in the application in which it was originally created.
carbon datingsee Radiocarbon Dating  
change control processA process for initiating changes to the project baseline configuration; analyzing the impact of changes to project cost, schedule, and scope; approving or disapproving changes; and updating project or product specifications and baselines.
alkali blueAlso called reflex blue
head marginThat space which lies between the top of the printed copy and the trimmed edge.
blogs/bloggingBlog is short for the term Web Log
pull-down menusdeveloped from Xerox research (like just about everything else we take for granted in desktop publishing) these are a method of providing user control over software without cluttering up the screen with text
page printerthe more general (and accurate) name used to describe non-impact printers which produce a complete page in one action
currencyThe exchange mechanism that allows a participant to swap equity (earnings) into an award
finishDull - (low gloss) also matte or matte gloss.
leadersDots, dashes or other symbols that guide the eye from one item to another, as in a table of contents
content management systemA computer application used to create, edit, manage, search, and publish electronic text and digital media.
concert overtureone-movement orchestral composition often inspired by literature and dramatic in expression, yet generally subject to analysis according to classical principles of form
burst apartA method of printing/binding non-standard size projects
hmi“Helium Mercury Iodide”
ashlarFinely worked stone, with a smooth finish
axeAn axe is a stone wood working tool, used as modern day axes are, to cut down trees, horizontally slicing through the wood.
coronagraphAn optical device that makes it possible to observe the corona at times other than during an eclipse
haloa circle or disk of golden light surrounding the head of a holy figure.
content mappingIdentifying and organizing information for ease of understanding, use, and recall.
gatheringthe operation of inserting the printed pages, sections or signatures of a book in the correct order for binding.
compound moundmounds that are made up of conical mounds connected by linear mounds
drillThe actual drilling of holes into paper for ring or comb binding.
mutta typesetting term for the em space.
critical path analysisA planning technique used to plan or analyze complex processes or projects by diagramming interrelationships in the sequence of activities to discover which are crucial to successful process/project completion.
householdingGrouping people and their accounts by household so they receive only one mailing per residence.
perforationA piece of rule with sharp teeth used to puncture paper.
grottoan underground passage, often decorated with crystals, bits of broken shells, and broken pieces of mirror, and involving running water in rills and pools; all of this is calculated to create a mysterious effect.
box linersA coated paper used on the inside of boxes, which are used for food.
clip artArtwork that is pre-made and distributed or sold, then cut and pasted into a document.
disk operating systemsoftware for computer systems with disk drives which supervises and controls the running of programs
dyluxPhotographic paper made by DuPont and used for bluelines
orchestral suiteseveral sections of varying character drawn from a larger work, such as a ballet
antiques speakOur glossary of the antique trade's most intriguing lingo
counter reformationCatholic response to the Protestant Reformation; it proposed certain reforms including some related to church music
conopsConcept of Operations.
sectionsee Signature
smidgenA little bit
quartziteA stone which was formed in water deposited sediments and consists of sand grains which have been cemented together
trimthe cutting of the finished product to the correct size
scannerElectronic device used to scan an image.
ibcInternational Broadcasting Convention
camera-ready copyArtwork ready for printing without need for further copy or other changes.
collating marksBlack step-marks printed on the back of folded sheets, to facilitate collating and checking of the sequence of book signatures.
reconnaissanceA method of gathering data, often associated with surface surveys, in which archaeological remains are systematically identified and plotted on a map
uv coatingLiquid laminate bonded and cured with ultraviolet light.
flint paperA paper with a highly glazed and colored coating on one side.
corrective actionChanges made to bring expected future project performance in line with the project plan.
archaeologythe study of past cultures through the analysis of material remains
alpha channelA special 8-bit grayscale channel that is used for saving a selection.
body-heightAlso known as “x-height”; the distance from the base line to the top of a lowercase letterform in a given font; varies depending on font family / alphabet's design.
uppercase lettersAlternate term for capital letters.
gripperA series of metal fingers that hold each sheet of paper as it passes through a printing press.
agent  1.Person who attempts to communicate information to another in an ESP experiment.2
steppingRepeating the same image from one area of a sheet to another.
art workAny materials or images that are prepared for graphic reproduction.
glyph(Greek) A carving; a drawn symbol in a writing system that may stand for a syllable, a sound, an idea, a word, or a combination of these
encryptionTo alter (a file, for example) using a secret code so as to be unintelligible to unauthorized parties.
refractionChange of direction of a ray of light passing obliquely from one transparent medium into another of different density, e.g
cut stockPaper distributor term for paper 11 x 17 or smaller.
ciConfidence level.
decrescendo/diminuendobecoming softer
ancient dnaGenetic material preserved in archaeological remains of bones and plants that can be studied for information about past genetic relationships.
bordesley abbeyBordesley Abbey is a Cistercian Medieval monastery complex, built in the 12th century AD in Warwickshire, England.
caseina light-colored, protein-based substance derived from milk, used in the making of paint, adhesives, etc.
allegorythe expression (artistic, oral, or written) of a generalized moral statement or truth by means of symbolic actions or figures.
uan muhuggiagThe cave of Uan Muhuggiag contains an occupation and rock art, located in the Acacus massif of the central Saharan desert of Libya.
black pointReference point defining the darkest area in an image.
direct marketing interactiveMarketing activity that is measured by a response or purchase.
on-demand redemptionAs opposed to automatic redemption, customers request an award at a time of their own choosing over the telephone, via fax or internet.
leader spotIn a magnetically bipolar or multipolar sunspot group, the main spot in that portion of the group west of the principal inversion line; also called the preceding or p-spot
point(1) Regarding paper, a unit of thickness equating 1/1000 inch
opaque offset paper(Also referred to as Offset Oqaque)
cellular theory of prehistoryThe cellular theory of prehistory was dreamed up by German pathologist Rudolf Virchow, who believed that if you looked hard enough, you could find the archaeological roots of each particular ethnic group as a segregated, intact whole.
fraunhofer spectrumThe system of dark lines superposed on the continuous solar spectrum formed by the absorption of photons by atoms and molecules in the solar and terrestrial atmospheres.
sandspitA projection of sand that is connected to the land but extends out into the body of water.
obsidianTranslucent, gray to black or green, glasslike rock from molten sand; produces extremely sharp edges when fractured and was highly valued for making stone tools.
sitiologydietetics, the study of diet
post moldThe circular remains, often just a dark stain in the soil, of a wooden post that formed part of the frame of a prehistoric structure; also called a posthole.
megabyteOne million bytes or more accurately 2^20 = 1,048,576
posPoint of sale.
blisteringPaper contains approximately 5% moisture, and occasionally in cases of excess moisture, when paper is passed through a high-heat drying chamber, the moisture within the paper boils causing a bubble or blistering effect.
cutting dieSharp edged device usually made of steel rule, to cut paper, cardboard, etc., on a printing press.
package serviceIncludes matter formerly classified as third class (or Standard B) mail
rewards earning ratioThe amount of time it takes a typical customer to earn an award.
safety paperA paper that shows sign of erasure so that it cannot be altered or tampered with easily.
spotlightA compact filament lamp, reflector and lens forming one light unit
rheologythe study of flow
subjectThe person, scene, situation, etc
copyOriginal job material (paste-ups, film, photos and other graphics) furnished for the print job.
geomagnetic storm(1) A worldwide disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field, distinct from regular diurnal variations
geologyStudy of the minerals and rocks which make up the crust of the earth.
oasis hypothesisThe theory about the origins of agriculture associated with V
metrologythe study of measurement
pmsSee Pantone Matching System
attributean object closely identified with, and thought of as belonging to, a specific individual —particularly, in art, a deity or saint.
bartels’ rotation numberThe serial number assigned to 27-day rotation periods of solar and geophysical parameters
renaissance"Rebirth" period of renewed interest in the classical arts of ancient Greece and Rome
scoreImpressions or cuts in flat material to facilitate bending or tearing.
dsms-drop ship management systemThe DSMS program enables authorized users to build consolidated loads of palletized plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) mail from multiple jobs and mailing locations and to create consolidated Forms 8125-CD, Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) Consolidated Verification and Clearance — DSMS
jam synchProcess of synchronizing a secondary time code generator with a selected master time code, i.e., synchronizing the smart slate and the audio time code to the same clock.
curlNot lying flat and tending to form into cylindrical or wavy shapes.
toccatarhapsodic virtuosic keyboard piece
aerobiologya branch of biology that studies organic particles, such as bacteria, fungal spores, very small insects and pollen, which are passively transported by the air.
epistemologythe study of the nature and origins of knowledge
romanesqueDecorative scroll work or other intricate ornamentationderived from triangles, circles and other geometric figures
panelWooden base for a painting
chevetFrench term for the east end of a Gothic church, comprising the choir, ambulatory, and radiating chapels.
mannerismA prevalent style of art during the later half of the sixteenth century, characterized by a self-aware perspective with dominant, often disturbing, themes or moods
cdl“Color Decision List.” A list of the edits made in a color grading session.
temporate of speed at which a musical piece is performed
rightsConditions and terms of licensing agreement between copyright owner and client.
grainyAppearance of a photograph or halftone that has been enlarged so much that the pattern of crystals in the emulsion can be seen in the photo or its reproduction.
glossy printPhotography term for black-and-white print made on glossy paper.
control chartA graphical representation of the results of a process over time and against established control limits
hierographologythe study of sacred texts
stockThe material to be printed.
pan scanThe process of zooming in on an image with a wider aspect ratio than the viewing format and then moving it side to side (panning) or up and down (scanning) to fit a 4:3 television screen
access controlIn a network, a means of ensuring the system’s security by requiring users to supply their names and passwords each time they log on.
gildinga decorative coating made of gold leaf or simulated gold; objects to which gilding has been applied are gilded or gilt.
pedologyThe scientific study of soils
inorganicComposed of matter other than animal or plant, or not derived from living or once-living organisms
dadaA product of the turbulent and cynical post-World War I period, this anti-art movement extolled the irrational, the absurd, the nihilistic, and the nonsensical
bercyThe archaeological site of Bercy is an Early Neolithic settlement (4500-2000 BC) located on the Seine River within the city limits of Paris, France.
artworkAll original copy, including type, photos and illustrations intended for printing
gang(1) To halftone or separate more than one image in only one exposure
self-coverPublication made entirely from the same paper so that cover is printed simultaneously with inside pages.
blockIllustrations or line art etched onto zinc or copper plates and used in letterpress printing.
carrier routeA specific group of addresses assigned to a postal carrier from a designated delivery unit ( Post Office).
crop marksLines near the edges of an image indicating portions to be reproduced
caps & small capsTwo sizes of capital letters made in one size of type.
realismRepresentational painting which, unlike ideal art, desires to depict forms and images as they really are, without idealizing them
balanceA property of an image that has elements of equal weight, color, size, or other attribute on all sides.
bibliologythe study of books, printing, and publishing; also called Bibliography
repeatabilityThe precision with which a device can position an image, usually measured in microns
braceDiagonal support in a timber door.
for position onlyRefers to inexpensive copies of photos or art used on mechanicals to indicate placement and scaling, but not intended for reproduction
critical depthDepth of flow at which specific energy is a minimum; depth in a conduit at which maximum flow will occur if the conduit is at critical slope, the water is flowing at critical velocity, and an adequate supply of water exists.
disappearing solar filamentA solar filament that disappears suddenly on a timescale of minutes to hours
critical success factorAn attribute that has direct impact on the user's satisfaction and hence the success of the user documentation
dvd“Digital Versatile Disk.” A new format for putting full length movies on a 5" CD using MPEG-2 compression for "better than VHS" quality.
algologythe study of algae
dry mountPasting with heat-sensitive adhesives.
privateer pressGame publisher of Warmachine and Hordes
striking platformA term that relates to the manufacture of stone tools
organumearliest form of polyphony
chroma keyThe process which replaces all areas of a specific color of a foreground scene with another image
maskopaque material or masking tape used to block-off an area of the artwork.
new worldTerm used for the Americas (North, Central, South, and the neighboring islands) by Europeans in the 16th century who were discovering the region for the first time
misericordFrom Latin misericordiae, "compassion." A swing-up seat in the choir of a major church, allowing clergy celebrating divine office to rest their weight while standing up.
potsherdA fragment of a clay vessel or object.
wysiwyg"What You See Is What You Get"; used to describe software that shows you exactly how documents should look when printed or viewed on a browser.
psychopharmacologythe study of psychotropic or psychiatric drugs
substrateAny surface on which printing is done.
corinthThe archaeological site of Corinth was an ancient capital city of Greece, first occupied during the Neolithic period, and most famous for its Greek and Roman occupations.
polar rainIn the Earth’s upper atmosphere, a weak, structureless, near-isotropic flux of electrons precipitating into the polar caps.
finepapersPapers made specifically for writing and printing.
compositeAn order of Classical architecture comprising capitals with leaves and curly Ionic ornamentation.
arikameduArikamedu was a Roman trade center on the southeast coast of India, near the modern town of Pondicherry.
calloutWord that identifies part of an illustration.
optical resolutionIn the scanning context, this refers to the number of truly separate readings taken from an original within a given distance, as opposed to the subsequent increase in resolution (but not detail) created by software interpolation.
quinoaA pigweed (Chenopodium quinoa) of the high Andes
scientific perspectivesee linear perspective.
analogA signal that varies continuously
typea person or object serving as a prefiguration or symbolic representation, usually of something in the future.
cost budgetingAllocating overall cost estimates to individual work activities.
setariaA wild grass with edible seeds.
cell side“Celluloid Side”
a/vAudio Visual presentation, usually from slides or computer images with a synchronized sound track.
leaf stampingA metal die, either (flat, or embossed), created from the image or copy, which is then heated to a specific temperature which allows the transfer of a film of pigmented polyester to the paper.
contextThe position and associations of an artifact, feature, or archaeological find in space and time
crochetA sudden deviation in the sunlit geomagnetic field H component (see geomagnetic elements) associated with extra-ordinary solar flare x-ray emission
an indexThe daily Ak index determined from only the Northern Hemisphere stations of the am index network.
self-mailerA direct mail piece that is intended to be sent without an envelope or special binding.
rock 'n' rollpopular style developed in the early 1950s from a combination of country-western and rhythm and blues
louis xvThe more feminine rococo style evolved during Louis XV's reign, from 1732 to 1774
branch collarThe thick ring that forms at the bottom of a branch is called a branch collar.
plateA sheet of aluminum of specific thickness which is photo-sensitive on one side
fairyA mythical small being with human form, popularly believed to possess magical powers and a capability to interfere in human affairs (with either good or evil intent).
binary-codedA system of information storage or processing in two states (such as 0 and 1)
helmet streamerA feature of the white light corona (seen in eclipse or with a coronagraph) that looks like a ray extending away from the Sun out to about 1 solar radius, having an arch-like base containing a cavity usually occupied by a prominence.
copyAll furnished material or disc used in the production of a printed product.
anthropologythe study of humans
cetologythe study of cetaceans - whales, dolphins, and porpoise
chichén itzáChichén Itzá is a large Maya and Toltec village and temple complex on the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.
selenologythe study of the moon
waveform monitorOscilloscope designed for television which looks at luminance and all other parts of the composite video signal
read out registerThe part of a CCD image sensor that reads the charges built up during an exposure.
critical taskA task that must finish on time for the entire project to finish on schedule
palletWooden platform used as a base for loading and moving paper and printed products.
crop marksLines printed showing the dimensions of the final printed page
cultureA network of socially transmitted behaviors, beliefs, and ideas that separate humans into distinct groups
hueReferring to the actual color of a form or object, e.g., a red car.
dryopithecineThe generic term for the Miocene fossil ancestor of both the living apes and modern humans, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
epiphysisThe end of a long bone in humans and other mammals that hardens and attaches to the shaft of the bone with age.
extenderA white pigment added to a colored pigment to reduce its intensity and improve its working qualities.
resolutionIn image editing, the number of pixels per inch
greek crossa cross in which all four arms are of equal length.
pulsationA rapid fluctuation of the geomagnetic field having periods from a fraction of a second to tens of minutes and lasting from minutes to hours
retouchTo correct flaws in an image or make design changes.
job numberA number assigned to a printing project used for record keeping and job tracking
middenAn area of accumulated debris and domestic waste resulting from human activity
diaper workDecorative effect on walls achieved with diamond or square patterns
halftone dotsDots that by their varying sizes create the illusion of shading or a continuous-tone image.
romRead-Only Memory, a storage device whose contents cannot be altered.
coalition modelReward customers with promotional currency shared between 2+ partners
right-angle foldA fold that is made at a 90˚ angle to the fold before it.
remoistenable glueApplied inline or offline, gum that can be licked or moistened to seal envelopes or reply cards.
npvNet present value, or the present value of all cash inflows and outflows of a customer, project or investment at a given discount rate.
ilmIndustrial Light and Magic is a VFX facility founded in 1975 by George Lucas specifically for effects on Starwars.
production automationUse of a centralized computer to monitor costing, workflow, job status, pressroom efficiency, billing, etc.
hairline ruleTerm referring to very thin line
synthetic papersAny petroleum-nylon based waterproof paper with a high tensile strength.
cherta fine grained sedimentary rock that is white, pinkish, brown, gray or blue-gray in color
presensitized plateA plate that has been treated with light-sensitive coatings by the manufacturer.
ancient peoples and placesAn overview of Old and New World archaeology; the emergence of humans; development of humans and culture from hunting/gathering to agricultural and ancient urban societies.
sweeteningAudio post production, at which time minor audio problems are corrected
featureAny physical structure or element, such as a wall, post hole, pit, or floor, that is made or altered by humans but (unlike an artifact) is not portable and cannot be removed from a site
luminanceThe brightness or intensity of an image, determined by the amount of gray in a hue.
lootingAny unscientific and illegal act of taking an
paste-up(1) The department which turns typeset material into finished pages ready for camera
tumulusA large, earthen mound built above a tomb or grave
animal genetic resources(AnGR)
superstitialsRich media advertisements that download in the background while a visitor is reading a web page and launch a browser window only when it has completely downloaded
furnishMixture of fibers, water, dyes, and chemicals poured from the headbox onto the Fourdrinier wire of a papermaking machine
celebrantPriest or minister who presides over a service including the Eucharist
tumulusan artificial mound, typically found over a grave.
kremlinologythe study of the Soviet Union
sewTo use thread to fasten signatures together at the spine of a book.
hôtelin eighteenth-century France, a city mansion belonging to a person of rank.
ichnologythe study of fossil footprints, tracks and burrows
flat1)Low contrast
dissolveA dissolve is a gradual transition that creates a smooth, seamless value change over a defined number of frames
opus"work." An opus number indicates the chronological order in which a piece was composed or published
automatic exposureA mode of camera operation in which the camera automatically adjusts the aperture, shutter speed, or both for proper exposure.
cpaCritical path analysis.
head stopsAdjustable posts on register unit of a press that properly position leading edge of a sheet.
paleontologyThe study of the forms of pre-existing life as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms
zeeman effectThe splitting of some solar spectral emission lines due to the presence of a strong magnetic field
contingency reserveA quantity of money and/or time which is intended to reduce the impact of missed cost, schedule, or performance objectives, which can only be partly planned, and which is normally included in the project’s cost and/or schedule baseline.
obversethe side of a coin or medal considered to be the front and that bears the main image.
apotropaionan object or device designed to avert, or turn aside, evil.
tear sheetActual ad removed from a publication and sent to the advertiser, often with the invoice.
edwinAdvanced window option for DUI systems that includes a vector based user definable shape generator
column gutterThe space between two or more columns of type on the same page.
cutoffCircumference of the impression cylinder of a web press, therefore also the length of the printed sheet that the press cuts from the roll of paper.
raster image processingA process wherein a raster scan technique assembles an electronic page in a bitmapped format on a pixel by pixel basis.
jpegA common format for compressed Web images, especially photos
grinding stonea ground stone artifact frequently used to process plants.
polytonalitytwo or more keys at the same time
jazzpopular music rooted in Africa that developed in early-20th century America
leaderA dotted line used with tab stops.
per m or /mPer thousand (M = one thousand).
orthochromaticAny light-sensitive surfaces that are not sensitive to red.
graphicsArt and other visual elements used to make messages more clear.
operating systemThe program that controls the camera's or computer's hardware.
wwvCall letters of the radio station over which National Institute of Standards and Technology broadcasts time-standard signals at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz.  Solar-terrestrial conditions and forecasts are broadcast at 18 minutes past the hour.
plasmaA gas that is ionized sufficiently to be a good electrical conductor and be affected by magnetic fields.
scumUnwanted ink marks in the non-image area.
perforationA line of small dotted wholes for the purpose of tearing-off a part of a printed matter (usually straight lines, vertical or horizontal).
folioIn typesetting, the typeset page number
annual plantsAnnual plants are types of flowering plants or shrubs which only grow for a year
4:2:2The sampling ratio used in the D1 (CCIR 601) digital component video signal
dot sizeRelative size of halftone dots as compared to dots of the screen ruling being used
press checkEvent at which makeready sheets from the press are examined before authorizing full production to begin.
continuous improvementImprovement in small, incremental, continuous steps.
faqFrequently asked questions.
pmsObsolete reference to PANTONE Matching System
chalkingDeterioration of a printed image caused by ink that absorbs into paper too fast or has long exposure to sun, and wind making printed images look dusty
balancean aesthetically pleasing equilibrium in the combination or arrangement of elements.
screen percentageAlternate term for dot area.
copyAll furnished material or discs used in the production of a printed product. 
denimA firm, durable twilled cotton fabric popularly used in blue jeans.
cross-cultural researchMarket research conducted across two or more cultural groups, ethnic groups, or countries.
offset paperA term for uncoated book paper.
dpi(dots per inch) The number of dots that fit horizontally and vertically into a one-inch measure
folio or page numberNumber of page at top or bottom either centered, flushed left or flushed right often with running headline.
monophonic textureone unaccompanied melodic line
wovea finely textured paper without visible wire marks.
cruck beamsPairs of curved timbers in period buildings which run from ground level and meet at the ridge.
shadowThe darkest areas of a photograph
black deathThe Black Death was the name given to an episode of the devastating bubonic plague in Europe between 1348 and 1351.
code coverageAn analysis method that determines which parts of the software have been executed (covered) by the test case suite, and which parts have not been executed and may require additional attention.
title pagePage at the beginning of a book, usually a right-handed page, stating the title, author and publisher.
signatureA group of pages that, having been printed together on one large sheet of paper, are folded, cut and bound, along with the book's other signatures, into a book.
duplex paperPaper which has a different color or finish on each side.
mulletFive pointed star sometimes incorporated into makers marks and heraldic devices.
ofeBind-in order form with attached envelope.
layoutA rendition that shows the placement of all the elements, roughs, thumbnails etc., of the final printed piece before it goes to print.
cold colorAny color that is toward the blue side of the color spectrum.
specialty advertisingPrinted advertising on products such as mugs, matchbooks, jewelry, and pencils.
iconographythe analysis of works of art through the study of the meanings of symbols and images in the context of the contemporary culture.
direct marketingAny advertising activity which creates and exploits a direct relationship between you and your prospect or customer as an individual.
reccefrom "Reconnoiter," to scout
scalingThe enlargement or reduction of an image or copy to fit a specific area.
keyboard instrumentsinstruments on which sound is produced by pressing keys on a keyboard
italicText that is used to denote emphasis by slanting the type body forward.
ethnohistory of africaThe ethnohistory of the area
pathologythe study of illness
graphic artsThe crafts, industries, and professions related to designing and printing messages.
very low frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 3 - 30 kHz.
upTerm to indicate multiple copies of one image printed in one impression on a single sheet
ghosting(1) Phenomenon of a faint image appearing on a printed sheet where it was not intended to appear
impositionArrangement of pages so that they print correctly on a press sheet and the pages are in proper order when the sheets are folded.
classical stylerestrained, objective style of art
uploadSending a file from your computer to another device.
microwavesGenerically, any radio frequency of 500 MHz or more.
ghostingOccurs when an image appears as a lighter area on a subsequent print
winga side panel of an altarpiece or screen.
content management systemSoftware used to publish and manage web sites.
obsidianA black or dark-colored volcanic glass
wysiwygWhat You See Is What You Get
magnetopause current sheetAn electric current sheet that more or less coincides with the magnetopause.
stelean upright stone slab or pillar, usually carved or inscribed for commemorative purposes.
abstractin painting and sculpture, having a generalized or essential form with only a symbolic resemblance to natural objects.
blanketThe thick rubber mat on a printing press that transfers ink from the plate to paper.
economyLimited budget and financing is a problem for archaeology
framingComposing image elements, by adjusting their size and position in a view finder or on a television monitor.
proportionthe relation of one part to another, and of parts to the whole, with respect to size, height, and width.
chatelperronian periodThe Châtelperronian period is the name given to similar Upper Paleolithic Neanderthal (probably) stone tool assemblages, from about 32,000 to 30,000 years ago.
break upIntermittent momentary loss of picture or sound.
gridA systematic division of a page into areas to enable designers to ensure consistency
cookiesA Cookie is a piece of information or file that is stored on your computer by a web browser when you visit certain web sites
against the grainAt right angles to the grain direction of the paper being used, as compared to with the grain
reflexologyoriginally the study of reflexes or of reflex responses; but see also non-study list
mississippianA period of Native American culture beginning 1,100 years ago and lasting in Illinois until 550 years ago
rhytonan ancient drinking vessel usually shaped like an animal or part of an animal (typically, the head).
format1) The size of a motion picture stock
web siteOne or more linked Web pages, accessed via a home page.
awardAn item that is purchased by the exchange of points or other program currency.
accordion foldA type of paper folding in which each fold runs in the opposite direction to the previous fold creating a pleated or accordion effect.
cadastreA public record of the extent, value, and ownership of land within a district for purposes of taxation.
impositionRefers to the arrangement of pages on a printed sheet, which when the sheet is finally printed on both sides, folded and trimmed, will place the pages in their correct order.
inspection chamberCommonly called a manhole
little masterGeorgian term for a silversmith who worked on his own or as a small concern, he did not retail his output but filled orders from larger firms
mousea handheld pointing device using either mechanical motion or special optical techniques to convert the movement of the user's hand into movements of the cursor on the screen
transverse riba rib in a vault that crosses the nave or aisle at right angles to the axis of the building.
in situRefers to an artifact that has been found in its original context.
dpvDelivery Point Verification identifies whether a ZIP + 4® coded address is currently represented in the USPS® delivery file as a known address record
facean abbreviation for typeface referring to a family in a given style.
gangDifferent jobs arranged and positioned to be printed together.
typoan abbreviation for typographical error
romRead Only Memory
symbologythe study and interpretation of symbols, or a set of symbols
scaling wheelAlternate term for Proportional scale.
deviceA pattern or symbol
foundationsNormally concrete, laid underground as a structural base to a wall
sqThe diurnal variation of the geomagnetic field
gateThe aperture assembly at which the film is exposed in a camera, telecine, printer or projector.
mezzaninein architecture, an intermediate, lowceilinged story between two main stories.
paleozoologythe study of prehistoric metazoans (i.e., multicellular animals)
akrotiriThe archaeological site of Akrotiri is the name given to a small Minoan settlement located on the volcanic island of Thera in the Aegean Sea.
desmologythe study of ligaments
proprietary modelA program structure that reward customers with the sponsoring company's own promotional currency based upon the customer's spending
reprintAn ad which is printed and then sent to a magazine for insertion
cultural ecologystudy of the dynamic interactions between human societies within their ecosystems
toningAlternate term for Scumming.
acAuthor's Correction
zymologythe study of fermentation
black photo paperA black paper used to protect photosensitive materials.
cost centerA subdivision of an activity that allows identification and control of costs by one responsible manager.
supercalenderTo calender paper extensively until very glossy.
wedding paperA soft, thick paper able to withstand the embossing process.
fifth colorInk color used in addition to the four needed by four-color process.
chain linesLines that appear on laid paper as a result of the wires of the papermaking machine.
cropTo eliminate a portion of the art or copy as indicated by crop marks.
protohistoricA period of Native American culture immediately preceding the arrival of Europeans
page description languagea special form of programming language which enables both text and graphics (object or bit-image) to be described in a series of mathematical statements
layoutA sample of the original providing (showing) position of printed work (direction, instructions) needed and desired.
stylecopyediting rules for treatment of such matters as modes of address, titles and numerals.
metamorphic rocksFormed when either igneous or sedimentary rocks are buried deeply beneath the surface; the high temperatures and pressures found there cause changes in the physical and chemical nature of the rocks
b.c.e.Before Common Era
pithosA large clay storage jar.
rhythm-and-bluesbroadly, black popular music of the 1950s
homologyconcept in anthropology, biology, algebraic topology, and sociology, meaning "likeness in structure"
australopithecusThe generic term for the various species of the genus Australopithecines, including A
achromatic“Without color” ..
bipolar disorderA condition where a person experiences alternating bouts of mania and depression; formerly called manic depression
rs422A medium range serial control standard commonly used for control of VTRs and other post production equipment
salon(a) a large reception room in an elegant private house; (b) an officially sponsored exhibition of works of art.
vectorMathematical descriptions of images and their placement.
wire-oTrade name for method of mechanical binding using double loops of wire.
accountingAn auctioneer’s financial report to the seller detailing all sales made, money received, and money disbursed
broadsideThe term used to indicate work printed on one of a large sheet of paper.
brackish waterMixture of seawater and freshwater
magentaA red ink used in four-color printing
sindonologythe study of the Shroud of Turin
strippingAssembling two or more photographic images to produce a composite
sociobiologythe study of the effect of evolution on ethology
content repurposingModifying existing content to meet the needs of a different audience.
rescreenTo create a halftone of an image that is already printed as a half-tone; for example, rescreening a photo appearing in a magazine for reprinting in a newsletter
masterAn original recording, of a finished product
aberrationDistortion, usually optical, especially of lenses
aniconicdepicting a figure, usually a deity, symbolically instead of anthropomorphically.
ground sloth(Glossotherium harlani) A slow-moving , plant eating mammal
cover wrapThe covering material used on the grey board of a hard case book
perfectingPrinting both sides of the paper (or other material) at the same pass through the printing machine.
access(1) A noun indicating the ability to log on to the Internet or another network
cromalin®DuPont’s one piece proofing system in both positive and negative forms.
mastheaddetails of publisher and editorial staff usually printed on the contents page.
pointsUnits of currency used to signify the amount of customer equity earned by participating in a program.
grey scalea range of luminance values for evaluating shading through white to black
upA term used to describe how many similar sheets can be produced on a larger sheet; two up, four up, etc.
blind folioPage number not printed on page.
anasazi cultureThe Anasazi is the name given to the prehistoric agricultural group who occupied the Colorado Plateau in the American southwest.
jogTo straighten or align sheets of paper in a stack.
standard mailIncludes matter formerly classified as third class (or Standard A) mail
unisonproduction of music by several voices or instruments at the same pitch, performed at the same octave or at different octaves
classica New World archaeological period marked by state development in the Mesoamerican and Andean South American culture areas.
material cultureElements of the physical environment that people have modified through cultural behavior
ppiRefers to computer image file size
stationeryLetterhead, envelopes, cards, and other printed materials for business correspondence.
book paperA general term for coated and uncoated paper
floppy disk(see disk)
episcopalPertaining to the authority of a bishop.
signaturePrinted sheet folded at least once, possibly many times, to become part of a publication.
eggshell finishThe finish of paper surface that resembles an eggshell achieved by omitting the calendar process
noise reducerDevice for reducing or controling film grain and video noise
continuation lineType telling the reader that a story continues on another page.
double densitya method of recording on floppy disks using a modified frequency modulation process that allows more data to be stored on a disk.
dropped capLarge capital letter that extends down into the first two or more lines
communication designA blending of design and information development that seeks to attract, inspire, and motivate people to respond to messages.
japonismethe Japanese aesthetic as absorbed by the West in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
right angle foldA term that denotes folds that are 90 degrees to each other.
resampleTo change the size or resolution of an image
ceramicsobjects of fired clay, including pottery and figurines.
glaze mediumGlaze medium is a paint additive used to thin paint, retard drying time, and improve transparency
lead1) Main story in a newsletter
nonrepresentationalnot representing any known object in nature.
cropTo eliminate portions of an image so the remainder is more useful, pleasing, or able to fit the layout.
image areaThat portion of a printing plate that carries ink and prints on paper.
chromaStrength of a color as compared to how close it seems to neutral gray
sfxSpecial Effects, either on set or in post production
disarticulatedA burial where the bones are not in correct anatomical positions.
asaExposure Index or speed rating that denotes the sensitivity for that film emulsion
golden ratiothe rule devised to give proportions of height to width when laying out text and illustrations to produce the most optically pleasing result.
electrophysiologythe study of the relationship between electric phenomena and bodily processes
asciiAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
rough layoutSketch giving a general idea of size and placement of text and graphics in the final product
reversethe side of a coin or medal considered to be the back; opposite of obverse.
lapis lazuliA semiprecious stone of deep blue color.
behistun inscriptionThe Behistun inscription is a "Rosetta stone" for Old Persian, Elamite, and Akkadian language.
balloonIn an illustration, any line which encircles copy, or dialogue.
introgressionThe transfer or genetic material from one species to another by hybridization and repeated backcrossing.
invertThe part of a culvert below the spring line that represents the lowest point in the internal cross section
specialty papersPaper distributor term for carbonless, pressure-sensitive, synthetic, and other papers made for special applications.
tellA mound composed of mud bricks and refuse, accumulated as a result of human activity.
casimiroid cultureThe Casimiroid culture is an Archaic period culture of the Caribbean Sea in Central America, with the type site found on the island of Casimira in the Dominican Republic.
angkor civilizationThe Angkor Civilization (or Khmer Civilization) is the name given to an important civilization of Cambodia and Thailand.
mississippianThe collective name applied to the societies that inhabited portions of the eastern United States from approximately a.d
graduated screenAn area of image where halftone dots range continuously from one density to another.
abrasion resistanceThe resistance to scratching of a surface of paper by other paper surfaces or other materials.
celtic cultureThe Celtic culture (or Celts) were a long-recognized cultural group of the Iron Age in western Europe, from about the 11th to the first century BC.
vestryRoom where the clergy and choir dress and the vestments are kept.
magnetogramA plot showing the amplitude of one or more vector components of a magnetic field versus space or time
cahuachiCahuachi is a major ceremonial center of the Nasca civilization in Peru, occupied from between AD 1-500.
squareIn archaeology, this term refers to subdivisions of a site or a larger excavation unit
minnesingernoble poet-musicians of Medieval Germany
printing dateThe date when a book was printed
pascagoula and hattiesburg formationsGreen and bluish-green clay, sandy clay, and sand; gray siltstone and sand; locally fossiliferous.
actinic raysLight exposure that affects chemical changes in paper.
capitalizationThe treatment of expenditures as assets rather than current expenses.
bandingMethod of packaging printed pieces using paper, rubber, or fiberglass bands.
hempA tall annual plant whose tough fibers are used to make coarse fabrics and ropes.
lighting ratioThe proportional relationship between the amount of light falling on the subject from the main light and other lights.
a4 paperThe size is 210 x 297mm and used for Letterhead
apertureThe size of the lens opening, measured in “f stops”,which determines the amount of light that can pass through
transhumanceA pattern of seasonal movement usually associated with pastoralists who take their herds to the mountains in summer and to the valleys in winter; more generally, a regular pattern of seasonal movement by human groups.
areologythe study of Mars
back upHow an image on one side of a printed sheet aligns with the image on the other side.
rim adornoA relief ornament applied to the rim of a vessel.
escapologythe practice of escaping from restraints| or other traps.
barn doorsA device with two sets of thin metal doors (horizontal and vertical) placed before a light source to control the direction of light.
geologistA person who studies the history of the earth and its life, especially as recorded in rocks.
edge hypothesisThe theory that the need for more food was initially felt at the margins of the natural habitat of the ancestors of domesticated plants and animals; a revised version of the population pressure hypothesis about the origins of agriculture.
paste upTo adhere copy to mounting boards and, if necessary, overlays so it is assembled into a camera ready mechanical.
cobClose of business.
pilastera flattened, rectangular version of a column, sometimes load-bearing, but often purely decorative.
nestedSignatures assembled inside one another in the proper sequence for binding, as compared to gathered
tight registerSubjective term referring to nearly exact register.
stabbingA binding method utilizing wire staples which simultaneously enter a series of pages from the front and back (neither staple is long enough to penetrate the front or back).
madrigalsecular song introduced in Italy that became popular in England as well
morphComputer generated special effect whereby one image is caused to metamorphose into another
cross marksSee register marks.
gigoLiterally "garbage in, garbage out." When the project originals are in bad shape, subsequent copies will be in similar if not worse condition
drillIn the printing arena, to drill a whole in a printed matter.
capture/replay toolA test tool that records test input as it is sent to the software being tested
championA person who spearheads an idea or action and promotes it throughout the organization
agentAlternate term for Artist's representative.
table-tilting  These are the movements which tend to come from the table which is used during a séance
rubylithA brand name for sheets of colored membrane on acetate that can be cut to shape to mask irregular areas of artboards
jacketThe paper cover sometimes called the "dust cover" of a hardbound book.
digital media dataDigital data stored in a file
cryologythe study of very low temperatures and related phenomena.
balusterA post or vertical pillar supporting a handrail or parapet rail.
color barsThis is a test pattern used to check whether a video system is calibrated correctly
obeliskan upright, four-sided, tapered pillar that terminates in a pyramid; it may be inscribed or plain, and it is often placed prominently in the center of a pool, at the crown of a hill, or at the end of a terrace walk.
ppiPages per inch or pixels per inch.
gatewaySoftware or hardware that enables communication between computer networks that use different communications protocols
film negativeA photographic negative which reverses light and dark areas
battlefield archaeologyBattlefield archaeology is the archaeological investigations of the sites of military battles.
issnInternational Standard Serial Number assigned by the Library of Congress in Washington DC to magazines, newsletters, and other serials requesting it.
pin registeredA system for stabilizing film which utilizes precise registration pins which are inserted through the sprocket holes of the film
bending chipA recycled paperboard product used for making folding cartons.
pointthe standard unit of type size of which there are 72 to the inch (one point is approximately 0.01383in)
carthageCarthage was a Phoenician colony located in what is now the country of Tunisia about 15 kilometers from the capital city of Tunis.
peak flowThe greatest discharge in a given channel from a given precipitation event.
gray cardA piece of cardboard or other material with a standardized 18-percent reflectance
lepidopterologythe study of butterflies and moths
arachnologythe study of spiders and their kind
back to backPrint applied to both sides of a sheet of paper.
folding enduranceThe ability of a paper to withstand repeated folding under tension.
digital proofingProofs produced from digital files printed on paper
cosmologythe study of the cosmos| or our place in it
archival imageAn image meant to have lasting utility
schedulingThe process of arranging the extraction of resources according to their availability and the demands of competing subsistence activities.
burnishingCreating a polished finish on paper by rubbing with stone or hand smoothing a surface.
coronal transientsA general term for short-time-scale changes in the corona.  Includes CMEs.
soft pointsPoints that have no monetary value since the value is derived from the benefit it allows the customer.
decibelA unit of measure applied to both sound and electrical signals, based on a logarithmic scale
fof2The maximum ordinary mode radiowave frequency capable of vertical reflection from the F2 layer of the ionosphere
a-frame editA video edit which starts on the first frame of a 3:2 sequence
parchmentA hard finished paper that emulates animal skin used for documents, such as awards, that require writing by hand.
c4dCinema 4D file format.
ocra special kind of scanner which provides a means of reading printed characters on documents and converting them into digital codes that can be read into a computer as actual text rather than just a picture.
sudden ionospheric disturbanceAny of several radio propagation anomalies due to ionospheric changes resulting from solar or geophysical events
urlURL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator
butt registerWhere ink colors meet exactly without an overlap or space between the colors
contingency planningThe process of producing a contingency plan at the outset of a project and updating the plan throughout the project life cycle.
w&bAn abbreviation for work and back
contact screenA halftone screen made on film of graded density, and used in a vacuum contact with the film.
model releaseContract authorizing commercial use of a photograph that includes image of a recognizable person or private property.
phantom commandAn unintended spacecraft command caused by the natural environment
transcriptionarrangement of a piece so that it may be played by a different instrument or ensemble from that for which it was written
allergologythe study of the causes and treatment of allergies|; a branch of medicine
type familyGroup of typefaces with similar letter forms and an unique name
impositionArrangement of pages on a press sheet in a manner that ensures pages are in proper order prior to folding.
print engineThe parts of a page printer which perform the print-imaging, fixing and paper transport
formation processeshumanly-caused or natural processes by which an archaeological site is modified during or after occupation and abandonment.
digital asset managementFile or asset storage and retrieval by a company for its customer.
halftoneTo photograph continuous-tones through a screen to convert the image into dots
sensitivityA measure of the degree of response of a film or sensor to light, measured in digital cameras using ISO ratings.
aadcUSPS Automated Area Distribution Center
animaticLimited animation consisting of art work shot and edited to serve as a video tape storyboard
internetis an efficient tool for both information and disinformation
configuration reviewThe process of comparing a document with a predecessor document to determine whether all of the decomposed requirement elements have been addressed in the newer document.
geometryThe positional and aspect accuracy of a (video) picture element.
optical centeringPositioning material a little above center when it is desired to make it appear centered with respect to top and bottom.
curlThe distortion of paper due to differences in structure or coatings from one side to the other or from absorption of moisture on the press.
rachisThe stem that holds seeds to the stalk in wheat and other plants; changes from brittle to tough when wheat is domesticated.
secondary correction1.In color processing terminology "secondary" corrections are those that only affect a specific color within an image
poppy-headDecorative finial of a bench or desk end as in ecclesiastical woodwork.
case bindingSignatures glued to a case made of binder board covered with fabric, leather, or plastic
gridA network of squares
party wallThe wall which separates, but is shared by, adjoining properties.
art paperA paper evenly coated with a fine clay compound which creates a hard smooth surface on one or both sides.
rectoThe odd numbered pages (right side) of books.
cppcCost-plus-percentage-of-cost contract.
legal color limitingMethod of clipping an electronic signal to conform to user defined maximum and minimum levels.
high-speed streamA feature of the solar wind having velocities exceeding approximately 600 km/s (about double average solar wind values)
raster image processorA software that converts postscript information into bitmapped information for an output device such as a laser printer or imagesetter.
separationThe process of getting different colors on different plates/film.
albumin paperA coated paper used in photography; the coating is made of albumen (egg whites) and ammonium chloride.
