Glossary extracted starting with manual seeds, with PTM for the domain med and language EN

omnibusWhen multiple books are collected into one volume it's called an omnibus.
earn outWhen your book has earned more revenue than you were paid as an advance it is said to have "earned out." From here on out you get royalties on all "net sales" and all subrights income
bandwidthThe frequency range of a particular transmission method
resolutionThe dimensions of an image, in pixels, typically expressed as the number of horizontal pixels across and the number of vertical pixels down
subagentAn agent who sells subsidiary rights on behalf of a primary agent
javaA powerful, Web-friendly programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that gives programmers substantial control over the look and function of the interface.
agentA publishing professional who shepherds books and authors through the publication process
paid-on-delivery subscriptionTerm subscription, the price for each issue of which is collected when it is delivered or, in case an advance payment is made with order, the prorated balance is collected at time of delivery of each issue.
net amount receivedUsually the amount actually received by the publisher from sales of a work, sometimes also after taking out taxes and/or certain expenses (watch those contract definitions!).
shutter speedA shutter electronically controls the amount of time that light passing through a lens exposes onto the CCD
editorial letterThe list of suggested changes an editor will ask an author to make prior to publication
pre-emptWhen a publisher really likes a project they may make an aggressive offer in order to pre-empt an auction (also known as "taking the book off the table")
reliabilityThe degree to which a research sample result conforms with the result that would be obtained if a complete census were taken.
hertzA unit used to measure frequency
slate.  A small blackboard-like device recorded on-camera that gives program information (name, title, date, take numbers).
videoThe visual portion of television production.
browserAn application used to view and navigate the World Wide Web and other Internet resources.
bitstreamA collection of data, as in video or audio data compressed to a file or transmitted between devices.
query letterA letter describing your book, which will hopefully make an agent want to read more
unit auditAn audited report attesting to the accuracy and validity of the number of units, plants or establishments a  ublication is serving.
matteAn image mask used to define the transparent areas of each frame to be used in superimposing multiple clips
seasonPublishers organize their titles by season
a/v mixerSee audio/video mixer.
opaqueRegions of a superimposed image that are solid (not transparent), and therefore cover over the underlying image
delivery dateWhen your manuscript is due
intranetA private network that uses Internet-related technologies to provide services within an organization.
sponsorshipPayment for advertising related to an event or programme that supports the running of the event or the production of the programme
antialiasTo smooth out a jagged or stair-step appearance or motion between adjacent points so that it appears continuous.
meta tagA specific kind of HTML tag containing information not displayed to the user.
territoryThe countries in which rights are granted in a publishing contract.
bugProblem with computer software or hardware that causes it to malfunction or crash.
merchant accountA contracted agreement between a merchant or business owner selling a product and the credit card company responsible for collecting the sale proceeds
hardwareHardware comprises all of the tangible elements in a computer, as distinguished from the data it contains or operates on and the software that provides instructions for the hardware to accomplish tasks.
anti-aliasRemoving the jagged edges from letters or graphic elements such as titles and 3D objects.
jitterSmall and rapid variations in a waveform due to mechanical disturbances, changes in the characteristics of components, supply voltages, imperfect synchronizing signals, circuits, etc.
kbA (or kilobyte) unit of information or of computer storage equal to one thousand bytes.
arcsAdvance copies of a book for review
new mediaOnline and digital ways of receiving information.
publisherThe company that publishes your book.
hiatusA scheduled period of inactivity between advertising flights.
voice overThe voice in the background heard as the narrator.
nonexclusivityWhen a publisher only has nonexclusive rights in a certain territory the author may then grant those rights to another publisher as well.
originalThe earliest generation in the archive
frequencyA measurement of an analog signal's vibration, represented as cycles persecond or Hertz (Hz).
conservation planA clear articulation of the decision-making process around a proposed course of action, the likely effects of such action and its justification.
d series tape formatsA series of broadcast digital formats, designated D1, D2, etc
syncThe portion of an encoded video signal that occurs during blanking and is used to synchronize the operation of cameras, monitors and other equipment
nanosecondA measurement of time
emulationA digital preservation strategy that uses current software to simulate original or obsolete computer environments
scissionThe process in which a chemical bond in a molecule is broken either by reaction with another molecule, such as water, or by the absorption of a high energy photon.
