Glossary extracted starting with manual seeds, with PTM for the domain hel and language EN

acetyl groupA small molecule made of two carbon, three hydrogen, and one oxygen atoms
agent studyIn cancer prevention, a clinical trial that studies whether taking certain medicines, vitamins, minerals, or food supplements can prevent cancer
antisocialDescribes behavior that ignores the rights of others and the practices and laws of society.
gameteTerm for either a sperm or egg
radiologistA doctor who specializes in creating and interpreting pictures of areas inside the body
abx-egfA human monoclonal antibody that is being used to treat colorectal cancer that has spread to other parts of the body
arousalThe state of being alert and ready to respond, or waking from sleep.
ae-941A substance made from shark cartilage that is being studied for its ability to prevent the growth of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow
aromaticHaving an odor, which often is pleasant or spicy.
ancestimA substance that causes blood stem cells (cells from which other types of cells develop) to change into different types of blood cells and increases the number and actions of these cells in the blood
azqAn anticancer drug that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and kill cancer cells in the central nervous system
alcarA form of the natural substance carnitine that is being studied as a way to prevent tissue damage caused by chemotherapy
anllAn aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone marrow and blood
asc-usAbnormal cells from the outer walls of the cervix (the lower, narrow end of the uterus)
autoimmune diseaseA condition in which the body recognizes its own tissues as foreign and directs an immune response against them.
adenosisA disease or abnormal change in a gland
aspergillosisAn infectious fungal disease that occurs most often in the skin, ears, nasal sinuses, and lungs of people with suppressed immune systems.
spinal cancerCancer that begins in the spinal column (backbone) or spinal cord
anesthesiaA loss of feeling or awareness caused by drugs or other substances
anesthesiologistA doctor who specializes in giving drugs or other agents to prevent or relieve pain during surgery or other procedures being done in the hospital.
aerobic respirationA chemical process in which oxygen is used to make energy from carbohydrates (sugars)
anterior mediastinotomyA procedure in which a tube is inserted into the chest to view the tissues and organs in the area between the lungs and between the breastbone and heart
ag337A substance that is being studied in the treatment of liver cancer
armdA condition in which there is a slow breakdown of cells in the center of the retina (the light-sensitive layers of nerve tissue at the back of the eye)
antisense dnaSmall pieces of DNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA and block the cell's ability to use the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways
actosA drug that is used to treat type 2 diabetes and is being studied in the prevention of head and neck cancer
actinexA drug put on the skin to treat growths caused by sun exposure
allelic heterogeneityDifferent mutations in the same gene that cause different phenotypic manifestations or severity of disease.
anti-cd22 immunotoxinA monoclonal antibody linked to a toxic substance
sperm motilityThe ability of sperm to swim
agnogenic myeloid metaplasiaA progressive, chronic disease in which the bone marrow is replaced by fibrous tissue and blood is made in organs such as the liver and the spleen, instead of in the bone marrow
avodartA drug used to treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland
adrenal medullaThe inner part of the adrenal gland (a small organ on top of each kidney)
aldaraA drug used to treat early basal cell skin cancer and certain other skin conditions
amitriptyline hydrochlorideA drug that is used to treat depression and may be given to treat anxiety, sleep disorders, and pain
aqueousHaving to do with water.
aminoglycoside antibioticA substance that works against many types of bacteria and includes streptomycin, gentamicin, and neomycin
agglutininA substance that makes particles (such as bacteria or cells) stick together to form a clump or a mass.
analgesicA drug that reduces pain
amelanotic melanomaA type of skin cancer in which the cells do not make the pigment melanin
follow-upMonitoring a person's health over time after treatment
afpA protein normally produced by a fetus
anticonvulsantA drug or other substance used to prevent or stop seizures or convulsions
lymphedemaRefers to swelling that generally occurs in one of your arms or legs
accelerated radiation therapyRadiation treatment in which the total dose of radiation is given over a shorter period of time (fewer days) compared to standard radiation therapy.
acupuncturistA person trained in acupuncture (therapy that uses thin needles inserted through the skin at specific points on the body to control pain and other symptoms)
acute myelogenous leukemiaAn aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone marrow and blood
altretamineAn anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called alkylating agents.