kilobyteA unit for measuring the size of a computer file equal to 1,024 bytes; abbreviated as "K."
corporate missionA document that defines an organization’s core purpose and focus.
advertising specialtiesItems such asacalendars, coffee cups, hats, matchbooks and pencils printed with advertising.
kilobyteK, Kb or KB
ethnocentrismThe belief that one's culture is superior to all others.
continuogroup of instruments, including a lute or keyboard instrument and one or more sustaining bass instruments, that accompanied Baroque ensemble compositions
canaanCanaan (also called Phoenicia) is the name of a Bronze Age culture and country in what is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and the southern portions of Syria and Lebanon.
sub-soilSoil lying immediately below the topsoil.
crashingTaking action to decrease the total project duration by adding resources to the project schedule without altering the sequence of activities
component testingSee unit testing.
k-coronaOf the white-light corona (the corona seen by the eye at a total solar eclipse) that portion which is caused by sunlight scattered by electrons in the hot outer atmosphere of the Sun.
call to actionWhat the customer is instructed to do by the communications campaign
bayA regularly repeating division of a facade, marked by fenestration.
dose rateThe rate at which radiation energy is absorbed in living tissue, expressed in centisieverts per unit time.
mylarDuPont trade name for polyester film.
rgbAn acronym for Red, Green, Blue - a color format used by computer monitors and video systems.
formationThe distribution of fibers in a sheet of paper referring to structure and uniformity.
art paperA paper evenly coated with a fine clay compound, which creates a hard smooth surface on one or both sides.
active prominence regionA portion of the solar limb displaying active prominences; typically associated with an active region.
distal endA term that relates to the manufacture of stone tools
blankingThe part of the video signal that contains no picture information
resolutionThe ability of a device to record or output the fine detail of an image, based on DPI and line screen.
padTo bind by applying glue along one edge of a stack of sheets.
stop endThe end piece of a gutter.
pmsObsolete reference to Pantone Matching System
bugAn error in a computer program
service bureauThe business of using imagesetters to make high resolution printouts and film of files prepared on computers for the printing process.
micrometerInstrument used to measure thickness of paper.
string quartetchamber ensemble consisting of two violins, a viola, and a cello
ontologythe study of existence
pinholingFailure of printed ink to form a completely continuous film, visible in the form of small holes in the printed areas.
radiometric datingA variety of absolute dating methods based on the rates of the transformation of an unstable radioactive isotope into a stable element
ream500 sheets of paper.
data transfer rateThe sustained speed at which data can be written or read and conveyed by a device, generally given in kilobytes per second (KBps) or megabytes per second (MBps).
blind embossingEmbossed forms that are not inked, or gold leafed.
polychromaticmany colors
high bulk paperPaper stock that is comparatively thick in relation to its basis weight.
spiritTelecine made by Philips (now DFT)
delivery memoForm sent by photographers and stock photo services to clients for signature to verify receipt of photos and agreement to contract terms.
drop capA paragraph format where the first character of the first word is 3x the height of the body copy.
abu ghurabAbu Ghurab is a 5th dynasty (Old Kingdom, 2465-2323 BC) Egyptian pyramid and solar temple complex on the Saqqara plateau.
cmos“Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor” A light sensor that has higher resolutions and is cheaper than a CCD
non-lossyImage compression without loss of quality.
virologythe study of viruses
printers pairsTwo consecutive pages as they appear on a flat or signature.
house sheetPaper kept in stock by a printer and suitable for a variety of printing jobs
coverThick paper that protects a publication and advertises its title.
shadufAn Egyptian bucket-and-lever lifting device that enables one to raise water a few feet from a well or ditch onto fields and gardens.
mirror standAn adjustable mirror mounted on a shaft and tripod base, resembling a pole-screen; popular at the end of the 18th century.
pull for positionGuide sheet for the positioning of type, blocks, etc.
redologythe study of the classical Chinese literary masterpiece Dream of the Red Chamber
cost-sharing contractAn arrangement under which the contractor bears some of the burden of reasonable, allocable, and allowable contract cost.
copyRefers to any typewritten material, art, photos, etc., to be used for the printing process.
single-point perspectiveA style of perspective drawing that contains only one vanishing point, sometimes also called one-point perspective
orthochromaticA term applied to photographic materials that are sensitive to green, blue and ultraviolet light.
soft lightingLighting that is low or moderate in contrast, such as on an overcast day.
vgaA resolution of 640 x 480.
ph scaleA measure of a paper's or liquid's (i.e
arch filament systemA system of small, arched linear-absorption H-alpha features connecting bright, compact plage of opposite polarity
basis weightBasis or basic weight refers to the weight, in pounds, of a ream (500 sheets) of paper cut to a given standard size for that particular paper grade.
estrusThe cycle of female sexual receptivity in many species of animals.
bajo(Spanish) A broad, flat, clay-lined depression in the Maya lowlands that fills with water during the rainy season.
lithicOf or pertaining to stone
signaturePrinted sheet comprised of any given number of pages in a book
pithosA large Greek pot used for storage of provisions
shadingdecreases in the value or intensity of colors to imitate the fall of shadow when light strikes an object.
graphic artsThe crafts, industries and professions related to designing and printing on paper and other substrates.
aspect ratioThis is usually found in dialog boxes concerned with changes of image size and refers to the relationship between width and height of a picture
mainstreammain body of work of a given period
pull quoteAnother name for liftout quote.
double densityA method of recording electronically (disk, CD, floppy) using a modified frequency to allow more data storage.
alterationChange in copy or specifications made after production has begun.
sheetfed pressPress that prints sheets of paper, as compared to a web press.
overs - over runPrinted material beyond the ordered quantity.
galley proofA printout of text used for proofreading before final page assembly.
directoireStyle of French furniture that spanned the end of the French Revolution and Napoleon's conquest in 1799
fluorescenceThe ability of a substance, such as paper or ink, to absorb ultraviolet light waves and reflect them as visible light.
banner stonea stone that was attached to an atl-atl in order to make it a more effective weapon by adding weight and balance
economyThe use and/or management of resources
charterSee project charter.
medium format cameraCamera that makes 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 negatives.
opisthodomosa back chamber, especially the part of the naos of a temple farthest from the entrance.
cbr“Constant Bit Rate” MPEG video compression with constant compression rate.
gallery graveA megalithic tomb lacking an entrance passage; the burial room or rooms form the entire internal structure
annularring-shaped, as in an annular barrel vault.
cacophonyA harsh joining of sounds.
continuous improvement processThe process by which an organization continuously improves their processes and procedures to meet or exceed customer requirements.
burst perfect bindTo bind by forcing glue into notches along the spines of gathered signatures before affixing a paper cover
contrastThe degree of tones in an image ranging from highlight to shadow.
gambrel roofa symmetrical two-sided roof with two slopes on each side.
clovis cultureThe Clovis culture is the earliest well-established human culture in the North American continent.
splashA " first" or " front" page that you often see on some Web sites usually containing a " click-through" logo or message.
book blockA term that applies to the end stage of bookmaking when pages are folded, gathered, and stitched but not yet cover-bound.
improvisationprocess of simultaneously composing and performing music
timbrecharacteristic quality of the sound of a voice or instrument
framingIn photography, composing your image in the viewfinder
knockoutEliminating part of an image so that another image can be printed in front of it.
dipThe geomagnetic inclination angle
borderA rule used to form a box or to edge a photograph.
sprayLuminous material ejected from a solar flare with sufficient velocity to escape the Sun (675 km/s)
job numberA number assigned to a specific printing project in a printing company for use in tracking and historical record keeping.
museologythe study of museum management.
contextual placementAdvertising in sections with editorial content related to your business
switcher(US) Vision Mixer
blanketRubber-coated pad, mounted on a cylinder of an offset press, that receives the inked image from the plate and transfers it to the surface to be printed.
sidebarA small story accompanying a bigger story on the same topic.
carbonless paperPaper that is chemically treated to transfer the impression from the first page to the subsequent pages
customer acquistionIncreasing the size of the customer base by acquiring new customers.
bottlenecksEpisodes of demographic contraction (small population size) that might result in reduced genetic variation and loss of viability of populations in future generations in the absence of immigration of new genetic material.
sovietologythe study of communist Soviet Union
d4Doesn't exist, so don't worry about it
airLarge white areas in a design layout.
trackardâ®SPC's proprietary paper-based, multi-ply CR-80 sized promotional cards
bindTo join pages of a book together by thread, wire, adhesive, or other means; to enclose them in a cover when so specified.
specular highlightA drop out highlight with no printable dots, thus no detail, as compared to a diffuse highlight.
radiocarbon datingAbsolute dating technique based on the knowledge that living organisms build up organic carbon
cpafCost-plus-award-fee contract.
lossyImage compression that functions by removing minor tonal and/or color variations, causing visible loss of detail at high compression ratios.
widowA short line that is the end of a paragraph that appears at the top of the next page
dve“Digital Video Effects”
critical flowA condition existing at critical depth where the sum of the velocity head and static head is a minimum.
oppidumA massive fortification in western Europe, often on a hilltop or a bluff, built for defensive purposes during the Iron Age; described in some detail and often conquered by the Romans.
imageIn Web design, any photo, illustration or imported graphic displayed on a page.
pull for positionGuide sheet used to position type, blocks, etc.
clactonian traditionThe Clactonian Tradition refers to the stone tools of the Lower Paleolithic period (ca
cottonCotton was domesticated in both the old and new worlds.
pickingPhenomenon of ink pulling bits of coating or fiber away from the surface of paper as it travels through the press, thus leaving unprinted spots in the image area.
trim marksMarks placed on a sheet to indicate where pages should be cut.
differential chargingThe charging of different areas of a spacecraft or satellite to different potentials in response to sunlight, the charged particle environment, and the design and composition of the materials involved
neoclassicism20th century version of classicism in music
back upPrinting the second side of a sheet already printed on one side.
cabsc“Canadian Advanced Broadcast Systems Committee” A joint committee formed by the Canadian government and broadcasters to coordinate the development of standards for high definition television.
aqabaThe site of Aqaba is a medieval Islamic town in Jordan originally called Ayla and occupied from the Chalcolithic period through Roman times.
symmetrythe aesthetic balance that is achieved when parts of an object are arranged about a real or imaginary central line, or axis, so that the parts on one side correspond in some respect (shape, size, color) with those on the other.
printingAny process that repeatedly transfers an image from a plate, die, negative, stencil, or electronic memory.
insert editAn electronic edit in which the existing control track is not replaced during the editing process
safety filmA photographic film whose base is fire-resistant or slow burning
selective bindingPlacing signatures or inserts in magazines and catalogs according to demographic or geographic guidelines.
yrgbLuminance, red, green and blue components that together make up an image
letter-size mailDimensions are max
mythologythe study of myths
pectoralA large ornament worn across the chest, especially for defensive purposes.
bar codesBarcodes are a series of vertical bars that are added to a mailing piece that represent the correct delivery adrress information
continuous-tone copyAll photographs and those illustrations having a range of shades.
games workshopGames Workshop PLC is a British game production and retailing company that manages a number of distinct brands, including Games Workshop, Citadel, Forge World and Black Library
pleistoceneAn interval of geological time that is part of the
ragged-left/right typeType whose line beginnings/endings are not aligned vertically.
cytomorphologythe study of the structure of cells
sexual division of laborThe cooperative relationship between the sexes in hunter-gatherer groups involving different male and female task activity.
phrenologythe derivation of a persons character traits, by studying the shape of their skull
dmaDirect Marketing Association - the leading global trade association for organizations implementing direct marketing tools and techniques.
seismologythe study of earthquakes
baghdadThe ancient city of Baghdad, the capital city of modern day Iraq, was a relatively minor settlement in the Middle East until the 8th century AD.
archaeobotanyBotany is the study of plants
crop marksLines indicating trim and bleed.
pvcuUnplasticized polyvinyl chloride
mpeg-1“Moving Picture Experts Group”
textmain portion of type on a page, as opposed to such elements as headlines and captions.
background researchThe term background research refers to the collection of previously published and unpublished information about a site or region.
running headA title at the top of a page that appears on all pages of a book or chapter of a book.
buttressan external architectural support that counteracts the lateral thrust of an arch or wall.
geoalertAn ISES special message summarizing by code the current and predicted levels of solar activity and geomagnetic activity.
voussoirone of the individual, wedge-shaped blocks of stone that make up an arch.
legatosmooth, uninterrupted
context sensitiveContent or functionality based on the situation or task.
eclipseThe obscuring of one celestial body by another
mill orderPaper ordered directly from the manufacturer
b/w“Black and White”
reader’s spreadKeylines of two facing pages in correct numerical order, e.g., pages 2 and 3.
endocastA copy or cast of the inside of a skull, reflecting the general shape and arrangement of the brain and its various parts.
holding feeCharge made to clients who keep photograph longer than agreed to.
capital expenditureMoney paid for improvements that will have a life of more than one year.
cbaCost-benefit analysis.
mullCoarse muslin glue used for book binding and notepads needing strength.
cameoA technique used on glass or stone to create a decorative effect of contrasting colors
curvilinearcomposed of, or bounded by, curved lines.
waranqaA subdivision of the Inca empire that was used for administrative purposes, consisting of 1000 taxpayers.
follower spotIn a magnetically bipolar or multipolar sunspot group, the main spot in that portion of the group east of the principal inversion line is called the follower or f-spot
web paperPaper that comes in a roll rather than in sheets
10-bitThe number of levels available in a digital video signal
averaging meteringA light-measuring system that calculates exposure based on the overall brightness of the entire image area
ripAbbreviation for raster image processing, a hardware and/or software system that translates page description command into bitmaps for output to a laser printer or imagesetter.
kickerSmall, secondary headline placed above a primary headline to lead into the primary headline.
rhizomeAn edible, rootlike subterranean plant stem.
wire stitching or staplingTo fasten together sheets, signatures, or sections with wire staples
hone-offThe removal of image from the plate using a stone hone or an image removal pen
archbishopA bishop who oversees all other bishops in a province
mastering/pressing cd-romsPreparation of compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) discs from customer-supplied materials as alternative or value-added sales opportunity.
surgeA jet of material from active regions that reaches coronal heights and then either fades or returns into the chromosphere along the trajectory of ascent
amphoraA two-handled pottery jar with a narrow neck used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to carry liquids, especially wine and oil
flamboyantThe late Gothic style in France, characterized by long wavy tracery designs.
featureArticle that provides general knowledge, entertainment, or background on the news
panchromaticFilms or other photographic materials that are sensitive to all colors.
comic opera: singspielGerman comic opera containing folklike songs
flat sizeSize of product after printing and trimming, but before folding, as compared to finished size.
back liningThe fixing of a material, either paper or cloth, to the back of a book before it is bound
plateReproduction of type or cuts in metal, plastic, rubber, or other material, to form a plate bearing a relief, planographic or intaglio printing surface.
cacheA deliberate store of equipment, food, furs or other resources placed in, or on the ground (perhaps protected by a rock CAIRN), or raised above the ground on a platform.
metric systemA decimal system adopted by most countries for solid, liquid and distance measurements.
scoringTo crease paper with a metal rule for the purpose of making folding easier.
spiderSearch engines use spiders to read web pages and seek other information in order to create entries for a search engine index.
chorologythe study of the relationship of biological or other phenomena to their locations
canopic vase or jarA container or small jar used in ancient Egypt to hold the internal organs of a person who had been mummified
cruciferFrom Latin, "cross-bearer." Acolyte who carries the cross in a church procession before the service
chipped stone toolStone tool made by striking a stone (core or preform) with another stone (hammerstone) or other hard material (such as antler)
velluma cream-colored, smooth surface for painting or writing, prepared from calfskin.
mechanicalCamera-ready assembly of type, graphics and other copy complete with instructions to the printer.
bedThe steel flat table of a cylinder printing press upon which the type sits during the printing process.
running samplesSamples taken at specified intervals during the course of a press run to be representative of the run as a whole
text paperDesignation for printing papers with textured surfaces, such as laid or linen.
enlightenment18th century movement led by French intellectuals who advocated reason as the universal source of knowledge and truth
close of businessThe last hour of a business day.
bangtailA perforated, removable piece of paper on the flap or back of a reply envelope.
cpffCost-plus-fixed-fee contract.
archeopedologyThe study of ancient soils in an archeological context.
sidelay1) The placement of the image side-to-side across the width of the printing unit.
pixelShort for picture element, a dot made by a computer, scanner or other digital device
mansardA roof made with slopes of different pitches, usually providing an upper floor of useable space within a roof structure.
nitrateCellulose Nitrate is a highly flammable material once used as a film base
invisible pointsOffers/rewards of which customers are unaware of the accumulation
montaña(Spanish) Mountain, specifically referring to the wet, tropical slopes of the Amazonian Andes.
communications planningThe process used to identify the general and specific information needs of the project stakeholders, the frequency with which the information will be presented to them, and the form the communication will take.
cropTo cut off parts of a picture or image.
rgb“Red, Green, Blue”
formatHeight and width dimensions of the picture area.
data compressionReducing the size of a digital file so that it may be transmitted faster.
sidebarBlock of information related to and placed near an article, but set off by design and/or typography as a separate unit.
collectionMaterial remains that are excavated or removed during a survey, excavation, or other study of a prehistoric or historic resource, and associated records that are prepared or assembled in connection with the survey, excavation or other study.
specificationsComplete and precise descriptions of paper, ink, binding, quantity, and other features of a printing job.
copyRefers to any typewritten material, art, photos etc., to be used for the printing process.
gatherTo assemble or collect sections into single copies of complete books for binding.
limb darkeningFor certain solar spectral lines, a lessening of the intensity of the line from the center of the solar disk to the limb, caused by the existence of a temperature gradient in the Sun and the line-of-sight through the solar atmosphere.  Limb darkening also occurs in some radio wavelengths.
gigabyteOne billion bytes or more accurately 2^30 = 1,073,741,824
ap indexA mean, 3-hourly ”equivalent amplitude” of magnetic activity based on K index data from a planetary network of 11 Northern and 2 Southern Hemisphere magnetic observatories between the geomagnetic latitudes of 46° and 6° by the lnstitut fur Geophysik at Gottingen, Germany; ap values are given in units of 2 nT.
traffic builderA direct mail piece intended primarily to attract recipients to the mailer's place of business.
lossy compressionAn image-compression scheme, such as JPEG, that creates smaller files by discarding image information, which can affect image quality
gangingThe bundling of two or more different printing projects on the same sheet of paper.
author's alterationsAt the proofing stage, changes that the client requests to be made concerning original art provided
dudologythe study of men
polar crownA nearly continuous ring of filaments occasionally encircling either polar region of the Sun (latitudes higher than 50’).
setoffWhen wet ink from the top of one sheet transfers to the underside of another as they lie in the delivery stack of a press
glossyPhotographic print made on glossy paper.
letterspacingDistance between individual letters
cacaxtlaCacaxtla was a Late Classic to Epiclassic (AD 600-900) city in the Puebla Valley, Tlaxcala, Mexico, with a population of about 10,000 at its peak.
polisA Greek city-state
confidence levelA probability that is used to determine, with confidence, that the true population value is represented in the statistical range.
conative modelQualitative market research in which the primary objective is to understand a topic or issue in the respondents' own terms.
corporate amnesiaLoss of skills and valuable knowledge due to downsizing, layoffs, or employee attrition.
address service requestedAn endorsement line in a designated area on a piece of mail that requests the postal service provide a new address for a person no longer residing at the current mailing address.
double passIn perfect binding, a job requires a double pass if the number of sections exceeds the number of pockets of the collator
burst modeThe ability of a camera to take one picture after another as long as you hold down the shutter release button.
atscThe United States Advanced Television Systems Committee, set up in 1982 to coordinate standards for high definition television.
magnetosheathThe region between the bow shock and the magnetopause, characterized by very turbulent plasma
compressionAn evolving and highly complex mathematical technique that condenses digital picture information so that it takes up less space.
gable roofa roof formed by the intersection of two planes sloping down from a central beam.
philologythe study of a language together with its literature
figured basssystem of musical shorthand by which composers indicated intervals above the bass line with numbers (figures) rather than with notated pitches
nde’sThis phenomenon is usually experienced when someone is really close to death
atonalityavoidance of a tonic note and of tonal relationships in music
plate finishAny bond, cover or bristol stock with an extremely smooth finish achieved by calendaring.
adaptive strategytechnology, ecology, demography, and economics that define human behavior.
vested equityA lump sum of points given to a customer up front that can only be used as time passes or the desired behavior is exhibited.
clip artCopyright-free images you can modify and print as often as you like.
compositionThe assembly of characters into words, lines and paragraphs of text or body matter for reproduction by printing.
breBind-in reply envelope.
latchupWith reference to the effect of energetic particles on spacecraft microcircuits, a serious type of single event upset in which the microcircuit is either permanently stuck or cannot be reset without being turned off and on.
graphic designerProfessional who conceives of the design for, plans how to produce, and may coordinate production of a printed piece.
characterologythe study of character|
vtr“Video Tape Recorder”
light curveA plot of intensity in a particular wavelength or band of wavelengths against time, especially with reference to a solar flare.  For example, the time history of the x-ray output of a flare.
iconUsually an image of Jesus or one or more saints
hydraulic gradientPressure gradient, or a line representing pressure or piezometrichead in a pipe flowing full, or the water surface in open channel flow.
bond paperStrong durable paper grade used for letterheads and business forms.
video cardA card the fits into a computer's expansion slot so you can edit digital video.
anadromous fishFish such as salmon and some trout that are born in fresh water rivers and tributaries, migrate downstream, mature in the ocean, and return to fresh water to spawn.
red-eyeAn effect from flash photography that appears to make a person or animal's eyes glow red (or among animals, yellow or green)
double bumpPrinting an image twice to increase the layers of ink.
reproductionA copy of an original, openly advertised as being a copy.
cabrioleA leg with a double curve.
broadcast qualityOf a standard suitable for broadcast
grain short paperPaper whose fibers run parallel to the short dimension of the sheet
subsistence strategydecisions and actions that affect the food resource and raw material procurement of a society.
biologythe study of life
zoologyA branch of biology that is concerned with the scientific study of animals, including their biology, distribution, and identification.
puebloA stone-masonry complex of adjoining rooms found in the American Southwest.
ecologythe study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment
weightThe boldness of type, based on the thickness of its characters.
seminar on special topicsIntensive study of special problems of particular interest to Archaeology Department graduate students
bar codeUsed by retailers to scan goods at the checkout
whitenessThe “color” shade of white paper, which is not to be confused with brightness
computer-to-plateProducing metal plates directly from digital files without producing a set of film negatives.
beaverboarda type of fiberboard used for partitions and ceilings.
automatic plate changingPresses equipped with automatic plate changing capability.
fan panernDescription of the back of a chair when fitted with ribs somewhat resembling the stalks of a half-open fan.
ultrabold typeType that is heavier than bold
critical frequencyIn ionospheric radio propagation, that frequency capable of penetration just to the layer of maximum ionization under vertical propagation
pharmacologythe study of drugs|
resolutionSharpness of an image on film, paper, computer screen, disk, tape or other medium.
point accrualThe predetermined means by which members within a Loyalty Program accrue program currency as an incentive or reward for purchasing products and services.
field notesDetailed, written accounts of archaeological research, excavation, and interpretation made while in the field at an ongoing project
mailers keylineA line given to mail owners in order to help them identify or mark mail for their own purpose.
mereologya branch of logic focusing on the study of part-whole relationships|
ripple markA method of moving a block of scenes in the Telecine Decision List (TDL) by the same number of frames.
parent sheetA sheet that is larger than the cut stock of the same paper.
insertsAdditional items printed and placed within a publication but not bound to it
maskTo prevent light from reaching part of an image, therefore isolating the remaining part
coverA term describing a general category of papers used for the covers of books, pamphlets, etc.
brightnessCharacteristic of paper or ink referring to how much light it reflects.
page countTotal number of pages in a book including blank pages.
full bleedWhere an art element or halftone fills the entire page of a trimmed product.
cepsColor Electronic Prepress System.
trilithonA massive stone lintel occurring in prehistoric structures, such as Stonehenge and the tholos tombs in Greece.
refectory tableA long, narrow table originally used in dining rooms of religious orders
copyThe text to be printed.
rakedPitched, sloping.
p3Privateer Press's branded line of paints and tools.
raised printingAlternate term for Thermography.
oceanologythe study of oceans
in situDescribing work done in the place where it is finally required, e.g
conditionTo keep paper in the pressroom for a few hours or days before printing so that its moisture level and temperature equal that in the pressroom
marginsNon printing areas of page.
logotypeA personalized type or design symbol for a company or product.
blurbBrief description of a person, such as a writer or speaker, appearing as part of an article by that person.
electronic memoryDisk, magnetic tape, or other memory device that holds digital information.
pillarboxBlack bands at the sides of a TV screen to change the aspect ratio of the picture area
transposeTo exchange the position of a letter, word or line with another letter, work or line.
decoDesign style prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a sleek use of straight lines and slender form.
back upTo print on the second side of a sheet already printed on one side
debayerThe photo sensors of a digital camera chip record pure red, green and blue values
lyreMusical instrument which looks a bit like a rounded harp and consists of a hollow body with two semicircular arms connected by a crossbar
lengthThe optimum length of a filament of ink.
typea grouping of artifacts created for comparison with other groups.
odontologythe study of the structure, development, and abnormalities of the teeth
dynamic rangeThe measure of the range of brightness levels that can be recorded by a digital sensor.
campanologythe study and the art of bell ringing
tool kita spatially or functionally patterned grouping of artifacts.
formEach side of a signature
diazoLight-sensitive coating on paper or film for making contact prints of technical drawings.
3 digitA sortation class using the first 3 digits in the zip code for mail owners who wish to use the work share program to receive a discount.
chanka polityThe Chanka was a small polity in the Peruvian highlands following the Wari empire and a rival to the Inca civilization
patenPlate held under the chin of the recipient in the sacrament of Holy Communion.
coin silverA phrase that designates the proportion of silver used in American coins, which is said to have a fineness of 900
french foldFolder with printing on one side so that when folded once in each direction, the printing on outside of the folds.
radar auroraRadar returns from electron density irregularities in auroral regions
neuropathologythe study of neural diseases
sedimentary rocksRocks formed by the deposition of layers of material in water
iranologythe study of history, literature, art and culture of Iran (Persia)
terminus post quemLatin: "limit after which"
alleyA term for a random, coincidental path or a row of white space within a segment of copy.
case-control studyA research study, typically used in the medical field, in which researchers compare the characteristics of individuals who have a particular condition to the characteristics of similar people who do not have the condition (control group).
optical soundA sound track in which the record takes the form of variations of a photographic image.
spot varnishVarnish used to highlight a specific part of the printed sheet.
slypeA covered walkway from the transept or cloisters of a cathedral to the chapter house.
emulsionA light sensitive substance used as a coating for film; made from a silver halide compound
dead mailMail that is undeliverable as addressed and cannot be returned to the sender for lack of a return address.
corner marksLines on a mechanical, negative, plate or press sheet showing locations of the corners of a page or finished piece.
goldenrodAn orange colored paper with gridlines, used to assemble materials for exposure for platemaking.
skidA platform support for a pile of cut sheets of paper (wooden pallet).
smartmediaA type of memory card storage, generally outmoded today because its capacity is limited to 128MB, for digital cameras and other computer devices.
elementone part of an image or page
archaeomagnetic datingArchaeomagnetic dating is a method of assigning a date to a fireplace or burned earth area using the earth's magnetic field.
staticStatic refers to an item that does not change or rotate.
mxf“Material eXchange Format”
run-of-siteAd buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages of the publisher’s site.
pmsColor charts that have numbered, preprinted color patches of blended inks used to display branded colors
keyingThe use of symbols that will appear on the dummy and are used to code a copy.
synesthesiaWhen normally separate senses are not separate
facingan outer covering or sheathing.
lascoLarge Angle Spectrometric COronagraph experiment on SOHO capable of imaging CMEs from 1.1-32 solar radii.
out of printA term indicating that a book cannot be obtained new from the publisher.
diyA home improvement or Do it Yourself store.
cyanOne of the four process colors that make up process color printing.
plane tableA horizontal board mounted parallel to the ground on a tripod, that allows a map or plan to be attached and measurements (taken with an alidade) to be directly plotted in the field
cover / cover paper1) The outer covering of a book
rayonnantThe Radiant style, originating during the reign of Louis the Fourteenth in France, sometimes referred to as the Court style or 'the style of the French.' The name which carried through the ages refers to the patterning of the windows which allowed for such radiant lighting.
crop marksPrinted lines showing where to trim a printed sheet.
shaft graveA vertical tunnel cut into rock and holding the tombs of Mycenaean elite.
enigmatologythe study of puzzles
cochise cultureThe Cochise culture is the name given to preceramic cultures of the American southwest, particularly Arizon, between 12,000 and 2,000 years ago.
cast ironA hard, brittle, nonmalleable iron-based alloy containing 2.0% to 4.5% carbon and 0.5% to 3% silicon, cast in a sand mold and machined to make many building products.
pillara large vertical architectural element, usually freestanding and load-bearing.
archA curved structure capable of spanning a space while supporting significant weight, including but not limited to the following types:
capital assetsLand, structures, equipment, intellectual property (for example, software), and information technology (including IT service contracts) that have an estimated useful life of two years or more.
climateThe weather of a region.
traumatologythe study of wounds and injuries| caused by accidents or assaults and their surgical treatment and repair; a branch of medicine
burnishA term used for the process of "rubbing down" lines and dots on a printing plate thereby darkening those areas.
free jazzstyle in which musicians improvise independently, sometimes producing a random effect
chasséen cultureChasséen Culture is the name given to a Middle Neolithic Bell beaker culture throughout what is now France between 4500 and 2500 BC.
marginImprinted space around the edge of the printed material.
scientologythe applied religious philosophy created by American writer L
tenflareA solar flare accompanied by a 10cm radio burst of intensity greater than 100% of the pre-burst value.
plug-inA software module such as a filter that can be accessed from within an image editor to provide special functions.
oblong boundA term used to describe printed books, catalogs, etc., bound on the shorter side
bank paperA thin uncoated stock used for making carbon copies.
scanningThe process of breaking down an image into a series of elements representing light values and transmitting these elements in time sequence
match frame editAn edit in which the source and record tapes pick up exactly where they left off
stampingUsing a die and often colored foil or gold leaf to press a design into a book cover, a sheet of paper or another substrate
sheetwise impositionDescriptive of the method of printing both sides of a sheet of paper in which one side is printed, then the printed sheets are turned over and printed with another set of plates, the sheets retaining the same gripper edge.
concrete musicmusic consisting of recorded and electronically altered sounds
o object-oriented imageAlternate term for vector image.
clovis pointLarge stone projectile point used by early American hunters to kill game animals
manning's formulaAn equation for determining flow quantity given hydraulic radius, cross sectional area of flow, slope (for uniform flow), and a coefficient of roughness.
underliningA lining of felt, PVC, or similar, laid over the rafters and beneath the tiles and battens, to provide a second line of defence to a roof against weather penetration.
cross-functional teamA team composed of individuals from different functional areas within an organization.
right readingCopy that reads correctly in the language in which it is written
orantstanding with outstretched arms as if in prayer.
cyclopeanA term describing the huge stone walls of Mycenaean tombs and fortresses; from Cyclops, the mythical giant.
suspension bridgea bridge in which the roadway is suspended from two or more steel cables, which usually pass over towers and are then anchored at their ends.
solar constantThe total radiant energy received vertically from the Sun, per unit area per unit of time, at a position just outside the Earth’s atmosphere when the Earth is at its average distance from the Sun
cd burningA process of copying computer file(s) to a cd.
armsThose elements of letters that branch out from the stem of a letter, such as in "K" and "Y."
resolutionSharpness of an image on film, paper, computer screen, disc, tape or other medium.
side stitchTo bind by stapling through sheets along, one edge, as compared to saddle stitch
comb bindTo blind by inserting the teeth of a flexible plastic comb through holes punched along the edge of a stack of paper
blend modeThe way in which a color or a layer interacts with others in a digital photograph
countdownA leader inserted prior to a program, providing a visual and audible indication of the time left before the first frame of the program
custom curvesThe Custom Curves is a da Vinci feature that allows a user defined toolset
islamologythe study of the Islam
recurrenceUsed especially to express a tendency of some solar and geophysical parameters to repeat a trend and sometimes the actual value of the parameter itself every 27 days (the approximate rotation period of the Sun).
applicationComputer program used for specific tasks such as word processing, editing photographs or laying out pages.
uncoated paperPaper that has not been coated
horologythe study of making timepieces, measuring time and timekeeping (also the study of time)
terracottaA hard, brown-orange earthenware clay of fine quality, often used for architectural decorations, figurines, etc.
rules engineA set of instructions that awards points based upon a selected set of desired behaviors
igneous rocksRocks formed by the heat of volcanic eruptions
compluviuma square opening in the roof of a Roman atrium through which rain fell into an impluvium .
research designa systematic plan to guide archaeological research according to the scientific method and take full advantage of the information potential contained within a site.
session base memoryThe most significant memory in a session because it is the reference to which the zero and reset keys go
cold colorAll colors that move toward the blue side of the color spectrum.
columnIn architecture, a supporting pillar usually composed of a base, shaft, and surmounting capital
whoisA command to find the who behind the .com, .org, or .net
translitePiece of glass or plastic lit from behind and on which a photographic image has been reproduced for display.
capControl account plan.
confounding variableAn uncontrolled variable that can affect the outcome of a study
highlightsThe lightest areas in a photograph or halftone.
channel scoreA male/female score that creates a bend on the back of the stock
trapping(1) The ability to print one ink over the other
provenanceDocumented evidence of the history or origins of an item, such as; a purchase receipt, auction record, or mention in a will or inventory
chwezi dynastyThe Chwezi Dynasty (also called Bachwezi or Kitara Dynasty) is the possibly mythical, certainly legendary, kingdom of Uganda, who are said to have ruled between 1300 and 1500 AD.
flagThe name of a newspaper as it's displayed on Page One; also called a nameplate.
spawning bedA habitat used by fish for producing or depositing eggs.
off-shore paperAny papers made outside the US and Canada.
u-burstA radio noise burst associated with some flares
die cuttingA method using sharp, steel-ruled stamps or rollers to cut shapes (labels, boxes, images) either post press or in line
batch processingRefers to a function or a series of commands being applied to several digital files at one time
lacquerA clear gloss coating applied to printed material for strength, appearance and protection.
human osteologyOsteology is the study of bones
westworkfrom the German Westwerk, the western front of a church, containing an entrance and vestibule below, a chapel or gallery above, and flanked by two towers.
gatherTo assemble different sections of complete books into single copies for binding.
blow upEnlargement, most frequently of a graphic image or photograph.
cruising speedThe speed a fish can swim for an extended time.
vertical syncSynchronizing pulses used to define the end of one television field and the start of the next, occurring at a rate of approximately 59.94 Hz (color), and 60 Hz (black & white) in NTSC.
planetologythe study of planets and solar systems; more commonly called Planetary science
midisystem allowing composers to manage quantities of complex information, and making it possible for unrelated electronic devices to communicate with each other
avant-gardeliterally the "advanced guard," a term used to denote innovators or nontraditionalists in a particular field.
eucharistAlso called Communion or the Lord's Supper
dies iraeGregorian chant for the dead
ethnologythe study of race
tabouretteA stool or small seat, usually without arms or back, used as a stand.
emulsionCoating of chemicals on papers, films, and printing plates that, prior to development, is sensitive to light.
curriculum designDefinition of what is planned for the students, what will be delivered to the students, and what the students will experience.
archival storageThe long-term storage of image information on photographic, magnetic, or other media.
chachapoyas cultureChachapoyas culture is the name given to an Andean civilization, located in the Amazon rainforest
spot vamishVarnish applied to portions of a sheet.
cast coatedA paper that is coated and then pressure dried using a polished roller which imparts an enamel-like hard gloss finish.
pitchhighness or lowness of a sound
press checkEvent at which makeready sheets from the press are examined before the customer authorizes the full production to begin.
fugueimitative polyphonic composition
apexthe point of a character where two lines meet at the top, an example of this is the point on the letter A.
configuration“Configuration” A file containing settings to be used at the start of a session
cuidad de diosCuidad de Dios is a Moche civilization site, lacking ceremonial or public architecture
ensemble finalefinal scene of a musical show or of an act within the show in which several soloists simultaneously express in different words and music their individual points of view
ispInternet Service Provider
xenobiologythe study of non-terrestrial life
medieval archaeologyIn Europe, a field of Historical Archaeology concerned with the era between the Dark Ages and the Renaissance (11th - 14th centuries C.E.)
aliasAn alternate or duplicate label for a data element in a computer system
tunnel vaultsee barrel vault.
creepThe middle pages of a folded signature extending slightly beyond outside pages, due to the offset created b the combined thickness of multiple folded signatures.
modemShort for modulator/demodulator, a device that converts digital signals to analog tones and vice versa so that systems based on electronic memories can interface over telephone lines.
bottlingThe process of skewing pages to compensate for paper thickness as it is folded
grainThe direction in which the paper fiber lie.
active longitudeA range of heliographic longitudes in either the northern or southern solar hemisphere (seldom both at the same time) containing one or more large and complex active regions formed by the frequent, localized emergence of new magnetic flux
burnExposure of a plate to light through a negative to create an image for printing.
caucusA private meeting or series of meetings that gives the parties in a dispute the opportunity to gather information, clarify proposals and interests, create new alternatives and, if necessary, provide a cool-down period.
hatchingA technique used in drawing to indicate light and shade, or form, consisting of parallel lines of varying width, darkness and spacing
qualitySubjective term relating to expectations by the customer, printer and other professionals associated with a printing job and whether the job meets those expectations.
barrel vaultA rounded ceiling shaped like half a barrel, which runs the length of the nave and has no rib vaults
concertomultimovement work for orchestra and an instrumental soloist
ifcInside front cover.
line copyAny high-contrast image, including type.
translucentTransmitting but at the same time also diffusing light, e.g
corinthiansee Order.
orthopterologythe study of grasshoppers and crickets|
paleoethnobotanyThe study of the uses of plants for food and other purposes such as tools by people in the past through archaeological remains and ethnobotanical research with contemporary people
micrometerInstrument used to measure the thickness of different papers.
depth of fieldPhotographer term for relative sharpness of features in an image regardless of their distance from the camera when photographed.
teleologythe study of ends or final causes
oledOrganic Light Emitting Diode
clovis cultureThe Clovis culture is the earliest well-established human culture in the North American continent
asteroseismologythe study of the internal structures of stars as revealed by their oscillations (see also Helioseismology).
mountsRaised decorative or structural elements, made separately and soldered onto an object
bitStands for 'binary digit' and refers to the smallest part of information that makes up a digital file
dahlgrenA dampening system for printing presses which utilizes more alcohol (25%) and less water; this greatly reduces the amount of paper that is spoiled.
trumeauin Romanesque and Gothic architecture, the central post supporting the lintel in a double doorway.
signaturePrinted sheet folded at least once, possibly many times, to become part of a book, magazine or other publication.
readableCharacteristic of printed messages that are easy to read and understand.
stag moose(Cervalces scotti) A deer-like creature with very long legs and ocmplex, moose-like antlers
crop markMarkings at edges of original or on guide sheet to indicate the area desired in reproduction with negative or plate trimmed (cropped) at the markings.
crossoverType or art that continues from one page of a book or magazine across the gutter to the opposite page
metrofoldA printed piece which is folded at the half-fold and folded or slit at the nose
blu rayaka Blu-ray Disc and BD
temperA nonplastic material (such as sand, shell, or fiber) that is added to clay to improve its workability and to reduce breakage during drying and firing.
parapet gutterA gutter behind a parapet usually provided with a flexible metal or other impervious lining.
image assemblyAlternate term for Stripping.
scoreTo compress paper along a straight line so it folds more easily and accurately
reflection copyAny opaque color artwork submitted for reproduction such as photos, sketches or paintings.
firewallA hardware and software device that manages and limits access to certain network segments
sacrifice offeringsPresumably ancient lakes and moors were used for sacrifice
collateralAd agency term for printed pieces, such as brochures and annual reports, that are not directly involved in advertising.
vignettingAdding dark corners to an image; often produced by using a lens hood that is too small for the field of view, or generated artificially by using image editing techniques.
chromatic aberationReduced sharpness in the form of a color halo caused by different wavelengths of light coming into focus in front of and behind the film or sensor plane
smoothnessThat quality of paper defined by its levelness which allows for pressure consistency in printing, assuring uniformity of print.
chinchawasChinchawas is a small village site, part of the Recuay polity, located on a known transportation route between the coast and the highlands in northern Peru.
crashCoarse cloth embedded in the glue along the spine of a book to increase strength of binding
apostlein Christian terminology, one of the twelve followers, or disciples, chosen by Christ to spread his Gospel; also used more loosely to include early missionaries such as Saint Paul.
archiveCache of documents and files saved for possible use in later jobs.
perf marksMarkings indicating perforation placement.
ctesiphonCtesiphon is the name of a very old city at the confluence of the Tigris and Diyala rivers near Baghdad in what is now Iraq.
client/server environmentA network system that uses a designated computer for centralized resource access.
folioThe page number
parallelA signal path in which the output of one process provides an identical input to several others
berbersThe Berbers are a modern ethnic group in North Africa and Europe, with a deep history.
film coatingMethod of coating paper that leaves a relatively thin covering and rough surface, as compared to blade coating.
independent readings in archaeologyAn independent reading course for archaeology majors
estimatorThe individual performing or creating the "estimate."
underpinningMethod of strengthening weak foundations whereby a new, stronger foundation is placed beneath the original.
pie crust tableA table so named because the edge is finished off in a series of serpentines or curves, as cooks crimp the edges of a pie.
ripperologythe study of Jack the Ripper and the crimes associated with him
publisher(1) Person or organization that coordinates creation, design, production and distribution of newsletters
coreA chunk of stone from which flakes are removed
soil pipeA vertical pipe that conveys sewage to the drains
primary contextan undisturbed and original association and provenience.
