Glossary extracted starting with manual seeds, with PTM for the domain mat and language EN

relationAny set of ordered pairs
chancea probability expressed as a percent
planeAn infinite expanse of points in two dimensions.
minimaThe plural of minimum
parent functionMost basic function shared in a family
relationpairing of unput and output values
two-dimensionaltakes two coordinates to find position of a point on a plane
associative axiom for addition(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
formulaSomething that relates quantitites to calculate things
foilA method for multiplying binomials
two dimensionsA plane has Two Dimensions
arithmetic seriesan = a₁ + (n-1)d
x-interceptline crosses x-axis -(x,0) -let y=0 to solve for x
substitution methodsolve on equation, substitute first variable, substitute that variable into the next equation, solve
addition property of inequalitiesIf a ≤ b, then a + c ≤ b + c
variableA letter that is used to represent a number or numbers
population standard deviationσx
csc²θ1 + cot²θ =
variablea quantity that can assume any of a set of values
coefficientnumber in front of a variable
triala random action or series of actions
rateA ratio that compares two quantities meausured in different units
rational numbersany number that can be expressed as a fraction
set builder notationuses the propertied of the elements in a set to define the set
rangeset of output values
areathe surface enclosed within a closed plane figure; the measure of the surface, expressed in equivalent square units, such as square inches.
elementone of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe
slope formulam = (y (sub 2) - y (sub 1))/(x (sub 2) - x(sub 1)), difference of the y's over the difference of the x's
point-slope formulay - y(sub1) = m(x - x(sub 1))
area of a triangle1/2 ab sinC
interiorInterior means within or "in-between."
compound interestWhen the Time Value of Money generates interest and that interest is added to the principal to increase the amount of money to which subsequent interest is added, this is Compound Interest.
positiveReal values are Positive when they are greater than zero.
additive identity propertya+0=a
symmetric poeIf a = b, then b = a
formulamathematical sentence that expresses the relationship between certain quantities
combinationsgroupings in which the order of members does not matter
axiomAccepted without proof (unlike a theorem), an axiom is readily understood and regarded as fact.
absolute value functionWhich parent function is f(x) = lxl?
relationa mapping or pairing of input values with output values
congruentidentical in all characteristics
horizontal hyperbola(x-h)²/a² - (y-k)²/b² = 1
common differenceD
identity property of multiplicationThe Identity Property of Multiplication says that multiplication of a real value by one (or division by one) will not change the value.
extreme valuesthe highest and lowest numbers in a set
subseta set whose elements all belong to another set
sample standard deviationSx
intervalThe space or region between two defined values is an Interval.
ratea mathematical way of relating two quantities, which usually are measured in different units
functionA relation in which, for each first coordinate, there is exactly one corresponding second coordinate
like radical termsradical terms having the same radicand and index.
unit ratein which the 2nd quantity in the comparison is one unit
quartic functioncan have 3 turning points
representative samplea sample that has the same characteristics as the whole population being studied
outcomea result of a trial
y-interceptthe y-corrdinate of a point where the line crosses the y-axis
sideborder or face of an object
scale drawinga drawing that uses a scale to represent an object as smaller or larger than the original object
equivalentequal in value
coscosx cosy-sinxsiny
function notationf(x)=
formulaa rule for the relationship between certain quantities
particular solution A solution to a differential equation with all constants evaluated
correspondingin similar relation to
slopethe change in y over the change in x m y1-y2 over x1-x2 rise over run
quadratic functionParabola, U shape, y = x2 (make y and x chart)
identityAdding a 0, and multiplying by 1 - it does nothing
constant terma quantity whose value does not change
associative property of addition(ab)c = a (bc) *Grouping doesn't effect the answer
multiplication poeIf a = b, then ac = bc
property of opposite products-ab = b(-a) -ab = (-a)b
multiplicative identity propertya*1=a
reflectionA transformation that "flips" a figure over a mirror or reflection line.
sales taxa percent of the cost of an item that is charged by governments to raise money
modellingmethod of producing a mathematical description to help solve practical problems
symmetryif x=y then y=x
rate of changea comparison of how much one quantity changes, on average, relative to the change of another quantity
dependent variablea variable that depends on one or more other variables
focus(h, k + (1/4a))
viewone of six different multiview projections
multiplication property of -1a(-1)=-a
focus(h + (1/4a), k)
rotational symmetrythe ability of a figure to map onto itself after a partial turn about its centre
scale drawingan enlarged or reduced drawing similar to an actual object or place
randomly chosenThis means that no particular rule was used to choose a person
periodMeasured in time, or angle, or even sometimes distance, the Period of a repetitive function is the time (or angle or distance) it takes to complete a cycle.