allogenicTaken from different individuals of the same species
acetaminophenA drug that reduces pain and fever (but not inflammation)
ascusAbnormal cells from the outer walls of the cervix (the lower, narrow end of the uterus)
atypiaState of being not typical or normal
asbestosA group of minerals that take the form of tiny fibers
aromatherapyA type of complementary and alternative medicine that uses plant oils that give off strong pleasant aromas (smells) to promote relaxation, a sense of well-being, and healing.
antifungalA drug that treats infections caused by fungi.
clinicianA health professional who takes care of patients
aspirinA drug that reduces pain, fever, inflammation, and blood clotting
adenineA chemical compound that is used to make one of the building blocks of DNA and RNA
apcA type of immune cell that boosts immune responses by showing antigens on its surface to other cells of the immune system
antibodyA protein made by plasma cells (a type of white blood cell) in response to an antigen (a substance that causes the body to make a specific immune response)
argon beam coagulator ablationA procedure that destroys tissue with an electrical current passed through a stream of argon gas to the tissue
affinity reagentIn chemistry and biology, a compound that binds specific substances, such as proteins or nucleic acids
assisted reproductive technologyA term used to describe collectively a number of noncoital methods of conception that are used to treat infertility with donor or nondonor eggs and sperm including in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)
alvocidibA substance being studied in the treatment of several types of cancer
antineoplastic antibioticA type of anticancer drug that blocks cell growth by interfering with DNA, the genetic material in cells
antiandrogen therapyA substance that prevents cells from making or using androgens (hormones that play a role in the formation of male sex characteristics)
autosomal recessiveAutosomal recessive inheritance refers to genetic conditions that occur only when mutations are present in both copies of a given gene (i.e., the person is homozygous for a mutation, or carries two different mutations of the same gene, a state referred to as compound heterozygosity).
angioplastyA procedure to enlarge the opening in a blood vessel that has become narrowed or blocked by plaque (a buildup of fat and cholesterol on the inner wall of the blood vessel)
x-rayA type of high-energy radiation
aerobic metabolismA chemical process in which oxygen is used to make energy from carbohydrates (sugars)
anagrelideA drug that is used to decrease the number of platelets in the blood in order to prevent blood clotting.
alhA benign (not cancer) condition in which there are more cells than normal in the breast lobules and the cells look abnormal under a microscope
antisense agentSmall pieces of DNA or RNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA
arthralgiaJoint pain.
agusA term that has been used to describe abnormal cells that come from glands in the walls of the cervix (the lower, narrow end of the uterus)
agonistA drug that triggers an action from a cell or another drug.
avageA drug used on the skin to treat several skin conditions
abnormalNot normal
dnaThe molecules inside cells that carry genetic information and pass it from one generation to the next
aldesleukinA drug used to treat some types of cancer
autophagyA normal process in which a cell destroys proteins and other substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside the cell membrane but outside the nucleus), which may lead to cell death
alopeciaThe lack or loss of hair from areas of the body where hair is usually found
acetyl-l-carnitineA form of the natural substance carnitine that is being studied as a way to prevent tissue damage caused by chemotherapy
antiepilepticA drug or other substance used to prevent or stop seizures or convulsions
alkalinizationA chemical that can dissolve in water, combine with acids to form salts, and make acids less acidic
addictionUncontrollable craving, seeking, and use of a substance such as a drug or alcohol.
ahaOne of a group of substances that are found in several types of fruit and in milk
armsA soft tissue tumor that is most common in older children and teenagers
aerobicIn biochemistry, reactions that need oxygen to happen or happen when oxygen is present.
alanine transferaseAn enzyme found in the liver and other tissues
arteryA blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to tissues and organs in the body.
antiangiogenicHaving to do with reducing the growth of new blood vessels.
acute painPain that comes on quickly, can be severe, but lasts a relatively short time.
anemiaA condition in which the number of red blood cells is below normal.
adrenal cancerCancer that forms in the tissues of the adrenal glands (two glands located just above the kidneys)
auricularHaving to do with the ear.