go-tosProgramming instructions that tell a computer to skip from one line of code to another
htmlHyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a programing language for web pages
phpProgramming language used for creating software that is part of a web site.
logotype or logoTwo or more letters or a whole word or distinctive setting of a name, cast as a single piece of metal; a standardized pattern as for the advertiser's name or trademark.
video blog a blog the produces regular video content often around the same theme on a daily or weekly basis
bdiA measure of the strength of a brand's sales in a particular geographic area indexed to the national sales average.
blurbA quote from an author or reviewer in praise of a book
cartridgeA case or container, inserted into a larger piece of equipment, which is easily exchanged, for example a game cartridge in a console, or an ink cartridge in a printer.
eformAn electronic form that is filled out by a user and sent over a network
treatment  A brief description of a film topic or idea.
fiber opticFiber optic technology uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to transmit data
noninterlacedThe process of scanning whereby every line in the picture is scanned during the vertical sweep.
genre fictionA blanket term that refers to books with certain familiar settings and plot conventions
quadraplexSee 2-inch Quad/Quadraplex.
mass market paperbackRack sized paperback
cohesive forceThe force that holds a material together.
uxgaResolution of a computer generated image
digitalA signal which consists of a series of discreet values, as opposed to an analogue signal, which is made up of a continuous information stream.
durationA length of time
narrative nonfictionNonfiction that illuminates through story
relative humidityThe amount of water in the air relative to the maximum amount of water that the air can hold at a given temperature.
display deviceA display device is a presentation device for visual information
glitchA form of low frequency interference, appearing as a narrow horizontal bar moving vertically across the picture.
aspect ratioAspect ratio refers to the relationship or ratio between the width of the image and the height of the image
y-cableA cable that splits the monitor signal so that it will work simultaneously with both a monitor and a LCD panel.
bmpThe standard Windows bitmap still image file format
dcDirect Current
oeThe unit of magnetic field strength
source codeProgram instructions in their original form
encryptionA procedure that renders the contents of a message or file unintelligible to anyone not authorized to read it
cross-fade  See
micronA unit of measure for the thickness of magnetic tape
hydrolysisThe chemical process in which scission of a chemical bond occurs via reaction with water
dhtmlA new version of HTML, developed by Netscape and expanded by the W3C (the World Wide Web Consortium)
denotationA description of a media text indicating its common sense, obvious meaning.
video artThe term 'video art' is understood to refer to expressions of visual art in which video is used as a medium, both in the production process and the presentation.
playback hardwareEquipment needed to play back video
application programing interface An API is a documented interface that allows one software application to to interact with another application
foldoverTape that has folded over resulting in the oxide surface facing away from the heads.
perfect bindingMethod that produces flat opening, as in telephone directories; distinguished from side (saddle) stitching.
codeInstructions written in a language a computer can understand and execute
net surfingBrowsing or exploring a network or the World Wide Web to find places of interest, usually without a specific goal in mind
transcodeThe process of converting a media file or object from one format to another
longitudinal recordingA recording format in which a slow or fast moving tape is passed by a stationary magnetic record or play (write or read) head
frame ratePlayback speed as determined in frames per second
crawlTo scroll a line of title text sideways, left or right across the screen
facebook a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them
petAbbreviation for Polyethylene Terephthalate.
mp3An audio file format, especially popular for downloading songs from the web and for storing music in and portable music players
operating systemThe base-level software on which applications like word processors or Internet browsers run
quintileThe division of the audience or sample into five equal groups ranging from heaviest to lightest amount of exposure to any medium.
compressorProgram by which files are
decoderA device used to recover the component signals from a composite (encoded) source
databaseA collection of information concerning a certain topic organized in a logical fashion for easy access and speedy retrieval.
htmlThe code used to generate hypertext documents on the World Wide Web through the use of tags and attributes
crosslinkingA chemical reaction of polymers
internet service providerA business that delivers access to the Internet, usually for a monthly fee
publisher‚äôs statementCertified statement of circulation and distribution data for a six-month period made by a publisher and issued unaudited, but subject to audit.
pot  See “potentiometer.”