remainderthe amount left over when one number is divided by another
determinanta square array of numbers or variables enclosed between two parallel lines
slope trianglerise over run creates a ____________
indirect measurementA method of measurement that uses formulas, similar figures, and/or proportions
inverse propertya+(-a)=0=(-a)+a
subtract from outputtranslate graph down
what's i^2?-1
infinityThat without bound; limitless.
finite seta set with a definite number of elements
identity property of additiona+0=a=0+a
sinsinx cosy+cosx siny
sample spaceWe often use Sample Space to designate all the possibilities of potential outcomes for an event or process.
domainEverything X can be
a parabolaWhat shape does a quadratic function make when graphed?
substitutionWhat would be better in this situation (substitution or elmination)? 3w+2d=192, d=2w-13
associative axiom for multiplication(ab)c=a(bc)
proofAn ingredient in pudding.
function notationan equation in the form of 'f(x)=' to show the output value of a function, f, for an input value x
relationthe relationship between variables that change together
definition of divisiona/b = a * 1/b b does not = 0 and ab E R
extraneous solutionan apparent solution that must be rejected because it does not satisfy the original equation
relationA set of pairs of input and output values
literal equationAn equation that contains two or more variables
area of a rectangleA=lw
absolute value functionA function of the form f(x)=|mx+b|+c
straight line appreciationused when property or collectibles increase in value
system of equationstwo or more equations with the same variables
proofa logical reasoning from hypothesis to conclusion
commissionmoney paid to a person or company for making a sale
commutative property of multiplicationab = ba *Order of numbers/variables doesn't effect the answer
bivariate datadata that involves a relationship between two measures
definition of subtractiona-b=a+-b
function:a relation in which each element of the domain maps to exactly one element of the range
originthe point of intersection of coordinate axes
orkey word of disjunctions
sec²θ1 + tan²θ =
open sentencea mathematical sentence, equation or inequality, that contains at least one variable
normalizeWe might Normalize data by culling errors
perpendicular linesTheir slope is opposite reciprical
weighted averagethe sum of the product of the number of units and the value per unit divided by the sum of the number of units, represented by M
hypothesisthe part of a logical statement that provides the premise on which the conclusion is based—In a statement "If x then y," the hypothesis is x.
substitution propertyif a=b, then a may be replaced by b and b may be replaced by a ex: if (4+5)m=18, then 9m=18
eccentricityA parameter of conic sections
rateA ratio in which the units of the quantities being compared are different
compressionpushing points towards y-axis
annulusa ring; the area bounded by two concentric circles
area of a triangleA=1/2bh
identityAs opposed to a conditional statement that is sometimes true, an Identity will always be true
locus of pointsthe set of all points that satisfy a given condition
domainset of all inputs, x coordinates of the ordered pairs
absolute value functiona function written in the form y = /x/, and the graph is always in the shape of a v
elevationdrawing to scale of a 3-D object as seen from the side (front, rear, left or right)
inverseequals 0
square rootIf x^2 = y
subsetEvery set is a Subset of itself
dependent variablethe other variable in a function, usually y, whose values depend on x
relationset of ordered pairs
irrational numbersnumbers such as √12, √52 (non-repeating, not rational)
add to outputtranslate graph up
momentMoment takes on many meanings in statistics and physics.
point-slop formy-y1=m(x-x1)
arbitrary unitA unitor measure that is not part of the standardized metric or US Customary systems
law of cosinesc²=a²+b²-2ab(cosC)
eventa collection of possible outcomes, often describable using a common characteristic, such as rolling an even number with a die or picking a card from a specific suit
partial sumSn
law of sines(Sin A)/a = (Sin B)/b = (Sin C)/ c
multiplication property of 0if xy=0 then x=0 or y=0
principle root√16 = 4←
negative propertyb^-n= 1/(b^n)
equationmathematical statement that two expressions are equivalent
compound interest formulaA = P(1 + r/n)^(n x t), r is the rate, n is the number of times compounded, t is time
associative property of addition(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) *Grouping doesn't effect the answer
identity property of multiplication(a)(1)=a=(1)(a)
column matrixConsists of one column
domainThe set of possible values for the first coordinate of a function
line plota # line labeled with a scale that includes all the data and xs above each data point for each time it occurs
plandrawing to scale of a 3-D object as seen from above
quadratic polynomiala polynomial of the second degree
intercept formQuadratic equation written as y=a(x-q)(x-p)
dependent eventstwo or more events for which the occurrence of one affects the probability of the other(s)
equivalent statementsStatements  that have the same truth value.
ratioSometimes Ratio is meant to state a constant proportion
velocityFormally a vector in physics, Velocity has both magnitude (speed) and direction.