aldehydeA type of chemical substance made from alcohol
acute myeloblastic leukemiaAn aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone marrow and blood
antianxiety agentA drug used to treat symptoms of anxiety, such as feelings of fear, dread, uneasiness, and muscle tightness, that may occur as a reaction to stress
at/rtAn aggressive cancer of the central nervous system, kidney, or liver that occurs in very young children
androgen receptor positiveDescribes cells that have a protein that binds to androgens (male hormones)
antibioticA drug used to treat infections caused by bacteria and other microorganisms.
antidepressantA drug used to treat depression.
achlorhydriaA lack of hydrochloric acid in the digestive juices in the stomach
androgen suppressionTreatment to suppress or block the production or action of male hormones
tumorAn abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should
antiparasiticA drug used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites
accolateA drug used to prevent and treat symptoms of asthma
anxiolyticA drug used to treat symptoms of anxiety, such as feelings of fear, dread, uneasiness, and muscle tightness, that may occur as a reaction to stress
att/rhtAn aggressive cancer of the central nervous system, kidney, or liver that occurs in very young children
abo blood group systemA system used to group human blood into different types, based on the presence or absence of certain markers on the surface of red blood cells
anabolic steroidA type of steroid that is used in medicine to repair body tissues and to increase appetite and the growth of muscles
atypical lobular hyperplasiaA benign (not cancer) condition in which there are more cells than normal in the breast lobules and the cells look abnormal under a microscope
anusThe opening of the rectum to the outside of the body.
anatomicHaving to do with anatomy (the study of the structure of a plant or animal).
aromatherapy infusionThe process of heating (without boiling) a mixture of water and an essential oil (scented liquid taken from a plant) to release a pleasant aroma
alveoliTiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles in the lungs.
accelerated-fraction radiation therapyRadiation treatment in which the total dose of radiation is divided into small doses and the treatments are given more than once a day
antiprogestinA substance that prevents cells from making or using progesterone (a hormone that plays a role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy)
anterior pelvic exenterationSurgery to remove the urethra, lower part of the ureters, uterus, cervix, vagina, and bladder.
aloxiA drug used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer treatment
acidityRefers to the amount of acid in a substance
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicityA type of immune reaction in which a target cell or microbe is coated with antibodies and killed by certain types of white blood cells
antagonistIn medicine, a substance that stops the action or effect of another substance
allergic responseA hypersensitive immune reaction to a substance that normally is harmless or would not cause an immune response in most people
anorexia nervosaAn abnormal loss of the appetite for food
attenuatedWeakened or thinned
antifolateA substance that blocks the activity of folic acid
trigeminal neuralgiaA nerve disorder that causes a stabbing or electric-shock-like pain in parts of the face
adderallA combination of drugs used as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy (a sleep disorder)
avn944A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer
amanita phalloidesA type of poisonous mushroom that has harmful effects on the kidneys and liver
definitive treatmentThe treatment plan for a disease or disorder that has been chosen as the best one for a patient after all other choices have been considered
adverse effectAn unexpected medical problem that happens during treatment with a drug or other therapy
alpha-blockerA substance that relaxes muscle tissue in blood vessels and in the prostate gland, which improves the flow of urine and blood
artificial pacemakerAn electronic device that is implanted in the body to monitor heart rate and rhythm
atelectasisFailure of the lung to expand (inflate) completely
arsenicA poisonous chemical used to kill weeds and pests
anatomistA person who specializes in anatomy (the study of the structures of animals or plants).
ampullaA sac-like enlargement of a canal or duct.
a33A type of monoclonal antibody used in cancer detection or therapy
arctiinA substance found in certain plants, including burdock
amphotericin bA drug used in the treatment of infections caused by fungi
apo-2lA cell protein that can attach to certain molecules in some cancer cells and may kill the cells
ar+Describes cells that have a protein that binds to androgens (male hormones)
abdomenThe area of the body that contains the pancreas, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and other organs.
acaphaA mixture of six herbs that has been used in China to prevent and treat diseases such as lung and esophageal cancers
antidiarrhealA substance used to treat diarrhea (frequent and watery bowel movements).
anestheticA drug or other substance that causes a loss of feeling or awareness
adjuvant therapyTreatment given after the primary treatment to increase the chances of a cure
androgen ablationA type of hormone that promotes the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics.
adverse eventAn unexpected medical problem that happens during treatment with a drug or other therapy
antiretroviral therapyTreatment with drugs that inhibit the ability of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other types of retroviruses to multiply in the body.