fieldThe building blocks that create cataloging records
2-3 / 3-2 pulldownProcess used to convert material from film to interlaced NTSC display rates, from 24 to 30 frames per second
cavThe disc speed remains constant while the head-to-disc speed changes
rhetorical questionsthe devil's preferred method of beginning query letters
ccdCharged Coupled Device
emoticonA cute sideways face created by using special characters on the keyboard
pathThe hierarchical description of where a directory, folder, or file is located on your computer or on a network 
unpaid distributionA term used in the ABC report; reported by averages for the six-month period covered by that report
archival storageStorage conditions specifically designed to extend or maximize the lifetime of stored media
cpmCost per 1,000 impressions
passivateA chemical process which forms a protective coating on a metal
connotationA description of value, meaning or ideology associated with a media text.
ntscNational Television Standards Committee created the first international television system for use in the U.S
gainOverall audio output volume
video preservationAn archival system that ensures the survival in perpetuity of the program content according to the highest technical standards reasonably available
breakdownThe division of circulation as to types of business or industry reached, the functions or titles of recipients, and/or their demographic characteristics or geographical location.
hitA single user accessing a single file from a web server
telemarketingUsing the telephone to promote and sell goods and services.
ip addressA string of four numbers separated by periods (such as used to represent a computer on the Internet
stripA program scheduled at the same time each day, typically Monday-Friday.
shareThe percent of an audience tuned to a particular program at a given time.
social media monitoringA process of monitoring and responding to mentions related to a business that occur in social media.
removalsNames of individuals or companies removed from the mailing list of a publication.
domain name systemA database system which looks up host IP addresses based upon domain names
rear projectionProjecting an image through a translucent screen material for viewing from the opposite side.
advertisingMaking something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell products or services.
vbrAcronym for Variable Bit Rate
palPhase Alternation by Line
networkAn arrangement of devices such as servers, computers, and printers joined by transmission paths by which programs make requests of one another
first pass pagesOnce the manuscript is copyedited, the pages are then type-set and designed to look like how they'll look when the book is bound
alpha channelExtra information stored with an image to define  transparent areas used for keying and superimpositions
open sourceA technique for writing software in which original authors make source code freely available for modification and improvement by any programmer who wishes to collaborate on the project
mirroringDuplicating a file, typically a Web site, in another location so as to distribute access to or safeguard the original work.
rgbAcronym for red, green & blue
transparentRegions of a superimposed image that are invisible, and therefore show through to the underlying image, as used for logo overlays and blue-screen effects
object-orientedA style of computer programming that emphasizes writing chunks of code in a generic and encapsulated way in order to reuse these code "objects" for future projects.
hyperlinkA highlighted word or picture within a hypertext document that when clicked takes you to another place within the document or to another document altogether.
scrollGraphics that roll from the bottom to the top of the screen (e.g., end credits).
commissionThe amount an agent receives for their services
phono connectorSee
linkA highlighted word or picture within a hypertext document that when clicked bring you to another place within the document or to another document altogether
white balanceWhite balance is the camera setting that adjusts for lighting in order to make white objects appear white in photos
non-qualified distributionThat circulation which doesn't conform to the field served and definition of recipient qualification.
bitShorthand for binary digit, which has two optional values "0" or "1." Eight bits means 8 binary digits
internet explorerA free web browser application from Microsoft.
cookieInformation stored on a user's computer by a website so preferences or details are remembered for future visits to that site.
thermalAn effect related to changes in temperature
partialA partial manuscript
green screenA common special effects procedure in which a subject is photographed in front of a uniformly illuminated blue or green background
world wide webThe Web (WWW) is a constellation of servers that supports a specific form of documents coded in HTML, a format that allows users to navigate via links to other documents in different servers
genreA category of media texts characterized by a particular style, form or content.
retensioningThe process where a tape is unspooled onto a take-up reel and then rewound at a controlled tension and speed
fill light  A third light used in studio production designed to fill in and eliminate shadow areas caused by the use of a key light.
carrierThe physical medium on which the video/data is recorded.
isoThe organization, founded in 1947 and made up of representatives from national standards bodies, that produces worldwide industrial and commercial standards.
domain nameThe official name of a computer connected to the Internet
british commonwealthA huge list of countries, territories, and random islands, many of which you may not have ever known existed, and which were once apparently colonized by Mother Britain
bound galleys(see "galleys")
framesThe individual video images that make up a moving sequence
pan  See “balance.”
rollTo scroll lines of title text vertically up or down the screen
two-color processReproduction process from two plates printed in contrasting colors giving a fullcolor effect.
rhAbbreviation for relative humidity.