binomial:a polynomial containing exactly two unlike terms
identity matrix[1/0 0/1]
parametera determining or characteristic element; a factor that shapes the total outcome; a limit, boundary
ratea ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units
formulaequation that relates two or more quantities, usually represented by variables
solution of an equationa value or values that make the equation true
values of a variablewhat the variable could symbolize
associative property of multiplication(ab)c=a(bc)
permutationA counting method that determines the number of ordered arrangements there are when a certain number of objects are selected from a given set.
convenience samplingan easily accessible group of people is chosen, and everyone in that group is surveyed
multiplicative inverse axioma(1/a)=1
logicthe study of the rules of reasoning
frequencyhow often a piece of data occurs
principalan amount of money borrowed or invested
vertexThe point in a function where the function reaches a min or a max
rational zeros theoremFinding the rational (not irrational) zeros of a polynomial function:
disjunctionx ≤ -2 or x ≥ 3
rotationMovement in a circulation or circular fashion, often around a point or an axis, is termed Rotation.
symmetric axiom of equalityif a=b, then b=a
oddsThe likelihood or probability of an event or specific outcome is termed the Odds of the event occurring
roster notationfinite: {8,9,12} a definite # of elements
area of a triangleone half base times height
tangentfor an acute angle in a right triangle, the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side; abbreviated as tan (CHAPTER 11 FLASHCARDS)
vltvertical line test
right anglea ninety degree angle
coscosx cosy+sinx siny
algebraic equationan equation containing a variable.  Example:
similartwo figures that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size
addition property of equalityif a = b, then a + c = b + c
multiplication property1
geometric sumSn = (a₁-a₁rⁿ) / (1-r)
slope formulay1-y2 / x1-x2
table of values-chose x values -substitute x -slove for y -plot points -connect lines
hypothesisIn a biconditional statement the hypothesis is followed by a conclusion
inconsistentNo solutions, parellel (don't intersect)
vertical stretchwhich transformation occurs in the graph of f(x) = -3lxl?
arccosinethe inverse of y = cos x, written as x = arccos y
order of operationsPlease Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
proportionan equation or other statement that indicates that two ratios equal
ratioa comparison of two numbers by division
slopeThe ratio of the vertical change to a corresponding horizontal change
sampling methodsA method for selecting people or items from a population for a survey
multiplication by negative one-1⋄ a = - a
stem and leaf plota system where you separate data into 2 numbers that are used to form a stem and leaf
additive inverse propertya+(-a)=0
constant ratioA Ratio that a has constant value
variablea symbol used to represent a number (a, x, y)
indirect masurementa method of measuring an object by that is difficult to measure
weakcorrelation when data points are loosely packed
randomunable to be predicted with certainty
compound interestinterest earned or charged on an amount of money and added to the principal to earn or charge more interest in the following year
compound eventan event with more than one outcome
identity propertya + 0=a a times 1 = a 0 + a = a 1 times a = a
subsetsymbol: c definition: a part of a set including the set itself, all elements, and zero
subtractionan operation that tells the difference between two numbers or how many are left when some are taken away.
tree diagrama diagram that shows the choices or random outcomes from multiple elements, using branches for each new element
division poeIf a = b and c ≠ 0, then a/c = b/c
opposite/additive inverse-a is the opposite/additive inverse of a
parentsimplest function form in a set that forms a family
composite numberComposite Numbers relate to positive integers that are not prime
perimeterThe distance around the boundary of a two-dimensional shape.
workThe physics term for the amount of energy required to move an object over a given path subject to a given force.
proper subsetA set that is a subset of a given set and not identical to the given set is a Proper Subset of the given set.
distance formulad = √((x₂-x₁)² + (y₂-y₁)²)
cross productsin a proportion a/b=c/d the products are ad=bc
commutative property of additiona + b = b + a *Order of numbers/variables doesn't effect the answer
limitthe number that the output gets closer to the specific x coordinate
slop of a line-change in y is the differnece in y coordinates (vertical change) -change in x is diffrence in x coordinates(horizontal change) -slop is the same of any 2 points
non-linear equation Any equation that is not a linear combination of a variable and its derivatives
angle of rotationthe number of degrees (usually 90°, 180°, or 270°) through which a figure is turned either clockwise or counterclockwise about a point called the turn centre
example interval notation(-infinity, 2) or [-2, +infinity)
stretchWhat happens when a parent function is multiplied by a value less than one?