4 fsc“4 times the Frequency of Sub Carrier” which is the sampling rate used in D2 and D3 format composite Digital Video
shaped canvasA type of painting/stretched canvas first begun in the 1960's, where the canvas takes other forms than the traditional rectangle
register marksCrosses drawn on original copy before photography to indicate color registration and/or negative positioning
palisadeMany of the earthlodge villages of the Plains Village peoples, and later the Arikara and Mandan, were fortified by a deep ditch and a log stockade wall, also known as a palisade.
aquarelleThe hand application of transparent water colors onto a printed picture through the use of stencils.
bipedal locomotionBipedal locomotion means walking on two legs in an upright position.
interleavesPrinted pages loosely inserted in a publication.
evaSee Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
conventiona custom, practice, or principle that is generally recognized and accepted.
black outAlso referred to as black patch; a piece of masking material which is used in layout to mask an area leaving a window into which another element can be stripped.
sharpeningIncreasing the apparent sharpness of an image by boosting the contrast between adjacent pixels that form an edge.
pin-holingThe failure of printed ink to form a completely continuous film, which results in visible small holes within the printed area.
hickiesImperfections in presswork caused by dirt and trapping errors.
termsConditions for an auction announced at the beginning that will become the promises and agreements comprising the contract for sale formed between the seller and buyer.
long focal length lensLens with focal length longer than considered ‘normal’ for picture format
code of ethicsA set of guidelines, standards, and rules that direct ethical behavior in a company, organization, or individual.
dutch wrapText that extends into a column alongside its headline; also called a raw wrap.
soft copycopy viewed on a computer screen, as compared to hard copy.
cultivationThe human manipulation or fostering of a plant species (often wild) to enhance or ensure production, involving such techniques as clearing fields, preparing soil, weeding, protecting plants from animals, and providing water to produce a crop.
cost baselineA time-phased budget used to measure and monitor project cost performance
copyrightownership of creative work by the writer, photographer or artist who made it or, if work for hire, the organization that paid for it.
fm“Frequency Modulation”.
vanishing pointlinear perspective; point on horizon line where parallel lines converge
poreA feature in the photosphere, 1 to 3 arc seconds in extent, usually not much darker than the dark spaces between photospheric granules
embossTo press an image into paper so it lies above the surface
signatureA printed sheet that is fold at least once, possibly many times to become part of a book, negative or other publication.
saddle stitchThe binding of booklets or other printed materials by stapling the pages on the folded spine.
psychobiologythe study and psychology of organisms with regard to their functions and structures
metamerismWhen two different colors look the same
spreadAnother term for a large page layout; usually refers to a photo page.
cuneiforma form of writing consisting of wedge-shaped characters, used in ancient Mesopotamia.
parallel foldA folding succession in which all folds are made parallel with each other.
ceaCost-effectiveness analysis.
vacuum frameAlso called a contact frame; used in the platemaking process to hold materials in tight contact during exposure.
avar cultureThe Avar culture is the name given to Slavic nomads living near the Danube River basin from the 6th through 9th centuries AD.
case bindTo bind using glue to hold signatures to a case made of binder board covered with fabric, plastic or leather
fluted pointThe characteristic artifact of the Paleoindian period in North America
coles creek cultureThe Coles Creek culture is the name given to sites created by a group of pottery-making farmers in the Lower Mississippi Valley of the United States.
chaos theoryA technique used to study dynamic, complex systems to reveal patterns of order in apparent chaos.
nephrologythe study of the kidneys and their diseases, a branch of medicine
analogya process of reasoning in which two entities that share some similarities are assumed to share others; the basis of most archaeological interpretation
high latitudeWith reference to zones of geomagnetic activity - 50 to 80 degrees geomagnetic latitude
gutterCentral blank area between left and right pages.
burnTerm used in photographic printing for increasing exposure to part of the image causing it to appear darker in the final print
sedimentaryA type of rock formed from sediment deposited by wind or water.
dsfDelivery Sequence Files standardize mailing addresses to improve deliverability.
metameric colorsColors that can change their perceived hue depending on the different lighting conditions.
manuscriptOriginal written or typewritten work of an author submitted for publication.
rag paperStationery or other forms of stock having a strong percentage content of cotton rags.
halftoneAn image composed of tiny dots whose variations in size create the illusion of variations in tone
chmMicrosoft compiled HTML help file format.
against the grainPrinting or folding at 90˚ angle to the grain of the paper
closed-ended questionA question that forces the respondent to choose a response.
accessA noun indicating the ability to log on to the Internet or another network.
axisan imaginary straight line passing through the center of a figure, form, or structure and about which that figure is imagined to rotate.
flotationThe soaking of an excavated matrix (usually dirt) in water to separate and recover small ecofacts and artifacts, such as pollen samples, that cannot be recovered through traditional sieving
grippersThe metal fingers on a printing press that hold the paper as it passes through the press.
swinghighly improvisatory style of big band music
second new england schoolgroup of late-19th century New England composers who studied in Germany and contributed to every genre of art music
lithographyA much-valued and popular printing process that came of age in the late 19th century
vocAbbreviation for Volatile Organic Compounds, petroleum substances used as the vehicles for many printing inks.
pochtecaA privileged, hereditary guild of long-distance Aztec traders.
binderyPrint shop department or separate business that does trimming, folding, binding, and other finishing tasks.
myrmecologythe study of ants
color enhancementA change to the image that does not necessarily reflect reality, but which is intended to add emphasis or meaning to the image
balanced flueA “room sealed flue“, normally serving gas appliances, which allows air to be drawn to the appliance from outside whilst also allowing fumes to escape.
broadsheetA full-size newspaper, measuring roughly 14 by 23 inches.
tag lineAlternate term for subtitle.
ccdSee Charge-coupled device.
pointIn paper, unit of thickness equalling 1/1000 inch
harris matrixInvented in 1973 by Dr
diskThe visible surface of the Sun or other heavenly body projected against the sky.
motiveshort melodic phrase that may be effectively developed
registera range or row, especially when one of a series.
response boosterAny device, token, premium or sweepstakes that will help raise the response rate of direct mail.
ground-penetrating radar(GPR or georadar) An instrument for remote sensing or prospecting for buried structures using radar maps of subsoil features.
off-press proofA color proof that is similar in appearance to the finished printed product but is made without the aid of a printing press.
new orleans jazzmusic performed by a small combo whose soloists take turns improvising on a given tune
tunemelody that is easy to recognize, memorize, and sing
production artistPerson who does pasteup.
conchoidal fracturecharacteristic fracture pattern in siliceous rocks, such as obsidian, flint, or chert.
converterBusiness that makes products such as boxes, bags, envelopes and displays.
liftout quoteA graphic treatment of a quotation taken from a story, often using bold or italic type, rules or screens
free sheetPaper made from cooked wood fibers mixed with chemicals and washed free of impu rities
ramRandom Access Memory is hardware inside your computer that retains memory on a short-term basis
process inksPrinting inks, usually in sets of four colors
calibrated datesDates resulting from the process of calibration, the correction of radiocarbon years to calendar years, by means of a curve or formula derived from the comparison of radiocarbon dates and tree rings from the bristlecone pine
magnetotailThe extension of the magnetosphere in the antisunward direction as a result of interaction with the solar wind
headAt the top of a page, the margin.
drillTo bore holes in paper so sheets fit over posts of loose-leaf binders.
cdeCorelDRAW vector image file format.
delivery point barcodeExtended barcode which allows mail to be sorted in the order in which it is delivered on a carrier route
digital workflowWorkflow that relies on electronic processes that eliminate the need for traditional film materials.
gospelone of the first four books of the New Testament, which recounts the life of Christ.
carloadSelling unit of paper that may weigh anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 pounds (9,090 to 45, 454 kilos), depending on which mill or merchant uses the term
working filmGraphic arts negatives still loose or not composited.
access control listIn a network, a database that holds the names of the valid system users and notes the level of access that each has been granted.
extenderWhen a white pigment is added to a colored pigment in order to reduce color intensity and improve working quality.
bannerA primary headline that usually spans the entire width of a page.
kaleidacolor dye ink padseach pad has a  raised rainbow spectrum of five color bands.  The pads are apart during storage and are slid together for use
live areaThe area on a mechanical or finished art within which images will print
negativeThe film image of a completed page from which plates will be burned
exrOpenEXR is a high dynamic range image file format created by ILM in 1999 and made public 2003
sizingChemicals mixed with pulp that make paper less able to absorb moisture.
unsettledWith regard to geomagnetic activity, a descriptive word between quiet and active such that the Ak index is between 8 and 15.
closed-end mailerManufactured inline, on a web press, double cutoff technology enables a pocket-formed envelope to be inserted with multiple personalized components.
control groupCore group of target population that would be interested in general promotion, but is not exposed to the current promotion.
spiculesRapidly changing, predominantly vertical, spike-like structures in the solar chromosphere observed above the limb
noiseUnwanted image detail or visible interference
da vinci academyTop Gun colorist training school funded by da Vinci Systems
south atlantic anomalyA region of the Earth centered near 25S and 50W (near the Atlantic coast of Brazil) of low geomagnetic field intensity owing to the fact that the geomagnetic field axis is offset from the center of the Earth.  One consequence of the SAA is that trapped particles in the plasmasphere drift closer to the Earth’s surface and can more easily be lost into the atmosphere
omnologythe study of everything
c printColor photographic print made from a negative on Kodak C Print paper.
solidAny area of the sheet receiving 100 percent ink coverage, as compared to a screen tint.
p.s.Acronym for “Postscript.” Many people read this first in a direct mail piece, as it stands out
indologythe study of the history, languages, and cultures of the Indian subcontinent
carrier routeIn postal presort, the addresses to which a carrier delivers mail
supergranulationA system of large-scale velocity cells that does not vary significantly over the quiet solar surface or with phase of the solar cycle
embossingThe molding and reshaping of paper by the use of special metal dies and heat, counter dies and pressure, to produce a raised image on the paper surface.
quantizationThe loss that occurs from sampling
geocoronaThe outer region of the Earth’s atmosphere lying above the thermosphere and composed mostly of hydrogen.
negativeFilm that contains the same images as the original print, except that all colors and shades are reversed
genrea category of art representing scenes of everyday life.
chichimecA term loosely applied to the peoples who lived beyond the northern limits of Mesoamerica; nomadic people, considered to be uncivilized barbarians.
atmosphericA quality of two-dimensional images which has to do more with space than with volume; an 'airiness,.' seen more in contemporary than traditional images
spectrophotometerInstrument used to measure the index of refraction of color.
tellan archaeological term for a mound composed of the remains of successive settlements in the Near East.
triadchord with three tones consisting of two superimposed thirds
bonampakBonampak is a Classic Maya site in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, occupied from about 650-800 AD.
aestheticsthe philosophy and science of art and artistic phenomena.
serial portA very slow port on the computer used mainly by modems
copyrightOwnership of creative work by the writer, photographer or artist who made it or, if work for hire, the organization that paid for it
base lineA term used to describe the imaginary horizontal line on which text (capital letters, lower case letters, punctuation marks, etc.) is positioned.
evershed effectHorizontal motion of the solar atmosphere near a sunspot, having velocities of a few kilometers per second
color separation serviceBusiness making separation negatives for 4-color process printing.
glassineA glossy, water resistant, transparent paper usually made from highly beaten chemical pulp
symphony orchestrainstrumental ensemble consisting of members of the four families of instruments dominated by strings
point capsThe amount of points a customer can earn in a given time can be limited, or “capped.” This can help limit fraudulent practices by participants.
archival standardsThe standards to be met by a type of recording material or process in order for this material to have and retain specified characteristics necessary for permanent records.
absolute datingA method of assigning archaeological dates in calendar years so that an age in actual number of years is known or can be estimated.
sanctuaryLiterally, "the sacred place." Historically, the part of the church containing the altar and from which the service is conducted, as distinct from the nave
palynologyThe recovery and study of ancient pollen grains for the purposes of analyzing ancient climate, vegetation, and diet
ripA “Raster Image Processor” Device translates native files into bitmapped information for a laser printer or imagesetter; both output devices.
paleobiologythe study of prehistoric life
laminationApplying thin transparent plastic sheets to both sides of a sheet of paper, providing scuff resistance, waterproofing and extended use.
seriationmethods used to place artifacts in chronological order based on similarities in style; a relative dating technique.
click-through rateA percentage that represents the number of people that click on an ad versus the number of people that are exposed to the ad, providing an indication of the relative success of an online advertising campaign
palladian windowA window divide into three parts: a large, arched central window, flanked by two smaller rectangular windows
colonnadeA row of columns creating a sheltered area.
lowercaseSmall characters of type (no capital letters).
chamber musicmusic for a small instrumental ensemble with one instrument per line of music
vsrVisual Scene Representation
basilique de st-denisThe Basilique de St-Denis is the most recent structure of several churches built on the top of a Gallo-Roman cemetery where St
dynamicA gradual change
opaqueNot transparent
cross sectiona diagram showing a building cut by a vertical plane, usually at right angles to an axis.
chromaticcolored or pertaining to color.
line negativeNegative made from line copy.
die cuttingA method of using sharp steel ruled stamps or rollers to cut various shapes i.e
paleoindian archaeologyComprehensive overview of early hunter-gatherer archaeology in North and South America, including the Clovis/pre-Clovis debate, theoretical issues surrounding early hunting and mobility, the migration to the Americas during the last ice age, and cultural ecological dynamics.
graphicsvisual elements that supplement type to make printed messages clearer or more interesting.
multiple exposure modeA mode that lets you superimpose one image on top of another.
mailing serviceBusiness specializing in addressing and mailing large quantities of printed pieces.
city-stateA type of political organization used by cities that govern themselves and the territory around them; similar to a Greek polis
absorption lineIn spectroscopy, and in particular the solar Fraunhofer spectrum, a characteristic wavelength of emitted radiation that is partially absorbed by the medium between the source and the observer.
filletA thin strip of wood, cement, slate etc
scannerElectronic digitizing device using light sensitivity to translate a picture or typed text into a format which can be understood and stored by a computer.
pict/pict2A common format for defining images and drawings on the Macintosh platform
obsidianNatural volcanic glass
mixed aadcCategory of mail pricing and dleivery that indicates less than 150 pieces.
active videoThe portion of a video signal which is visible on a screen, and not blanked
cost of ownershipThe total cost of acquiring, installing, using, maintaining, changing, and getting rid of something across an extended period of time (most or all of its useful life)
wipeOptical transition effect in which one image is replaced by another at a boundary edge moving in a selected pattern across the frame.
drop frontHinged front of desk which lowers to form a level writing surface.
x heightvertical height of a lowercase x in a typeface
carib indiansNative American group who had the unfortunate honor of being the first to meet Columbus in the New World in 1492
irregular parcelA mail category for those parcels that do not meet the designated dimensions of a machinable parcel.
sauA newspaper industry standard of display-ad sizes using standard column widths
gussetExpandable portion of a bag, file folder, or envelope.
backslantAny type that tilts to the left or backward direction; opposite of italic type.
floodwater farmingA method of farming that recovers floodwater and diverts it to selected fields to supplement the water supply.
color separatingThe processes of separating the primary color components for printing.
business reply mailA mail piece designed for mail owners to receive information back from either prospects or current customers.
epigraphyThe study of inscriptions.
collaboration webwareInternet-based tools for business collaboration.
achieved statusSocial status and prestige attributed to an individual according to achievements or skills rather than inherited social position
triforiumin Gothic architecture, part of the nave wall above the arcade and below the clerestory.
dotAn element of halftones
ofcOutside front cover.
necropolisan ancient or prehistoric burial ground (literally "City of the Dead").
galleysthe printing term for long metal trays used to hold type after it had been set and before the press run.
protomea representation of the head and neck of an animal, often used as an architectural feature.
contingenciesSee contingency planning, contingency reserve.
white lightTheoretically, light that emits all wavelengths of the visible spectrum at uniform intensity
color correctionThe process of adjusting an image to compensate for scanner deficiencies or for the characteristics of the output device.
sewerA large, underground pipe or drain used for conveying waste water and sewage
burnisbTo smooth and seal by rubbing elements
lanLocal Area Network
tabloidUsing a broadsheet as a measure, one half of a broadsheet.
baguetteA small, convexmolding with semicircular contours.
bronzingA printing method in which a special ink is applied to sheets and then a powder is applied to produce a metallic effect.
bent pyramidThe Bent Pyramid is one of the Old Kingdom Pyramids at Giza, Egypt; built in the 4th Dynasty, 2680-2565 B.C
as indexThe daily Ak index determined from only the Southern Hemisphere stations of the am index network.
desktop(1)Any computer or peripheral small enough to fit on top of a desk, as opposed to a mainframe computer
ghostingPhenomenon of a faint image on a printed sheet where it was not intended to appear.
leadingSpace between lines of type; the distance in points between one baseline and the next.
beixin cultureA precursor to Dawenkou Culture, the Beixin Culture has recently re-dated between 4300-4100 BC
customer acceptanceDocumented signoff by the customer that all project deliverables satisfy requirements.
thememelody that recurs throughout a section, movement or an entire composition
control gateA specific point in time during the project life cycle at which key stakeholders convene to assess performance to date, validate key project assumptions, analyze current and future market conditions, and discuss other factors to determine whether the project should be terminated, proceed according to its original plan, or proceed based on a revised plan.
fistA symbol used in printing to indicate the index; seen as a pointing finger on a hand "+".
homophonic texturemelodic line accompanied by chordal harmony
low-key photoPhoto whose most important details appear in the shadows.
job specificationsA detailed description of the requirements of a print job.
click-through rateThe response rate of an online advertisement, expressed as a percentage and calculated by taking the number of clickthroughs the ad received, dividing that number by the number of impressions and multiplying by 100 to obtain a percentage
flemish scrollA baroque form with the curve broken by an angle.
fundamentals of geoarchaeologyAnalytical methods used in geoarchaeology
numerologythe study of numbers (often in a non-mathematical sense)
extraHuman set dressing
cannibalismCannibalism refers to a range of behaviors in which one human consumes another or parts of another for survival, dietary, ritual and/or pathological reasons.
aperture correctionThe process of enhancing apparent resolution, especially in video cameras, telecines and noise reducers
convergenceThe precise overlaying of red, green and blue beams of a television monitor.
tableA graphic or sidebar that stacks words or numbers in rows so readers can compare data.
gray component replacementTechnique of replacing gray tones in the yellow, cyan and magenta films, made while color separating, with black ink
photositeA small area on the surface of an image sensor that captures the brightness for a single pixel in the image
italicType that slants to the right, like this.
hatchingclose parallel lines used in drawings and prints to create the effect of shadow on three-dimensional forms
dry mountPasting with heat sensitive adhesives.
microbandA small family group of hunter-gatherers.
tcp/ipTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the international language of the Internet
astrobiologythe study of origin of life
cost benefit analysisMeasuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of a program to calculate whether it's worth implementing.
coverageExtent to which ink covers the surface of a substrate
uv coatingLiquid laminate applied to covers after they are printed.
rock arta general term for pecked, incised, or painted figures on rock.
cold-set inksA variety of inks that are in solid form originally but are melted in a hot press and then solidify when they contact paper.
cro-magnonCro-Magnon is a now-outmoded word meaning early Homo sapiens sapiens, circa 35,000 to 10,000 years before the present.
caps and small capsa style of type that shows capital letters used in the normal way while the body copy is set in capital letters which are of a slightly smaller size.
cost performance indexThe ratio of the budgeted cost to actual cost of work performed
hard pointsPoints, awarded within a Loyalty program, that are awarded contingent upon a purchase.
perforatingPunching a row of small hole or incisions into or through a sheet of paper to permit part of it to be detached; to guide in folding; to allow air to escape from signatures; or to prevent wrinkling when folding heavy papers.
burst bindingSpine perforated and glued
buy outTo subcontract for a service that is closely related to the business of the organization.
rune stonein Viking art, an upright boulder with characters of the runic alphabet inscribed on it.
ecohydrologythe study of interactions among organisms and the water cycle.
tabA wafer seal used to secure a folded self-mailer.
calendar rollsA series of metal rolls at the end of a paper machine; when the paper is passed between these rolls it increases its smoothness and glossy surface.
laminateTo bond plastic film to paper, or to glue paper to chipboard or corrugated cardboard.
crosswalkAnalysis of requirements, especially with respect to a Requirements Traceabillity Matrix.
insertsWithin a publication, an additional item positioned into the publication loose (not bound in).
platemakingThe process of making printing plates, including preparation of the plate surface, chemically sensitizing the plate, exposing it to the flat, developing or processing the plate, and finally the finishing of the plate.
lintelA horizontal beam of wood or stone that supports the wall above a doorway or window.
neurophysiologythe study of the functions of the nervous system
aqueducta man-made conduit for transporting water.
chimú stateThe Chimú state, also called the "Kingdom of Chimor," was an Andean civilization established in Peru about 850 AD, and conquered by the Inca in 1470.
gray scaleStrip of gray values, ranging from white to black, used to calibrate exposure times for film and plates
time capsuleA well preserved find in its original context can be considered a time capsule
wolf numberAn historic term for sunspot number
marrow spoonA handle with a long, narrow scoop shaped bowl used to eat the marrow from the center of roasted bones (usually beef)
laminateTo bond a plastic film by heat and pressure to a printed sheet for protection and appearance.
archival(1)A document that can be expected to be kept permanently as closely as possible to its origin al form
adcArea Distribution Center, A USPS processing facility that receives and distributes mail destined for specific ZIP Code areas under the Managed Mail Program (MMP).
ornithologythe study of birds
overlayA transparent sheet placed over artwork, in register with the work it covers; this is used to call out other color components of the work, instructions or corrections.
vicariousfelt through sharing imaginatively in the feelings or activities of another person
codaliterally "tail" a closing section
jpegJoint Photographic Experts Group is a joint committee that created the JPEG. A file format for photos it is typically used because of its ability to compress files
shadowsThe darkest areas of a photograph or illustration, as compared to mid-tones and high-lights.
hard proofA color proof made on a substrate from production films or on a substrate directly from the stored pixel data
authors correctionschanges made to the copy by the author after typesetting but not including those made as a result of errors in keying in the copy.
one-upHaving only one image of each item (see two-up).
laser papersPapers with special coatings or hard finishes that are optimized for laser printers and copiers.
cartouchean oval or scroll-shaped design or ornament, usually containing an inscription, a heraldic device, or (as in Egypt) a ruler's name.
composite filmThe film made by combining images from two or more pieces of film onto one film for the making of plates.
graphic designerProfessional who designs, plans and may coordinate production of a printed piece.
jujubeA small, edible fruit from an Asian tree of the buckthorn family
screenThe arrangement of dots of the same size in regular rows on film
burnIn photography, to give extra exposure to a specific area of a print
cost-plus-award-fee contractA cost-reimbursement contract that provides for a fee consisting of an award amount, based upon a judgmental evaluation, sufficient to provide motivation for excellence in contract performance.
automation discountDiscount given to mail owners when certain rules and regulations are met with postal barcodes.
scoop seatA chair with a seat which has been hollowed or formed to fit the body.
tonal rangePhotographer term for density range.
knockout filmAlternate term for Masking material such as Rubylith.
w&tAn abbreviation for work and turn.
barrel vaulta semicylindrical vault, with parallel abutments and an identical cross section throughout, covering an oblong space.
body sizeThe point size of a particular type character.
plateA printing plate contains the image to be reproduced on press.
alignmentThe position of elements on a page in relation to a referenced horizontal or vertical line.
relative datingA technique that provides a
archaeozoologyThe study of animal remains, usually bones, from the past
national park serviceEstablished within the U.S
rf“Radio Frequency”
scientific methodthe means of science by which phenomena are observed, hypotheses are tested, and conclusions are drawn.
proportional scaleDevice used to calculate percent that an original image must be reduced or enlarged to yield a specific reproduction size.
business process outsourcingUsing external services providers who have special expertise or lower costs/overheads of services and functions.
underrunProduction run of fewer copies than the amount specified.
vaudevillevariety show popular in the late 19th century including jokes, stunts, and skits, as well as song and dance
dendrologythe study of trees
existing lightIn photography, the illumination that is already present in a scene
bressumerA lintel, often timber, over an opening such as a fireplace or bay.
inferenceA determination arrived by reasoning that is not derived from the archaeological data itself, but goes beyond the physical evidence
byteThis is the standard unit of digital storage
u-maticSony 3/4 inch analog composite video cassette format
endsheetAttaching the final sheet of a signature of a book to the binding.
color curvesInstructions in software that allow users to change or correct colors
defocus plusAn extended option for the da Vinci 2K that produces two defocus or sharpen effects to the image inside and outside of a Power Window and also to both the Defocus key and to the Output key components
critical path networkA project plan consisting of activities and their logical relationships to one another, which is the output of the critical path method.
stratwarmA code word designating a major disturbance of the winter, polar, middle atmosphere from the tropopause to the ionosphere, lasting for several days at a time and characterized by a warming of the stratospheric temperature by some tens of degrees
cmmCapability Maturity Model.
random proofA color proof consisting of many images ganged on one substrate and randomly positioned with no relation to the final page imposition
dummyA small, detailed page diagram showing where all elements go.
entablatureHorizontal detailing above a classical column and below a pediment, consisting of cornice, frieze and architrave.
mastheadBlock of information in a newsletter that indicates its publisher and editor and tells about advertising and subscribing.
stratigraphyThe study of layers sequentially deposited over time
yellow lineA coronal emission line at 569.4 nm from Ca XV.  It identifies the hottest regions of the corona.
cropping lsPieces of paper or cardboard cut into L shapes that, when overlapped, can be adjusted to frame a photograph
front end systemThe computer hardware on which application software used to prepare pages of type and graphics is run.
cumulative cost curveA graphical display used to show planned and actual expenditures to monitor cost variances, where the difference in height between the curves for planned and actual expenditures represents the monetary value of the spending variance at any given time.
pixel“Picture Element” or “Picture Cell”
soft dotAn excessively large halo around a dot in a photograph that causes a fringe that diminishes the dot intensity.
permanenceThe degree to which a paper withstands or resists chemical action from impurities in the paper, or similar agents in the surrounding environment.
lossless compressionAn image-compression scheme, such as TIFF, that preserves all image detail
three digitIn postal presort, the ZIP Code in the delivery address on all pieces begins with the same three digits
trade binderyBusiness specializing in trimming, folding, binding, and other finishing operations.
curriculumAn instructional plan that details what students need to know, how they will learn it, what the instructor's role is, and the context in which teaching and learning will occur.
commingleThe combining of letter sized mail from different mail owners to achieve lower postage rates.
climap projectThe CLIMAP Project was developed in the 1970s by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
diversion potentialThe possibility, caused by a road, for streamflow to leave its established channel.
content analysisThe process of identifying the relevant knowledge, skills, and procedures required for a student to achieve an instructional goal.
resolutionSharpness of an image on film, paper, computer screen, or other medium.
acid resistAn acid-proof protective coating applied to metal plates prior to etching designs thereon
bannerA wide headline extending across the entire page.
floating variable“Personalized” information that can be placed anywhere within a laser text, usually within a sentence.
printers spreadsTwo consecutive pages as they appear on a flat or signature.
stereobatea substructure or foundation of masonry visible above ground level.
monarchPaper size (7' x 10') and envelope shape often used for personal stationery.
calloutsWords, phrases or text blocks used to label parts of a map or diagram (also called factoids).
traditionA pattern of long persistence of cultural traits in a restricted geographical area
cimmerian cultureThe Cimmerian culture were nomadic horse-riding people of the Russian steppes beginning about 1200 BC.
cognitive modelAn approach to qualitative market research in which pre-defined topics are explored through structured face-to-face interviews or group discussions.
bloomersSince the late 19th century, any loose, full, trouser-like garment that is gathered between the knee and ankle and worn under a long skirt.
concertany music performance, but usually one by an orchestra, band, or choral ensemble
rich mediaRich media is a type of advertisement technology that often includes richer graphics, audio or video within the advertisement.
cultureA uniquely human means of nonbiological adaptation; a repertoire of learned behaviors for coping with the physical and social environments.
customer relationship managementAn IT-enabled business strategy used to maximize revenue, profit, and customer satisfaction by implementing and following customer-focused processes and behaviors.
b2c business-to-consumer.Direct communication from a company (e.g
stoopThe steps which lead to the front door.
register marksCross-hair lines on mechanicals and negatives that guide strippers and printers.
readableCharacteristic of printed messages that are easy to read and understand, as compared to legible.
braceA character " }" used to group lines, or phrases.
ip addressA unique, numerical address that identifies network elements in a TCP/IP network such as the Internet.
s-bandRadio frequencies between 1.55 and 5.20 GHz
fontComplete assortment of uppercase and lowercase characters, numerals, punctuation and other symbols of one typeface.
split run(1) Different images, such as advertisements, printed in different editions of a publication
regular sizesOr ‘stock sizes'; common sheet sizes that are cut and stocked by paper companies.
backboneThat portion of the binding, which connects the front of the book with the back of the book; also called "back".
attrition modelAn attrition model predicts which customers are most likely to “leave,” meaning those who have a high probability of discontinuing use of a company's goods or services.
league of veniceCreated in 1495 by King Ferdinand of Spain, a political alliance between Spain and other Italian city-states
compressionReducing the size of a file for storage purposes or to enhance the speed of data transfer by eliminating the redundancies and other unnecessary elements from the original
acarologythe study of ticks and mites
compressed/condensed typeCharacters narrower than the standard set width; i.e., turning this M into M.
pendantA hanging ornament, usually.
covert leadershipA leadership style in which the leader, through unobtrusive actions, inspires others to perform
program symphonymultimovement orchestral work whose form is based on programmatic concepts
midtonesTones created by halftone dots between 30 percent and 70 percent of coverage.
character countthe number of characters; ie letters, figures, signs or spaces in a piece of copy, line or paragraph used as a first stage in type calculations.
contract archaeologyarchaeological research conducted under legal agreement with a government or private agency
blurba short description or commentary of a book or author on a book jacket.
spliceThe area where two paper rolls are joined to form one continuous roll.
fine paperPaper made specifically for writing or commercial printing, as opposed to coarse paper and industrial paper.
wadiArabic- A dry streambed.
bryologythe study of bryophytes
ctn weightWeight of one carton (ctn) of paper, in pounds.
right-angle foldA folding succession in which each succeeding fold is made at right angles to the preceding one.
graverA small pointed or chisel-like stone tool used for incising or engraving.
drop capa large initial letter at the start of the text that drops into the line or lines of text below.
mycologythe study of fungi|
resolutionAbility of a device to record or reproduce a sharp image.
graphicsVisual elements that supplement type to make printed messages more clear or interesting.
ak indexA daily index of geomagnetic activity for a specific station or network of stations (represented generically here by k) derived as the average of the eight 3-hourly ak indices.
lay flat bindMethod of perfect binding that allows a publication to lie fully open
etymologythe study of word origins
southern cultA network of interaction, exchange, and shared information present over much of the southeastern (and parts of the midwestern) United States from around a.d
symmetriaGreek for symmetry.
credit lineLine of relatively small type next to a photo or illustration giving its source and/or the name of the photographer or artist
dctAmpex cassette component digital videotape format, conforming to the CCIR 601 standard
cantedSloping at an angle.
collective bargainingA negotiation between representatives of an employer and a labor union to negotiate issues such as conditions of employment, wages, and hours of work.
stockA term for unprinted paper.
ideologyA conceptual framework by which people structure their ideas about the order of the universe, their place in that universe, and their relationships among themselves and with objects and other forms of life around them.
cortaillod-estThe site of Cortaillod-Est is an Alpine Lake palisaded village in a lake in Switzerland, dated to the Late Bronze Age (1009-955 BC).
folioThe actual page number in a publication.
headerInformation, such as page number or chapter title, that appears at the top of every page of a newsletter.
romantype which has vertical stems as distinct from italics or oblique which are set at angles.
styleCopyediting rules for treatment of such matters as modes of address, titles and numerals.
eaveThe overhanging edge of a roof.
geo codeAssignment of geographic information such as latitude and longitude to street addresses and other map locations.
gutterIn the book arena, the inside margins toward the back or the binding edges.
chorrera cultureThe Chorrera culture is the name given to the Late Formative period in Ecuador's Andes and coastal areas
electronic mechanicalMechanical exclusively in electronic files.
encapsulated postscript fileA digital file containing both images and PostScript commands
string scoreScore created by pressing a string against paper, as compared to scoring using a metal edge.
browserA computer software program that enables one to access and view text or graphical web pages on the world-wide-web.
exit strategyThe plan that details the process for ending a program.
lithologythe study of rocks
spindle whorlA cam or balance wheel on a shaft or spindle for spinning yarn or thread from wool, cotton, or other material; usually made of clay.
transparent inkA printing ink which does not conceal the color beneath
screen anglesAngles at which screens intersect with the horizontal line of the press sheet
formorganization and design of a composition or of one movement within a composition
platePiece of paper, metal, plastic or rubber carrying an image to be reproduced using a printing press.
bar chartA chart comparing statistical values by depicting them as bars.
production runThe press run to fulfill an order after all approvals, and makeready.
limb flareA flare at the edge (limb) of the solar disk; the elevated portions of the flare are seen with particular clarity against the dark sky background.
universal timeA shortened form of the more correct Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
petty stateA small, socially stratified political unit prevalent in Mesoamerica at the time of the Spanish conquest
plasmapauseThe outer boundary of the plasmasphere.
gpsGlobal Positioning System: a network of Earth-orbiting satellites used for precise position-finding in surveying and navigation.
data compressionA software or hardware process that reduces the size of images so that they occupy less storage space and can be transmitted faster and easier
keystoneA wedge-shaped or tapered stone placed at the top of an arch or vault
typoA spelling mistake in printed material resulting from a mistake in typing or setting type
propylaeum(a) an entrance to a temple or other enclosure; (b) the entry gate at the western end of the Acropolis, in Athens.
lcdThe primitive, two-tone screen of a digital watch, a pager, or a vintage computer is a liquid crystal display.
calloutDescriptive text, often with a line that points to an area on a graphic.
run of pressRun of press refers to an advertisment that is included in every edition and every market of the newspaper.
hunter-gatherer adaptationsIntensive study of contemporary and prehistoric hunter-gatherer social and economic adaptations.
data integrity(1)The fact that data are not modified
bleedA page element that extends to the trimmed edge of a printed page.
dodgeTerm used in photographic printing for reducing exposure to part of the image causing it to appear lighter in the final print
letter foldTwo folds creating three panels that allow a sheet of letterhead to fit a business envelop
cold typeType produced without the use of characters cast from molten metal.
tripodA three-legged supporting stand used to hold the camera steady
blombos caveBlombos Cave is a Middle Stone Age (MSA) site located in the southern Cape, South Africa, that contains excellently preserved MSA deposits that date to older than 70,000 years.
dorsal surfaceA term that relates to the manufacture of stone tools
motif(pronounced mo-
magnetic local timeOn Earth, analogous to geographic local time.  MLT at a given location is determined by the angle subtended at the geomagnetic axis between the geomagnetic midnight meridian and the meridian that passes through the location
code walkthroughA formal testing technique in which a group traces source code with a small set of test cases while manually monitoring the state of program variables, to analyze the programmer's logic and assumptions
dog earsA letter fold at the side of one of the creases, an indentation occurs
polarizerGray-looking filter, able to darken blue sky at right angles to sunlight, and suppress reflections from (non-metallic) surfaces at angles of about 30°.
feltsideSide of the paper that does not make contact with the Fourdrinier wire during papermaking.
letter spacingThe amount of air between characters in a word.
confidence intervalsA statistical range with a specific probability (confidence level) that the true population parameter will be included in the survey results.
trafficTraffic refers to the amount of user activity on a particular web site.
soft-hammer techniqueA percussion technique that involves the use of a hammer of bone, antler, or wood, rather than stone
wmvWindows Media Video
attributedIt is the opinion of the person selling the item that it is from the person or factory it is attributed to, but it has not been proven.
mineralogythe study of minerals
alabasterA fine grained stone that is usually gray or white in color and is slightly translucent
gobelinName of a French tapestry and the Parisian factory which produced it.
skeletal constructiona method of construction in which the walls are supported at ground level by a steel frame consisting of vertical and horizontal members.
historical archaeologyA discipline within archaeology concerned with supplementing written history with archaeological research to create a more complete account of the past
autologythe attribute (of a word) of being self descriptive
clean-release cardsClean release cards use multiple barrier coatings, along with kiss-cutting to enable easy, peelable coupons.
de-dupingThe removal of duplicated data from a mailing list.
achaemenid dynastyThe Achaemenids were the ruling dynasty of Cyrus the Great and his family over the Persian Empire, from 550-330 BC, when it was conquered by Alexander the Great.
ppiPixels per inch.
alignTo line up typeset or other graphic material as specified, using a base or vertical line as the reference point.
awla bone or stone tool tapered to a point and used to pierce holes, make incisions, or in basket weaving.
chintzA glazed, printed cotton fabric.
hypsithermal periodThe period about 4000 to 8000 years ago when the Earth was apparently several degrees warmer than it is now
mosquean Islamic (Muslim) house of worship of two main types: the masjid, used for daily prayer by individuals or small groups; and the ja¯ mi' , used for large-scale congregational prayer on the Friday sabbath and on holidays.
isbnInternational Standard Book Number, a number assigned to a published work
image setterHigh resolution, large format device for producing film from electronically generated page layouts.
lateralizationThe division of the human brain into two halves
benchmarkFor excavation purposes, a permanent point at a known elevation that can be used to measure other elevations during excavation
insertA printed piece that is inserted into a newspaper, magazine or other printed piece
proof correction marksa standard set of signs and symbols used in copy preparation and to indicate corrections on proofs
equinoxOne of the two points of intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic
letter paperIn North America, 81/2" X 11" sheets
run aroundType that is made to fit around a picture of art.
kerningTightening the spacing between letters.
vhs“Video Home System” A consumer video cassette format
usmUn-Sharp Masking
camera-ready copyMechanicals, photographs and art fully prepared for reproduction according to the technical requirements of the printing process being used
petroglyphA drawing that has been carved into rock.
black crushingLoss of low light (shadow) detail caused by adjusting luminance information below the Black Level.
repeatabilityAbility of a device, such as an imagesetter, to produce film or plates that yield images in register.
quemDate before which something cannot have been constructed or deposited
constantinopleConstantinople is the old name for Istanbul, the great city located in what is now Turkey.
overrunSurplus of copies printed.
quipuThe Inca word for an elaborate knotted string device used by the Inca and other peoples in Peru for record keeping
d2Ampex 19 mm cassette tape format for composite digital video using the 4fsc method
over runSurplus of copies printed.
cieCommission Internationale de l'Eclairage - the International Commission of Color
redemptionThe process of exchanging program currency for an award.
free sheetPaper made from cooked wood fibers mixed with chemicals and washed free of impurities.
psychophysiologythe study of the physiological bases of psychological processes
compatibility testingTesting whether software is compatible with other elements of a system with which it should operate; for example, browsers, operating systems, or hardware.
smyth sewnOne pattern of sewn binding.
be'er shevaBe'er Sheva is a modern town in the Negev Desert of Israel, and also the name of a Chalcolithic settlement dated to the 4th millennium BC.
openexrsee EXR
finish sizeSize of printed product after trimming, folding, etc
tiffTagged Image File Format
visible spectrumthe colors, visible to the human eye, that are produced when white light is dispersed by a prism.
hieroglyphsAncient writing system consisting of pictographic or ideographic symbols; used in Egypt, Mesoamerica, and elsewhere
close parenthesisThe character ) used at the end of a parenthetical expression
gatheringOperation of inserting the printed pages, sections or signatures of a book in the correct order for binding.
abu simbelAbu Simbel is a temple built by Ramses II (Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom, who ruled 1279-1213 BC) in Nubia, now the Sudan.
gsnGigabyte System Network is the highest bandwidth and lowest latency interconnect standard, providing full duplex 6400 Megabits per second (800 Megabytes per second) of flow-controlled data transmission
aneurysmexcessive enlargement of an artery
ultravioletThat part of the electromagnetic spectrum between 5 - 400nm.
cameoA dull coated paper, which is particularly useful in reproducing halftones and engravings.
region numberA number assigned by NOAA to a plage region or sunspot group if one of the following conditions exists: (1) the region is a group of at least sunspot classification C; (2) two or more separate optical reports confirm the presence of smaller spots; (3) the region produces a solar flare; (4) the region is clearly evident in H-alpha and exceeds 5 heliographic degrees in either latitude or longitude
wirethe wire mesh used at the wet end of the paper making process
wormKnown primarily as a virus, a worm is a computer program that can replicate itself
citadelA fortress, or stronghold, in or near a fortified city
teosinte(Aztec teocentli) A tall annual grass, native to Mexico and Central America, that is the closest relative of maize.
phoneticPertaining to the sounds of speech.
frequency marketingAny sales or marketing strategy that rewards loyal customers for their repeat business.
aphelionThat point on the path of a Sun-orbiting object most distant from the center of the Sun
dieDevice for cutting, scoring, stamping, embossing and debossing.
network panelsThe new da Vinci control panels, so called because they are connected to the SGI host computer by Ethernet.
electroplatingInvented in the 1840s, a silver-plating process that was faster and less costly than Sheffield plating
mesoamericaThe region consisting of central and southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and the western parts of Honduras and Nicaragua that was the focus of complex, hierarchical states at the time of Spanish contact.
chavín cultureThe Chavín culture is the name of a cultural group in Peru, now thought to have been primarily a religious cult, dated from about 400-200 BC.
contract awardAcceptance of a final offer by issuing a purchase order or signing a legally binding contract formalizing the terms under which the goods or services are to be supplied.
blockingWhen ink or coating causes printed sheets of paper in a pile to stick together, causing damage when they are separated
chicago jazzimitation by white musicians of the New Orleans style of jazz
snoodKnitted or openwork net which encases the hair at the back of the head, worn with or without a hat
deep etchingThe etching or removal of any unwanted areas of a plate to create more air or white space on the finished product.
equinoxA time when the sun crosses the plane of the equator, making the night and the day the same length all over the earth, occurring about March 21 and September 22.
leafOne of a number of folds (each containing two pages) which comprises a book or manuscript.
positiveFilm containing an image in which the dark and light values are the same as the original.
current finish dateThe current estimate of the point in time at which an activity will be completed.
chain lines(1) Widely spaced lines in laid paper
rusticationMasonry prepared in such a way that it gives a rough and rugged surface, cut in large blocks; often used at the base of a wall.
oblongA term used to describe printed books, catalogs etc., that are bound on their shorter side; also referred to as album bound.
irdaAn agreed upon standard that allows data to be transferred between devices using infrared light instead of cables.
cadmium yellowA pigment made from cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide.
hd 1.5Sierra Real Time Disk Recorder for uncompressed Hi Definition and Dual Link Data storage
verismorealism in opera
teosinte(Aztec teocentli) A tall annual grass, native to Mexico and Central America, that is the closest relative of maize.
boltsThe edges of folded sheets of paper, which are trimmed off in the final stages of production.