3-dimensionalA graphic display of depth, width, and height
acromegalyA condition in which the pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone after normal growth of the skeleton is finished
adrenocorticalHaving to do with or made by the outer layer of the adrenal gland, which produces steroid hormones
amygdalinA substance found in the pits of many fruits such as apricots and papayas, and in other foods
abvdAn abbreviation for a chemotherapy combination used to treat Hodgkin lymphoma
allograftThe transplant of an organ, tissue, or cells from one individual to another individual of the same species who is not an identical twin.
adenomaA noncancerous tumor that starts in gland-like cells of the epithelial tissue (thin layer of tissue that covers organs, glands, and other structures within the body).
alterationA change resulting in something that is different from the original.
angelica rootThe root of any of a group of herbs called Angelica
attributable riskProportion of a disease in exposed individuals that can be attributed to an exposure
anaphylactic shockA severe and sometimes life-threatening immune system reaction to an antigen that a person has been previously exposed to
assistive deviceA tool that helps a person with a disability to do a certain task
alkaloidA member of a large group of chemicals that are made by plants and have nitrogen in them
anti-inflammatoryHaving to do with reducing inflammation.
acetic acidAn acid found in vinegar
electron beamA stream of electrons (small negatively charged particles found in atoms) that can be used for radiation therapy
adjustment disorderA condition in which a person responds to a stressful event (such as an illness, job loss, or divorce) with extreme emotions and actions that cause problems at work and home.
aberrant crypt fociClusters of abnormal tube-like glands in the lining of the colon and rectum
adenoid cystic carcinomaA rare type of cancer that usually begins in the salivary glands.
alanine aminopeptidaseAn enzyme that is used as a biomarker to detect damage to the kidneys, and that may be used to help diagnose certain kidney disorders
avoidanceThe act of staying away from people, places, and thoughts that may cause anxiety, pain, or unpleasant feelings
autologous stem cell transplantationA procedure in which blood-forming stem cells (cells from which all blood cells develop) are removed, stored, and later given back to the same person.
amitriptylineA drug that is used to treat depression and may be given to treat anxiety, sleep disorders, and pain
aldrich syndromeAn inherited immune disorder that occurs in young boys
high-dose radiationAlso called HDR
adjunct agentIn cancer therapy, a drug or substance used in addition to the primary therapy.
avandiaA drug that helps control the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood and is being studied in the prevention and treatment of some types of cancer
appendixA small, fingerlike pouch that sticks out from the cecum (the first part of the large intestine near the end of the small intestine).
asymptomaticHaving no signs or symptoms of disease.
ashkenazi jewsOne of two major ancestral groups of Jewish individuals, comprised of those whose ancestors lived in Eastern Europe (Germany, Poland, Russia)
animal-assisted therapyA type of therapy that uses dogs or other pets to improve the physical and mental health of patients with certain acute or chronic diseases
assayA laboratory test to find and measure the amount of a specific substance.
acidA chemical that gives off hydrogen ions in water and forms salts by combining with certain metals
anxiolytic agentA drug used to treat symptoms of anxiety, such as feelings of fear, dread, uneasiness, and muscle tightness, that may occur as a reaction to stress
agitationA condition in which a person is unable to relax and be still
antibacterialA substance that kills bacteria or stops them from growing and causing disease.
alkalinityRefers to the amount of alkali
apheresisA procedure in which blood is collected, part of the blood such as platelets or white blood cells is taken out, and the rest of the blood is returned to the donor
asbestosisA lung disease caused by breathing in particles of asbestos (a group of minerals that take the form of tiny fibers)
anastrozoleAn anticancer drug that is used to decrease estrogen production and suppress the growth of tumors that need estrogen to grow
antimicrobialA substance that kills microorganisms such as bacteria or mold, or stops them from growing and causing disease.
amsacrineAn anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called topoisomerase inhibitors.