closure propertya∈W, b∈W then a+b∈W
solution of an inequalitya number that produces a true statement when it is substituted for the variable in an inequality
arca continuous portion (as of a circle or ellipse) of a curved line
complex numbersform of a+bi, a and b are real i is equal to sqrt of -1
distributive2(4x-3) = 8x - 6
change-of-base formulaThere is an easy way to change the bases between logarithms
dependent variableThe variable, usually y, whose values make up the range
reflexive axiom of equalitya=a, x=1
solving absolute value inequalitiesGOLA; Greater than - OR, Less than - AND
quadratic functioncan have 1 turning point
octantAs we have four quadrants in the rectangular plane, we have eight Octants in rectangular space
similarhaving the same shape, but not the same size
negative correlationy decreases as x increases
multiplicative inverse1/x=(x*1/x=1)
product propertya^m *a^n= a^m+n
hypothesisa statement that is given or assumed to be true
arithmetic meanWhat we generally consider to be the average
vertical-line testUsed to determine whether the relation has at least one element of the domain paired with more than one element of the range
uniformConstant and unchanging; fixed.
inverse property of additiona+(-a)=0=(-a)+a
inverse property of additiona + (-a) = 0 *Answer is ALWAYS 0 because you add by the opposite
compound inequalitiestwo inequalities joined by the word "and" or the word "or"
algebraic expressionsMinimum of a variable
propertya special quality of something
discretea set of elements that are disconnect such as the set of integers
inverse variationindirect variation -power of two number is a constnat -xy=k -x1=y2(partners are diagonal) -x1/x2=y2/y1
hyperbola asymptotesy = ± (a/b)x
scalethe ratio of any length in a scale drawing to the corresponding actual length
symmetryHaving a like but reversed profile or image (a mirror image) about a line is having the quality of Symmetry about the axis (of Symmetry).
pointA location in space with no physical size
transitive property of equalityFor all real numbers a, b, and c, if a=b and b=c, then a=c
octagonAn eight-sided polygon.
variance(Standard Deviation)2
slop intercept formy=mx+b -b is the y-intercept
discrete patterna pattern made of separate and distinct values or objects
closed circle(graphing) greater than or equal to/less than or equal to
median-fit linea particular type of line of fit
table of solutionsconstructed by choosing several values of x and finding the corresponding values of y
definition of divisiona ÷ b = a/b = a ⋄ 1/b, b≠0
differencethe answer to a subtraction problem (CHAPTER 1 FLASHCARDS)
disjunctionhas "or" -ex
mathThe grammar of size (amount), shape, and/or order
zero property(ab)^0= 1
net payThe amount of money that an employee earns after all of the deductions are made from the gross pay
f notationsame as y=
jumpA step within a function is sometimes termed a Jump.
locusa set of points that satisfies a certain condition
congruentequal; exactly the same (size, shape, etc.).  Two figures are congruent when one is the image of the other under a reflection or composite of reflections
exterior anglesthe angles outside the parallel lines
revolutioncomplete turn
temperature formulaF=9/5C+32
slope intercept formy=mx+b
sequencea list of numbers in a particular order.
andkey word of conjunctions
sampleA group of items selected at random from a larger group for research
sequenceInformally, any series is a Sequence
negative correlationone set of data decreases as the other set of data increases
domainx-coordinates, input
percent changethe ratio of the amount of change to the original amount expressed as a percent
formulaan equation that relates two or more quantities, usually represented by variables
open sentencean equation with one or more variables
radicantnumber under the radical
subjective judgementusing intuition or one's own perception to influence a decision
system of equationsa collection of linear equations invoking the same set of variables
finite seta set with a definite, or finite, number of elements.
matrix multiplicationTo multiply two matrices: the number of columns in the first matrix must match the number of rows in the second matrix.
slope-intercept formy=, an equation written in the form y=mx+b is in slope-intercept form
meansTwo inside quantities of a proportion.
seta collection of items, called elements.
like termsSame variable, same exponent
direct variationy=kx
diametersegment formed form two points on the circumference containing the centre of the circle
dozenDozen is another word for twelve.
seriesMost often a sequence of terms to be summed
domainthe set of all possible inputs of a function which allow the function to work
open circle(graphing) greater than/less than
parent functionThe simplest function in a family; all functions in the family are transformations of it
radicalA root symbol or the root itself is sometimes termed a Radical.
additive inverse axioma+-a=0
empty seta set with no elements.
mapping diagramused to show how a function assigns to each member of the domain exactly one member of the range
revolutions per minuteAbbreviated "rpm" it conveys the number of complete circular rotations that occur every 60 seconds at some constant rate of revolution.