hot linkedThis term refers to a piece of text, graphic or picture that has been designed to act as a button on a web page
onion domeA bulbous structure resembling an onion with a pointed tip, frequently topping church towers in Central and Eastern Europe
cyanA shade of blue used in the four-color process; it reflects blue and green and absorbs red.
antiochFounded by Alexander the Great's general Seleucus around 300 BC, Antioch also was the seat of a Roman governor after 64 BC.
puna(Spanish) High grassland plateaus in the Peruvian Andes.
faceEdge of a bound publication opposite the spine
b2bBusiness-to-Business - the use of direct marketing in the promotion of goods and services from one business to another.
evolutionThe process of change over time resulting from shifting conditions of the physical and cultural environments, involving mechanisms of mutation and natural selection
b.p.Before Present; used in age determination instead of B.C
boomplaas caveBoomplaas Cave (Tree Farm Cave) is located in the Swartberg Range of South Africa, near the southern most tip of the continent.
casas grandesCasas Grandes (or Paquimé) was a large, influential capital city of the Casas Grandes polity in the state of Chihuahua, northern Mexico
stemthe main vertical stroke making up a type character.
astrogeologythe study of geology of celestial bodies (e.g., planets, asteroids, comets)
coatedPaper that has a surface coating with clay and other substances that produces a smooth printing surface and improves reflectivity and ink holdout.
stylizationthe distortion of a representational image to conform to certain artistic conventions or to emphasize particular qualities.
page proofProof of type and graphics as they will look on the finished page complete with elements such as headings and rules.
troposphereThe lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, extending from the ground to the stratosphere at approximately 13 km of altitude.
effective funding rateThe actual rate at which customers earn points and rewards in a loyalty program
tone compressionReduction in the tonal range from original scene to printed reproduction.
overrun / oversCopies printed in excess of the specified quantity
caseinA milk byproduct used as an adhesive in making coated papers.
kilobyteOne thousand bytes or more accurately 2^10 = 1,024
novelty printingPrinting on products such as coasters, pencils, balloons, golf balls and ashtrays, known as advertising specialties or premiums.
out -takeA take of a scene which is not used for printing or the final edit.
unit costthe cost of one item in a print run
atlantisAtlantis is a fictional kingdom described by Plato in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias.
keytonic note, and the major or minor scale, on which a composition is based
ctp - computer-to-plateA printing technology in which digital files are output directly to the printing to the plate
diSee Digital Intermediate
glassineA strong transparent paper.
gilt bronzeA thin layer of gold applied on bronze
solventA component of the vehicle in printing inks that disperses the pigment and keeps the solid binder liquid enough for use in the printing process.
cost performance measurement baselineBudget costs and measurable goals (particularly time and quantities) formulated for comparisons, analyses, and forecasts of future costs
cofferdamTemporary enclosure built in a water course and pumped dry to permit work on a structure by separating the work from the water.
crescendobecoming louder
fibulaA pin or brooch used in ancient times to attach or fasten male and female garments.
closureThe appropriate endpoint or transition to an alterative form of interaction.
logoAssembly of type and art into a distinctive symbol unique to an organization, business, or product.
telecineA device that scans images from motion picture film, usually in real time
lzw compressionA method of compacting TIFF files in image editors and other applications by using the Lempel-Ziv Welch compression algorithm, which is an optional compression scheme also offered by some digital cameras.
eraA major division of geological time, tens or hundreds of millions of years long, usually distinguished by significant changes in the plant and animal kingdoms; also used to denote later archaeological periods, such as the prehistoric era.
egalitarianA term that refers to societies lacking clearly defined status differences between individuals, except for those due to sex, age, or skill
surprintTaking an already printed matter and re-printing again on the same.
aaf“Advanced Authoring Format”
datuma location from which all measurements on a site are made; a reference point tied to local survey maps.
spoolerA device by which a computer can store data and feed it gradually to an external device, such as a printer, which is operating more slowly than the computer.
ragged rightThe term given to left-justified type that is uneven on the right.
sixteen sheeta poster size measuring 120in x 80in (3050mm x 2030mm).
column ruleThin vertical line that separates columns.
markupAmount of money that one supplier adds to the price of goods or services secured for a customer from another supplier.
fasciaA board fixed to the rafter ends along the roof eaves.
cash-flow analysisEstablishment of the source and application of funds by time period, and the accumulated total cash flow for the project to measure actual versus budget costs.
molybdate orangeAn ink pigment made from precipitating lead molybdate, lead sulfate and lead chromate.
perforatingPunching small holes or slits in a sheet of paper or cardboard to facilitate tearing along a desired line.
cultigenA cultivated plant.
change control boardA formally constituted group of stakeholders responsible for reviewing and approving or rejecting proposed changes to the project baselines.
tree ringsGrowth rings formed annually in a tree's trunk, which often reflect the conditions in which the tree grew
byzantiumByzantium is the name of the state, culture and capital city of the eastern Roman empire, which outlived the Roman empire, from Roman times through the 15th century AD.
edl“Edit Decision List”
gammaA numerical way of representing the contrast of an image
three-knife trimmerA trimming device with 3-knives, two parallel and one right angle, which trims three sides at once.
actual weightThe true weight of any volume of paper used to determine both purchase price and shipping costs.
friezethe central level of the entablature, often decorated with classical motifs in carving or molding.
bashidangBashidang is an early walled settlement belonging to the Pengtoushan culture, dated between 5540 and 5100 BC near Wufu village in the Yangtse River basin, Hunan province in China.
computational linguisticsStudy related to enabling computers to understand the meaning of text written by humans.
die stampingPrinting from lettering or other designs engraved into copper or steel
cost controlControlling changes to the project budget.
ottomanUpholstered bench or seat with no arms or back, named after the Turkish influence of the early 18th century.
auction with reserveThe seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, or to withdraw the lot at any time prior to the announcement of the completion of the sale
belkachi cultureThe Belkachi culture is the named given to a Middle Neolithic culture in the northern Baikal region of Siberia, between 5000-3900 years before the present.
dominantfifth note of the major or minor scale
tungsten lampsLamps that generate light when electric current is passed through a fine tungsten wire
plinthSquare or octagonal base of a chest or other column, solid to the floor
cut glassGlass into which a pattern is ground with a rotating wheel made of stone, wood, or metal, together with an abrasive suspended in liquid.
mansard roofA hip roof in which each face has two slopes, the lower one steeper than the upper.
mandibleThe lower jaw.
micrologythe science of preparing and handling microscopic objects for study.
phenomenologythe study and science of phenomena as distinct from the science of actual existence or being; also a movement founded by Husserl which studies conscious experience without its metaphysical concerns
controlled vocabularySee taxonomy.
french foldFolder with printing on one side so that when folded once in each direction, the printing remains on the outside.
porcelainA hard, translucent ceramic made by firing and glazing a fine clay
offset powderFine powder sprayed on freshly printed sheets to prevent transfer of wet ink as they accumulate in the delivery stack.
graphic arts filmFilm whose emulsion yields high contrast images suitable for reproduction by a printing press, as compared to continuous-tone film
settlement systemthe sites in a particular region during a particular period of time, and their social, economic, and political relationships.
portraitAn art design in which the height is greater than the width
matrixthe surrounding deposit in which archaeological finds are located.
bulletA dot or similar marking to emphasize text.
critical activityAny activity on a critical path, as most commonly determined using the critical path method.
wfan abbreviation for 'wrong fount'
point(1)Regarding paper, a unit of thickness equating 1/1000 inch
onion skinA specific lightweight type (kind) of paper usually used in the past for air mail
refectorya dining hall in a monastery or other similar institution.
dots-per-inchThe measure of resolution of digital devices such as scanners, monitors, laser printers, imagesetters and monitors as they relate to the printed page.
aliasingA “staircase” or jagged effect that occurs when display resolution is too coarse to minimize the broken or crooked appearance of certain electronic design elements
brightnessLight-reflecting property of paper or pulp
synthetic papersAny petroleum based waterproof papers with a high tensile strength.
digitizingThe act of taking analog video and converting it to digital form
film speedMeasure of light sensitivity of photographic film
armoireA large, often ornate cabinet or wardrobe
relieving archA wide arch that encompasses two or more smaller arches.
rgbAbbreviation for Red, Green, Blue
bdBlu-Ray Disc
dry trapTo print over dry ink, as compared to wet trap.
ripple valueA grading adjustment, made in one scene, and applied to adjacent scenes
concertina folda method of folding in which each fold opens in the opposite direction to its neighbour, giving a concertina or pleated effect.
alleyThe term for a random row of white space within a segment of a copy.
ban na diBan Na Di is a Copper Age settlement and cemetery in Thailand (1313-903 BC), including sixty burials.
right readingCopy reading correctly (normally) from left to right.
thermoluminiscenceDating method based on the fact that clay and a few other inorganic materials absorb small amounts of nuclear energy from natural radiation
total electron contentThe number of electrons along a ray path between a transmitter and a receiver
photoengravingEngraving done using photochemistry.
lead or leadingSpace between lines of type expressed as the distance between baselines
monochromeHaving a single color, plus white
index paperLight weight board paper for writing and easy erasure.
versoA term given to the left-hand or even-numbered pages of a book.
historiologythe study of the writings and practices of historians
edition bindAlternate term for Case bind.
burnExposing a printing plate to high intensity light or placing an image on a printing plate by light.
alfven waveA transverse wave in magnetized plasma characterized by a change of direction of the magnetic field (rather than a change of intensity).
ruleA printing term for a straight line; usually produced with a roll of border tape.
issue dateYear, month or date on which a newsletter was mailed or released.
radiation beltsRegions of the magnetosphere roughly 1.2 to 6 Earth radii above the equator in which charged particles are stably trapped by closed geomagnetic field lines
flyerAn inexpensively produced circular used for promotional distribution.
hairline registerPrinting registration located between the range of plus or minus one-half row of dots, the thinnest of standard rules.
bluffingdeceive with a pretence
fvs-1000 hdTelecine made by Sony
rightsConditions and terms of a licensing agreement between a copyright owner and a publisher.
workshare discountA discount given to mail owners that do some of the work for the postal service on a mailing.
saddle stitchingStitching where the wire staples pass through the spine from the outside and are clinched in the center
looseleafBinding method allowing insertion and removal of pages in a publication (e.g., trim-4-drill-3).
celestial sphereAn imaginary rotating spherical shell around the Earth and concentric with it.
rtc"real time control"
digital proofColor separation data is digitally stored and then exposed to color photographic paper creating a picture of the final product before it is actually printed.
contentDocument Content refers to the substance of the material or information within the document that is intended to be communicated.
standard viewing conditionsColored viewed under a Kelvin lights in a color viewing booth.
noiseIn an image, pixels with randomly distributed color values
tellA mound composed of mud bricks and refuse, accumulated as a result of human activity
clip artCopyright-free drawings available for purchase for unlimited reproduction
httpHypertext Transfer Protocol is used to request and transmit files, especially Web pages and Web page components, over the Internet or other computer network.
landscapeWork in which the width used is greater than the height
generationA first generation image is the original; second generation is made from the original; third generation is made from the second generation
ventral surfaceA term that relates to the manufacture of stone tools
dissonanceactive unsettled sound
grand opera19th century French serious opera style which emphasized spectacular visual effects
dotThe smallest individual element of a halftone.
varnishclear liquid applied to printed surfaces for looks and protection
cutlinealso called a caption
adhesive-coatedPaper coated on one side with an adhesive that can be activated by moistening (gummed papers) or by heat (heat sealing), or which is permanently tacky (for presssure-sensitive permanent & removable applications).
portfolioCollection of best work by an artist, photographer, or designer for showing during meetings with prospective clients.
side stitchBinding by stapling along one edge of a sheet
spoilage allowanceExtra paper that it is allotted for inevitable waste, and to help ensure that the proper quantity is produced.
geodesic domea dome-shaped framework consisting of small, interlocking polygonal units.
program musicinstrumental music that purports to tell a story or describe a scene, idea, or event
exportTo transfer text or images from a document to another format.
corrected geomagnetic coordinatesA nonspherical coordinate system based on a magnetic dipole axis that is offset from the Earth’s center by about 502 km toward a location in the Pacific Ocean (20.4° N 147.3° E)
aiAdobe Illustrator's metafile format, which is actually a type of Encapsulated Postscript.
leading edgeEdge of a sheet of paper that enters the press first, also known as the Gripper edge.
motifA recurring thematic design element in an art style.
kerningThe narrowing of space between two letters so that they become closer and take up less space on the page.
gatherTo assemble signatures into the proper sequence for binding.
grind edgeAlternate term for binding edge when referring to perfect bound products.
plate makingThe process of creating a printing-plate from an electronic image including: preparation of the plate surface, sensitizing, exposing through the flat, developing or processing, and finishing.
cenotaphA grave that does not contain a skeleton.
dummyA term used to describe the preliminary assemblage of copy and art elements to be reproduced in the desired finished product; also called a comp.
couleessteep sided valleys found along the Upper Mississippi Waterway
absolute datingCollective term for techniques that assign specific dates or date ranges, in calendar years, to artifacts and other archaeological finds
spineThe binding edge of a book or publication.
manuscriptAn author's original form of work (hand written, typed or on disk) submitted for publication.
ionicDesignating or of a Greek style of architecture characterized by ornamental scrolls of the capitals.
millenniumA period of 1000 years.
compactflashA storage media commonly used in digital cameras, music players, and other devices.
conditioning / conditionAllowing paper to adjust to temperatures and humidity in the printing plant prior to its use, to cure or season paper so it matches the environment of the printing press.
ruby windowMask on a mechanical, made with rubylith, that creates a window on film shot from the mechanical.
special effectsGeneral term for reproduction of photographs using techniques such as line conversion and posterization.
rosette patternThe desirable minute circle of dots that is formed when two or more process color screens are overprinted at their appropriate angle, screen ruling and dot shape.
sheetfed pressPress that prints sheets of paper.
paddingJoining of sheets together by applying an adhesion to one side; how notepads are made.
lanternAn upright structure on a roof or dome for letting in light and air or for decoration.
hairlineVery thin line or gap about the width of a hair: 1/100 inch.
linear bA syllabic script used in Mycenaean Greek documents, chiefly from Crete and Pylos, around the 13th century B.C.E
opacityA measure of how opaque a paper is
xmlExtensible Markup Language
stopslevers, handles, or buttons that allow an organist to change timbres at will
clefsign that fixes the tone represented by each line and space on the staff
change orderWritten instructions about changes to a job already in progress.
imprintingTo print new copy on a previously printed sheet, such as imprinting an employee’s name on business cards.
impositionPlacement of images or pages in the proper position or sequence so that they will be in the desired location on the final press sheet(s).
psychologythe study of mental processes in living creatures
additive colorsIn photographic reproduction, the primary colors of red, green and blue which are mixed to form all other colors.
outsertAny additional printed piece included in a polybag and mailed with the host publication
macawAny of several varieties of parrots from Mexico and Central and South America that were prized for their colorful feathers.
pianokeyboard instrument, also soft in dynamic level
auxologythe study of human growth.
cairoThe Islamic city of Cairo is, oddly enough, one of the newer cities in Egypt, founded in the 7th century AD as a military outpost.
serif typeAny type style that has cross strokes on the ends of the letters.
publishTo produce and sell or otherwise make available printed communication to the public.
desktop publishingCreating materials to be printed using a personal computer, as opposed to taking non-electronic documents to a commercial printing company to be prepared for printing.
font kerningThe process of fitting adjacent characters together to use space efficiently and to produce attractive lines of text
styleA newspaper's standardized set of rules and guidelines
event driven programsPrograms that are driven by dates, i.e., birthdays, anniversaries, membership dates, etc.
masterTo etch pits (tracks) into the Glass Master (acts like a negative) from which a CD-ROM " stamper" is made.
substance weightAlternate term for basis weight, usually referring to bond papers
interplanetary magnetic fieldThe magnetic field carried with the solar wind.
bitmapAn image represented by an array of picture elements, each of which is encoded as a single binary digit.
rippleTo make the same change to a number of events
letter spacingAmount of space between all characters
brightnessMeasure of light reflected from paper.
laid finishA paper with parallel lines with a handmade look.
oblongA term used to describe printed books, catalogs, etc., that are bound on their shorter side; also referred to as album bound.
fortepianoearly piano named for its range of dynamic levels; it was smaller and less sonorous than the modern instrument
hard dotSpecific to photographs in which a dot has such a small degree of halation the sharpness of the dot increases.
muteImages with no sound.
glaciologythe study of glaciers
artifactAn artifact (spelled artefact, if you're in the Old World) is an object or remainder of an object, which was created, adapted, or used by human agency.
tabular settingtext set in columns such as timetables.
non-drop frameA type of SMPTE time code that continuously counts a full 30 frames per second
chichaA South American beer made from maize.
lionLithium ion battery.
cssCascading style sheet.
qf2Dual channel uncompressed SDTV Digital Disk Recorder from da Vinci, compatible with 8 and 10 bit, 525, 625 video
amphoraan ancient Greek two-handled vessel for storing grain, honey, oil, or wine.
magnetopauseThe boundary surface between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, where the pressure of the Earth's magnetic field effectively equals the dynamic pressure of the solar wind.
steatiteSoapstone, a variety of talc with a soapy or greasy feel; often used to make containers or carved ornaments.
zooarchaeologyThe study of faunal remains found in archaeological sites and their cultural significance.
iso“International Organization for Standardization” The ISO number is a measure of the light sensitivity of photographic film, but the term has been carried over to express the light sensitivity of digital sensors too
ntscA US video out standard to display images on a TV screen.
declination(1) The angular distance of an astronomical body north (+) or south (-) of the celestial equator
social hypothesisThe theory that domestication allowed certain individuals to accumulate food surplus and to transform those foods into more valued items, such as rare stones or metals, and even social alliances.
gatheredThe printed signatures (folded sheets) assembled next to each other in the proper sequence for binding.
bookbinderAlternate term for Trade bindery.
chateau gaillardChateau Gaillard is a Medieval castle in France built by Richard Lionheart of England from 1197-1198, in order to protect his holdings in Normandy.
slash and burnA type of farming in which the ground is cleared by cutting and burning the vegetation on the spot
mit’a systemA means of tribute in prehispanic Andean South America that involved the use of conscripted laborers to complete discrete organizational tasks.
urlThe address of a Web site.
biteThe etching process in photoengraving requires the application of an acid; the length of time this acid is left to etch out an image is referred to as its bite
templateA complete master, including master pages and style sheets, created to ensure the continuity of design elements throughout a document or series of documents.
market penetrationA measure of marketing effectiveness expressed in terms of the number of customers or revenue a company has in a particular market segment, divided by the total number of companies or possible revenue in that market.
humanismOne of the Renaissance's most important conceptual innovations; helped spur the growth of philosophy literature, and creative intellectual thought
tombstoningStacking two headlines side by side so that they collide with each other; also called bumping or butting heads.
laser printerDevice using a laser beam and xerography to reproduce type, graphics and halftone dots.
device independent colorsHules identified by wavelength or by their place in systems such as developed by CIE
javaA trademark used for a programming language designed to develop applications, especially ones for the Internet, that can operate on different platforms.
blendA mixture of two colors that fade gradually from one tint to another.
artifactAny object or item created or modified by human action.
page counttotal number of pages that a newsletter has.
open enrollmentAnyone can enroll in a program but the individual must choose to opt into it.
posters term that outlines print material printed on A3 or bigger paper size.
endocrinologythe study of internal secretory glands
blockingThe adhesion of one coated sheet to another, causing paper tears or particles of the coating to shed away from the paper surface.
end sheetSheet that attaches the inside pages of a case bound book to its cover
total area coverageTotal of the dot percentages of the process colors in the final film
plage corridorA low-intensity division in plage coinciding with a polarity inversion line and marked by narrow filament segments and/or fibrils spanning the corridor.
odonatologythe study of dragonflies| and damselflies|
high reliefrelief sculpture in which the figures project substantially (e.g., more than half of their natural depth) from the background surface.
multi-channel implementationRefers to marketing programs that are deployed using more than one media channel.
eclipticThe great circle made by the intersection of the plane of the Earth’s orbit with the celestial sphere
base colorIn a multiple color job where black is not one of the colors, the base color is the color of the majority of the text
media conversionAlternate term for Data conversion from one digital coding to another.
fold marksLines on a printing plate or press sheet indicating where to fold the final product.
paginationThe numbering of individual pages in a multi-page document
psoralea ssp.The prairie turnip, as it is commonly referred to, is actually several species of plants which grow underground tubers
overrunThe number of pieces that were printed in excess of the quantity specified.
blue notesflexible tones chosen subjectively from between the half steps of tonal scales
heteroptologythe study of true bugs
satellite anomalyThe usually undesirable response of spacecraft systems to variations in the space environment
offsettingA print quality problem where wet ink from a freshly printed sheet is transferred to the sheet above or below it in the delivery pile
form bondLightweight bond, easy to perforate, made for business forms
boxgroveThe Boxgrove site is a Middle Stone Age site located in a stone quarry in West Sussex England.
cuerdale hoardThe Cuerdale Hoard is an enormous Viking silver treasure of some 8000 silver coins and pieces of bullion weighing nearly 40 kilograms, discovered in Lancaster England in 1840.
press checkWhen a customer is at the printing press as the press begins to print his or her job, in order to approve the job as it is printed
split inheritanceAn Andean practice by which the successor to the throne inherited only the office of the dead ruler; his junior kinsmen received the lands, palace, and personal wealth of the dead ruler.
illuminated manuscriptsee manuscript.
oldowanName for the earliest stone tool industry, dating from about 2.6 million until 1.5 million years ago
savannaA savanna, or savannah, is a grassland ecosystem characterized by the trees being sufficiently small or widely spaced so that the canopy does not close
onyxA translucent quartz with a shiney finish
super high frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 3 to 30 GHz.
bi-phaseElectrical pulses from the tachometer of a telecine, used to update the film footage encoder for each new frame of film being transferred.
hairlineSubjective term referring to very small space, thin line or close register.
frequencyA term used to describe the number of times the same advertisement is shown to the same visitor during a particular session or time frame
rosina crumbly resin used in making varnishes and lacquers.
pot sherda piece of broken pottery.
alloyingA technique of combining or mixing two or more metals to make an entirely new metal; for example, mixing copper and tin creates bronze.
vernal equinoxThe equinox that occurs in March
estimateAlso called bid or quote
alphabet lengthThe measured length (in points) of the lowercase alphabet of a certain size and series of type.
tabernapart of a Roman building fronting on a street and serving as a shop.
head1) Of a signature, the edge of the page closest to the crosshead
phthalocyanineThe main pigment in the manufacture of cyan ink.
stock photoPhotograph in a collection maintained for commercial purposes.
foregroundthe area of a picture, usually at the bottom of the picture plane, that appears nearest to the viewer.
grainPaper fibers lie in a similar direction in a sheet of paper
toner1) Powder forming the images in photocopying and laser printing
machine glazedPaper holding a high-gloss finish only on one side.
cremationburials that are made from the remains of burned human bones
tabloid11” x 17” sheet of paper
theoretical foundationsThe philosophy of science, the history of anthropological theory, and a survey of contemporary theoretical approaches in anthropology
diskUsed to store computer information: hard disks are the internal memories for computers; floppy disks are small, square, removable cartridges; CDs, also removable, store vast amounts of information.
teratologythe study of wonders, or monsters
conquistador(Spanish) A conqueror; refers to the Spanish explorers who conquered Mexico in the early 1500s and also ventured into the southern United States.
abydosAbydos is an Early Dynastic city and necropolis in Egypt, built ca 3150 BC by Seti I and sacred to Osiris.
gpu"Graphics Processing Unit."-a single-chip processor
jomonThe archaeological culture of late Pleistocene and early Holocene Japan; primarily associated with groups of hunter-gatherers, but recent evidence suggests that these groups were practicing some rice cultivation.
angle of viewThe amount of a scene that can be recorded by a particular lens; determined by the focal length of the lens.
bebopcomplex, highly improvised style of jazz
curlNot lying flat and tending to form into cylindrical or wavy shapes
underscoreTo run a rule below a line of type.
candelabraA decorative branched candlestick
static eliminatorDevice used to remove static electricity.
cannibalismThe practice of eating human flesh.
balusterSmall turned, square, or flat column that supports a rail; also used to form chair backs.
dialectologythe study of dialects
texturemanner in which melodic lines are used in music
copyfittingAdjusting copy to the allotted space, by editing the text or changing the type size and leading.
ghostingAlso known as gloss ghosting
torchereA floor lamp designed to throw light upward
gutterSpace between pages in the printing frame of a book, or inside margin towards the back or binding edge
handednessPreferential use of the right or the left hand; related to the organization of the brain in two hemispheres.
curationThe long-term, professional management and care of objects, associated records, and reports.
hieroglyphologyEgyptian hieroglyphics, an ancient writing system
perfecting pressA printing press that prints on both sides of the page in a single pass.
fluorescent illuminationLight produced by a tube coated on the inside with a material that glows
pastoralistAn animal herder
italicText that is used to denote emphasis by slanting the type body forward (leaning to the right).
airbrushA function of a color imaging system to add or remove printing ink of any value in a designated picture area.
insertan instruction to the printer for the inclusion of additional copy.
champa kingdomThe Champa Kingdom was located along the coastal plains of southern and central Vietnam, between about AD 192 and 1832.
adAssistant Director
rightsconditions and terms of a licensing agreement between a copyright owner and a publisher.
column ruleLight faced vertical rule used to separate columns of type.
configuration base memoryThe default Memory settings of a Configuration File
portraitan upright image or page where the height is greater than the width.
reconnectionA process by which differently directed field lines link up, allowing topological changes of the magnetic field to occur, determining patterns of plasma flow, and resulting in conversion of magnetic energy to kinetic and thermal energy of the plasma
tholoiAncient Mesopotamian round structures that often were attached to a rectangular antechamber or annex, resulting in a keyhole shape
ultimatteâ®Trade name of a high-quality special effects system similar in application to a chroma key switcher
digitizeTo convert an image or signal into binary form.
evolutionary biologythe study of the process of biological evolution
cut-offA term used in web press printing to describe the point at which a sheet of paper is cut from the roll; usually this dimension is equal to the circumference of the cylinder.
octave displacementmelodic concept involving the selection of pitches from various sometimes distant octaves
data warehousingThe extraction, consolidation and analysis of operational data within an organization.
faculaWhite light plage.   Bright region of the photosphere seen in white light, seldom visible except near the solar limb
modemMostly used over phone lines, a device that converts electronic stored information from point a to point b.
skidAlternate term for Pallet.
acoma cultureThe Acoma is the name of a Native American pueblo culture of the American southwest, which arose at the end of the Great Drought in the 14th and 15th centuries AD.
lead or leadingSpace added between lines of type to space out text and provide visual separation of the lines
center-weighted meteringA light-measuring device that emphasizes the area in the middle of the frame when calculating the correct exposure for an image
vignetteA photo or illustration in which tones fade gradually and blend into the print surface.
paste-upPreparation of positive materials into a layout for photographing to film negatives.
rat tailLong tapering design used on the back of the bowl as an elongated drop on early eighteenth century English spoons, remaining popular for a much longer period on Irish spoons
canonsMembers of the chapter (governing body) of a cathedral.
in-kind awardsThe host company's own products and services.
flush leftcopy aligned along the left margin.
bioturbationActivities of plants and animals in the earth, causing disturbance of archaeological materials.
encoderA circuit that combines the primary red, green and blue signals, (or YUV signals) into a composite video signal.
coatedPaper coated with clay, white pigments and a binder
bourgesA pressure sensitive color film that is used to prepare color art.
fountainThe ink trough or container on a printing press.
mesolithicThe period between the Paleolithic (older) and the Neolithic (younger) Ages
lion passantWalking lion looking forward
headThe top of a page or book.
art songconcert setting of a poem, usually by a well-known poet, to music
imprintTo print new copy on a previously printed sheet, such as imprinting an employee’s name on business cards
pendentivein a domed building, an inwardly curving triangular section of the vaulting that provides a transition from the round base of the dome to the supporting piers.
buttressA brick or stone support to a wall designed to resist lateral movement.
sprechstimme"speech voice" style of melodramatic declamation between speaking and singing
breathingA slow, rhythmic variation in either signal or scanning amplitude.
stratumA soil layer, visually separable from other layers by a distinct change in color, texture, or other characteristic.
periodicalsA class of mail (formerly called second class) consisting of magazines, newspapers or other publications formed of printed sheets that are issued at least four times a year at regular, specified intervals (frequency) from a “known office of publication.” Periodicals usually must have a list of subscribers and/or requesters, as appropriate
independent reading courseAn independent reading course for archaeology Majors
pleistoceneA period of earth history beginning about 1.6 million years ago and lasting until about 12,000 years ago
scintillationDescribing a degraded condition of radio propagation characterized by a rapid variation in amplitude and/or phase of a radio signal (usually on a satellite communication link) caused by abrupt variations in electron density anywhere along the signal path
alviensNewly hatched fish with the yoke sack still attached.
buckramA coarse cloth used in the bookbinding process.
render farmA cluster of computer processors with a single monitor and keyboard, that renders sequences with complex software changes quickly
expressionismA 20th-century European art movement that stresses the expression of emotion and the inner vision of the artist rather than the exact representation of nature
negativeFilm containing an image in which the dark and light values are opposite of the original.
overlayA transparent covering of material taped to a mechanical, photo or proof where color break, instructions, or corrections are marked.
arri alexaDigital Motion Picture camera designed and made by Arri in the style of their film cameras
bricks & mortarBusinesses/retailers that operate a physical store, as opposed to just the Internet.
motifa recurrent element or theme in a work of art.
bastionAn architectural fortification that projects out from a building, and creates a secure defense area for battling soldiers
easela frame for supporting a canvas or wooden panel.
triforiumSection of nave wall above the main arcade
matchboardA board that has a groove cut into one edge and a tongue cut into the other so they fit tightly together (we use this term to describe a type of door found in some period buildings).
consoleA table that can be attached to a wall having two front legs or may be free standing against the wall
antivirus programThe essential software that is used to detect and destroy rogue applications designed to damage a computer.
moreton waveA wave disturbance (also known as a flare blast wave) generated by large flares, which is seen to propagate horizontally across the disk of the Sun at a typical velocity of about 1000 km/s
job shopCommercial printing company.
wattle and daubA building technique that uses a framework of poles, interspersed with smaller poles and twigs; the wooden frame is plastered with mud or a mud mixture.
panpipeA wind instrument consisting of bound sets of short pipes in graduated lengths.
musical comedymusical show combining the entertainment of vaudeville with the integrated plot characteristic of operettas
guillotine cutterCutting device used to trim paper sheets; a blade hinged to a large board that is used to accurately measure and consistently cut paper.
cascading style sheetA set of style rules that control the appearance of text and other elements in an electronic document.
cost of capitalWhen evaluating a potential investment (for example, a major purchase), the return rate the company could earn if it used the money for an alternative investment with the ame risk; the opportunity cost of investing capital resources for a specific purpose
stabbingTo bind a series of pages with wire staples such that the staples enter from the front and back simultaneously with neither side being long enough to exit the opposite side.
theologythe study of religion
stand-alone photoA photo that doesn't accompany a story, usually boxed to show it stands alone; also called wild art.
crickley hillCrickley Hill is an important Neolithic and Iron Age site in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
albion pressA hand operated printing press made of iron.
dummySimulation of the final product
the five19th century Russian composers associated with nationalism
dodgeTo block light from selected areas while making a photographic print.
sinologythe study of China
auto assembleAn edit in which the off-line edit decision list (EDL) is loaded into the on-line edit computer and all the edits are assembled automatically with little or no human intervention.
auto scene detectorA device that detects scene changes based on image content and contrast and then automatically generates an event list
combosmall jazz ensemble
cutting dieUsually a custom ordered item to trim specific and unusual sized printing projects.
screen anglesThe placement of halftone screens to avoid unwanted moire patterns
halftoneTone graduated image composed of varying sized dots or lines, with equidistant centers.
symptomatologythe study of symptoms
loc numberAbbreviation for Library of Congress control number
up-sampleTo increase the resolution of an image by interpolating pixels
hlsAbbreviation for hue, lightness, saturation, one of the color-control options often found in software, for design and page assembly
stock paperPopular sizes, weights and colors of papers available for prompt delivery from a merchant's warehouse.
zoomAn electronic function that increases or reduces the magnification of the image displayed on the video screen.
secam“Systeme Electronique pour Color Avec Memorie”: The color television system developed in France, and used there and in most of the former communist-block countries and a few other areas including parts of Africa.
prie-dieu chairA high-backed chair of Italian origin with a narrow shelf, rail or pad upon which the user may rest his arms while kneeling in the seat.
montaña(Spanish) Mountain, specifically referring to the wet, tropical slopes of the Amazonian Andes.
vented fordA crossing where the road grade is above the stream channel bottom and all of the water passes through the structure during periods of low flow
frontispieceIn a book or magazine, the illustration located on the page that faces, or immediately precedes, the title page.
sarsena large sandstone block used in prehistoric monuments.
display typeType used for headlines, advertising and signs
internetThe " official" name for an international network of computer networks linked to provide and share information and resources about a seemingly limitless number of topics.
cost-plus-incentive-fee contractA cost-reimbursement contract that provides for the initially negotiated fee to be adjusted later by a formula based on the relationship of total allowable costs to total target costs
backbeatheavy accent on the normally weak second and fourth beats in quadruple meter
mil 1/1000 inchThe thickness of plastic films as printing substrates are expressed in mils.
resolutionThe number of picture elements (pixels) per unit of linear measurement (normally an inch) on a computer monitor, or the number of dots per inch (dpi) in printed form.
geochronologythe study of the age of the Earth
perf marksMarkings usually dotted lines at edges showing where perforations should occur.
scotch baronialA style of architecture deployed in Scotland in the nineteenth century that mimics the grandeur of early French baronial castles, with turrets, gun loops and massive walls
tribologythe study of friction and lubrication
basslow male voice
fungologyfungus + -ology, see mycology.
epsAbbreviation for encapsulated PostScript.
cultivationThe human manipulation or fostering of a plant species (often wild) to enhance or ensure production.
even smallsThe use of smaller sized capitals at the beginning of a sentence without the use of larger sized caps.
absorbencyThe ability of a material to take up moisture
acheuleanA stone tool industry, in use from about 1.6 million years ago until 125,000 years ago
work orderForm used by printing companies to specify and schedule production of jobs and record the time, materials, and supplies that each job requires to complete.
bonoboA small species of chimpanzee, closely related to humans.
foldoutGatefold sheet bound into a publication, often used for a map or chart
ethosmoral and ethical qualities of music
oxygen isotope ratioThe ratio of different isotopes of oxygen in ocean water, varying with the temperature of the water; measured in seashells and used as an indicator of temperature change over time.
customer acquistion costThe cost of acquiring a new customer through marketing and promotion
bpArchaeologists use the term 'BP' to mean 'years before humans began to screw up the atmosphere by testing nuclear devices'.
feudalismcombined economic and social system; middle ages; heirarchical divided based on position in economy
serverA computer used for storing and sending users the pages that make up a Web site.
palynologistOne who studies plant pollen and spores
cutting rubberThe soft, plastic material that the crosshead knives and the cut-off knives are forced into during the perfing or cutting process.
bracketingTaking several pictures of your subject at different exposure times or aperture settings, e.g
standing headA special label for any regularly appearing section, page or story; also called a header.
paste-upSee mechanical
configuration controlAn element of configuration management consisting of the evaluation, coordination, approval/disapproval, and implementation of changes to configuration items after formal establishment of their configuration identification.
mantillaA large shawl worn by women, originally in Spain, covering only the head and shoulders.
serial identification codeAlphanumeric set that may follow an ISSN to identify the issue date and number of a periodical
marksGuides; lines, crosses or other targets used for registering plates, specifying trim, fold, and bleeds.
s.f.uSolar flux unit.  1sfu = 10-22 W m-2 Hz-1 = 10,000 Jansky
prehistoric sitesLocations where people who were alive before modern written records existed once lived, hunted, camped, or were buried
photo cdA special type of CD-ROM developed by Eastman Kodak Company that can store high-quality photographic images in a proprietary space-saving format, along with music and other data.
pre-flightProcedures used by a printing company to make sure that a customer’s digital files are correctly prepared for production.
total serialismextension of the twelve-tone technique in which other aspects besides melody and hrmony are also arranged into series and systematically repeated throughout a composition
disclosureAuctioneer’s best insurance against liability
head marginThe space between the top of the printed copy and the trimmed edge.
ars novaprevalent musical style of the fourteenth century
maskThe blocking out of a portion of the printing plate during the exposure process.
a4ISO paper size 210 mm x 297 mm used for letterhead.
impositionArrangement of pages so that they print correctly on a press sheet, and to assure the pages are in proper order for folding.
gableUpper section of a wall, usually triangular in shape, at each end of a ridged roof.
safelightA lamp for use in the darkroom that gives light of a color that will not affect the photographic material within a reasonable time
croppingCutting out unwanted (edge) parts of a picture, typically at the printing or mounting stage.printer or monitor when compared with the original image
burgwall culture"Burgwall" translates to "castle wall or barrier" in German, and the term refers to the medieval Slavic culture of central Europe of the 11th century AD.
mihrāba niche, often highly ornamented, in the center of a qibla wall, toward which prayer is directed in an Islamic mosque.
carte de visiteFrench for "visiting card," and also known as CDV
emulsion down/emulsion upFilm whose emulsion side faces down (away from the viewer) or up (toward the viewer) when ready to make a plate or stencil
masterA plate used on a duplicating press.
hippologystudy of horses
mitigationmeasures taken to minimize destruction of archaeological materials in sites.
envelope #10Standard size envelope for business or commercial mail.
goldenrod paperSpecially coated masking paper in yellow or orange used by strippers to assemble and position negatives for exposure on plates.
flockTypically finely shredded colorized foam that is applied over a base to achieve a realistic scenic effect.
lintelA horizontal block or beam spanning the top of a doorway or other opening
metropolitan service areaA group of zip codes within close proximately that define a large metropolitan area (New York, Boston, etc.).
palette knifea knife with a flat, flexible blade and no cutting edge, used to mix and spread paint.
mezzanineA floor between the ground and first floors, often accessed off a half landing.
cascadeA linear signal path in which the output of one process is the input to the next
contingency/disaster recovery planDocuments the plan of actions to be taken to provide the capability to continue mission-essential processing and restore normal operations after a disaster.
signaturePrinted sheet (or its flat) that consists of a number of pages of a book, placed so that they will fold and bind together as a section of a book
funding rateThe rate at which customers earn points and rewards in a loyalty program.
aliasingUndesirable effects caused by image detail exceeding the sampling frequencies used
isdn“Integrated Services Digital Network”
insertsPrinted pages inserted into printing projects.
iridescent paperA coated stock finished in mother-of-pearl.
reverse foldA quarter-folded tabloid which has the back page folding to the outside
bristolType of board paper used for post cards, business cards and other heavy-use products.
palisadeA fence of posts or stakes erected around a settlement for defensive purposes.
triteoverused, over-rated and therefore lacking impact
pc cardA card, in the case of cameras usually a storage device, that plugs into a slot in a notebook or hand-held computer
overrunCopies printed in excess of the ordered quantity to ensure that proper quantity is delivered after the binding/mailing process.
gerontologythe study of old age
page printerThe more general (and accurate) name used to describe non-impact printers which produce a complete page in one action
code inspectionA formal testing technique in which a group of programmers review source code to analyze program logic and compliance with coding standards and to look for common programming errors
laserAcronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; very intense light that'can be precisely focused.
scorenotated parts for all the voices or instruments of a music composition
negativeAn image where the tonal values are reversed
line chartA chart connecting points on a graph to show changing quantities over time; also called a fever chart.
set offthe accidental transfer of the printed image from one sheet to the back of another.
dummyMock-up simulating the final product
screen anglesAngles at which the halftone screens are placed in relation to each other
cardinal directionsnorth, south, east, west
organicA description of images which are partly or wholly derived from natural forms, such as curvilinear, irregular, indicative of growth, biologically-based, etc.
controlThe process of comparing actual performance to planned performance, analyzing variances, evaluating possible alternatives, and taking appropriate corrective action.
fluteA long, narrow flake removed from a spear point to aid in the binding of the point to the spear shaft.
soil scientistOne who studies the distribution, fertility, and chemical and organic composition of the upper layer of the Earth.
step and repeatA process of generating multiple exposures by taking an image and stepping it according to a predetermined layout.
contract discrepancy reportA form that the Quality Assurance Evaluator uses to document a discrepancy or problem in contractor performance
architravea term generally used for the molding around a door or window, and specifically used for the lowest level of the entablature, directly above the capital of a column.
nephologythe study of clouds
dp“Dual Purpose” for use in printing and copying.
freeze1) An effect in which a single frame image is repeated so as to appear stationary
separationsUsually in the four-color process arena, separate film holding images of one specific color per piece of film
castratomale singer, castrated to preserve the unchanged soprano or alto voice
cobitControl Objectives for Information and Related Technology.
asset managementWrapper format s must support indirect references to content ‹ that is, references to objects which are themselves references to Content
10-point c1sA bristol stock, gloss coated on the outside and uncoated on the inside
llamaA woolly South American camelid; used as a beast of burden.
nippingIn the book binding process, a stage where air is expelled from it's contents at the sewing stage.
weight(1) Degree of boldness or thickness of a letter or font
value added propositionManaging and enhancing the value to both the customer and the company within the relationship.
bierA stand on which a coffin or a corpse is placed.
pedestal tableA table on a round center support.
dull finishAny matte-finished paper.
contentAs opposed to subject matter, content is the "meaning" of the artwork, e.g., in
rawA file format that is just raw (unprocessed) data from a digital camera
lithicStone, or pertaining to stone
technologyThe combination of knowledge and manufacturing techniques that enables people to convert raw materials into finished products.
paragraph markType symbol used to denote the start of a paragraph.
floatingIn web offset printing, the over-feeding of the web from one unit to the next or from the unit to the folder
galley proofProof of type from any Source, whether metal type or photo type
refittingInvolves at least partial reconstruction of pieces of stone so that they almost resemble their original form.
heliographicReferring to coordinates on the solar surface referenced to the solar rotational axis.
asciiAcronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a standard code used to help interface digital equipment.
subheadSmall heading within a story or chapter
mpeg-4“Moving Picture Experts Group”
glyphicA carved as opposed to scripted typeface.
overrunQuantities of sheets printed over the requested number of copies.