actinic keratosisA thick, scaly patch of skin that may become cancer
annamycinA substance that is being studied in the treatment of cancer
affectedIndividuals in a pedigree who exhibit the specific phenotype under study.
amifostineA drug used as a chemoprotective drug to control some of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
asymmetryLack or absence of balanced proportions between parts of a thing.
aspirationRemoval of fluid or tissue through a needle
alzheimer diseaseA brain disorder that usually starts in late middle age or old age and gets worse over time
albuminA type of protein found in blood, egg white, milk, and other substances.
aveloxA drug used to treat bacterial infections
ascitesAbnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen that may cause swelling
aminocamptothecinAn anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called topoisomerase inhibitors.
acute bacterial prostatitisInflammation of the prostate gland that begins suddenly and gets worse quickly
antiemeticA drug that prevents or reduces nausea and vomiting.
antiviralA drug used to treat infections caused by viruses.
augmentinA drug used to treat bacterial infections
radiationEnergy released in the form of particle or electromagnetic waves
anticancer antibioticA type of anticancer drug that blocks cell growth by interfering with DNA, the genetic material in cells
amylaseAn enzyme that helps the body digest starches.
atn-161A substance being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer
aurotherapyA procedure that uses gold salts (a salt form of the metal element gold) to treat diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis
antiestrogenA substance that keeps cells from making or using estrogen (a hormone that plays a role in female sex characteristics, the menstrual cycle, and pregnancy)
antisense rnaSmall pieces of RNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA and block the cell's ability to use the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways
alcohol dependenceA chemical substance found in beer, wine, and liquor
acetylationA chemical reaction in which a small molecule called an acetyl group is added to other molecules
absorptionThe process of taking nutrients from the digestive system into the blood so they can be used in the body.
ag014699A substance being studied in the treatment of breast cancers caused by mutations (changes) in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
acidificationThe process of making or becoming an acid
alzheimer dementiaA brain disorder that usually starts in late middle age or old age and gets worse over time
animal studyA laboratory experiment using animals to study the development and progression of diseases
atypical ductal breast hyperplasiaA benign (not cancer) condition in which there are more cells than normal in the lining of breast ducts and the cells look abnormal under a microscope
autologous bone marrow transplantationA procedure in which bone marrow is removed from a person, stored, and then given back to the person after intensive treatment.
atorvastatin calciumA drug used to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and to prevent stroke, heart attack, and angina (chest pain)
amd 3100A condition in which there is a slow breakdown of cells in the center of the retina (the light-sensitive layers of nerve tissue at the back of the eye)
aneuploidyThe occurrence of one or more extra or missing chromosomes leading to an unbalanced chromosome complement, or any chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number (which is 46).
acupressureThe application of pressure or localized massage to specific sites on the body to control symptoms such as pain or nausea
anhydrovinblastineAn anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called mitotic inhibitors.
agcA term used to describe abnormal cells that come from inside the cervix or from the lining of the uterus
antihormone therapyTreatment with drugs, surgery, or radiation in order to block the production or action of a hormone
antimitotic agentA type of drug that blocks cell growth by stopping mitosis (cell division)
adult t-cell leukemia/lymphomaAn aggressive (fast-growing) type of T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma caused by the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)
atrasentanA nutrient that that body needs in small amounts to function and stay healthy
abegrinA substance being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer and other conditions
anticachexiaDescribes a drug or effect that works against cachexia (loss of body weight and muscle mass).
appendectomySurgery to remove the appendix (small finger-shaped pouch at the end of the first part of the large intestine).
aapAn enzyme that is used as a biomarker to detect damage to the kidneys, and that may be used to help diagnose certain kidney disorders
acfClusters of abnormal tube-like glands in the lining of the colon and rectum
acneA disorder of the skin in which oil glands and hair glands become inflamed.
ap23573A substance being studied in the treatment of soft tissue and bone cancers
atpA substance present in all living cells that provides energy for many metabolic processes and is involved in making RNA
anatomyThe study of the structure of a plant or animal.
aminoglutethimideAn anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors
at9283A substance being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer
aminopterinAn anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called antimetabolites.
allegraA drug used to treat certain allergy symptoms