vertical parabolay = a(x-h)² + k
conjunctiona compound statement that uses the word and
logical argumenta series of statements, each verifiable as true, that lead to a conclusion
straight line depreciationused when aging equipment declines in value
sectorthe interior points of a circle bounded by an arc and two radii
radical symbolthe symbol used to denote a root
corollarya theorem that c an be proved easily from another theorem
solution/rootany value of the variable that makes an open sentence true
identity property of multiplicationaX1=a, 1Xa=a
linear functioncan be written as y=mx+b where m and b are constants (x has to be to the first power)
slopethe ratio of the vertical and horizontal changes between two points on a surface or a line
correlationA measure of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables or data sets
inverse propertya + (-a) = 0 a times 1/a = 1
replacementrestoring a random situation back to its original state after performing an action
natural numbers1,2,3..
quotient property(a^m)/(a^n)= a^m-n
integerssymbol: Z definition: any counting number that is positive or negative including 0
whole numbers0,1,2,3..
absolute valuethe value of a number without regard to its sign
substitutereplace part of an expression with a number or other expression
reflexive property of equalitya = a
postulateA far-reaching conjecture or sense of reasoning for which an obvious and substantive base appears most reasonable.
line of fita line that closely approximates a set of data
similar figurestwo figures that have the same shape but not the same size
percentLiterally, per hundred.
reflectionFlip over X or Y axis
rangeset of all outputs, y coordinates of the ordered pairs
tessellateA planar pattern of repeating geometric shapes is a Tessellation; to produce these shapes is to Tessellate.
transitivityx=y and y=z then x=z
pythagorasa Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 6th Century BC
directrixx = h- (1/4a)
continuous compoundingA = Pe^(rt)
power of a quotient(a/b)^m= (a^m)/(b^m)
variablea symbol that represents an unknown value
parallel linesSame slope
infinite series sumS = a₁ / (1-r)
cubicf(x)= x^3 D: (-∞, ∞) R: (-∞, ∞)
multiplication by zero0 ⋄ a = 0
definition of cosinecosθ = x
slope-intercept formy=mx+b
valuesnumbers that one substitutes for the variable
row matrixConsists of one row
piecewise functionA function that is written using two or more expressions
additive inverse for matricesMr
tripleAs a verb, Triple means to multiply by three
unit ratea rate in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit
correlation coefficientdenoted by r
frequencyHow often (or frequently) does something occur? That is its Frequency
rational functionf(x)=x/x+3
associative property of addition(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
cylindrical shellA method for volumetric calculations especially for rotated bodies around an axis
point-slope formy-y1 = m(x-x1), where m is the slope and (x1,y1) is the point the line is passing through.
length of latus rectum|(1/a)|
cylinderin general, a cylinder is the locus of (i.e
whole numbers{0,1,2,3...}
unit ratea rate that tells how many of one item is being compaired to 1 of another item
commutative axiom for additiona+b=b+a
regressionthe statistical study of the relationship between two variables
evaluate funtionreplace the x and calculate y -f(x) is the same as y
what is a circle?The set of all points (x, y) that are equidistant from a fixed point called the center.
line of best fitThe line that comes closest to all of the points in a data set
solid line≤ or ≥
formula of tangentTOA: Opposite over adjacent
1sin²θ + cos²θ =
grapha point on a number line that is paired with a real number
power property(a^m)^n= a^m*n
functionrelation in which the domain is never repeated
half-lifeWhen some entity experiences exponential decay (reduction or diminution) the times it takes to lose half of its size (or strength) is its Half-Life.
multiplication property of -1-1*x=-x
additive inversesA number and it's opposite.
domaininput or X
tipan amount of money added to a bill for service
distance formulad=rt
precisionThe quality of finer measurement or estimation is termed Precision.
setcollection of items called elements
permutationsgroupings in which the order of members matters
open sentencea mathamatical sentence containing one or more variables
intercept formx/a + y/b=1
scale factora factor used to produce a similar object
commutativechanges order, but the statement remains the same
continuous compound interest formulaIt's possible to compound interest monthly, daily, and in the limiting case, continuously, meaning that your balance grows by a small amount every instant.
one-to-one functiona function in which the x- and y-values can NOT repeat.
trichotomy propertyaka the property of order for any two real numbers a and b, exactly one of the following is true: ab
outcomeA specific event is often termed an Outcome.
arctangentthe inverse of y = tan x, written as x = arctan y
monomialA single term.
strict inequalityA Strict Inequality does not include an "or equal to..."
functiona kind of relation in which one variable uniquely determines the value of another variable
mathematical sequencean ordered list of numbers or objects
commutative axiom for multiplicationab=ba
relationshipthe association between, or property of, two or more objects
empty setSet containing no elements
square matrixA Square Matrix has the same number of rows as columns.