production runPress run intended to manufacture products as specified, as compared to makeready.
axonometric projectionthe depiction on a single plane of a three-dimensional object by placing it at an angle to the picture plane so that three faces are visible.
aztec civilizationThe Aztec civilization is the collective name given to seven Chichimec tribes of northern Mexico.
ollaSpanish for "pot," the term usually refers to one of the most common kinds of unglazed pot, known for its spherical body and wide mouth, made by the native peoples of North and Central America for hundreds of years.
en dashDash approximately half the width of an em dash.
ancient egyptis considered to have begun about 3050 BC, when the first pharaoh Menes united Lower Egypt (referring to the river delta region of the Nile River), and Upper Egypt (everything south of the delta).
sumerologythe study of the Sumerians.
mesoamerican archaeology and historyAncient history of Mesoamerica, emphasizing a conjunctive approach based on hieroglyphic, historical and ethnohistorical sources as well as on archaeological evidence.
equivalent weightA term denoting the respective weights of paper of two different basic sheet sizes
pngPortable Network Graphics - 1st cousin to the .gif and also used mostly for web graphics.
computer-to-plateProducing polyester plates directly from digital files without producing a set of film negatives.
ottoman empireThe geographical and political region controlled by the Ottoman Turks; had their heyday with the conquest of Constantinople in 1453
dowelIn woodworking, a cylindrical rod that fits into holes in two adjacent pieces to line them up and hold them together.
amarnaAmarna is the modern name given to the capital city of Akhetaten, the heretic pharaoh of the 18th Egyptian dynasty Akhenaton, built about 1350 BC and abandoned at his death 20 years later.
chromasee intensity.
décolletéA low-neckline bodice of a blouse or dress
caryatida supporting column in post-andlintel construction carved to represent a human or animal figure.
back up(1) To print on the second side of a sheet already printed on one side
ophthalmologythe study of the eyes
round back bindA hard cover case binding with a rounded spine.
freelancerprofessional, such as writer or photographer, who is self-employed, thus free to accept work from many clients
iso9000 standards registrationAn internationally recognized set of quality management standards (sometimes referred to as a Quality Management System; QMS) established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); adoption and certification of these standards demonstrates an organization's commitment to quality.
long countThe Classic Maya system of dating that records the total number of days elapsed from an initial date in the distant past (3114 b.c.)
mastheadA block of information, including staff names and publication data, often printed on the editorial page.
indiciaPostal permit information printed on objects to be mailed and accepted by U.S
assetsThings that a user sees or hears, e.g., bit map, audio ,text.
floodlampStudio lighting unit consisting of a large reflector containing a photolamp or other pearl glass lamp
kerningAdjusting spacing between letters or characters.
villa(a) in antiquity and the Renaissance, a large country house; (b) in modern times, a detached house in the country or suburbs.
sponsorshipsA form of advertising in which an advertiser pays to sponsor a section or newsletter of a Web site
jogHigh-speed vibration of finished pages used to ensure uniform alignment prior to the cutting process.
high finishPaper that has a smooth, hard finish applied through calendaring or another similar process.
additive coloursIn photographic reproduction; the primary colours of red; green and blue which are mixed to form all other colours.
epochA subdivision of geological time, millions of years long, representing units of eras.
gamma raysHigh-energy radiation (energies in excess of 100 keV) observed during large, extremely energetic solar flares.
intermittentOccurring infrequently
fminThe lowest frequency at which echo traces are observed on an ionogram
unidentified flying object Unexplained sightings of lights or objects in the sky, often taken to be evidence of extraterrestrial visitations
romanticizeto glamorize or portray in a romantic, as opposed to a realistic, manner.
coreA core, in the archaeological sense, is the basic raw material building block for a stone tool.
coronal loopsA typical structure of enhanced corona observed in EUV lines and soft x-rays.  Coronal loops represent ”closed” magnetic topology.
cerlox/comb bindTo bind by inserting the teeth of a flexible plastic comb through holes punched along the edge of a stack of paper
arrowheadA symbol shaped like an arrowhead that is used in illustration to direct a leader line
mailing serviceBusiness specializing in addressing and mailing large quantities of printed pieces
trichologythe study of hair and scalp
archaeologyThe scientific study of the physical evidence of past human societies recovered through the excavation
bagorThe archaeological site of Bagor is a Late Mesolithic (pre-Harappa) archaeological site in the Bhilwara District of the Rajasthan region of western India.
participationWhen a member in a program responds to dialogue
tholosA large, beehive-shaped tomb, constructed using the corbel arch technique, characteristic of the Mycenaean civilization of Greece.
gildingWhen a liquid agent is used to adhere gold leaf edges to books
crossoverAn image, rule or line art on one printed page that carries over to an adjacent page of a bound or folded work.
cross-overElements that cross page boundaries and land on two consecutive pages (usually rules).
quire1/20th of a ream (25 sheets).
puna(Spanish) High grassland plateaus in the Peruvian Andes.
clocheA tigh- fitting hat worn pulled down low onto the forehead; reached its greatest popularity during the 1920s.
allocationQuantity of a product, such as a brand of paper, that is rationed to distributors and customers until a specified date.
clusterA group of homes within a neighborhood that are assumed to have similar demographic, social, and economic characteristics.
bonda sized finished writing paper of 50gsm or more
sdtvStandard Definition TeleVision
serapaeuma building or shrine sacred to the Egyptian god Serapis.
woodfree paperMade with chemical pulp only
assyriaAssyria was an ancient civilization located in Asia during the 14th-7th century BC.
faunaA Latin term which refers to animals remains, as opposed to flora which refers to plant remains.
color process printingSee four-color process printing.
conjugate pointsTwo points on the Earth’s surface at opposite ends of a geomagnetic field line.
concurrency testingTesting geared toward determining the effects of multiple users accessing the same application code, module, or database records at the same time.
diffusionthe spread or transmission of a culture trait from one area to another.
co-mailingThe combining of flat-sized pieces of mail with different mail owners to achieve lower postage rates.
backing upTo print the second side of printed sheet
academy formatA film aspect ratio of 4:3, which is 1.33:1 It is of particular importance because this is also the aspect ratio of standard television systems.
rachisThe stem that holds seeds to the stalk in wheat and other plants.
price breakQuantity at which unit ' cost of paper or printing drops
ink fountainThe device which stores and meters ink to the inking rollers.
restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP)
impositionArrangement of pages on mechanicals or flats so they will appear in proper sequence after press sheets are folded and bound.
bleedAny element that extends up to or past the edge of a printed page.
swash bookA book in a variety of forms, indicating specific stock in specific colors in a specific thickness
ambulatorya vaulted passageway, usually surrounding the apse or choir of a church.
16 x 9A wide screen television format in which the aspect ratio of the screen is 16 units wide by 9 high as opposed to the 4x3 of normal TV.
pop-up adA pop-up ad is a form of online advertising that is new browser window in front of your current browser window.
encroachintrude on someone's territory or rights
consortensemble of several members of the same instrument family
clanA group of people from many lineages who live in one place and have a common line of descent, usually under one chieftain
c2sPaper coated on both sides.
perigeeThat point on the orbit of an Earth-orbiting satellite nearest to the Earth
saturationsee intensity.
cardboardGeneral term for stiff, bulky paper such as index, tag, or bristol.
equity programsFrequency/relationship/loyalty programs which use a promotional currency, allowing customers to accumulate a value redeemable for hard benefits.
pull quoteWords from an article printed in large type and inserted in the page similarly to an illustration.
big band jazzanother name for swing
character generationConstructing typographic images electronically as a series of dots, lines, or pixels on the screen of a cathode-ray tube (CRT).
specular highlightHighlight area with no printable dots, thus no detail
pdfPortable Document Format
tissueThin, translucent paper used for overlays.
aurignacian periodThe Aurignacian period (40,000 to 28,000 years ago) is an Upper Paleolithic stone tool tradition.
alkaline soilThis type of soil has a pH level above the 7.0 mark which makes it dry and plants are hard to grow in this particular soil.
relieving archAn additional arch over a lintel.
reflectanceAmount of light reflected from a paper's surface.
wrinkleA crease in the finished product caused by poorly wound rolls, a tension feed problem from unit to folder, a tension feed problem from RTF to pin cylinder, excessive braking or bad tramming.
tool kitThe set of all weapons and tools that was created and used by a person or group of people.
justifiedWhen type is justified, both margins (left and right) are even and straight.
communications channelThe method of talking to the customers, e.g
kivaA semisubterranean ceremonial room found at sites throughout the American Southwest.
gorgetA circular ornament, flat or convex on one side and concave on the other, usually worn over the chest.
mappingAn underwater site can be mapped in various ways
shamanAn anthropological term for a spiritualist, curer, or seer.
capernaumThe town of Capernaum is mentioned several times in the New Testament of the Judeo-Christian bible, as the home of several apostles.
black levelSignal Level corresponding to minimum light output, (the shadow area)
indexAn alphabetized list of contents and their page numbers.
vectorscopeOscilloscope designed for television which looks at the chrominance part of the video signal
arpacA type of shrinkwrapping available
letter paperIn North America, 8.5” x 11” sheets
bouriThe paleontological region called Bouri is located within the Middle Awash region of Ethiopia and contains evidence of hominid occupation between 2.5 and 160,000 years ago.
casing inThe process of placing in and adhering a book to its case covers.
cvCost variance.
htmlHyperText Markup Language, the coding used to format all Web documents.
halationThe distortion of copy generally caused in the plate-burning process because of foreign material under the film or insufficient vacuum draw-down
chokeTechnique of slightly reducing the size of an image to create a hairline trap or to outline
tuberA fleshy, usually oblong or rounded outgrowth (such as the potato) of a subterranean stem or root of a plant.
tribea group of bands unified by a council of representatives or kin groups.
ditheringThe process of averaging between pixels of different colors
penumbraThe sunspot area that may surround the darker umbra or umbrae
reversalA type of film stock which, after processing, produces a positive image
audiologythe study of hearing; a branch of medicine
recencyA measurement of when the customer last interacted with a program in a recorded event such as web site visit, making a purchase, calling the customer contact center and so on
vbr“Variable Bit Rate”
scrimA translucent diffuser placed over a light to soften its intensity
index bristolA relatively thick paper stock; basis size 25 1/2" x 30 1/2."
serial controlRemote control of a device over a data line down which the control signals are sent one after the other
infographicsCharts, graphs, tables and other visual representation of ideas and statistical information
emulsionThe light-sensitive coating on photographic film, plates or stencils.
perceived valueHow awards are valued by the customer.
epigrapherA person who studies ancient inscriptions
short grainAlternate term for Grain abort (paper).
forme(old) type matter or type and block with its accompanying spacing material secured in the forme called a chase.
awla small pointed hand tool used for piercing holes in leather, wood, and other materials.
drop headA small headline running below the main headline; also called a deck.
caretAn editing mark used to designate where something is to be inserted in text.
text paperGrade of paper characterized by textured surfaces.
ntsc“National Television Standards Committee”
upA term used to describe how many similar images can be produced on a larger sheet
cultural ecologyCultural Ecology is an anthropological theory put forward by Julian Steward, that considers adaptation to environment as the paramount driver in cultural change.
extreme ultravioletA portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from approximately 10 to 100 nm.
mechanical bindTo bind using a comb, coil, ring binder, post or any other technique not requiring gluing, sewing or stitching.
soft coverBound without a case; usually perfect bound, but also sewn and bound with a paper cover.
perfect bindingBinding process where backs of sections are cut off, roughened and glued together, and rung in a cover.
conveningBringing together parties with different interests to discuss and develop solutions to a conflict.
list sequenceThe order, usually by ZIP Code/post code, in which names and addresses appear on a list.
paleontologythe study of fossils of ancient life
flamboyantThe closing period of French Gothic during the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries
aristocracyA governing body of upper class citizens or the system of government in which aristocrats (upper class citizens) have controlling power
three-knifeTrimming device used in the bindery department to open the head, the tail, and the face of a printed piece when no binding is required
tape to tapeAlso known as T2T
scoreTo compress paper along a straight line so it folds more easily and accurately.
pmsAbbreviation for Pantone Matching System.
snap-toa WYSIWYG program feature for accurately aligning text or graphics
strataThe layers of sediment or rock revealed after excavation or through natural weathering.
cd-romCompact disc with read-only memory.
dyluxBrand name for photographic paper used to make blue line proofs
anthropologyThe study of humanity, including our past and present
smtpThe language computers must speak to send and receive email on the Internet.
historical archaeologyarchaeology of literate societies
anuradhapuraAnuradhapura was founded by the Sinhalese king Pandukhabaya as his capital city in 437 BC.
macro modeA lens mode that allows you to get very close to objects so they appear greatly enlarged in the picture.
testerA cover or canopy suspended over a tomb or a pulpit
contract quality requirementsThe technical requirements in the contract relating to the quality of the supply or service, and those contract clauses prescribing inspection and other quality controls that are binding to the contractor, to assure that the supply or service conforms to the contractual requirements.
tlachtliThe Aztec word for their ritual ballgame.
cultural intelligenceThe ability to adapt to national, organizational, and vocational norms (habits, body language, gestures, and so on) held by and particular to all members of culture.
martyriuma church or other structure built over the tomb or relics of a martyr.
stabilityThe quality of paper to maintain its original size when it undergoes pressure and moisture changes.
color blanksPress sheets printed with photos or illustrations, but without type
cadenzaextended passage for solo instrument; typical feature of a solo concerto
ghostingA faint image on the printed sheet appearing in a location where not intended; also a printed image that does not have sufficient ink to render it properly.
oral historyTraditions and stories passed down via word of mouth from one generation to another.
the legacy of mesoamericaTraditional native cultures of Middle America
creaseSee score.
clicks & mortarA business that has successfully integrated its online e-commerce channel with its offline Bricks & Mortar (street) outlets.
happeningan event in which artists give an unrehearsed performance, sometimes with the participation of the audience.
analog workflowTraditional workflow that relies heavily on film and photosensitive materials and processes.
cranialof or pertaining to the skull or cranium.
succubus A demonic entity said to inspire lust in men and then assaulting them.
rudimentaryA type of sunspot penumbra characterized by granular (rather than filamentary) structure, brighter intensity than the umbra, and narrow extent, and possibly only partially surrounding the umbra
high-key photoPhoto whose most important details appear in the highlights.
plageOn the Sun, an extended H-alpha emission feature of an active region that is seen from the time of emergence of the first magnetic flux until the widely scattered remnant magnetic fields merge with the background.  Magnetic fields are more intense in plage, and temperatures are higher than in surrounding, quiescent regions.
super vectorThe standard processing set for the da Vinci 2K
magentaThe common name for the red color used to run 4/color process work.
list protectionLists are protected by review of the mailing piece, the mailer (renter), insertion of seeds by the list owner and obtaining a guarantee from the mailer (renter) that the mailer will only use the list as many times as the mailer has paid.
deckle edgeThe rough or feathered edge of untrimmed paper.
contract proofsee Color Proof
marine shellThe shell from any of a variety of shellfish found in salt water.
effigyA representation or image of a person or an animal.
causal researchResearch that attempts to explain the relationship between two variables (if A causes B to occur)
m & e track“Music And Effects” only track, often recorded separately from the Final Mix, so that foreign language dialogue can be added later.
annealingThe process of heating and gradually cooling metal (or other materials) to reduce brittleness and enhance toughness.
lacquerA clear resin/solvent coating, usually glossy, applied to a printed sheet for protection or appearance.
parallel foldA method of folding; For example, two parallel folds will produce six pages out of a sheet of paper.
armpitAn awkward-looking page layout where a story's banner headline sits on top of a photo or another headline.
jogTo vibrate a stack of finished pages so that they are tightly aligned for final trimming.
fountain solutionMixture of water and chemicals that dampens a printing plate to prevent ink from adhering to the nonimage area
dpiDots per inch, a measure of the resolution of the printed image.
polyurethane reactiveHotmelt glue used on perfect bound books
layerA way of managing elements of an image in stackable overlays that can be manipulated separately, moved to a different stacking order, or made partially or fully transparent.
bleedingBleeding is a term used to describe the oozing of sap through a cut.
durometerInstrument that measures the hardness in rubber in units called ‘durometers'.
step-and-repeatA procedure for placing the same image on plates in multiple places. 
taxologya synonym for taxonomy
prominenceA term identifying cloud-like features in the solar atmosphere
mannerismA movement in art, at the end or just after the Renaissance, where artists attempted to bring emotion and intensity to their work
decussisthe Latin numeral ten (X).
tzompantliThe Aztec word for skull rack
decoyAlso known as “salting,” a designated name on a mailing list that can signal unauthorized use of the list.
lead edgeThe portion of a sheet of paper that enters the printing press first.
reinforced concreteconcrete strengthened by embedding an internal structure of wire mesh or rods.
postal pre-sortThe sorting of items to be mailed to take advantage of postal discounts.
riserThe vertical part of a step or stair.
folioPage number.
vitreousrelated to, derived from, or consisting of glass.
commercial activities & archaeologyCan commercial interests and archaeology co-exist? The answer depends on whom you ask
archaeoastronomyArchaeoastronomy is the study of ancient methods and reasons for studying the stars and planets.
riThe international standard relative sunspot number.
heliopauseThe boundary surface between the solar wind and the external galactic medium.
indirect percussionA technique used in the manufacture of stone tools where pressure is applied to a striking platform with the aid of an interposing punch (bone or antler) between the hammer and the raw material (thus the hammer does not directly strike the raw material)
gatheringAssembling sheets of paper and signatures into their proper sequence
coachingA method managers and supervisors use to provide positive or constructive feedback to employees to encourage continued excellent performance, to identify ways to improve performance, or to guide an individual to new knowledge and/or skills
tonerPowder forming the image in photocopy.
occasional tableA term applied loosely toany small table.
critical defectA defect that judgment and experience indicate is likely to prevent performance of the tactical function of a major end item
intaglio printingPrinting method whose image carriers are surfaces with two levels, having inked areas lower than noninked areas
make-upAll elements combined to form the printed image.
cascadea fall of water arranged in a succession of stages, either informally over a rock formation or more formally over a series of steps; a rustic arch often projects above the cascade, especially if the water emerges from a hillside.
capsCapital or uppercase letters
associationThe relationship between items in an archaeological site
plate finishAny bond, cover or Bristol stock with an extremely smooth finish achieved by calendaring
acrylicAcrylic is a popular and versatile painting medium, using pigments dispersed in a polymethyl methacrylate vehicle
umbraThe dark core or cores (umbrae) in a sunspot with penumbra, or a sunspot lacking penumbra.
mummyA preserved body wrapped in cloth
gigabyteA measurement of disk storage capacity
petabyteOne million billion bytes or more accurately 2^50 = 1,125,899,906,842,624
acid-free paperPapermade from pulp containing little or no acid so it resists deterioration from age
banyan valley caveBanyan Valley Cave is located in Pang Ma Pha province of upland Thailand, with occupations dated beginning in the Hoabinhian period of the late stone age, up into the metal ages (3,500-900 BC).
prestoAn alert issued by a Regional Warning Center to give rapid notification of significant solar or geophysical activity in progress or just concluded.
classical archaeologyThe term classical archaeology generally refers to the study of ancient Greece and Rome and their immediate forebears.
epidemiologythe study of the origin and spread of diseases
opti-copy imposer systemA computerized camera which imposes eight pages onto a single negative in proper placement for correct pagination when printed
pictogramA picture or symbol that represents a word or group of words
pmsAcronym for Pantone Matching System, a set of preprinted color patches used to choose and communicate color so exact matches can be obtained.
peelingDelamination of the paper fibers.
thermographyMethod of printing using colorless resin powder and heat applied to wet ink yielding raised images.
densitometerA device sensitive to the density of light transmitted or reflected by paper or film
burnishA term used for the process of "rubbing down" lines and dots on a printing plate, which darkens those rubbed areas.
laguna(Spanish) Lagoon; a man-made depression in Mesoamerica that may have begun as a borrow pit for the construction of an earthen mound
comic opera: opera comique(1)French comic opera of a satirical or romantic (2)In the 19th century, French works shorter more modest and more realistic than grand operas but not necessarily humorous
classical stylegreek art of 5th century
pineappleCarved pineapple-shaped ornament found frequently in early 19th century American bed posts.
paste-up1) The department which turns typeset material into finished pages ready for camera.
compositionThe arrangement of type, graphics and other elements on the page.
ibcInside back cover.
webin Gothic architecture, the portion of a ribbed vault between the ribs.
emulsionCasting of light-sensitive chemicals on papers, films, printing plates and stencils.
kiss die cutTo die cut the top layer, but not the backing layer, of self-adhesive paper
lapis lazulia semiprecious blue stone; used to prepare the blue pigment known as ultramarine.
back porchThe area of the video waveform between the trailing edge of the horizontal sync and right before the active video.
magusin the New Testament, one of the three wise men who traveled from the East to pay homage to the infant Christ.
dot gain or spreadPhenomenon of dots printing larger on paper than they are on negatives or plates.
gummingApplication of gum Arabic to the non-printing side of a plate.
block frontA chest composed of a concave center panel flanked by two convex panels.
andrologythe study of male health and disease
scaleTo change the size of some or all of an image
methodology(properly) the study of methods
uv coatingLiquid laminate bonded and cured with ultraviolet light
boiler plateRepetitive blocks of type that are picked up and included routinely without recreating them.
crt“Cathode Ray Tube”
abbotHead of a monastery elected by the monks for life.
coil bindingWhere a metal or plastic wire is spiraled through holes punched along the side of a stack of paper
ballana cultureThe Ballana (or X-Culture) is the name given to a pre-Christian, post-meroitic culture of Egypt and Nubia, dominant in Lower Egypt and Nubia between about A.D
hueA specific color such as yellow or green.
symbolismliterary movement sharing the ideals of the Impressionists
infinityA distance so great that light from a given point reaches the camera as virtually parallel rays
hydraulic radiusThe ratio of area of flow to wetted perimeter.
canvas boardA paperboard with a surface of simulated canvas, used for painting.
radiocarbon datingAn absolute dating technique based on the principle of decay of the radioactive isotope of carbon, 14Carbon; used to date archaeological materials within the past 40,000 years.
papyrusA reed found in the Mediterranean region, and northern Africa, especially Egypt, used to make a type of paper
native americanOf, or relating to, a tribe, people, or culture that is indigenous to the United States
baptismThe rite of admission to membership in Christian churches that involves immersing, sprinkling or anointing with water
constructivismThe theory that students learn by building their own knowledge and experiences, and that the context in which an idea is presented affects learning.
mastodon(Mammut americanum) The mastodon is a distant relative to the modern elephant
analogOf a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input
rankA relationship of inequality between members of society in which status is determined by kinship relations of birth order and lineage.
grainThe direction of fibers in a sheet of paper; governs paper properties such as increased size changes with relative humidity.
chimú stateThe Chimú state, also called the "Kingdom of Chimor," was an Andean civilization which grew out of the Moche civilization, was established in Peru about 850 AD, and conquered by the Inca in 1470.
navein basilicas and churches, the long, narrow central area used to house the congregation.
master pageA non-printing page containing elements which are repeated on each page of a document, such as header, footer, page number etc.; ensures consistent design.
looseleafBinding method allowing insertion and removal of pages in a publication.
papyrus(a) a plant found in ancient Egypt and neighboring countries; (b) a paperlike writing material made from the pith of the plant.
banker's flap envelopeAlso called wallet flap; the wallet flap has more rounded flap edges.
mark-upProcess of writing instructions for use on a dummy.
nimhNickel metal hydride battery
les six6 French composers of the 1920s whose music reflected the strong influence of popular styles
pdfPortable Document Format, a universal file format developed by Adobe that preserves all the fonts, formatting, graphics and color of any source document
rheumatologythe study of rheumatic diseases, a branch of medicine
percentage wheelAlternate term often used for Proportional scale.
cieInternational Commission on Illumination
design briefWritten description of how a printed piece is intended to look and the requirements for reproducing it.
intermediatesGeneral term for color masters and dupes
continuous-tone copyAll photographs and those illustrations having a range of shades not
thumbnailA low-resolution preview version of larger digital image files used to check before opening the full version.
direct mailMail designed to motivate readers to respond directly to senders with a purchase, donation, or other action.
cahokiaCahokia is a large Mississippian (AD 1000-1600) agricultural settlement located on the American Bottom of the Mississippi River in Illinois.
long duration eventWith reference to x-ray events, those events that are not impulsive in appearance
italicForward slanting type indicative of particular emphasis.
gifGraphic Interface Format, a common format for compressed Web images, especially illustrations and graphics.
fair useConcept in copyright law allowing, without permission from copyright holder, short quotations from a copyrighted product for purposes of reviewing or teaching
paste drierAny of a variety of compounds used in enhancing the drying properties of printing inks.
dummyPreliminary drawing or layout showing visual elements
buy outTo subcontract for a service that is closely related to the business of the organization
magnetic cloudIn general, any identifiable parcel of solar wind
tier levelPrograms may add escalating customer benefits and award earning opportunities by establishing membership tiers (e.g
bounce 1A registration problem, usually on copiers, where the image appears to bounce back and forth
treadThe horizontal part of a step or stair.
tip-onAn item glued to a printed piece.
mug shotPhotograph showing only a person's face.
chenilleA velvety silk, wool, or cotton fabric with a protruding pile.
flotationA method of obtaining seeds and other organic materials from soil by using liquids.
mixologythe study or skill of preparing mixed drinks.
gynecologythe study of medicine relating to women, or of women in general
color fidelityHow well a printed piece matches the original.
black boxA term used to describe a piece of equipment dedicated to one specific function, usually involving a form of digital video (black) magic.
criColor Reversal Intermediate, a duplicate color negative prepared by reversal processing.
crop marksLines that are printed on a sheet to indicate where it needs trimming.
panelOne page of a brochure, such as one panel of a rack brochure
disturbanceEvent that changes the contexts of materials within a site, moving and mixing materials from and between strata
pyramid adsAdvertisements stacked up one side of a page, wide at the base but progressively smaller near the top.
alligator moundThe Serpent Mound, or Alligator Mound, located in southern Ohio in the American midwest, is a large earthen spiral structure in the shape of a partially coiled serpent (or at least that's our interpretation).
serial digital videoComposite (D2) or Component (D1) digital video passed down a single coaxial cable
surveyThe process of searching for archaeological remains by physically examining the landscape, usually on foot
modelingThe apparent detail in a picture indicating that the objects are three dimensional; having surface texture or relief such as the ripple on an orange peel or the texture of a woven fabric.
lares and penates(a) in ancient Rome, the tutelary gods of the household; (b) figuratively, one's most valued household possessions.
alkaline paperA stable, acid-free paper used for products that must resist deterioration and preserve their images for as long as possible
acropolis(Greek, pl
dot gain or spreadA term used to explain the difference in size between the dot on film v paper.
micaA mineral that forms layers of thin sheets and is colorless to black
dduDelivery Destination Unit
sibyla prophetess of the ancient, pre-Christian world.
classic periodNew World chronological period, traditionally thought to mark the initial appearance of urban states in Mesoamerica and the Andean region
cloisterin a monastery, a covered passage or ambulatory, usually with one side walled and the other open to a courtyard.
ccir 601CCIR recommendation 601
optical centerThe point on a sheet of paper that is perceived by the human eye to be the center of the page; slightly above center to appear centered relative to top and bottom.
insertingFinishing operation that involves placing components into an envelope or other vehicle.
tiffAbbreviation for tagged image file format.
doglegsL-shaped columns of text that wrap around art, ads or other stories.
patina(a) the colored surface, often green, that forms on bronze and copper either naturally (as a result of oxidation) or artificially (through treatment with acid); (b) in general, the surface appearance of old objects.
decayTo rot or decompose.
t2tsee Tape to Tape
counselingProviding day-to-day feedback about areas in which employees can improve their work performance
septic tankPrivate drainage installation whereby sewage is collected into a chamber and decomposes through the action of bacteria, with remaining solids requiring removal periodically, and liquids running off to a water course or soakaway.
recognitionThe act of recognizing and thanking customers for their patronage
piece rateThe postage charge per piece of mail.
formAn object's three-dimensionality: height, breadth and depth.
maximum usable frequencyThe highest frequency that allows reliable HF radio communication over a given ground range by ionospheric refraction.  Frequencies higher than the MUF penetrate the ionosphere and become useful for extraterrestrial communications.
applicationA computer software program that performs a specific task: word processing, page layout, illustration, etc.
knickerbockersLoose, full breeches that are gathered below the knee and fastened by a button or buckle
skeleton-firstIn wooden shipbuilding, first the keel, stem and frames ate raised
advanced zooarchaeologySpecialized techniques of zooarchaeological analysis employed in research areas including site seasonality, aging and sexing, paleo-environmental reconstruction and identification techniques for non-mammalian species.
stockA term for unprinted paper or other material yet to be printed.
boardPaper of more than 200gsm.
grammatologythe study of writing systems
adcA mail processing facility that receives and distributes mail destined for specific ZIP Code areas
address trackA track on magnetic tapes dedicated to recording time code or some other means of position identification.
artist's representativePerson who handles marketing and other business matters for designers, illustrators, and photographers.
sopranohigh female singing voice
spoilagePaper that, due to mistakes or accidents, must be thrown away instead of delivered printed to the customer.
foil stampingMethod of printing on a letter press using thin metallic or pigmented film and a die.
all capsType using only capital letters.
enlargeTo increase the size of an image.
l1Lagrangian orbit number 1.  A location on the Earth/ Sun line where gravitational forces can be balanced to maintain a stable orbit.  Approximately  1.5 million km upstream of the Earth.  Solar wind monitors located there allow a 20-60 minute (depending on solar wind velocity) warning of geomagnetic disturbances at Earth.
newelPost supporting a staircase handrail at top and bottom
brook runIn the piedmont region of northern Virginia, in a grove of cedar trees near the Rapidan River, lays important evidence of rock quarrying by some of the earliest human residents of the region.
bylineThe name of the author appearing at the beginning or end of an article
external paper sizingSizing (rosin) applied to paper after the sheet is formed.
agnoiologythe study of things of which we are by nature ignorant, or of things which cannot be known
xerographyAlternate term for Photocopying.
homologous flaresA feature of the solar wind having velocities exceeding approximately 600 km/s (about double average solar wind values)
sarcophagusa stone coffin, sometimes decorated with a relief sculpture.
precisionNew control panel for Image Systems Film Master, released 2011
non-image areaPortion of mechanical, negative, or plate that will not print.
histologythe study of living tissues
search enginesThese engines help Internet surfers target information by keyword or concept.
comic opera: opera buffaItalian comic opera
potassium-argon datingSee radiopotassium dating.
spoliamaterials taken from an earlier building for re-use in a new one.
focal lengthIn a simple lens the distance (typically in millimeters) between the lens and the position of a sharp image for a subject a great distance away
list exchangeAn agreement between two companies for the use of each other's list.
loupeA magnifying lens used to inspect film plates and the printed sheet to examine registration and dot formation.
file formatA set of instructions that describe how to store, access or transmit digital information
halftone screenPiece of film or glass containing a grid of lines that breaks light into dots
antique finishPaper with a rough, sized surface used for book and cover stock.
castel del monteThe World Heritage site Castel del Monte is a medieval period castle, built by Frederick II between AD 1229 and 1249.
high value customerAn economic view of a customer that measures how profitable the customer is to the company, instead of measuring the profitability of product or service lines.
expanded typeType with width greater than normal producing a rectangular effect.
pixel swoppingA CEPS technique to exchange pixels from one area of a picture for pixels in another area
premiumAny paper that is considered better than #1 by its manufacturer.
fold marksMarkings at the top edges of a page that show where folds should occur.
braceThe character "{" used to group lines and phrases.
provenienceorigin, derivation; the act of coming from a particular source.
geologythe study of the Earth
signatureSheet of printed pages which, when folded, become part of a publication.
smectiteThe term smectite is used to describe a family of expansible 2:1 phyllosilicate minerals having permanent layer charge between 0.2 and 0.6 charges per half unit cell
backup copyDuplicate of an original made in case of loss or damage of the original.
kerningThe adjustment of space between two consecutive letters or characters.
sunspotAn area seen as a dark spot, in contrast with its surroundings, on the photosphere of the Sun
raggedlines of type that do not start or end at the same position.
imbricationsOrnaments which take the form of fishes' scales or the segmented edge of tiles that overlap.
castinga process in which liquefied material, usually metal, is formed by being poured into a mold; the mold is removed when the material has solidified, leaving a cast object in the shape of the mold.
c-mode edlA C-mode edit decision list is orders the edits based on source reel and source in times
filterColored glass or gelatin used to reduce or eliminate specific colors from light before it strikes film or paper.
attrition rateThe rate of fall-off in regular respondents, or the percentage of customers this year who are no longer a customer next year.
cross directionIn paper, the direction across the grain
habitation areaA generalized term for a house or tent floor, or the remains of any other type of aboriginal shelter.
sarcologya subsection of anatomy that studies the soft parts
skewMisalignment of a character(s), bar, or barcode related to the top or bottom edges of an envelope.
memorabiliaObjects that have a specific use at the time they are made, such as a baseball or a trophy, but which tend to gain value over time as a result of their associations and history, rather than for their original utility.
perforatingTaking place on a press or a binder machine, creating a line of small dotted wholes for the purpose of tearing-off a part of a printed matter (usually straight lines, vertical or horizontal).
serifsA type style that features small strokes on letterforms, typically at the beginning or end of a stroke.
film coatAlso called wash coat; any thinly-coated paper stock.
customer satisfaction researchResearch conducted to understand customers’ satisfaction with particular products or services and their attributes
enFixed space that is half as wide as an em space.
actinobiologythe study of the effects of radiation| upon living organisms
column gutterSpace between two or more columns of type on one page.
unit costThe cost of one item in a print run
bronzeAmixture of copper and tin or arsenic to make a hard, durable metal.
concept of operationsA high-level requirements document that describes, from the users’ perspective, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a proposed system and the operational environment in which it needs to function
sans serifType without serifs: This is sans serif type.
pages per inchNumber of pages per inch of thickness of a bound publication
character recognitionThe function of systems that automatically read or recognize typed, printed, or handwritten characters or symbols and convert them to machine language for processing and storing in electronic systems
publisher1) Person or organization that coordinates creation, design, production and distribution of newsletters.  2) Chief executive officer or owner of a publishing company.
arcadeA series of magnetic loops, overlying a solar inversion line.  Can become visible or enhanced following a nearby coronal mass ejection.
foliatedDecorated with leaf designs of an intricate pattern.
anamorphicA system with different magnification in the horizontal and vertical planes, allowing the recording of wide screen formats
modemMostly used over phone lines, a device that converts electronic stored information from point a
award fulfillmentThe process by which awards are requested by or issued to a customer
vectorGraphics that are based upon mathmatical equations to represent the image
solar rotation rate(1) synodic: 13.39 degrees -2.7 degrees sin2 J per day (J = solar latitude)
stumpingProcess of impressing book covers, etc., using hot die, brass types, or blocks
astrologythe study of the purported influence(s) of celestial bodies on earthly affairs
informal balanceA design treatment in which images are placed in a layout in such a way that the visual impression appears balanced on an invisible center line.
dupe“Duplicate” A copy (of a piece of film).
critical pathA series of tasks that must finish on time for the entire project to finish on schedule.
dumb waiterA dining room stand with normally three circular trays increasing toward the bottom
htmlHypertext Markup Language is used to structure text and multimedia documents and to set up hypertext links between documents, used extensively on the World Wide Web.
hymnreligious song with nonliturgical text appropriate for congregational singing
archaeologyThe study of the human past, combining the themes of time and change.
lineup tablea table with an illuminated top used for preparing and checking alignment of page layouts and paste-ups.
moireObjectionable patterns that appear at regular frequencies when two or more screen patterns are placed over one another
repeatabilityThe ability to keep film or plates that yield images in register for imagesetters, film plotters, and platesetters.
unipolar magnetic regionSee unipolar magnetic region.
mesoamerican writing systemsOverview of Mesoamerican writing systems, including Maya hieroglyphics.  Topics include the origin and development of writing in Mesoamerica, as well as the evolution of the calendar and other notational systems.  Introduction to methods of decipherment and current interpretations of the texts.
weatherboardA board fixed externally to the bottom of a door to exclude driving rain.
cereologythe study of crop circles
patrilocalDescribing a residence pattern in which married couples live with or near the husband’s family.
gripper edgeThe grippers of the printing press move the paper through the press by holding onto the leading edge of the sheet; this edge is the gripper edge.
box enamel paperA glossy coated paper used to cover paper boxes.
anchorAn image, word or phrase (usually in color and underlined) that, when clicked, connects you to another Web page.
tecSee total electron content.
sustaining speedThe swimming speed a fish can maintain for several minutes.
leatherette finishHeavy papers or cover stocks embossed to simulate the texture of leather.
cartoon(a) a full-scale preparatory drawing for a painting; (b) in more modern usage, a comical or satirical drawing.
upA term used to describe how many similar pieces can be printed on a larger sheet; two up, four up, etc.
coatingAn unbroken, clear film applied to a substrate in layers to protect and seal it, or to make it glossy.
terminus post quemDate after which something cannot have been constructed or deposited
sweet jazzhighly arranged style with little room for improvisation
oenologythe study of wine
gafferThe head of electrical department on a movie, aka the Chief Lighting Technician, or Lighting Director
binderyUsually a department within a printing company responsible for collating, binding, folding and trimming various printing projects.
constructive dischargeA type of employment termination in which the employee resigns due to intolerable working conditions.
brick-and-mortarLocated or serving consumers in a physical facility as distinct from providing remote, especially online, services.
asaA number set by the American Standards Assoc., which is placed on film stock to allow calculation of the length and "F" number of an exposure
power windowAn option for all digital da Vinci color enhancement systems that generates soft edged areas of an image which can then be color enhanced with independent primary and/or secondary corrections
coopContinuity of Operations Plan.
neutron monitorA ground-based detector that counts secondary neutrons generated by processes originating with the impact of atmospheric molecules and atoms by very energetic particles (galactic or solar cosmic rays).
consumerA member of the public who purchases products or services.
hipThe sloping angle where two roof planes meet to form a ridge.
ragged leftThe term given to right-justified type that is uneven on the left side.
piano nobilethe main floor of a building where the most important rooms would be located: literally "noble storey" in Italian.
hominidThis term was used in the past to describe the early humans called Hominins today
autopositiveAny photo materials which provide positive images without a negative.
bracingThe arrangement of timbers spanning across roof trusses to provide lateral stability
cognitive domainIn Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, an intellectual learning domain that references objectives and test items that require recall or recognition of knowledge and the development of intellectual abilities and skills
roll foldA fold where one side of a piece is folded inward and then inward again at least once, similar to rolling a piece up.
cemeteryA location where individuals are buried
blurIn photography, to soften an image or part of an image by throwing it out of focus or by allowing it to become soft because of subject or camera motion
dresserA species of a sideboard
consignment memoAlternate term for photographer's Delivery memo.
bounce 1A registration problem that most commonly affects copiers; the printed image appears to bounce back and forth
emission measureThe integral of the square of the electron density over volume; the units are inverse volume (m-3).
profile drawingProfile drawings or cross section drawings are drawn representations of the walls of an excavation unit or of a balk made as if one were standing directly in front of them
am indexA mean, 3-hourly ”equivalent amplitude” of geomagnetic activity based on standardized K index data from a global network of 23 Northern and Southern Hemisphere stations by the lnstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France; am values are given in units of 1 nT.
coniologythe study of dust in the atmosphere and its effects on plants and animals, also spelled "koniology"
gravera stone tool with a protruding edge or point used for fine cutting or incising.
synecology|the study of the ecological interrelationships among communities of organisms
captionA label for an illustration
x-heightThe height of a typical lowercase letter.
communication requirementsTotal information needs of project stakeholders, including project organization and stakeholder responsibility relationships; disciplines, departments, and specialties involved in the project; number of individuals involved in the project and their locations; and external information needs.
ccbConfiguration Control Board.
juvenileA young fish.
overlayLayer of material taped to a mechanical, photo or proof
encapsulated postscript fileComputer file containing both images and PostScript commands
microlithSmall, flaked stone tools, 1-4 cms in length
macroa series of instructions which would normally be issued one at a time on the keyboard to control a program
chromosphereThe layer of the solar atmosphere above the photosphere and beneath the transition region and the corona
short inkInk that is smooth and creamy but does not flow freely.
mark upTo add a percentage to the cost of goods or services obtained for a customer.
configuration status accountingAn element of configuration management, consisting of the recording and reporting of information needed to manage a configuration effectively
ir coatingLiquid laminate coating bonded and cured with infrared light.
stuccoA coating for exterior walls made from Portland cement, lime, sand, and water.
kd or knocked downApplied to pieces shipped unassembled or only partially assembled.
camera obscuraA dark chamber to which light is admitted through a small hole, producing an inverted image of the scene outside, opposite the hole.
aaAbbreviation for author alteration.
alloyA substance made by the mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal
cuicuilcoCuicuilco is the name of a Late Formative period site (300-1 BC) located in the Basin of Mexico, located in the Distrito Federale of Mexico City.
printer pairsUsually in the book arena, consecutive pages as they appear on a flat or signature.
american paper instituteAn organization that correlates all paper related information.
estimatingThe process of determining approximate cost, specifying required quality and quantity, and projecting waste.
exposureThat stage of the photographic process where the image is produced on the light sensitive coating.
sherdsBroken pieces or fragments of
screen rulingSometimes confused with resolution, screen ruling is the number of printing dots per millimeter or per inch on the exposed film
oligarchyGovernment by a few, usually wealthy, upper-class families
flush rightcopy aligned along the right margin.
webA roll of printing paper.
digital platePlate burned from a computer file, not film.
dpiA standard printing term referring to the number of rows of dots per inch
jogging to the footWhen imposing pages, the bottom of the printed page is placed toward the closed head of the signature
autopositiveAny photo materials; which provide positive images without a negative.
directA signal path in which the output of one process provides an identical input to several others
runaroundType set to conform to part or all of the shape of a neighboring photograph or illustration
densityThe ability of an object to stop or absorb light
home pageThe main page of a Web site, providing links to the rest of the site.
spectrumThe series of color bands formed when a ray of light is dispersed by refraction; the rainbow-like band of colors resulting when a ray of white light is passed through a prism.
optical disksvideo disks on which large amounts of information can be stored in binary form representing characters of text or images
carbonizationCarbonization is a process by which the more volatile substances of plants and animals decay, but leave behind the carbon
landscapework in which the width used is greater than the height
zigguratA large pyramid in Mesopotamia consisting of many stepped levels.