spotmeter  A device that measures the intensity of reflected light, like on a lighted set.
congestionA state occurring in a part of a network when the message traffic is so heavy that it slows down network response time.
indemnityIn a publishing contract a publisher will typically require the author to indemnify the publisher against losses sustained due to a breach in the author's warranty (see also "warranty")
mbA megabyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to one million bytes.
gainGain is a system's mean ratio of signal output to signal input.
cdiA measurement of a brand's sales potential using sales of all brands within a category in a specific market indexed to national sales average.
dollyAny apparatus upon which a camera can be mounted, which can be moved around smoothly.
shutter speedThe shutter electronically the amount of time that light passing through a lens exposes onto the CCD
shuttleTo move rapidly through a program, as with scan forward or scan reverse VCR controls
video sculptureAn installation consisting of one or more monitors, its form reminiscent of a 'traditional' sculpture
registrationThe laying down of the rights of ownership, the identity and the condition of an object or group of objects
video installation: multichannelAn installation in which at least one of the media used is video.
royalty periodThe accounting schedule for royalties
book platesStickers that go in the front of a book and often allow the owner of the book to sign their name
contrastThe difference between the brightest and darkest parts of the picture.
buyerThe person at a bookstore or library who is responsible for ordering books.
leadroom The area between a subject shot in profile and the edge of the screen they are facing.
onlineStorage and retrieval system where assets are immediately available for use or directly connected to a network or computer through fixed disk storage.
complexityThe use of a variety of camera angles and editing to enhance the intensity of action in a scene.
copyeditorA grammar and spelling ninja who is responsible for making sure books do not have typos, geographical errors, or dangling modifiers
downloadTo transfer data from a larger "host" system to a smaller "client" system's hard drive or other local storage device
software-for-hardwareA type of emulation that simulates a program's native hardware environment on a machine that it was never intended to run on
decibelLogarithmic measurement of signal strength
direct mailAdvertising or marketing material posted to people at home or work.
netnewsThe content of USENET.
response rateIn sample research, a calculation of the percentage of initially designated sample units providing a response in a given survey
gross rating pointsThe sum of individual ratings in a media plan.
hackercomputer programmer of outstanding skills
trade paperbackMid-size paperback.
media literacyThe process of understanding and using the mass media in an assertive and non-passive way
broadbandHigh-speed data transmission or a transmission medium in which a wide range or band of frequencies is available to transmit data, allowing more information to be transmitted in a given time frame
bit mapped graphicsThe type of graphic that is defined and addressed on a bit-by-bit basis which makes all points on the screen display directly accessible.
movie fileThe file created by combining the audio, video, and still images contained in your project
compressionThe term used to describe the method of eliminating redundant information in each frame of digital video
copy protectionA software lock placed on a computer program by its developer to thwart piracy
backingBacking film layer that supports the magnetic layer in a magnetic tape
loop  a brief, repeatable audio segment (usually one or two measures long) used as a building block of a song created using music-creation software.  Such a song might include a drum loop, a bass loop, a keyboard loop, and a guitar loop, all of which are combined and repeated to create a song.
dimmer switchA control used to gradually increase and decrease the electricity sent to a lighting fixture, thereby affecting the amount of light it gives.
business publicationA business publication is one dealing with management, manufacturing, sales or operation of industries or businesses, or some specific industry, occupation or professions, and which is published to interest and assist persons actively engaged in the field it covers.
downstageToward the camera.
read receiptsAn optional email feature that notifies you when a recipient has opened the email message you sent him
data rateThe speed at which data is transferred, as in bytes per second
reinterpretationThe most radical preservation strategy is to reinterpret the work each time it is re-created
stingerIt's a new category of soundtracks
hypertext transfer protocolThe protocol used by the World Wide Web to transfer HTML files.
literary fictionFiction that is characterized by a plot that is typically beneath the surface and which is usually characterized by a unique and recognizable prose style.
bookmarkA routine that allows you to save a reference to a site or page that you have already visited
royaltiesThe amount an author receives on every net copy sold of their book (see "net sales")
romSee ROM image.
preservationThe total of measures and actions aimed at consolidating the condition of an object, counteracting detected decay or preventing further decay that can be expected with certainty to occur within the foreseeable future.
macro lensA lens used for videography when the camera-to-object distance is less than 2 feet
residualsFees paid to performers and other creative talent for subsequent exposures of their filmed or video programs or commercials.