commutative property of multiplicationab=ba
solutionReplacement that makes a sentence true
interestthe amount of money charged for borrowing money or the amount of money earned when saving or investing money
zeroneither positive nor negative
vertical translationchange the y-values to their opposite
subtraction property of inequalitiesIf a ≤ b, then a - c ≤ b - c
point slope formY-Y1=m(x-x1)
directrixy = k- (1/4a)
commutative property of multiplication(a)(b)=(b)(a)
identity axiom of additiona+0=a
axisIn physics, a line about which a body rotates
point slope formy-y1 = m(x-x1)
real numbersAll of the numbers that you use in everyday life
infinite setA set having an unlimited number of members
conclusionWhen mathematical conclusions are valid the laws of math and science have been adhered to, and a logical approach has been taken
inspectionvisual study
addition poeIf a = b, then a + c = b + c
pathanother name for locus
spheroidAn oblate sphere
scalethe ratio of any length in a drawing to the corresponding actual length
elementa value in a set or matrix; also called an entry.
direct variationWhen two variables are related in such a way that the ratio of their values always remains the same, the two variables are said to be in direct variation
system of equationsa collection of 2 or more equations containing the same set of variables
multiplicative property of 0a*0 = a 0*a = 0
grouping symbols( ) [ ] or ---- (division bar)
maximumA highest value
variableA Variable is a symbol, most often a letter, to represent a quantity that may change value, that is literally to vary in its value.
best fitting lineA line closest to all data points
inverse property of additiona+(-a)=0
remainderA value that is left over when one number is divided by another.
quadratic formulax = -b ± √(b² - 4ac)/2a
extremesThe greatest and the least value of a set of data
congruent figuresfigures that have the same size and shape
equation in two variablesan equation that contains two variables
open sentencea mathematical sentence containing one or more variables
phase shiftThis applies to sinusoids moved left or right by a change to the argument (the angle).
multivariateHaving more than one variable
addition property of equalityif x=y, then x+a=y+a
family of graphsgroup of graphs that displays one or more similar characteristics
scale modela 3-dimensional model that is similar to a 3-dimensional object
inflectionOn the graph of a function, a point of Inflection is where the curve begins to "bend the other way."
correlation coefficienta statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary; A measure that determines the degree to which two variable's movements are associated
perpendicularslope = - reciprocal
reflexive poea = a [*Reflexive sounds like reflection]
absolute value functionF(x)=|x|
independent eventstwo or more events for which the occurrence of one does not affect the probability of the other(s)
transformationchanges the position size or shape of the figure .
discrete valuesvalues that change in increments (not continuously)
outputthe dependent variable of a function—output is determined by input
dependent variablethe output variable in an equation in two variables; in y=3x+5, the __________ is y
dependent variablea factor that can change in an experiment in response to changes in the independent variable
tablean orderly arrangement of facts or figures in rows or columns
scale modela three-dimentional reproduction of an item that has been reduced or increased in size proportionally
powera product of equal factors
identity axiom of multiplicationa(1)=a
log a^cc log a
arcsinethe inverse of y = sin x, written as x = arcsin y
subtraction property of equalityif a = b, then a - c = b - c
sloperatio of rise over run
linearf(x)= x D: (-∞, ∞) R: (-∞, ∞)
averagethe sum of the values, divided by the number of values
identity property of multiplicationa ⋄ 1 = a, 1⋄ a = a *a value is never changed
element of a setitem in a set
golden ratioThe ratio of the length of a golden rectangle to its width
conjunction- 3 ≤ x and x ≤ 4
definition of subtractiona - b = a + (-b)
ratea ratio of a and b where a and b represent quantities measured in different units
unbounded feasible regionwhen the feasible region is not closed
direct variationA linear function defined by an equation of the form y=kx (k is not 0)
formulaa literal equation that states a rule for a relationship among quantities
conversion factorthe ratio of two equal quantities, each measured in different units
restriction on domain1
zero matrixa matrix in which every element is zero
inductive hypothesisThe assumption that a statement is true for some positive integer, k
negativeone of the numbers ..., -3, -2, -1
substitutionan expression that can be replaced by another expression that represents the same value
ordered pairsrepresentation of data
basein a power, the factor
transitive property of equalityif a = b and b = c, then a = c
point-slope formy-y1=m(x-x1)
substitution property of equalityIf a=b, then a may be replaced by b and b may be replaced by a
volumeamount of space occupied for a 3-D objects
power of a product(ab)^m= a^m*b^m
translationa transformation that is represented by a sliding motion with no turns or other motions
composite functiong(f(x)) -replace the x in g(x) with the function f to get a new function
multiplication property of equalityif a = b, then ac = bc
afterSomething that is after is behind in place, subsequent to in time or order.