control and test groupsTwo study groups with members from a similar population; one study group (the test group) receives a stimulus, while the second study group (the control group) does not.
conformance testingTesting that ensures a system conforms to the specification on which it is based
interpretation in lithic analysisLithic analysis methodology, including issues such as reduction stage analysis, usewear and residue analysis, material sourcing, replication, and spatial patterning
festoonA garland or length of foliage, flowers or branches entwined or bound together, usually hanging in a curl between two points.
material culturereferring to technology and artifacts.
animism  Religious practices based on the belief that all living things and natural objects have their individual spiritual essence or soul
cacheSmall portion of high-speed memory used for the temporary storage of frequently used data.
corner marksLines on a mechanical, negative, plate, or press sheet showing the corners of a page or finished piece.
airWhite space used in a story design.
gatheredSignatures assembled next to each other in the proper sequence for binding, as compared to nested
dpxDigital Moving Picture EXchange
scriptoriumthe room (or rooms) in a monastery in which manuscripts were produced.
egaa graphics standard for the PC which can be added or built into a system to give sharper characters and improved colour with the correct display device
criminologythe scientific study of crime
display typeAny type that stands out from the rest of the type on a page which attracts attention of the reader.
curlA term used to describe the differences between either side of a paper sheet relative to coatings and absorbency
raffiaraffia fibers are a great alternative to ribbons and bows for a country look
splayedA pitched spread or slant; a surface canted outward, beveled or angled.
saturationA measure of the dilution of a pure color with white light
deontologyin ethics, the study of duty.
quarter toneinterval halfway between half steps
angels  In Christian belief, angels are Gods messengers, and protectors of mankind
aspirational awardThese are generally travel or luxury goods that a customer will “aspire to,” and thus motivate desired changes in behavior
cardinal directionsCollective term for the four primary directions: North, South, East, West
aquatic ecosystemThe total community of living species and its interrelated physical and chemical environment that is directly related to the functions of a particular water drainage.
titanium oxideA bright white pigment (opaque) used for printing on metal and flexible packaging.
spectrophotometerInstrument used to measure the index of refraction of color for CIE color spaces.
direct-to-plateThe process for creating printing plates direct from digital page files bypassing the traditional film creation step
semiologythe study of sign|s
cross-cultural communicationThe study of how people from differing cultural backgrounds attempt to communicate.
classA relationship of inequality between members of society in which status is determined by membership in a level or class
auto enrollmentCustomers are enrolled into a program without requesting to be involved in the program.
nucodaManufacturer of Film Master range of software edit and color correction systems
vector imageBesier curves
screenPlastic sheets that have cross-hatched lines
cost or pricing dataFactual and verifiable data that includes direct and indirect costs; profits or fees; vendor quotations; and information on changes in production methods, production or purchasing volume, and management decisions that could significantly affect costs
brush markersmarkers with a long tip for coloring directly on stamps or for coloring in images.
phrasesection of a melody, comparable to a section or phrase of a sentence
c.r.m./crmRefers to the methodologies, strategies, software, and Web-based capabilities that help an enterprise to organize and manage customer relationships
castComputer-aided software testing.
arcadea gallery formed by a series of arches with supporting columns or piers, either freestanding or blind (i.e., attached to a wall).
drop outTo eliminate halftone dots or fine lines due to overexposure during camera work or platemaking
native fileFile still in the application in which it was originally created.
kilobyteA unit of measure (K) of digital information corresponding to 1,024 bytes.
grainIn paper, the direction in which fibers are aligned
dltDigital Linear Tape
autumnal equinoxThe equinox that occurs in September
lattenCopper alloys, similar to brass, used in the Middle Ages and through to the late 18th and early 19th Centuries.
halo cmeA faint ring of enhanced emission seen around most or all of the edge of the occulting disk of a coronagraph.  Indicative of a spatially large CME on the front side (Earthward) or back side of the Sun.  The source region is usually nearer to solar central meridian than the limbs
pranathe fullness of life-giving breath that appears to animate some south and southeast Asian sculpture.
hazard communication standardAn OSHA regulation that requires chemical manufacturers, suppliers and importers to assess the hazards of the chemicals that they make, supply or import, and to inform employers, customers and workers of these hazards through Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
dfnDay For Night
proofreadTo examine copy or a proof for errors in writing or composition.
serpentineA stone of dull green color that often has a mottled appearance.
perfectingPrinting both sides of the paper (or other material) on the same pass through the printing machine.
stupain Buddhist architecture, a dome-shaped or rounded structure made of brick, earth, or stone, containing the relic of a Buddha or other honored individual.
layoutThe placement of elements, such as text and graphics, on a page
corner cupboardTriangular cupboard made to fit into a corner
ceramicsObjects, often pottery, made of fired or baked clay
overrunPrint quantity delivered that is more than the total ordered.
agentA person authorized by a principal to act within a scope of authority granted and to bind the principal accordingly
cookieA collection of information, usually including a username and the current date and time, stored on the local computer of a person using the World Wide Web, used chiefly by Web sites to identify users who have previously registered or visited the site.
bulkThickness of paper, expressed in thousandths of an inch or pages per inch (ppi).
flash card readerAn accessory that attaches to your computer by cable
oasis hypothesisThe theory that domestication began as a symbiotic relationship between humans, plants, and animals at oases during the desiccation of Southwest Asia at the end of the Pleistocene.
liquifyA digital filter that uses brushes to perform distortions upon selections or the whole of an image.
lion sejantSeated lion as found in heraldry and as a terminal on some 17th century spoons.
core competencyAn internal capability central to success.
text stockPaper stock used for the pages of reports, books, and other printing where the stiffness of card stock is not required
oneirologythe study of dreams
giltwoodA thin layer of gold leaf or gold foil applied on wood
perfect bindThe type of binding that glues the edges of the sheets to a wraparound cover.
parapsychologythe study of paranormal or psychic phenomenon that defy conventional scientific explanations
liturgywords of the Mass
cooCost of ownership.
coptic christianityThe Coptic church is a form of Christianity developed in Egypt, said to have been started by one of Christ's apostles, Mark, in the 1st century AD
unbleached pulpPulp that has not been treated with bleaching agents.
dlpDigital Light Projection
olmecThe Aztec name for the late prehispanic inhabitants of the Gulf Coast region of Mexico
craniologythe study of the characteristics of the skull
scuffingUndesirable print abrasions caused by surface wear or rough handling
file transfer protocolFile Transfer Protocol (FTP): The Standard method of transferrring files using TCP/IP
pinholesSmall holes (unwanted) in printed areas caused by a variety of reasons.
opacityCharacteristic of paper or other substrate that prevents print on one side from showing through to the other side
canopic jara vessel in which ancient Egyptians preserved the viscera of the dead.
resolutionThe measurement used in typesetting to express quality of output
vaporwareSoftware or hardware that is talked about, but may never actually appear
caseThe hard cover for the covers and spine.
huaca(Quechua) An Andean word for pyramid.
differential rotationThe change in solar rotation rate with latitude
uffiziali de notteAn Italian “vice squad” that patrolled Italy in the 1430s; they wandered the streets rooting out homosexuality
grainThe direction in which most fibers are aligned.
clay-coated boxboardA strong, easily folded boxboard with clay coating used for making folding boxes.
impositionArrangement of pages so that they print correctly on a press sheet, and the pages are in proper order when the sheets are folded.
beadA small, convex molding of a nearly semicircular section.
internegativeNegative made from a transparency for the purpose of making photographic prints.
overtureintroductory orchestral piece
graphologythe study of handwriting for the purpose of analysing the character of the writer
mausoleuman elaborate tomb (named for Mausolos, a fourth-century-B.C
heliocentricA view of the solar system with the sun at the center and the earth and planets orbiting around it
ibaUnited Kingdom statutory authority responsible for regulating domestic independent broadcasters, both technically and legally.
overdevelopmentGiving too long or too much agitation in the developer, or having too high a temperature, or developer too concentrated
downloadSending a file from another device to your computer.
red lineAn intense coronal emission line at 637.4 nm from Fe X
hard benefitA tangible reward, which may be earned in its entirety, which requires the program sponsor to spend out-of-pocket dollars to provide it, and for which the member would otherwise have to pay.
pipeliningthe ability of a program to flow automatically text from the end of one column or page to the beginning of the next
proctologythe study of the hind regions (rectum, anus, colon| and pelvic floor) of the body
helioseismologythe study of vibrations and oscillations in the Sun
spineThe back of a bound book connecting the two covers
'flat' imagesImages that are low in tonal contrast, appearing gray and muddy.
transition regionThat region of the solar atmosphere lying between the chromosphere and the corona where the temperature rises from 104K to 106K
slittingA term to describe the process of cutting of printed sheets by the cutting wheels of a printing press.
copyAll text, photographs and other visuals used in a printed piece
clerestorythe upper part of the main outer wall of a building (especially a church), located above an adjoining roof and admitting light through a row of windows.
editionAn edition of a print includes all the impressions published at the same time or as part of the same publishing event
helminthologythe study of parasitic worms
pipPackage Insert Program allows mailers to include a promotional piece in product shipments to individuals.
phThe relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution
romanUpright type, as opposed to slanted (italic) type; also called normal or regular.
hohokamOne of three major cultural traditions of the American Southwest during late prehistoric times
phlebologya branch of medicine that deals with the venous system|
ysfxThis da Vinci feature allows the luminance and/ or the chrominance of the video signal to be inverted providing enhanced primary control and dramatic image treatments
c1s and c2sAbbreviations for coated one side and coated two sides.
culture-sensitive translationA translation that reflects cultural differences
urlThe Uniform Resource Locator is the address of a page on the Web.
panningMoving the camera so that the image of a moving object remains in the same relative position in the viewfinder as you take a picture
copyrightOwnership of creative work by the writer, photographer or artist who made it or, if work for hire, the organization that paid for it.
american paper instituteAn organization affiliated with the American Forest and Paper Association
relationship marketingBuilding relationships with customers so that the customers are loyal, buy repeatedly, and continue as customers.
monochromedone in only one colour
contract modificationA written order authorizing the vendor to make changes according to the provisions of the contract documentation.
radiologythe study of rays, usually ionising radiation
fever chartA chart connecting points on a graph to show changing quantities over time; also called a line chart.
flat colorAlternate term for spot color.
ltc“Linear Time Code”
type cAs in 1”C
continuumOptical radiation arising from broadband emission from the photosphere.
sizingTreatment of paper which gives it resistance to the penetration of liquids (particularly water) or vapors.
dip equatorAn irregular, imaginary line around the Earth where the geomagnetic inclination angle is measured to be zero
textA high quality printing paper.
adaptationThe process of change to better conform with environmental conditions or other external stimuli.
postscriptThe computer language most recognized by printing devices.
matteA black & white high contrast image that suppresses or cuts a hole in the background picture to reveal the foreground picture
dagger and double daggersymbols used mainly as reference marks for footnotes.
processingThe chemical process required to convert the latent image on exposed film stock to its final stable state.
configuration itemA collection of hardware, software, or both, that is designated for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management process.
demographyThe study of the distribution, density, and vital statistics of populations.
fogging backLowering density of an image in a specific area usually to make type more legible while still letting image show through.
frontthe architectural facing of a building, more decorative than structural.
binaryA number representation consisting of zeros and ones used by practically all computers because of its ease of implementation using digital electronics
baroqueEuropean art and architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries
as isThe first two words taught to students in auctioneering school
trapIn multi-color printing, an allowance of overlap for two colors printed adjacent to each other, as a means of compensating for mis-register and to avoid gaps between colors.
compression ratioThe ratio of the amount of data in the original video compared to the amount of data in the compressed video
antiquitiesThe term
buggered1) Extremely tired
summary deckA special form of deck, smaller and wordier than most decks, that capsulizes the main points of a story.
bleedPrinting that extends to the edge of a sheet or page after trimming.
uppercaseType using capital letters.
spiritualfolklike religious song, with a simple tune, developed by African Americans
mastabaa rectangular burial monument in ancient Egypt.
headlineLarge type running above or beside a story to summarize its content; also called a head, for short.
quetzalA bird native to the humid mountain forests of Mesoamerica, prized for its brilliant feathers.
gate foldA sheet that folds where both sides fold toward the gutter in overlapping layers.
4-color processTechnique of printing that uses the four process colors of ink to simulate color photographs or illustrations.
homologous flaresSolar flares that occur repetitively in an active region with essentially the same position and with a common pattern of development.
error correctionRecovery of lost data in digital systems.
am indexThe daily Ak index determined from the eight daily am indexes.
cluster analysisA data mining technique for grouping data into groups (clusters) with similar characteristics.
boghazkoyBoghazkoy is the site of a major Hittite capital called Hattusas, in what is now Turkey, some 100 kilometers from the Black Sea and 150 miles from Ankara.
synthesisthe combination of parts or elements to form a coherent, more complex whole.
backboneThat portion of the binding, which connects the front of the book with the back of the book.
urlThis is an Internet address that enables others to access a webpage.
archaeology of north americaPrehistoric cultural developments in North America.
jacketThe paper cover of hardbound book, sometimes called the "dust cover."
carnelianA red or reddish variety of chalcedony (a translucent variety of quartz) used in jewelry.
bannerLarge headline, usually across the full width of a page.
hard diska rigid disk sealed inside an airtight transport mechanism
site map / storyboardA visual outline of a Web site showing the page-layout plan.
postage statementMailer-generated documentation provided to the USPS reporting the volume of mail, the postage payable/affixed, and certification of applicable mail eligibility standards.
mail dateThe date the mail enters the postal stream.
monochromeOne color; describing pottery decorated with only one color that contrasts with the underlying color of the paste of the vessel.
counterpoisesee contrapposto.
quarter rudderA.k.a
adc“Analog-to-Digital Converter”
continuityPurchases made in small but regular quantities rather than all at once, i.e., Book-of-the-Month Club, and shipped regularly.
designDesign is to create an image or product which is to be reproduced.
through-composedcontaining new music throughout
law of superpositionThis law holds that, under normal circumstances, deeper layers of soil, sediment, or rock are older than those above them.
rescue archaeologyA term applied to the emergency salvage of sites in immediate danger of destruction by major land modification projects such as reservoir construction.
printer fontFont produced by software in an output device.
plasma frequencyThe characteristic frequency of free plasma oscillations, determined by the balance between electron kinetic energy and ion Coulomb attraction.
hairline registerPrinting registration that lies within the range of plus or minus one half row of dots
creepWhen the rubber blanket on a cylinder moves forward due to contact with the plate or paper
f coronaOf the white-light corona (the corona seen by the eye at a total solar eclipse), that portion which is caused by sunlight scattered or reflected by solid particles (dust) in interplanetary space
htmlHTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
monotonePrinted with a single ink, black or any color.
calcareous concretionsA rounded mass of mineral matter occurring in sand stone, clay, etc., often in concentric layers around a nucleus.
commercial archaeologyCommercial archaeology focuses on the material culture aspects of commerce and transportation.
100# uncoated coverAn option for business cards, rack cards and bookmarks
interfaceTo link two or more electronic devices so they can function as one unit.
short wave fadeAn abrupt decrease of HF radio signal strength, lasting from minutes to hours, caused by increased dayside ionization from some solar flares
pluge“Picture Line Up Generating Equipment”
bakingA term given to the procedure of drying coatings onto papers.
floppy diskOnce popular and now seldom used, it is recommended that all materials be burned to a CD, pin drive or uploaded using FTP.
acAuthor's Correction.
glyphicA carved (as opposed to scripted) typeface.
bbc“British Broadcasting Corporation”.
churnA term that describes customer attrition, or customer defection
oxidationCombining oxygen with the drying oil in a printing ink to promote a slow chemical reaction that produces a dry ink film.
chartSee plot.
stateone of the successive printed stages of a print, distinguished from other stages by the greater or lesser amount of work carried out on the image.
duotoneA halftone picture made up of two printed colors.
bodo craniumThe Bodo Cranium is a nearly complete hominin skull recovered from a site in the Middle Awash region of Ethiopia.
culture areaa geographic area which shares some general similarities in environment and culture
hygroscopicThe ability to absorb moisture from the atmosphere.
auto redemptionWhen a program member's account balance reaches a specific threshold of points, a reward is automatically generated
type fossila tool characteristic or diagnostic of a particular archaeological period.
densitometerA quality control devise to measure the density of printing ink.
mouldmadeDeckle-edge papers made on cylinder machines.
deleteAn instruction given to remove an element from a layout.
somatologystudy of human characteristics
color proofA representation of what the final printed piece will look like
psychopathologythe study of the mental processes within mental illness or disorders
phycologythe study of algae
micaAcolored or transparent mineral silicate that readily separates into very thin sheets
embossTo press an image into paper so it lies above the surface.
ppiShort for pages per inch.
domea vaulted (frequently hemispherical) roof or ceiling, erected on a circular base, which may be envisaged as the result of rotating an arch through 180 degrees about a central axis.
cuicuilcoLearn about the early Mesoamerican site of Cuicuilco, Mexico
layoutA rendition that shows the placement of all the elements, roughs, thumbnails, etc., of the final printed piece before it goes to print.
ground reconaissanceThe search for sites by visual inspection of the surface while on the ground (as apposed to in the air)
dermatopathologythe field of dermatological| anatomical pathology
answer printThe first fully graded print, combining picture and sound and submitted by the laboratory for the customers' approval.
apogeeThat point on the path of an Earth-orbiting satellite most distant from the center of the Earth
burial moundmound under which a person or group of people were buried.
alpacaA domesticated South American herbivore with long, soft wool.
fixed costsCosts that remain the same regardless of how many pieces are printed
pictographA design painted on a rock surface that is a representation of an object or an event.
invariant magnetic latitudeThe geomagnetic latitude at which a particular line of force of the geomagnetic field, characterized by L (the altitude of the field line at the equator), intersects the Earth.
border caveBorder Cave is a rock shelter in the Lembombo Mountains between South Africa and Swaziland, in Kwazulu Natal of South Africa.
scsiSmall Computer System Interface, allows peripherals to communicate with a computer’s operating system
jambA vertical post supporting a window frame or doorway.
conversion testingTesting of programs or procedures used to convert data from existing systems for use in replacement systems.
ispAn abbreviation of Internet Service Provider; a company that provides a connection to the Internet.
open prepress interfaceHardware and software that link desktop publishing systems with color electronic prepress systems.
fulfillmentThe storing of a customer’s materials until that customer requests delivery to itself or to a third party
desktopThe monitor interface of a computer system
slotta baseBasically a round or square plastic base, designed with a pre-formed slot, where the tab on a figures feet can be inserted
gate foldthere are two parallel folds
crefComputer-ready electronic files.
cacao in mesoamericaCriollo cacao (Theobroma cacao spp cacao) is the name of a small tropical tree with large ovate fruit, native to the northern Amazon of South America but found in ancient planted groves throughout Central America.
sheet fed pressPrinting press which takes paper previously cut into sheets, as opposed to paper in a continuous roll.
minimalismstyle of music based on many repetitions of simple melodic and rhythmic patterns
color model or spaceThe description of the infinite colors described in nature for reproduction.
cureThe process of drying inks to ensure adhesion to the sheet.
covenassembly of witches, or vampires
cookieA collection of information, usually including a username and the current date and time, stored on the local computer of a person using the World Wide Web, used chiefly by web sites to identify users who have previously registered or visited the site.
truss constructiona system of construction in which the architectural members (such as bars and beams) are combined, often in triangles, to form a rigid framework.
cross-functional managementA management method using the combined expertise of individuals from different functional areas within an organization.
jpegJoint Photographic Experts Group
typologythe study of classification
channelThe method of distributing products and services to end customers
red lake "c"A common pigment for paste and liquid red inks.
kAbbreviation for black in four-color process printing
relative datingA system of dating archaeological remains and strata in relation to each other
orchestramixed ensemble of string and wind instruments
spread fA condition of the F region of the ionosphere caused by patches of ionization that scatter or duct radio signals, characterized on ionograms by a wide range of heights of reflected pulses
laminateA thin transparent plastic sheet (coating) applied to usually a thick stock (covers, post cards, etc.) providing protection against liquid and heavy use, and usually accents existing color, providing a glossy (or lens) effect.
amber tradeAn exotic lithic material made from the sap from pine trees some 35-40 million years old, amber was (and still is) a highly tradable item.
characterAny letter, numeral, punctuation mark or other alphanumeric symbol.
conversionThe process of preparing document s, capturing, and indexing current files for use on an imaging system.
soft or discretionary hyphena specially coded hyphen which is only displayed when formatting of the hyphenated word puts it at the end of a line.
bel canto"beautiful singing" 18th century Italian singing style that emphasized the beauty and virtuosity of the voice
paleoindianThe period of large-game hunters in North America at the end of the Pleistocene
dialogueConsistent exchange of ideas and value between customer and company that leads to a more productive, more profitable relationship.
d-21Arriflex D-21 digital motion picture camera introduced in 2008, replacing the D-20
open economyEquity programs whose hard benefits include products and services other than and/or in addition to the sponsor's product/service.
mogollonOne of three major cultural traditions of the American Southwest during late prehistoric times
ecophysiologythe study of the interrelationship between an organism's physical functioning and its environment
mezzo-sopranomedium-range female voice
paste upTo paste copy to mounting boards and, if necessary, to overlays so it is assembled into a camera-ready mechanical
synthetic papersPetroleum based waterproof papers containing a high tensile strength.
naturalA term referring to papers with a color similar to wood
management unitPopulations that have significant allele or haplotype frequency differences at mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA.
aatonâ® codeA form of time code recorded optically along the edge of the film, during its exposure in camera
rackingThe distortion, or tendency to distort, laterally as in changing a rectangle to a non-rectangular parallelogram.
mottlingSpotty or uneven appearance in a printed image, especially in a solid.
recorderend-blown wind instrument, sometimes called a whistle flute, developed in the Middle Ages and very popular in the Renaissance
buckramA coarse sized cloth used in the bookbinding process.
lpiLPI is lines per inch.
home pageThe home page is the introductory page of a web site.
letter-spacingThe addition of space between typeset letters.
landscape archaeologyHuman perceptions and uses of the ecophysical and cultural environment
mitigationActions taken to preserve and minimize destruction of archaeological remains.
infinityA distance so great that any object at that distance will be reproduced sharply if the lens is focused at the infinity position.
serologythe study of blood serum
collaboration softwareA generic term used to describe any electronic and automated application that facilitates communication, trust, and teamwork among a group of people who work on common tasks or objectives and who are not physically co-located.
collegiate churchA church governed by a chapter of canons that is not a cathedral.
reprographicsThe general term for copying and duplicating.
x-bandDesignates those radio frequencies between 5.2 and 10.9 GHz.
cognitive dissonanceThe feeling of anxiety or conflict that occurs when trying to hold two contradictory ideas simultaneously.
flow releasePaint additive that lowers the viscosity of paint and allows for smoother coats
rgb colorAn additive color system using red, green and blue mixed in varying degrees to form all other colors
filmYou are kidding me! An analog medium for capturing images, that was developed in the 19th century, and has yet to be surpassed, although many are trying.
retouchTo enhance a photo or correct its flaws.
trim sizeThe actual size of the printed material when cut and bound.
backup copyduplicate of an original made in case of loss or damage of the original.
cross-referenceA reference from one part of a book, catalog, file, or index to another part that contains related information.
hierologya more inclusive term for theology
molecular clockThe principle that any gene or protein has a near-constant long-term rate of evolution in all branches of a clade, which means that the amount of sequence divergence between two sequences will be proportional to the amount of time elapsed since their shared ancestor existed.
afrThe Ak index observed at Fredericksburg, Virginia.
periodan archaeological unit defining a major unit of prehistoric time.
5 digitA sortation class using the first 5 digits in the zip code for mail owners who wish to use the work share program to receive a discount.
double burnTo burn a plate twice to different negatives or files and thus create a composite image.
wetting agent chemical(e.g
capacocha ceremonyThe capacocha ceremony was an important part of the Inca civilization, in which children were sacrificed to celebrate royal events, or to avoid natural catastrophes.
bronzingThe effect produced by dusting wet ink after printing and using a metallic powder.
flexed burialA body buried in the fetal position (curled on its side)
faïenceearthenware or pottery decorated with brightly colored glazes (originally from Faenza, a city in northern Italy).
conchologythe study of shells| and of molluscs
coated stockAny paper that has a mineral coating applied after the paper is made, giving the paper a smoother finish.
full pointa full stop.
aerial photographyThe various techniques of taking photographs of natural or cultural features from the air, using balloons, airplanes, satellites, and other sources, in order to study the features in their entirety from a top-down (bird's eye) view
boyne valleyThe Boyne Valley in Ireland, called 'Brugh na Bóinne'in Gaelic, is an important region in Europe.
cultural processan archaeological approach that studies mechanisms and interactions within a culture that produce stability and/or change
classical ageThe period in history that encompasses the Greek and Roman civilizations
chronometerCreated by John Harrison, the father of modern navigation
sterlingA term created to describe the standard metal mix in the U.S
dry gum paperLabel paper with glue that can be activated by water.
digitizing tabletA device using a stylus and an x-y coordinate system to trace or draw images for input to a computer graphics system.
hydrologythe study of water
debossTo press an image into paper so it lies below the surface
chevronA V-shaped ornament borrowed from military lexicon.
kymatologythe study of waves or wave motions
kinescopeA film recording of a video image displayed on a specially designed television monitor
paleoanthropologyThe study of the earliest humans and human evolution via the fossil record and archaeology.
moire patternthe result of superimposing half-tone screens at the wrong angle thereby giving a chequered effect on the printed half-tone
cacheTo download and store files the first time a web page is viewed, rather than each time, so the page can be displayed more quickly.
cassetteLight-tight container for 35 mm camera film.
equivalent paperPaper that is not the brand specified, but looks, prints and may cost the same
pigmentThe fine, solid particles used to give color, transparency or opacity to ink.
logoA company, partnership or corporate creation (design) that denotes a unique entity
altolow female voice
protestant reformationStarted in 1517 by Martin Luther when he nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany; attempted to transform the Church by calling for a return to the Bible's teachings
ethernetA type of networking technology for local area networks; originally developed by Xerox Corporation; coaxial cable carries radio frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second.
sediliaA set of stone seats close to an altar for use by the officiating priests.
intensityThe measurement of color from dull to brilliant.
pop-under adA pop-under is a form of online advertising and is displayed in a new browser window behind your current browser window.
riparian areaThe area containing moist soils and hydric vegetation along and interacting with a stream comprised of two ecosystems, riparian and aquatic, sometimes depicted by a measured width.
angkor watAngkor Wat is a temple complex and capital city of the Angkor (or Khmer) civilization.
obsidian hydrationa dating method that measures the thickness of the hydration layer or "rind" of obsidian artifacts, because of the way that obsidian absorbs water; most prudently considered a relative dating technique.
customer focusAttention to the customer’s needs and priorities.
colorimetryThe science of color measurement
printing trade customsSee Trade customs.
fibrilA linear feature in the H-alpha chromosphere of the Sun, occurring near strong sunspots and plage or in filament channels
bracketingTaking a series of photographs of the same subject at different settings to help ensure that one setting will be the correct one
transitionA gradual change from one scene to another
feretoryA chapel containing the shrine for a saint's relics.
soakawayA pit, filled with broken stones etc., below ground to take drainage from rainwater pipes or land drains and allow it to disperse.
carnacCarnac is a town on the Morbihan coast of the Bretagne region of France, the vicinity of which is known world wide for abundant Neolithic megalithic structures.
scalethe means within a program to reduce or enlarge the amount of space an image will occupy
co-mediationA mediation process in which two mediators jointly conduct the process, typically when mediators with different areas of expertise would be useful or when there are multiple parties involved.
intranetA private network within an organization (always lower case)
author's alterationsChanges made after composition stage where customer is responsible for additional charges.
trivetA three legged stand or small table normally flanking a fireplace
opaqueNot transparent.
templatepattern used to draw illustrations, make page formats, or lay out press sheets
novelty printingPrinting on items rather than paper
typologyThe organization of artifacts into groups based on shared attributes, such as function, decoration, or temper.
wysiwypWhat You See Is What You Print, and pronounced wizzy-whip, refers to the ability of a computer system to print colors exactly as they appear on a monitor
posologythe study of drug dosage
pagemakerthe software program from Aldus Corporation that everyone associates with desktop publishing due to its immense success on the Apple Macintosh
orologythe study of mountains and their mapping
lead sheathingUsed underwater on ancient Roman ships to repel marine organisms
folk artTraditional representations, usually bound by conventions in both form and content, of a folkloric character and usually made by persons without institutionalized training.
pylona pair of truncated, pyramidal towers flanking the entrance to an Egyptian temple.
paginationThe flow of pages in a proper order throughout the publication.
coles creek cultureThe Coles Creek culture is the name given to sites created by a group of pottery-making farmers in the Lower Mississippi Valley of the United States
llamaA woolly South American ruminant camelid, used as a beast of burden.
safe title areaThe area of a viewing monitor deemed to be readable on all domestic television sets and therefore safe for text
belfryThe upper story of a tower where bells are hung, or a purpose-built structure for the hanging of bells.
moore's lawGordon Moore's law that predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double every 18 months.
vellum finishRelatively rough finish on uncoated paper.
back matterUnnumbered pages located at the back of the book
particle flux unit1 p cm-2 s-1 sr-1
lens speedThe largest lens opening (smallest f-number) at which a lens can be set
offsetThe transfer of ink from one material to another.
export wareA product made primarily for a foreign rather than a local market, usually referring to decorative objects made in Islamic countries, or in Vietnam, Japan, and China, for export to the West.
fifth colorAn added color or finish used in the fifth position of a multi-color process.
automatic indexingIndexing of a text done by computer without human intervention (usually by finding the words occurring most frequently within the document ).
vihāraBuddhist monks' living quarters, either an individual cell or a space for communal activity.
siteThe accumulation of artifacts and/or ecofacts, representing a place where people lived or carried out certain activities.
current yearThe fiscal year in progress
dynamic range1
newsletterShort, usually informal periodical presenting specialized information to a limited audience.
silver halideSilver crystals that are sensitive to light and used in an emulsion (usually gelatin) to create a film for recording images.
issnAbbreviation for International Standard Serial Number issue
cropTo trim an image or page by adjusting its boundaries.
ogeeA compound curve, the directions of which are opposite tothose of the Cyma curve.
working filmIntermediate film that will be copied to make final film after all corrections are made
pointA measurement unit equal to 1/72 of an inch
parsimonyAs applied to phylogenetic reconstruction, a criterion for estimating historical changes by minimizing the number of substitution events that are required to explain how one DNA sequence evolves into another.
laminationLaminate: To cover with film, to bond or glue one surface to another.
sixteen sheetA poster size measuring 120in x 80in (3050mm x 2030mm).
archaeology of the arcticPrehistory/history of N
sashThe frame of a window that holds the glass.
c1sPaper that is coated on one side only.
colloidA particular sort of emulsion containing solids (pigment) suspended in a liquid (oil plus binders)
arcadeA series of arches, with supporting columns or piers.
gradationThe relationship of the tonal values of an image to its intermediate films and reproduction as well as magnetic or optical representation
canticleSong or prayer, other than a Psalm, derived from the Bible and used in church worship.
erosionThe detachment and subsequent transport of soil particles by water, wind, or ice.
coverThick paper that protects a publication and advertises its title
busta sculptural or pictorial representation of the upper part of the human figure, including the head and neck (and sometimes part of the shoulders and chest).
flopTo change the orientation of an image so it is the mirror image of its original.
quicktimeMedia wrapper developed by Apple Computers, but playable on Mac and Windows computers
pdfPortable document format
contrastThe degree of tonal separation or gradation in the range from black to white.
agateSmall type (usually 5.5 point) used for sports statistics, stock tables, classified ads, etc.
etchTo use chemicals to carve an image into metal, glass or film.
pmtAbbreviation for photomechanical transfer.
enHalf an em space; a 10-point en space will be 5 points wide.
molluskA type of sea creature with a shell; a snail is a kind of mollusk
railroad boardA thick, coated paper used for signs; usually waterproof.
fixedcosts Costs that remain the same regardless of how many pieces are printed.
agate lineIn newspaper classifieds, a measurement denoting 1/4 inch depth by one column width
rasterThe lines forming the scanning pattern of a television set or monitor.
banner adAn advertisement stripped across the top or bottom of a Web page.
d-mode edlA D-mode edit decision list is similar to an A mode list, but all transitions other then cuts are placed at the end of the list.
physical anthropologyalso known as biological anthropology, this subfield includes the study of fossil human beings, genetics, primates, and blood groups.
hominoidA descriptive term for any human or ape, past or present, characterized by teeth shape, the absence of a tail, and swinging arms.
deckle edgeEdge of paper left ragged as it comes from the papermaking machine instead of
intermagnetAn international consortium of magnetic observatories that exchange data in near-real time by satellite relay.
cutting dieSharp edged device, usually made of steel, to cut paper, cardboard, etc., on a printing press.
contractA mutually binding agreement that obligates the vendor to provide the specified product or service and obligates the buyer to pay for it.
abrasion resistanceThe resistance to scratching of a surface of paper by other paper surfaces or materials.
bootstrap analysisA type of statistical analysis to test the reliability of certain branches in an evolutionary tree
set-offThe transfer of ink from one sheet or part of a sheet to another, occurring when the two sheets touch each other
bronzeAn alloy of copper, tin and traces of other metals.
page countTotal number of pages that a publication has
parallel foldMethod of folding
capital budgetThe process by which a company selects alternative mid-range or long-range capital asset investments.
casementA window composed of hinged, pivoted or fixed sashes.
coverA term describing a general type of papers used for the covers of books, pamphlets etc.
light bridgeObserved in white light, a bright tongue or streaks penetrating or crossing sunspot umbrae
broadsidean original term for work printed on one side of a large sheet of paper.
laybackTransferring the finished audio track back to the master video tape.
felt finishSoft woven pattern in text paper.
finiala small decorative element at the top of an architectural member such as a gable or pinnacle, or of a smaller object such as a bronze vessel.
invertThe lowest part of a drain.
rococoStyle is most characterized by an absolute abhorrence of straight lines
docketa term that outlines a collated book of self copy sheets usually used for accountancy purposes (invoices, delivery dockets, purchase orders, etc.)
interfacethe circuit, or physical connection, which controls the flow of data between a computer and its peripherals.
trim marksMarks placed on the printed sheet to indicate where cuts should be made.
foilsPapers that have a surface resembling metal.
color gamutThe entire range of hues possible to reproduce on a specific system, such as a computer screen, or four-color printing press.
proportionThe relation of one part to the whole, or to other parts (for example, of the human body)
d-20Arriflex D-21 digital motion picture camera introduced in 2005, replaced by the D-21 in 2008.
eucharist(a) the Christian sacrament of Holy Communion, commemorating the Last Supper; (b) the consecrated bread and wine used at the sacrament.
frequency-modulated screeningSee Stochastic Screening.
zip code sortingPresorting mail, other than first class, into zip code sequence prior to delivery to the post office
flush rightType aligning vertically along the right side of the column
perf marksMarks indicating where the perforation is to occur.
parallel foldFolding a sheet in the same direction to produce pages.
reciprocity law failureNormally the effect of dim light, or small lens aperture, can be counteracted by giving a long exposure time
scoreCrease put on paper to help it fold better.
suppression fileA specific list of people who are not to be sent promotional mail, such as the marketer's current customers, bad debt customers, people who have requested not to receive direct mail promotions and the DMA's Mail Preference Service list.
betacamSony analog component video tape format
classificationa systematic arrangement in groups or categories according to criteria.
subscriptthe small characters set below the normal letters or figures.
ghostingAn unintended faint image on a printed sheet usually caused by transfer of an image from the back of one sheet to the front of another sheet.
aetiologythe medical study of the causation of disease
page proofsProofs made up from pages.
thanatologythe study of physical, psychological and social problems associated with dying.
mottleA term used to describe spotty or uneven ink absorption.
cryptologythe study of how to encrypt and decrypt secret messages
saddle stitchTo bind by stapling sheets together where they fold at the spine, as compared to side stitch
film cut listThe film counterpart of an edit decision list
fluenceTime integrated flux
critical path methodA technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which set of activities has the least amount of scheduling flexibility.
kill feeCharge made by writers and photographers for work done on assignment, then not used.
ionicsee Order.
cover letterA letter written to a potential employer that briefly states why he/she should consider the job applicant for a position.
indiciaPostal information place on a printed product.
analysisAnalysis of a find usually involves classification and dating
conventA monastery for nuns.
depression glassAmerican glassware mass-produced from about 1920 to 1940, around the time of the Great Depression
stripTo assemble images on film for platemaking
scaleThe percent by which photographs or art should be enlarged or reduced to achieve the correct size and resolution for printing.
assemble editAn edit wherein all existing signals on a tape, if any, are replaced with new signals
hellenistic periodThe era between the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.E.) and the rise of the Roman Empire (27 B.C.E.), when a fairly uniform civilization, based on Greek traditions, prevailed over most of the ancient world, from India in the east to Spain in the west
research designA plan in which the objectives of an archeological investigation are described and justified
potlatchA large feast among Northwest Coast Native Americans that included the display and dispersal of accumulated wealth to the assembled guests.
solar minimumThe month(s) during a sunspot cycle when the smoothed sunspot number reaches a minimum.
tlcTime and Logic Controller
scribeTo scratch lines into emulsion of a negative.
cost-benefit analysisAn evaluation of the costs and benefits of alternative approaches to a proposed activity to determine the best alternative.
lut“Look Up Table”
deliveryThe end of the press where sheets are collected and stacked after printing.
color sequenceOrder in which inks are printed
coproliteFossilized excrement or feces
spiral bindBinding using a spiral of continuous wire or plastic looped through holes
design lifeLength of time of service for a facility without major repair.
spacecraft chargingA term that encompasses all the charging effects on a spacecraft due to the environment in space
web gainUnacceptable stretching of paper as it passes through the press.
archaicThe term used for the early Holocene in the New World, from approximately 6000 b.c
mesquiteA tree or shrub of the southwestern United States and Mexico whose beanlike pods are rich in sugar.
formal analysisanalysis of a work of art to determine how its integral parts, or formal elements, are combined to produce the overall style and effect.
clean colorSubjective term meaning vivid or pure.
short runRelatively small quantity to print in relation to the size and speed of press used.
refectoryA monastic dining room.
hdtv“High Definition Television.” A TV format capable of displaying on a wider screen (16x9 as opposed to the conventional 4x3) and at higher resolution
high frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum between 3 and 30 MHz.
relationship chainThe voluntary exchange of information and value between the brand and the customer with the mutual expectation of gain.
sheetwisea method of printing a section
compShort for Comprehensive dummy.
printabilityThe quality of papers to show reproduced printed images.
critical massWhen a program reaches critical mass, it has sustained enrollment and has accomplished sufficient behavioral change to make it self-supporting.
change management planA project document that outlines the objectives and strategy for assisting project stakeholders (for example, supervisors, managers, and end users) in their transition to the new system
tabloidA page that is 11" x 17".
fireto prepare (especially ceramics) by baking in a kiln or otherwise applying heat.
contextual menuA list of commands displayed as a result of where the user clicks on the screen.
letter paperIn North America, 8 1/2' x 11' sheets
cinema 4dA 3D design, modeling, and animation package.
fertile crescentA region that spans modern-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and western Syria, into southeast Turkey and, along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, into Iraq and the western flanks of Iran.
file zippingSee Zipping
configuration managementA discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance with specified requirements
cpmCritical path method.
sag“Safe Area Generator” A piece of equipment that displays lines on a monitor corresponding to safe action, and safe title cut off
scales: chromatictwelve consecutive half steps within the range of an octave
aquatic plantsAquatic plants are marine plants which grow extremely well in fresh water
contingency planA project document that identifies key assumptions that are beyond the project manager’s control, estimates their probability of occurrence, and identifies alternative strategies for achieving project success
tensile strengthA paper's ability to withstand pressure.
change managementThe activity of controlling and tracking changes to artifacts.
readers pairsTwo consecutive pages as they appear in the printed piece.
yiqThe Luminance and Color difference signals in the NTSC system
concept proposalThe first document to be completed in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), its purpose is to highlight where strategic goals are not being met or where mission performance needs to be improved
hard copyA printed paper copy of output in readable form
c-realityTelecine made by Cintel
courseshorizontal layers of brick or masonry in a wall.
sedentaryA term applied to human groups leading a settled, non_migratory lifestyle.
prosumerA very serious photographer who can be either an amateur or professional.
fetologythe study of the fetus, especially when within the uterus
montageSingle image formed from the assembling of several images.
assyriologythe study of the Assyrians
mercurial moodliable to sudden changes of mood
cold typetype produced without the use of characters cast from molten metal, such as on a VDU.
cultural assumptionsBeliefs about an organization which are taken for granted and provide the basis for group consensus about common events and circumstances.
leadingIn typography, refers to the distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.
context-driven testingA type of agile testing that advocates continuous and creative evaluation of testing opportunities in light of the potential information revealed and the current value of that information to the organization.
chapter houseA building attached to a cathedral where the chapter meets to govern that cathedral.
state archaeologistAn appointed official who is responsible for overseeing all potential impacts to archaeological resources and for reviewing and administering all archaeological work in order to insure compliance with state and federal regulations.
ripsee Raster Image Processing
wysiwygAcronym for the term “What You See Is What You Get”; pronounced “Wiziwig”
inlayto decorate a surface by inserting pieces of a different material (e.g., to inlay a panel with contrasting wood).
bulk mailAlternate term for third-class mail.
correlated color temperatureThe precise measurement of light, in degrees Kelvin (K) which represents the color of light emitted by a black body when heated to that temperature
impressionAn impression is a single piece of paper with an image printed on it from a matrix
spool beadA continuous turning having the form of a series of connected beads.
front endLoyalty programs are generally divided into front end and back end activities
granulationCellular structure of the photosphere visible at high spatial resolution
type styleCharacteristic of a typeface, such as bold, italic or light.
shrink wrapMethod of tightly wrapping packages or products in plastic film.
pin registerUse of metal pins fitted into preset holes in copy sheets to ensure proper registration.
ethnographyA branch of anthropology that studies and describes modern human cultures (rather than human behavior or physical attributes)
cause-and-effect diagramSee Ishikawa diagram.
panchromaticPhotographic materials sensitive to all visible wavelengths of light, recording them in various shades of gray
epauletA shoulder strap on a military jacket or coat used as a means of keeping accoutrements in place
dpiDPI is dots per inch.