coverage areaThe specific geography where a media vehicle has its coverage
hygroscopicSaid of a material which has a tendency to absorb water
gammaA display setting related to the brightness of the middle tones of an image
protocolA specified, agreed-upon format that determines how computers send and receive data to and from each other on a network
production valuesDescribes the quality of a media production—which is generally proportional to the money and technology expended on it.
creditTitle text that identifies the people who contributed to a production
psychographicDescribes consumers on the basis of some psychological trait, characteristics or life style.
real audio/videoA product that works in conjunction with some Internet browsers to enable the user to listen or view live or pre-recorded content in real time.
stressForce per unit area, such as pounds per square inch (psi)
remasterSee migrate.
spamUnwanted, unsolicited emails frequently used to sell.
trade publicationServing a specifically definable industrial, business, service or professional audience.
construct or constructionAs a verb, the process by which a media text is shaped and given meaning
fpsFrames per second
micro siteSmall website with a focused message
unearnedWhen an advance has not "earned out" the book is said to be "unearned."
remote loginOperating a remote computer over a network as if it were a local computer
transferSee migrate.
chatA text-based interface allowing multiple users to write messages and reply to each other in real time
unpaid copiesCirculation or distribution that is either entirely free or at a price inadequate to qualify them as paid in accordance with established rules.
buy-out music  Production music purchased for a one-time fee, as opposed to a lease or per-use fee schedule.  (see also “production music.”)
mechanicalAssembly (paste-up) of the elements of an ad on layout paper or board to indicate position and size from reproduction.
long formAny television commercial longer than two minutes
importTo bring media elements into your current working space
softwareComputer programs held in the storage of a computer for some application
galleysAdvance copies of a book for review
quicktimeA proprietary digital video format easily encapsulated and downloaded over the internet
queryA general question posed to a person or group over the Internet.Internet users are generally so helpful that if one asks an appropriate query to the correct discussion group, one will often receive many useful responses
optionA provision in a contract that typically gives the publisher an exclusive period of time to consider and offer on the author's next work
out of printWhen a book is no longer being actively sold by a publisher it is said to be out of print, and often an author will be able to "revert" the rights
xgaA standard introduced by IBM that includes VGA as well as resolutions up to 1024 pixels by 768 interlaced lines.
vehicleAnything capable of exposing advertising to customers.
hostA computer that allows users to communicate with other host computers on a network.
data compressionA techique that provides for the transmission or storage, without noticeable information loss, of fewer data bits than were originally used when the data was created.
term of licenseSometimes contracts are for a set number of years
lux   A measurement of light
flow throughIn some contracts when there is subrights income (see "subrights") the author's share of the revenue is allowed to "flow through" directly to the author without being held by the publisher until the end of a royalty period.
javaAn object oriented programming language created by Sun Microsystems
ieee 1394See
auctionWhen multiple publishing houses are interested in acquiring a project they will sometimes bid against each other in an auction
character generatorElectronic device which produces graphics and characters for creating video titles.
i.f.c.Inside front cover (also called second cover).
saddle stitchingStapling pages, sections, or signatures together with wire from the outside fold along the fold to the center spread; distinguished from side stitching.
cyclorama  Large, seamless cloth or curtains that are hung on tracks to provide backgrounds for studio sets.
viral marketingA marketing strategy that encourages the audience to pass on the marketing material themselves
serverA computer program that provides services to other computer programs by responding to requests and supplying or accepting data
ftpA method for uploading files to and downloading files from Web sites and other computers connected to the Internet
hardcoverBooks that are bound in cardboard or some other sturdy fashion, possibly featuring a dust jacket, and usually retailing at a higher price than paperbacks.
recordThe basic unit of a database
criticalA reflective position on the meaning, biases or value messages of a text
attenuateTo reduce audio strength or volume.
analogA continuously varying electronic signal
headroom  the space between the top of a person's head, and the top of the video screen.
props  Objects used in the scene either by actors or as part of the set design
control numberA unique number assigned to a specific element of a work.
twitterA platform that allows users to share 140-character-long messages publicly
off-site storageFacilities located at a distance from the organization's primary location that are used for storing collection materials
egaEGA is an image which displays 640 pixels by 350 lines with 16 colors from a palette of 64 colors.
throw distanceLength of the projection beam required for a projector to produce an image of a desired size.