joint variationinvolves three or more variables(direct variation)
regressionthe process of using one variable to predict another
integrandThe function that undergoes integration is the Integrand.
translationshifting or sliding a function up, down, left, right
point-slop formy-b=m(x-a)
identity propertya+0=a=0+a
modethe most frequently observed value of the measurements in the sample
addTo combine two or more quantities to find one quantity called a total or sum.
literal equationan equation involving two or more variables
factorThe verb Factor is the act of dividing some entity into components or pieces that, when multiplied together, produce the given entity
mappingshows how each member of the domain is paired with each member of the range
infinite setunlimited, or infinite number of elements.
rangey-coordinates, output
differencethe result of subtracting one number from another 2 is the difference of 8-2
domain/replacement setthe set that the variable belongs to (whole, natural rational sets...)
order of operationsPEMDAS
real numbersall numbers we use in everyday life
glide reflectional symmetryA type of symmetry in which there is a glide reflection that allows mapping a figure onto itself.
area of a trapezoidA=1/2(b1+b2)h
what is the discriminant?b^2 minus 4ac
ratioa comparison of 2 numbers or quantities
modelmathematical description used to solve a problem
identitya statement that equates two equivalent expressions
functionEvery input has exactly 1 output
raya half-line beginning at one point and continuing to infinity
quadratic functionWhich parent function is f(x) = x²?
horizontal translationchange the x-values to their opposite
definition of sinesinθ = y
standard formax+by=c
transitive property of inequalitiesIf a ≤ b and b ≤ c, then a ≤ c
slopethe ratio of the change in vertical units to the change in horizontal units of any two points on a line (rise/run)
absolute value functionV shape Y = IxI (make y and x chart)
variable expressionAn expression that contains a variable.
cubic functioncan have 2 turning points
geometric sumSn = a₁(1-rⁿ) / 1-r
dependent variableThe output of a function
point slope formy-y1 =m(x-x1 )
natural logarithmThe base of the Natural Logarithms is e, approximately 2.718
order of operations1
subtraction poeIf a = b, then a - c = b - c
hyperbola asymptotesy = ± (b/a)x
inverse operationsoperations that undo or cancel one another, such as addition/subtraction and multiplication/division
complementary anglesangles whose sum is 90° (CHAPTER 9 FLASHCARDS)
exponential growthWhen an established quantity gains value and increases by some constant percentage over some constant period of time it is considered to experience Exponential Growth.
random experimentAn activity whose outcome can't be predicted when the activity is repeated under essentially the same conditions.
variablesymbols used to represent unknown quantities x, y
parent functionThe simplest function in a group of functions with common characteristics
knotA knot is a unit used to measure the speed of a ship
natural numbersalso called counting numbers, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, …
functiona rule that assigns to each value one variable
real numberssymbol: R definition: any number that is not imaginary
dimensionthe size of the matrix
sin2x2(sinx)(cosx) =
eliminationWhat would be better in this situation (substitution or elmination)? 3w+d=14, 3w-2d=9
areaThe area of a region is the number of square units it contains.
scale modela three-dimensional model that uses a scale to represent an object as smaller or larger than the actual object
unique field numberonly that number has the properties
imaginary unit"i" is called the imaginary unit
y-y1=mpoint slope form
commutative property of additiona+b=b+a
conjunctiona sentence formed by joining two sentences with the word AND
functionfor every input there is ONE unique output
parallelsame slope
function notationreplacing the y with the symbol f(x)
risevertical change between two points
independent variablean outcome or event whose value or probability does not depend on another outcome or event
trendrelationship between two sets of data
reflexive propertyfor any real numbera: a=a ex: -7+n=-7+n
inverse property of multiplicationaX(1/a)=1, a = 0
workEquivalent to energy, Work is the product of force and distance.
independent variablevariable that is changed in an experiment
an=a1+dArithmatic series
extraneous solutionA solution that doesn't satisfy the original equation
whole numberssymbol: W definition: any counting number that is positive or negative excluding 0
finite sethas a definite, or finite, number of elements
inverse variationVariables or factors that multiply to a constant value are said to be in a relation of Inverse Variation.
axioma statement that is assumed to be true; also called postulate
distributive propertya(b + c) = ab + ac
no solutionThe answer to a contradiction is:
probabilityThe likelihood of an event or particular outcome is its Probability
oppositeadditive inverse; the ______ of any number "b" is "−b"
definition of divisiona/b=a(1/b)
originIn one dimension: (0)
single linesa system with infinite solutions
quadraticf(x)= x^2 D: (-∞, ∞) R: [0, ∞)
y-interceptwhere the line crosses the y axis
surface areathe sum of the the areas of the faces of a 3-dimensional figure
equal2 matrices that are exactly the same
scale factorthe ratio of the lengths of the sides of the image to the lengths of the sides of the original figure
infinitesimalInfinitely small is Infinitesimal, so tiny that it occupies no space
distributive propertya(b+c)=ab+ac
measures of central tendency#s that represent the middle value in a set of data
multiplication property of equalityif x=y, then xa=ya
solidA three-dimensional geometric figure or body that includes the interior region.