industrial papersA term used to denote papers such as janitorial, sanitary or heavy packing papers.
warm colorsYellows, oranges and reds.
sherpaBrand named of printer
bendayAlternate term for Screen tint.
machine coatedPaper that has had a coating applied to either one or two of its sides during the papermaking process.
melon-bulbJargon and comparatively modern term for the swollen member on legs or posts of furniture.
estimateA form commonly used by printers to calculate project costs for print buyers
runTotal number of copies ordered or printed.
business reply mailService which enables mailers to receive First-Class mail back from customers by paying postage only on the mail that is returned (USPS).
tab stopsPredetermined points used to align data into vertical columns.
house organNewsletter published for employees or members of an organization.
oxidationThe chemical change which occurs on the surface of the plate when it is exposed to air for an extended period
a-group cultureThe A-Group culture is an early farming (Neolithic into early Bronze Age) culture of Lower Nubia, 3900-2900 BC.
cognitively guided instructionAn instructional strategy in which a teacher assesses what students already know about a subject and then builds on that prior knowledge.
riflingSpiral grooves on the inside of a gun barrel that impart spin to the ammunition as it is fired, giving its path towards the target greater stability and accuracy than was generally possible with smoothbore gun barrels
ecofactObject not made by humans, but indicating the presence of humans at a site, e.g
collaborative learningAn instructional approach in which students of varying abilities and interests work together in small groups to solve a problem, complete a project, or achieve a common goal
alexandriaThe modern town of Alexandria, Egypt, was the capital city of the Ptolemaic dynasties of Egypt.
watermarkTranslucent logo in paper created during manufacture by slight embossing while paper is still approximately 90 percent water.
mark-upInstructions written usually on a "dummy."
quarter-foldA fold where a piece is folded in half and then in half again in the same direction.
freelancerProfessional, such as writer or photographer, who is self-employed, thus free to accept work from many clients
thumbnail sketchRough sketch of a design.
subheadLines of type, often bold, used to divide text into smaller sections.
invoice numberAn invoice number is assigned to all completed jobs
sweat bathAhut or other space heated by steam that is created by pouring water over hot stones
brightnessThe brilliance or reflectance of paper.
mailing serviceBusiness that addresses, sorts and bundles mailings according to USPS standards.
ethnomusicologystudy of the music of specific cultures
sarcophagusA stone coffin, usually decorated with sculpture and/or inscriptions.
typesetting(1) The department which converts the customer's manuscript copy into final copy
typologythe Christian theory of types, in which characters and events in the New Testament (i.e., after the birth of Jesus) are prefigured by counterparts in the Old Testament.
cgiCommon gateway interface.
round back bindTo casebind with a rounded (convex) spine, as compared to flat back bind.
orphanline of type on its own at the top or bottom of a page.
buttTo join without overlapping or space between.
tiffA graphics file that is commonly used in printing for photographs and illustrations needing high resolution.
periodicalsA class of mail the post office offers to mail owners that meet certain mail qualifications and mail on a weekly, monthly or yearly occurrence.
embossedA method of paper finishing whereby a pattern is pressed into the paper when it is dry.
flat1) Printer's assembly of film taped to a carrier sheet ready for platemaking
velluma lightweight transparent paper (real vellum is very different from what stampers call vellum -- real vellum is made from the skin of cows or other animals)
pointFor paper, a unit of thickness equaling 1/1000 inch
contour correctionThe process of enhancing apparent resolution, especially in video cameras, telecines and noise reducers
bumping/butting headsHeadlines from adjacent stories that collide with each other
perfect binding(adhesive binding) An inexpensive bookbinding technique in which the pages are glued rather than sewn, to the cover and used primarily for paperbacks, small manuals, phone books, etc.
watershedAn area or region bounded peripherally by ridges or divides such that all precipitation falling in the area contributes to its watercourse or water body.
boat graveA type of burial in which a body (or cremated remains) is placed in a boat and buried in the ground
triptychA three part, hinged mirror or small screen inspired by alter pieces.
error concealmentMethods used in digital systems to hide flaws.
configurationThe functional and/or physical characteristics of hardware and software as specified in the technical documentation and achieved in the product.
compositingLayering multiple pictures on top of each other
due diligenceProcess of investigating and gathering information necessary to make an informed and intelligent decision about a matter, such as a prospective buyer examining the authenticity, condition, quality, and status of property to be sold.
drop folioPage number printed at foot of page.
shadowsDarkest areas of a photograph.
calico hillsCalico Hills is an area of the Mojave Desert in California and the location of the attempts by paleoanthropologists Louis Leakey and Ruth Simpson to find evidence of early humans in the New World.
physiologythe study of mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of living organisms
exposureThat stage of the photographic process where the image is produced on the light-sensitive coating.
nixieA direct mail letter that is undeliverable for any number of reasons and is returned to the sender.
sheetA piece of paper (two-pages, i.e
gargoyleA grotesque carving, usually in the form of a human or animal, at the end of a spout designed to carry rainwater away from the wall of a church.
cmsContent management system.
positiveCharacteristic of an image on film or paper in which blacks in the original subject are black or opaque and whites in the original are white or clear.
lyrical melodyrelatively long, songlike melody
codexA codex (plural codices) is the technical name for an ancient book or manuscript
medallionA decorative plaque made of wood or metal.
change controlThe process by which changes to a project's baselines are proposed, evaluated, and accepted or rejected
collaborative problem solvingThe process by which people work together to define a problem, generate options, and identify objective criteria to reach a decision.
dorterA monastic dormitory.
bleedingA term that refers to crisp edges that are not, usually as a result of some overload
mammalogythe study of mammals
oculusCircular window.
zoomorphicHaving animal form or attributes.
blanket chestColonial storage chest often used as a bench.
dummyA term used to describe the preliminary assemblage of copy and art elements to be reproduced in the desired finished product; also called a comp; a mockup of the final product.
leadersThe dots or dashes used in type to guide the eye from one set of type to the next.
metropolitanA bishop with authority over a group of a province of dioceses and their bishops; also known as an archbishop.
estuaryA low area along a coast where the wide mouth of a river meets the sea and the waters of the two mix.
grid1) Pattern of lines representing the layout of a newsletter
press sheetOne sheet as it comes off the press.
octaveinterval of an eighth, as from C to C
browserA software program (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) that enables you to view Web pages.
cubismEarly 20th-century French movement marked by a revolutionary departure from representational art
carrington longitudeA system of fixed solar longitudes rotating at a uniform synodic period of 27.2753 days (a sidereal period of 25.38 days)
consensusAn agreement between two or more people to agree with and support a final decision.
tier mobilityThe movement of customers between membership tiers.
bacteriologythe study of bacteria|
polar plumesFine, ray-like structures of the solar corona and transition region, best observed in the solar polar regions during solar minimum.
wet gateA system by which film is temporarily coated with a layer of liquid at the moment of transfer to reduce the effect of surface faults such as scratches
bushmenThe Bushmen is a collective term for a modern cultural group in sub-Saharan Africa, primarily the Kalahari Desert.
latticedDecorative technique consisting of a series of diagonal crossbars.
quaternary periodThe Quaternary Period is the most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the ICS
papyrusA tall marsh plant, or reed, of the Nile Valley that the ancient Egyptians cut into strips and pressed into a kind of paper to write on.
cultural analysisThe analysis of cultural phenomena (for example, advertising and media products) to provide context for a client's business or insight into a market.
ruleLine used as a graphic element to separate or organize copy.
responsive deviceAny form, such as an order card, on which respondents indicate their response to a direct mail offer.
apronIn furniture this term refers to the horizontal section between the legs of a chair, table or stand of a cabinet
color correctionChanging the relative amounts of color in an image to produce a desired effect, typically a more accurate representation of those colors
wovePaper manufactured without visible wire marks, usually a fine textured paper.
copywriterPerson who writes copy for advertising.
guanoBird excrement.
underrunQuantity of printing delivered that is less than the quantity ordered.
c2sPaper that is coated on both sides.
compressed fileSee Zipping
ispInternet Service Provider.
sonata: trioBaroque sonata for two solo instruments and continuo
anaglyphLiterally means “in carved relief” However, it is a common abbreviation of Anaglyph Image or Anaglyph Stereogram, both of which describe the illusion of depth in an image created by overlaying two slightly offset views and filtering them through colored glasses
additionA projecting structure, or wing, which is part of the original building rather than a subsequent extension.
pile feedingA method of stacking paper at the feeder end of a press so that individual sheets are drawn from the top of the pile into the press.
subsistencemeans of supporting life, in particular, by obtaining food.
antiquarianLargest known handmade paper (53 x 31 inches).
replicateIn the manufacturing of a CD-ROM, to mold the actual disc by injecting molten polycarbonate into the mold cavity (stamper), then quickly cool the plastic to harden it, a process which takes less than 15 seconds
memoryA stored set of parameters that can be changed on a scene by scene basis
bookA printed work which contains more than 64 pages.
folioType at the top of an inside page giving the newspaper's name, date and page number.
geosynchronousTerm applied to any equatorial satellite with an orbital velocity equal to the rotational velocity of the Earth
twilightperiod after sunset, the light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon
cdrNative Corel Draw file format
ream500 sheets of printing paper
indiciaIndicia is a imprinted designation on mail that denotes postage payment.
interpolationIn an image interpolation adds extra pixels
major basilicaAlso called a Patriarchal Basilica
furnitureIn building terms, the handles, knobs, locks etc
scoringinvolves creating a line or depression in the paper that will help create a nice even crease when folding the card
haplotypesGenetic loci which co-segregate or are in linkage disequilibrium (LD)
hydrogeologythe study of underground water
half-columnsee engaged column.
gpoGeneral Purpose Output
spiral bindingTo bind using a spiral of continuous wire or plastic looped through holes
melodymeaningful succession of pitches
cultural historical methodThe cultural-historical method is a way of conducting anthropological and archaeological research developed by V.G
progressive proofPress proof showing each color of a job separately or several colors in combination.
barrier coatA coating that is applied onto the non-printing side of paper to add to the opacity of that paper
phonologythe study of vocal sounds
hydrographPlot depicting discharge of water versus time for a stream, including surface, subsurface, and base flows.
isoInternational Standards Organization.
grained paperA paper embossed to resemble various textures, such as leather, alligator, wood, etc.
reference markssymbols used in text to direct the reader to a footnote
masterPaper or plastic plate used on a duplicating press.
proofA copy of a pasted-up page used to check for errors
hot meltAn adhesive used in the binding process, which requires heat for application.
naturalisticdescriptive of art that resembled natural world
caribbean prehistoryThe prehistory and history of the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean from the first peopling of the islands to the early contact period.
hydrologyThe water of the earth and air; its flow, distribution, characteristics, and actions.
content providerOne who owns or is licensed to sell content.
ragged leftThe term given to right-justified type that is uneven on the left.
catal hoyukCatal Hoyuk is an Early Neolithic site in Turkey (6300-5500 BC), and so far the oldest civilization on earth.
evolutionary psychologythe study of the process of (usually) human psychological evolution.
green lineA coronal emission line at 530.3 nm from Fe XIV
adjustmentsA process of altering the copy to reproduce desired product.
optical effectsTrick shots prepared by the use of an optical printer in the laboratory, especially fades and dissolves.
ascribed statusSocial status and prestige attributed to an individual at birth, regardless of ability or accomplishments
two-ribbon flareA flare that has developed as a pair of bright strands (ribbons) on both sides of an inversion line of the solar magnetic field.
cameraAny of several pieces of equipment used to convert ordinary black and white copy into negative film suitable for stripping and platemaking.
microwave burstA radiowave signal sometimes associated with optical and/or x-ray flares
fertile crescentAn upland zone in Southwest Asia that runs from the Levant to the Zagros Mountains.
gingerbreadFanciful, delicate trimwork.
bluesvocal style that originated as a kind of African American folk song and became a form of jazz
bleedExtra inked area that crosses designated trim line; used to allow for variations that occur when the reproduction is trimmed or die-cut.
digital assetDigital data stored in a file
digital intermediate“Digital Intermdiate”
cutThe edit (from the days when film editing involved physically cutting and splicing the film)
spiderSearch engine technology
azureThe light blue color used in the nomenclature of "laid" and "wove" papers.
database 2(1)Large compilation of information that can be immediately accessed and operated upon by a computer data processing system
luminanceThe black and white, or brightness, part of a component video signal.
creditsThis glossary was compiled by Kevin Shaw
emulsionA light sensitive substance used as a coating for film; made from a silver halide compound.
halftone screenA sheet of film or glass containing ruled right-angled lines, used to translate the full tone of a photo to the halftone dot image required for printing.
doublingPrinting defect appearing as blurring or shadowing of the image
creepThe shifting position of the page in a saddle-stitched bind
watermarkA translucent mark or image that is embossed during the papermaking process, or printed onto paper, which is visible when the paper is held up to the light.
pageOne side of a leaf.
dressed stoneblocks of stone that have been cut and shaped to fit in a particular place for a particular purpose.
sync“Synchronization” Two picture records or a picture record and a sound record are said to be "in sync" when they are placed relative to each other on a release print so they can be projected in correct temporal or spatial relationship
communications planA document that details the information and communication needs of the project stakeholders: who needs what information, when they need it, and how it will be provided to them.
file transfer programComputer software that permits the exchange of information between computers.
paleo-indianA period of Native American sulture beginning at least 12,000 years ago and ending 10,000 years ago
acAssistant Cameraman
shrineA building or place (from an entire church to a small plaque) dedicated to a particular type of devotion commemorating an event or person.
machine-coatedPaper that has had a coating applied to either one or two of its sides during the papermaking process.
velvetA paper flocked to resemble this textile
conchopataConchopata is a Wari Empire site located in the highlands of central Peru, within modern Ayacucho, and about 10 kilometers from the Wari empire capital city of Huari.
portable network graphicssee png
gridThe underlying pattern of lines forming the framework of a page; also, to align elements on a page.
barrowAn earthen mound covering a burial; found in prehistoric Europe and Asia.
achromaticThe non-colors of black, white and gray.
celtAn implement shaped like a chisel or an axe; may be made of stone or metal.
crawlerSee spider.
section marka character used at the beginning of a new section
feltA cloth conveyor belt that receives papers from the Fourdrinier wire and delivers it to the drier.
cadizThe modern port city of Cadiz (originally called Gadir or Gardes) in the Andalucia region of Spain was a Phoenician colony of Tyre founded at least by the 9th century BC.
smoothnessThat quality of paper defined by its levelness that allows for pressure consistency in printing, assuring uniformity of print.
live matterThe vital parts or elements of a printed piece which must not be trimmed off.
altiplano(Spanish) The high-altitude plain between the eastern and western ridges of the Andes in Peru.
firewallThe layer of security that protects internal computer networks from outside intrusions, particularly from the Internet.
manoThe hand-held part of a stone-milling assembly for grinding maize or other foods.
image trapSlight overlapping of images to ensure they appear registered.
orthogonalsthe converging lines that meet at the vanishing point in the system of linear perspective.
venereologythe study of venereal diseases
climatologythe study of the climate
problems of hominid evolutionA detailed investigation of the major problems which confront scholars in terms of hominid evolution
density rangeDifference between the darkest and lightest areas of copy
terabyteTb or TB
attributionA line identifying the source of a quote.
bisqueA delicate, unglazed, pink-tinted porcelain that was used from about 1820 until 1940 to make realistic-looking doll heads.
spireAn elongated, pointed structure that rises from a tower, turret, or roof.
publishing paperPaper made in weights, colors and surfaces suited to books, magazines, catalogs and free-standing inserts.
soil horizonA soil horizon is a specific layer in the land area that is parallel to the soil surface and possesses physical characteristics which differ from the layers above and beneath.
psephologythe study, especially statistical, of elections.
vehiclea term often used interchangeably with medium to mean the liquid in which pigments are suspended but not dissolved and which, as it dries, binds the color to the surface of the painting.
times the moneySelling method whereby an auctioneer sells multiple items in one lot under the term that the lot’s final price will be calculated by multiplying the highest bid by the number of items comprising the lot.
csrCustomer Service Representative
balma de l'abeuradorBalma de l'Abeurador is a rock shelter that contains a Mesolithic period site, located fifty kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea in France.
varnishLiquid applied as a coating for protection and appearance.
rhythmarrangement of time in music
underrunQuantity printing delivered that is less than the quantity ordered.
jump headlineA special headline treatment reserved for stories continued from another page.
exosphereThe Earth’s atmosphere above 500-600 km.
stop-bathStage in processing that arrests the action of the previous solution (e.g
paleolithicThe early stage of the Stone Age, beginning about 750,000 years ago
tocologythe study of childbirth, sometimes spelled "tokology".
chancery italicA 13th century handwriting style which is the roots of italic design.
keep standingTo hold type or plates ready for reprints.
sa huynh cultureThe Sa Huynh Culture is the name given to an urnfield (jar burials) culture on the coastal plains of central and south Vietnam
brm business reply mailA domestic service offered by the USPS that allows pieces bearing a specific address or label format with a permit number to be mailed with prepayment of postage
document(1)Recorded information regardless of physical form or characteristics
b.p.Before present; used in dating
cutting machineA machine that cuts stacks of paper to desired sizes
sgiSilicon Graphics Interface
turnaround timeAmount of time needed to complete a job or one stage of it.
thematic transformationvariation of thematic or melodic material for programmatic purposes
control groupSee control and test groups.
ellipsisThree periods (...) used to indicate the omission of words.
m weightWeight of 1,000 sheets of paper in any specific size.
baroqueA movement in European painting in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, characterized by violent movement, strong emotion, and dramatic lighting and coloring
bcThe term B.C
spiral bindTo bind using a spiral of wire or plastic looped through holes.
formalismthe doctrine or practice of strict adherence to stylized shapes or other external forms.
blockingThe adhesion of one coated sheet of paper to another that causes tears or coating particles to shed away from the paper surface..
meander patterna fret or key pattern originating in the Greek Geometric period.
quarto(1) Sheet folded twice, making pages one-fourth the size of the original sheet
interlacea form of decoration composed of strips or ribbons that are intertwined, usually symmetrically about a longitudinal axis.
phytologythe study of plants; botany
chapter housea meeting place for the discussion of business in a cathedral or monastery.
ringingAn oscillating edge resulting from a sudden change in video level
embryologythe study of embryos
tiffOne of the most common computer formats for saving scans (an abbreviation of Tagged Image File Format).
screen anglesThe placement of halftone screens to avoid unwanted moiré patterns
porosityA measurement of a paper's permeability to air or compactness of fiber within a given set of conditions.
chiaroscuroTranslated from Italian, means “clear/light and dark.” Painting technique developed by Leonardo to contrast lights and darks to help create a truly three-dimensional image
desktop publishingThe use of a PC in the creation of fully composed pages, com prised of text and graphics, using off-the -shelf application software that outputs to a laser printer (or other output device) which is typically driven by PostScript (a device-independent page description language).
low frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 30 to 300 kHz.
hagioscopeAlso called a squint
analogous hueshues containing a common color, though in different proportions.
gorgetAn ornament usually worn over the chest which may be either suspended on a cord or attached directly to clothing.
h and jHyphenation and justification; the computerized spacing and aligning of text.
spoilagePaper that, due to mistakes or accidents, must be thrown away instead of delivered printed to the customer, as compared to waste.
accrual rateThe rate at which customers earn points in a program
superscriptthe small characters set above the normal letters or figures.
verisimilitudethe quality of appearing real or truthful.
chocolate domesticationTheobroma spp is the official name of several varieties of tropical trees that are native to the northern Amazon region of South America and were cultivated and domesticated in central America to produce the wonderful elixir of the gods, chocolate.
working period farmA term usually associated with a working museum exhibit in which a full scale farm has been restored or reconstructed to depict the former lifeways, tools, and technologies of particular periods.
negativeFilm containing an image in which the areas of the original which were light are now dark and the areas which were dark are now clear; this is necessary for preparing plates for offset printing.
densityThe degree of tone, weight of darkness or color within a photo or reproduction measured by a densitometer.
potterya class of ceramic artifacts in which clay is formed into containers or utensils (by hand, in molds, or with a potter's wheel), sometimes decorated, and fired.
fill-upOccurs when ink fills the area between the halftone dots or plugs of the type.
lintelthe horizontal cross beam spanning an opening in the post-and-lintel system.
frameA frame is one complete output of a plastic mold
consumer surplusThe maximum sum of money a consumer would be willing to pay to consume a given amount of a good, less the amount actually paid.
solsticeThe time of year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator, occurring about June 21 and December 22.
sizeCompound mixed with paper or fabric to make it stiffer and less able to absorb moisture.
cartridgeA rough finished paper used for wrapping.
requiemmass for the dead
proportion scaleA round mechanical tool used to calculate a percentage change of an original image scaled to its finished size.
electronic image assemblyAssembly of new image from portions of existing images or elements using a computer.
ductor rollerThe roller between the inking and the dampening rollers.
interaction sphereThis term refers to prehistoric groups who shared social interaction and exchanged material goods, through a network made up of long distance trade contacts.
vaccinologythe study of vaccines
skiveThe amount ground off the backbone of perfect bind book to prepare the surface of the spine for the glue which holds the pages together.
activation rateMost typically used in the credit card industry to indicate the percentage of customers receiving a new credit card who actually activate the card.
burrin etching, the rough ridge left projecting above the surface of an engraved plate where the design has been incised.
trim sizeSize of the printed product after last trim is made.
columna cylindrical, upright structural support in architecture, consisting of a base, shaft, and capital; an engaged column is one half-embedded in the wall behind it.
player modelA way to reward customers with another company's promotional currency.
chankilloChankillo (also spelled Chanquillo) is a ceremonial center and solar observatory located within an area of rock outcrops and sand ramps in the Casma-Schin river valley of arid coastal Peru.
topsideThe side of the paper nearest the top of the web as it comes off the paper machine
alexaSee Arri Alexa
tonicfirst and most important note of the major or minor scale, to which all other notes in the scale are a subordinate
lHeliographic longitude of a solar feature
folioA page number positioned at the top or bottom, either center, flush-left, or flush-right
copyright noticeStatement of copyright ownership that has the word "copyright" or symbol C, the year of publication, and the name of the copyright owner.
latitudeThe range of camera exposures that produce acceptable images with a particular digital sensor or film.
hard dotThe effect in a photograph where a dot has such a small degree of halation that the dot shows quite sharp.
dot etchingApplying chemicals by hand to either negatives for increasing dot size which adds color; or, to positives for decreasing dot size which subtracts color.
overprintTo print one image over a previously printed image, such as printing type over a screen tint
trenchTerm sometimes used to refer to an excavation unit, especially when the length is longer than the width
cross-sectional surveysA representative sample of people surveyed at a point in time.
drawdownSample of inks specified for a job applied to the substrate specified for a job
ligninSubstance in trees that holds cellulose fibers together
chellean manChellean man is the name given to a Homo erectus skull with an extremely large brow ridge, found by Louis Leakey in 1960.
copyrightA copyright prevents use of material(s) without the permission from the originator.
sexual dimorphismA difference in size between the male and female members of a species; for example, male gorillas are significantly larger than females.
travertinea hard limestone used as a building material by the Etruscans and Romans.
exchange systema system for trading or transferring goods, services, or ideas between individuals and communities.
list rentalThe arrangement between the list owner and mailer in which the owner gives the mailer a set of names for one-time usage, for which the list owner is paid a royalty by the mailer.
synodicReferring to a coordinate system fixed on the Earth.
disk driveThe mechanism that rotates the magnetic disk and positions the read/write head(s) at the desired location.
cpnCritical path network.
tiff or tifsee Tagged Image File Format
contract lawThe branch of law concerned with the rights and responsibilities of the parties who have entered into a contract.
frame storeA digital device designed to store and display a single television frame as a "freeze frame." (See also Still Store.)
flatAn image with low contrast is said to appear flat.
scaleTo identify the percent by which images should be enlarged or reduced.
hybrid mailA process whereby mail is transmitted electronically to a print site from where it is then physically mailed.
merge/purgeTo combine two or more databases (merge), then eliminate duplicate records (purge)
reactivationA promotion that moves lapsed customers to start purchasing again.
aerateThis refers to a manual process whereby an air stream is blown onto paper sheets to create a riffling effect that separates the sheets as they are fed to the printing press.
km indexA 3-hourly planetary index of geomagnetic activity calculated by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France, from the K indexes observed at a large, symmetrically located network of stations
fps“Frames Per Second” The speed at which moving images are captured or played back
average spendThe average amount a customer spends per individual sales transaction
mxdCode that indicates the contents of a mail container are bound for different destinations.
contentthe themes or ideas in a work of art, as distinct from its form.
chargeableThe total number of copies the customer is willing to pay for; chargeable equals net (the number of copies ordered) plus the number of overrun copies the customer is willing to buy
croppingRemoving the extraneous parts of a photograph or other image.
jazz-rock/fusioncombination of jazz and rock
wingPortion of a spectroscopic absorption (or emission) line between the core of the line and the continuum adjacent to the line.
bond paperCategory of paper commonly used for writing, printing and photocopying
show-throughsee opacity.
cantileverA beam or other structure projecting from a wall and supporting an extension to a building, as on a cantilevered balcony or upper story.
positioningThe ‘character' of the product or company, as opposed to what it is
emission lineIn spectroscopy, a particular wavelength of emitted radiation, more intense than the background continuum.
ariasonglike vocal piece, musically expressive, with orchestral accompaniment; generally homophonic in texture
bayA section of the nave, usually marked by vertical shafts or supporting columns at its four corners and arches on each side.
the ancient mayaAncient Maya, from their beginnings to the historic period
ethnomusicologythe study of music in society, usually non-western music
tonal rangeDifference between the darkest and lightest areas of copy.
cielabA three-dimensional color mapping system that describes all colors visible to the human eye; color reference to the perception of color, as specified by the International Commission on Illumination; used in color management systems.
atmologythe study of the laws and phenomena of aqueous vapors
gangGroup of frames or impositions in the same form of different jobs arranged and positioned to be printed together.
proofa copy obtained from inked type, plate, block or screen for checking purposes.
anthropologyThe study of humans and non-human primates, which includes the comparative study of societies and cultures and the science of human zoology and evolution.
cool colorsBlues, greens and browns.
color correctionThe deliberate adjustment of one or more colors to achieve a desired result
book blockFolded signatures gathered, sewn and trimmed, but not yet covered.
chatroomAn internet application that allows users to use a browser to exchange text messages.
epsEncapsulated PostScript File
parquetryVeneers arranged in a geometrical pattern.
australopithecusis one of several species of hominines who may or may not be Homo sapiens direct ancestor.
drop outThe technique that can give a mediocre photo greater contrast by photographically removing some dots to create highlights that show the actual white of the paper.
epsEncapsulated Post Script, a known file format usually used to transfer post script information from one program to another.
popPoint of Presence, terminology for local access to a network or telecom service
acsAddress Change Service - an automated process providing change-of-address information to mailers.
uv coatingLiquid applied to a printed sheet, then bonded and cured with ultraviolet light.
estimatorOne who computes or approximates the cost of work to be done.
drillThe drilling of holes into paper for ring or comb binding.
new visitorsA new visitor is someone with a unique IP address who is visiting a web site for the first time
five digitIn postal presort, the delivery address on all pieces includes the same 5-digit ZIP Code
camera-ready copyMechanicals, photographs and art that are fully prepared for reproductions according to the technical requirements of the printing process being used.
boogie-woogiepiano style derived from the formal and harmonic structure of the blues, but bright in mood and fast in tempo
impressions per hourMeasure of speed of a printing press
archaic periodThe Archaic period is the name given to generalized hunter-gatherer societies in the North American continent from approximately 8000 to 2000 years BP.
musicologythe study of music
otolaryngologythe study of the ear and throat; a branch of medicine
povPoint Of View, usually used to describe a camera angle.
copy writingThe process of developing textual content for advertising and marketing materials.
fold marksWith printed matter, markings indicating where a fold is to occur, usually located at the top edges.
copyright pageSee rights page.
ha or h-alphaThe first atomic transition in the hydrogen Balmer series; wavelength = 656.3 nm
folioA page number in a publication.
laser printerAn output device that prints computer-generated text and graphics, usually at a lower resolution than professional typesetters.
rgbRed, green and blue
cwtPaper distributor abbreviation for 100 pounds.
trade customBusiness terms and policies followed by businesses in the same field and often codified by a trade association.
brokerAgent who supplies printing from many printing companies.
elliptical dotHalftone screens in which the dots are actually elongated to produce improved middle tones.
cleat bindAlternate term for Side stitch.
color referenceA set of process inks printed on standard paper and used for color control.
pixelAbbreviation for picture element
letterspacingThe addition of space between the letters of words to increase the line-length to a required width or to improve the appearance of a line.
tagGrade of dense, strong paper used for products such as badges and file folders.
tbc“Time Base Corrector”
stone ageA period when humans used stone as the primary material for making tools
step-and-repeatA procedure for placing the same image on plates in multiple places.
tripodA headline that uses a big, bold word or phrase and two smaller lines of deck squaring off alongside.
facing identification markSpecial mark on business reply and courtesy reply mail which enables automated mail processing equipment to identify it and separate it from other mail
agc“Automatic Gain Control” A circuit that automatically adjusts audio or video input levels.
histopathologythe study of the (microscopic) structure of diseased tissue|s
corniceThe horizontal feature that runs across the top of Classical columns and the roof line.
saddle-sewnA form of binding that stitches thread through the gutter fold of a publication.
cassette(1)A portable housing or container for daylight transportation of either exposed or unexposed photographic materials, which makes it possible to operate an imagesetter in a daylight environment
back-to-backThe alignment of the image on the one-side of the web or press sheet with the image on the two-side.
bmcBulk Mail Center, newly termed an NDC.
shamanA priest or healer who believes that the workings of good and evil spirits can be influenced only by shaman.
pictographa written symbol derived from a representational image.
trim sizeThe size of the printed material in its finished stage.
laser engravingA paper cutting technique whereby laser technology is utilized to cut away certain unmasked areas of the paper
coat of armsHeraldic insignia, as on a family escutcheon.
stratosphereThat region of the Earth’s atmosphere between the troposphere and the mesosphere
solarizationAn effect, originating in chemical photography, in which light and dark areas are partially reversed
laid finishA parallel lined paper that has a handmade look.
inverse square lawWhen a surface is illuminated by a point source of light the intensity of light at the surface is inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source
sidesaddle headA headline placed to the left of a story, instead of above it; also called a side head.
hd dvdHigh-Definition/Density DVD
multipathDescribing a degraded condition of radio propagation in which the radio wave splits and arrives at the receiver via different paths
african stone ageIntroduction to the African Stone Age, with emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa
purSee Polyurethane Reactive
barrel chairA chair shaped like rustic chairs which were originally made from half of a wine barrel
pixelThe smallest distinct unit of a bitmapped image displayed on a screen.
status differentiationInequality in human society in which certain individuals or groups have access to more resources, power, and roles than others
side guideThe guides on the sides of the sheet fed press that position the sheet sideways as the paper is led towards the front guides.
sickleA tool for cutting the stalks of cereals, especially wheat
gray scaleStrip of gray values ranging from white to black
pinholesSmall imperfections in paper typically caused by undesired particles embedded in the stock during manufacture.
grida site grid is a set of regularly spaced intersecting lines, usually marked by stakes, that provide the basic reference system for recording provenience of archaeological finds in a site.
parureDerived from a French term meaning "adornment," it refers to a matched set of jewelry consisting of three or more pieces.
exchequerMonastic building where rents and other income are received and held.
chiefdoma form of social organization more complex than a tribe or band level society
sporalogya parody of astrology
signatureA group of pages brought together into proper sequential order and alignment after it has been folded.
finishThe surface quality of paper.
silkscreena printmaking process in which pigment is forced through the mesh of a silkscreen, parts of which have been masked to make them impervious.
legendDirections about a specific matter (illustrations) and how to use
comprehensiveA detailed dummy or sketch of a design, intended to give a clear sense of how the finished piece should look.
removable mediaStorage media that can be removed from the camera.
brc or breBusiness Reply Card or Business Reply Envelope
active prominenceA prominence above the solar limb moving and changing in appearance over a few minutes of time.
mosaicsmall pieces of tile, glass, etc to make pattern by embedding
batologythe study of blackberries
templateConcerning a printing project's basic details in regard to its dimensions
chilcaChilca is the name of an early Archaic period site located on the Peruvian coast about 70 kilometers south of Lima.
refrainsection of melody and text that recurs at the end of each verse of a strophic song
ridgeThe highest part or apex of a roof where two slopes meet.
perforatingTaking place on a press or a binder machine, creating a line of small dotted wholes for the purpose of tearing-off a part of a printed matter.
community benefitsThe rewards/benefits that program members receive by just being a member in the program, without using program points.
megabyteMb or MB
baroqueterm, originally meaning irregular, applied to the dramatic, emotional style of seventeenth and early eighteenth century art
abutmentthe part of a building intended to receive and counteract the thrust, or pressure, exerted by vaults and arches.
htmlThe Hyper Text Mark Up language is the code used to create web pages
hominoideaThe taxonomic group (family) that includes the human and ape members of the primates, both fossil and modern forms.
preview scene memoryThe Preview Scene Memory preserves automatically the last active panel change not yet stored anywhere else on the system.
code freezeA software development milestone at which programming is stopped to allow for incremental or final testing.
genecologythe study of genetic differences in relation to the environment
dampening solutionAlternate term for Fountain solution.
saddle stitchingStitching where wire staples pass through the spine from the outside and are clinched in the center
conflict managementA set of skills and an approach designed to help people better understand and deal with disagreements, both technical and personal, that develop among individuals.
cofferone of a series of recessed panels in a ceiling, usually done in plaster.
still lifesubject matter is objects for pleasing shape, color, texture
return on investmentCommonly referred to as ROI, this term describes the profit from an investment as a percentage of the amount invested.
caymanA tropical South American alligator.
kMeasurement unit of lighting and color temperature.
case studyA research study that contains qualitative data (such as observations and interview findings) about a subject
gun-loopsRound holes pierced through the walls of castles and manor houses from the fifteenth century onwards
ancient civilizationsThe rise and achievements of the earliest civilizations in both the Old and New Worlds
fugitive inksColors that lose tone and permanency when exposed to light.
polyphonic texturecombination of two or more simultaneous melodic lines
type styleCharacteristic such as bold, italic or roman.
wpgWordPerfect metafile format, used by WordPerfect software on various platforms
componentan association of all the artifacts from one occupation level and one time period at a site.
pigmentParticles that absorb and reflect light and appear colored to our eyes; the substance that gives ink its color.
sheetwiseThe printing of two different images on two different sides of a sheet of paper by turning the page over after the first side is printed and using the same gripper and side guides.
4kGeneric term for data with a resolution of about 4000 pixels across, typically 4096 x 3112, which is deemed to be about 35 mm OCN quality.
cajamarca cultureThe Cajamarca Culture was a small polity in the Peruvian highlands, ca
knockoutAlternate term for reverse
cmpConfiguration Management Plan.
tes“Tornado Embedded Software”
trabeatedconstructed according to the postand-lintel method.
graphics interchange formatsee gif
dimensional stabilityAbility of a film to hold size throughout its cycle of use
setoffUndesirable transfer of wet ink from the top of one sheet to the underside of another as they lie in the delivery stack of a press.
print-on demandA method to make a few books at a time
gangTo group several printing jobs on the same sheet and accomplish a number of tasks with one print run.
lactational amenorrheaThe suppression of ovulation and menstruation during breast-feeding.
brow ridgeThat part of the skull above the eye orbits
bulk eraseTo completely destroy the contents of a magnetic media, by subjecting it to a strong magnetic field
fixingthe use of a chemical process to make an image (a photograph, for example) more permanent.
quireAn archaic measure of paper quantity, consisting of 24 sheets of a uniform size.
stirrup spoutA distinctive curving spout on pottery vessels that is shaped like the stirrup of a saddle; characteristic of Moche pottery.
retableRear part of an altar, often richly decorated, for instance with an altarpiece
desktop publishingTechnique of using a personal computer to design images and pages, and assemble type and graphics, then using a laser printer or imagesetter to output the assembled pages onto paper, film or printing plate
ripple finishA surface effect created by paper mill embossing.
tribeA group of people able to support a level of subsistence in a permanent settlement.
figurativerepresenting the likeness of a recognizable human (or animal) figure.
s componentThe slowly varying (weeks or longer) fluctuation observed in solar radio emission at microwave frequencies (wavelengths from 3-100 cm).
burnA term used in plate making to describe the amount of plate exposure time.
anti-aliasingFiltering methods used to remove or minimize aliasing effects
ebu“European Broadcasting Union” An association of European Broadcasters with a number of committees which make recommendations to the CCIR
crosstalkThe unwanted interference of one signal with another
cartonSelling unit of paper weighing approximately 150 pounds (60 kilos)
dummyA layout showing the size, shape, form and general style of a piece of printing.
webRoll of printing paper.
gabardineA fabric of closely woven cotton or wool twill.
fish habitatConditions essential for fish life including sufficient water quality and quantity, spawning, nursery, and rearing areas, and food supply.
filamentA mass of gas suspended over the chromosphere by magnetic fields and seen as dark ribbons threaded over the solar disk
bow shockA standing shock wave in front of the magnetosphere, arising from the interaction of the supersonic solar wind with the Earth’s magnetic field.
classicalPertaining to the ancient Greek and Roman empires
expanded/extended typeCharacters wider than the standard set width: i.e., turning this M into M.
alleySpace between columns of type on a page.
wysiwygShort for What You See Is What You Get
film laminateThin sheet of plastic bonded to a printed product for protection or increased gloss.
dancemovement organized and accompanied by music
indiciaPostal permit information printed on objects to be mailed and accepted by USPS in lieu of stamps.
epsA file format used to transfer PostScript code information from one program to another.
filament channelA broad pattern of fibrils in the chromosphere, marking a portion of a magnetic polarity inversion line where a filament may soon form or where a filament recently disappeared.  Filament channels are frequently observed in soft x-rays images as dark lanes.
graphic designerprofessional, who designs, plans and may coordinate production of a printed piece.
usb“Universal Serial Bus” A widely used computer interface on both PC and Mac computers
associationObjects found near one another in the same context are said to be in association
accentstrong sound
electrophotographyImage transfer system used in copiers to produce images using electrostatic forces.
immunologythe study of the immune system
templateA guide for page and cover layouts.
burst bindingA binding technique that entails nicking the backfold in short lengths during the folding process, which allows glue to reach each individual leaf and create a strong bond.
cultural competenceA set of values, behaviors, attitudes, and practices that enable people to work effectively across racial/ethnic and cultural lines.
gifGraphics Interchange Format almost always used for web images and rarely appropriate for printing.
stabbingTo bind a series of pages with wire staples such that staples enter from the front and back simultaneously, neither side being long enough to exit the opposite side.
rgbRepresents the colored lights — Red, Green and Blue — used to create color on your computer monitor or television screen
control packageThe direct mail piece used as the baseline to measure the performance of test packages with different formats, offers, or messaging.
job ticketForm used to specify the production schedule of a job and the materials and processes it needs
leadingAmount of space between lines of type.
historythe study of the past through written records that are compared, placed in chronological sequence, and interpreted.
templatePattern used to draw illustrations, make page formats, or lay out press sheets
base(a) that on which something rests; (b) the lowest part of a wall or column considered as a separate architectural feature.
isotopic techniqueA method for absolute dating that relies on known rates of decay in radioactive isotopes, especially carbon, potassium, and uranium.
stylein the visual arts, a manner of execution that is characteristic of an individual, a school, a period, or some other identifiable group.
strapworkA narrow band folded, crossed and sometimes interlaced
tribhangain Buddhist art, the "three bends posture," in which the head, chest, and lower portion of the body are angled instead of being aligned vertically.
chordmeaningful combination of three or more tones
shadowsDarkest areas of a photograph or illustration, as compared to midtones and highlights.
smockIn medieval times a smock was a loose, knee- or calf-length garment with a yoke, made of cotton or linen and worn by women under their gowns
altar(a) any structure used as a place of sacrifice or worship; (b) a tablelike structure used in a Christian church to celebrate the Eucharist.
digital transmissionA communications mode in which the data to be transferred is represented as discrete (and discontinuous) electronic pulses or signals, the values of which are stored as a series of zeros and ones, otherwise known as binary digits.
natural habitat hypothesisThe theory about the origins of agriculture associated with Robert Braidwood, suggesting that the earliest domesticates appeared in the area that their wild ancestors inhabited.
cutlineA line or block of type providing descriptive information about a photo.
polyrhythmtwo or more rhythmic patterns performed simultaneously
cmConfiguration management.
landscapeArtist style in which width is greater than height
paper dummyUnprinted sample of a proposed printed piece trimmed, folded, and, if necessary, bound using paper specified for the job.
wavWindows compatible audio file format that supports 11kHz, 22kHz, and 44kHz as 8 or 16 bit mono or stereo
large-format cameraCamera that makes negatives 4 x 5 or larger.
house sheetPaper kept in stock by a printer and suitable for a wide variety of printing jobs.
a-mode edlAn A mode edit decision list is arranged in record time order
chase(old) Frame of steel, or cast or wrought iron, in which images are locked up for printing.
ambulatoryA covered passage around and behind the altar, linking it with chapels at the east end of the church.
musicologyscientific study of music
anatoliaThe Anatolia region is one of the cradles of urban civilization, and consists of the peninsula of Asia Minor.
geocentricA view of the solar system with the earth at the center and the sun and planets orbiting around it
ditDigital Imaging Technician
cd-romCompact disk–read only memory
bulletBold dot used for typographic emphasis or to identify elements in a list.
javascriptIntended to provide a quicker and simpler language for enhancing Web pages and servers.
hairlineSubjective term referring to very small space, thin line or close register
gothicA style of architecture that was prevalent in Western Europe from about 1200 until 1550
cross drainA ditch relief culvert or other structure or shaping of the traveled way designed to capture and remove surface water from the traveled way or other road surfaces.
chengziyaChengziya is an archaeological site in Shandong Province, China, consissting of a walled settlement, with occupations primarily dated to the Longshan period (2600-2000 BC).
data captureElectronic or manual input of information onto a database for future marketing use.
point expirationThe automatic deduction of unused program currency from the member's account for non-use
modernrefers to type styles introduced towards the end of the 19th century
pantheonThe officially recognized gods of a people.
consoleTerm originally applied to a bracket that supported cornices or shelves and later used to describe tables that were affixed to a wall and supported with legs only at the front
varnishA clear coating added to printed material as a protective layer for improved scuff resistance and usually higher gloss.
making orderOrder for custom-made paper.
cenoteThe Maya word for a sinkhole, a natural well in the Yucatán that provides water for drinking and bathing.
kickerA small, short, one-line headline, often underscored, placed above a larger headline.
mp3A digital audio file format with CD quality that lets Internet users download songs to a PC or to a portable player.
topics of debateTopics of debate in archaeology and human biology from a perspective that emphasizes philosophical, theoretical and methodological issues
kerningAdjusting space between pairs of letters to make them appear better fitted.
pickup artArtwork, used in a previous job, to be incorporated in a current job.
ethnoarchaeologya form of ethnography focusing on the study of material remains to aid archaeological interpretation
fixed messageIn ink-jetting, an common message that does not vary from book to book.
impastothe thick application of paint, usually oil or acrylic, to a canvas or panel.
sociologythe study of society
lion passant guardantWalking lion looking to the left, English standard 925-1000 pre 1822.
iconspictorial images used on screen to indicate utility functions, files, folders or applications software
y2kYear 2000
off-lineProduction operations conducted out-of-process rather than in-line (on-press), such as die-cutting or the application of special coatings via dedicated equipment.
baselineImaginary line, under a line of type, used to align characters.
naturalA term to describe papers that have a color similar to that of wood, also called cream, off-white or ivory.
impressionProduct resulting from one cycle of printing machine
bentwoodWood that is bent while wet into curved chair parts
subtitlePhrase in a nameplate that amplifies or supplements information in the newsletter name.
iconostasisFrom Greek for "icon-stand." In Orthodox churches (such as in Greece or Russia), the screen separating the sanctuary or altar from the church proper and adorned with various icons
rhinologythe study of the nose and its diseases
printer command languageA language developed by Hewlett Packard for use with its own range of printers
code auditA methodical examination of a project, either in whole or in part, to assess compliance with software requirements, specifications, and standards
quadrant vaultingvaulting whose arc is one-quarter of a circle, or 90 degrees.
theatretiers or terraces in a hillside, resembling the concave formation of seats in a classical outdoor theatre.
coronal holeAn extended region of the corona, exceptionally low in density and associated with unipolar photospheric regions having ”open” magnetic field topology
ink densityThe degree of darkness of a printed image
campaign effectivenessMeasures the success (or otherwise) of campaigns.
trash canthe icon selected for the deleting of files or objects.
nas“Network Attached Storage” is a hard disk or RAID with its own IP address and a simple operating system attached to a local area network (LAN)
baker caveBaker Cave is a rock shelter located in the Lower Pecos region of southwest Texas of the south central United States, with occupations dated between 9,000-6800 years before the present.
windowsa software technique that allows a rectangular area of a computer screen to display output from a program
portAn electrical connection on the computer into which a cable can be plugged so the computer can communicate with another device such as a printer or modem.
com opt“Combined Optical”
phenologythe study of periodic biological| phenomena such as flowering, migration, breeding, etc.
aa indexA daily and half-daily index of geomagnetic activity determined from the k indices scaled at two nearly antipodal stations at invariant magnetic latitude 50 degrees (Hartland, England, and Canberra, Australia)
two-sidednessThe difference in feel and appearance between two sides of the same sheet of paper
white spaceDesigner term referring to non-image area that frames or sets off copy.
mRoman numeral for 1,000.
papeterieA high-grade soft paper used for personal stationery because it accepts handwriting well.
caliper(1) Thickness of paper or other substrate expressed in thousandths of an inch (mils or points), pages per inch (ppi), thousandths of a millimeter (microns) or pages per centimeter (ppc)
circulationdescribes the flow of people throughout a building.
sunspot cycleThe approximately 11 year quasi-periodic variation in the sunspot number
oculusa round opening in a wall or at the apex of a dome.
hitThe term used for counting the number of visitors to a Web page
passage graveA megalithic tomb entered via a long, low, narrow passage that opens into a wider room, generally near the center of the structure.
hieroglyphicwritten in a script (especially in ancient Egypt) whose characters are pictorial representations of objects.
human osteologyIntroduction to identification and interpretation of human skeletal and dental remains
lempel-ziv-welchSee LZW.
rougha preliminary sketch of a proposed design.
rough layoutsketch giving a general idea of size and placement of text and graphics in the final product
angelologythe study of angels
type 1 fontsEarly PostScript fonts that offered improved versatility over fixed-font technology.
binderyPlace where printed products are collated, trimmed, folded and/or bound
dendrochronologythe study of the age of trees and the records in their rings
honours thesisThesis normally required of Honours BA students and also open for credit to other undergraduate Majors
sedimentsSoils that have been transported over distances and have accumulated in a new area
chinampa(Spanish) An agricultural field created by swamp drainage or landfill operations along the edges of lakes
depth of fieldThe distance between the nearest and furthest objects in focus
compositionA material used from the 1920s to the 1950s to make dolls, consisting of malleable wood pulp and paste, or rags that had been boiled and formed.
water saturated sitesSwamps, marshes, bogs and other wetland sites created as a result of changes in the water table due either to natural or human changes to the environment
emoticonsA series of keyed characters used especially in e-mail to indicate an emotion, such as pleasure [:-)] or sadness [:-(].
tensile strengththe internal strength of a material that enables it to support itself without rupturing.
ground-penetrating radarAn instrument used to find sub-surface anomalies (features) by recording differential reflection of radar pulses
cardThe sealed package containing storage chips or other devices with electrical connectors that make contact when inserted into a card slot on a camera, printer, computer, or other device.
vocVolatile organic compounds, petroleum substances used as the vehicles for many printing inks.
knock outAlternate term for Mask out.
modemAcronym for modulator-demodulator, a device that converts digital signals to analog tones and vice versa so computers can communicate over telephone lines.
perforationsPrecise regularly spaced holes punched throughout the length of a motion picture film to advance and position it in cameras, processing machines, and projectors
nanotribologythe study of friction at very small (atomic) scale
partnerAnother company that participates in a sponsoring company's program.
movementsection of a complete work that has its own formal design and a degree of independence but is conceived as a part of the whole; usually separated from other movements by a pause
dummy layoutA detailed layout showing how the various typeset elements, illustrations, etc., will be arranged.
varnishingA thin coating applied to printing to enhance appearance or protect the sheet.
corded ware cultureThe Corded Ware culture or complex is the name given to a wave of people in the Neolithic period, originating from the Carpathian mountains and the area now called the Baltic States.
persistenceContinuation of existing conditions
transitA surveying instrument used to measure vertical and horizontal angles and distances
bondA grade of durable writing, printing and typing paper that has a standard size of 17x22 inches.
arawakan cultureThe Arawaks are a modern Native American tribe of the Peruvian Amazon in South America.
contoura line representing the outline of a figure or form.
digital videoMinimizes generation loss as information is recorded as a series of numbers
column ruleA vertical line separating stories or running between legs within a story.
handaxeA large, teardrop-shaped stone tool bifacially flaked to a point at one end and a broader base at the other
african complex societiesAncient African complex societies with an emphasis on state development south of the Sahara.  Topics include why these states developed, their participation in internal and international systems of exchange, technological developments, belief systems that supported power structures, and the reasons for their collapse.  Time period covered is from the rise of the ancient state of Egypt to the colonial period.
cryptozoologythe study of animals that may or may not be mythical
stomatologystudy of the mouth and its diseases.
conservationA branch of archaeology that deals with the stabilization, preservation, repair, reconstruction, and general management of material culture and natural resources
cobáCobá is the name of a large lowland Maya city located between two large lakes in east central Quintana Roo, Mexico.
equityThe amount a participant has earned that is translated into points or other program values.
soy-based inksInks using vegetable oils instead of petroleum products as pigment vehicles, thus being easier on the environment.
saturation mailingThis is when marketing mail is sent to at least 90% of the residential addresses or at least 75% of combined residential and business addresses within a specific geographical area.
folder perfA perforation made by perf wheels running against a steel roller as the web of paper goes into the folder
trappingA slight overlapping of color plates to prevent gaps from appearing during printing.
caliper(1) Thickness of paper in thousandths of an inch (mils or points), pages per inch (ppi), thousandths of a millimeter (microns) or pages per centimeter (ppc)
color temperaturesee Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) and Spectral Power Distribution (SPD)
bulleta large dot preceding text to add emphasis.
estimateprice that states what a job will probably cost
neutral grayGray with no hue or cast.
javaA programming language that features animation.
mesoamericaThe region consisting of central and southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and the western parts of Honduras and Nicaragua that was the focus of complex, hierarchical states at the time of Spanish contact
galleyTypeset material before it has been arranged into page form.
lowest usable frequencyThe lowest frequency that allows reliable long-range HF radio communication by ionospheric refraction.
fanoutDistortion of paper on the press due to waviness in the paper caused by absorption of moisture at the edges of the paper, particularly across the grain.
aqua tintA printing process that uses the recessed areas of the plate; ideal for graded and even tones.
encapsulated postscript fileComputer file containing both images and PostScript commands
capacity planningThe process of determining the resources that an organization will need at a specific future period.
raster image processorthe hardware engine which calculates the bit-mapped image of text and graphics from a series of instructions
credenzaServing table with a cupboard below the surface
widowA single word or two left at the end of a paragraph, or a part of a sentence ending a paragraph, which loops over to the next page and stands alone
organdieA fine, translucent cotton fabric.
content reuseUsing existing content to develop new documents.
halationUnwanted exposure surrounding a photographic image caused by light scattered within the emulsion or reflected from the base
contextPerhaps the most important word in archaeology is context
70# uncoated textWe use 70# Lustre for stationery and envelopes and 70# Cougar Opaque Offset on calendars and newsletters
cool jazzmild style performed by bands of a moderate size, often including instruments not traditionally associated with jazz
belvedereA Belvedere is an architectural structure, such as a gallery or a gazebo
2k plusda Vinci color enhancement system capable of data, HDTV and SDTV processing
protestant reformationProtestant movement, led by Martin Luther, against certain tenets of the Catholic church
zitsCommon term to describe errors in digital pictures, which appear as random black or white dots.
chip cardA plastic card with an embedded computer chip
iso14000 standards registrationAn internationally recognized set of environmental management systems.
bedThe flat steel table of a cylinder printing press upon which the type sits during the printing process.
broadsheetA large-size printed piece (a metropolitan newspaper, for example) which is folded (but not slit or perfed) at the nose, then folded again at the half-fold
condensed typeA narrow, elongated type face.
curriboo plantationCurriboo Plantation is the name of an 18th century farming operation in South Carolina, in the southeastern United States.
running headA title that appears at the top of all pages in a book or pages in the chapter of a book.
web pressA press specifically designed to print rolls of paper called webs
koreGreek word for maiden; an Archaic Greek statue of a standing female, usually clothed.
cprCost performance report.
cropTo eliminate portions of copy or a photograph.
above the lineAdvertising through television, radio or published media is “above the line” expenditure
content managementThe processes and technologies that support digital information throughout its life cycle.
chac mool(Maya) A life-size stone figure in a reclining position, with flexed legs and head raised and turned to one side
metered musicorganization of rhythm into patterns of strong and weak beats
bfAn abbreviation for boldface, used to determine where boldface copy is to be used
photo creditA line that tells who shot a photograph.
image captureThe process of converting photographs or other artwork into digital data so that they can be used in computer-based layouts.
printing plateSurface carrying image to be printed.
saddle stitch/wireA method of assembling brochures in which the pages are opened over a saddle-shaped support and stitched through the back
ftpFile Transfer Protocol is the language computers speak to transfer files between systems over the Internet.
cacaoA bean of the cacao tree, native to Mesoamerica; used to make chocolate
captionthe line or lines of text that refer to information identifying a picture or illustration.
contact printPhotographic print made by exposing a negative in direct uniform contact with paper.
bearoffThe adjusting of type spacing in order to correct the line/paragraph justification.
apocalypse(a) a name for the last book of the New Testament, generally known as the Revelation of Saint John the Divine; (b) a prophetic revelation.
toolAny equipment, weapon, or object made by humans to change their environment.
drop shadowA shadow image placed behind an image to create the effect of the image lifting off the page.
deësisa tripartite icon in the Byzantine tradition, usually showing Christ enthroned between the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist.
d5Half inch cassette tape format for component digital video using CCIR 601 and HDTV, 4:2:2 video
ushnīshaa conventional identifying topknot of hair on an image of Shakyamuni Buddha, symbolic of his wisdom.
recitalperformance by a soloist or small ensemble
digital filmA generic term for film stored as digital data
colonial williamsburgThe town of Williamsburg, Virginia is important because of its role in United States history; and its role in presenting concrete images of the past to the public.
basket loaded fillThe result of mound building by dumping soil from a container such as a basket.
locomotionA method of animal movement, such as bipedalism.
spineThe back or binding edge of a book
file sizeThe total number of electronic pixels needed to create a digital image, measured in kilobytes
epsEncapsulated PostScript, A file format used to transfer PostScript image information from one program to another
dharmachakrasee mudrā.
chipboardInexpensive, single-ply cardboard, usually brown or gray.
amsAccelerator Mass Spectrometry is an absolute dating technique that measures the amount of carbon-14 in an organic object and provides a rough indication of its age
postal permitAn account that holds money at the post office for a mail owner.
oral traditionshistorical traditions (often genealogies or stories) passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.
bindingThe various methods used to secure loose leaves or sections in a book; e.g., saddle-stitch, perfect bound.
cloningA function on a CEPS used to duplicate a pixel or many pixels in another area of a picture
sidebara vertical bar positioned usually on the right hand side of the screen.
conservationMeasures taken to prolong the life of an object or document and its associated data as long as possible in its original form
band-e dukhtarBand-e Dukhtar is an irrigation works located in the Anatolian plain and likely dated to the Achaemenid dynasty.
pitch angleIn a plasma, the angle between the velocity vector of a charged particle and the direction of the ambient magnetic field.
selective bindingPlacing signatures or inserts in magazines or catalogs according to demographic or geographic guidelines.
acrylica fast-drying, water-based synthetic paint medium.
mousterianThe name given to a European stone-tool industry characterized by flakes struck from prepared cores, dating from about 150,000 until 35,000 years ago
gatherTo assemble folded signatures in proper sequence.
baud rateNumber of bits of information transmitted per second from one digital device to another.
reflectorAny device used to reflect light onto a subject to improve balance of exposure (contrast)
liquid gateA system by which film is temporarily coated with a layer of liquid at the moment of transfer to reduce the effect of surface faults such as scratches
infositeAn infosite is a dynamic, searchable web site about your business that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
creasingProcess of pressing or folding paper with a steel strip to create a straight line for folding.
sans serifa typeface that has no serifs (small strokes at the end of main stroke of the character).
card deckA mailing consisting of a series of postcards, each promoting a different product, service or program.
jpegA standardized image compression mechanism
baseThe support onto which printing plates are fixed.
headerInformation, such as page number or chapter title, that appears at the top of every page of a book.
cassCASS stands for Coding Accuracy Support System which is a service to improve the accuracy of addressing information including zip codes, carrier route data and more
gigoGarbage in, garbage out.
registerThe arrangement of two or more printed images in exact alignment with each other.
dot areaThe size of the dot is indicated by the percentage of the area it occupies from zero to one hundred percent.
agrobiologythe study of plant nutrition and growth in relation to soil conditions
size(1) Compound mixed with paper or fabric to make it stiffer and less able to absorb moisture
obsidian hydrationAbsolute dating technique that measures the microscopic amount of water absorbed on freshly broken obsidian surfaces
perchingThe development of falls or a cascade at a culvert outfall because of downstream erosion.
smearingThe smudging or streaking of ink on the printed piece caused by too much ink, machine parts of the press rubbing on the product, counterstacker parts rubbing on the product, delivery belts, or the smoothness of the finish of the stock being run.
keep standingto hold type or plates ready for reprints.
trim sizeThe size of the printed material in its finished stage (e.g., the finished trim size is 5 1/2 x 8 1/2).
-uptwo-up, three-up, etc
book paperGeneric term for coated and uncoated papers
aquarelleThe hand application of color, through stencils onto a printed picture.
press runThe number of pieces printed.
artifactA portable object manfactured, modified, or used by humans
unifacialA term describing a flaked stone tool in which only one face or side is retouched to make a sharp edge.
film masterDigital Vision/ Nucoda software color enhancement and conforming system
steepleCollective term for the tower and spire of a church.
metered mailA way of affixing postage to a piece of mail by a specific piece of equipment certified by the postal service.
dampener fountainAlternate term for Water fountain on a press.
hard dotsHalftone dots with no halos or soft edges, as compared to soft dots.
page proofProof of type and graphics as they will look on the finished page complete with elements such as headings, rules and folios.
folio or page numberNumbering of a page at the top or bottom and either centered, flushed left or flushed right.
criterion variableSee dependent variable.
dermatologythe field of medicine that deals with the skin
serekha rectangular outline containing the name of a king in the Early Dynastic period of ancient Egypt.
creepPhenomenon of middle pages of a folded signature extending slightly beyond outside pages
blind archAn arch without windows
interlaceA process in which the picture is split into two fields by sending all the odd numbered lines to field one and all the even numbered lines to field two
keylineslines on a mechanical or negative showing the exact size, shape and location of photographs or other graphic elements
monumentalbeing, or appearing to be, larger than life-sized.
petrologythe study of rocks and the conditions by which they form
conversion rateThe relationship between visitors to a web site and actions such as sales or requests to receive more information.
body stockPaper on which the text or main part of a publication is printed, as compared to cover stock.
bishopFrom Greek episkopos, "overseer." An ordained member of the church who has ultimate authority over all the churches in a diocese and has the power to ordain priests and administer confirmation.
pedologyThe science that deals with the study of soils.
ethernetA form of local area network specified by the IEEE, widely used for connecting computers and peripherals
chokeA slight size reduction of an opening into which an image will print.
plate-ready filmStripped negatives or positives fully prepared for platemaking.
flock paperPaper that is patterned by sizing, and than coated with powders of wool or cotton, (flock).
shadeHue made darker by the addition of black, as compared to tint.
caseboundTerm denoting a book bound with a stiff, or hard, cover
service bureauA business that provides manipulation and output of digital files, usually to a PostScript imagesetter.
column inchA way to measure the depth of text or ads; it's an area one column wide and one inch deep.
mound prominenceH-alpha structure at the solar limb that is the elevated top of numerous small surges and/or a dense, low-lying prominence.
recto pageThe right-hand or odd-numbered page of an open book or spread.
transeptThe areas of a church that extend out from its centre to form a cross-shape ground plan.
ttl: through the lensA system of providing viewing through the actual lens that takes the picture (as with a camera with an electronic viewfinder, LCD display, or single-lens reflex viewing), or calculation of exposure or focus based on the view through the lens.
backgroundThat portion of a photograph or line art drawing that appears furthest from the eye; the surface upon which the main image is superimposed.
artboardAlternate term for Mechanical.
yuvThe Luminance and Color difference signals in the PAL system
perfecting pressA printing press that prints on both sides of a sheet in a single pass through the press.
acid free paperPaper made from pulp containing little or no acid so it resists deterioration from age
hydriaan ancient Greek or Roman water jar.
cromalinBrand name of DuPont materials used to make off-press color proofs
zooarchaeologyThe study and analysis of osteological remains used in reconstructing the subsistence strategies of past peoples.
purlinHorizontal beam in a roof providing intermediate support to the rafters.
bitc“Burned In Time Code”
cane chairFirst produced in England
magnetometerA proton magnetometer is a search tool detecting iron
insertA piece of printed material that is inserted into another piece of printed material, such as a magazine or catalog.
hot shoeA clip on the top of the camera that attaches a flash unit and provides an electrical link to synchronize the flash with the camera shutter.
sheetSingle piece of paper.
cost per impressionA payment model in which a web advertising network charges an advertiser based on the number of times an advertisement is displayed, even if no one clicks on it
rock artincludes pictographs (designs painted on stone surfaces) and petroglyphs (designs pecked or incised on stone surfaces).
streaming mediaWeb technologies that let viewers hear and see audio and video data as it arrives, rather than waiting for an entire file to download.
botanistA person who pursues the scientific study of the structure, growth, and identification of plants.
backstep marksMarks printed on signatures that indicate where the final fold will occur
cenotesNatural waterfilled holes on the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
typeIn archaeology, a grouping of artifacts identified as distinct or created for comparison with other groups
constraintA limitation outside the control of the project team that will affect the performance of the project or when an activity can be scheduled.
aboriginal peoplesThe term aboriginal peoples or, more simply aborigines, is an anthropological term referring generally to the native people of an area, in contrast to invading or colonizing peoples.
keylineA thin border around a picture or box indicating where to place pictures
slave unitAn accessory flash unit that supplements the main flash, usually triggered electronically when the slave senses the light output by the main unit.
night stairA staircase used by the monks to enter a church directly from their dormitory in order to attend late night and early morning services.
moveable typeThe individual metal or wooden type characters that are taken from the typecase, arranged to form words and sentences, and then returned to the case for reuse later.
opacityQuality of papers that defines its opaqueness or ability to prevent two-sided printing from showing through.
m.y.a.Abbreviation for millions of years ago.
tympanuma lunette over the doorway of a church, often decorated with sculpture.
polygynousHaving more than one mate.
ideologythe study of ideas throughout society both socially,politically,historically and literary
capacity managementAs applied to information systems, activities of planning, monitoring, and adjusting a configuration of equipment and software to process data at levels needed by users.
cultural diversityEthnic, gender, racial, and socioeconomic variety in a multicultural group, institution, or situation.
stop cockA valve on a gas or water supply pipe which is used to cut off the supply.
italicType with sloping letters.
autochrome paperCoated papers that are regarded as exceptional for multi-colored printing jobs.
mowMovie Of the Week
railroad boardA thick, coated paper, generally waterproofed, often used to create signs.
astacologythe study of crayfish
dutch dresserA cabinet with oopen shelves on upper portion, drawers or cupboard below.
inking systemThe section of a lithographic press that controls the distribution of ink to the plate.
justificationMechanically spacing out lines of text so they're all even along both right and left margins.
tock orderOrder for paper that a mill or merchant sends to a printer from inventory at a warehouse, as compared to a mill order.
soilsDeposits that form in place from the weathering of (parent) material
cytologythe study of cell|s
palynologythe study of pollen
social contextInterpretations of an artifact's technical production and use, its value to the people who used it, and perhaps how and if the object symbolized those peoples' ideology.
promotional modelAn inexpensive model that creates the illusion of value through sweepstakes, games, punch cards, stickers, charity, collectibles and affinity.
blanketRubber-surfaced pad, mounted on a cylinder of an offset press, to which the inked image is transferred and then transferred to the paper.
light tableTranslucent glass surface lit from below, used by production artists and strippers.
open shopA shop that does not require its workers to join or belong to a union.
makeover1) New design replacing an old design
smogdense smoky fog
gothick A term describing buildings and design from the earliest phase of the Gothic Revival, from the mid eighteenth century onwards
onlineBeing connected to the Internet.
capital programmingAn integrated process within US Government agencies for planning, budgeting, procurement, and management of the agency’s portfolio of capital assets to achieve agency strategic goals and objectives with the lowest life-cycle cost and least risk.
signature proofKodak’s proofing system, negative/positive, on most stocks.
bleachChemical for removing the metallic silver image from developed color emulsions.
e groupAn arrangement of buildings designed to mark the position of the rising sun during important solar events, such as equinoxes and solstices, in Mesoamerica.
chaurīa royal fly-whisk, symbolically honoring the Buddha.
trapped white spaceAn empty area, inside a story design or photo spread, that looks awkward or clumsy.
flush leftElements aligned so they're all even along their left margin.
anesthesiologythe study of anesthesia and anesthetics; a branch of medicine
stockThe paper to be printed on
resolutionSharpness of an image
dpiStands for Dots Per Inch, a measure of printing or video dot density, Specifically, it is the number of individual dots that can be placed in a line within the span of 1 inch.
clientThe entity on whose behalf a technical communication product is created.
syncopationoccurrence of accents in unexpected places
zigguratA rectangular stepped tower using pyramid forms to attain height.
copyrightLegal protection for stories, photos or artwork, to discourage unauthorized reproduction.
fade1) A dissolve to black or white
extremely low frequencyThat portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 30 to 3000 Hz.
cost varianceThe difference between planned cost and actual cost of work performed
comal(Spanish) A flat, ceramic griddle used for cooking tortillas.
signatureA printed sheet with multiple pages on it that is folded so that the pages are in their proper numbered sequence, as in a book.
archive1) Deep storage of master material under controlled conditions
crystalA high-quality glass made with oxide of lead, rather than soda, making it harder, clearer, brighter, and easier to cut than ordinary glass.
ccir 656CCIR Recommendation 656
cohort studiesResearch studies that collect information about the same individuals at regular intervals over a period of time, from months to decades.
postmodernA term used to describe the period of art which followed the modern period, i.e., from the 1950's until recently
viewing boothSmall area or room that is set up for proper viewing of press sheets
bars1) Places that serve alcohol and are coincidentally frequented by off duty colorists
valcamonicaValcamonica is the name of a valley in northern Italy that is home to numerous rock art sites, some as early as the Upper Paleolithic and into the Iron Age.
plasmasphereIn the magnetosphere, a region of relatively cool (low energy) and dense plasma that may be considered an outer extension of the ionosphere with which it is coupled
spineBack or binding edge of a publication
jogTo shake a stack of papers or books, either on a machine or by hand, so that the edges line up.
pal“Phase Alternating Line”
cost analysisThe review and evaluation of the separate cost elements and proposed profit of a contractor's cost or pricing data
nomeA geographic province incorporated within the ancient Egyptian state.
foreshorteningPerspective applied to a single object in an image, for a three-dimensional effect, which often results in distortion with possible emotional overtones
ipInternet Protocol is the language that allows computers to communicate over the Internet, defining how data is cut up into packets and addressed in order to reach its destination.
printer spreadsMechanicals made so they are imposed for printing, as compared to reader spreads.
electronic retouchingUsing a computer to enhance or correct a scanned photograph.
soft benefitAn intangible consideration extended to a member as evidence of the member's special status, and it usually takes the form of some sort of special treatment (special access, special deals/discounts, special experiences), often requiring little or no out-of-pocket funding by the sponsor.
screen tintColor created by dots instead of solid ink coverage
mock-upA rough representation of a printed piece or design indicating size, color, typestyle and other graphic elements
jump lineType telling the reader that a story is continued from another page.
pastelPigments mixed with gum and water, and pressed into a dried stick form for use as crayons
analog videoVideo system of continuous variable electrical waves, whose size and shape contain essential picture information
coated paperPaper with a coating of clay that improves ink holdout.
coverageThe coverage of ink on a sheet, typically expressed as heavy, medium, or light.
archaeozoologyThe study of
scourUnderwater erosion of a stream bottom or bank or at a drainage structure outflow.
configuration control boardA group of people responsible for evaluating and approving/disapproving proposed changes to configuration items, and for ensuring implementation of approved changes.
tagged image file formatComputer file format used to store images from scanners and video devices
finalcolorThe place to go for information about colorists and color enhancement
editTo alter content of a film or video by addition or subtraction of material
loyalty marketingA multi-faceted marketing discipline intended to improve financial performance by increasing the lifetime value of a company's customer base over the long term.
opaqueA quality of paper that allows relatively little light to pass through.
clergyChurch leaders who have been formally ordained into the ministry.
color management systemsElectronic characterization, calibration and control systems that help to assure color consistency and accuracy throughout the print production process from scanning through previewing on screen and proofing to reproduction on press.
piphilologythe mnemonic practice of writing sentences such that the numbers of letters in the words correspond to the consecutive digits of pi
archAn open bottomed road stream crossing structure usually formed of bolted structural plates.
estimated kpEstimated 3-hourly Kp indices are derived in real time from a network of western hemisphere ground-based magnetometers
direct mailAdvertising mailed to targeted markets.
confidentialityAn agreement that information shared during a dispute resolution process is private and not to be revealed to anyone outside the process.
off-shore sheetTerm used in the United States and Canada for paper made overseas.
porphyryAn igneous rock with visible quartz or feldspar crystals embedded in a finer-grained base.
planea surface on which a straight line joining any two of its points lies on that surface; in general, a flat surface.
quotesWords spoken by someone in a story
raster image processorDevice that translates page description commands into bitmapped information for an output device such as a laser printer or imagesetter.
c1s and c2sAbbreviations for “coated one side” and “coated two sides” referring to a type of paper.
drop-outParts of originals that will not produce
exposureThe quantity of light that is allowed to act on a photographic material
b-angleAs viewed from the Earth, the heliographic latitude of the center of the solar disk
hard copyCopy on a substrate, such as film or paper, as compared to soft copy.
m m weightWeight of 1,000 sheets of paper in any specific size.
tonesound with specific pitch, produced by a constant rate of vibration of the sound-producing medium
byteA measurement unit equal to 8 bits of digital information
co loaCo Loa is an archaeological site in Vietnam, and it was the capital of the Au Lac kingdom during the third century BC.
change orderUnilateral written order issued to a contractor to modify contractual requirements within the general scope of the contract
fitThe registration of items within a given page.
art paperA paper evenly coated with a fine clay compound creating a hard smooth surface on one or both sides.
charge-coupled deviceA component of an electronic scanner that digitizes images
alidadeAn optical surveying instrument used in combination with a plane table to map a
nosologythe study of disease classification
trim sizeThe size of the printed material in its finished stage (e.g., the finished trim size is 5 1\2 x 8 1\2).
agoraAn open-air place of congregation in an ancient Greek city, generally the public square or marketplace, that served as a political, civic, religious, and commercial center
auroral ovalAn elliptical band around each geomagnetic pole ranging from about 75 degrees magnetic latitude at local noon to about 67 degrees magnetic latitude at midnight under average conditions
catachresisA harsh metaphor involving the use of a word beyond its strict definition
coverThe front, back and spine of a book are considered the cover and should be set-up to print on one page
bounce(1) a repeating registration problem in the printing stage of production
magnetic bayA relatively smooth excursion of the H (horizontal) component (see geomagnetic elements) of the geomagnetic field away from and returning to quiet levels
ligatureIn typography, two or more characters designed as a distinct unit and commonly available as a single character
radiocarbon datinga method of dating prehistoric objects based on the rate of degeneration of radioactive carbon in organic materials.
jpeg“Joint Photographic Experts Group.” A standard for compressing still pictures.
typography1) The art and science of composing type to make it legible, readable and pleasing.  2) The arrangement of type on a page.
entasisthe slight bulging of a Doric column, which is at its greatest about one third of the distance from the base.
pulmonologythe specialty in medicine that deals with diseases of the lungs and the respiratory tract
actinic lightLight that exposes a coating or emulsion.
indentA part of a column set in a narrower width
acropolisThe "high point" or citadel of an ancient Greek city, like the Acropolis in Athens
tabloidNewsletter with trim size 11" x 17" or A3.
insertA printed piece prepared for insertion into a publication or another printed piece.
caseCovers and spine that, as a unit, enclose the pages of a casebound book.
postnetAn acronym for Postal Numeric Encoding Technique, the bar code system for encoding ZIP Codes on letter-size and flat-size mailpieces.
traceryAn ornamental configuration of curved mullions in a Gothic sash.
xylologythe study of wood
solidAny area of the sheet receiving 100 percent ink coverage.
self coverA cover made out of the same paper stock as the internal sheets.
gsmGrams per square metre
classicalClassical architecture refers to the building styles of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece
positiveFilm that contains an image with the same tonal values as the original; opposite of a negative.
film gaugeThickness of film
scsi“Small Computer Systems Interface” A general purpose parallel interface used to connect computers or peripherals.
stone boilingThe process of heating stones in a fire and then adding them to containers to boil water or cook other foods.
alternateAn Alternate is leaves, buds or shoots that occur at the node of the plant.
fountain solutionA mixture of water and chemicals that dampens a printing plate to prevent ink from adhering to the non-image areas.
round back bindTo bind with a curved spine rather than a flat spine.
spot varnishVarnish applied only to certain portions of a sheet to highlight those areas.
celtA small axe-like type of stone implement usually held in the hand used for working wooden materials
mikeTo measure the thickness of a sheet of paper using a micrometer.
chengbeixi cultureChengbeixi culture is the name given to an early developmental Neolithic paddy rice agriculture village culture in the Yangtze River of China, between about 7000-5000 BC.
pyramidiona small pyramid, as at the top of an obelisk.
tonal systemsystem of harmony based on the major and minor scales that has dominated Western music since the seventeenth century
kiteA hawk-like bird
abrasive stoneUsually a sandstone slab used for grinding and polishing.
zooarchaeologythe study of animal remains (bones, shell, teeth, etc.) in archaeology to understand human diet, subsistence practices, and site formation processes among other topics.
conspicuityThe characteristics of a graphic element that enable people to differentiate that element from its surrounding environment.
final countNumber of printed pieces delivered and charged for.
cuneiformThe first system of writing in human history, developed in ancient Mesopotamia, which used a reed to impress wedge-shaped marks onto the surface of clay tablets
offsetThe most common type of printing methods
aymara cultureThe Aymara are a modern cultural group of the Andes in Peru, and the descendants of the Tiwanaku Empire in the Lake Titicaca region of Bolivia and Peru (400-1500 AD).
reverseThe opposite of what you see
embossA process performed after printing to stamp a raised (or depressed) image into the surface of paper, using engraved metal embossing dies, extreme pressure, and heat
minareta tall, slender tower attached to a mosque, from which the muezzin calls the Muslim faithful to prayer.
sonata(1) in the 15th and 16th centuries, an instrumental composition to be sounded on instruments rather than sung, (2) in the Baroque, a multimovement composition for one or two solo instruments accompanied by continuo, (3) after the Baroque, a multimovement composition for one or two solo instruments
colonial archaeologyIn North America, defined as a division of Historical Archaeology concerned with European colonization of the New World and with interactions between native inhabitants, Europeans and Africans from about A.D
quotePrice offered by a printer to produce a specific job, thus alternate for estimate
perfecting pressPress capable of printing both sides of the paper during a single pass
microbladea long narrow blade, usually less than 2 inches long.
hyder flareA filament-associated two-ribbon flare, often occurring in spotless regions
caseThe covers of a hardbound book.
wide-angle lensLens with a focal length much shorter than the diagonal of the format for which it is designed to be used
patinaA surface texture produced by age, wear or rubbing.
harmonysimultaneous sounding of two or more different tones conceived as a unit
real timeTransactions that occur at present
bylineThe reporter's name, usually at the beginning of a story.
headerinformation, such as page number or chapter title, that appears at the top of every page of a newsletter.
book blockA term given the unfinished stage of bookmaking when the pages are folded, gathered and stitched-in but not yet cover bound.
postscriptA printer or display language that defines program or application output.
facadeThe face, or front, of a building.
aksumAksum was the name of a kingdom and capital city in what is now Ethiopia of the 1st through 6th century AD.
aerial perspectivea technique for creating the illusion of distance by the use of less distinct contours and a reduction in color intensity.
endorsement serviceEndorsements are tools that allow mailers to keep track of customers when they change locations
enzymologythe study of enzymes
coconut domesticationThe coconut was independently domesticated twice, and spread throughout the world's tropics by seafaring explorers, beginning some 3,000 years ago.
mpeg-3“Moving Picture Experts Group”
cucuteni cultureThe Cucuteni culture is a Neolithic/Chalcolithic civilization dated to 5400-2750 BC.
zip fileZipping a file compresses one or more files into a smaller archive
draw-downA method used by ink makers to determine the color, quality and tone of ink
riskThe chance of failure.
stilettoA high, narrow shoe heel that originated in Italy during the 1950s, it derives its name from a thin sword used for dueling.
geomagnetically induced currentA quasi-DC current induced into long conductors such as electrical transmission lines or pipe lines.  This occurs during geomagnetic storms at the Earth due to the movement of the field lines in the vicinity of the conductors.
columnA vertical, usually circular pillar, generally used as a support for a beam or other structure, such as an entablature.
crop markslines near the edges of an image indicating portions to be reproduced
a/d“Analog-to-Digital Converter”
canopicrelating to the city of Canopus in ancient Egypt.
issue dateyear, month or date on which a newsletter was mailed or released.
pressure-sensitiveSelf-adhesive paper covered by a backing sheet.
evolutionarily significant unitPopulations that share a common ancestor, but that have been demographically independent for long enough that they no longer share mitochondrial DNA haplotypes.
key plateNegative or plate that prints the most detail (usually black) and to which other plates are aligned.
hdr“High Dynamic Range”
prêt-à-porterA French term meaning "ready to wear," referring to garments that are not made to measure, but are sold off the rack in a variety of standard sizes.
intensitythe degree of purity of a color; also known as chroma or saturation.
three-dimensionalhaving height, width, and depth.
rasterizationThe process of converting mathematical and digital information (vector commands) into a series of dots by an output device.
featherTo fade the borders of an image element so that it blends more smoothly with another layer.
dedicated telephone linesSpecially leased lines than provide constant and direct access to a network at high speeds (1.544 or 45 Mbps).
registerThe arrangement of two or more images in exact alignment with each other.
board paperGeneral term for paper over 110# index, 80# cover or 200 gsm that is commonly used for products such as file folders, displays and post cards
asymmetricalcharacterized by asymmetry, or lack of balance, in the arrangement of parts or components.
ei“Exposure Index”
arri laserLaser Recorder made by Arri
aztalanAztalan is a large Mississippian site located near Lake Mills in the state of Wisconsin of the midwestern USA.
touch platePlate that accents or prints a color that four-color process printing cannot reproduce well enough or at all
collegiate churchA church governed by a chapter of canons, but not a cathedral.
font familiesA font is one size and face of type
autochrome paperCoated papers considered a superior medium for color printing jobs.
rasterTo convert mathematical and digital information into a series of dots by an imagesetter or recorder as digital data that will be used for output.
career managementThe active and ongoing process of competency and aspiration assessment, career planning, and career guidance as related to current and future personal and/or organizational needs.
broken pedimenta pediment over a door, window or on a gable with cornices ending before they meet at the top; a finial is often placed in the center.
medium screenScreen with ruling of 133 or 150 lines per inch.
strippingAssembling negatives in flats in preparation for making printing plates.
macrobladeA large BLADE, greater than 5 cm in length.
catalog paperCoated paper rated #4 or #5 with basis weight from 35# to 50# (50 to 75 gsm) commonly used for catalogs and magazines.
120# gloss coverWe offer this high-quality, thick 14 pt stock on all of our card products
color correctionAdjusting the color balance and contrast of an image to compensate for unwanted flaws or deficiencies in a capture or conversion process, so that the image more closely matches the original
predellaPedestal or lower part of a retable.
trackingAdjustment of spacing between characters and words.
xlrA large professional connector, mostly used for balanced audio equipment.
business process re-engineeringThe strategic analysis of business processes and the planning and implementation of improved business processes.
somnologythe study of sleep, also: hypnology
downstyleA headline style that capitalizes only the first word and proper nouns.
stationery term that outlines basic company identity documents: Letterhead, Continuation Sheets and Compliment Slips
black letterAn old style of typeface used in Germany in the 15th century, also referred to as Old English (US) and Gothic (UK).
electrostatic dischargeAn abrupt equalization of electric potentials
grafNewsroom slang for "paragraph."
headerA special label for any regularly appearing section, page or story; also called a standing head.
ghostingImage which appears as a lighter area on a subsequent print due to local blanket depressions from previous image areas on a letterpress rotary machine as well as on an offset press.
modular layoutA design system that views a page as a stack of rectangles.
hypertextA computer-based text retrieval system that enables a user to access particular locations in Web pages or other electronic documents by clicking on links within specific Web pages or documents.
composite videoA video signal where the different elements (luminance and chrominance), have been encoded to form one combined signal
compositionthe arrangement of formal elements in a work of art.
solar x-ray imagerFull disk soft x-ray (0.6-6 nm) imager flown on many of the GOES geosynchronous weather satellites.
index bristolA relatively thick paper stock.
sideboardTable with a wide drawer at the center flanked by drawers or cupboards on the sides and made to be used against a dining room wall for storing and serving food.
pickingUndesirable phenomenon of bits of fiber or coating coming loose from paper during printing.
cropTo eliminate portions of an image or photograph or other original that are not required to be printed
jettyThe overhanging or projecting part of a timber-framed building.
preludeshort independent or introductory piece for keyboard
centrally plannedradiating from a central point.
copper breast ornamenta piece of pounded natural copper
monadologya book by Leibniz on the study of his theory of monads.
buddhologythe study of the nature of Buddha
outsourceTo buy a service from an outside vendor rather than performing the service in house.
usbA high-speed serial communication method commonly used to connect digital cameras and other devices to a computer.
featureA non-hard-news story (a profile, preview, quiz, etc.) often given special design treatment.
bfAn abbreviation for boldface; used to determine where boldface copy is to be used
photomicrographA photograph of a microscopic object, taken through a microscope.
loggiaa roofed gallery open on one or more sides, often with arches or columns.
achromaticThe non-colors..
consumer segmentA group of individual consumers who have like characteristics such that they can be communicated with in the same way.
previewDesignated time for prospective bidders to view and inspect the lots to be offered at auction.
grainyAppearance of a photograph or halftone that has been enlarged so much that the pattern of pixels can be seen in the photo.
panelA section of a page created by a fold in the paper
algonquin cultureThe Algonquin was a proto-historic and historic cultural group of the eastern North American continent at the time of the first European settlement.
loose leaf- Method of binding which allows the insertion and removal of pages for continuous updating.
madonnaPicture of the Virgin Mary with the Baby Jesus
variablecosts Costs that change depending on how many pieces are produced.
encapsulated postscript fileEncapsulated Post Script, is a file format usually used to transfer graphic images within compatible applications
problems in ethnoarchaeologySeminar on selected topics relating to ethnoarchaeology.
configuration identificationAn element of configuration management, consisting of selecting the configuration items for a system and recording their functional and physical characteristics in technical documentation.
haematologythe study of blood
reticuleA small handbag formed in any number of shapes (hearts, etc.), highly fashionable among ladies toward the end of the 18th century.
inflorescenceThe flowering part of a plant.
gildingSticking on gold leaf to edges of books with a liquid agent and made permanent with burnishing tools.
relative chronologytemporal estimates based on the law of superposition, the presence of artifacts known to be time markers, obsidian hydration measurements, or seriation.
solo mailingA mailing that promotes only one product.
moireA pattern created by printing several repetitive designs on top of each other
fitRefers to ability of film to be registered during stripping and assembly