arithmetic sumSn = (n/2)(a₁ + an)
rangethe set of all possible outputs of a function
noninvertibleChiefly a term for matrices, literally unable to be inverted.
disjunctiona compound statement that uses the word or
vertical hyperbola(y-k)²/a² - (x-h)² /b²= 1
approximationA mathematical quantity that estimates a desired quantity.
compound inequalityhas word and/or in it
sumthe number resulting from addition
inverse variationy=k/x
dependent variableY
function notationf(x)=mx+b
variablesymbol, usually letters, used to represent unknown quantities
mappingShows how each member of the domain is paired with each member of the range
standard formAx + By = C
distributive property for subtractiona(b - c) = ab - ac
orientationthe direction the named points in an image change go (clockwise or counterclockwise)
interval notationthe symbols [ and ] are used to include an endpoint in an interval, and the symbols ( and ) are used to exclude an endpoint from an interval
point-slope formY2-Y1=m(x2-x1)
perpendicular linesNegative reciprocal
subscript notationto distinguish between the coordinates of the points we use ___________
surfacethe boundary of a 3-D figure.
symmetric property of equalityif a = b, then b = a
objectstarting point of geometric shape (also called initial shape)
proportionalIn a (constant) ratio.
theorema statement that can be proved
perspectivethe different views of an object - top, bottom, side, front
linear equationsRepresents a linear function
subseta set whose elements all belong to another set.
tableAnother way of saying times tables.
regiona part of a plane
expansion- a size change where k is greater than 1
boundaryA line that separates the coordinate plane into three sets of points: the points on the line; the points below the line.
conjunctionA sentence formed by joining two open sentences by the word and.
deductive reasoninga form of logical thinking that uses generalizations to draw specific conclusions based on a series of logical steps, deductive reasoning may use rules, laws, and theories to support or justify a conjecture
spiralSometimes Spiral is used to describe a helix
functionA special type of relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element from the range
accuracyAccuracy is how close a numerical measure is to its actual value.
rangeThe set of possible values for the second coordinate of a function
upsilonUpsilon is the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet.
disjunctiona sentence formed by joining two sentences with the word OR
subseta set whose members are members of another set
relationany pairing of an input(domain) with the output(range).
elementone individual number/unit in a set
parent functionsimplest function defining characteristics of the family
2-intercept formx y - + - = 1 a b a= x-intercept b = y-intercept
composition of functionsf ( g(x)) means that function g is the input to function f
discountan amount by which an original price is reduced
parametric equationIn a general sense, we have a Parametric Equation when we define something in specific terms of something else.
sinsinx cosy-cosx siny
transitive poeIf a = b and b = c, then a = c
perimeter of a rectangleP=2l+2w
the input variableis independent (may have its value freely chosen regardless of any other variable values)
literal equationan equation involving two or more variables, an equation involving two or more variables
inverse property of multiplicationIf a does not equal 0, then (a)(1/a)=1=(1/a)(a)
rangeEverything Y can be
substitution axiomequal quantities may always be substituted for one another
equalWhen two things are equal they are exactly the same in number, quality, or amount.
percenta ratio having 100 as its second term
area of a circleA= r(pi)r
markupthe amount by which a wholesale cost is increased
domainthe set of first coordinates of the ordered pairs of a relation.
constanta term that does not contain a variable
principalAn amount, typically money, upon which the time value of money (accumulation of an added percentage over a defined time) generates interest is termed Principal.
horizontalHorizontal comes from orientation like the horizon; parallel to the "flat" surface of the earth; perpendicular to vertical.
multiplicative property of -1a*-1 = -a -1*a = -a
one-to-one functiona function where each element of the range is paired with exactly one element of the domain.
numeral expressiona symbol or group of symbols used to represent a number
one-to-one functiona function where each element of the range is paired with exactly one element of the domain
cross productsin the statement a÷b = c÷d bc and is this.
slopethe ratio of the change in y-coordinates to the corresponding change in x-coordinates
elementElement has a lot of meanings
point slope formy-y₁=m(x-x₁)
extended proportionAn extended proportion is when three or more ratios are equal.
horizontal parabolax = a(y-k)² + h
inverse variationAs one quanity increases, the other one decreases
attributeA characteristic of an object, such as color, shape, size, etc